Exploring the City
Requirements - at least 3 SOC
Available Space - 3
Start Time - 07/30/08 00:00:00 (UTC)
Length - Unknown
Purpose - This party will be sent out to explore the city to find out if anyone knows where this Guardian is.
Rewards - 15 XP, 15 gold pieces, and 1 point to add to any attribute of your choice
Penalties - 25 gold pieces
Other - The reason for the requirement is that this quest will require conversing successfully with the Atlantians. So far, the only encounter with an Atlantian is Professor Blithe, and he was, well, a little eccentric, so just be careful not to base all your judgments of Atlantians on the encounter with the Professor.
Amnistar: he/him
Thog will participate in this one once the eating contest is over.