Story Post: Special Auction 2 (6 comments) This Auction contains the following items: 1. Barely cooked steak from the Span

This Auction contains the following items:

1. Barely cooked steak from the Spanish King’s herd
Type: Physical/Food
Impacts: Distracting (-1 Power), Extravagant (+1 Prestige)
Characteristics: Purple, Meat

2. Harry the Black-Hearted Basard gives instruction in fighting dirty to win alehouse brawls
Type: Favour of the King
Impacts: Unfashionable (-3 Prestige), Unfashionable (-3 Prestige),  Instructive (+1 Power)

3. A tiny, bejewelled, impeccably well-crafted codpiece
Type: Favour of the KIng
Impacts: Unfashionable (-3 Prestige), Unfashionable (-3 Prestige), Extravagant (+3 Prestige)

4.The King’s Military Drummers to follow you for an entire day playing motivating a battle tattoo
Type: Military
Impacts: Unfashionable (-1 Prestige), Extravagant (+1 Prestige), Distracting (-3 Power)

Story Post: Auction 9 (1 comment) Three items: 1. The strategic notes drawn up by Roland of the Paladins before t

Three items:

1. The strategic notes drawn up by Roland of the Paladins before the Batle of Roncevaux Pass
Type: Favour of the King
Impacts: Extravagant (+3 Prestige)

2. A quail that has been fully encased in marzipan
Type: Phsyical / Food
Impacts: Distracting (-1 Power), Distracting (-1 Power)
Characteristics: Yellow, Meat

3. A collection of pocket-sized Italian cameos
Type: Physical / Romantic Gifts
Impacts: Distracting (-1 Power)
Characteristics: Bawdy

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Proposal: More Trees. More Shelter.

Timed Out. Passes 4 -0—Clucky

Adminned at 30 Apr 2020 15:12:02 UTC

In the rule “The Storm” replace

1) Total the Defenses on all Island’s whose Mayor is a Player and is not Tom Nook, calling that result N

2) If the result is zero, cease all future steps, repel all dynastic rules and start a new metadynasty

3) Roll a DICEN, calling the result R

4) Order those Islands alphabetically by Island Name

5) For each Island on that alphabetized list, assign its Index Score to be the sum of the Defenses of all Islands earlier than it on the alphabetized list

6) Find the Island with largest Index Score which is less than R. That Island is declared to be the Survivor

7) Make a story post to the blog announcing which Island is the Survivor


# Increase the Defenses on each Island by X*X where X is the number of unique entries on that Island’s list of fruit trees. Then empty each Island’s list of fruit trees.
# Total the Defenses on all Island’s whose Mayor is a Player and is not Tom Nook, calling that result N
# If the result is zero, cease all future steps, repel all dynastic rules and start a new metadynasty
# Roll a DICEN, calling the result R
# Order those Islands alphabetically by Island Name
# For each Island on that alphabetized list, assign its Index Score to be the sum of the Defenses of all Islands earlier than it on the alphabetized list
# Find the Island with largest Index Score which is less than R. That Island is declared to be the Survivor
# Make a story post to the blog announcing which Island is the Survivor:

Reduce the Defenses on the Islands with the names “Tres Angeles” and “Träskby” by 2 each (to a minimum of 0)

Other people should get rewarded for fruit. Plus encourages getting lots of different fruit.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Proposal: trees provide shelter

Timed out. Passes 4-0—Clucky

Adminned at 28 Apr 2020 04:19:00 UTC

If “Proposal: Storms a comin” has passed, increase the defenses of each island by one for each item in that island’s list of fruit trees.

Another way to reward players who have participated in the dynasty.

Proposal: Overdrive

Timed Out. Passes 5-0—Clucky

Adminned at 27 Apr 2020 16:24:31 UTC

Add a subrule to “Tasks” called “Overdrive” and give it the following text

If a Player is the Mayor of an Island which a Villager is a resident of, instead spending one of their Action Points and Energy for that Villager, a Player may instead make that Villager spend 1 Relationship to perform a Task. The Villager must have at least 1 Relationship prior to performing this action. Each Player may only make each Villager perform one Task this way every day.

Making relationships matter as a way to work you villagers to the bone. Keeping it separate from the storm because I’m writing it with endgame in mind but its different enough it can stand on its own or maybe people just don’t want it at all.

Proposal: Storms a comin

Timed out. Passes 5-0.—Clucky

Adminned at 27 Apr 2020 14:58:09 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “The Storm”

Each Island has a Defenses, which is a non-negative integer value tracked in the Archipelago wiki page and which defaults to 0. The Mayor of an Island which has at least 50 Bells may reduce that Island’s Bells by 50 to increase its Defenses by 1. A Player may spend 1 Spite to increase or decrease the Defenses of any Island by 1.

The Time Until Disaster is a UTC date and time and is tracked on the Archipelago wiki page.

A Player may spend 1 Action Point to add 12 hours to the Time Until Disaster

If the current date time is later than the Time Until Disaster, Disaster Strikes and no additional dynastic actions may be taken by any player except the following:

After Disaster Strikes, at their earliest convenience, Tom Nook should Resolve the Disaster by doing the following atomic action exactly once:

1) Total the Defenses on all Island’s whose Mayor is a Player and is not Tom Nook, calling that result N
2) If the result is zero, cease all future steps, repel all dynastic rules and start a new metadynasty
3) Roll a DICEN, calling the result R
4) Order those Islands alphabetically by Island Name
5) For each Island on that alphabetized list, assign its Index Score to be the sum of the Defenses of all Islands earlier than it on the alphabetized list
6) Find the Island with largest Index Score which is less than R. That Island is declared to be the Survivor
7) Make a story post to the blog announcing which Island is the Survivor

The Mayor of an Island which is the Survivor achieves Victory

If an Island has been declared a Survivor for at least 48 hours, Tom Nook may set that Island to no longer be the Survivor, set its Defenses to zero and Resolve the Disaster again.

Add the following Tool

Name: Pile of Bricks. Cost: 100. Effect: The Defenses of the Island which the Villager is a Resident of are increased by 3

Add a Task called “Hunker Down” with the text “The Defenses of the Island which the Villager is a Resident of are increased by 2. If the Villager has a Pile of Bricks it is increased by an additional 1”

Set the Time Until Disaster to be exactly four days after this proposal is enacted. If the majority of EVC on this proposal include the phrase “Speed it up” instead set the Time Until Disaster to be exactly two days after this proposal is enacted and remove the line “A Player may spend 1 Action Point to add 12 hours to the Time Until Disaster” from “The Storm”

No one is really doing anything with this dynasty so lets just destroy all the islands in a big storm.

