Friday, September 30, 2016

Arriving Councillor

With this post, I, Quincunx, formally declare my intent to become a councillor.

Floating Voters

Larrytheturtle and thesunneversets idle out after a week of inactivity apiece. Quorum drops to five, and we now have fewer Constituencies than Councillors.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Proposal: Coffee Run

Timed out 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 01 Oct 2016 13:39:56 UTC

In “Staff”, replace “As a Daily Communal Action that may only be taken on a Monday, any Councillor may set every Councillor’s Ready Staff value to match that same Councillor’s Staff value.” with:

As a Daily Communal Action, any Councillor may increase every Councillor’s Ready Staff by that Councillor’s Office Efficiency. (A Councillor’s Office Efficiency is equal to their number of Staff, divided by three, rounded up.) If Ready Staff gained through this rule would cause a Councillor to have more Ready Staff than Staff, their number of Ready Staff is instead set to the same number as their Staff.

Making Ready Staff one-or-two-per-day instead of a full refresh once a week.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Proposal: Political Wisp

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 30 Sep 2016 10:31:43 UTC

Create a list of the Parties on the Auld Anchorage wiki page, as follows:

  • Up: Momentum 0
  • Down: Momentum 0
  • Charm: Momentum 0
  • Strange: Momentum 0

Add a new rule called “Will and Momentum” as follows:

Each Councillor has an amount of Will, a number tracked in the GNDT which defaults to zero. Each Party has an amount of Momentum, a number tracked on the [[Auld Anchorage]] wiki page.

As a Staff Action that is an Atomic Action, a Councillor may increase the Momentum of any Party that is supported by a Block in their Constituency by X, where X is half their current Will (rounded down), and then set their Will to 0. If they are increasing the Momentum of the Party they belong to, then X is equal to their current Will instead.

If there exists a rule called “Zoning Targets” then rewrite its final sentence to read:

As a Staff Action that is an Atomic Action, a Councillor may increase the Will of each Councillor by the number of Zoning Targets contained in that Councillor’s Constituency, then clear all existing Zoning Targets from the map of Auld Anchorage.

Rotten Boroughs

Aft3rwards and Sci_Guy12 both idle out after seven days of inactivity. Quorum drops to 6.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Proposal: Sampling Bias

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Sep 2016 13:37:31 UTC

In “Surveys”, replace “That action consists of checking each Constituency in alphabetical order: if the checked Constituency” with:-

That action consists of checking any number of Constituencies in any order: if a checked Constituency

Given that Matt’s Survey overlooked, quite reasonably, the fact that Anchorage was no longer Unified (Fluke Hill encroached onto it the day before, but Viv chose not to perform a Survey afterwards), perhaps we shouldn’t insist that all Surveys are carefully exhaustive.

Call for Judgment: “Unless someone CFJs”

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 28 Sep 2016 16:52:14 UTC

Matt performed a Survey and gained the aspect of Unified for Brucetown, going from 1/3 Staff to 1/5. Matt then immediately performed an adjustment to have 3/5 Staff, adding “newly Staff are Ready unless someone CFJs.”

But the rules don’t support this interpretation; the rule offers a bonus to Staff, but nothing says that Staff are Ready by default. Indeed, Kevan and I had already gained Aspects in the previous week which increased our number of Staff without increasing our Ready Staff.

I believe that Aspect bonuses do not affect the number of Ready Staff except via the specific clause about not allowing a Councillor to have more Ready Staff than their maximum capacity. To that end:

Subtract two from Matt’s Ready Staff, to a minimum of zero, and revert any actions Matt takes that would cost more than one Staff before this CfJ passes.

Rewrite the sentence that reads “Otherwise, their number of Ready Staff is unaffected by these losses.” in the rule “Surveys” to read

Otherwise, their number of Ready Staff is unaffected by these losses or the addition of Aspect bonuses.

And possibly we should separate that stat into two columns anyway.

Proposal: Ready, Set, Staff!

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Sep 2016 08:36:08 UTC

In the paragraph of the Rule “Surveys” that ends with:

Staff loss by means of this rule cannot cause a Councillor to have fewer than three Staff.


Staff acquired by a newly gained Aspect are Ready.

