Saturday, October 05, 2024

Proposal: Moving Target

In “Score” add “There is a publicly tracked Victory Threshold which is initially 400”. In the same rule replace “also greater than 500” with “also greater than the Victory Threshold”

In “Turns” append the following to the paragraph which starts “If the Turn Order list is Empty, any Puzzler may generate a new Turn Order”

As part of the same Atomic Action, the Victory Threshold is reduce by 10

501 points feels like a ways off so both moving it down to a bit more manageable goal, and then have that goal shrink every round.

Friday, October 04, 2024

Proposal: The Thaw

Reached quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 05 Oct 2024 18:49:52 UTC

In “Collecting cells” before the step “Set the contents of that cell to be empty” add the step “If the contents of that Cell are a Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Grape, Cherry or Star set all Frozen cells that are not in the collection list and are adjacent to it to be Plain Cells”

Proposal: Whiteout

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 05 Oct 2024 18:47:55 UTC

Add a new Turn Action called “Whiteout” that costs 2 coins and has the effect “Make every cell a plain cell. You cannot perform any other turn actions this turn.”

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Expired Fruit

Benbot has been idled due to lack of blog activity for 7 days. Quorum remains unchanged at 3.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Proposal: No Zig Zag

Timed out, 2-1. Enacted by JonathanDark. Has no effect because there is no thing labeled “Turn Slice”.

Adminned at 04 Oct 2024 04:01:01 UTC

In “Turn Slice” after

Two cells are diagonally adjacent if both their row numbers and their column numbers differ by 1.


In order to be unbroken, the cells must be in the same direction—i.e. if there are N cells in the group two cells whose row numbers and their column numbers differ by N-1 such that all the cells in the group form a diagonal line

trying to patch a hole in Diagonal Slice where you could do like a zig-zag pattern of something like {1,2}, {2,3}, {3,2}, {4,3}, {5,2} and that would technically fit “Diagonal Slice” but I don’t think match the spirit of what the rule is going for

Proposal: Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

Timed out. Passes 2-0—Clucky

Adminned at 03 Oct 2024 22:52:56 UTC

In the rule “Collecting Cells” after the text “If the contents of that Cell are Snowflake, set the Cell Target to be a Frozen Cell, and ” add the following text:

increase the Puzzler’s Score by 1, then add all plain Cells containing Snowflake that are adjacent to it to the collection list, then

and in the same rule, after the text “set all plain cells that are not in the collection list and are adjacent to it to be Frozen Cells” add the following text:

, increasing the Puzzler’s Score by 1 for every plain cell that became a Frozen Cell when performing this instance of this step

No one is activating the Snowflakes. Here’s an incentive to do so.

Also, an adjacent Cell containing a Snowflake could become Frozen. Rather than doing that, this proposal would cause Snowflakes to activate adjacent Snowflakes (avalanche).

Is 1 Score per activated Snowflake enough or too much?