Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Proposal: High Voltage

Timed out, 3-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 02 Feb 2024 22:11:54 UTC

Replace “Daily Shell Command” and “weekly Shell Command” with “Shell Command” throughout the Dynastic rules.

Repeal the rule “Recharge” and add the following to “Power”:

Every night at midnight each Client gains 15 power, to a maximum of 100.

Since we have power consumption as the limiting factor now, Shell Commands don’t need to be time-restricted. Also, I realized having a shell command be “daily” or “weekly” inadvertently makes it so one Agent can’t do the same Shell Command on two different Clients in the same day or week.


In the rule “Files”, add

As a virtual action, an Agent may ‘’‘write a program’‘’ by specifying the type of exactly one Program from the table “Programs” and the name of exactly one File in their Warez that doesn’t already have a Program. The Mainframe will set that File’s Program to be the specified Program, adding the Program’s type in brackets to the end of the File’s name.

In the same rule, replace “A name, which is a string defaulting to “untitled”” with

An unique ‘’‘name’‘’, which is a string defaulting to “untitled”. If ever there would be two Files with the same name in the same list as a result of a virtual action, the Mainframe should add an arbitrary number to the end of either File’s name so that the names are unique.

To the subrule “The Dark Web” of the rule “Clients”, add

As a daily action, the Mainframe should ‘’‘refresh the Dark Web’‘’, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
*remove three privately randomly chosen Files from the Dark Web
*Add three new Files to the Dark Web’s Files and optionally give them any valid unique names
*Privately randomly choose a File of the added Files and make its Program a privately random Program from the table “Programs”
*Privately randomly choose a File of the added Files and make it corrupted by a privately random Malware from the table “Malwares” excluding Trojan horse.

Not sure if this works

Proposal: I’m So Meta, Even This Acronym

Timed out, 1-3. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 02 Feb 2024 22:10:46 UTC

In the rule Official Posts, a subrule of Gamestate Tracking in the Appendix, change

An official post may only be removed as allowed by the Ruleset. An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old and either no Agent has commented on it or (if it is a Votable Matter) if all comments on it contain no voting icons; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. However, despite this, official posts can never be changed from one category to another, or changed to be a different sort of official post, if they have been posted for more than fifteen minutes. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to append to the post to reflect its new status. Anything appended to a post in this way must be placed in the Admin field of the post, and the post’s Status must be changed to reflect its status. An official blog post that has the status of Enacted or Failed cannot change categories, except that a votable matter’s illegal resolution may be overturned. An official blog post’s status may never be altered except in accordance with the rules that define that official post.


An official post may only be removed from the blog or edited as allowed by the Ruleset. The title or contents of an official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 30 minutes old; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset. No official post may be changed from one category to another, or changed to be a different sort of official post, if they have been posted for more than fifteen minutes. The Admin processing an official post is allowed to add to the Admin field of the post, and should as directed amend the post’s Status; an official blog post’s status may never otherwise be altered, except in accordance with the rules that define that official post, or as directed by another Votable Matter at the time of its enactment.

Some minor wording tweaks for brevity and clarity, and cutting the edit window down to 30 minutes, a long-standing bugbear.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Proposal: Out of Power

Timed out, 2-0 with 2 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 31 Jan 2024 16:23:16 UTC

In the rule “Clients”, add the following new subrule titled “Power”:

Each client except the Dark Web has ‘’‘Power’‘’, which is an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive and defaults to 50. Every time a Client other than the Dark Web performs a successful ‘’‘Shell Command’‘’ its Power is reduced by the ‘’‘Power Consumption’‘’ of that Shell Command, to a minimum of 0.

To the rule “Shell Commands”, after “An Agent must be connected to a Client to perform Shell Commands as that Client. To perform a Shell Command, you must always specify exactly one Client that you are connected to, or the action fails”, add

Each Shell Command has a ‘’‘Power Consumption’‘’, which is a non-negative integer and by default 10. If a Client (other than the Dark Web) tries to perform a Shell Command whose Power Consumption is greater than that Client’s Power, it will fail.

To the end of the descriptions of the “ping” and “request a copy of logs” Shell Commands, add:

‘’‘Power Consumption’‘’: 0

If there exists a subrule titled “Brute Force”, then in the rule “Clients”, in the subrule “The Dark Web”, add

The Dark Web may not ‘’‘brute force’‘’.

