Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Proposal: Myths and Legends

Reached quorum, 10 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 23 Nov 2007 03:18:28 UTC

[ Reproposing The Real Valhalla with allowance for figures and creatures from Norse mythology and folklore. ]

In Rule 2.1.1, replace “where X is the name of a historical or fictional character” with:-

where X is the name of a character from history or from Norse mythology

In Rule 2.1, replace “Each Einherjar’s section will include a link to a web-based biography or web page that describes the Einherjar (for example, an article on the relevant historical or fictional character on” with:-

Each Einherjar’s section will include a link to a web-based biography or web page that describes the Einherjar (for example, a Wikipedia article).

Remove all instances of “historical or fictional” from Rules 2.1 and 2.1.1.

Rename “Rincewind” to “Harold Lloyd” and “Jack Sparrow” to “Edward Teach”.


Josh: he/they

21-11-2007 12:43:53 UTC

Still for, although personally I preferred the harder line.

Amnistar: he/himIdle

21-11-2007 13:48:34 UTC

for I missed the last one getting failed :(

Yoda: Idle

21-11-2007 13:52:52 UTC

against As long as the web page they find, be allowed the Einherjar should.

Rodney: Idle

21-11-2007 14:21:40 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

21-11-2007 14:22:44 UTC

The last one was evenly split, with some of the votes being from people concerned that Norse mythology was being ruled out - I self-killed it to free the queue up, and reproposed.

Shadowclaw: Idle

21-11-2007 14:25:39 UTC


spikebrennan: Idle

21-11-2007 14:26:36 UTC


aaronwinborn: Idle

21-11-2007 14:42:43 UTC


Chivalrybean: Idle

21-11-2007 15:32:37 UTC


Fun Fact: Edward Teach put lit fuse in his hat to make it look like his head was smoking.

Darknight: he/him

21-11-2007 22:05:12 UTC

for Blackbeard was a tough bas***. he got shot/stabbed some 20+ times before he finally went down fighting.

Bahro: Idle

23-11-2007 00:24:42 UTC
