Saturday, February 01, 2014


Fellow Survivors: I’m afraid that we’ve just lost 6. I think that this has awakened us all to the fact of our dire situation. The mysterious planet stretches in all directions around us, and time is ticking. It’s dangerous here, whether you’re desperately hunting for sustenance in the wilderness or trying to repair our own ship. We must try to manage the inexorable slide into disease and amnesia while combating our eventual starvation. To that end, we have to stick together: we should coordinate our hunting and gathering, and designate a couple of Survivors as reserves of Vitality and Recollection in case of emergency. I’m sure that we will only survive if we act cooperatively. Now, who’s with me?

Time Travel Troubles

Jookyle, Urist_McNomic, TheCube, Clucky, Spitemaster, and IceFromHell idle out after 19, 17, 17, 15, 10, and 9 days of inactivity respectively. Quorum falls to four.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Proposal: Once More With Feeling

Times out and passes 6-0. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 31 Jan 2014 04:50:55 UTC

Reset all Survivors’ Recollections, Vitalities, and Specializations to their respective defaults. Reset the Food, Power, and Supplies to their respective defaults. Set the Captain’s Recollection to “-” and their Specialization to “Commander Raichu”.

Add the phrase “The MaroonedMap page cannot be altered except by Proposals or Call for Judgements.” to the end of the first paragraph of the Rule “Movement”.

Replace the content of the MaroonedMap page with “”.

To do: Make a way of gaining Recollection other than the Evil A.I., and tie mechanics into the map.

Idlings to come after this Proposal is resolved.

I’ll be a better Emperor this time around.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Idling for the Sake of Love

To lessen the strain on the dwindling supplies, and because of an all-consuming interest in the pulchritude of a local native maiden, I will be wandering off into the forest. Please convey my regrets to any family or commitments you discover I may have had in my previous life. Good luck, shipmates.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Clarify Map

I believe that the page “MaroonedMap” doesn’t count as gamestate because the rules don’t regulate it; it’s more of a reference. I’m asking because I would have had to blank it upon enacting the proposal “You are now free to move about the cabin”, which would be annoying.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Proposal: You are now free to move about the cabin

Times out and passes 6-0 / Skju

Adminned at 22 Jan 2014 15:23:18 UTC

Enact a new Dynastic Rule entitled “Movement”:

Every Survivor is, at any given time, in a Segment, which is an integer between 0 and 16 (inclusive), tracked in the GNDT, and defaulting to 0. Segments are the regions shown on the “Marooned Map”.

Any Survivor, if they have not done so in the past 72 hours, and if their Vitality is not Wounded or Disabled, may Walk. They do so by changing their Segment to one adjacent to the Segment they are in, as shown on the Marooned Map. No Survivor may Move to any Segment pictured in blue (Segments 3 and 9).

In the rule “Health”, change the text “When a Survivor Attempts First Aid, they pick another Survivor and roll a DICE5.” to

When a Survivor Attempts First Aid, they pick another Survivor in the same Segment as them and roll a DICE5.

To do: Vitality cost, special properties for differently-colored Segments, resource depletion, and carrying resources back to base.
“Segment”? I just really didn’t want to say “Location” again.
I think that a cooperative survival dynasty is a cool idea that warrants a real map instead of discrete locations.


Octantium have detected a Quasi-Spatial Phase Disturbance in New Sector ω0413.6a. We are sending in an Investigator.

Octantium have lost contact with Investigator Skju. Last confirmed position: New Sector μ0413.5f, -0.28megasec. Presumed dead.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Proposal: Group Meeting

Can’t pass 2-3-2 after 5 days / Skju

Adminned at 19 Jan 2014 12:54:27 UTC

Add a new sub-rule to the rule Memory called “Group Meeting” with the following text:

As a weekly action a survivor may post a “Group Meeting” which is a story post with a title starting with “Group Meeting”. This post may contain a list of survivors. If all the survivors listed cast a FOR vote on the Group Meeting within 12 hours of it’s posting then the author may once give each of the survivors listed X recollection. X is equal to the number of survivors listed.  Immediately after posting a “Group Meeting” the author gains one recollection.