A clarification for new staff.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Proposal: Changing Lines

Timed out 1 vote to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Sep 2016 08:35:39 UTC

Append to the end of the rule Gerrymandering:

Upon a block being Gerrymandered, a Councillor may roll 2DICE10 in the GNDT and change the party of the block they Gerrymandered to match the party of the block at the location in Auld Anchorage represented by the two dice rolls (column, row).

I am hoping to allow blocks’ parties to change. Though this could “wash out” rarer parties, some future proposal might be good to allow the Councillor to have some say on the new value.

Proposal: Zoning It Out

Timed out 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan. Note that the last clause has overwritten the wrong bit of the rule (“final sentence”, not “final sentence of first paragraph”).

Adminned at 29 Sep 2016 08:34:52 UTC

Create a new rule called “Zoning Targets” as follows:

Some Blocks in Auld Anchorage may be Zoning Targets. This is tracked on the [[Auld Anchorage]] wiki page by square brackets. For example, a Block supporting the Up Party that was a Zoning Target would read [U].

As a Staff Action and an Atomic Action, a Councillor may identify a Zoning Target via the following steps:

* Making a comment in the GNDT indicating that they are identifying a Zoning Target, and in that comment, rolling DICE10 DICE10.
* Marking the corresponding block on the map of Auld Anchorage as a Zoning Target, if it is not a Zoning Target already. (They may use their dice rolls to represent either column-then-row, or row-then-column, as they choose.)

As a Staff Action, a Councillor may clear all existing Zoning Targets from the map of Auld Anchorage.

If the proposal “Border Fatigue” has passed, change the last sentence of the rule “Zoning Targets” to read

For example, a Block supporting the Up Party that was a Zoning Target would read [U], or a Block supporting no Party would read [].

This time it’s a proposal. I’d like to have areas to reach for and try to hold, either as currency or something leading in the general direction of a victory condition. I don’t want to just do “count the number in your constituency and add as Points” though.

Zoning It In

Create a new rule called “Zoning Targets” as follows:

Some Blocks in Auld Anchorage may be Zoning Targets. This is tracked on the [[Auld Anchorage]] wiki page by square brackets. For example, a Block supporting the Up Party that was a Zoning Target would read [U].

As a Staff Action and an Atomic Action, a Councillor may identify a Zoning Target via the following steps:

* Making a comment in the GNDT indicating that they are identifying a Zoning Target, and in that comment, rolling DICE10 DICE10.
* Marking the corresponding block on the map of Auld Anchorage as a Zoning Target, if it is not a Zoning Target already. (They may use their dice rolls to represent either column-then-row, or row-then-column, as they choose.)

As a Staff Action, a Councillor may clear all existing Zoning Targets from the map of Auld Anchorage.

If the proposal “Border Fatigue” has passed, change the last sentence of the rule “Zoning Targets” to read

For example, a Block supporting the Up Party that was a Zoning Target would read [U], or a Block supporting no Party would read [].

I’d like to have areas to reach for and try to hold, either as currency or something leading in the general direction of a victory condition. I don’t want to just do “count the number in your constituency and add as Points” though.

Proposal: Second Thoughts

Times out 4-3. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 28 Sep 2016 23:45:13 UTC

Remove the Councillors Josh, ShareDVI and Aname from the Parties they are a part of. If a Councillor’s EVC on this Proposal contains the word “loyal”, do not remove them from their Party.

Since there is no way to change Party membership, and there is no benefit from joining yet (without the Content bonus), I propose rolling back the join requests.

Proposal: Border Fatigue

Timed out 5 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 28 Sep 2016 13:04:40 UTC

In “Gerrymander”, after “When a Councillor Gerrymanders, they choose one block of Auld Anchorage and change its Constituency to any other Constituency.”, add:-

If the Constituency being changed from is represented by a Councillor other than the Councillor taking the action, then the block now supports no Party.

In the rule “Auld Anchorage”, replace “Each Block supports one of four Parties” with:-

Each Block may support one of four Parties

Adding a voter apathy cost to taking another Councillor’s ground (which can be avoided by arranging for the other Councillor to give you the block instead).

Survey Didn’t Say

Just to note that Survey Says was enacted incorrectly - Brendan missed the “If the phrase “If a Councillor becomes Popular, their Staff increases by 1” does not exist in the ruleset, then remove the “Content” bullet point from the list in the rule created above.” clause, and left “Content” in. (Although The Party Can Always Find You enacted with all of its voters in favour of the EVC clause linking a Popular Councillor to a Staff bonus, it was an “equaling or exceeding Quorum” so didn’t trigger.)

