Sunday, March 11, 2018

Story Post: Royal Concern #1

Why, my messenger hasn’t returned from the Hearts board! Diabecko, do you know what happened to him?



11-03-2018 14:27:48 UTC

Oh, surely he must be around here… I asked ElMarko to entertain him while I finished my game of croquet.


11-03-2018 14:37:52 UTC

Please excuse me card, my previous answer was incomplete. I’ve been a bit tired today (I think I ate too much cake this morning again). I should have specified that I asked ElMarko to entertain him, while I finished my game of croquet.


12-03-2018 10:00:12 UTC

Entertain him I did, my king. He seemed very interested in our beautiful fish pond, so I left him in the capable hands of our Master of fishes, nqeron.


12-03-2018 20:31:06 UTC

Indeed he wanted to fish, but it so happened that he forgot his fishing umbrella. So I sent him to Cuddlebeam.


12-03-2018 20:35:22 UTC

My mistake - it was not his umbrella, but rather a particular table that had gone missing - so I sent him to Cuddlebeam, the resident carpenter.


13-03-2018 09:37:17 UTC

(It’s still Nqueron’s turn. “Before taking any Dynastic Action and if they’re still Unknown, Pawns can and must choose to become either Native (and thus also gain -10 Sanity) or Not Native (and thus also gain 10 Sanity).”)


13-03-2018 15:37:20 UTC

do I have to re-post my response, or can it just count?


13-03-2018 15:39:43 UTC

If you don’t repost someone could legitimately CfJ the punishment if it lands on them.


13-03-2018 15:43:26 UTC

It’s actually convenient for him to be deliberately punished, because it would raise his Sanity (if things stay as they are right now).


13-03-2018 15:44:00 UTC

nvm he’s Native, I thought he was Not-Native


13-03-2018 17:06:03 UTC

Ah fair people - it seems that the messenger has fallen from a tree and went to Cuddlebeam for some advice on how to get revenge.


13-03-2018 17:26:35 UTC

Indeed. As his lawyer I advised him to sue the tree. A lawyer from Williams Consulting of course: we win the case or you get your money back! Anyways, luckily Axemeister Axemabaro was right there in the woods with us before the tree made me fall too and everything became hazy.

Don’t forget: Williams Consulting! Call us to solve all of your legal problems: Now!


13-03-2018 18:10:32 UTC

“that Pawn must use a noun from the Terrain of their current location” -> (if I’m mistaken Cuddlebeam you can send me a pm)


13-03-2018 18:37:52 UTC

I used the (proper) noun “William” from 173 (my place on Hearts) from here:’s_Adventures_In_Wonderland


13-03-2018 18:55:44 UTC

(Just in case “Williams” doesn’t count)

Indeed. As his lawyer I advised him to sue the tree. A lawyer from William Consulting of course: we win the case or you get your money back! Anyways, luckily Axemeister Axemabaro was right there in the woods with us before the tree made me fall too and everything became hazy.

Don’t forget: William Consulting! Call us to solve all of your legal problems: Now!


13-03-2018 18:57:46 UTC

(you meant 174) mea culpa, I just realised the rule uses the Terrain of your current location, not your home location, which means MY excuse wasn’t valid…


13-03-2018 19:01:13 UTC

Which means card must subit me to Punishment since I’ve gone over the 34 hour limit :D


13-03-2018 19:22:10 UTC

against Stating that his explanation doesn’t convince me due to the message above


13-03-2018 20:15:09 UTC

I hereby sentence Diabecko to personally collect taxes from his subjects. (since the average of everyone’s sanity sans Dibecko is 0, nothing much results from this action other than ending this concern)