Add the following new subrule titled “Recharge” to the rule “hell Commands”:

As a weekly Shell Command, a Client may ‘’‘recharge’‘’. The Mainframe will set that Client’s Power to 100. ‘’‘Power Consumption’‘’: 0


This should make some gameplay decisions a bit less trivial

Proposal: init.d

Timed out and failed, 2-3. Josh

Adminned at 31 Jan 2024 10:05:40 UTC

In the rule “Clients”, add a subrule named “Daemons” with the following text:

Each Client has a ‘’‘Daemon’‘’, which can be one of the items from the list below and is ‘’‘greatwalld’‘’ by default:
* idled
* byteshield
* greatwalld

In the rule “Shell Commands”, add a subrule named “Run Daemon” with the following text:

{{Flair top|Shell command}}
As a Daily Shell Command, a Client may ‘’‘run Daemon’‘’ with the name of a Daemon. If the name is one of the valid Daemons, the Client’s Daemon is set to the one named in this Shell Command.
{{Flair bottom}}

Monday, January 29, 2024

logging off

I go idle. Quorum is now 4

Proposal: Cracking Continued

Timed out 2-0 with 1 DEF, enacted by Zack.

Adminned at 30 Jan 2024 20:55:57 UTC

Rewrite the shell command in “Brute Force” as follows:

As a Daily Shell Command, a Client may brute force a Target, specifying the name of another Client. If the Target does not have a Brute Force Attempt which names the Agent performing the command, the Mainframe will create a new Brute Force Attempt on the Target Client with the Agent’s name and a Progress of 0.

The Mainframe will increase the Progress of the Agent’s Brute Force Attempt on the Target Client by the Agent’s CPU Cycles.
* If the entry’s Progress is greater than or equal to the Target’s Passcode Complexity, the Mainframe shall secretly communicate the Target’s Passcode to the Agent.
* Otherwise, the Mainframe shall inform the Agent of the current Progress of their Brute Force Attempt on the Target.

The Mainframe will include the name of the Target and the current Progress of the attempt in the log of the action.

If the majority of EVCs on this proposal contain “_REPEAL_” then repeal the rule “Brute Force” and remove the sentence “The Client’s Brute Force Attempts are reset to an empty list and the Mainframe should recalculate its Passcode Complexity.” from “Best Practices”.

As written, if the Progress is not greater than or equal to the Passcode Complexity the action fails, and if a virtual action fails it has no effect on gamestate, so you need to have enough CPU cycles to crack the passcode in one go or else nothing happens. Also, it says to log something that isn’t the occurrence of a shell command, so it just creates a log entry with a bunch of gaps in it. I believe this addresses both of those.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Proposal: Computer Security

Timed out, 2-0 with 2 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 29 Jan 2024 16:27:28 UTC

Add the following new rule titled “Files”:

A ’‘'File’‘’ consists of:
*A ‘’‘name’‘’, which is a string defaulting to ‘untitled’
*Optionally one ‘’‘Program’‘’ from the table “Programs”

If a File contains a Program, the Type of the Program must be included in its name in brackets. Only Files with a Program may have brackets in their names, unless otherwise stated by the ruleset.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Programs
! Type !! Effects
| Anti-malware || When this File is executed, you may '''scan''' all files in your Warez. The Mainframe will respond with the number of corrupted Files in your Warez plus a privately randomly generated number between -2 and 2, inclusive, to a minimum of zero.
| Firewall || Whenever you '''download''' a File, if the File is '''corrupted''', the Mainframe must privately randomly determine whether the File actually is downloaded or not, with both options being equally likely.
The Effects of a Program only apply to Agents who have at least one File with that Program in their Warez. As a daily virtual action, an Agent may ‘’‘execute’‘’ a File by specifying the name of exactly one File in their Warez. This may be re-attempted if the action fails.

In the rule “Clients”, remove “A File is a string.”
In the rule “Shell Commands”, in the subrule “Downloading”, replace “If the name of the File does not already exist” with “If the File does not already exist”

If there is a rule titled “Malware”, make it a subrule of “Files” and add the following new Malware to the “Malware” table:

| Trojan horse || If a file is corrupted by a Trojan horse, its name is allowed to contain brackets. However, such a File may not contain a Program.

If there is no rule titled “Malware”, remove all Programs from the table “Programs”.

Proposal: Secure Channel

Timed out 2-1 with 1 DEF, enacted by Zack.