ShareDVI, Aname and Josh all benefitted from the Content bonus overnight, but no such bonus exists, so I’ve reverted their extra Staff members. If any of those players only chose to adopt their Party or take other actions on the grounds of the Content bonus, they might want to issue a CfJ or proposal to issue an appropriate refund.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

New Councillor

May I manifest please?

Proposal: Atomic Thunderbuster

Timed out 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 27 Sep 2016 15:17:51 UTC

Remove any sentence from the ruleset beginning “An Atomic Action is”.

Per discussion on Splitting Hairs, let’s just say that an Atomic Action is whatever we describe as being an Atomic Action, for now.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Proposal: The Red Flag

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Sep 2016 18:34:43 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Headquarters”:-

Each Constituency may have one Headquarters, positioned in a specific block and marked on the Auld Anchorage map with an asterisk in that block. If a block contains a Headquarters it may not have its Party or Constituency changed.

As a Staff action, a Councillor may add, remove or move a Headquarters within the Constituency that they represent.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Proposal: Splitting Hairs

Timed out 2 votes to 2. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Sep 2016 18:33:54 UTC

Replace the text in the rule “Atomic Actions” that reads

An Atomic Action is a series of steps, defined in the Ruleset as a numbered list,

with the following:

An Atomic Action is a series of steps, defined in the Ruleset as a numbered list or as a series of clauses in a single sentence,

Kevan’s use of the term in “Survey Says” seems reasonable too.

Proposal: Survey Says

Times out 4-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 25 Sep 2016 14:48:39 UTC

If the rule “Surveys” exists, reword it to the following (otherwise enact the following as a new rule, “Surveys”):-

A Constituency may have one or more of the following Aspects, tracked in the Key on the Auld Anchorage wiki page. (By default, a Constituency has no Aspects.) Each Aspect has a Bonus, listed in brackets, and some requirements:

  • Diverse (+1 Staff) Requires at least two blocks supporting each of the four Parties.
  • Unified (+2 Staff) Requires at least eight blocks supporting a single Party, and at most two blocks not supporting that Party.
  • Content (+1 Staff) Requires the Councillor who represents the Constituency to be part of a Party, and the Constituency to Support that same Party.

As a daily action which is also an Atomic Action, a Councillor may perform a Survey. That action consists of checking each Constituency in alphabetical order: if the checked Constituency lacks any Aspects which it meets the requirements for, it gains those Aspects (and the Councillor representing it gains those Aspects’ Bonuses); then, if it has any Aspects it does not meet the requirements of, it loses those Aspects (and the Councillor representing it loses those Aspects’ Bonuses).

If Staff lost through this rule would cause a Councillor to have more Ready Staff than their maximum Staff, their number of Ready Staff is set to the same number as their maximum Staff. Otherwise, their number of Ready Staff is unaffected by these losses. Staff loss by means of this rule cannot cause a Councillor to have fewer than three Staff.

If the phrase “If a Councillor becomes Popular, their Staff increases by 1” does not exist in the ruleset, then remove the “Content” bullet point from the list in the rule created above. If the phrase does exist, remove the last two paragraphs of “Party Lines” instead.

Reframing Surveys as an Atomic Action, making them a bit easier to read and add to, and rolling in the “Popular” stat as “Content” (if its proposal passes).

Friday, September 23, 2016

Proposal: By the will of the People

Timed out 2 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Sep 2016 07:29:27 UTC

If the proposal “Staff Track” has failed, this proposal does nothing.

Otherwise, create a new dynastic rule named “Political Capital” with the following text:

Each Councillor has an amount of Political Capital, defaulting to zero and tracked in the GNDT. As a Staff action, a Councillor can gain 1 Political Capital.

If an action costs Political Capital, a Councillor must spend that much Political Capital to take that action; if this would make their Political Capital negative, they may not take the action.

Change the first sentence of the rule “Campaign” to “As a Staff Action costing 1 Political Capital, a Councillor can Campaign.”

Proposal: The Party can always find you.

Timed out 3 votes to 1. EVC clause failed to trigger with less than a quorum supporting. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Sep 2016 07:28:35 UTC

Enact a new dynastic rule named “Party Lines”, with the following text:

Each Councillor is part of one of the four Parties, and this is tracked in the GNDT.

