Proposal: Testing Times
Vetoed. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 30 Jul 2015 07:10:14 UTC
In “Tests”, replace “At any time, the Head Scientist may set a Test” with:-
If there are no Tests which have not reached their Completion Deadline, the Head Scientist may set a Test
And add to the bulleted list:-
- A list of Specimens (being a list of every Rat, chosen in a random order)
And add a paragraph after the list:-
Once the Acceptance Deadline has passed, any Specimens for that Test who did not Accept the Test are no longer considered to be Specimens for it. (The Head Scientist may edit the blog post to reflect this.)
In “Movement”, replace “As a Daily Action, a Rat may Progress exactly X times, where X is the amount of Cheese that Rat has.” with:-
If a Rat is a Specimen for a Test which has passed its Acceptance Deadline but not its Completion Deadline, and if every Specimen listed prior to that Rat for that Test has Progressed since its Acceptance Deadline (or if the Rat is listed first in the Specimens list), then that Rat may Progress exactly X times, where X is the amount of Cheese that Rat has.
Replacing the daily-action timing trickery: rats instead get one set of moves per Test, taken in an order defined by that Test.
Darknight: he/him