Detective Press
People who don’t have the (really really superb) Blognomic Tampermonkey script might’ve missed it (because they’re Emperor comments on far back stuff on the blog), so I shall don a journalistic hat to inform the latest findings:
- Card has inspected Orkboi, revealing that they had an Artefact in their possession. Then, Orkboi has been revealed to be Cultist
- I got both Pokes and Kevan, revealing that they had an Artefact each. Then, Pokes has been revealed to be a Spy, and Kevan a Cultist
For your further detective convenience, here is the latest background report (June 20th):
And the other background report (June 13th):
Take into account conspiracies as well (there have been 3 successful ones in between those two reports).
That’s all.
Hot off the presses.
Potential Cultist cointoss instawin right now too, split among those three.