If a Councillor is part of no Party, then they may join any Party by updating the GNDT to this effect.

While a Party is In Power, all Councillors that are part of that party are said to be In Control.

If a Councillor represents a Constituency and that Constituency Supports the Party the Councillor is part of, that Councillor is said to be Popular.

If the Proposal “Staff Track” passed and a number of EVC’s on this proposal equaling or exceeding Quorum include the word “Staff”, add the following paragraph to the end of the rule “Party Lines”:

If a Councillor becomes Popular, their Staff increases by 1; if a Popular Councillor ceases to be Popular, their Staff decreases by 1. Staff loss by means of this rule cannot cause a Councillor to have fewer than three Staff.

Proposal: Garrymandering Deadlock Prevention

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Sep 2016 17:07:18 UTC

Append the following to the rule “Gerrymander”:

* If a Councillor attempts to Gerrymander a block to a Constituency represented by that Councillor, they attempt is successful only if this block have not been Gerrymandered this week

If a majority of EVCs to this proposal contain a word ‘MOAR’, replace ‘8’ with ‘7’ and ‘12’ with ‘13’ in the rule “Gerrymander”.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Proposal: Party Favors

Timed out 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Sep 2016 17:05:51 UTC

If the proposal “Staff Track” has failed, this proposal does nothing.

Otherwise, add a new rule called “Surveys” with the following text:

A Constituency may be Diverse or Unified. By default, no Constituency is either.

Upon completing a Gerrymander or Campaign action, or another Daily, Weekly or Staff Action which affects the block membership or Party support of any Constituency, the Councillor performing it may perform a survey on the Constituencies it affected, and count how many of their Blocks support each Party.

If a survey reveals that a non-Diverse Constituency contains at least two blocks supporting each of the four Parties, the Councillor representing it gains one Staff, and the Constituency is Diverse. If a survey reveals that a Diverse Constituency does not meet the above condition, the Councillor representing it loses one Staff, and it is no longer Diverse.

If a survey reveals that a non-Unified Constituency has at least eight blocks supporting a single Party, and at most two blocks not supporting that Party, the Councillor representing it gains two Staff, and the Constituency is Unified. If a survey reveals that a Unified Constituency does not meet the above condition, the Councillor representing it loses two Staff, and it is no longer Unified.

If Staff lost through this rule would cause a Councillor to have more Ready Staff than their maximum Staff, their number of Ready Staff is set to the same number as their maximum Staff. Otherwise, their number of Ready Staff is unaffected by these losses. Staff loss by means of this rule cannot cause a Councillor to have fewer than three Staff.

Change “As a Weekly Action” in the rule “Campaign” to read “As a Staff Action” instead.

Proposal: Staff Track

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Sep 2016 09:17:39 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Staff”:-

Each Councillor has a number of Staff, defaulting to 3. A number of each Councillor’s Staff are Ready, defaulting to 3. Staff and their Readiness are tracked in the GNDT (eg. “2/3” for a Councillor with 3 Staff, 2 of whom are Ready).

When a Councillor takes a Staff Action, they must reduce their Ready Staff by 1 to do so. A Councillor may not take a Staff Action if they have fewer than 1 Ready Staff.

As a Daily Communal Action that may only be taken on a Monday, any Councillor may set every Councillor’s Ready Staff value to match that same Councillor’s Staff value.

Throughout the ruleset, replace “As a Daily Action taken no more than three times per week” with:

As a Staff Action

Given that Brendan has pointed out an ambiguity in “Daily Action taken no more than three times per week”, let’s fix it and the lack of tracking at the same time, by going worker placement.

Proposal: The Way The Wind’s Blowing

Enact a new rule, “Peer Pressure”:-

As a Weekly Action, a Councillor may change the Party allegiance of one Block to that of a new Party, if and only if a clear numerical majority of the Blocks orthogonally or diagonally adjacent to that Block support that new Party.


(i.e., in the case of the 64 non-peripheral Blocks of Auld Anchorage, a minimum of 5 orthogonally or diagonally adjacent Blocks would need to support a Party for the Councillor to be able to strongarm them into changing allegiance to that Party.)

