Call for Judgment: Welcome to the Octagon
Enacted with quorum, 7-0. Josh
Adminned at 14 Nov 2021 22:54:38 UTC
If Declaration of Victory: Coffins are for Closers was enacted, this CfJ does nothing. If it or any other DoVs are pending, fail them.
If Call for Judgment: Final Rewards or Call for Judgment: Well Played have been enacted, revert their changes; if either are still pending, fail them.
The Eli Curf named Trapdoorspyder ceases to be the Eli Curf.
Start a new Metadynasty by removing all dynastic rules except the rule called Mantle Limitations, and by posting an Ascension Address with the title of “The Realtor Slam” and following body text:
Add the following as a new rule to the ruleset:
In this dynasty, only the Realtors called Brendan or TyGuy6 may achieve Victory. If any other Realtor achieves Victory then they have instead not achieved Victory. This dynasty has no Eli Curf.
The Realtor called Brendan may also be referred to as the Heel. The Realtor called TyGuy6 may also be referred to as the Face.
Each Realtor is a member of a team; the teams are each captained by either the Heel or the Face, and the Heel and the Face may name their teams as they please, although the names of the teams are flavour text. Each Realtor’s team is publicly tracked.
As soon as possible, the Heel and the Face should conduct a public snake draft in the comments to a story post posted for that purpose, with the Heel picking first, selecting from the other Realtors in the game, until each Realtor in the same is in one or the others’ team. They should then update public tracking so that each Realtor’s team information is correct.
Whenever a Realtor becomes unidle for the first time in this dynasty they are added to the team of the Realtor who would have been next to pick in the initial snake draft.
Each Realtor has a Contribution score, which is a non-negative integer that defaults to zero. When the Heel or the Face achieve Victory in this dynasty they are encouraged to retain the Contribution scores of their team and ensure that they confer meaningful advantages to their holders in the next dynasty.
Change the page for publicly tracked information in the rule Dynastic Tracking to be this page.
We have a weird situation here, where Brendan has a good scam - a great scam, even - that may not work for purely technical reasons; but the person who would win if it fails doesn’t really deserve it.
Fortunately as ais523 once said, we have a perfectly good mechanism for determining who has won BlogNomic; it’s called a dynasty.
In this situation I propose a short, fun tie-break dynasty. I’m removing myself from contention - I was idle, I didn’t have a scam, I didn’t have the most RP, all I had was a lucky dice roll - so that the two players who really deserved to win The First Dynasty of Trapdoorspyder can duke it out.
Kevan: he/him
That’s a slight misquote of Ais: they were talking about using a mini-dynasty to answer “who should take the next dynasty, what the theme should be” rather than “who has won”. This was said after a contentious DoV had passed when it maybe shouldn’t have (possibly Ais felt that they didn’t really deserve the win), and the subsequent dynasty was a free-for-all rather than a strict tiebreaker of the previous one.
I’d enjoy seeing where “two teams, one sometimes the size of quorum, attempt to crown a winner” went, but ending the current dynasty as “dunno, no winner” feels wrong when it could be continued.