Sunday, January 05, 2020

Proposal: Study, Collect, Preserve

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Jan 2020 08:45:14 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Researchers and Collectors”:-

Each Individual is either a Researcher, a Collector or an Outsider, defaulting to being an Outsider. This quality is known as an Individual’s Pursuit. An Outsider may become a Researcher if fewer than a Quorum of Individuals are Researchers. An Outsider may become a Collector at any time.

Each Individual has a Location, which is either a Place or Unknown, defaulting to Unknown. An Individual may move to any Place at any time by updating their own Location to this effect, with the exception of the Places “The Institute” and “The Containment Facility” - only Researchers may move to these Places.

An Individual’s Pursuit and Location are tracked in a wiki page called “Individuals”.

Enact a new rule, “Places”:-

Several significant places are being observed by the Institute. At present, these Places are:-

  • The Institute
  • The Containment Facility
  • Jerez


Josh: he/they

05-01-2020 14:20:42 UTC



05-01-2020 14:22:19 UTC



05-01-2020 15:26:04 UTC



05-01-2020 19:04:44 UTC


The Duke of Waltham: he/him

06-01-2020 00:31:08 UTC
