Monday, July 31, 2006


I can’t explain why, but I have a horrible feeling about Bucky’s two local proposals.  E seems to by trying to seal off the areas around both eir TL and eir CTL so that nobody else can reach em.

The most obvious use for such an area (around the TL) would be to create a zone that e could range-move through, creating ‘Bucky’ Node Events that nobody else could reach to redescribe.  However, that would take several days so e would risk our Arbiter stomping all over them.  So, I reckon the hermit zone around the CTL probably has something to do with it too.

Another possible is that e plans to do stuff with local proposals that nobody else can vote on.  However, that seems unlikely since the Arbiter can always vote on them (and veto them if required).

Can anybody see any cunning scams if e manages to seal off both TL & CTL?



01-08-2006 00:34:00 UTC

None that the Arbiter can’t veto/prevent/undo.


01-08-2006 03:34:26 UTC

Actually, see most recent proposal.