Proposal: Try Hitting It With This
Timed out and enacted, 6-1. Josh
Adminned at 21 Aug 2020 18:00:15 UTC
After the “Equipment Effects” table, add a paragraph:-
Some pieces of Equipment are Blunt Objects: for any particular Discovery, the Effects of all Blunt Objects on it are the same, and are tracked by a separate “Blunt Objects” column of the Equipment Effects table, instead of by name there.
Set the Effects of the “Blunt Objects” column to be that of the Wrench.
Add “Blunt Object.” after the names of the Wrench, Rappel Cords and (if they exist) the Game System and the Clandestine Den, in the list of Equipment.
Should probably start pooling these together rather than having wildly different effects for hitting a rock with a Wrench or a Game System or whatever we invent next.
Seems weird, thematically, to make the Camp Fire blunt.