Adds a new way to gain recollection based in groups working together. Also it seemed odd to have this cost recollection to post.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Proposal: Eureka

Times out and passes 7-0-Larrytheturtle

Adminned at 16 Jan 2014 08:57:53 UTC

Add a new Rule, entitled “Epiphanies”, containing the following:

The Captain has an ordered list of Epiphanies, consisting of short messages, coupled with a number called a Threshold. If a Survivor has had an amount of Recollection higher than the Threshold of an Epiphany, the Captain should send that Epiphany to the Survivor in a private message, if the Captain has not done so already. If a Survivor has received an Epiphany and no Survivor has Revealed that particular Epiphany yet, they may Reveal it by posting a Story Post highlighting this fact and adding the Epiphany to the wiki page “Epiphanies” in a bulleted list.

Create a new wiki page entitled “Epiphanies” and blank it.

Adding something for Recollection to do, in building a narrative of what happened before the crash. There should also be a way of finding caches of Food/Supplies/Power tied to it, but I’ll see how this is recieved first. I should be able to respond to anyone passing a Threshold in a timely manner.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Proposal: Sound Body, Sound Mind

Reaches quorum and passes 9-0. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 14 Jan 2014 11:25:24 UTC

Add the following phrase to the end of the Rule “Memory”:

At the start of each week, any Survivors with a Vitality of Healthy gain one Recollection, and any Survivors with a Vitality of Optimal gain two Recollection.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Going idle.

See title.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Proposal: Brain Overdrive

Times out and passes 4-0-1. (Kai is not, at time of adminning, a Survivor). -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 13 Jan 2014 06:12:36 UTC

Add a subrule “Brain Overdrive to the rule “Memory”

If a Survivor takes a daily or weekly action that requires a die roll, they may choose to use Brain Overdrive before taking that action. If a Survivor uses Brain Overdrive, they may perform any die roll required by an action thrice and choose any one of the three rolls to use for the action. Furthermore, using Brain Overdrive decreases the Recollection of the Survivor by two, in addition to any Recollection cost incurred by the performance of an action.

Some emergency measures if you are in a pinch…at a cost.

Proposal: Self-Medication

Times out and passes at 3-0. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 13 Jan 2014 06:09:54 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the rule “Health”

As a weekly action, a Survivor may Attempt Self-Medication. When a Survivor Attempts Self-Medication, they roll a DICE6. If the result is a 1, they have their Vitality increased.

Add the following text to the end of the module “Infirmary”

If this module is active, Survivors may Rest In Infirmary as a weekly action, under two conditions:
a) They have not yet taken a weekly action that week
b) Their Vitality is “Famished” or lower
When a Survivor Rests in Infirmary, they roll a DICE5. If the result is a 1, they have their Vitality set to “Fatigued”. Regardless of the result of the dice roll, the communal Power is reduced by 5, and they cannot take another weekly action that week.

Change the text of the specialization “Doctor” in the rule “Specialists” to:

Doctor: When a Survivor with Specialization of Doctor Attempts First Aid, they roll a DICE4 instead of DICE5. When they Attempt Self-Medication, they roll a DICE5 instead of DICE6

Proposal: Simpler Scaffolds

Times out and fails 1-1. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 12 Jan 2014 16:59:19 UTC

Add a new rule “Blueprints” with the following text:

The following blueprints have been uncovered and their contents may be built using scavenged Supplies.

  - Hydroponic Farm (cost 200): Produces 1 food per active Survivor per week
  - Robotic Assistant (cost 200): Whenever a Survivor explores and gains a positive amount of food, food is increased by an additional 1 point. Whenever a Survivor repairs circuits, the power is increased by an additional 2 points. Whenever a Survivor Gathers supplies, the Supplies are increased by an additional 2 points.

Blueprints are built via Proposal. When a blueprint is built, the ruleset is modified to show that the blueprint has been built by adding the text “BUILT” next to the name of the blueprint and the Supplies are reduced by the cost of the blueprint.