Friday, April 24, 2020

State of the dynasty

Activity seems to have completely dried up so checking in to see if people have ideas on how we should proceed. Are there some wholesale changes we can make to make the dynasty more engaging? Should we just do some stuff to speed up to the end game and get the dynasty over with? Please share your ideas.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Proposal: Task list

Timed out. Passes 3-0—Clucky

Adminned at 25 Apr 2020 05:52:21 UTC

Amend the rule “Tasks” by replacing all its text that are not part of subrules with the following:

Non-Displaced Villagers with a relationship above 0 can perform Tasks. Tasks are atomic actions. A Player (“the given Player”, unless otherwise specified) may choose a Villager (“the given Villager”, unless otherwise specified) and spend one of their Action Points and 2 Energy of that Villager (4 if that Villager is Lazy) to have them perform one of the following tasks:

* ‘’‘Mine:’‘’
** If the given Villager is a Jock they gain 120 Bells. Otherwise they gain 100 Bells.
** If the Terrain of the Island to which the given Villager is a Resident is Rocky, the given Villager gains an additional 10 Bells. If it is Sandy they lose 10 Bells.
** If the given Villager has a Flimsy Axe, they gain 10 Bells. If they have a Strong Axe they gain 25 Bells.
* ‘’‘Teamwork:’‘’
** The given Villager (hereafter “the first Villager”) and another Villager of the given Player’s choosing who is a resident of the same Island (“the second Villager”) both gain 50 Bells.
** If both Villagers have the same species, they each gain an additional 10 Bells.
** If either Villager has Clown Makeup, they both gain 10 Bells.
* ‘’‘Use:’‘’
** The given Player selects an Item or Trinket held by the given Villager and its Effect is applied. Any references to “the given Villager” or “the given Player” shall be interpreted the same way as they are in this action.
** The given Villager loses the Item or Trinket, unless the Effect specifies that the Effect is Minor.
* ‘’‘Collect:’‘’
** If the given Player is the Mayor of the Island the given Villager is a Resident of, 10% of the given Villager’s Bells (rounded down) are transferred to the Island the given Villager is a Resident of.
* ‘’‘Heist:’‘’
** The given Player chooses an Island that is not the Island to which the given Villager is a resident of. This is known as “the target Island”.
** The given Player rolls DICE100.
** If the resulting number is less than or equal to the number of Bells owned by the target Island, the given Player transfers the resulting number of Bells from the target to the given Villager.
** Otherwise, the given Player transfers all of the Bells owned by the target Island to the given Villager.
** If the given Player is not the Mayor of the target Island, the Mayor of the target Island gains 1 Spite.
* ‘’‘Harvest:’‘’
** The given Player chooses a Trinket with the same name as either one of the entries in the list of Fruit Trees for the Island which the given Villager is the Resident of or that Island’s Native Fruit.
** The given Villager gains one of the specified Trinket.

Really basic proposal here. Makes tasks Atomic Actions, as discussed, and also puts them in the classic Atomic Action bullet-point format for better readability and easier-to-follow steps.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Proposal: tools of the trade

Timed out. Passes 4-0—Clucky

Adminned at 23 Apr 2020 01:26:45 UTC

Turn the part of the rule “Items” that is not already part of a subrule into a subrule of “Items” called “Tools”. Then, inside the subrule “Tools” replace all instance of “Item” with “Tool”. For each Villager that was holding an Item prior to the enactment of this proposal, give that Villager a Tool with the same name.

Add the following to the rule “Items” before any of its subrules

The word “Item” is synonmous with “Tool or Trinket”. If a Villager has an Item, they are said to be holding that Item.

In the rule “giving” replace “to give either their item or a specified trinket (“the cargo” in both cases)” with “to give an Item they are holding (“the cargo”)”

In the rule “Tasks” replace all instances of “Item or a Trinket.” and “Item or Trinket” with “Item”

no more confusing “item or trinket” plus if we wanna add fish or something, we can track Fish as Fish and don’t need to start using “item or trinket or fish or cheese or hat or…”

Proposal: Government in Exile

Timed out. Passes 5-0—Clucky

Adminned at 23 Apr 2020 01:25:24 UTC

Replace all occurrences of “the Mayor of [the|that] Island gains 1 Spite” with “the Mayor of [the|that] Island, if it is a Player, gains 1 Spite”, using the same word among “the” or “that” in the replacement.

In “Giving”, replace “The Mayor of a non-Skittish Villager can cause that Villager” with “If a Player is the Mayor of the Island a non-Skittish Villager is a Resident of, that Player can cause that Villager”.

From Slack discussion. When Brendan idled, he took Josh’s Island with him. Almost all usages of “Mayor” check nicely for a Mayor being a player, except these. With this change, a Mayor can be anything at all and is no longer implicitly a player.

Idle Time

JimothyFromTLTT (9 days), Jumble (8), pencilgame (11), and TyGuy6 (12) all idle out. Quorum falls to 4.


I think this dynasty shows a lot of promise but, ironically, isolation time means I have too many other projects going to pay enough attention to the game. Quorum drops to 6.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Proposal: Stars Align

Quorum Reached. Passes 6-0—Clucky

Adminned at 20 Apr 2020 20:29:57 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Stars”

The number of Stars an Island has is equal to the number of different conditions in the following list that the Island fulfills

* The Island is Full
* The Island has at least 1000 Bells
* The Island’s list of Fruit Trees has at least six different fruit in it

If an Island has at least five Stars, the mayor of that Island has achieved victory

Currently only three ways to get stars, so we’ll need more mechanics to collect stars with. But this at least gives people something to work towards and hopefully gets people thinking about other stuff to add that can be used to get stars

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Proposal: Time and Again

Timed Out. 5-0—Clucky

Adminned at 18 Apr 2020 20:27:50 UTC

Reword “Action Points” as follows

Players have a number of Action Points which are tracked in the Players table on the “Archipelago” wiki page. A Player’s Action Points cannot exceed 15 and any action that would set it higher than 15 instead sets it to 15.

Villagers have a number of Energy which are tracked in the Villagers table on the “Archipelago” wiki page. A Villager’s Energy cannot exceed 10 and any action that would set it higher than 10 instead sets it to 10.

As a Daily Communal Action, a player may increase the Action Points of all Players by 2 and the Energy of all Villagers by 1.

A Player’s Action Points default to five or the median value of Action Points held by all Players, whichever is higher. A Villager’s Energy default to seven.

In “Relationships” replace

Once per week, a player can increment the relationship of a villager by one within 24 hours of that villager receiving 40 or more bells from another villager.


Within 24 hours of a villager receiving 40 or more Bells from another villager, a player may spend an action point to increase the first villager’s relationship by one. This may only happen once for each transfer of Bells.

in “Islands” replace

A Player who is the Mayor of an Island may spend two of their own Action Points and 4 Action Points of any one Villager (7 if that Villager is Skittish)


A Player who is the Mayor of an Island may spend two of their own Action Points and 4 Energy of any one Villager (7 Energy if that Villager is Skittish)

in “Tasks” replace

A Player may spend one of their own Action Points and 2 Action Points of any one non-Displaced Villager (4 if that Villager is Lazy)


A Player may spend one of their own Action Points and 2 Energy of any one non-Displaced Villager (4 Energy if that Villager is Lazy)

Set each Villager’s Energy to the value of their Action Points at the time this proposal is enacted

Proposal: The gift of giving

Times out 5-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 18 Apr 2020 14:50:47 UTC

Enact a rule called “Items” with the same text as the subrule with the same name. Repeal said subrule.

Enact a subrule of the rule “Items” entitled “Giving” with the following text:

The Mayor of a non-Skittish Villager who has an item can cause that Villager (“the giver”) to give their item (“the cargo”) to another Villager (“the receiver”). This is an atomic action with the following steps:
* The receiver gains the cargo.
* The giver loses the cargo.

If the proposal “Fruitful Endeavors” has passed, amend the subrule “Giving” by deleting the text “who has an item” from the first paragraph, replacing the text ‘their item (“the cargo”)’ in the first paragraph with ‘either their item or a specified trinket (“the cargo” in both cases)’, and adding a paragraph at the end of the rule that reads:

The giving action fails if the giver does not have the cargo before the action is performed.

Quick proposal to define giving. If trading is to be a thing later, I think this is important. It also moves “Items” to its own rule. It’s a big enough concept that it merits the upgrade.

I made giving an atomic action because I don’t want items to be duplicated. This should make it so that there will be no bugs if we decide to track something based on how many items an Island has or anything along that vein.

I also did not include Bells as possible cargo because this could be used to scam the 40+ bell rule and I don’t know how to fix that. I also think that money transactions should be between players, not villagers, though my mind is potentially open to other opinions on this second point.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Proposal: Fruitful Endeavors

Times out 5-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 18 Apr 2020 14:47:29 UTC

Add a sub rule to “Items” called “Trinkets”

Each Villager may have multiple Trinkets, which are tracked in the Villagers table in the “Archipelago” wiki page by listing the Signifiers for each Trinkets held by the Villager.

