Proposal: Concern about concern about concerns mk.II
Timed out, reached quorum, whatever. 12-1.—Shadowclaw
Adminned at 14 Mar 2006 06:29:29 UTC
Create a column in the GNDT, “Stigma”.
Set everyone’s Stigma to 0.
Change “Dosh Production Groups” in the first clause of “Dosh Concern” to “Dosh Production Groups, or DPGs”
Add a subrule to “Dosh Concern”, “Group Voting”:
If a post requires a Group Vote from a DPG, members of that DPG may vote either FOR or AGAINST the post. If, after 24 hours, the post has more FOR votes from Gostaks belonging to the DPG than AGAINST votes from Gostaks belonging to the DPG, and has at least 2 FOR votes, the post is said to pass the Group Vote from the DPG.
If a Gostak does not belong to a Dosh Production Group, e may roll DICE4 and join the Dosh Production Group with that number. If a Gostak wishes to change eir Dosh Production Group, e must make an official post declaring e wishes to do so, and may switch only after that post recieves more FOR votes than AGAINST votes from the members of that Dosh Production Group after 24 hours.
in the rule “Dosh Concerns” with
A Gostak may leave the DPG e belongs to at any time e wishes.
When a Gostak leaves a DPG, eir Stigma increases by 1.If a Gostak wishes to belong to a Dosh Production Group that 2 or more Gostaks belong to, e must make an official post declaring e wishes to do so, and may belong to that DPG only after that post passes a Group Vote from the DPG e wishes to belong to.
A Gostak may join a DPG that 0 or 1 Gostaks belong to at any time.
Add a subrule to “Dosh Concern”, “Group Abilities”:
A DPG may give any amount of its Dosh to any other DPG if a Gostak makes a post suggesting the donation and that post passes a Group Vote from the DPG that would lose Dosh in the transaction.
Add a subrule to “Dosh Concern”, “Titles”:
* If there is a Gostak who has more Distimmed Dosh than any other Gostak in the DPG e belongs to, and e belongs to a DPG, e is the Daleph of the DPG e belongs to.
* Each DPG may have an Avzur. At any time, any Gostak may make an official post nominating an Avzur for the DPG the nominee belongs to. If that post passes a Group Vote from the DPG the nominee belongs to, the nominee becomes Avzur of that DPG. If there is already an Avzur of that DPG, e is no longer Avzur.
All DPGs start with no Avzur.
No longer are DPGs mandatory, nor are they necessarily random, plus 0-2 titles per group. Names courtesy of