Sunday, May 28, 2017

Story Post: Combo setting up a hub

1 Exiting Camp. (location:Base Camp -> location:77°)
2 Moving up a degree (location:77°, supplies:10 -> location:78°, supplies:9)
3 Moving up a degree (location:78°, supplies:9 -> location:79°, supplies:8)
4 Moving up a degree (location:79°, supplies:7 -> location:80°, supplies:6)
5 Moving up a degree (location:80°, supplies:6 -> location:81°, supplies:5)
6 Moving up a degree (location:81°, supplies:5 -> location:82°, supplies:4)
7 Making a Camp {}
7a Spending 3 supplies. (supplies:4 -> supplies:1)
7b Creating a new Camp on the wikipage. ( -> new Camp section on Camps wikipage)
7c Adding a name to the new Camp. (Camp -> Boot Camp)
7d Adding description. (Description: -> Description: For some reason there's tons of boots everywhere.)
7e Adding Latitude. (Latitude: 66° -> Latitude: 82°)
7f Setting other defaults. ( -> Supplies:0, Temperature: 0 BTU, Rules Present:)
7g Setting my Location to the new Camp. (Location:82° -> Boot Camp) {new Camp section on Camps wikipage, Boot Camp, Description: For some reason there's tons of boots everywhere., Latitude: 82°, Supplies:0, Temperature: 0 BTU, Rules Present:, Location: Boot Camp}
8 Changing Camp to the next lowest Camp. (supplies:1, location:Boot Camp -> supplies:0, location:Base Camp)
9 Getting more supplies. (supplies:0, debt:0, Base Camp supplies:100 -> supplies:10, debt:10, Base Camp supplies:90)



28-05-2017 04:48:34 UTC

Hmm, so it looks like each camp (if pushed furthest you can go) will save other people using it 3 supplies since it would regularly require 4 supplies to get to the same latitude. It’s a good idea to not set up camps at every latitude though.


28-05-2017 05:01:16 UTC

I like that idea.

I wonder what would happen if a Handyman pushes the latitude limit, we make a camp at that new latitude, then we reduce the latitude limit.

Does the camp blow up and stop existing?

Does the camp’s latitude value take on the default instead? (and sort of teleport there?)


28-05-2017 05:28:54 UTC

A wait nvm, it can’t happen because “An Explorer who has a choice in whether to take an action defined by a dynastic rule may not take that action if both of the following conditions are true: a) the action’s effects are limited to changing values tracked in the GNDT and/or similar gamestate-tracking entities (such as a wiki page), and b) the action would change one or more of those values to an illegal value.”

If we take the Ruleset itself to be Gamestate, which I think it is, by virtue of:

Any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of.”

And the Ruleset regulates itself via proposals.


28-05-2017 06:55:39 UTC

Now if a non-Explorer entity does that what happens?


28-05-2017 07:04:39 UTC

If at any time, something contradictory sticks into the ruleset because the rules of precedence can’t clean them out, Principle of Explosion goes boom and anything can be inferred from the ruleset.

And then, BlogNomic (formally) becomes unplayable, and there isn’t much we can do because anything you could do, can be proven that you can’t (and even that proof can be disproven, and that proof disproven, and that proof disproven, etc etc).

I think it kind of won’t matter though, informally, since we can just shrug and continue play anyway.


28-05-2017 07:18:36 UTC

As per the flaming chess set.
But it’s good to consider such situations since this Dynasty there’s a possibility of a non-Explorer Emperor gaining victory. Also there’ still the problem of “what happens if there’s no admins?”


28-05-2017 12:46:22 UTC

Isn’t the default Temperature for a Camp -500BTU?

Also, the cold wastes don’t actually have a temperature…


28-05-2017 13:11:35 UTC

@Card: Yeah. We could put “counts as an Explorer for all purposes” and bind it to our usual security somehow.

When there are no admins we call 00-KEVAN and beg for halp. Or some other Admin can just unidle, grant someone admin powers by proposal, then idle.


28-05-2017 15:08:40 UTC

[Sphinx] Default for a camp is 0 BTU


31-05-2017 11:51:38 UTC

1 Exiting Camp. (location:Base Camp -> location:77°)
2 Moving up a degree (location:77°, supplies:10 -> location:78°, supplies:9)
3 Moving up a degree (location:78°, supplies:9 -> location:79°, supplies:8)
4 Moving up a degree (location:79°, supplies:7 -> location:80°, supplies:6)
5 Moving up a degree (location:80°, supplies:6 -> location:81°, supplies:5)
6 Moving up a degree (location:81°, supplies:5 -> location:82°, supplies:4)

Apparently you paid 6 supplies instead of 5 to move 5° ?


31-05-2017 17:23:59 UTC

Oh I see my mistake
“3 Moving up a degree (location:78°, supplies:9 -> location:79°, supplies:8)
4 Moving up a degree (location:79°, supplies:7 -> location:80°, supplies:6)”
step #4 should’ve had 8 supplies to the left.