Proposal: Beware of the Leopard

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Sep 2016 09:15:02 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Boundary Proposals”:-

If a Proposal’s only effect would be to change the Constituency of one or more Blocks, then that Proposal is a Boundary Proposal; otherwise it is not. The affected parties of a Boundary Proposal are the Councillors who represent the Constituencies that those Blocks belong to.

If all affected parties of the oldest pending Boundary Proposal have voted FOR that proposal, it may be enacted at any time.

If a rule exists called “Gerrymander”, make “Boundary Proposals” a subrule of it.

Proposal: Legacy of Elbridge

Timed out 1 vote to 5. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Sep 2016 09:14:40 UTC

In the rule called “Auld Anchorage”, change the following text:

This information is tracked on the Auld Anchorage page

To read as follows:

The Auld Anchorage page tracks both the Current Constituency map and the Proposed Constituency map. Unless otherwise stated, any action that requires reference to or editing of Auld Anchorage, Constituencies or the map should be carried out in reference to the Current Constituency map.

If there is a rule entitled “Gerrymander”, amend it to read as follows. Otherwise, add the following text as a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Gerrymander:

As a Daily Action taken no more than three times a week, a Councillor can Gerrymander. When a Councillor Gerrymander, they choose one block of the Proposed Constituency map of Auld Anchorage and change its Constituency to any other Constituency. When changing the Constituency of a Block, the following rules must be observed:

  • No Constituency may have fewer than 8 blocks.
  • All blocks in a Constituency must be connected to all other blocks of that Constituency in a contiguous group.

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Boundary Commission:

As a Weekly Communal Action, a Councillor may call a meeting of the Boundary Commission by making a post in the Story Post - Votable Matter category entitled “Minutes of the Boundary Commission: x”, where x is the date of posting and the body of the text contains the data held in the Proposed Constituency map at the time of posting.

A meeting of the Boundary Commission is a Votable Matter. It resolves as per the resolution of proposals but is otherwise not considered to be a proposal for the purposes of any other rule.

If a meeting of the Boundary Commission passes then the Proposed Constituency map that it contains becomes the Current Constituency map.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Proposal: Door to Door

Passes 7-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 21 Sep 2016 22:57:22 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule named “Campaign” to the ruleset with the following text:

As a Weekly Action, a Councillor can Campaign. When a Councillor Campaign, they choose one block of Auld Anchorage and change its Party to any other Party as long as at least one adjacent block is of the new Party.

Add the following to the end of the dynastic rule named “Auld Anchorage”

Two blocks are adjacent if they share a border on the grid.

Proposal: Politics as Usual

Passes 8-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 21 Sep 2016 22:55:34 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule named “Gerrymander” to the ruleset with the following text:

As a Daily Action taken no more than three times per week, a Councillor can Gerrymander. When a Councillor Gerrymanders, they choose one block of Auld Anchorage and change its Constituency to any other Constituency. When changing the Constituency of a block, the following rules must be followed:

* A Constituency may not have 8 or less blocks.
* A Constituency may not have 12 or more blocks.
* All blocks in a Constituency must be connected to all other blocks of that Constituency in one continuous group.

Proposal: Gerry’s Game

Cannot pass at 1-7. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 21 Sep 2016 22:54:35 UTC

Add a new rule called “Council Meetings” with the following text:

As a Weekly Communal Action, any Councillor may Call a Council Meeting. To do so, they must perform the following steps in the following order, and may not take any other game action until they are complete.

  1. In a single GNDT comment, announce that they are Calling a Council Meeting, and roll DICE10 twice. The first result is X and the second is Y.
  2. In each row of the table on the [[Auld Anchorage]] wiki page, swap the supported Parties of the Xth and Yth Blocks (counting left to right).
  3. From this point forward in this Council Meeting, treat X as Y and Y as X.
  4. Swap the entire Xth row of the table on the [[Auld Anchorage]] wiki page with the Yth row—keeping the ordinal numbers in the correct places, but otherwise exchanging all Blocks, which retain their Constituency membership and Party support.
  5. Edit this rule to move step 4 up two places so that it becomes the new step 2, and the former steps 2 and 3 become the new steps 3 and 4, respectively.
  6. Post a GNDT comment announcing that the Council Meeting is complete.

If the Proposal “We don’t have one of these yet, right?” has passed, replace the first paragraph of the rule “Council Meetings” with the following:

As a Weekly Communal Action, any Councillor may Call a Council Meeting. This is an Atomic Action, as follows:

Steps 3 and 5 don’t have any real effect yet, but if people are amenable to this idea, I’d like to tack things onto the list until they do.