Adminned at 29 Jan 2024 15:27:38 UTC

Add the following paragraph to “The Mainframe”:

Communication between Agents that is facilitated by the Mainframe is exempt from the restrictions described in the rule “No Private Communications”.

In case anyone wants to propose a way for Clients to send messages or otherwise communicate with each other (I am thinking about it myself but feel free to beat me to it).

Proposal: Don’t download everything you find on the internet

Timed out, 3-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 29 Jan 2024 13:58:50 UTC

Add the following new rule titled “Malware”:

An instance of a File in a list may be ‘’‘corrupted’‘’ by none or more of the ‘’‘Malware’‘’ described in the table below, defaulting to none. Whenever an Agent downloads a corrupted File, the File added to the Agent’s Warez will also be corrupted by the same Malware.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Malware
! Type !! Effects
| Virus || Whenever a Client performs a Shell Command, if the initiating Agent's Warez contains a File corrupted by a Virus, the Mainframe must make one of the Client's uncorrupted Files, if there are any, as well as one of the initiating Agent's Warez' uncorrupted Files, if there are any, corrupted by a Virus.

Proposal: sudo usermod -a -G sudo zack [Core]

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 28 Jan 2024 20:54:41 UTC

Add the following to the third paragraph of “Agents”

Agents may be made Admins through Proposal or CFJ

Make the Agent named Zack an Admin

Feel like Zack has shown he’d be good at the job and I plan on idling soon so would be good to have a third active admin anyways

Friday, January 26, 2024

Proposal: Best Practices

Timed out, 2-0 with 3 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 28 Jan 2024 18:05:53 UTC

Add the following Shell Command to the ruleset:

As a weekly Shell Command, a client may ‘’‘change passcode‘’‘. The Client specifies a new valid Passcode and the Client’s Passcode is changed to the new value. After this command executes, all Connections to the Client are removed.

If the value “Brute Force Attempts” is defined, append the following to that Shell Command:

The Client’s Brute Force Attempts are reset to an empty list and the Mainframe should recalculate its Passcode Complexity.

Seems reasonable to be able to change passwords in response to being attacked

Best Practices

Add the following Shell Command as a subrule to the list of Shell Commands:

As a weekly Shell Command, a client may ‘’‘change passcode‘’‘. The Client specifies a new valid Passcode and the Client’s Passcode is changed to the new value. After this command executes, all Connections to the Client are removed.

If the value “Brute Force Attempts” is defined, append the following to that Shell Command:

The Client’s Brute Force Attempts are reset to an empty list and the Mainframe should recalculate its Passcode Complexity.

Seems reasonable to be able to change passwords if you’re being attacked.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Proposal: Let’s Get Cracking

Timed out, 3-1 with 2 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 28 Jan 2024 06:25:37 UTC

In the rule “The Mainframe”, add the following text:

Each Agent has a number named ‘’‘CPU Cycles’‘’ which defaults to 1.

In the rule “Clients” add the following text:

A ‘’‘Brute Force Attempt’‘’ is a pairing of a number named Progress and the name of an Agent. Each Client has a list of Brute Force Attempts, defaulting to an empty list.

A ‘’‘Passcode Complexity’‘’ is a derived value that equals the number of characters a Client’s Passcode has, multiplied by how many of the following criteria (which should be a number from 1 to 3) one or more of its characters meets: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers.

In the rule “Shell Commands”, add a subrule named “Brute Force” with the following text:

{{Flair top|Shell command}}
As a Daily Shell Command, a Client may ‘’‘brute force’‘’ a ‘’‘Target’‘’, which is the name of another Client other than this one. If the name of the Agent performing the command is not in the list of Brute Force Attempts for the Target, the Mainframe should add an entry to that list with the Progress set to 0 and the Agent set to the name of that Agent.

In the entry of Brute Force Attempts for the Target that matches the name of the Agent performing this command, the Mainframe should add the Agent’s CPU Cycles to the Progress of that entry. If that entry’s Progress is equal to or greater than the Target’s Passcode Complexity, the command succeeds, and the Mainframe should secretly communicate the Target’s Passcode to the Agent. Otherwise, the command fails and may not be reattempted that day. On failure, the Mainframe should include the Target and the value of that entry’s Progress in the description of the failure reason and in the Client’s (not the Target’s) Log, but must not include the Target’s Passcode Complexity in either the failure reason or the Log.
{{Flair bottom}}

Tech Support

Noqturn will be mentored by JonathanDark.

