Thursday, August 01, 2013

Proposal: Ocular Discrimination

Couldn’t pass 4-4 when it timed out (that’s how it works, right?) / Skju

Not when the actual count is 5-4. Re-adminned as enacted by Purplebeard.

Adminned at 05 Aug 2013 00:25:38 UTC

Enact a new subrule of “Eyes” entitled “Classification”:

The following are appropriate Classifications of Players with certain numbers of Eyes:

1 Cyclops
2 Rabbit/Sperm Whale/Fruit Bat
3 Enlightened
4 Myopic
5 Opabinia
6 Sicarius
7 Mnemosyne
8 Arachnid
16 Mantis Shrimp

I couldn’t help myself with the Mantis Shrimp.

Proposal: Style Over Substance

Reaches quorum at 9-0 and passes. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 01 Aug 2013 00:47:16 UTC

Rename the rule “)_(” to “Image and Style”, and replace “this one (”)_(”) unless” with “this one (”Image and Style”) unless”.

Rename the rule “(o)” to “Eyes”.

Rename the rule “<><” to “Changing Image” and make it a subrule of Rule 2.1.

Repeal the rule “!??” and add “A player who reduces their own Eyes from two to one becomes an Odin until they no longer have exactly one eye.” to the rule now called “Eyes”.

Rename the rule “—o>-<” to “Hints”.

Rename the rule “???” to “Guesses”.

Rename the rule “????????????????????” to “Questions”.

Rename the rule “~~<3~~” to “Quotes”.

The symbol rule titles are a cute gimmick, but I think they’re making the ruleset harder to navigate and remember.

Proposal: Citation Needed

Self-killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 01 Aug 2013 00:42:23 UTC

Append to the rule entitled “)_(”:

An Image’s Source is the most recent revision of the Wikipedia page for that Image on or before 30/07/13. An Image Cites another Image if the Source of the former contains a link to the Wikipedia page of the latter.

Add a new rule entitled “-O-O-” as a subrule to “—o>-<":

A Player whose Image Cites another Player’s Image may spend two Eyes to add a single number or a single letter to the latter Player’s Hints.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Proposal: And now for something completely different

Times out and fails 3-7 / Skju

Adminned at 31 Jul 2013 19:12:19 UTC

Add a rule entitled “(#3$$”:

Each player has a Piece value, tracked in the GNDT. Piece may be any one of: Pawn, King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook. Piece defaults to Pawn.

Nothing is happening…........

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Proposal: Half-Hearted Fixes

Times out 5 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 31 Jul 2013 10:12:03 UTC

In the rule “)_(”, change the text “No Player may claim an already-claimed Image.” to “No Player may have an Image that another Player has.” and “any action from a dynastic rule other than this one unless” to “any action from a dynastic rule other than this one (”)_(”) unless”.

It ain’t broken.

Story Post: Question: SKJU - Is your style a person?

Is your style a person?

Let the questions begin!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Proposal: Find your style!

Times out and passes 3-0 / Skju

Adminned at 28 Jul 2013 08:15:43 UTC

If the Proposal “Nothing is Impossible” failed, append the following to the end of the rule “)_(”:

“Players without an Image or Style are Impossible. They may also not take any action from a dynastic rule other than this one unless the rule explicitly states otherwise.

Else, amend the last paragraph of rule “)_(” to read:

“Players without an Image or Style are Impossible. They may also not take any action from a dynastic rule other than this one unless the rule explicitly states otherwise.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Proposal: Nothing is Impossible

Times out and fails 2-6 / Skju

Adminned at 27 Jul 2013 17:26:05 UTC

Append the following to the end of the rule “)_(”

Players without an Image or Style are Impossible. They may also not take any action from a dynastic rule unless the rule explicitly states otherwise.

Proposal: Confucius Say

Times out and passes 7-1 / Skju

Adminned at 27 Jul 2013 09:39:11 UTC

Create a new rule entitled “~~<3~~":

All Players are encouraged to accompany their votes on Proposals with relevant or particularly poignant quotes from their Image.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Proposal: My Favorite Kind of Victory, By Default!

