Proposal: You’re Grounded for good
Passes 9-0. - Qwazukee
Adminned at 31 Jul 2009 14:42:37 UTC
Create a new rule, “Weatherbane”:
Each Bill Muray has a statistic called “Grounded”, whose value may either be “Yes” or “No”, and is initially No. For the Purposes of failing or enacting Proposals, the Weatherteam is calculated based on the number of Bill Murray’s whose Grounded is No. As a weekly action, a Bill Murray may change their Grounded from “No” to “Yes”. Each Bill Murray whose Grounded is Yes cannot create Proposals.
Set each Bill Murray’s Grounded to No.
Our self-resetting ruleset can allow us to create potentially new kinds of proposals, which declare one shot actions like this one. Basically, I’m testing the waters with this one…