Proposal: UN Return Dues [UN Resolution]
Enacted by derrick 7 to 0.
Median Value is 13.
Numeric votes were:
Cuddlebeam: [0]
derrick: [0]
pokes: [4]
card: [13]
kevan: [20]
Thunder: [20]
Adminned at 02 Sep 2017 23:00:07 UTC
For the purposes of enacting this proposal, a valid numerical vote of value X is a string of the form “[X]”, where X is an integer between 0 and 20. A CIC’s numerical vote on this proposal is the value of the last valid numerical vote they have posted as a comment on this proposal.
Reduce Cuddlebeam’s IE by the median of all CICs’ numerical votes on this proposal, excluding CICs that have no numerical votes on the proposal from this calculation. If necessary, round down.
An experiment in crowd-sourcing the right penalty for skipping the last few ticks.