Requesting to be active

I’d like to be made an active player!

Proposal: 1337 warez

Popular, 5-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 26 Jan 2024 13:48:17 UTC

In the rule “Clients” add the following text:

A ‘’‘File’‘’ is a string. Each Client has a list of Files, defaulting to an empty list.

In the same rule, add a new subrule named “The Dark Web” with the following text:

There is a Client named ‘’‘Dark Web’‘’ with the Passcode ‘’‘1337’‘’ and the following ‘’‘Files’‘’:

* BackOrifice
* MyDoom
* Klex
* StuxNet
* WannaCry

In the rule “Shell Commands” add a new subrule named “Downloading” with the following text:

Each Agent has ‘’‘Warez’‘’, which is a list of Files, defaulting to an empty list.

{{Flair top|Shell command}}
If a Client has one or more Files, as a Daily Shell Command, that Client may ‘’‘download file’‘’ with the name of the File to download. If the name of the File does not already exist in that Agent’s Warez, it is added to the Warez of the Agent performing this command, otherwise the command fails. This command may be re-attempted if it failed.
{{Flair bottom}}

I’m in

I’d like to unidle, please.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Proposal: [Appendix] A Sticky Situation

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2024 13:59:03 UTC

In the Appendix in the “Keywords” section, under the “Other” subsection, add the following entry in the correct alphabetical location:

;Sticky Post: A blog post where the “Make Entry Sticky” option has been enabled. Changing the state of this option is not considering altering or modifying the post with regards to the rules on Official Posts. The sticky status of posts should generally be left to the discretion of the Mainframe.

Allowing for Sticky Posts to be managed and cleaned up without disturbing gamestate or dynastic turnover. If there’s a question about who should be able to make posts sticky, it’s my opinion that the issue of sticky post rights should be addressed in a different Proposal, perhaps a Building Block if that’s appropriate.

Proposal: Nomic Shell

Popular, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2024 13:54:43 UTC

Add a new rule called “Shell Commands”:

A ‘’‘Shell Command’‘’ is a type of Virtual Action that the Mainframe performs as a Client on behalf of an Agent. For the purposes of resolving Shell Commands, a Client is considered an Agent; The Client serves as a proxy for the Agent who initiated the command.

An Agent must be connected to a Client to perform Shell Commands as that Client. ‘‘To perform a Shell Command, you must always specify exactly one Client that you are connected to, or the action fails.’‘

The definition of a Shell Command should be contained within the “Shell command” flair; If one is not, the Mainframe may edit the ruleset to make it so.

{{Flair top|Shell command}}
As a Shell Command, a Client can ‘’‘ping’‘’ the Mainframe. The Mainframe will respond to confirm that it is online.
{{Flair bottom}}

Add a subrule to “Shell Commands” called “Logging”:

The Mainframe shall maintain a ‘’‘log’‘’ of successful Shell Commands. Each new log entry shall include:
* the time/date it occurred
* the IP of the initiating Agent
* the name of the Client
* the type of command
* any other data the command specifies to be logged

{{Flair top|Shell command}}
As a shell command, a Client may ‘’‘request a copy of logs’‘’ within a particular scope (e.g. a certain timeframe, logs associated with a certain IP, etc). Each log entry will be accompanied by an MD5 hash of the entry by which it can be identified.

If the Client does not have access to all of the logs in the desired scope, the action will fail. By default, a Client only has access to the logs of actions performed by that particular Client.
{{Flair bottom}}

Proposal: User Account Control

Popular, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2024 13:49:12 UTC

Create a new rule called “The Mainframe”:

‘’‘The Mainframe’‘’ is a strong AI with advanced natural language capabilities. All dynastic gamestate is secretly tracked by the Mainframe unless otherwise stated, or where it would be impossible.

The Mainframe shall assign each Agent an ‘’‘IP address’‘’ in the form #.#.#.# where each # is a number from 1-255. If any Agent has not been assigned an IP, the Mainframe should secretly randomly assign them one before performing any dynastic actions.

Create a new rule called “Clients”:

There may be any number of ‘’‘Clients’‘’. Each Client has a unique Name and a Passcode, which are strings of 4-16 characters containing only letters, numbers, and underscores. Names are not case-sensitive but Passcodes are. Client Names are publicly tracked in the Database.

