Balancing Sides
nqeron idles out, after 11 days of inactivity.
nqeron idles out, after 11 days of inactivity.
I am claiming the title of Duke of York! Enjoy all of my wealth.
Hello, Rationality here. I’d like to declare intent to join.
Time has advanced.
Fails at 1-5. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 30 Apr 2013 07:25:44 UTC
From the rule entitled “Dignity”, remove the text “In addition, each Family has Dignity, tracked in their GNDT rows” and remove the GNDT rows for York and Lancaster.
Repeal the rule entitled “Favors”
We don’t appear to be making use of either of these mechanics…
Family ties be darned. By voting against my proposal, RaichuKFM Duke of Sussex, Duke of Exeter has brought great shame upon my house. I am actively feuding with him!
Hello, I’m QuinnR and am announcing an intent to join in the game. (At least, I think this is how one does that? Feel free to yell at me if not.)
Time Advances.
Times Out and Fails 1-1-1. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 28 Apr 2013 09:24:23 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Crops” and give it the following text
Each Noble has an integer amount of Crops, tracked in the GNDT in a column called “Crops”. At any time, a Noble may Purchase Crops by spending 1 wealth. If he does so, he gains 1 + O Crops, where O is the number of Occupied Parcels he has.
The next time time is advanced (as the very last action performed), remove this paragraph from the ruleset and add “Each Noble loses 1 Crops for each Knight they have. If they have more Knights than Crops they instead have their Knights set to their Crops and then their Crops set to 0” to the end of the list in the rule “Taxes”
Gotta feed your knights. Intentionally making it very easy. (give everyone a turn to stock up on food, its pretty easy to get food…). But currently everyone is like “BUY ALL THE KNIGHTS” so there should be some sort of punishment for doing that.
I’m Advancing the Time.
As Agora’s Ambassador-at-Large, I am happy to announce that BlogNomic has been recognized as a Neutral Foreign Nomic. I hope past disagreements will not stand in the way of cordial future relations. =)
As an aside, this civil war has been entirely too… civil so far.
Times Out and Fails 1-4. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 25 Apr 2013 08:13:20 UTC
Unless I’m mistaken, Purplebeard improperly acquired a Dukedom. Skju should have received 4 wealth (not 2) as Skju had two titles that were below Duke of Lancaster, each title getting 2 wealth. As Purplebeard does not have the requisite amount of wealth to properly attain Dukedom (having 19 and needing 20), this move was illegal.
(This would also cause, Skju to lose a Knight, as Skju would not have had enough wealth to purchase said Knight)
Times out and passes 5-0 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 24 Apr 2013 07:40:10 UTC
Add a subrule to “Feuds” entitled “Acts of War”:
A Noble may spend 1 Knight to reduce an Enemy’s Knights by 1.
A Noble may spend 1 Knight to increase an Ally’s Knights by 1.
A Noble may spend 1 Knight to transfer a Parcel (Occupied or Unoccupied) from an Enemy to themself, if that Enemy has no Knights.
Let’s see if I can do this correctly.
Self-Killed. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 22 Apr 2013 09:08:43 UTC
Append to the Rule “Taxes” the following:
* For every Noble with a positive Settler score, convert an amount of Unoccupied Parcels equal to either their Settler score or the amount of Unnocupied Parcels they possess, whichever is lesser, to Occupied Parcels.
Remove the following phrase from the Rule “Settling”:
Whenever Time is Advanced, the Noble who Advances it (the Advancer) must do the following for each Noble with a positive Settler score (the Landowners):
If the Landowner’s S is less than or equal to their U, the Advancer converts S of the Landowner’s Unoccupied Parcels into Occupied Parcels.
If the Landowner’s S is greater than their U, the Advancer converts U of the Landowner’s Unoccupied Parcels into Occupied Parcels.
Unambiguous, but not awarding immediately gained Settlers. I hope I didn’t screw up.
Times Out and Fails 1-3-1. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 22 Apr 2013 09:08:01 UTC
Add the a subrule called “Taking Over” to “Obtainment” and give it the following text
A Nobles Attack Score is equal to their total Knights, minus the number of Titles which they hold.
If an Earldom is not Abeyant, any Noble who does not hold that Earldom but does hold a Barony below that Earldom may spend 10 wealth to cause the Earldom to become Abeyant. They may only do so if the following conditions hold: 1) They have a positive Attack Score which is greater than that of the Noble who holds the Earldom and 2) Time has advanced at least once since the Noble obtained that Earldom. If both Nobles have the same Family, this action is Improper.
If a Dukedom is not Abeyant, any Noble who does not hold that Dukedom but does hold a Earldom below that Dukedom may spend 20 wealth to cause the Dukedom to become Abeyant. They may only do so if the following conditions hold: 1) They have a positive Attack Score which is at least twice as large than that of the Noble who holds the Dukedom and 2) Time has advanced at least once since the Noble obtained that Dukedom. If both Nobles have the same Family, this action is Improper.
There really needs to be a way to subplant Nobles. Otherwise its just a race to the top. But it needs to be expensive. Maybe paying wealth isn’t the right idea, but not sure what else would work.
Times out and passes 2-1 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 21 Apr 2013 21:03:58 UTC
Amend the rule “Taxes” to read:
If at least 48 hours have passed since Time was last Advanced, any Noble may Advance the Time by making a post to that effect and performing the following, in order:
* Each Noble receives 2 Wealth.
* For every Title, the Noble who holds that Title (if there is one) receives 2 Wealth.
* For every Noble, 1 Wealth is transferred from that Noble to each of their Lords who has more Knights than them.
* Parcels are Occupied pursuant to the rule “Settling”.
* Each Noble gains 1 Wealth for each Occupied Parcel they have.
Explicitly defining when Settling should occur.
Tomas idles out after 8 days of inactivity. Quorum remains at 5. -Larrytheturtle
Time has Advanced.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 5-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 19 Apr 2013 16:33:42 UTC
If either the Proposal titled “Fool me once” or the proposal titled “No You Always” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Add the following to the rule entitled “Casi Belli”:
* Joining a Side which has a Scoundrel as the Wronged Party is Outrageous.
* It is never Improper and never Outrageous to declare a Feud upon a Scoundrel. This overrides the above.
“Fool me once” will remove this bit.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 5-0 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 19 Apr 2013 14:14:59 UTC
In the rule entitled “Dignity”, change
When a Noble performs an action which may be done in a Proper manner but does not do it in a Proper manner, they lose one-tenth of their Dignity, rounded up.If a Noble performs an Outrageous action, they lose half their Dignity, rounded up.