Antiquorums 3-8 / Skju

Adminned at 26 Jul 2013 13:54:59 UTC

Add a new rule entitled “{[(o)]}”:

If all but one non-idle Player are Impossible, then the Player that is not Impossible achieves victory. That Player then has a 48 hour grace period to declare victory, during which they remain in a state of victory. Should a new Player join the game or another Player unidle during or after the grace period, then the original victorious Player is no longer victorious after the 48 hour period.

This probably should have been done as soon as it was possible to be Impossible. This way the game does not get deadlocked, and I honestly don’t think we even need another victory condition.

Proposal: 20 Questions

Quorums 10-0 / Skju

Adminned at 26 Jul 2013 13:36:50 UTC

Create “Question” wiki with one section per active player.

Enact a rule entitled: “????????????????????”:

At any time a player (A) may spend 2 Eyes to pose a yes or no question to any player (B) (including themselves) by posting a story post with the title: “Question: [Player name] [Question]”. This question must be about B’s style and cannot have already been asked to B. This question shall also be recorded in the appropriate section in the Question wiki.

Any player who has any unanswered questions posed to them may choose to answer them with a “yes” or a “no” (or any recognizable variants on this binary). If this player does so, they must record the answer both in the initial question post and in the Question wiki. They then gain 1 Eye. If they answered “yes” (or alike), the player who asked the question also gains 1 Eye.

If it can be proven that a player falesly answered one of their questions (e.g. they answered “no” to a question when the answer should have been “yes”) that player becomes impossible.

More ways to gain eyes and to reveal info about other players’ styles.

Proposal: Made in God’s own Image

Times out, can’t pass 4-2 / Skju

Adminned at 26 Jul 2013 13:19:42 UTC

If the proposal “Guess Who” fails, this proposal does nothing.

Amend the “!??” rule to say the following

A Player may be one or Higher Powers. All of the Higher Powers which a Player is are tracked in a GNDT called Higher Powers. Multiple Players may be the same Higher Power. If a Player reduces their own Eyes back to one (from a larger number) they become an Odin until they no longer have exactly one eye. Other players must spend one additional Eye to add to an Odin’s guesses. If a Player’s Image changes to one marked with a Star (for being a Featured Article) on the page of legal Images, they become a Loki. If they have not done so within the last 48 hours, A Loki may change another Player’s Image to any value that would be legal for that Player to change their Image to (under the rules of “<><"). After doing so, or after their Image changes to one no longer marked with a star, a the Player ceases to be a Loki.

Making Odin’s do something. Also bringing Loki in for some variety. Other Higher Powers can get added later as we get more mechanics/people have more ideas.


I’m going idle, taking Murphy and nqeron along. Quorum becomes 8.

Proposal: Guess Who

Times out + quorums 10-1 / Skju

Adminned at 26 Jul 2013 13:12:39 UTC

Create a subrule to “—o>-<", entitled "???":
Each Player has a set of Guesses, tracked in the GNDT. If a Player’s Guesses include their Style, that Player is Impossible. A Player may spend 1 Eye to add any valid Image to another Player’s Guesses. If a Player’s Guesses include their Style, that Player may, and is strongly encouraged to Expose themself by changing their Style to their actual, decrypted Style, accompanied by their nonce, in the GNDT. They then gain three Eyes.
Append to the first paragraph of the rule entitled “—o>-<":
Any Declaration of Victory should provide proof that the Player who posted it is not Impossible. If it does not, all Players are encouraged to oppose the DoV.

This will probably mean that each Player has only one shot at declaring victory, so they’d better get it right the first time. The bonus for Exposing oneself is to add extra incentive beyond the honour system.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Protosal: Leg Cramp

Somebody should ensure that this finally makes sense and propose it:

Enact a new rule entitled “o_O”:

There is a GNDT column entitled “Clothing,” defaulting to “Covered”. There is a wiki page entitled “Style Logs”, with one section (referred to as their Style Log) for each Player.

Any Player (referred to as the Leaker) may, as a daily action, Guess the Style of any Player (referred to as the Target) (whose Style has not been Guessed in the previous 24 hours) by submitting their Guess as a Story Post titled “Exposing: [Target’s name]”. A Guess is Valid unless Nullified or Confirmed. A Guess is Confirmed if it is undisputedly known to be its Target’s Style.