Trinkets have a Name, which is just flavor text used to reference the Item and an Effect. It also as a Signifier, which is the first Character of its Name. Two Trinkets cannot have the same Signifier. The available Trinkets are

* Name: Lemon. Effect: Add Lemon to the Villager’s Island’s list of Fruit Trees.
* Name: Orange. Effect: Add Orange to the Villager’s Island’s of Fruit Trees.
* Name: Kiwi. Effect: Add Kiwi to the Villager’s Island’s Fruits of Fruit Trees.
* Name: Grape. Effect: Add Grape to the Villager’s Island’s of Fruit Trees.
* Name: Cherry. Effect: Add Cherry to the Villager’s Island’s of Fruit Trees.
* Name: Tangelo. Effect: Add Tangelo to the Villager’s Island’s of Fruit Trees.

Add a dynastic rule called “Fruits”

Each Island has a list of Fruit Trees, which by default is empty and is tracked in the Islands table of the “Archipelago” wiki page. The same entry cannot appear multiple times in the Island’s list, any attempt to add a duplicate results in nothing happening.

Add the following to the list of “Tasks”

* Harvest: As chosen by the Player, the Villager gains a Trinket with the same name as either one of the entries in the list of Fruit Trees for the Island which the Villager is the Resident of or that Island’s Native Fruit.

In the rule “Tasks” replace

Use: Use may only be performed if a Villager is holding an Item. The Effect of the Item the Villager is holding is applied. Any references to the “given Villager” in the Effect text refer to the Villager performing the Task. Any references to “given Player” in the Effect text refer to the Player performing the action. Unless the Effect specifies that the Effect is Minor, the Villager then loses the Item.


Use: Use may only be performed if a Villager is holding an Item or a Trinket. The Player selects an Item or Trinket held by the Villager and its Effect is holding is applied. Any references to the “given Villager” in the Effect text refer to the Villager performing the Task. Any references to “given Player” in the Effect text refer to the Player performing the action. Unless the Effect specifies that the Effect is Minor, the Villager then loses the Item or Trinket.

Don’t want to overwhelm the proposal for now, but imagine selling fruit can become a thing.

Also getting all six fruit trees on your island can quite possibly become one part of a victory condition.

Proposal: Tick Tock

self killed—- Clucky

Adminned at 16 Apr 2020 19:10:35 UTC

Reword “Action Points” as follows

Players have a number of Action Points which are tracked in the Players table on the “Archipelago” wiki page. A Player’s Action Points cannot exceed 15 and any action that would set it higher than 15 instead sets it to 15.

Villagers have a number of Energy which are tracked in the Villagers table on the “Archipelago” wiki page. A Villager’s Energy cannot exceed 10 and any action that would set it higher than 10 instead sets it to 10.

As a Daily Communal Action, a player may increase the Action Points of all Players by 2 and all Villagers by 1.

A Player’s Action Points default to five or the median value of Action Points held by all Players, whichever is higher. A Villager’s Action Points default to seven.

In “Relationships” replace

Once per week, a player can increment the relationship of a villager by one within 24 hours of that villager receiving 40 or more bells from another villager.


Within 24 hours of a villager receiving 40 or more Bells from another villager, a player may spend an action point to increase the first villager’s relationship by one. This may only happen once for each transfer of Bells.

in “Islands” replace

A Player who is the Mayor of an Island may spend two of their own Action Points and 4 Action Points of any one Villager (7 if that Villager is Skittish)


A Player who is the Mayor of an Island may spend two of their own Action Points and 4 Energy of any one Villager (7 Energy if that Villager is Skittish)

in “Tasks” replace

A Player may spend one of their own Action Points and 2 Action Points of any one non-Displaced Villager (4 if that Villager is Lazy)


A Player may spend one of their own Action Points and 2 Energy of any one non-Displaced Villager (4 Energy if that Villager is Lazy)

Set each Villager’s Energy to the value of their Action Points at the time this proposal is enacted

Current pace of the game seems to be going a bit slow. So trying to speed it up a bit by letting you average two actions a day while still only having to go once per week

also remove the action point confusion, as well as remove the clunky “Once per week”

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Proposal: Rebanked

Quorum Reached. Passes 7-0—Clucky

Adminned at 15 Apr 2020 21:12:15 UTC

Replace the text of the rule “Repayment” with

Each Island has a numeric value of Bells which defaults to 0 and is tracked in the Islands section of the “Archipelago” wiki page

Add a new Dynastic Rule called Spite

Each Player has a positive integer number of Spite which is tracked in the Players section of the “Archipelago” wiki page and defaults to 0. Spite can be spent it the following ways

* A Player may spend 3 Spite to add a new Villagers as outlined in the rule “Villagers”, bypassing the traditional weekly action limit
* A Player may spend 5 Spite and pick any Island. They roll a FRUIT and change the Native Fruit of that Island to the result
* A Player may spend 10 Spite and remove a Villager from the game

Append the following to the last paragraph of “Islands”

If immediately prior to this step the Villager was a Resident of a different Island, the Mayor of that Island gains 1 Spite

Add the follow to the list of Tasks

* Collect: If the Player is the Mayor of the Island the Villager is a Resident of, 10% of the Villager’s Bells (rounded down) are transferred to the Island the Villager is a Resident of.
* Heist: Roll a DICE100 and transfer the resulting number of Bells from the Island which the Villager is a Resident of to the Villager. If the Resulting number is greater than the number of Bells on that Island, instead transfer all of the Bells on that Island to the Villager. If the Player is not the Mayor of the Island the Villager is the Resident of, the Mayor of the Island gains 1 Spite.

For each Player that had any Bells when this proposal was enacted, if they are the Mayor of an Island put that many Bells in their Island.

Trying this again

Monday, April 13, 2020

Proposal: Bank It Up

Self Killed—Clucky

Adminned at 14 Apr 2020 23:28:39 UTC

Replace the text of the rule “Replacement” with

Each Island has a numeric value of Bells which defaults to 0 and is tracked in the Islands section of the “Archipelago” wiki page

Add a new Dynastic Rule called Spite

Each Player has a positive integer number of Spite which is tracked in the Players section of the “Archipelago” wiki page and defaults to 0. Spite can be spent it the following ways

* A Player may spend 3 Spite to add a new Villagers as outlined in the rule “Villagers”, bypassing the traditional weekly action limit
* A Player may spend 5 Spite and pick any Island. They roll a FRUIT and change the Native Fruit of that Island to the result
* A Player may spend 10 Spite and remove a Villager from the game

Append the following to the last paragraph of “Islands”

If immediately prior to this step the Villager was a Resident of a different Island, the Mayor of that Island gains 1 Spite

Add the follow to the list of Tasks

* Collect: 10% of the Villager’s Bells (rounded down) are transferred from the Island the Player.
* Heist: Roll a DICE100 and transfer the resulting number of Bells from the Island which the Villager is a Resident of to the Villager. If the Resulting number is greater than the number of Bells on that Island, instead transfer all of the Bells on that Island to the Villager. If the Player is not the Mayor of the Island the Villager is the Resident of, the Mayor of the Island gains 1 Spite.

For each Player that had any Bells when this proposal was enacted, if they are the Mayor of an Island put that many Bells in their Island.

Making getting bells more in line with what I was shooting for in this dynasty

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Proposal: Getting more mileage out of this game

Self Killed—Clucky

Adminned at 14 Apr 2020 05:33:19 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “Nook Miles” that reads:

Players have an attribute called Nook Miles. It can be any positive integer. It is tracked in the players table of the Archipelago wikipage.

