Proposal: Lucifer (Daemon Research)
Timed out and passed, 5-0. Brendan
Adminned at 04 Jul 2007 08:26:17 UTC
Add the Daemon described herein to the ruleset:
Summoning cost: 6 souls
The Corporation controlling Lucifer may occasionally expend x souls in an attempt to steal another Corporation’s Daemon. The names of the target Daemon and Corporation must be noted in a comment to the GNDT when the attempt takes place. The theft is accomplished by rolling DICEy, where y is equal to the total number of souls owned by all Corporations; if the result is equal to or lower than x then the attempt is successful and the initiating Corporation now controls the target Daemon, as well as Lucifer. The Corporation from whom the Daemon was stolen gains x/2 souls, rounded up where necessary.
Brendan: he/him