People who work need jobs
Create a new Rule “Position” with the text:
Each Worker has a value “Position” tracked in the GDNT. A worker may only have 1 position, and it is tracked using a 3 letter abrieviation listed in parenthesis. Each Position has the following:
Name: Name of the position and it’s 3 letter abrieviation.
Job: What tasks the Worker with this Position must complete.
Wage Change: The amount that a Worker’s wages are change based on whether or not that Worker completed their job.
Limit: The maximum number of Workers with this position there may be at any given time.
The possible Positions are:
Name: General Workforce (GWF)
Job: A Member of the General Workforce may occasionally add 1 Device or Variable to the Machine. Upon doing so that Worker must post a Story Post to the main page dictating eir action, and then may increase eir Net Worth by eir Wage.
Wage Change: $10
Limit: NoneName: Human Resources Manager (HRM)
Job: The HRM may Occasionally switch the Positions of any 3 Workers, as long as one of those Workers is imself, and e has been HRM for longer than 2 Days.
Wage Change: $15
Limit: 1Name: Quality Control Clerk (QCC)
Job: The QCC may Occasionally remove 1 Part from the Machine, and then increase eir Net Worth by eir Wages.
Wage Change:$10
Limit: 1
Mkay, so basic idea for the next step, help me work this out :)
Amnistar: he/him
Other “job” ideas include people being required to post parts or variables written using poetry (haiku, verse, or something similiar), Having someone in charge of giving out “wage increases” but doesn’t get paid as much…something along those lines. other ideas are also welcome, just remember, we want the General Workforce to probably be at least Quorum