If there are one or more Valid Guesses of a Player’s Style, their Clothing must be “Half-Naked”. If there are one or more Confirmed Guesses of a Player’s Style, their Clothing must be “Exposed”. No Exposed Player may change their Style or Declare or Achieve Victory.

Any Half-Naked Player may Nullify a Valid Guess of their Style in a Declaration of Victory or in the comments of the Guess’ corresponding post by revealing their nonce and showing that, when properly hashed with the Guess, it does not yield a hash agreeing with their Style hash in the GNDT. When a Player Nullifies a Guess of their Style, they shall record their revealed nonce and current GNDT Style hash in their Style Log. They may also change their nonce (but not their Style) and update their GNDT Style hash, with the comment “Nonce changed after Nullification”.

If a Half-Naked Player Declares Victory, they must, in their DoV, Nullify all remaining Valid Guesses of their Style. If any Player Declares Victory, they must, in their DoV, reveal a complete record of their Styles that agrees with their Style Log. If they do not agree, the Player becomes Exposed and their DoV may be failed by any admin.

Proposal: Let’s Explicitly Cramp Styles

Self-killed, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2013 03:25:32 UTC

Undo any changes made by “Let’s Cramp Styles” if it passes.

Enact a new rule entitled “o_O”:

Create a new GNDT column entitled “Clothing,” defaulting to “Covered”

A Player may, as a daily action, create a votable Story Post entitled “Exposing X” where X is the name of another Player. That post should contain the proposed name of X’s Style. X’s Clothing shall then be changed to “Half-Naked”. Any Half-Naked Player may only declare or achieve victory on the condition that they prove that their Style is not the Style guessed, either in their Declaration of Victory or in a comment on the Story Post “Exposing X”, and also that their DoV fulfills some victory condition set out in dynastic rules other than o_O. Such a proof is not itself a Declaration of Victory, and may not be used on its own to achieve victory, that is, though proof is a condition of victory, it is not enough to achieve or declare victory. If legitimate proof is provided, X is no longer Half-Naked and becomes Covered. If the guessed Style is indeed X’s Style, then X may not under any circumstances change their Style and shall become Exposed. Any Exposed player is unable to declare or achieve victory.

Proof shall take the following form: The Player doing the proving shall state their nonce, and perform the hash with the proposed Style and their declared nonce to show that it does not match with their Style+Nonce hash. That Player shall also explicitly state their current Style+Nonce hash in the post for purposes of record. The player may then change their nonce and put the corresponding new hash into the GNDT, with the comment “Nonce changed following Proof.”

As part of a Declaration of Victory, but not constituting a DoV itself, a Player must present a complete record of their Styles and Nonces, such that every Style and Nonce combination hash matched the stated value on the GNDT at the time of that Style and Nonce was that Player’s active Style and Nonce. This can then be checked against the record of Exposing Posts. Should dishonesty be revealed in this way, the Player’s DoV shall automatically fail and their Clothing set to Exposed.

Fully enforced honesty in o_O as thought of by Kevan, and closing the DoV loophole pointed out by Clucky. The statement on top was made just in case, even though this situation should never occur.

Proposal: Let’s Cramp Styles

Self-killed, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2013 03:24:49 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “o_O”:

Create a new GNDT column entitled “Clothing,” defaulting to “Covered”

A Player may, as a daily action, create a votable Story Post entitled “Exposing X” where X is the name of another Player. That post should contain the proposed name of X’s Style. X’s Clothing shall then be changed to “Half-Naked” and X may only declare or achieve victory on the condition that they prove that their Style is not the Style guessed, either in their Declaration of Victory or in a comment on the Story Post “Exposing X”. If legitimate proof is provided, X is no longer Half-Naked and becomes Covered. If the guessed Style is indeed X’s Style, then X may not under any circumstances change their Style and shall be Exposed. Any Exposed player is unable to declare or achieve victory.

Proof shall take the following form: The Player doing the prooving shall state their nonce, and perform the hash with the proposed Style and their declared nonce to show that it does not match with their Style hash. The player may then change their nonce and put the corresponding new hash into the GNDT, with the comment “Nonce changed following Proof.”