If a Noble performed an Improper act within the past 48 hours and has not yet been Mocked for it, any Noble may Mock them for that act by reducing the offending Noble’s Dignity by one-tenth. If a Noble performed an Outrageous act within the past 48 hours and has not yet been Ridiculed for it, any Noble may Ridicule them for that act by halving the offending Noble’s Dignity.
In the rule entitled “Titles”, change
It is proper, but not required, always to address a Noble by their name, followed by their title or titles with the highest Rank, optionally also listing their other titles in descending order of Rank.
It is Improper to mention the name of another Noble in a post or comment without appending their Title or Titles with the highest Rank, optionally also listing their other Titles in descending order of Rank.
In the rule entitled “Obtainment”, change
It is proper only to obtain Baronies Below the Dukedom corresponding to one’s Family this way.
It is Improper to obtain a Barony that is not Below the Dukedom corresponding to one’s Family this way.
In the same rule, change
It is Proper to obtain no more than one Barony, Earldom, or Dukedom in one day.
It is Improper to obtain a Title through the mechanisms laid out by this rule if one has already done so that day.
In the rule entitled “Casi Belli”, change every instance of “It is Proper not to” to “It is Improper to” and change “It is always Proper” to “It is never Improper”.
The current implementation of late medieval etiquette is confusing and unintuitive, and potentially dangerous if an improper act (or rather, an ‘action’, the scope of which is undefined, which could have been performed properly but wasn’t) goes unnoticed and renders later actions illegal.
I removed the rounding up of the penalties: rule 3.3.1 takes care of this by rounding down the result.
I think I caught all the references to proper actions, apart from one in “Favors”, which is in need of a rewrite anyway.
Reaches quorum and passes at 6-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 19 Apr 2013 10:53:08 UTC
Append to the list in the rule “Taxes”:
Each Noble gains 1 Wealth for each Occupied Parcel they have.
Reaches quorum and passes at 6-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 19 Apr 2013 10:51:56 UTC
Rewrite the sub-rule ” Casi Belli” to read:
* It is Outrageous to declare a Feud upon one’s Ally.
* It is Proper not to Declare a Feud upon a Noble of the same Family, unless one has been improperly addressed by that Noble within the past 48 hours.
* When a Noble joins a Feud on the Side which has their Lord or Vassal as the Wronged Party, they gain 3 Dignity.
* It is Proper not to join a Side which has a Wronged Party who is not of one’s Family.
* It is Outrageous to join a Side which contains one’s Enemy.
As I read it the text can’t be added to “Casi Belli” due to the lack of statement to do so in “Of Course You Realise…”
spikebrennan idles out after 7 days of inactivity. Quorum drops to 5.
Time has Advanced.
nevermind missed that this was already basically proposed
Same idea as the one put forth by nqeron, Baron Cause, Baron Bywell but slows the process down so doesn’t suffer from the “too many to convert” problem.
Times out at 5-1 and passes. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 19 Apr 2013 10:45:24 UTC
If there exists a rule entitled “Settlingâ€, amend it to read:
A Noble has a Settler score tracked in the GNDT equal to Floor( (K - O) * U/P ), where K is the number of knights, O is the number Occupied parcels, U is the number of Unoccupied parcels, and P is the total number of parcels that the Noble has. Let S stand for Settler score.
Whenever Time is Advanced, the Noble who Advances it (the Advancer) must do the following for each Noble with a positive Settler score (the Landowners):
If the Landowner’s S is less than or equal to their U, the Advancer converts S of the Landowner’s Unoccupied Parcels into Occupied Parcels.
If the Landowner’s S is greater than their U, the Advancer converts U of the Landowner’s Unoccupied Parcels into Occupied Parcels.
If not, enact a new rule entitled “Settling” as a subrule to “Land” with the above text.
This should fix everything.
Reaches quorum and passes 5-0 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 18 Apr 2013 16:08:35 UTC
Add to the rule entitled “Dignity”:
A Noble with a Dignity of 25 or less is a Scoundrel.
If there is a rule entitled “Casi Belliâ€, append the following to it:
* Joining a Side which has a Scoundrel as the Wronged Party is Outrageous.
* It is always Proper and never Outrageous to declare a Feud upon a Scoundrel. This overrides the above.
In “Obtainment”, after each instance of “that is not Abeyant and not held by them”, add “or a Scoundrel”.
Times out and fails 1-5 - Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 18 Apr 2013 16:08:10 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled, “Settling” as a subrule to “Land”:
A Noble has a Settler score equal to Floor( (K - O) * U/P ), where K is the number of knights, O is the number Occupied parcels, U is the number of Unoccupied parcels, and P is the total number of parcels that the Noble has.
Whenever Time is Advanced, any Noble with a positive Settler score must turn that many Unoccupied Parcels into Occupied Parcels.
Another formulation. This formula scales well. With knights, but no Occupied Parcels, it is guaranteed to populate up to the number of Knights held. With more, occupied parcels, it takes more knights to service these area, scaling back development in later game. The ‘must’ is to prevent Nobles from amassing Knights, but not occupying the land. (After all, the knights will want the land). I may also post some calculations.
Can’t enact and fails 1-6 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 17 Apr 2013 17:30:38 UTC
Enact a new Rule, “Homes” as a Subrule to “Land”, containing the following:
A Noble may, as a Daily Action, spend one Knight and an Unoccupied Parcel to gain one Occupied Parcel.
This work?
Self-Killed -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 17 Apr 2013 17:25:09 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule which is a sub-rule of “Land” called “Immigration” and give it the following text
A Noble’s Immigration Score is equal to MAX(0, MIN(K-P, U)) where K is the number of knights they have, P is the total number of Parcels they have, and U is the number of unoccupied parcels they have.
If at least one Noble has a Immigration Score greater than zero, then whenever Time is Advanced, the Noble responsible for Advancing Time must construct a list of Nobles, where each Noble appears a number of times equal to their Immigration score, and which is sorted in the same manner as the GNDT, and then role a DICEN where N is the sum of the immigration scores of all Nobles. The Noble who appears in position K on the list (where K is the result of the dice roll) has one of their Unoccupied Parcels converted to an Occupied Parcel.
Might be too fiddly to update, might be too slow, but just using knights to gain occupied parcels is weak sauce. I like the concept of a few people moving in each day and you not really having a lot of control over weather or not you get one.