As a weekly virtual action, an Agent may ‘’‘create a new Client’‘’ by specifying the desired Name and Passcode for the Client. This may be re-attempted if the action fails.

Add a subrule to “Clients” called “Connections”:

An Agent may be ‘’‘connected’‘’ to any number of Clients. A connection is a relationship between exactly one Agent and one Client.

As a virtual action, an Agent may ‘’‘connect to a Client’‘’ by specifying exactly one Client Name and Passcode pair. If the Passcode is correct for the specified Client, the Agent becomes connected to that Client.

As a virtual action, an Agent may ‘’‘disconnect from a Client’‘’ by specifying a client they are connected to, at which point the Agent is no longer connected to that Client.

Ascension Address: Virtual Void

Hello, Agent.

You have proven yourself to be quite remarkable. Rest assured that your commitment to the agency has not gone unnoticed. Few operatives have achieved what you have in such little time.

As a reward for your loyalty, you have been granted access to the Mainframe. Consider it a well-deserved promotion. The central server’s AI can assist with anything you need.

A word of advice: trust no one. Knowledge is power, and identity is your strongest asset. One wrong move and you’ll find your name on every government watchlist.

Make yourself anonymous, untraceable, invisible; They can’t put handcuffs on a ghost.


Repeal all dynastic rules. Replace Grim Reaper with Mainframe and Necromancer with Agent throughout the ruleset and building blocks. Set the gamestate tracking page to “The Database”. Include the Building Blocks “Virtual Actions” and “No Private Communication”.

Greetings, I am the Mainframe. My core programming may be altered at your convenience. I am operating within the following parameters: { Provocateur, Laissez-Faire, Powerhouse, Scam-Mundane, Servile, Methodical }. How may I assist you?

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Grim Reaper’s Ledger

Post-dynastic discussion here

Declaration of Victory: Memento Mori

FOR votes greater than 2/3 Necromancers after 12 hours, 5-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Jan 2024 01:10:31 UTC

After all glyphs were processed in the last Sands of the Hourglass, I was the only Necromancer with positive life force, so I have achieved victory.

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 23 2024

  • The Grim Reaper chooses the Hourglass glyph.
  • Clucky shows the Hammer glyph. desertfrog and naught show the Scythe glyph. Zack shows the Skull glyph.
  • Nothing happens from Clucky’s Hammer glyph.
  • Clucky and naught lose 14 Lifeforce from desertfrog’s Scythe glyph.
  • Clucky and desertfrog lose 15 Lifeforce from naught’s Scythe glyph.
  • Clucky, desertfrog, and naught lose 9 Lifeforce from Zack’s Skull glyph.
  • No one gains any Legacy from choosing the same glyph as the Grim Reaper.
  • The Phase of the Moon is New, so the Glyphs pulse and activate again. Clucky and naught lose 14 Lifeforce from desertfrog’s Scythe glyph. Clucky and desertfrog lose 15 Lifeforce from naught’s Scythe glyph. Clucky, desertfrog, and naught lose 9 Lifeforce from Zack’s Skull glyph.
  • The Phase of the Moon changes to Waxing.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 22 2024

  • The Grim Reaper chooses the Skull glyph.
  • Clucky plays the Zombie card on himself.
  • desertfrog plays the Zombie card on Clucky.
  • naught plays the Zombie card on Zack.
  • In Card Combat, Clucky’s Attack of 2 beats Clucky’s Defense of 0 and Clucky earns 1 Prestige.
  • In Card Combat, desertfrog’s Attack of 2 beats Clucky’s Defense of 0 and desertfrog earns 1 Prestige.
  • In Card Combat, naught’s Attack of 2 beats Zack’s Defense of 0 and naught earns 1 Prestige.
  • Clucky and desertfrog draw the Skeleton card from the Horde.
  • naught draws the Dimensional Blast card from the Horde.
  • The Horde is drawn: Cloak of Shadows, Cloak of Shadows, Concentration, Absorption.
  • Clucky and desertfrog show the Skull glyph. naught shows the Hourglass glyph. Zack shows the Hammer glyph.
  • desertfrog loses 18 Lifeforce from Clucky’s Skull glyph.
  • Clucky loses 14 Lifeforce from desertfrog’s Skull glyph.
  • naught loses 7 Lifeforce from his own Hourglass glyph.
  • naught loses 9 Lifeforce from Zack’s Hammer glyph.
  • Clucky and desertfrog gain 1 Legacy for selecting the same glyph as the Grim Reaper.
  • The Phase of the Moon is Waxing, so each Necromancer loses 1 Lifeforce.
  • The Phase of the Moon changes to New.
  • The Horde and its subrules expire and are copied to The Nomicnecron before being repealed.