A player can spend the following amounts of Nook Miles to perform their coinciding effect:

* 100 Nook Miles: Increase their own AP by 1.

In this rule, enact a subrule entitled “Challenges” that reads:

A challenge has the following components:

* A goal, which is a string describing any combination of actions and/or effects of actions. These should be achievable by players within a period of one week.
* A reward, which is a number of Nook Miles.

Each week has a unique challenge. The challenge for the current week and the challenge for the following week are tracked in the Archipelago wikipage. If there is no challenge set for a week, it shall be recorded as “None”. No other challenges are tracked. As a weekly action, Tom Nook can announce a challenge for the next week. They should do so close to the end of each week.

If a Player performs all the actions and/or achieves all the effects described in the goal of the current week’s challenge, that player gains a number of Nook Miles equal to the reward for the current week’s challenge. They may also announce this with a Story Post describing their exploits, if they are very proud of their work.

Tom Nook’s EVC on this post may include a specification for a challenge. If so, the challenge for the week of April 13 is set to this challenge.

Based on one of the new main features of New Horizons, it’s Nook Miles!

This one is likely to include bugs or otherwise messy bits. I am not used to the BlogNomic writing style, especially after my six-month leave-of-absence. I am fine editing or even resubmitting it if there are many bugs.

This one also puts a lot of work on Clucky. Sorry about that. If you do not want to do this all, we might be able to crowdsource or automate the process of challenge choosing.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Proposal: The Unshortening

Timed out. Passes 6-2.—Clucky

Adminned at 13 Apr 2020 00:18:52 UTC

In the rule “Villagers” replace “Can be any alphanumeric string of no more than 12 characters” with “Can be any alphanumeric string of no more than 20 characters”

I wanted to call the dog I created Charles Barksley but couldn’t

Proposal: End of the Hour

Timed Out. Passes 7-0—Clucky

Adminned at 12 Apr 2020 18:01:57 UTC

Replace the text of “Action Points” with:

Players and Villagers each have a number of Action Points which are tracked on the “Archipelago” wiki page. A Player or Villager’s Action Points cannot exceed 10 and any action that would set it higher than 10 instead sets it to 10. As a Daily Communal Action, a player may increase the Action Points of all Players and Villagers by 1.

A Player’s Action Points default to three or the median value of Action Points held by all Players, whichever is higher. A Villager’s Action Points default to seven.

In “Islands”, replace “A Player who is the Mayor of an Island may spend two Action Points to change the Location of any Villager to their Island, provided their Island is not Full and that Villager has not had their location changed within the last 96 hours (or week, if the Villager is Skittish). The last time a villager’s location changed is tracked in the Villagers table of the “Archipelago” wiki page.” with:

A Player who is the Mayor of an Island may spend two of their own Action Points and 4 Action Points of any one Villager (7 if that Villager is Skittish) to change the Location of that Villager to their Island, provided their Island is not Full.

In “Tasks”, replace everything before the bulleted list with

Villagers may perform Tasks. A Player may spend one of their own Action Points and 2 Action Points of any one non-Displaced Villager (4 if that Villager is Lazy) to have that Villager perform one of the following tasks:

Set the Action Points of all Villagers to 7, minus 4 if that Villager is not Displaced, minus 2 if that Villager was Tired before enacting this Proposal.

This puts Villagers on the same clock as us, and spares us from updating timestamps.

Proposal: Repayment Plan

Timed out. Passes 4-2—Clucky

Adminned at 12 Apr 2020 18:00:08 UTC

Add a subrule of “Bells” called “Repayment”:

Each Player has a numeric value of Bells which defaults to 0. A Player may spend an Action Point to collect a debt repayment from a Villager who is a Resident of an Island that the Player is the Mayor of. When a debt repayment is collected in this way, 10% of that Villager’s Bells (rounded down) are transferred from the Villager to the Player.

or: Fool’s Bells

Proposal: Shop Till You Drop

Reaches Quorum 8-0—Clucky

Adminned at 12 Apr 2020 00:02:40 UTC

Add a subrule to “Bells” called “Items”

Each Villager may have an Item, tracked in the Villagers table in the “Archipelago” wiki page. Villagers may not have multiple items.

Items have a Name, which is just flavor text used to reference the Item, a Cost, which either an integer or “Not For Sale”, and an Effect. The available items are

* Name: Flimsy Axe. Cost: 100. Effect: The given Villager performs the “Mining” action
* Name: Strong Axe. Cost: 500. Effect: The given Villager performs the “Mining” action twice
* Name: Clown Makeup. Cost: 200. Effect: All Villagers on the same Island as the given Villager gain 20 Bells.
* Name: Personality Matrix. Cost: 1500. Effect: The given Player may change the given Villager’s Personality to any legal value
* Name: Terraforming Kit. Cost: 2500. Effect: If the given Player is Mayor of the Island which the given Villager is a Resident of, that player may change the Island’s Biome to any legal value. Otherwise, nothing happens and the Effect is Minor.

A Player may spend an Action Point to cause a Villager who does not have an item to pick an item whose cost is not “Not For Sale”, have the Villager spend the associated Cost in Bells, and gain that Item.

Append “If the Villager performing this action has a Flimsy Axe, they gain 10 additional Bells. If they have a Strong Axe they gain 25 additional Bells.” to the Mining Task
Append “If either the Villager or the Villager they are targeting has Clown Makeup, they both gain 10 additional Bells.” to the Teamwork Task

Add the following to the list of tasks

Use: Use may only be performed if a Villager is holding an Item. The Effect of the Item the Villager is holding is applied. Any references to the “given Villager” in the Effect text refer to the Villager performing the Task. Any references to “given Player” in the Effect text refer to the Player performing the action. Unless the Effect specifies that the Effect is Minor, the Villager then loses the Item.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Proposal: This one’s for you, naught

Timed out and reached Quorum. Passes 7-0—Clucky

Adminned at 11 Apr 2020 23:48:44 UTC

Change the text “Each Island has a Name, a Terrain and a Mayor” to “Each Island has a Name, a Terrain, a Mayor and a Native Fruit.”

Change the text “may add a new Island giving it a Name and a random Terrain (naming it after determining the Terrain), and making themselves the Mayor” to “may add a new Island giving it a Name, a random Terrain (naming it after determining the Terrain), a Native Fruit selected randomly using the FRUIT command in the dice roller, and making themselves the Mayor.”

The enacting admin should give each existing Island a Native Fruit at random, using the FRUIT command in the dice roller.

Proposal: Let’s get (inter)personal

Timed out. Passes 6-0.—Clucky

Adminned at 11 Apr 2020 23:44:24 UTC

Add a subrule of “Villagers” entitled “Relationships” which reads:

Each villager has a “Relationship” attribute, which represents how the villager gets along with the other residents of their island. It is tracked in the Villagers table of the wikipage “Archipelago”. This attribute is an integer with the possible values of 0 to 5, inclusive, defaulting to 2. If an action would set a villager’s relationship above 5, it is instead set to 5. If an action would set a villager’s relationship below 0, it is instead set to 0.

Skittish villagers instead have an initial relationship of 1. If a villager’s personality becomes skittish, their relationship is decreased by one. Friendly villagers instead have an initial relationship of 3. If a villager’s personality becomes friendly, their relationship is increased by one.

If the proposal Trying Again has passed, (1) append to the subrule “Relationships” the following paragraph:

Once per week, a player can increment the relationship of a villager by one within 24 hours of that villager receiving 40 or more bells from another villager.

(2) append to the rule “Tasks” the following paragraph:

Villagers with a relationship of 0 cannot perform any task.

I’m not that sure about this one, though I do think it would be fun. I’m willing to change details of the proposal if anyone else has better ideas than me.

