Proposal: Redundancies
Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 23 Mar 2012 05:59:53 UTC
Then, players Restock. Each player earns 1 Credit for each Institution which they Directed Resources at but did not Influence that Cycle. Additionally, each Player earns 1 Credit for each Institution which they Directed at least one Marine or Credit to but did not Influence that Cycle. Additionally, each player who has no Credits and Directed 0 Credits and 0 Marines that Cycle gains 1 Credit.
to read
Then, players Restock. Each player earns 1 Credit for each Institution which they Directed Resources at but did not Influence that Cycle. Additionally, each player who has no Credits and Directed 0 Credits and 0 Marines that Cycle gains 1 Credit.
This removes the redundant clause.
Mis-adminned proposal? Likely my fault….