Proposal: When Things Just Happen To You
In the rule “Life Events”, replace the description for RIF with the following:
Remove a Job from each of that Seeker’s Vocations that contain a Job.
and in the same rule, replace the description for Obsolete with the following:
Randomly select one of that Seeker’s Vocations that contains a Hobby and remove it.
and in the same rule, append the following text:
If a Seeker loses a Job or Hobby due to a Life Event, they may add a Hobby of their choice to one of their empty Vocations, provided that they have never had that Hobby in any Vocation during this dynasty.
Patching up Life Events per the discussion in Life Happens
ais523: Custodian
Likewise, “one of their empty Vocations” doesn’t work – if you don’t have a Vocation then you don’t have a Vocation, there isn’t such a thing as an empty Vocation.
The wording here seems to be based on the tracker rather than on the actual ruleset.