Reaches quorum and passes 5-0 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 17 Apr 2013 17:12:13 UTC
End and delete all Feuds (the game entity, not the rule).
Rewrite the rule entitled “Feuds” to the following (or if no such rule exists, create it with this text):
A Feud is a conflict between two nonempty, non-overlapping sets (Sides) of Nobles. Each Side has one Noble who is the Wronged Party of that Side. The ongoing Feuds and their participants are tracked in the Feuds wiki page. Nobles who are on the same Side are each other’s Allies. Nobles who are on opposing Sides of a Feud are each other’s Enemies.
As a Daily Action, a Noble may Declare a Feud upon another Noble by spending 5 Dignity and making a post to that effect and creating a Feud with both Nobles as the Wronged Parties of each Side, with no other participants. Any Noble may join either Side of a Feud at any time if they are not already participating in it.
If either of the Wronged Parties of a Feud is no longer a Noble, the Feud ends.
Create a subrule to “Feuds” entitled “Casi Belli”:
* It is Outrageous to declare a Feud upon one’s Ally.
* It is Proper not to Declare a Feud upon a Noble of the same Family, unless one has been improperly addressed by that Noble within the past 48 hours.
* When a Noble joins a Feud on the Side which has their Lord or Vassal as the Wronged Party, they gain 3 Dignity.
* It is Proper not to join a Side which has a Wronged Party who is not of one’s Family.
* It is Outrageous to join a Side which contains one’s Enemy.
Append to the first paragraph of the rule entitled “Dignity”:
If a Noble performs an Outrageous action, they lose half their Dignity, rounded up.
Getting rid of the dangerous undefined terms in nqeron’s proposal, and changing the rules of war so that inconsistent behaviour is possible but dishonourable (which is entirely appropriate for the time frame). I added a Dignity cost to hopefully discourage feud spam.
Self-killed -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 17 Apr 2013 09:32:25 UTC
In the Rule “Taxes”, change the text “For every Title, the Noble who holds that Title (if there is one) receives 2 Wealth.” to “For every Title, the Noble who holds that Title (if there is one) receives 1 Wealth.”
In the Rule “Taxes”, append to the list the items
Each Noble receives 1 Wealth for each Occupied Parcel they hold.
For each Noble, K of their Unoccupied Parcels are converted into Occupied Parcels, where K is equal the number of [Knights or Unoccupied Parcels] that they have, whichever is not greater than the other.
Firstly, balancing more for the rich while slowing Wealth generation less. Then, awarding Wealth for Occupied Parcels and using Knights to obtain them.
Reaches quorum and passes at 6-1. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 17 Apr 2013 01:50:16 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Feuds”
If a Noble (the Victim) is wronged or otherwise Impugned by another Noble (the Aggressor), the Victim may declare a Feud between the two Nobles. Once a Feud has begun between any two Nobles it may not end until those Nobles have Resolved the Feud. As long as a Feud is not Resolved, any Noble may join the Feud on either the side of the Victim or the Aggressor as long as there are no Nobles with whom they are already in opposition with in another Feud. For example, if Noble A and Noble B are on opposite sides of each other in Fued F, and Noble B is on the side of the Aggressor in Fued G, Noble A may not join the side of the Aggressor in Fued G. Whenever a Feud is created, or a Noble joins a Feud, reflect these changes on the Feuds page.
For these purposes, the Feuds page shall consist of a list of all ongoing (not Resolved) Feuds, with the Feud’s title being V vs. A, where V is the name of the Victim and A is the name of the Agressor. Below this, each Feud will have two lists one for the Nobles siding with the Victim and one for the Nobles siding with the Aggressor.
Enact a new rule entitled “Favors”
Each Noble has a non-negative integer stat “Favors” (defaulting to 0), tracked in the GNDT. If a Noble (the Debted) is aided or otherwise Benefacted by another Noble (the Benefactor), it is Proper for the Debted to offer the Benefactor their Favor. The Benefactor then increases their Favors count by 1.
Create a wiki page “Feuds” and put a link to it on the main page.
Just some ideas regarding Feuds and Favors. I’m leaving out the details to see if people want to play with them.
I claim the title Baron Bywell, to be subject to the Earl of Kent, subject to the Duke of Lancaster.
As I still don’t have access to the wiki, I’d like to claim this.
Self-Killed. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 15 Apr 2013 16:05:22 UTC
Set the wealth of each family (York and Lancaster) to equal 100.
Enact a rule entitled “Borrowing”:
As a Weekly Action a Noble may borrow money from their families treasury, by removing the amount they wish to borrow from their families total wealth and adding it to their own. They must keep track of the amount they borrowed in the wealth column of the GNDT in the following format: “[wealth] (B: wealth borrowed)”. For every week a noble fails to pay back the full amount of what they owe, an additional 10% (rounded up to the nearest integer) is added to the amount they owe. A Noble who owes money may not achieve.
If a families treasury falls below 10 wealth and a Noble, who does not owe more than 10 wealth and who wants or needs to borrow money, that Noble may recall debts. Recalling debts forces all nobles who have borrowed money from their family’s treasury to pay back 5 wealth. If, after this recalling of debts, there is less than 20 wealth in the family’s treasury than the recalling of debts continues to occur until there is either more than 20 wealth in the family’s treasury or there is no money left to be paid. Any Noble who can not pay back money that they would have to due to the recalling of debts is forced into bankruptcy.
Clarification Note: The two families are separate for the purposes of this rule. Thus, if there is a recalling of the debt in the Lancaster family, this does not affect the York family.
Enact a Rule entitled “Bankruptcy”:
Once per week, a noble may declare Bankruptcy (this is only for declaration of Bankruptcy, not for being forced into Bankruptcy).
A Noble who decides or is forced to declare Bankruptcy sets their wealth to “0” getting rid of all debt. If they do so, they lose one title per 5 wealth they owe rounded up (thus, owing 4 wealth would still result in a lost title and owing 7 wealth would result in 2 lost titles), starting from their highest title. They also loose 5 dignity.
When any titles that are lost due to this rule are purchased, the wealth spent to purchase the title is added to the treasury of the family of the Noble who lost the title. Thus if Noble A of the Lancaster Family becomes bankrupt and loses their title of Earl of X, when the title Earl of X is purchased, the 6 wealth used to purchase the title is added to the Lancaster Treasury.