We’ve all been operating on the assumption that having one’s Style guessed is bad. Let’s make it very bad.
I also realize this relies on some degree of honesty with the nonces. I cannot see it working any other way, so play nice everyone.

Proposal: Don’t Be Cramping My Style

Reached quorum 11 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2013 03:24:07 UTC

Add a new rule entitled “—o>-<":

A Player may have Hints about their Style, tracked in the GNDT as a set of numbers followed by a set of letters. If a Player’s Hints contain the first letter of their Style, or the number of their Style in its corresponding list, that Player is Impossible. Impossible Players cannot achieve or declare victory, even if they would otherwise fulfil the necessary requirements.

Whenever a Player who has a Style changes their Image, if they do not already have the first letter of their new Image as a Hint, they may add that letter to their Hints to gain one Eye.

Whenever a Player who has a Style changes their Image, if they do not already have the number of their new Image in its corresponding list as a Hint, they may add that number to their Hints to gain one Eye.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Proposal: One of the Allfathers

Timed out 8 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2013 03:23:12 UTC

Create a dynastic rule entitled “!??”:

A player who reduces their own Eyes from two to one becomes an Odin until they no longer have exactly one eye.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Proposal: Poetry

Times out and fails 5-7 / Skju

Adminned at 22 Jul 2013 16:31:38 UTC

Enact a new Rule entitled “\{'/}”:

No Dynastic Rule may have a name that is a word in English or any other natural language.

Enact a new Rule entitled “&~!”:

There is a GNDT column labeled “Irises” and a GNDT column labeled “Slips”, both of which default to 0.

A Play is a type of Votable Matter. Any Player with an Image may submit a Play, in accordance with a Form, the name of which shall prefice the Play’s Subject, if they do not have any other Plays pending at the time. A Play should be somehow relevant to its Player’s Image, and, if indicated by the Player and if they have one, their Style. Players should vote FOR a Play if they think that it is relevant to its Player’s Image and conforms with its Form.

Any pending Play may be enacted by any Admin if either of the following is true:
* It has a number of FOR Votes that exceed or equal Quorum and has been pending for at least 14 hours.
* It has been pending for at least 28 hours, it has more than 1 valid Vote cast on it, and more valid Votes cast on it are FOR than are AGAINST.
Any pending Play may be failed by any Admin if either of the following are true:
* The number of Players who are not voting AGAINST it is less than Quorum.
* It has been pending for at least 48 hours and cannot be Enacted.
* It has been pending for more than 6 days.

When a Play is enacted, its Player gains a number of Irises equal to the its Form’s Weight. If its Player indicated that it is also relevant to their Style and they have one, they additionally gain the same number of Slips.

Enact a new Subrule of “&~!” entitled “:%°”:

The following are valid poetic Forms with brief descriptions and their Weights in parentheses:

* Free Verse; unrestricted poem (1)
* Haiku; three lines with 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively (2)
* Quatrain; four lines, at least two ending in words that rhyme with one another (2)
* English Sonnet; fourteen lines with ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme (3)
* Terza Rima; fourteen lines with ABA BCB CDC DAD AA rhyme scheme (3)
* Villanelle; see [] (4)
* Sestina; 39 lines with end-word repetition scheme ABCDEF FAEBDC CFDABE ECBFAD DEACFB BDFECA EDA, the last three lines including F, B, and C, respectively (5)

If a Play with one of these Forms is also in a constant meter (i.e. each line having the same number of the same metrical foot) and its Player indicates such, the Weight is increased by one for the Play in question.

In the Rule “<><", change "If a Player has an Image and has not has not changed their Image within the last 48 hours" to "If a Player has an Image, has not changed their Image within the last 48 hours, and does not have a pending Play".

Enact a new Rule entitled "…":

Each Player with a Style may change it once. Repeal this Rule 72 hours after “Poetry” passed.

