Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Proposal: Upstairs Downstairs

Fails 3-5. — Quirck

Adminned at 15 Dec 2022 20:52:21 UTC

To “Mansion Map”, add:-

Two Rooms are said to be on the same Floor if one can be reached from the other by following only horizontal-direction Connections. A Room is said to be Established if it has at least one Connection. A dynastic action cannot create a Connection that would cause two Established Rooms which were previously not on the same Floor to be on the same Floor.

Following on from Going Up: keeping the floors distinct, now that they exist, by saying that the Narrator/Katastrophe can add additional up/down links between rooms, but can’t just plug one floor into another wholesale.



13-12-2022 20:01:38 UTC

...except by proposal or cfj?

Kevan: he/him

13-12-2022 20:58:33 UTC

I can’t tell if that’s a complaint or a dealbreaker or what, so I’ve reworded the sentence from a general “cannot be created” to just dynastic actions.


13-12-2022 23:29:09 UTC

Unfortunately, it looks like this new version forbids creating Rooms on existing Floors.

JonathanDark: he/him

14-12-2022 00:02:50 UTC

How so? If this were enacted, I think the creation would play out as follows:

* Start with two Rooms named A and B, where one can be reached from the other through a horizontal connection, making them on the same Floor we will name F1 for convenience. Room A and Room B are also Established.
* Create a new Room C. It’s not yet on any Floor. It’s also not yet Established.
* Connect Room C to Room A through a horizontal connection. Room C should now be on the same Floor F1 as Room A since we can reach Room A from Room C by following the horizontal connection. Room C should also be Established because it has at least 1 connection.

Which part of that do you feel is incorrect?


14-12-2022 00:13:15 UTC

At the third step, Room C is Established, and at the second step it was not on F1. Therefore, the third step causes “two Established Rooms… to be on the same Floor” even though Room C was not previously Established.


14-12-2022 04:44:41 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

14-12-2022 07:46:31 UTC

I honestly don’t mind the idea of the geometry getting a little strange as the game progresses. It’s literally a haunted house with a demon walking around.

Josh: he/they

14-12-2022 08:06:21 UTC


Kevan: he/him

14-12-2022 10:12:51 UTC

[Bucky] I would read that sentence as saying that the Rooms have to be Established Rooms throughout the action. (The previous version without the dynastic clause had the same wording, just in passive voice.)

[SingularByte] This is mostly me enjoying the idea that the dynasty could end with a nice map of Banewood Mansion across several floors, rather than a weird flat thing that got mashed together for some brief tactical reason at the end. But I suppose that depends how the Narrator chooses to draw the exits, they could just be a few portals.

Constraints on movement might be good for giving more nuance to how we move around the house, though, and - perhaps more critically later on - how effortlessly Katastrophe can move to a completely different part of the building when cornered, or when pursuing someone.

Benbot: he/him

14-12-2022 13:43:14 UTC

against I wish to create a strange waterslide

Kevan: he/him

14-12-2022 13:54:42 UTC

[Benbot] You could only do that dynastically if you were Katastrophe (in which case; noted). You could do it directly by proposal even if this change were to be enacted.

Benbot: he/him

14-12-2022 15:32:56 UTC

[Kevan] I hope to become the Katastrophe some day, though I will say I’m currently trying to find the cat


14-12-2022 16:07:26 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

14-12-2022 17:16:30 UTC


Benbot: he/him

14-12-2022 18:04:16 UTC


quirck: he/him

14-12-2022 20:28:55 UTC
