Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Proposal: [Core] Rewording Tags

Enacted popular, 12-1. Josh

Adminned at 29 Dec 2022 23:04:25 UTC

For the Core Rule Tags, change its rules text to be as follows:

Votable Matters have zero or more tags. Tags are represented in the title of a Votable Matter with the format “[X]” (e.g. “[Core] Wording Fix”, where “[Core]” is the tag).

Votable Matters making changes to the Core Rules, the Special Case Rules or the Appendix Rules require any of the following to be true for each such change in order to make that specific modification to the ruleset:
* The Votable Matter has the appropriate Tag or Tags for that change: [Core] for Core Rules changes, [Special Case] for Special Case Rules changes and [Appendix] for Appendix Rules changes.
* The modification is preceded or followed immediately by an unambiguous statement of which section of the ruleset it takes place.
* The modification specifically states a rule using its number or the name of the stated rule only occurs once in the ruleset.

This should leave the actual mechanics unchanged, but just worded in such a way that it doesn’t contradict itself. Edit: Also, removed the section about needing the victory tag under the following reasoning: If Victory is being granted directly then it’s already obvious and doesn’t need a tag, and if it’s indirectly being granted then it would be weird to need a tag for such a wide scope - we’d basically have to add it any time we make a victory condition.


Josh: he/they

28-12-2022 10:03:13 UTC

Good, thanks.

While you’re fixing things, the line ‘Votable Matters other than DoVs require the “[Victory]” tag in order to grant victory to an Explorer’ also periodically causes problems, as many proposals directly or indirectly grant victory to an explorer, and almost none of them have the [Victory] tag. I think that line should either be removed completely or reworded to specify that it only applies when Victory is being directly conferred; not sure how that would be neatly expressed though.

Kevan: he/him

28-12-2022 10:54:47 UTC

The main reason that tags exist are to stop something from happening by accident. Prior to the Victory tag, a proposal that made some wild “set all true/false gamestate elements to random values” kind of amendment could end up assigning victory in the process - which may be fun as a scam, or annoying if it was unintentional. It’s up to us whether we want that guard rail.

Kevan: he/him

28-12-2022 11:01:34 UTC

(The wild proposal example being that “Kevan has achieved victory”, “SingularByte has achieved victory”, etc are all true/false values and the proposal would set them directly. It would be good to clarify that this is probably all that the tag should be concerned about, though; that a proposal of “enact a new rule saying that Kevan has won” or “set Kevan’s coins to 100, which happens to be the victory target” wouldn’t need it.)

SingularByte: he/him

28-12-2022 11:17:13 UTC

Out of curiosity, has that guard rail ever stopped an unintentional victory like that to anyone’s knowledge?

Josh: he/they

28-12-2022 11:17:37 UTC

Under the current wording I would argue that every single one of the last thirty dynasties could have been voted down at DoV, as at least one proposal involved in ‘grant[ing] victory to an explorer’ lacked the necessary tag.

Due to a scam, this directly conferred Bucky Victory.

This merit-random roll conferred victory.

This indirectly led to a player achieving Victory.

I could continue.

SingularByte: he/him

28-12-2022 11:22:08 UTC

I’m meaning in the more direct sense - has there ever been a votable matter that would have accidentally directly granted victory without going via rules text, and without just being an upheld result.

Kevan: he/him

28-12-2022 12:06:02 UTC

[SingularByte] Not that I can remember. But it may not have even registered, where an enacting admin knew that the rail was there and didn’t consider and/or mention whether some gamestate update could have but didn’t affect victory status.

Josh: he/they

28-12-2022 15:58:57 UTC



28-12-2022 16:23:17 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

28-12-2022 16:27:29 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-12-2022 16:38:55 UTC

against per above. I don’t mind having the Victory tag around as a guardrail against dynasty-ending accidents.

Josh: he/they

28-12-2022 16:45:20 UTC

A guardrail that either guards against nothing at all or everything, including the things it’s supposed to let through, seems useless.

Kevan: he/him

28-12-2022 16:48:13 UTC

No objections to clarifying that it only applies to direct assignations of victory from the Votable Matter itself.

Josh: he/they

28-12-2022 17:02:38 UTC

I’d happily consider that as a separate proposal. This proposal is what’s on the table, rather than a hypothetical perfect future proposal, and it’s strictly better than the status quo.

Darknight: he/him

28-12-2022 17:20:38 UTC


Darknight: he/him

28-12-2022 17:21:25 UTC

Mostly because I hardly propose anymore unless I really have a decent idea to offer.

Chiiika: she/her

28-12-2022 17:28:22 UTC


quirck: he/him

28-12-2022 17:29:40 UTC


Janet: she/her

28-12-2022 21:08:39 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

28-12-2022 23:36:35 UTC


Brendan: he/him

29-12-2022 00:59:29 UTC

for I’d really enjoy it if this somehow made SB the victor.


29-12-2022 02:47:07 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

29-12-2022 19:28:19 UTC