Proposal: We don’t have one of these yet, right?

Reaches quorum and passes, 7-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 21 Sep 2016 22:52:48 UTC

Add a new rule called “Atomic Actions” with the following text:

An Atomic Action is a series of steps, defined in the Ruleset as a numbered list, that affect the gamestate or Ruleset (or both) of Blognomic. When a Councillor performs an Atomic Action, they must complete all its steps; they must complete them in order; and they make not take any other action defined in the Ruleset until all such steps are complete. In addition, the Councillor performing an Atomic Action should perform its steps as quickly as they are able.

If an hour has passed since a Councillor began an Atomic Action, but they have not completed it, all its steps are considered illegal and may be reverted by any Councillor, and the Atomic Action is not considered to have been performed.

return to the town

I ask to be unidled

Proposal: Constituent Parts

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 21 Sep 2016 13:46:07 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Council Duties”:-

Each Councillor may represent a single Constituency, and this is tracked in the GNDT.

If a Councillor represents no Constituency, then they may represent any unrepresented Constituency by updating the GNDT to this effect.

Upon enactment of this rule, set the Mayor’s Constituency to “Anchorage”.

Bit of a land grab, but it’s not yet clear whether it’s better to be running a solid or a fractious constituency.

i am return

may i pls be unidled once more

Application For Council Seat

Some people are born councillors, some achieve councillordom, and some have councillordom thrust upon them…

Monday, September 19, 2016

Proposal: Anchorage Aweigh

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 Sep 2016 15:44:17 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Auld Anchorage”:-

The City of Auld Anchorage is a 10x10 grid of Blocks. Each Block supports one of four Parties (Up, Down, Charm or Strange) and is part of a named Constituency (Anchorage, Brucetown, Danforth, Fluke Hill, Grapnel East, Grapnel West, Herreshoff, Northill, Killick or The Bowery). This information is tracked on the Auld Anchorage wiki page.

If a single Party is supported by more Blocks in a Constituency than every other Party in that Constituency, then that Constituency is said to support that Party. If a single Party is supported by more Constituencies than every other Party, then that Party is said to be In Power.

Ascension Address: The Map Room

Following a rumoured treasure haul at the Deep End shipwreck, the Overbold Marine Salvage Company set up a warehouse in the port at Auld Anchorage, and its expanded fleet quickly brought new wealth and business to the archipelago. Fresh trade routes opened up as the imperial navy left, and within five short years old man Overbold was rising through the town council, bringing the rocky island to greater prominence.

Another ten years and Auld Anchorage is becoming a major port city, warehouses clustering in the gaps between the busy docks and the factory district, while residential streets sprawl up into the hills. The council has expanded to serve the conflicting needs of Auld Anchorage’s growing population, and in the dusty map room of the old town hall, pale ink bottles are uncorked and boundary lines are being drawn up.

Change “Pirate” to “Mayor” and “Hunter” to “Councillor” throughout the ruleset.

Let’s get gerrymandering.

Declaration of Victory: Top of the Charts

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 19 Sep 2016 20:22:26 UTC

Per the previous post, my chart of the islands located the Pirate’s Hoard the most accurately, and I have achieved victory.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Courses Charted

So, it is now the 19th of September (in UTC, at least), and I’ve processed all the Charts.

Of the two initially received, none were disposed for having an Accuracy of zero; one (mine) was disposed for having more Dig Sites than any other Chart, at 175; and none were disposed for having an Accuracy lower than any other Chart.

With only one Chart remaining, the Hunter who submitted it, Kevan, has achieved victory, and may post a Declaration of such at his leisure.

(Holding off on naming the actual Location of the Hoard until after the DoV is posted and ready to pass, for obvious reasons.)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Story Post: Boasting

More tales, and their implications, travel by word of mouth; those that can be fairly traced back to the Pirate this week state:

That neither the Island of Doubloon Delta, the Island of the Crumbling Cliff, nor the Island of the Coral Barrier are home to the Pirate’s Hoard;

That the Landmarks of the lone palm tree, and the cave, are not home to the Pirate’s Hoard;

And lastly that none of the Islands in the “A” row (The Island of Auld Anchorage, the Island of Azure Bay, the Island of the Abyssal Caves, the Island of the Arid Dunes, and the Island of the Amber Estuary) of the Golden Archipelago are home to the Pirate’s Hoard.