Contains enough flexibility to not discriminate based on ability.
Reward Irises and Slips; require Stylistic explanation upon use. Implement visual, auditory, other arts.
Currently independent of Eyes because of Eyeless. May consolidate.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Proposal: Phonics are Fun

Self-Killed / Skju

Adminned at 21 Jul 2013 08:54:04 UTC

Amend the rule “(o)” to read:

There is a GNDT column labeled “Eyes” which defaults to 1. All split-complex numbers are valid values of Eyes and should be simplified or else written in the form a+bj, where j != ±1, and j² = +1. If a Player doesn’t have an Image, their Real Eyes (a) must be set to 0. If a Player doesn’t have a Style, their Imaginary Eyes (b) must be set to 0.

A Player with 0 Eyes may be called a “Debtor”. A Player with a positive integer number of Real Eyes may be called a “Phone” and described as “Phonic”.

If the proposal “Eyeless in Gaza” passed, append to the rule “(o)”:

Each Image and each Style contains a number of Sockets, equal to the number of the top level section that item is listed in on the Wikipedia link (eg. “Everyday life” items have 7 Sockets, while “Science” items have 10).

As a weekly Action, a Phone may set their Real Eyes to any integer value between 1 and 24 (inclusive). If a Player’s Real Eyes value is greater than the total number of Sockets in their Image and Style, and also greater than 1, then that Player is Impossible. If it can be proven that a Player was Impossible at some time during the current Dynasty, then that Player cannot declare Victory.

Title says it all.

Proposal: Eyeless in Gaza

Times out and cannot be enacted 6-7 / Skju

Adminned at 21 Jul 2013 08:53:03 UTC

To the rule “(o)”, add:-

Each Image and each Style contains a number of Sockets, equal to the number of the top level section that item is listed in on the Wikipedia link (eg. “Everyday life” items have 7 Sockets, while “Science” items have 10).

As a weekly Action, a Player may set their Eyes to any value between zero and 24. If a Player’s Eyes value is greater than the total number of Sockets in their Image and Style, and also greater than 1, then that Player is Impossible. If it can be proven that a Player was Impossible at some time during the current Dynasty, then that Player cannot declare Victory.

A bit dramatic at the end, but just wanting to establish the strongest possible penalty for lying about Sockets, from the start, to deter temptation - we can tone it down later.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Hullo, what’s this?

I unidle.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I would like to unidle. Could someone unidle me, please. Thanks.

Proposal: Fresher is Better

Times out and passes 8-2-1 / Skju

Adminned at 19 Jul 2013 21:06:25 UTC

If the proposal “Fresh Start” fails, this proposal does nothing. Add a new dynastic rule called “<><" and give it the following text
If a Player has an Image and has not has not changed their Image within the last 48 hours, they may change their Image to another valid Image provided provided the following all hold: The new Image contains a different number of characters as their old Image. The new Image starts with the same letter that the old Image started with or ends with the same letter their old Image ended with, but not both. The new Image is in a different numbered list as their old Image.

Wandering Eye

I unidle.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Colors &c

As you should be able to see, I’ve gone ahead and changed the color scheme and banner to something simple and very different. I wanted to do this 1) to signal to idle players/visitors that a new dynasty has begun, and 2) to psychologically separate ourselves from the previous theme. But (especially because I am not the emperor) the current configuration needn’t be permanent for the remainder of the dynasty. Once we have a sense of where we’re going, we probably should change it to something more appropriate.

The painting in the banner is part of Whistler’s “Crepuscule in Opal Trouville”.


I hereby wish to unidle.

Proposal: Fresh Start

Timed out 7 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 18 Jul 2013 07:52:26 UTC

In the Ruleset, change all occurrences of “Atom” to “Player” and “Schema” to “Emperor”.

Enact a new rule entitled “)_(”:

Each Player should choose one item from a numbered list on this page to be their Image, tracked in the GNDT column “Image”. No Player may claim an already-claimed Image.

Each Player should choose another such item to keep secret and be their Style, tracked in the GNDT column “Style” as the first 8 characters of the SHA-1 hash of [their Style concatenated with an 8-character nonce]. Every player should keep their nonce somewhere safe in case they need to verify their Style.

Enact a new Rule entitled “(o)”:

There is a GNDT column labeled “Eyes” that defaults to 1.