Self-Killed. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 15 Apr 2013 12:16:15 UTC
Enact a rule entitled “Farmers”:
Every Noble has a non-negative integer statistic called Farmers tracked in the GNDT defaulting to 0. As a Daily Action, a noble may hire a farmer for 2 wealth, up to a maximum of 2 farmers per week. As a Weekly Action, a noble may collect money from their farmers by gaining N Wealth. It is Proper for a Noble to roll 1 DICEN when taking this action and then, if the roll is greater than 5, it is Proper for the noble to lose one of their farmers. If a Noble rolls the DICEN and rolls a number greater than 5, the Noble loses a total of 2 dignity (including the dignity lost for not taking an action in a Proper manner).
self killed—Clucky
Adminned at 15 Apr 2013 11:28:46 UTC
In the Rule “Taxes”, change all occurances of “2 Wealth” to “1 Wealth”, change “Each Noble” to “Each Noble whose Family is not “-”“, and remove the item reading “For every Noble, 1 Wealth is transferred from that Noble to each of their Lords who has more Knights than them.”
If there exists a Rule entitled “Land”, append to the list in the Rule “Taxes”: “Each Noble receives 1 Wealth for each Occupied Parcel they own.”
1 Wealth may not sound like much, but Time can Advance quite frequently, and I want to minimize rich-get-richer effects. Also promoting family membership and setting up property tax.
Timed out. Passes 6-0—Clucky
Adminned at 15 Apr 2013 11:25:13 UTC
When this Proposal Passes, Advance the Time.
If I understand correctly, Time has not been Advanced and cannot be. This should kick up the cycle.
After a week of inactivity TyTy goes idle. Quorum has dropped to 5.
Times Out and Passes 4-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 14 Apr 2013 18:30:35 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “Land”:
Each Noble has a non-negative integer number of Parcels, defaulting to 0 and tracked in the GNDT using the form “[Occupied Parcels] / [Total Parcels]”. At any time, a Noble who holds at least one Title may gain 1 Unoccupied Parcel by spending 3 Wealth. When a Noble Obtains an Abeyant Earldom, they gain 1 Unoccupied Parcel. When a Noble Obtains an Abeyant Dukedom, they gain 2 Unoccupied Parcels.
Just a simple land ownership setup. I’m thinking of using Knights to turn Unoccupied Parcels into Occupied Parcels, then adding the ability to periodically Collect Taxes from each Occupied Parcel. It would also be really interesting to be able to buy Titles and Parcels from other Nobles, perhaps along with placing a limit on Total and Occupied Parcels (representing limited land and population, respectively).
Josh goes idle after seven days of inactivity. Quorum drops to 6
Could we perhaps not clog up the blog with Barony claims? Updating the wiki page should be notification enough. If anyone doesn’t yet have a wiki account, they can PM me or post here and I’ll set one up for them.
On a related note, is there any reason why it’s not standard procedure to give out wiki accounts to new players? After all, anyone who’s jumped through the hoops to make an account and ask to be activated is pretty unlikely to be a Chinese spammer.
Also, nqeron appears to have claimed the nonexistent title of “Baron Somerset”. This action has been reverted.
Enact a rule entitled “Farmers”:
Every Noble has a non-negative integer statistic called Farmers tracked in the GNDT defaulting to 0. As a Daily Action, a noble may hire a farmer for 2 wealth, up to a maximum of 2 farmers per week. As a Weekly Action, a noble may collect money from their farmers by gaining N Wealth. It is Proper for a Noble to roll 1 DICEN when taking this action and then, if the roll is greater than 5, it is Proper for the noble to lose one of their farmers. If a Noble rolls the DICEN and rolls a number greater than 5, the Noble loses a total of 2 dignity (including the dignity lost for not taking an action in a Proper manner).
Farms need to be somewhat random as crops are never a fully reliable source of food. Rolling greater than a 5 is equivalent to not having enough food. Dignified Nobles don’t let their farmers starve (although, they do allow them to die….)
Set the wealth of each family (York and Lancaster) to equal 100.
Enact a rule entitled “Borrowing”:
As a Weekly Action a Noble may borrow money from their families treasury, by removing the amount they wish to borrow from their families total wealth and adding it to their own. They must keep track of the amount they borrowed in the wealth column of the GNDT in the following format: “[wealth] (B: wealth borrowed)”. For every week a noble fails to pay back the full amount of what they owe, an additional 10% (rounded up to the nearest integer) is added to the amount they owe. A Noble who owes money may not achieve.
If a families treasury falls below 10 wealth and a Noble, who does not owe more than 10 wealth and who wants or needs to borrow money, that Noble may recall debts. Recalling debts forces all nobles who have borrowed money from their family’s treasury to pay back 5 wealth. If, after this recalling of debts, there is less than 20 wealth in the family’s treasury than the recalling of debts continues to occur until there is either more than 20 wealth in the family’s treasury or there is no money left to be paid. Any Noble who can not pay back money that they would have to due to the recalling of debts is forced into bankruptcy.
Clarification Note: The two families are separate for the purposes of this rule. Thus, if there is a recalling of the debt in the Lancaster family, this does not affect the York family.
Enact a Rule entitled “Bankruptcy”:
Once per week, a noble may declare Bankruptcy (this is only for declaration of Bankruptcy, not for being forced into Bankruptcy).
A Noble who decides or is forced to declare Bankruptcy sets their wealth to “0” getting rid of all debt. If they do so, they lose one title per 5 wealth they owe rounded up (thus, owing 4 wealth would still result in a lost title and owing 7 wealth would result in 2 lost titles), starting from their highest title. They also loose 5 dignity.
When any titles that are lost due to this rule are purchased, the wealth spent to purchase the title is added to the treasury of the family of the Noble who lost the title. Thus if Noble A of the Lancaster Family becomes bankrupt and loses their title of Earl of X, when the title Earl of X is purchased, the 6 wealth used to purchase the title is added to the Lancaster Treasury.
A reworking of the borrowing mechanic. Also, the York family is much too prudent with their money to become Bankrupt, that’s why the Lancasters were used in all the examples.
Yoshi1118 idles out after seven days of inactivity. Quorum remains at 7.
No Abeyant Baronies exist, and as such, I will create the title “Baron of Greystoke”. This Barony falls under the Earldom of Essex and the Dukedom of Exeter. I will then claim this title for my own, as I have paid the cost and incurred the sullying of my character.