Proposal: Simple grammar mistake fix

Self-killed; failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 11 Apr 2020 02:31:05 UTC


Villagers are their respective attributes are tracked in the “Villagers” table of the “Archipelago” wiki page.


Villagers and their respective attributes are tracked in the “Villagers” table of the “Archipelago” wiki page.

I was reading through the ruleset to make sure I understood everything and I noticed this typo. Don’t believe it breaks anything, but it does deserve a fix.

Proposal: @#$%ing Gigi

Self-killed and failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 11 Apr 2020 02:31:20 UTC

Add a subrule to “Villagers” called “Hated Villagers” as follows:

Each Player may have one Villager as their Hated Villager, or may have no Villager as their Hated Villager, defaulting to the latter. This is tracked in the “Hated” column on the Archipelago wiki page, where an empty space in that column is the same as having no Hated Villager.

If a Player has no Hated Villager, they may set any Villager’s name as their Hated Villager at any time. A Villager’s Location may never be set to the Island of a Player who has that Villager as their Hated Villager.

Proposal: Appearing to Describe

Popular (8-0, Quorum Reached)—Enacted by Clucky

Adminned at 10 Apr 2020 21:26:00 UTC

Replace “Description” with “Appearance” throughout the rule “Villagers”.

For each string of the format “Describing X as Y.” in the comments of this proposal, where X is the name of a Villager added by the commenting Player and Y is a valid Appearance, set Villager X’s Appearance to Y.

The rule uses two different terms interchangeably, in a way that prevents an Appearance/Description from actually being set.

Out of Sight

Farsight idles out automatically after ten days of inactivity. Quorum drops to 7.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Proposal: An Axe To Spend

Unpopular (1-8)—Clucky

Adminned at 10 Apr 2020 21:18:24 UTC

If there is no rule called “Action Points” then this proposal does nothing.

Otherwise, add a new subrule to “Action Points” called “Grinding” as follows:

As a Weekly Action, a Player may Grind, spending two Action Points to reduce the Action Points of every other Player who has at least one Action Point by one.

Proposal: Working with Tools

Self Killed—Failed by Clucky

Adminned at 10 Apr 2020 21:16:27 UTC

Add a New Dynastic Rule named “Materials”

Each Villager has a numeric amount of Stone that defaults to 1. Each Villager has a numeric amount of Wood which defaults to 3.

If the Proposal “Trying Again” passes, add the “Woodchopping” and “Crafting” tasks:

* Woodchopping: The Villager gains 100 Bells and 1 Wood. If a Jock Villager performs this action, they instead gain 120 Bells and 1 Wood.

* Crafting: If the Villager has at least 5 Wood, they gain a Wooden Axe or Wooden Pickaxe, as decided by the Player who tasked them. If the Villager has at least 3 wood and at least 3 Stone, they gain a Stone Axe or Stone Pickaxe, as decided by the player who tasked them.

If the Proposal “Trying Again” passes, add a Dynastic Subrule called “Tools” to the Dynastic Rule “Tasks”:

There are four tools a Villager can own.

* Wooden Axe: When the Villager performs the Woodchopping task, the Player who sent them on that task rolls a DICE2 in the Dice Roller. If the roll is a 2, the Villager gains 1 additional Wood from the task.

* Wooden Pickaxe: When the Villager performs the Mining task, the Player who sent them on that task rolls a DICE2 in the Dice Roller. If the roll is a 2, the Villager gains 1 additional Stone from the task.

* Stone Axe: When the Villager performs the Woodchopping task, the Villager gains 1 additional Wood from the task.

* Stone Pickaxe: When the Villager performs the Mining task, the Villager gains 1 additional Stone from the task.

Proposal: Ask Nook For Whom The Bells Toll

Reached quorum 10 votes to 0, enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 Apr 2020 20:21:51 UTC

Make Clucky an admin.

I’m taking a little break from making substantive proposals but I had this title and didn’t want to waste it so here you go.

Hello once again!

I unidle.

What’s this? An island getaway package? Sounds wonderful! I’m sure there could be no strings attached to this offer!

Proposal: Trying Again

Reaches popularity, 10-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 10 Apr 2020 15:42:56 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule called “Bells”

Each Villager has a numeric value of Bells which defaults to 1000.

Whenever a Villager becomes a Resident of an Island, any Friendly Villager who is already a Resident of that Island gives them 50 of their Bells. If the Friendly Villager in question has less than 50 Bells, they instead give them all of their Bells to a new Resident.

Add a new Dynastic Rule called Tasks

Villagers may perform Tasks. The last time a Villager performed a Tasks is tracked in the Villagers table on the “Archipelago” wiki page. If a Villager performed a Tasks within the last 48 hours, they are said to be Tired. Lazy Villagers are Tired of they performed a Task within the last 96 hours.

A Player may spend an Action Point make a Villager who is neither Tired nor Displaced perform one of the following Tasks

* Mining: The Villager gains 100 Bells. If a Jock Villager performs this action, they instead gain 120 Bells.
* Teamwork: The Villager and another Villager of the Player’s choosing who is a resident of the same Island both gain 50 Bells. If both Villagers have the same species, they each gain an additional 10 Bells.

If the Proposal “Biome Sweet Biome” passes, append the following to the “Mining” task:

If the Terrain of the Island which the Villager is a Resident is Rocky, they gain an additional 10 Bells. If it is Sandy they instead gain 10 fewer Bells.

Last proposal was illegal due to proposal limit so trying again

Proposal: Biome Sweet Biome

Enacted, 8-0. Josh

Adminned at 09 Apr 2020 22:38:50 UTC

Replace “Each Island has a Name and a Mayor. Island Names are flavor text.” with “Each Island has a Name, a Terrain and a Mayor. A Terrain may be either Rocky, Sandy, Swampy or Verdant.”

Replace “may add a new Island giving it a Name and making themselves the Mayor” with “may add a new Island giving it a Name and a random Terrain (naming it after determining the Terrain), and making themselves the Mayor”.

To “Villagers”, add:-

A Villager is Comfortable if they are a Frog on a Swampy Island, a Dino or a Monkey on a Verdant Island, or a Bear on a Rocky Island. The Mayor of a Comfortable Villager’s Location may spend an Action Point to change that Villager’s Personality to Friendly.

If any Islands exist, choose a random Terrain for each of them and set their Terrain to it.

Proposal: Get Your Bells On

Illegal third proposal, Clucky already had three pending (including one from the previous dynasty). All clear now, though. Flagged by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Apr 2020 15:14:44 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule called “Bells”

Each Villager has a numeric value of Bells which defaults to 1000.

Whenever a Villager becomes a Resident of an Island, any Friendly Villager who is already a Resident of that Island gives them 50 of their Bells. If the Friendly Villager in question has less than 50 Bells, they instead give them all of their Bells to a new Resident.

Add a new Dynastic Rule called Tasks

Villagers may perform Tasks. The last time a Villager performed a Tasks is tracked in the Villagers table on the “Archipelago” wiki page. If a Villager performed a Tasks within the last 48 hours, they are said to be Tired. Lazy Villagers are Tired of they performed a Task within the last 96 hours.

A Player may spend an Action Point make a Villager who is neither Tired nor Displaced perform one of the following Tasks

* Mining: The Villager gains 100 Bells. If a Jock Villager performs this action, they instead gain 120 Bells
* Teamwork: The Villager and another Villager of the Player’s choosing who is a resident of the same Island both gain 50 Bells. If both Villagers have the same species, they each gain an additional 10 Bells.

I intend most of the gameplay to be done through the task system or other things that directly effect villagers, who in turn can potentially effect islands, but very little actually effecting players.

