Proposal: Additional values
Self-killed -Darth
Adminned at 19 Dec 2010 14:33:22 UTC
If a rule entitled Bricks exists, add the following to the end of the rule:
All standard bricks are considered to have a height of 1.
Non-standard bricks are listed as subrules to this rule.
Add the following as a subrule, entitled Flat Bricks:
A flat brick is one quarter of the height of a standard brick (i.e. it has a height of 0.25). Otherwise a flat brick has the same qualities and is subject to the same restrictions as a normal brick.
Add the following as a subrule, entitled Hinge Bricks:
A hinge brick has a height of 0.25.
A hinge brick must have the following qualities:
* Colour - a hinge brick may be any of the colours available to standard bricks
* A size, which is the number of bumps on top of the brick
* Dimensions. The dimensions of a hinge brick are 2x[y], where [y] is the length of the brick. The width of a hinge brick is always 2. [y] multiplied by 2 must always be equal to the hinge brick’s size.The hinge on a hinge brick always runs along its length between the two rows of its width. The value of a hinge brick is always its size multiplied by 2.
I don’t know what a hinge brick is going to do, yet?
Nice graphic.