Let’s try again - much simpler this time. I stand by the hydroponic farm - at some point we’ll hopefully have stopped scrambling for resources and get a chance to focus on higher level stuff. The robotic assistant has been reworked to be much less powerful. Costs were increased significantly.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Proposal:Change 2.1 “Memory”

In the rule “Memory” change “Immediately after taking a daily or weekly action” to “Immediately after taking a daily or weekly action that inherently negatively affects recollection”

Immediately after taking a daily or weekly action that inherently negatively affects recollection, a Survivor must reduce their Recollection by 1. If a Survivor’s Recollection is zero, they cannot take daily or weekly actions.

In new rules proposed with a daily action, weekly action, or weekly communal action must state whether the action inherently affects recollection positively, negatively or does not affect recollection.

In the rule 2.2 “Health” add “This action does not inherently affect recollection.”

As a weekly action, a Survivor may Attempt First Aid. When a Survivor Attempts First Aid, they pick another Survivor and roll a DICE5. If the result is a 1, the chosen Survivor has their Vitality increased.
This action does not inherently affect recollection

In the rule 2.3 “Food” add “This action does not inherently affect recollection.”

As a weekly action, a Survivor may Explore. When a Survivor Explores, they roll a DICE5. If the result is a 1, their Vitality is Decreased; otherwise the Food is increased by one less than the die roll.
This action does not inherently affect recollection.

In the rule 2.4 “Power” add “This action positively affects recollection.”

There is a communal quantity of electrical power tracked in the Captain’s row of the GNDT in a column called Power, defaulting to 0. As a weekly action, a Survivor may Repair the ships circuits. When a Survivor Repairs circuits, they may decrease their vitality and add 10 to the communal Power.
This action positively affects recollection.

In the rule 2.5 “Modules” add “Unless otherwise specified, modules positively affect recollection.”

The ship has various modules. if a module has a Required Power attribute, it is considered Operational if and only if the communal Power is at least as high as the Required Power attribute.  Unless otherwise specified, modules positively affect recollection.

It occurred to me, why would repairing a ship make you forget about your life on that ship?  I think there are probably better ways to go about losing recollection without this absurd variety of amnesia.

Proposal: Captain Patch

Reaches quorum and passes 8-0. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 10 Jan 2014 18:46:30 UTC

Rename the Specialization “Captain Raichu” to “Commander Raichu” throughout the ruleset and gamestate.

In the rule “Specialists”, replace “any Legal Specialization which is not on the Crew Manifest” with “any Legal Specialization which is not Commander Raichu and is not on the Crew Manifest”

If any Survivor (including idle Survivors) other than RaichuKFM has a Specialization of “Commander Raichu” set their Specialization to “None”

good enough?

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Proposal: Build ‘em up

Self-Killed. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 09 Jan 2014 11:00:54 UTC

If the proposal “Supply Route” failed, this proposal has no effect.

Create a new page on the wiki titled “Buildings” or, if the page exists, clear its contents.

Add a new rule “Blueprints” with the following text:

The following blueprints have been uncovered and their contents may be built using scavenged Supplies.

- Hydroponic Farm (cost 50): Produces 1 food per active Survivor per week
- Robotic Assistant (cost 100): Whenever a survivor rolls a Dice, they may reduce OR increase the number on the Dice by 1 (ex: DICE5 becomes DICE4 or DICE6)

Blueprints are built via Story Posts - a Survivor can make a story post with the title “Blueprint” any time the Supplies are greater than the cost of the Blueprint. Other survivors may then vote on the story post, and if it meets the same criteria as a Proposal would to be passed, then the Blueprint is built, and the Supplies are reduced by the cost of the Blueprint.

To build a blueprint, the wiki page Blueprints is modified to include the name of the building. If the wiki page Blueprints includes the name of the building, then it is considered built and its effects are applied at the appropriate times. The Buildings wiki page may not be modified except via the above process.

Let’s get building some stuff! This may be wordy but I wanted to make sure it was loophole-proof. Not sure if this is the established process or what, but it seems like it would work.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Proposal: All You Can Eat

Self-killed, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 Jan 2014 06:43:31 UTC

Rename the Specialization “Captain Raichu” to “Commander Raichu” throughout the ruleset and gamestate.

If the proposal “The Great Outdoors” failed, the rest of this proposal has no further effect.

