Proposal: Grid Locked
Enacted 9-1. Josh
Adminned at 12 Feb 2022 21:37:08 UTC
Add a new rule called The Grid
The Grid Size is a publicly tracked positive integer which defaults to 3. The Grid Size may only be changed as defined in this rule.
The Grid is a publicly tracked NxN grid of Cells, where N is the grid size. Each Cell contains a text value, which is also publicly tracked as part of the Grid itself, defaulting to an empty value.
When the Grid is Incremented, the following atomic action is performed: The Grid Size increases by 1. To make the Grid match the new grid size, a new row of empty cells is randomly added to either the top or bottom of the grid, then a new of column of cells is randomly added to the left or right of the grid.
When the Grid is Decremented, the following atomic action is performed: If the Grid Size is 1 nothing happens. Otherwise, the Grid Size is decreased by 1. To make the Grid match the new grid size, either the top most or bottom most row is randomly removed from the grid, then either the left most or right most column is randomly removed from the grid.
Brendan: he/him
I like this, obviously, but some wording fixes I might include:
Each Cell is a string, which defaults to being empty -> “Each Cell may contain a text value, which is also publicly tracked, defaulting to an empty value”
then a new of column of random cells is added to the left or right of the grid -> “then a new column of empty cells is added to the left or right of the grid, selected at random”
Also, might want to make this Jumble’s responsibility explicitly from the start; passive-voice atomic actions are challenging to perform.