Friday, January 25, 2008

Proposal: The Great Train Robbery

Reached Quorum 6-0 - Enacted by Chivalrybean

Adminned at 26 Jan 2008 21:18:39 UTC

Add a new Dynastic rule, entitled “Train Robbery”, as follows:

The Dealer may, from time to time, make a post to the main blog (such post is referred to as a Train Post) that a Train is scheduled to stop in town at a particular date and time (such date and time is referred to as the Scheduled Arrival Time), and that the Train carries X Guards and Y Safes (where each of X and Y is a positive integer).  The names of the Guards will also be included in the Train Post for ease of reference when resolving the Shootout).

After the Dealer posts a Train Post, any non-Wounded, non-Yellow Player may make a post to the main blog stating that he is forming a Gang to attempt to rob the Train (such post is referred to as a Gang Post).  The Player who posts a Gang Post is deemed to become the Gang Leader and to join the Gang formed by virtue of that Gang Post.  A Player who is non-Wounded and non-Yellow may join a Gang by posting a comment to that effect to its Gang Post, however comments by any Player who is Wounded or Yellow at the time that the Train Robbery attempt commences will be disregarded and such Players are not deemed to be part of that Gang.  If, with respect to a particular Train, more than one Player posts Gang Posts, then only the first one to result in a Train Robbery attempt commencing will be given effect.

A Train Robbery attempt commences when a Gang Post results in a formation of a Gang including a number of non-Wounded, non-Yellow Players exactly equal to the number of Guards carried by that Train—once the Gang has this number of Players as members, no additional Players may be admitted as members to it.  Once a Train Robbery attempt commences, all other Gangs are disbanded and no further Gangs can be created until the next Train Post.

A Train Robbery attempt is resolved as follows: Each Player in the Gang that attempts the Train Robbery engages in a Shootout with one of the Guards (for example, if there are three Players in the Gang, then Player 1 engages in a Shootout with Guard 1, Player 2 with Guard 2, and Player 3 with Guard 3).  In any Shootout that is part of a Train Robbery, no participant can run away.  If a Player or Guard becomes Wounded, he ceases to participate in the Train Robbery.  If after a set of Shootouts in a Train Robbery attempt is resolved all Gang members are Wounded (even if all Guards are also wounded), then the Train Robbery attempt fails and the train returns to Chicago and does not stop in town.  If after a set of Shootouts in a Train Robbery attempt is resolved at least one Gang member is not Wounded but all Guards are wounded, then the Train Robbery attempt succeeds and (1) the amount of Money in the Train is determined by rolling a number of DICE50 in the GNDT equal to the number of Safes on the train, and (2) such amount of Money in the Train is divided equally (with fractions rounded down) among all unwounded Gang members who participated in the Train Robbery attempt.  If after a set of Shootouts in a Train Robbery attempt is resolved not all Gang members are wounded and not all Guards are wounded, then the unwounded Gang members must engage in subsequent Shootouts with unwounded Guards (with the Gang Leader deciding which Players and which Guards participate in each such shootout) until the Train Robbery attempt either succeeds or fails.  The Gang Leader shall resolve all Shootouts in a Train Robbery in accordance with the foregoing.

If no Train Robbery attempt is made on a particular Train then it arrives in town at the Scheduled Arrival Time and the amount of Money in the Train is divided equally among all Players (with fractions rounded down).



Darknight: he/himIdle

26-01-2008 04:02:11 UTC

for i can see broke players trying to rob it to get more money

Jack: Idle

26-01-2008 14:33:43 UTC


Rodlen: Idle

26-01-2008 16:03:00 UTC


aaronwinborn: Idle

27-01-2008 03:59:42 UTC

for but robbers should stand from the table.

Chivalrybean: Idle

27-01-2008 05:06:03 UTC


Agreed with standing, but that can be fixed.