In the rule “Food”, replace “otherwise the Food is increased by one less than the die roll” with “otherwise the Food is increased by twice the die roll”.

In the Hunter’s effect, replace “produce one additional Food” with “produce two additional Food”.

In Lt Helle’s effect, replace “produce two additional Food” with “produce four additional Food”.

Increasing the average output of one unskilled crewmember’s Hunting from 2.5 to 7, to balance the Outdoor action system if it passes. And fixing the scam potential of a Specialization of “Captain Raichu” while I’m here.

Proposal: The Great Outdoors

Vetoed. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 09 Jan 2014 05:24:59 UTC

In the rule “Memory”, replace “Immediately after taking a daily or weekly action, a Survivor must reduce their Recollection by 1. If a Survivor’s Recollection is zero, they cannot take daily or weekly actions.” with:-

As a weekly action, a Survivor may take a single Outdoor action, and as a separate weekly action, a Survivor may take a single Indoor action. Immediately after taking an Outdoor action, a Survivor must reduce their Recollection by 1. If a Survivor’s Recollection is zero, they cannot take Indoor or Outdoor actions.

Replace “As a weekly action, a Survivor may Attempt First Aid.” with “As an Indoor action, a Survivor may Attempt First Aid.”

Replace “As a weekly action, a Survivor may Explore.” with “As an Outdoor action, a Survivor may Explore.”

Replace “As a weekly action, a Survivor may Repair the ships circuits.” with “As an Outdoor action, a Survivor may Repair the ships circuits.”

Replace “If this module is active, Survivors may Care For Sick as a weekly action.” with “If this module is active, Survivors may Care For Sick as an Indoor action.”

Replace “If this module is active, Survivors may Recover Logs as a weekly action.” with “If this module is active, Survivors may Recover Logs as an Indoor action.”

Replace “As a weekly action, a Survivor may Gather Supplies.” (if it exists in the ruleset) with “As an Outdoor action, a Survivor may Gather Supplies.”

Would make it easier to remember to pay the Recollection cost if we gave the actions a distinct name. And clumping them together to make it a “do two things per week” decision instead of “optionally do any or all of five/six things”.

Monday, January 06, 2014

Proposal: Supply Route

Times out and passes 2-1-4. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 09 Jan 2014 05:20:01 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Supplies” and give it the following text

There is a communal quantity of Supplies tracked in the Captain’s row of the GNDT in a column called Supplies, defaulting to 0.

As a weekly action, a Survivor may Gather Supplies. When a Survivor Gathers Supplies, they roll a 3DICE3 and add the resulting total the the communal Supplies total.

To the list of Specializations in the rule “Specialists”, add

Scavenger: When a Survivor with Specialization of Scavenger Gathers Supplies, they roll a 4DICE3 instead of 3DICE3.

If the proposal “Doctor Spartacus” passes then

a) replace

“may instead set their Specialization to Hunter, Doctor or Technician”.


“may instead set their Specialization to any Legal Specialization which is not on the Crew Manifest”

b) Add “Lt. Casey” to the list of names in the Crew Manifest


c) To the list of Specializations in the rule “Specialists”, add

Lt. Casey: When Lt. Casey Gathers Supplies, they roll 4DICE4 instead of 3DICE3

I think this will probably get us enough variables for now, but I think it would be helpful to have a communal value that’s more like a currency (power is something we build up over time, food is something we try to get just enough to survive. Supplies would be used for building things that make our lives easier.

Proposal: Doctor Spartacus

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2014 11:27:50 UTC

Add a new rule “Crew Manifest”:-

The fire-damaged ship’s computer lists the Crew Manifest as:-

  • Dr Prestrud
  • Dr Larsen
  • Engineer Galti
  • Engineer Bock
  • Lt Helle
  • Lt Monsen

If a Survivor’s Recollection is 40 or more, they may Recall their previous identity onboard the ship, by choosing any name on the Crew Manifest which is not currently taken as the Specialization of a Survivor with higher Recollection; upon doing so, this becomes their Specialization, and any other Survivor with that name as their Specialization has it set to “None”.