Times Out and Passes 5-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 13 Apr 2013 18:27:22 UTC
In the Rule “Obtainment” change the phrase:
8 + 4*N Wealth, where N is the number of Dukedoms which that Noble holds,
8 + 2*N Wealth, where N is the number of Earldoms and Dukedoms which that Noble holds,
In the same Rule, change “12 Wealth” to the phrase:
12 + 4*N Wealth, where N is the number of Dukedoms which that Noble holds,
Setbacks, setbacks…
Self-Killed. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 13 Apr 2013 09:19:39 UTC
In the Rule “Bribery” change the phrase:
8 + 4*N Wealth, where N is the number of Dukedoms which that Noble holds,
8 + 2*N Wealth, where N is the number of Earldoms and Dukedoms which that Noble holds,
In the same Rule, change “12 Wealth” to the phrase:
12 + 4*N Wealth, where N is the number of Dukedoms which that Noble holds,
Hereby I announce I obtained the Title Baron Percy, under the Earldom of Dorset, under the Duke of York.
I pronounce myself Baron Somerset, subject to Earl of Kent, subject to Duke of Lancaster!
Times Out and Passes 4-1. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 13 Apr 2013 09:18:55 UTC
If the Proposal titled “The Knights Who Say Ni!” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Create a new rule entitled “Taxes”:
If at least 48 hours have passed since Time was last Advanced, any Noble may Advance the Time by making a post to that effect and performing the following, in order:
* Each Noble receives 2 Wealth.
* For every Title, the Noble who holds that Title (if there is one) receives 2 Wealth.
* For every Noble, 1 Wealth is transferred from that Noble to each of their Lords who has more Knights than them.
Note that a Barony earns no income for its direct holder if its Earl and Duke both overpower them.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 7-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 11 Apr 2013 18:00:56 UTC
Append to the Rule “Bribery”: “It is Proper to obtain no more than one Barony, Earldom, or Dukedom in one day.”
If the Proposal “Upping the Cost” passes, in the Rule “Bribery”, replace “4 + 2*N” with “4 + N”.
Rename the Rule “Bribery” to “Obtainment”.
Nobles do not Bribe. Also, a Dignity check for speeding ahead.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 8-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 11 Apr 2013 18:00:21 UTC
If the Proposal “The Knights Who Say Ni!” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Reword the Rule “Knights” to:
Every Noble has a non-negative integer statistic entitled “Knightsâ€, tracked in the GNDT and defaulting to 0. At any point, a Noble may spend 2 Wealth to gain a Knight.
Reaches quorum and passes 8-0 -larrytheturtle
Adminned at 11 Apr 2013 17:58:34 UTC
Enact rule entitled “Knights”:
Every noble has a non-negative integer statistic entitled “Knights” defaulting to 0. At any point, a Noble may spend 2 Wealth to gain a Knight.
one more try for knights.
Vetoed. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 11 Apr 2013 17:56:13 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “Income”:
Once per week, a noble may choose to do one, and only one, of the following:
Collect Taxes:
A noble may collect wealth from all of their vassals directly below their title. A Duke may collect a maximum of 5 wealth per Earldom, an Earl may collect a maximum of 3 wealth from each Barony. When collecting, a noble must collect from all possible vassals. If a Vassal cannot pay the requisite amount, they must borrow money (this does not count as their weekly action).
In order to take this action in a Proper manner, the noble must provide each of their vassals with 1 knight from their supply.Borrow Money:
A noble may borrow any amount of money, which will be tracked in the GNDT wealth column in the following format: “[wealth Noble has] (B wealth noble owes)]” (e.g. “6 (B 2)”). For every week a noble fails to pay back the full amount of what they owe, an additional 10% (rounded up to the nearest integer) is added to the amount they owe. A noble who owes money may not achieve victory or purchase a title.Farm Crops:
A noble may roll 2 DICE6. They gain wealth equal to the higher number rolled.Declare Bankruptcy:
A noble may choose to reset their wealth to 0 (getting rid of all debt). If they do so, they loose one title per 5 wealth they owe, starting from their highest title. They also loose 5 dignity.
I think that as we add things to buy, borrowing money will become more useful. Obviously there is a risk with borrowing, which is why there is no defined limit but there are restrictions to ensure that this isn’t exploited.
I proclaim myself Baron Veralum, subject to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
while not in the rules (yet), I think there should be an unofficial limit of 2-3 earldoms per Duke, so that there is an actual hierarchy, instead of people each being under a separate Earl
I pronounce myself Murphy, Baron North, and declare the Barony to be below the Earldom of Norfolk, itself under the Dukedom of Lancaster.
I pronounce myself Skju, Baron Byron, and declare the Barony to be below the Earldom of Shrewsbury, itself under the Dukedom of York.
I think Shrewsbury sounds the best.
I am now RaichuKFM, Baron of Lisle, said title now being in the Earldom of Dorset, which itself is under the Dukedom of York.
Geographical accuracy be danged, these sound the best.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 8-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 11 Apr 2013 16:31:32 UTC
In the rule entitled “Bribery”, change
and transferring 1 Wealth to each Vassal they gain through that Earldom (which may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times).
and, for each Title below that Earldom that is not Abeyant and not held by them, transferring 1 Wealth to the Noble who holds that Title.
In the same rule, change
and transferring 2 Wealth to each Vassal they gain through that Dukedom (which may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times).
and, for each Title below that Dukedom that is not Abeyant and not held by them, transferring 2 Wealth to the Noble who holds that Title.
Iterative improvement!
Reaches Quorum and Passes 8-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 11 Apr 2013 16:24:20 UTC
In the rule “Bribery” replace
“4 Wealth” with “4 + 2*N Wealth, where N is the number of Baronies, Earldoms and Dukedoms which that Noble holds”
“6 Wealth” with “6 + 2*N Wealth, where N is the number of Earldoms and Dukedoms which that Noble holds”’
“8 Wealth” with “8 + 4*N Wealth, where N is the number of Dukedoms which that Noble holds”
Its easy to get your foot in the door, but to prevent rich get richer mechanics we should make it harder and harder to acquire more titles.
Times Out and Fails 5-1. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 11 Apr 2013 16:22:57 UTC
In the rule “Bribery” replace
and transferring 1 Wealth to each Vassal they gain through that Earldom (which may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times).
. For each Barony below that Earldom, he must transfer 1 wealth to each Noble (other than himself) which is a Baron of that Barony, otherwise he cannot obtain that Earldom. (Note that this may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times)
and replace
and transferring 2 Wealth to each Vassal they gain through that Dukedom (which may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times).
