Proposal: Time only moves when you move
Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1-7 by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Oct 2021 11:29:02 UTC
Replace the rule The Clock with the following, leaving its subrules unchanged:
The Current Turn is a publicly tracked integer which indicates the passage of time in Earthlink Tower.
If a proposal has the [Action] tag, it is an Action Proposal. If an Action Proposal by a given Citizen is Pending, that Citizen may not create another Action Proposal.
A Turn Action is a kind of Dynastic Action which may only be performed through enactment of an Action Proposal. If an Action Proposal explicitly states one or more Turn Action(s) that the Proposer intends to perform, the Enacting Admin must perform the action(s) on behalf of the Proposer as part of the proposal’s enactment.
Immediately after Enacting an Action Proposal, the Enacting Admin must perform the following atomic action known as “Advancing Time”:
* Increment the Current Turn by 1.
* If the Current Turn is an even number, add a Copbot Swarm to each Floor that is occupied by a Citizen with a Heat Signature, except floors that already have a Copbot Swarm.
Set the Current Turn to 3.
Replace the second paragraph of Supply Requisitions with the following.
Each Zone may have a cache which contains a list of items. Each item in a Cache is assigned a range of numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive, known as that item’s Chance. Each item’s Chance may not overlap within a single Cache, and the collection of all Chances in a given Cache must as written include all numbers in between 1 and 100, inclusive.
As a Turn Action, a Citizen may Loot an item from a Cache in the Zone they occupy. To Loot an Item, perform the following atomic action:
* If the Citizen is on a floor which is Shorted Out and the Citizen does not have a Flashlight, reduce the upper limit of the Chance of each Item in the Cache by 10 for the purposes of applying the results of die roll in the next step. If doing so would place the upper limit below the lower limit for that Item, instead remove that Item from the Cache for the purposes of applying the results of the die roll in the next step.
* Take the result of a DICE100; the Citizen gains an instance of the corresponding Item from the Cache, if there is one.
If the ruleset contains a rule called Logistics, remove it’s Zone Rule and reword it as follows. Otherwise, add the following as a subrule to Floors called Machine Room:
As a Turn Action, a citizen may Take the Elevator to any valid floor. Doing so sets their Floor to the specified floor, unless a citizen occupying this Zone during the Enactment of the Action Proposal has an EVC of FOR or DEFERENTIAL on that proposal which contains the phrase “elevator malfunction”.
I like the idea of primarily doing actions through proposals, but I still think some actions should be defined in a standard way, so we can say things like “A citizen may not Take the Elevator if XYZ” or “When a Citizen takes the elevator, XYZ happens”. An Action proposal doesn’t necessarily always need to explicitly perform a Turn Action, but it always Advances Time. Think of the Action tag less as a requirement to do something, and more of a way to announce “hey, I’m actually doing something here, not just modifying the ruleset.” This also implements an actual clock, and explicitly ties game actions to the clock, so time only moves when we move.