Proposal: Island Life

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 Apr 2020 08:49:58 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule called “Action Points”

Players have a number of Action Points which are tracked in the Players table on the “Archipelago” wiki page. A Player’s Action Points cannot exceed 10 and any action that would set it higher than 10 instead sets it to 10. As a Daily Communal Action, a player may increase the Action Points of all Players by 1.

Action Points default to three or the median value of Action Points held by all Players, whichever is higher.

Set all Players Action Points to 3

Add a new Dynastic Rule called “Villagers”

Villagers are non-player characters who reside on the Blognomic Archipelago. Each Villager has a Name, Description, Species, and Personality. Villager Names and Descriptions are both flavor text. Legal values for each of these attributes is as follows

* Name: Can be any alphanumeric string of no more than 12 characters. Spaces are also allowed provided they occur in the middle of the string and no two consecutive characters are a space. Two Villagers may not have the same Name
* Appearance: Can be a short phrase between one and six words
* Species: Can be ‘Bear’, ‘Bird’, ‘Cat’, ‘Dino’, ‘Dog’, ‘Elephant’, ‘Frog’, ‘Monkey’, ‘Mouse’ or ‘Rabbit’
* Personality: Can be ‘Friendly’, ‘Jock, ‘Lazy’, or ‘Skittish’

Villagers are their respective attributes are tracked in the “Villagers” table of the “Archipelago” wiki page.

As a weekly Action, a Player may add a new villager by randomly selecting a Species and Personality from the list of all available values and then choosing a Name and Appearance.

If the total number of Villagers is less than four times the number of Players, a Player may perform the above action a second time each week but still may not do so more than once every twenty-four hours.

Add a new Dynastic Rule called “Islands”

Islands are game state objects which are tracked in the “Islands” table of the “Archipelago” wiki page. Each Island has a Name and a Mayor. Island Names are flavor text.

If a Player is not the Mayor of an Island, that may add a new Island giving it a Name and making themselves the Mayor. An Island’s Name cannot be more than 20 characters long, must be unique and cannot be “None”. If a Player is the Mayor of an Island, it is said to be their Island.

Each Villager has a Location, which is the Name of an Island or “None” and defaults to “None”. A Villager whose Location is not “None” is said to be a Resident of the Island corresponding to their Location. A Villager whose Location is “None” is said to be Displaced.

If an Island has eight or more Villagers who are Residents, it is Full. A Player who is the Mayor of an Island may spend two Action Points to change the Location of any Villager to their Island, provided their Island is not Full and that Villager has not had their location changed within the last 96 hours (or week, if the Villager is Skittish). The last time a villager’s location changed is tracked in the Villagers table of the “Archipelago” wiki page.

Ascension Address: Island Getaway Package

Welcome, everyone! Welcome to the Blognomic Archipelago!

We here at Nook Inc look forward to helping you turn each of these Islands into a slice of paradise!

I hope you enjoy your time here. Please be respectful to all of the Villagers who will be joining us. They are the ones who really bring life to the Islands. But they’ll need your help to really get the most out of the island experience.

Please also be respectful of your fellow players. We are all friends here. I’ll tell you the same thing I tell Timmy and Tommy when they are fighting – you will get far more done making friends than making enemies.

But enough of that. These islands won’t populate themselves. It is time for you to begin your adventure! Go fill the Blognomic Archipelago with whatever your creative minds image!

Together I’m sure we’ll all have a wonderful time!

Repeal all dynastic rules. Throughout the ruleset, change ‘Nobleman’ to ‘Player’, ‘Noblemen’ to ‘Players’, and ‘Louis XIV’ to ‘Tom Nook’. Set the Special Case rules Imperial Deferentials, Dynastic Distance and The Traitor to Inactive.


The Journey to Paris

Creating an entry for any post-dynastic discussion, which otherwise tends to be split between Slack and the wiki, the first half of that never being permanently archived anywhere.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Declaration of Victory: Let Them Eat Cake

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Apr 2020 08:39:35 UTC

Thanks to Naught’s help lowering their victory score, I was able to become Powerful and Scheduled and thus have achieved victory.

Story Post: Request an Audience with the King take two

Adminned at 08 Apr 2020 15:19:19 UTC

My Lord, King Louis XIV

I apologize for the earlier attempt. There was a paperwork mix up. I thank you for your understanding and grace in handling that matter. I have since shored up my estate considerably, most notably acquiring the ribbon of the letter for my collection of furniture. This puts my Victory Score at 87, considerably higher than the 29 obtained by Jumble and Pencilgame. So I again request an audience so that I may become Scheduled provided my finances are in good order.

Thanks Naught =)

Story Post: Auction 12

Five more items on the lot.

1. A decorative fruit that has been augmented with studs of pewter
Type: Physical:Food
Impacts: Valuable (-X Debt), Useful (+1 Duel Score)
Characteristics: Silver Fruit

2. A gold-plated cannon
Type: Favour of the King
Impacts: Valuable (-X Debt), Instructive (+1 Power)

3. A statue of Apollo carved from a stone from the Temple at Delphi
Type: Physical:Art
Impacts: Extravagant (+1 Prestige)
Characteristics: Renaissance, 1,563 years old

4. A gold-plated trebuchet
Type: Favour of the King
Impacts: Valuable (-X Debt), Unfashionable (-3 Prestige)

5. A master-crafted sabre
Type: Favour of the King
Impacts: Useful (+1 Duel Score)

Proposal: [Special Case] [Appendix] Busy Work, But Be More Good Like

Popular and enacted 9-0.—Tantusar

Adminned at 09 Apr 2020 08:10:01 UTC

Rewrite the introduction of Special Case so it reads:

Special Case Rules can be Active or Inactive. If the title of a Special Case Rule includes “[X]”, where X is either Active or Inactive, then its status is X. Otherwise, its status is its Default Status.

Special Case Rules have a Default Status, which can be Active or Inactive. If the title of a Special Case Rule includes an asterisk, (*) its Default Status is Inactive, otherwise, its Default Status is Active.

When a new Dynasty is started, the Ascension Address may list any number of existing Special Case Rules to be set to a status other than their respective Default Status. All other Special Case Rules are set to their respective Default Status.

The text of a Special Case Rule that is Inactive is flavour text.

Add a bullet point to “Names”:

When referring to a Rule, the name used in reference to a specific Rule may be simplified by not including braces, any text between a pair of opening and closing braces, and, in the case of Special Case Rules, any asterisks, as long as such a reference would be unambiguous.

Is this better? God, I hope so. I just want it to work.

Proposal: Check Your Privilege

Vetoed upon Ascension. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Apr 2020 15:13:43 UTC

Repeal “Privileges of the Nobility”.

In “Theft and Vagrancy”, after “As a Weekly Action, a Nobleman may spend 2 Prestige and remove an Item from another Nobleman’s Estate to add it to their own.”, add:-

(A Nobleman may not select the Estate of a Nobleman whose Prestige is greater than their own at the start of the action, for this action.)

Removing the big vague “shall not have life nor limb threatened by any persons” (is this meant to apply to Duels? Does it also apply to someone gambling encouragingly on a Duel you’re involved in? Or a Show of Force from the Palace Guard? Or a particularly aggressively-worded Umbrage?) and moving the Privilege protection into the Theft rule - also clarifying whether Prestige is compared before or after the spend.

Monday, April 06, 2020

Proposal: Up Your Honour

Vetoed upon Ascension. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Apr 2020 15:13:15 UTC

If Proposal: Off My Honour failed this has no effect.

In the rule Gambling, change the text “If a Nobleman bets on the winner, they may choose not to receive their proportion of the Prize Purse, and instead gain 1 Prestige” to read

If a Nobleman bets on the winner, they may choose not to receive their proportion of the Prize Purse by posting “I waive my prize” as a comment on the relevant Duel. Upon Louis XIV acknowledging that they have waived their prize they may gain 1 Prestige.