. For each Earldom below that Dukedom, he must transfer 2 wealth to each Noble (other than himself) which is a Earl of that Earldom, otherwise he cannot obtain that Dukedom. (Note that this may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times)
The “new vassals gained” bit is a little weird, I think this way makes more sense as it means the “multiple times” clause actually matters.
Specifying “other than himself” is actually important. Someone with zero wealth cannot legally transfer 1 wealth to himself. So this makes it slightly easier to buy Earldoms/Dukedoms which is a good thing.
Vetoed -larrytheturtle
Adminned at 11 Apr 2013 07:53:07 UTC
Create a new dynastic rule entitled “Archbishop of Canterbury” with text as follows:
The Noble named spikebrennan is the Archbishop of Canterbury (which may be abbreviated “Archbishop”) and his family is Church, all other rules notwithstanding. The Archbishop is not eligible to achieve Victory in this Dynasty. The position of Archbishop is equivalent to an Earldom but the Archbishop may not hold Lordship over any other Title. The Noble who is the Archbishop is not eligible to hold any Title other than Archbishop.
Unidle me.
I wish to become Idle. I have business to attend to this week that requires my full attention. I will return once it has been dealt with.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 7-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 10 Apr 2013 17:08:03 UTC
In “Bribery”, change
A Noble whose Family isn’t “-†may spend 4 Wealth to obtain an Abeyant Barony Below the Dukedom corresponding to their Family.
A Noble whose Family isn’t “-†may obtain an Abeyant Barony by spending 4 Wealth and (if that Barony is not yet below an Earldom) placing it Below an existing Earldom. If the Earldom that now has Lordship over the obtained Barony is not yet Below a Dukedom, the Noble must place that Earldom Below the Dukedom of their choice. It is proper only to obtain Baronies Below the Dukedom corresponding to one’s Family this way.
Create a subrule to “Titles” entitled “Letters Patent”:
If no Abeyant Baronies exist, any Noble may create one with a name of “Baron” or “Baron of”, followed by a unique name from either of the lists on this page (from the column titled “Name of barony”).
If each existing Earldoms is below a Dukedom, any Noble may create a new Abeyant Earldom with a unique name taken from the list “Earldoms in the Peerage of England, 1066–1707”, found on this page (from the “Title” column).
Occam strikes again.
Self-Killed. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 10 Apr 2013 15:30:26 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “The Picking of the Roses”:
The Noble Skju, considered for the purposes of this rule to be the Host of The Picking of the Roses, shall, on Friday 12/04/13, between the hours of 0 UTC and 12 UTC, Commence The Picking of the Roses (or “The Picking”) by submitting in quick succession 2 posts, entitled, respectively, “The Pledge of the White Rose” and “The Pledge of the Red Rose”. In the comments of the post entitled “The Pledge of the White Rose”, the Nobles belonging to the Family of York will Choose the Duke of York. In the comments of the post entitled “The Pledge of the Red Rose”, the Nobles belonging to the Family of Lancaster will Choose the Duke of Lancaster. To Choose a Duke, a Noble posts a comment beginning with the name of a Noble in their Family on their Family’s corresponding Pledge. If a Noble Chooses more than one candidate, only the last valid choice is counted.
At the hour of 0 UTC on Monday 15/04/13, The Picking will end. After The Picking ends, in each Pledge, the Noble whom the most Nobles Chose during The Picking gains the Title of the Duke of their Family. If there is a tie in a Pledge, the corresponding Family’s corresponding Title remains Abeyant. Additionally, all Nobles whose Family is “-” when The Picking ends lose 10 Dignity.
C’mon, let’s get things rolling!
Times Out and Fails 4-1. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 10 Apr 2013 15:29:28 UTC
Append to the Rule ‘Titles’ the following Subrule called ‘Claiming Titles’:
a) A member of a Family can claim a Barony for their Family by placing a Post with the text ‘[Family of the claimer] wishes to annex [Barony] which will be below [Earldom]’, if [Earldom] already belongs to the Family of the claimer.
Every Noble may vote about this (but only with FOR and AGAINST). If there is a majority in FOR-votes after 48 hours, or if Quorum is reached, then the Barony is part of the Family of the claimer. Otherwise the claim is ignored.
b) A member of a Family can claim a Earldom for their Family by placing a Post with the text ‘[Family of the claimer] wishes to annex [Earldom]’.
Every Noble may vote about this (but only with FOR and AGAINST). If there is a majority in FOR-votes after 48 hours, or if Quorum is reached, then the Earldom is part of the Family of the claimer. Otherwise the claim is ignored.
c) If there is a Duke of the Family of the claimer then he/she can Veto the claim within 48 hours after the posting of the claim, i.e. then the claim will be ignored.
I’ve rewritten the proposal about claiming Titles and given the Duke some power to.
Self-killed -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 09 Apr 2013 20:50:46 UTC
Enact to the Rule ‘Titels’ a Subrule ‘Granting Titles to Families’ containing the following text:
A member of a Family can claim a Barony or an Earldom for their Family by placing a Post with the text ‘[Family] wishes to annex [Barony/Earldom]’. Every Noble may vote about this.
If there is a majority in FOR-votes in 48 hours, or if Quorum is reached, then the Barony/Earldom is part of the Family of the claimer. Otherwise the claim is ignored.
The Duke of the Family meant above may decide which Earldom has Lordship above an annexed Barony. If there is no Duke of the Family, then the Earldom which helds Lordship above a Barony is decided by Diceroll.
introducing a way to grant Baronies and Earldoms to Families.
Can we rearrange the GNDT (and keep it) so that all players are above the Families. This is just to make it easier to read. Or does this need to be done through proposal?
It would also help to arrange by Family, especially since these values won’t change.
I don’t know if this is the way I should announce I have bought a Barony, but if this is is valid: I am Baron Verulam now.
Self-killed -larrytheurtle
Adminned at 09 Apr 2013 20:49:13 UTC
Create a new rule entitled “Chivalryâ€:
Each Noble has a number of Knights, tracked in the GNDT and defaulting to 1. No more than once daily, a Noble may spend 6 Wealth to gain 1 Knight.
Change the title of the rule “Bribery” to “Acquisition”.
Let’s get something right?
Can’t Enact 1-7 and Fails. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 09 Apr 2013 12:37:20 UTC
Create a new rule entitled “Chivalry”:
Each Noble has a number of Knights, tracked in the GNDT and defaulting to 5.
