Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Call for Judgment: The Diet of Wurms

Unpopular, 2-9. Josh

Adminned at 20 Oct 2021 20:58:16 UTC

If a valid Ascension Address has been posted since the posting of this CfJ then this CfJ has no effect.

Add the following rule to the Special Case rules, called Constitutional Convention [Active]:

During Interregnum, a Proposal may be posted, voted on or resolved if its effects are limited to changing the non-Dynastic ruleset. An Ascension Address may not be posted until this Special Case rule is made Inactive. If it is after 26 October 2021 then any Citizen may set this rule to Inactive.

Quite a few constitutional questions arising after this last dynasty, and I think it would be unfair to have that overwhelm the new dynasty with their resolution.


Chiiika: she/her

19-10-2021 19:18:58 UTC


Zack: he/him

19-10-2021 19:24:27 UTC

Why does this need to be a special case rule?

Josh: he/they

19-10-2021 19:24:55 UTC

Because dynastic actions can’t be taken in interregnum


19-10-2021 19:27:51 UTC


Brendan: he/him

19-10-2021 19:36:42 UTC

for This juuuust passes the line on my “is this actually urgent” meter.


19-10-2021 21:06:41 UTC

I think the Appendix rule “If BlogNomic is on Hiatus, ... and Proposals may not be submitted or Resolved.” has higher precedence than the Special Rule you’re proposing would have. (And the “more limited scope” clause doesn’t help when they don’t have equal precedence to being with.)

Josh: he/they

19-10-2021 21:13:28 UTC

Sure. This also has the issue that it doesn’t deal with the proposals already in the queue, so nothing proposed under this could actually get resolved.

against then as it’s broken, but I’d welcome someone else proposing a patched version of this.

lemon: she/her

19-10-2021 21:15:27 UTC


Zack: he/him

19-10-2021 21:21:09 UTC



19-10-2021 21:30:11 UTC

against Please no week of outlawed AA without also allowing proposals! Let’s fix this idea and retry, not pass a broken special rule.

lemon: she/her

19-10-2021 21:53:02 UTC

against CoV

Kevan: he/him

19-10-2021 21:55:46 UTC

against Not sure this is a good idea, core changes immediately after a dynasty ends are probably going to be too reactive.


19-10-2021 22:05:47 UTC

How about a mid-dynasty break for core changes, when things have slowed down from the initial rulemaking? Or do we give up on a ConCon and allow those who are willing to make the time to decide when they’ll do their work?

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

20-10-2021 03:38:53 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

20-10-2021 08:44:01 UTC


Kevan: he/him

20-10-2021 10:37:03 UTC

Following on from my last comment, “Malign Emperors” is already looking quite dated and dynasty-specific, as we awaken into a new dynasty. Why is it limited to gamestate proposals (rather than, say, a proposal with no player AGAINST votes?), and why is it “malign” to want to play a dynasty to win alongside others? In fact, why doesn’t it go further and allow the Emperor to declare victory directly?

Josh: he/they

20-10-2021 10:48:36 UTC

Fair point, all of which are interesting revisions to the rule that should be considered. (I’d personally be against extending Malign Emperors to non-dynastic considerations, as there’s no level of Imperial malignancy that should, in my view, extend to considering holding needed core or Appendix changes as being within the field of play; but I’d still be interested in seeing a vote on it.)

The idea that mechanics aren’t, or can’t be, provoked by events and then iterated as they settle in seems odd to me; I’m okay with legislating in haste and then refining at leisure, especially as the alternative is often not legislating at all and then having something happen a few years later. In fact… e15cfb3f7cb1e29ae4b53809800fe2b360b9d9c92b34da988268b5e1dca98cc2

Kevan: he/him

20-10-2021 11:11:24 UTC

Oh, my mistake, I’d misread “dynastic rules or gamestate” as “dynastic gamestate” there.

I’m not completely against reactive legislation, I’m just aware that it’s our main source of weird core paragraphs, where something gets spackled up in immediate response to a scam and then stays there for years, even beyond the point where it’s needed.

Clucky: he/him

20-10-2021 17:35:12 UTC



20-10-2021 18:44:58 UTC

against only because of the brokenness but I also think it’d be good to do.

(I unidle, quorum is unchanged.)