Making sure there isn’t a disjunct between privately-tracked Debt and public Prestige.

Proposal: Off My Honour

Vetoed upon Ascension. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Apr 2020 15:12:57 UTC

Add to the first paragraph of the rule “Gambling” the following:

For the purposes of this rule, “bet” and “Gamble” are synonymous.

Add to the final paragraph of the rule “Gambling” the following:

If a Nobleman bets on the winner, they may choose not to receive their proportion of the Prize Purse, and instead gain 1 Prestige.

Under the rule as written, one could technically Gamble on the loser and then claim you lost nothing because you didn’t BET on them per se.

Proposal: Charitable donations

Vetoed upon Ascension. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Apr 2020 15:12:36 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Charity” and give it the following text

As a Weekly Action, a Nobleman may transfer one item from their Estate to the Estate of a Nobleman with a lower Victory Score than theirs. The impact effects of that Item are not applied.

The Nobleman who transferred the item may not remove the Item from the estate of the Nobleman they transferred the item to for at least one week after the transfer took place.

I’m feeling generous let me help people out

Proposal: [Special Case] Busy Work

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Apr 2020 15:12:03 UTC

Rewrite the introduction of Special Case so it reads:

Special Case Rules can be Active or Inactive. The status of a Special Case Rule is notated in the title of that rule ending in “[X]” where X is the word Active or Inactive, denoting that Rule’s status.

Special Case Rules have a Default Status, which can be Active or Inactive. The text of a Special Case Rule may state its Default Status; if it does not, its Default Status is Active.

When a new Dynasty is started, the Ascension Address may list any number of existing Special Case Rules to be set to a status other than their respective Default Status. All other Special Case Rules are set to their respective Default Status.

The text of a Special Case Rule that is Inactive is flavour text.

Something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, but finally got the kick to put into words.

Call for Judgment: Untracked data is hard to manage

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 Apr 2020 14:24:37 UTC

Move “The Preaching of John the Baptist by Adam van Noort” from Clucky’s estate to Naught’s. (This bypasses “Privileges of the Nobility”)

Increase Clucky’s Prestige by 1

Clucky is not considered to have performed the weekly actions described in “Theft and Vagrancy” or “Victory Score” for this week

Given the Nobleman page has been improperly tracking game state for the last couple of weeks, incorrectly showing the true characteristics of an item, seems only fair to reset actions that were specifically taken under the guise that the game-state was in a different form. This undoes my smash and grab theft and attempted requested audience with the king.

Proposal: An End to the Tyranny of the Mathmeticians [Special Case]

Timed out 2 votes to 7. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Apr 2020 15:10:53 UTC

Remove the sentence “All Money and Power quantities bid must be expressed using only the ten numerical digits of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system” from the rule Auctions.

Add a new Special Case rule, entitled Simple numbers, with the following text:

All numbers used in this Dynasty must be expressed using only the ten numerical digits of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, the ‘-’ symbol for negative numbers, and the ‘.’ symbol to denote decimal places. Commas may optionally be used to improve the readability of long numbers, provided that they do not alter the meaning of the number thus expressed.

Set that Special Case rule to Active.

Proposal: Levee En Masse

Reached quorum, 7-1. Josh

Adminned at 06 Apr 2020 21:45:31 UTC

Add the following to the ruleset as a new rule, entitled Levee:

As a weekly action, any Nobleman may increase the Power of all Noblemen by 1.

Monday, April 06, 2020

Story Post: Requesting an Audience with the King

The Nobleman Clucky is not Powerful. Josh

Adminned at 06 Apr 2020 11:51:48 UTC

My Lord, King Louis XIV

I would like to direct your attention to my estate. The two ribbons I have earned, coupled with my prestige and the size of my estate, award me a total of 71 Victory Score.

This is at least twice as much as the honorable Nobleman naught’s 33, as well as twice as much as all other Noblemen. As such, I request an audience so that I may become Scheduled provided my finances are in good order.

Proposal: Choisir un Camp, Amis

Vetoed. Josh

Adminned at 06 Apr 2020 11:51:18 UTC

Upon this proposal being enacted, the below one-time atomic action is to be performed immediately:

- All those who voted, in the end, against or imperial  to this proposal have their debt set to 3,000,000,000, their power set to 0, and their prestige set to 0.
- All those who, in the end, voted for to this proposal gain 10 power, 10 prestige, and have their debt set to 10.


We have a chance at revolution here, people! We can overthrow the ruling class! Reset society! Protect yourself from theft! Join me in our newfound wealth!

My dear King, think of this as a cash infusion to invigorate the auctions.

Story Post: Auction 11

5 Items on the lot today.

1. A leather corset and skirt combo, fitted for a young male, with an exposed groin region
Type: Physical:Romantic Gifts
Impacts: Unfashionable (-1 Prestige), Extravagant (+1 Prestige)
Characteristics: Obscene

2. A fire-damaged footrest dating from the Roman Republic
Type: Physical:Furniture
Impacts: Valuable (-X Debt)
Characteristics: Black, 1757 years old

3. A prototype for a smooth-bore pistol
Type: Military
Impacts: Instructive (+3 Power), Useful (+3 Duel Score)

4. A kitten of a new rare breed
Type: Favour of the King
Impacts: Extravagant (+3 Prestige), Distracting (-1 Power)

5. A porcelain egg with gold trim, in the Renaissance style
Type: Favour of the King
Impacts: Unfashionable (-3 Prestige), Extravagant (+3 Prestige)

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Proposal: If you’re not pumping the gas, you’re pumping the brakes

Timed out and passed, 4-1. Josh

Adminned at 06 Apr 2020 11:47:31 UTC

Add the following to the list of Instructions in the rule called The Palace Guard:

* 1 Power: Increase Urgency: The next Auction to be posted must contain exactly one Item and may be closed by Louis XIV after 24 hours. An Auction that has been influenced by this Instruction should include the tag [Urgent] in its title.
* 1 Power: Increase Abundance: The next Auction to be posted must contain exactly five Items and may not be closed by Louis XIV until after 72 hours have elapsed since it was opened. An Auction that has been influenced by this Instruction should include the tag [Abundant] in its title.

In the same rule, at the end of the sentence which reads “The Impacts of an Instruction must be limited to the Auction on whose Auction Post the Notice of Instruction was posted”, add “unless otherwise stated in the description of the Instruction”. At the end of the rule add the following sentence:

A single Auction may only be subject to one Increase Urgency or Abundance Instruction. If Louis XIV would create an Auction post at a time when there were multiple Increase Urgency or Abundance Instructions pending then he should apply the oldest pending Instruction to that Auction Post and keep the rest pending.

Proposal: Daily Bread

Reaches quorum, 8-0. Josh

Adminned at 05 Apr 2020 15:33:56 UTC

Replace “As a Daily Action, Louis XIV may make an Auction Post” with:-

If no Auction is open, Louis XIV may create an open Auction by making an Auction Post

One per day is seeming a bit fast. (Also clarifying that auctions start open.)

Friday, April 03, 2020

New Wiki Post

Just posted a new essay to the wiki:

It asks if this is good advice: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The unsurprising answer: Sometimes!,_don%27t_fix_it

says the link is malicious for some reason? I swear I’m just trying to link to the wiki.

Call for Judgment: Extravaganza

Timed out and enacted, 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 06 Apr 2020 11:49:36 UTC

In the rule Items, it says “If a Military Item would be Extravagant, it is instead Instructive. If a Favour of the King Item would be Valuable, it is instead Extravagant.” In the rule Auctions, it says “Any Item that received no Bids is a Repulsive Item. For each Repulsive Item, double the values of all Impacts, and then add Valuable to the list of Impacts.” What does this mean for Repulsive Favour of the King items?

