Monday, August 07, 2023

Proposal: The City Must Survive

enacted 4-1

Adminned at 08 Aug 2023 15:43:46 UTC

Add the following new rule to the dynastic ruleset, called “Into The Storm”:

If the date is on or after August 28th 2023, The Storm is ongoing. While The Storm is ongoing, the following rules changes are under effect:
* Any district that is Abandoned may no longer gain People, React to Dilemmas, or become Idle.
* When Posing a Dilemma, the City randomly selects six Downsides instead of two, and assigns the first three to the first Outcome and the last three to the second Outcome.
* When Reacting to a Dilemma with more than two Downsides, a District applies each Downside of the selected Outcome to themself.
* Whenever a District’s Order level is reduced, two randomly-selected Downsides are immediately applied to that District.
* If every District is Abandoned except for one, or if the date is on or after September 4th 2023, the District with the most People has achieved victory (in the case of a tie, only the tied player with the most Defences achieves victory).

inspired by the video game Frostpunk, here’s an idea for a victory condition: we’ll be spending the next three weeks preparing for The Storm, and when it comes, we will face hardships so severe that they will knock us out of the game, one by one!! it will be a test of endurance and our preparation; the last district left alive will remain to pick up the pieces and breathe life into the city after The Storm passes — or, if more than one district manages to survive a full week, the survivor with the most people wins (to avoid a stalemate or unnecessarily drawn-out conclusion)! i suspect we’ll want more special things going on during The Storm, to make it more deadly. that’s outside of the scope of this proposal, though :0
please consider this a general opinion check on this mechanic. if you like the overall idea, but don’t like some of my wording or timing, we’ll have three entire weeks (or more) to fix it!!


lendunistus: he/him

07-08-2023 12:52:38 UTC

what happens if two people have the same amount of people AND defences?

lendunistus: he/him

07-08-2023 12:52:52 UTC

*two districts

JonathanDark: he/him

07-08-2023 13:03:02 UTC

I don’t quite understand the prohibition against going Idle. Is there a benefit to having a District in the dynasty which isn’t being actively played but is simply suffering the effects of default non-activity?

lemon: she/her

07-08-2023 13:20:54 UTC

@lendunistus i’m not sure! perhaps we can propose a final tiebreaker down the line?

@JonathanDark so that someone who gets knocked out and realises they can’t win doesn’t sink the game into Dormancy and/or upset the plans of other players who depend on their presence in the game in some way, such as salvaging their materials after they’re knocked out :0

Kevan: he/him

07-08-2023 16:11:22 UTC

imperial Good idea for a third act, although the general mood of “roll really big dice” does feel like we might be finding our winner through chance more than skill.


07-08-2023 16:16:12 UTC

against as going idle ought to be treated as a fundamental right. If you don’t want them to trigger Dormancy, turn off Dormancy during the Storm.

lemon: she/her

07-08-2023 16:44:14 UTC

@Bucky are you against this mechanic as a whole, or just that single clause? if the latter, i would like to ask you to consider your thoughts on this mechanic overall, as per my request in the commentary section above. this isn’t a live wire; once this has passed, we can very easily remove that clause before it comes close to activating.

JonathanDark: he/him

07-08-2023 16:44:29 UTC

against Agreed with Bucky. Also, regarding the salvaging bit, create a mechanic that turns an idle District into a non-player entity like “Ghost Town” that offers salvageable resources, rather than shoehorning a restriction on idling just to allow other players to take the resources of a player who is effectively idle.

Josh: he/they

07-08-2023 16:51:31 UTC

for to the Fortnite enclosing-circle mechanic. Everything else can be fixed.

Josh: he/they

07-08-2023 16:51:59 UTC

for to the Fortnite enclosing-circle mechanic. Everything else can be fixed.

lemon: she/her

07-08-2023 17:27:13 UTC

@JonathanDark echoing my last comment: is this an issue you have with a specific clause, or the overall mechanic? i feel like you’re not paying attention to what i’m requesting, here!

JonathanDark: he/him

07-08-2023 18:00:36 UTC

I am paying attention. I just wanted to see where the overall sentiment is going.

I do have issue with the specific clause on being Idle, and while I know that in theory it can be fixed later, I’m not sure how committed people are to fixing it, which is why my vote is the way it is.

I just submitted a Proposal to fix that clause. If there are sufficient votes in favor of it after the 4-hour edit window (yes, I know people can change their minds at the last minute), I’ll change my vote on this Proposal. Given the current vote count for this Proposal, it’s not in danger of being rejected as Unpopular yet, so we have time to wait.

Here’s the fix Proposal:

lemon: she/her

08-08-2023 05:39:18 UTC

@JonathanDark it actually is currently unpopular, since Kevan counts as voting AGAINST it right now, i believe!

JonathanDark: he/him

08-08-2023 05:47:12 UTC

That doesn’t seem to correspond to how it’s worded:

A Votable Matter is Unpopular if any of the following are true:
* The number of Districts who are not voting AGAINST it is less than Quorum.

Currently there are 4 Districts not voting AGAINST: lemon, Josh, Kevan, and lendunistus, so it’s just enough to prevent it from being Unpopular.

JonathanDark: he/him

08-08-2023 05:59:03 UTC

Oh wait, I guess I had the Imperial Deferentials rule wrong. Kevan’s vote only counts FOR if there are already more FOR than AGAINST, and counts AGAINST otherwise. Interesting…the BNScripts seem to count this wrong as well, despite having the “Imperial Deferentials” checkbox checked.

JonathanDark: he/him

08-08-2023 06:00:06 UTC

In any case, I’ll Cov to imperial to avoid this being Unpopular until “Idle Rights” gets more votes in favor.

JonathanDark: he/him

08-08-2023 14:44:18 UTC

Ok, “Idle Rights” is looking good, so CoV for