Call for Judgment: Stuck recovering
Failed as a result of the passage of Call for Judgment: Surprisingly spry. Josh
Adminned at 02 Jan 2021 15:30:24 UTC
On December 21, the proposal “Reforged” removed the ability for Recovering Pilots to become Outfitting. This apparently went unnoticed until Coderblaze mentioned it in a PM to me today.
Reset the gamestate in the Ansible Hangar for Coderblaze and Raven1207 to the last state in which they were Recovering.
Reset the gamestate in the Ansible Hangar for Bucky to what it was when the proposal “Reforged” was enacted, as Bucky was Recovering at the time. (
Revert any lingering effects (such as destruction or reactions triggered) of attacks by those Pilots since the point their respective gamestates were reset to.
This outcome does seem extremely unfair, punishing only the players who were actively participating at the time, but it’s our fault for not reading the rules carefully enough.