Whenever a Noble obtains an Abeyant Earldom, they gain 5 Knights. Whenever a Noble obtains an Abeyant Dukedom, they gain 10 Knights.
A tastier alternative to armies.
Reaches Quorum and passes 7-0 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 08 Apr 2013 22:07:15 UTC
In the rule entitled “Titles”, change
A Noble may be Lord and/or Vassal to another Noble through more than one Title.
A Noble may be Lord and/or Vassal to another Noble through more than one Title. If a rule references a set of Lords or a set of Vassals and a single Noble fulfils this requirement more than once, they are treated as a separate Noble for each time they fulfil this requirement (i.e. if a rule specifies that all Vassals of a Noble receive one Wealth, and another Noble is a Vassal of that Noble through three Titles, they receive three Wealth).
Self-killed -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 08 Apr 2013 22:03:37 UTC
If the Rule “Vassalage” does not exist, this Proposal does nothing:
Amend to the end of the rule “Bribery”:
When a noble obtains a title above their station, they relinquish their all of their current titles. For all of the titles relinquished in this way, the noble may offer up the title in the proper manner described for obtaining Vassals described in the rule “Vassalage”. Any titles not filled become Abeyant. If, by not being able to fill a given position, a Noble loses a direct connection to a noble, they lose Lordship over them. (i.e. A Duke fails to fill one of the Baron spots below them. This Duke loses Lordship/High Lordship over all of the Earldoms connected to them via the Baron spot not filled.)
Self-killed -larrytheturtle
Adminned at 08 Apr 2013 22:00:00 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “Armies”:
Each Noble has a non-zero integer statistic called “armies” that defaults to 0 and is tracked in the GNDT.
At any time, a Noble may spend 2 wealth to gain 1 army.
Enact a subrule to “Titles” entitled “Vassalage”:
Once per week, a noble may collect wealth from all of their vassals directly below their title. A Duke may collect a maximum of 5 wealth per Baron, a Baron may collect a maximum of 3 wealth from each Earldom. When collecting, a noble must collect from all possible vassals.
In order to take this action in a Proper manner, the noble must provide each of their vassals with 1 army.Once per week a Noble may attempt to gain Lordship over another noble in one of the following ways:
In a Proper Manner: A Noble (A) may post a story post entitled “Title Offer: [name of title]”,in which A offers an Abeyant title below A’s title as well as any other amounts of wealth or armies. Upon posting this story post, the title offered by (A) ceases to be “Abeyant”, and becomes “A’s [Title]” and A must purchase the title in any manner available to them (i.e. via Bribery). In the comments of the story post, any Noble who wants to gain the title offered and is not already a Vassal to a Noble other than A, may make a comment with
in the comment. The title offer remains active for a week after it was posted. Once any Noble responds with a
, A may close the offer and give the title to any single noble who posted a
in their response. If, at the end of the week, only one noble has responded with a
, A must appoint that noble to the position. In either of the cases, the title transfers from A to the noble acquiring the title and A must give the offered armies and wealth to the noble acquiring the title. If no Nobles have responded with a
after a week, the offer closes, and the title returns to being Abeyant.
Alternatively: A Noble (A) may attack any other Noble (B) whose title is below them. If (A) has 5 more armies than (B) than (A) gains Lordship over, at most, one of (B)‘s titles. Doing so costs (A) 2 army and 1 dignity (in addition to the dignity lost for not performing this action in a Proper Manner). If title that (A) gained Lordship over was under Lordship to a different Noble (C), (C) loses lordship over (B).
A Noble may only gain Lordship over a Noble who is directly below their title. A Noble may only gain Lordship over a Noble who is in the same family as they are. A Noble may never gain Lordship over a Title they already gain lordship over.
Amend the text of the rule “Bribery” to read:
A Noble whose Family isn’t “-†may spend 4 Wealth to obtain an Abeyant Barony.
If an Earldom is Abeyant, a Baron may obtain that Earldom by spending 8 Wealth and transferring 1 Wealth to each Vassal they gain through that Earldom (which may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times).
If a Dukedom is Abeyant, an Earl may obtain that Dukedom by spending 12 Wealth and transferring 2 Wealth to each Vassal they gain through that Dukedom (which may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times).
A system for allowing the creation of a complex system of hierarchies that provides benefits for the title owners. Also, creating armies. Finally, re-tuning bribery to allow for the creation of a not already predetermined hierarchy.
Sorry this is so long.
Can’t enact and fails 1-7-larrytheturtle
Adminned at 08 Apr 2013 05:29:38 UTC
Replace the section of Rule ‘Dignity’ that reads
Every Noble has Dignity, which is a positive integer no greater than 100, which is tracked in the GNDT column entitled “Dignityâ€, and which defaults to the average Dignity of all Nobles. When a Noble performs an action which may be done in a Proper manner but does not do it in a Proper manner, they lose one-tenth of their Dignity, rounded up.
In addition, each Family has Dignity, tracked in their GNDT rows.
with the text
Every Noble has Dignity, which is a positive integer no greater than 100, which is tracked in the GNDT column entitled “Dignityâ€, and which defaults to the average Dignity of all Nobles. When a Noble performs an action which may be done in a Proper manner but does not do it in a Proper manner, they lose one-tenth of their Dignity, rounded up.
If a Noble performs an Honorable Act they gain 1 Dignity.
In addition, each Family has Dignity, tracked in their GNDT rows.
Introducing a way to gain Dignity
Most honoured Nomic players, I’d like to join this game. Tomas.
Can’t enact and fails 1-7 -larrytheturtle
Adminned at 08 Apr 2013 05:21:42 UTC
Amend Rule 2.1 Family Matters by replacing this text:
The valid values for Family are “Yorkâ€, “Lancaster†and “-“.
with this text:
The valid values for Family are “-“ and all X for which “Duke of X” is a Title.
Can’t enact and fails 1-7 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 07 Apr 2013 16:56:32 UTC
Revert all changes to this page made since this proposal was posted. Then, replace the contents of the Peerage wiki page by that page.
Lots of titles to play around with. I’m not a historian (or English) and fully expect there to be some major inaccuracies in this list.
Reaches Quorum and passes 8-0 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 06 Apr 2013 22:57:10 UTC
Amend the Rule “Wealth” to read “Each Noble has a numerical statistic called Wealth, tracked in the GNDT, and defaulting to 10.”
Its currently untracked. Lets prevent this from wreaking too much damage.
