Proposal: Life Targets
Create a new dynastic rule, “Resources”:
Each Seeker has a Wealth, a publicly tracked non-negative integer.
Each Seeker has a Fame, a publicly tracked non-negative integer.
Each Seeker has an Influence, a publicly tracked non-negative integer.
Each Seeker has a Savvy, a publicly tracked non-negative integer.Wealth, Fame, Influence, and Savvy are known collectively as Resources, and each of them is a Resource. There are no other Resources.
For each Resource, the default value of that Resource for new Seekers is the median value of that Resource among the other Seekers.
Create a new dynastic rule, “Targets”:
The Tension is a publicly tracked positive integer, defaulting to 2. As a daily Communal Action, any Seeker or the Custodian can increase the Tension by 2.
For each Resource, there is a Target for that Resource, a publicly tracked positive integer defaulting to 500. (Targets are common to all Seekers, rather than specific to individual Seekers, but separate for each Resource.)
A Seeker can choose any Resource, and subtract any number between 1 and the Tension from the Target for that Resource, as long as both of the following conditions are true:
* That Seeker has not changed any Targets in the previous 72 hours;
* The change in Targets does not cause two or more Seekers to achieve victory simultaneously.A particular Seeker achieves victory if all four of the following are simultaneously true for that Seeker:
* That Seeker has as least as much Wealth as the Target for Wealth;
* that Seeker has as least as much Fame as the Target for Fame;
* that Seeker has as least as much Influence as the Target for Influence; and
* that Seeker has as least as much Savvy as the Target for Savvy.
Set each Seeker’s value for each Resource to 0.
The main mechanic – the victory condition is to get a target amount of each resource, but you can manipulate the targets over time to emphasise certain resources as more important than others.
JonathanDark: he/him