Proposal: Stand Back, I’m Going To Try Science
Reached quorum, 10-0. Enacted early by Josh and again by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Aug 2020 08:28:03 UTC
Enact a subrule to “Equipment” called “Effects”:-
Jovian technology is largely untested in this part of the galaxy. Each piece of Equipment has a single defined Effect against each Thing, defaulting to “Unknown”, and tracked in the Equipment rule (where Unknown effects are implicit and should not be noted).
Valid Effects (and their Consequences, if any) are:-
* Unknown.
* Harmless.
* Annoying.
* Damaging.
* Deadly.
* Restorative.
* Productive.If something would become Annoying to a Mineral, it instead becomes Harmless to it.
Enact another subrule to “Equipment” called “Application”:-
As a weekly action, a Pathfinder may take the following atomic action, known as “Applying”:-
* Choose a piece of Equipment from among those they are carrying, and a Thing
* If the Equipment’s effect on that Thing is not Unknown, skip the next two steps
* Randomly select an Effect (excluding “Unknown”), naming the Equipment and the Thing in the die roll comment
* Update the Equipment rule to list the effect of that Equipment on that Thing
* Apply the Consequence (if any) of that Effect
* Post a blog entry summarising what just happened
So the basic game idea is that progress is made through risky experimentation: the only way to find out what happens if you spray vertorite with a fire extinguisher is to grab a fire extinguisher from the supply crate, and go and try it. When you’ve demonstrated it to the group, everyone else will be able to repeat that to get the same effect (or possibly to step back from your smoking moonboots and never do it again).
Actual consequences are left as placeholders, and the Application action a bland weekly one, until we have more gamestate to manipulate.
Raven1207: Monarchple he/they