To the list of Specializations in the rule “Specialists”, add:-

  • Captain Raichu: Captain Raichu has no special abilities.
  • Lt Helle: When Lt Helle Explores and produces any Food in the process, they produce two additional Food.
  • Lt Monsen: When Lt Monsen Explores, they ignore the effects of a roll of 1.
  • Dr Prestrud: When Dr Prestrud Attempts First Aid, they roll a DICE3 instead of DICE5.
  • Dr Larsen: When Dr Larsen Attempts First Aid, if the result is a 1 then the Survivor has their Vitality increased twice; if the result is 5, the Survivor has their Vitality decreased.
  • Engineer Galti: When Engineer Galti Repairs the ships circuits, they add an additional 5 to the communal Power.
  • Engineer Bock: When Engineer Bock Repairs the ships circuits, they do not decrease their Vitality.

Replace “may instead set their Specialization to any legal Specialization” with “may instead set their Specialization to Hunter, Doctor or Technician”.

Set the Specialization of the Captain to “Captain Raichu”.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

dumping the dead weight before they eat our food

Bucky and Josh go idle. Quorum drops to 8

New Player:Urist_McNomic

Space Cadet Urist_McNomic requesting permission to awaken from cryostasis, captain!

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Proposal: Energetic Infirmary

Reaches quorum and passes 8-0. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 05 Jan 2014 16:08:09 UTC

Change the text of the module “Infirmary” to the following:

Required Power: 100
If this module is active, Survivors may Care For Sick as a weekly action. When a Survivor Cares For Sick, they pick another Survivor with a Vitality of “Famished” or lower and roll a DICE4. If the result is a 1, the chosen Survivor has their Vitality set to “Fatigued”. Regardless of the result of the dice roll, the communal Power is reduced by 5.


Suggestion by RaichuKFM to add a power drain to usage of the infirmary. I like the idea.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Proposal: Fixing Jack

Reaches quorum and passes 9-0. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 03 Jan 2014 11:18:43 UTC

In the rule “Specialists” after “Each Survivor has a single Specialization” add ” tracked in the GNDT in a column called Specialization” and replace “set their Survivor to any legal Specialization” with “set their Specialization to any legal Specialization”

on the one hand, Specializations are current hidden. On the other, you can’t technically change it from None yet.

Proposal: Recovering logs

Reaches quorum and passes 8-0. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 03 Jan 2014 11:16:45 UTC

If the proposal “Revisions always Revisions” fails, this proposal does nothing. Otherwise, add the following text to the sub-rule “Evil A.I.” of the rule “Modules”:

If this module is active, Survivors may Recover Logs as a weekly action. When a Survivor Recovers Logs, they roll a DICE4. If the result is a 1, that Survivor gains 10 Recollection.

Need a mechanic to recover recollection over time - I think this fits well with the Evil A.I. module and should make up slowly for recollection losses on other actions.

Proposal: Infirmary

Reaches quorum and passes 10-1. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 03 Jan 2014 11:14:40 UTC

If the proposal “Revisions always Revisions” fails, this proposal does nothing. Otherwise, add the following text to the sub-rule “Infirmary” of the rule “Modules”:

If this module is active, Survivors may Care For Sick as a weekly action. When a Survivor Cares For Sick, they pick another Survivor with a Vitality of “Famished” or lower and roll a DICE4. If the result is a 1, the chosen Survivor has their Vitality set to “Fatigued”.

Fleshing that modules idea out a bit. I figure caring for a sick person in an infirmary is both more effective and more likely to succeed.

New Player: Sacchan

Hello, I would like to become a player, please

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Proposal: Inventory

Times out and fails 1-9. -RaichuKFM

Adminned at 03 Jan 2014 11:12:23 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Inventory” and give it the following text

Survivors have an Inventory attribute which is tracked in a special page in the wiki.
The Inventory attribute describes which items a Survivor posses.
Items may be combined to create other items according to future rules.
Some items have the attribute Alien Artifact.
Items which were created by combining an Alien Artifcat with other items have the attribute Augmented.

When enacting this proposal, the words “a special page in the wiki” will be replaced with a link to the page tracking the inventory.

adding a minecraft vibe to the theme