Extremely sorry for the delay.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Exploring: Deep End

Dropping anchor near the warning buoy, the DSV Overbold sends down a diving bell to see what mysteries lurk beneath the waves here.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Exploring: Doubloon Delta

Intrigued by the markings on the rough golden coins I found scattered across the wet sand here, I wander upstream to explore the island.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Dead Guy’s Chest

Matt bought a Map showing a full Treasure Chest in the Abyssal Caves, but didn’t appear to select “one random other Hunter” as its second Keeper - Larrytheturtle was selected with no die roll being made. I’ve gone ahead and made the die roll, and it turned out that the key belonged to Sci_Guy12 instead.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Proposal: Mean Time Story

Timed out 2 votes to 0 with 1 unresolved DEF. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2016 17:55:51 UTC

In “Piratical Tales”, replace “As a weekly action, the Pirate should make a blog post containing three Tales” with:-

As a weekly action to be taken as soon as possible during each week, the Pirate should make a blog post containing three Tales

Just so that we all know where we stand on the timing of this, since the Pirate can take the action at will and we haven’t had one yet for this week.

Proposal: MEH

Can’t enact with fewer than a quorum against. Failed 1-3 by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2016 10:11:56 UTC

APPEND TO “Gold” :

As a daily action, but no more than 4 times in a given week, all hunters may add 3 Pieces to their current amount of Pieces.

(All Hunters exept the Pirate)‘s peices are set to 12

Exploring CD

Im too lazy to come up with a body right now

Proposal: Batten Down the Hatches

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2016 10:11:21 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Storms”:-

As a weekly communal action, a Hunter may warn their fellow sailors about a storm, by posting a blog entry to this effect. Upon doing so, that Hunter must select a random cardinal direction and move every Hunter one Island in that direction (where Auld Anchorage is considered to be in the northwest corner of the Golden Archipelago). If a Hunter cannot be moved in this way as there is no Island in that direction, the Hunter is not moved.



Parley at the Drifting Breakers

I present the captain of the DV Madcap with a gift of six pieces, and begin a tall tale about my visit to the Island of Bucky’s Doom, slowly steering the conversation towards the burying of treasure.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Story Post: Weekly Boast

Other tales, and their implications, travel by word of mouth; those that can be fairly traced back to the Pirate state:

That neither the Island of Dredger Cove, the Island of Arid Dunes, nor the Island of Crab Edge are home to the Pirate’s Hoard;

That the Landmarks of the ruins, and the source of the river, are not home to the Pirate’s Hoard;

And lastly that none of the Islands in the “E” row (The Island of Endless Ashes, the Island of Emerald Bluffs, the Island of the Ebon Caldera, the Island of Execution Dock, and the Island of the Eagle’s Eyrie) of the Golden Archipelago are home to the Pirate’s Hoard.

Exploring: Bucky’s Doom

My crew head ashore in the hope of finding out just what exactly did happen to Captain Bucky.

Those In Peril

Gaelan and Goldenpants idle out after a week’s inactivity. Quorum drops to 4.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Proposal: Charrrt a Course

Times out 3 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 Sep 2016 08:30:09 UTC

Enact a new rule, “Charts”:-

At any point on or before the 18th of September 2016, any Hunter who has not already done so may create a Chart by privately sending the Pirate an ordered list of any number of Dig Sites that appear on that Chart, where each Dig Site is defined as a Landmark on an Island (even if that Island does not have that Landmark). A Chart’s Accuracy is the position in the Chart’s list at which the location of the Pirate’s Hoard appears, counting upwards from the bottom. (If the Hoard’s location does not appear in a Chart’s list, that Chart’s Accuracy is zero.)

On or after the 19th of September 2016, the Pirate should discard all Charts with an Accuracy of zero. (A discarded Chart is no longer considered to be a Chart.) The Pirate must then discard any Chart if it lists more Dig Sites than any other Chart. The Pirate must then discard any Chart if it has a lower Accuracy than any other Chart. After this, if only one Chart remains, the Hunter who submitted it achieves victory; if multiple Charts remain, the Pirate must select a Hunter from their submitters at random, and that Hunter achieves victory.

