Proposal: Oh, For—
Timed out 4 votes to 5. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Feb 2015 19:03:02 UTC
Clear the Command Role of the Crewmember named Darknight.
Upon the enactment of this proposal, the Enacting Admin should pick a random Crewmember using the GNDT DICE function (where each Command Role-free, non-Disabled, non-Injured Crewmember is assigned a number in a GNDT comment before DICE is called) and assign that Command Role to the Crewmember so selected.
Change the sentence in the rule “Command Roles” that begins “If there is a Command Role with no Crewmember assigned to it” to read as follows:
If there is a Command Role with no Crewmember assigned to it, and there are at least two active Crewmembers with no Command Role, the Ship’s Computer may pick a random Crewmember using the GNDT DICE function (where each non-Disabled, Command Role-free Crewmember is assigned a number in a GNDT comment before DICE is called) and assign that Command Role to the Crewmember so selected.
Josh: he/they