Reaches Quorum and passes 8-0 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 06 Apr 2013 22:52:52 UTC
Create the following Titles:
A sampling of the fruits of a little looking around on Wikipedia. I’m not sure what time period we’re actually in, though, so some of these may not be appropriate, but I thought I should make this a proposal anyway. I chose the most fun-sounding. If there are too many or something and this fails, at least we have some ideas.
Self-Killed. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 06 Apr 2013 18:06:18 UTC
If the Rule “Bribery” exists append to that rule the following:
A Noble who wishes to acquire a title that is directly above their title that is already held by another player may do so by paying double the base cost (including double the cost of the money transferred to the vassals).
All costs needed to purchase a title are decreased by [(Noble’s dignity - 50) / 10] rounded to down to the nearest integer. This does not affect the amount of Wealth a Noble must transfer to their Vassals. (Thus a noble with 60 dignity who is buying an Earldom would only have to pay 7 Wealth) *Note that a Noble who has less than 50 dignity would have to pay more.
Makes dignity worth something and allows for fighting over positions!
Reaches Quorum and passes 10-0 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 05 Apr 2013 19:45:32 UTC
Change the last paragraph of the rule entitled “Titles” to the following:
The Peerage wiki page denotes the available Titles and their hierarchy, and tracks the Nobles who hold those Titles. Titles which are not currently held by a Noble are Abeyant. If Title A has Lordship or High Lordship over Title B, Title A is said to be Above Title B and Title B is Below Title A.
Add a new rule entitled “Wealth”:
Each Noble has a numerical statistic called Wealth, defaulting to 10.
Add a subrule to that rule, entitled “Bribery”:
A Noble whose Family isn’t “-” may spend 4 Wealth to obtain an Abeyant Barony Below the Dukedom corresponding to their Family.
If an Earldom is Abeyant, a Baron who holds a Barony below that Earldom may obtain that Earldom by spending 8 Wealth and transferring 1 Wealth to each Vassal they gain through that Earldom (which may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times).
If a Dukedom is Abeyant, an Earl who holds an Earldom below that Dukedom may obtain that Dukedom by spending 12 Wealth and transferring 2 Wealth to each Vassal they gain through that Dukedom (which may cause them to transfer to the same Noble multiple times).
Create the Dukedoms “Duke of York” and “Duke of Lancaster”.
If someone could compile a period-appropriate list of titles, that would be really helpful.
Reaches quorum and passes 8-3 -Larrytheturtle
Adminned at 05 Apr 2013 09:08:28 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “Dignity”:
Every Noble has Dignity, which is a positive integer no greater than 100, which is tracked in the GNDT column entitled “Dignity”, and which defaults to the average Dignity of all Nobles. When a Noble performs an action which may be done in a Proper manner but does not do it in a Proper manner, they loose one-tenth of their Dignity, rounded up.
In addition, each Family has Dignity, tracked in their GNDT rows.
Set every Noble’s Dignity to 50. Add a GNDT row for each Family.
Nobles must keep up their image, but those with less Dignity must not care as much. Families also have Dignity to encourage teamwork within Families, perhaps by later introducing actions that can be done by the Families themselves in Proper and Improper manners.
Also wish to de-idle.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 9-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 04 Apr 2013 17:25:25 UTC
Create a new rule entitled “Titles”:
A Noble may hold one or more Titles. Titles are divided into three Ranks which are, in descending order: Dukedoms, Earldoms and Baronies. A Noble who holds a Dukedom is Duke of that Dukedom; the same holds for Earldoms and Earls, and for Baronies and Barons. It is proper, but not required, always to address a Noble by their name, followed by their title or titles with the highest Rank, optionally also listing their other titles in descending order of Rank.
A Dukedom may hold Lordship over one or more Earldoms. An Earldom may hold Lordship over one or more Baronies. If a Dukedom holds Lordship over an Earldom which holds Lordship over a Barony, the Dukedom holds High Lordship over that Barony.
If a Title holds Lordship or High Lordship over another Title, the Nobles who hold those Titles may be referred to as each other’s Lord and Vassal, respectively. This is only true if the Titles are held by two different Nobles. A Noble may be Lord and/or Vassal to another Noble through more than one Title.
The Peerage wiki page denotes the available Titles and their hierarchy. Titles which are not currently held by a Noble are Abeyant.
Create the Peerage wiki page (if it does not yet exist) and blank it.
Just a simple framework to get us going. The set of available titles and the method of acquiring them is left as an exercise to the reader.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 10-0. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 04 Apr 2013 09:13:16 UTC
If the Proposal “Family Matters” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Reword the Rule “Family Matters” to the following:
Every Noble has a Family, tracked in the GNDT in the column “Family†and defaulting to “-“. The valid values for Family are “Yorkâ€, “Lancaster†and “-“. As a weekly action, any Noble with a Family of “-” may set their Family to any valid value besides “-“.
Setting Families in stone; it doesn’t make sense to be able to just change it. I also like the double meaning of the title.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 9-0. Welcome to the admin-ship. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 04 Apr 2013 08:54:37 UTC
Upon the passing of this proposal Larrytheturtle is made an Admin.
I feel like RaichuKFM has been having to do a lot of work with people joining and the dynasty getting started so I would like to help out.
It would give me great pleasure to be granted the privilege of joining this game.
I wish to become unidle.
A Lancaster always pays his debts!
I would wish to join the game.
Reaches Quorum and Passes 9-1. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 04 Apr 2013 08:06:00 UTC
Create a new rule entitled “Family Matters†with the following text
Every Noble had a Family , tracked in the GNDT in the column “Family†and defaulting to “-“. The valid values for Family are “Yorkâ€, “Lancaster†and “-“. Any noble may as a weekly action set their family to any valid value besides “-“.
Years of violence have left the kingdom in ruins and the throne empty. Word has spread quickly around the kingdom and rumors are abound as to who is going to come forward as the new leader of our fair land. Recently your two families have come forward to as the main proponents for the throne. Each family holds key positions in the council and each has a small army at their command. For months both sides have worked tirelessly in the council sessions and on the battlefield to gain the leverage to take power once and for all.
On both sides the members of each house fight among themselves on who will take the throne if their family wins. This struggle prevents either side from truly reaching their full potential and preventing a unified front against the other family. Will one of you unify the powers that be and claim the throne? Will we settle this will a democratic election? Who knows?
Rename “captain†to “Noble†and “Potentate†to “Arbiterâ€
I’m back. Quorum rises to 5.