I think that the clause in Items applies only when an Item is created. To make that clear, I propose that the above quote in Auctions be changed to say “Any Item that received no Bids is a Repulsive Item. For each Repulsive Item, double the values of all Impacts, and then add Valuable to the list of Impacts, even if the Item is of the Favour of the King type.”

This enshrines the status quo; if it fails then the item A tiny, bejewelled, impeccably well-crafted codpiece will have its impacts changed, along with a few dependent actions made by Clucky that would not be possible were it Extravagant instead of Valuable.

Proposal: Chef de cuisine

Enacted Popular, 8-0. Josh

Adminned at 04 Apr 2020 16:17:57 UTC

In the Dynastic Rule “Ribbons,” change the following:

Ribbon of the Bell: Own an Estate with Food of more different Topics than every other Estate.

To read:

Ribbon of the Bell: Own an Estate with Food of more different Ingredients than every other Estate.

As things stand right now, every Ribbon can be claimed except the Ribbon of the Bell, as Topics do not exist.

Story Post: Auction 10

Three items for auction today.

1. A single red rose with a sincere note
Type: Physical / Romantic Gift
Impacts: Unfashionable (-1 Prestige)
Characteristics: Romantic

2. A stool from the cell of Joan of Arc
Type: Physical / Furniture
Impacts: Distracting (-1 Power), Instructive (+1 Power)
Characteristics: Black, 251 years old

3. Pottery from the height of Seleucid Syria
Type: Physical / Furniture
Impacts: Valuable (-X Debt), Extravagant (+1 Prestige)
Characteristics: Tourquise, 1,811 years old

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Proposal: Upon My Honour

Timed out and passed, 6-5. Josh

Adminned at 04 Apr 2020 16:15:21 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Duels:

As a weekly action, a Nobleman may make a Call Out another Nobleman by making a post with “I Call Out” and the name of the targeted Nobleman in its title. A Nobleman posting a Call Out is, for the purposes of that post, the Antagonist; the Nobleman named in the post’s title is the Respondent.

Once a Call Out post has been made, it becomes an active Duel. The Antagonist and the Respondent both then have 24 hours to send their Strategy by private message to Louis XIV. A Strategy may consist of an amount of Power and the names of a selection of the Items owned by the Nobleman sending the Strategy. If either the Antagonist or the Respondent to a Duel fails to send a Strategy within the 24 hour timeframe then their response is considered to be zero Power or Items.

After a Duel has been active for 24 hours, Louis XIV should calculate a Duel Score for the Antagonist and Respondent in that Duel. He does so by adjusting the Power bid by each Nobleman by any modifiers implicit on Items put forward in the respective Strategies. The Nobleman in a Duel with the greatest Duel Score is the winner of that Duel; if there is a tie then the winner is determined at random. Louis XIV should then post the results of the Duel as a response to the Call Out thread. Once he has done so, that Call Out thread ceases to be an active Duel and cannot become Active again. Both participants in the Duel then loose the Power and Items bid in their Strategies, the loser has their Prestige reduced by 2 and the winner has their Prestige increased by 3.

Add a subrule to that rule, entitled Gambling:

Any Nobleman who is not a participant in a particular Duel may Gamble on the outcome of that Duel. They do so by making a single Gambling Comment on a Call Out post, which must include a quantity of Money and the name of a Nobleman upon whom the bet is being placed.

The total quantity of bets placed on a particular Nobleman in a Duel is referred to as “x’s Prize Purse”, where x is the name of that Nobleman. The proportion of a Prize Purse bet by an individual Nobleman is that Nobleman’s Share.

When Louis XIV posts the result of a Duel, he should also include the size of the two Prize Purses, and a breakdown of the payouts. Noblemen who bet on the winner do not lose their stake, and gain a proportion of the loser’s Prize Purse equal to their Share (rounded down). Noblemen who bet on the loser lose their stake.

In the rule Items, change the first bulleted list as follows:

* A Name
* A Type (either Physical, Favour of the King, Military or Duelist). If the result is Physical, it must also have a randomly determined subtype (Art, Furniture, Food, or Romantic Gifts)
* Impacts, as follows:
** If the Item is Physical, Favour of the King, or Military, a sequence of either one, two or three Impacts (the number selected at random, then each Impact selected at random; the same impact may be selected more than once for an item). If the Item is of the Favour of the King type, all Prestige-affecting Items are have their Prestige impact tripled; if the Item is of the Military type, all Power-affecting Impacts have their Power or Duel Score impact tripled;
** If the Item is Duelist, a single Impact, randomly selected from Risky (+3 Duel Score), Dangerous (+4 Duel Score) or Lethal (+5 Duel Score)
* If the Item is Physical, any Characteristics relevant to that Item’s Subtype

Add the following to the list of Impacts in the same rule:

* Useful (+1 Duel Score)

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Proposal: Power Corrupts

Enacted 9-1. Josh

Adminned at 03 Apr 2020 18:23:39 UTC

In the rule “Victory Score” after “A Nobleman gains 2 VIctory Score points for every Item that they have in their Estate. ” add the line “A Nobleman loses 1 Victory Score for every point of Power below zero that they have”


Fixing a potential game breaking problem. Will explain more in the comments.

Proposal: Le Coquille Bleue

Timed out and passed, 5-4. Josh

Adminned at 03 Apr 2020 18:21:56 UTC

Add a new rule entitled “Inheritance” as follows:

If a Nobleman becomes idle, Louis XIV may choose to assign any or all Items that were in their Estate immediately before they became idle to the Estate of one Nobleman with the lowest Victory Score. Otherwise, Louis XIV may make a new Auction Post, listing Items that were the former contents of the Estate of the idle Nobleman in question, as if those Items were among those in the List of Patents.

Call for Judgment: Garbage Fire

Reaches quorum, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 03 Apr 2020 13:28:12 UTC

There’ve been a couple of weird interactions arising from the line “If a Nobleman makes no Bid on an Auction by the time it closes, they are considered to have made a single Bid of zero Money and zero Power on it” when it comes to resolving Auctions. The Garbage Pile changes compound those; I don’t know if I can, or should, be distinguishing between a Nobleman who makes no Bid and a Nobleman who makes a Bid that is regarded as zero because they are Dissolute, and what these mean for checking whether an “Item [...] received no Bids”. Or, for example, whether the default “single bid of zero Money” applies to all Items in an Auction, or just to the Auction itself, and therefore not to any specific Item contained within it.

So just to tidy up: in the rule Auctions, change the line “If a Nobleman makes no Bid on an Auction by the time it closes, they are considered to have made a single Bid of zero Money and zero Power on it” to read as follows:

If a Nobleman has made no Bid Message on an Auction by the time it closes, then they are considered to have made no Bid on any Desirable Item and a single Bid of zero Money and zero Power on any Undesirable Item contained within that Auction.

This also has the positive impact of meaning that only Desirable Items can be Repulsive.

I’ll hold off resolving Auction 7 for a bit to see how this does; I’d rather it be clearly enacted before I imperil the gamestate too much.

Proposal: Counterbalance

Enacted 8-0. Josh

Adminned at 03 Apr 2020 13:29:29 UTC

Change the 3rd paragraph of “Weighted Power Factor” to:

If D is at least twice the value of P, the Weighted Power Factor is doubled. Otherwise, if D is at least 125% the value of P, the Weighted Power Factor is multiplied by 1.5, rounding up.  If P is at least twice the value of D, the Weighted Power Factor is halved, rounding up. Otherwise, if P is at least 125% the value of D, the Weighted Power Factor is divided by 1.5, rounding up.

Set the Weighted Power Factor to 250,000.

WPF is incredibly underpowered as things stand right now.