Sunday, March 09, 2025

Proposal: Life Targets

Create a new dynastic rule, “Resources”:

Each Seeker has a Wealth, a publicly tracked non-negative integer.
Each Seeker has a Fame, a publicly tracked non-negative integer.
Each Seeker has an Influence, a publicly tracked non-negative integer.
Each Seeker has a Savvy, a publicly tracked non-negative integer.

Wealth, Fame, Influence, and Savvy are known collectively as Resources, and each of them is a Resource. There are no other Resources.

For each Resource, the default value of that Resource for new Seekers is the median value of that Resource among the other Seekers.

Create a new dynastic rule, “Targets”:

The Tension is a publicly tracked positive integer, defaulting to 2. As a daily Communal Action, any Seeker or the Custodian can increase the Tension by 2.

For each Resource, there is a Target for that Resource, a publicly tracked positive integer defaulting to 500. (Targets are common to all Seekers, rather than specific to individual Seekers, but separate for each Resource.)

A Seeker can choose any Resource, and subtract any number between 1 and the Tension from the Target for that Resource, as long as both of the following conditions are true:
* That Seeker has not changed any Targets in the previous 72 hours;
* The change in Targets does not cause two or more Seekers to achieve victory simultaneously.

A particular Seeker achieves victory if all four of the following are simultaneously true for that Seeker:
* That Seeker has as least as much Wealth as the Target for Wealth;
* that Seeker has as least as much Fame as the Target for Fame;
* that Seeker has as least as much Influence as the Target for Influence; and
* that Seeker has as least as much Savvy as the Target for Savvy.

Set each Seeker’s value for each Resource to 0.

The main mechanic – the victory condition is to get a target amount of each resource, but you can manipulate the targets over time to emphasise certain resources as more important than others.


JonathanDark: he/him

09-03-2025 16:36:27 UTC



09-03-2025 16:52:19 UTC



09-03-2025 17:06:52 UTC



09-03-2025 18:02:46 UTC


Josh: he/they

09-03-2025 19:13:56 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

09-03-2025 20:06:50 UTC


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