Something completely different. Secrets without a central Emperoring authority? You bet! To be honest, I just thought of this while trying to fall asleep, and my only other idea for the dynasty involves winning eyes for writing surrealist poetry. I’m just pulling our creativity away from chemical things. I hope no (dynastic) rule names are words…

Actually, I’m wishing that we have a sort of dynamic, discrete, hidden-information Dvorak-type action system in place of GNDT point flow.

Proposal: Revolutionary Logic

Reaches quorum and passes at 12-0. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 17 Jul 2013 23:37:46 UTC

Upon the enactment of this proposal, Skju is no longer the Schema or Emperor.

All Dynasties without Emperors are Metadynasties, but from that does not follow that a Metadynasty must always be a Dynasty with no Emperor. Therefore, the Metadynasty proposal failed to formally relieve Skju of their post.

Unidling myself

See title.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Proposal: In the beginning, there was Chaos.

Self-killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 17 Jul 2013 23:36:06 UTC

Throughout the rules, change “Atom” to “Shaper” and “Schema” to “Emperor.” Add a Chaos Points tracker to the GNDT, defaulting to 100 for every player. Add also add Fire Points, Water Points, Earth Points, and Air Points trackers, defaulting to 0.

Add a new rule titled Chaos and Elements under Dynastic Rules:

As a daily action, a Shaper may award themselves 10 Chaos Points.
As a daily action, a Shaper may convert any number of Chaos Points in their own pool of points to either Fire, Water, Earth, or Air Points.
As a daily action, a Shaper may convert any number of points from ONE of their elemental pools (Fire, Water, Earth, or Air) into half that number of Chaos Points, rounded down.

In the beginning, there was Chaos.
Then, there were the Shapers. The Shapers worked to form order from the chaos, and they created the Four Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Then the Shapers paused, wondering what to do with their new creation.

Adam Ant

I unidle, or I wish to unidle, or whatever it is.


I unidle.  Shouldn’t the ‘Truths’ page no longer be listed as a current document?

Proposal: Classical Chemistry

Times out and fails at 2-7. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 17 Jul 2013 23:35:33 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Elements” and give it the following text

There are four Essential Elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Each Atom has an Alignment, tracked in the GNDT in a column called Alignment which is one of the four Essential Elements. As a weekly action, an Atom may change their Alignment. If an Atom does not have an Alignment, a DICE4 shall be rolled and their Alignment become the result of the die role indexed into the Essential Elements as listed in this rule.

There is also a GNDT column for each of the Essential Elements, which tracks the amount of Essence of that particular Element an Atom has. Essence is an integer value which is by default 0.

Forgot to make us not be atoms anymore. We can clearly change us all back to Players, but where would the fun in that be?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Proposal: yawn

Reaches quorum 7-0, enacted by Clucky. Sorry Skju =(

Adminned at 15 Jul 2013 16:35:54 UTC

Repel all dynastic rules. Start a new Metadynasty.

Its been 6 days since anyone did anything in this dynasty. If we waited another day everyone but Quirk would idle out.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Proposal: Inovation breeds inovation

Passes 4-0. — Quirck

Adminned at 10 Jul 2013 10:21:04 UTC

Append to the rule Challenges:

As long as some Atom has successfully and correctly proven the theorem when the Challenge Post enters the Closed Phase, add the theorem to Truths

True theorems should always become ‘Truths’ when proven.

Story Post: Challenge Post (2) - Cliques


In a group of 5 Atoms in a single Domain, where no Atom shares the same exact Essential Letters as another Atom, then there must be at least one bonded set of Atoms.

(Or formally: FE ( {A},{B},{C},{D},{E}, P(A,“essential letters”) <> P(B) ... ) -> {A}::{B} or {A}::{C} or {A}::{D} ... = 1 )

Pretty simple theorem and easy to prove, but up for grabs.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Proposal: Functions

Quorums 8-0. — Quirck

Adminned at 09 Jul 2013 00:50:02 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “Functions”:

If two Atoms’ Essences have exactly one Essential Letter in common, then there exists a Function between the dissimilar Essential Letters of those Atoms’ Essences. (The Function may be considered a bijection because it is symmetric.) Such a Function is said to go through the Domains of the corresponding Atoms. If two different (though not necessarily disjoint) pairs of Atoms both have Functions between the same Essential Letters, those pairs and their Functions are said to be homomorphic. If both Functions additionally go through the same Domains, they are said to be isomorphic.