A Hunter may not submit a Chart if they unidled or became a Hunter after the proposal to enact this rule was made.

Proposing to wrap this up by Talk Like A Pirate Day if nobody’s found the treasure in that time.

Friday, September 09, 2016

Lost at Sea

With no posts or comments in eight days, Clucky idles out. Quorum remains 5.

Parley at the Drifting Breakers

Hailing and boarding the DV Madcap, I throw down a pouch of six golden pieces onto the captain’s table, and turn the conversation to the subject of treasure hoards.

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Exploring: Crumbling Cliff

With a large amount of climbing gear and trepidation, the crew of the DSV Overbold walk across the shattered beach rock and prepare to ascend.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Proposal: Community Chest

Timed out 3 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan. Three Chests are generated.

Adminned at 09 Sep 2016 17:55:15 UTC

For each Hunter whose Vote on this Proposal was FOR, create a Chest on a random Island (excluding the Island the Hunter is currently located at), with 3 Pieces inside, and with that Hunter as its Keeper.

Monday, September 05, 2016

Proposal: Captain’s Fable

Timed out 3 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Sep 2016 12:02:02 UTC

To “Piratical Tales”, add:-

Ever the braggart, the Pirate cannot resist offering occasional, hubristic clues to the Hunters. As a weekly action, the Pirate should make a blog post containing three Tales of value 1, two Tales of value 2 and one Tale of value 3. For the purpose of resolving random Tales under this rule, a feature is only interesting if the Pirate has never named it to any Hunter before in a Tale.

Exploring: Abyssal Caves

Lighting their torches, the crew of the DSV Overbold row bravely into the darkness.

Proposal: Babel Squish

Timed out 4 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 Sep 2016 09:58:56 UTC

Remove “All rules that may cause an Attack to be able to occur should be appended as Subrules to this Rule.” from the rule “Combat”.

Undo any changes to the ruleset that were made as an invocation of the removed sentence.

Per comments on the DoV, this sentence causes more potential confusion than it solves.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Declaration of Victory: The Atlas of Babel

Timed out 1 vote to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 Sep 2016 08:22:56 UTC

The newly added Combat rule says that “All rules that may cause an Attack to be able to occur should be appended as Subrules to this Rule.”

An infinite set of possible rules may cause an Attack to be able to occur. Among their number, for example, would be this rule:

“If all Hunters are at Execution Dock, an Attack is able to occur. The Hunter called Kevan may erase any sentence from the ruleset at any time: upon doing so, he achieves victory.”

This potential rule “should be appended” as a Subrule, so I appended it. (Every other rule should too, but fortunately this is only an optional recommendation.)

Having added that rule, I triggered its clause, erasing “All rules that may cause an Attack to be able to occur should be appended as Subrules to this Rule.” from the ruleset.

I have achieved victory.

Friday, September 02, 2016

Proposal: Frugal Maps

Timed out 1 vote to 0, with 1 abstaining DEF from the Pirate. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 Sep 2016 08:28:05 UTC

To “Burying”, add a paragraph:-

A Hunter located at The Island of the Barbary Coast may buy a Map by paying 1 Piece. Upon doing so, they should create a Chest on a random Island, with DICE3 Pieces inside, and with themselves and one random other Hunter as its Keepers.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Lost at Sea

GenericPerson idles out after a week of inactivity. Quorum drops to 5.

Proposal: Digging for Victory

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 Sep 2016 08:25:06 UTC

Replace “Pirate’s Treasure” with “Pirate’s Hoard” throughout the ruleset. The location of the Pirate’s Treasure becomes the location of the Pirate’s Hoard.

Add a subrule to “Islands” called “Seeking the Hoard”:-

A Hunter may Seek the Hoard at their current location by posting a blog entry to this effect, naming one or more types of Landmarks that they intend to search, and losing 1 Piece for each Landmark so named. (A Hunter may not name more Landmarks in this way than they have Pieces.)

The Pirate should respond to that post with a comment saying whether or not any of the Landmarks named by it are (on the Island in question) the location of the Pirate’s Hoard: if one of them is, then the Hunter who made the post achieves victory.

Trying a different treasure-finding mechanic. Make as many digs as you like, you have to be actually on the Island, and there’s a cost of 1 Piece per dig.

Also cagily renaming the Pirate’s Treasure to “Hoard” since we’re also using “Treasure” to mean something else.