Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Proposal: The Last is the L-Only One

In the rule “The End” add the following text:

There is a publicly tracked Fragment called The Last Fragment which defaults to empty.

and in the same rule, replace “While there is an Open Judging, any Storyteller may call for a Ending Drawing” with the following:

While there is an Open Judging and The Last Fragment is empty, as a Story Action any Storyteller may call for a Ending Drawing

and in the same rule create a subrule named “Wrap Up” with the following text:

A Wrap Up is a blog post with the category Story Post - Votable Matter where the title begins with the phrase “Wrap Up” and the body only contains instructions for one of the following:
* Add the contents of The Last Fragment to the end of The Story.
* Add the text “The End.” to the end of The Story.

A Wrap Up has the following additional rules:
* A Storyteller may only post a Wrap Up as a Story Action, and only while there is not an Open Judging.
* Only one Wrap Up may be Pending at any time. Any Wrap Up that is posted while another is Pending should be closed as Illegal.
* The Publisher may not vote on a Wrap Up.
* The Publisher does not count when determining quorum for a Wrap Up.

A Wrap Up is resolved in the same manner as described in Resolution of Proposals, by interpreting the term “Proposal” to mean “Wrap Up” for the purposes of resolving a Wrap Up.

Storytellers can either wait for The Last Fragment to contain an Ending Fragment or just end The Story earlier as it stands, but whichever option is chosen, a quorum of Storytellers must agree in order to end The Story.

Proposal: [Core] Writing is not idle work

In rule 1.2.1 “Idle Storytellers,” replace “An Admin may render a Storyteller Idle if that Storyteller has asked to become Idle in an entry or comment from the past 96 hours (4 Days), or if that Storyteller has not posted an entry or comment in the past 168 Hours (7 days).” with:

An Admin may render a Storyteller Idle if that Storyteller has asked to become Idle in an entry or comment from the past 96 hours (4 Days). An Admin my also render a Storyteller Idle if that Storyteller has not posted an entry or comment or made a legal change to the gamestate tracking page for the current dynasty in the past 168 Hours (7 days).

A slight change to make sure an otherwise active player doesn’t get idled due to infrequent blog posting

Monday, July 01, 2024

Proposal: The Story Arc

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 Jul 2024 00:43:43 UTC

In the rule “The End”, after the paragraph “If the last two words in the story are “The End” the Story is Complete.” add the following paragraph:

While there is an Open Judging, any Storyteller may call for a Ending Drawing by making a Story blog post where the title contains the phrase “Ending Drawing”. When this post has been made, the next Drawing is considered the Ending Drawing. Fragments received by the Publisher for an Ending Drawing are considered Ending Fragments and must end with the sentence “The End.”

In the rule “Judging”, replace the step “* Add the Fragment in that Judging with the highest Total Score, randomly selecting a Fragment among any that are tied for highest Total Score, to the end of The Story, and format The Story with any paragraph breaks between sentences that the Publisher deems appropriate.” with the following steps:

* Add the Fragment in that Judging with the highest Total Score, randomly selecting a Fragment among any that are tied for highest Total Score, to the end of The Story, unless it is an Ending Fragment, in which case publicly track it as “The Last Fragment” and do not add it to the end of The Story.
* Format any part of The Story with any paragraph breaks between sentences that the Publisher deems appropriate.


Providing a way to turn a Drawing into writing the last Fragment, then holding onto that Fragment so that everyone can see where The Story is supposed to go at the end. If you like this idea, we will need something else to decide when to add it to The Story and end it.

Story Post: Judging: 01 July 2024

She turned to investigate and momentarily forgot about her worries as she saw the pale blue glow of the jewel.

  1. June stood before the blazing inferno that was the shop. Her home. She was fortunate, really. Had she arrived a few minutes later, likely her family wouldn’t have survived. Not everyone was as lucky. Eddie’s father was killed, sword rammed through his chest, when he protested the destruction. She spun, stalking toward the well, where her father sat nursing his burns. “We can’t let them get away with this!” “I know, child,” her father sighed, “and I agree. Your passion is admirable, but look around you. This town is in no state to send a party in chase. Especially not enough to overpower a blood-thirsty pirate band.” June pointed, “They didn’t fire their cannons. No bombardment, and the brigands ransacked every building they saw. They were looking for something, and were willing to kill to get it. I need to stop them. Even if it means doing it by myself.”
  2. Watching the unfolding horrors, June didn’t see the petite blond sidle up beside her. While looking forward, she said close to June’s ear, “Cap’n’s gonna be happy ‘bout dem swamp beets. Ya never see ‘em in the sea towns.” June, turning her head quickly, and trying to get her now exploding heart back in her chest, gasped. “Ladies by themselves get mistaken as goods.” And the blond shoved a small dagger into June’s free hand. “Pirates shoot cannons at enemies. Damsels are for passion and fun; and not their own.” The blond took off and motioned to June to follow.
  3. Suddenly, a loud BANG was heard a cannon ball whizzed past their heads, crashing into the cliff wall above them. Natasha turned to see another large ship turning into the bay. “Blasted Navy” Natasha muttered. “Get back to the ship, we’ve got what we came for.” A fiery passion burned in her eyes as she grabbed the jewel and aboard climbed The Black Hawk. “Take us out, Faulk” she ordered. “But Ma’am, many crew are not back on board” the helmsman replied. “I said. TAKE US OUT” she roared. “Don’t try to fight them. Its time to run.”
  4. “At last, the power to command the seas,” Natasha said. “Assuming the legends are true, that is.” As Natasha took the crate with the jewel from her first mate, Steven, she suddenly realized what had felt so wrong. All of the sounds that she would have expected—birds, waves, even the wind—were absent, and the air felt unusually still. At this realization, Natasha froze. “All hands on deck; I want our cannons ready,” she ordered. “Are you expecting trouble?” Steven asked. “Anything could happen,” Natasha said. “And something feels wrong.” All of a sudden, something exploded from the ocean with a furious passion. “Ambush!”
  5. As the pirate handed her the gem, Natasha allowed herself a small smile. “Beautiful,” she sighed as she leaned against a nearby cannon. “Captain, what’s so special about this gem?” Glaring, Natasha turned and held out the gem. “Its called the heart of the deep and its said to hold a power anyone with a passion for power would kill for.” Keeping her own fears hidden, she continued. “Legend says this gem allows one to control the master of the deep and rule the seas.” Muttering to one another, the other pirates began to ponder what they had just learned. Turning back to her quarters on the ship, Natasha shivered. “Unless the part about there being a girl who can use the gem to destroy the master is true.”