A category-theoretical idea. Applications left as an exercise. (Did someone already make that joke?)

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

No Triangles Allowed

Times out and quorums 6-0 / Skju

Adminned at 06 Jul 2013 07:09:33 UTC


Consider Atoms A, B, C where:
{A}:::{B} = 1,
{B}:::{C} = 1,
{A} does not equal {C},
and A, B, and C are all in the same Domain.

If {A}:::{B}, then A and B must each have two essential letters, and may not share any between themselves.

Thus, there are only 3! = 6 possible atoms that A can bond with, and B is one of them. The situation is the same for B and C, respectively.

Consider then A and C. A has occupied two of the Essential Letters, and B has occupied an additional two discreet from A’s. There is only one Letter left in the set of five; thus, C must take an Essential Letter already in use by A (not B because it has been previously stated that {B}:::{C}), and therefore {A}:::{C} = 0.

A more explicit form of the conclusion: {A}:::{B}&&{B}:::{C}&&{C}:::{A} = 0

Should anyone want to formally undertake the task, it can also be shown that the set of 20 Atoms with unique essence combinations bond into a structure resembling a dodecahedron. This realization of the triviality of the bonding structure is what inspired me to submit the Domains proposal in the first place.

Proposal: The Void

Times out and fails 1-3 with 2 unresolved DEFs / Skju

Adminned at 06 Jul 2013 07:07:39 UTC

Enact a new rule, titled “The Void”:

There shall be a new wiki page called the Void. Upon enactment of this Proposal, the Void shall contain no Nucleons. The Void can be treated as a collection of Nucleons not part of any Domain, and the Void is not an Atom. The Void contains a nonnegative integer number of free Nucleons, defaulting to zero. As a Daily Action, an Atom may add one Nucleon of a chosen Essential Letter to the Void. As a Daily Action, an Atom may synthesize another Atom using two Nucleons from the Void. This Atom shall have the special designation Artificial, to be added to the wiki page Artificial Atoms. When an Atom is synthesized from Nucleons in the Void, said Nucleons shall be removed from the void. A newly synthesized Artificial Atom shall have essence values equal to its first two Nucleons. A newly synthesized Artificial Atom shall be given a name. A newly synthesized Artificial Atom shall be assigned a Domain by its creator, or shall be in domain “Origin” if unspecified. The Artificial Atoms page must be updated every time a action is taken on an Artificial Atom to accurately reflect the state of that Atom. An Artificial Atom may only be acted upon, may not take any actions itself, and may not achieve victory, as it is incapable of posting a DoV.

Optionally, we could track the data using the GNDT rather than the Wiki. If you prefer this route, vote Against with an accompanying message indicating this is your wish.

Because seriously, how can we expect to build a universe using only nine Atoms?

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Proposal: Domains

Quorums 5-0. — Quirck

Adminned at 03 Jul 2013 08:20:20 UTC

Enact a new rule, titled “Domains”

There shall be a new property of Atoms called their Domain. Two Atoms with the same Domain property are to be called “in the same Domain.” The GNDT column “Domain” specifies an Atom’s Domain. A valid Domain is any string of characters; it is encouraged to use easily distinguishable names. A new Domain is created by an Atom moving or being moved into it. A Domain is destroyed if it no longer has any Atoms in it, unless it is “Origin”. The Domain “Origin” cannot be destroyed. Atoms in the same Domain can be Bonded; Atoms not in the same Domain cannot. All Atoms are by default in the Domain “Origin.” As a Daily Action an Atom may change its own Domain. An Atom may spend one Challenge Point at any time to change the Domain of another Atom.

Amend Rule 2.2 (Peterson): Change sentence

Two Atoms are Bonded if they both have Essences, and their Essences have no letter in common.


Two Atoms are Bonded if they both have Essences, their Essences have no letter in common, and they are in the same Domain.

To simulate physical closeness, and reduce the triviality of bonding. Additionally, couples the elementary logic and physics parts of the rules.

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