Sunday, August 20, 2023

Proposal: Thinking Before the Box

Reached quorum 3 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 21 Aug 2023 08:24:08 UTC

If was not enacted, this proposal has no effect.

Add the following entries to the table of Innovations:

| Societal || Communal Sway || 2 || None || Immediately before you Govern, if your People exceeds the People of the District with the 3rd-highest People by 25 or more, you may add one consequence of your choice to the Prospect.
| Technological || Gadget Repository || 1 || Shared Wisdom || Work Effect: You may spend 1 Ingenuity to add one Upside of your choice to the Prospect.

a couple of ways to add outcomes to the prospect, reworked from when i originally proposed them for alternate outcomes!


Kevan: he/him

20-08-2023 08:34:48 UTC

You want a Consequence rather than an Outcome, on the first one.

“Each time you Govern” has some ambiguity, given that the second part of the action cares about population: if someone Governs to Gather and gains (or loses) some People from doing so, does Communal Sway use the value before or after that change? “Immediately after Governing” (or “before”) might be a clearer wording.

lemon: she/her

20-08-2023 09:07:00 UTC

ah, right! thanks :0

Josh: he/they

20-08-2023 21:45:54 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

21-08-2023 07:02:18 UTC