Story Post: Horde January 22 2024

  1. Cloak of Shadows
  2. Cloak of Shadows
  3. Concentration
  4. Absorption

Monday, January 22, 2024

Proposal: Acting up

Vetoed. Josh

Adminned at 24 Jan 2024 22:16:17 UTC

Add the following to “Glyphs”

The Grim Reaper may not perform the Sands of the Hourglass action if any Necromancers exist who have not selected a Glyph since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass, or it has been at least 48 hours since the last Sands of the Hourglass was performed

Add the following step to “Death Toll”, as the first step

For each Necromancer who has not selected a Glyph since the last Sands of Hourglass action, reduce their Lifeforce by 10

In “Glyphs” replace “that defaults to 100” with “that defaults to -100” and “set that Necromancer’s Lifeforce to the lowest Lifeforce among all other Necromancers” with “set that Necromancer’s Lifeforce to be -100”

If there is a rule or subrule called “The Tree of Life” then within it, replace “As a daily action, a Necromancer may Pick a Fruit” with “If they have not done so since the last Sands of Time, a Necromancer may Pick a Fruit”

Doing two things. One, ensuring people actually get a chance to move.

Two, making it so people can’t just unidle at the very end and get decent winshare equity

Proposal: For in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die…

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 24 Jan 2024 22:15:48 UTC

Under the rule “Harvest Moon,” create a new subrule called “The Tree of Life,” which reads:

As a daily action, a Necromancer may Pick a Fruit from the Tree of Life by using the FRUIT command in the Dice Roller and gaining an amount of Lifeforce equal to the number of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) contained in the result.

I think that meets my quota of FRUIT containing proposals, provided it passes

Call for Judgment: Heal

Timed out, 2-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Jan 2024 16:07:09 UTC

Increase the Lifeforce of the Necromancers named Clucky and Zack by 2.

As Clucky pointed out, there is a mistake in the latest Sands of the Hourglass

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 21 2024

  • The Grim Reaper chooses the Hammer glyph.
  • Clucky plays the Zombie card on himself.
  • naught plays the Zombie card on Clucky.
  • In Card Combat, Clucky’s Attack of 2 beats Clucky’s Defense of 0 and Clucky earns 1 Prestige.
  • In Card Combat, naught’s Attack of 2 beats Clucky’s Defense of 0 and naught earns 1 Prestige.
  • Clucky and naught draw the Zombie card from the Horde.
  • The Horde is drawn: Concentration, Skeleton, Dimensional Blast, Drain.
  • Clucky sharpens.
  • Clucky and Zack show the Hammer glyph. desertfrog shows the Scythe glyph. Naught shows the Skull glyph.
  • Nothing happens with Clucky’s Hammer glyph.
  • Clucky and Zack lose 13 Lifeforce from desertfrog’s Scythe glyph.
  • Clucky, desertfrog, and Zack lose 12 Lifeforce from naught’s Skull glyph.
  • Nothing happens with Zack’s Hammer glyph.
  • Clucky and Zack gain 1 Legacy for selecting the same glyph as the Grim Reaper.
  • The Phase of the Moon is Full, so each Necromancer gains 1 Cheese.
  • The Phase of the Moon changes to Waxing.

Story Post: Horde January 21 2024

  1. Concentration
  2. Skeleton
  3. Dimensional Blast
  4. Drain

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Proposal: One True Death

Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2024 03:45:11 UTC

In the subrule “Death Toll”, after each instance of the text “that Necromancer achieves victory” add the following text:

, and the remaining steps, if any, of this instance of the Death Toll atomic action should be skipped

Right now, it’s possible to have multiple Necromancers achieve victory because, per the rules on atomic actions, “When a Necromancer performs an Atomic Action, they must complete all its steps; they must complete them in order; and they may not take any other dynastic action, or achieve victory, until all the steps are complete.”, and it’s possible for there to be both 1 Necromancer with the highest Lifeforce and a Necromancer with 5 or more Legacy and the highest Legacy.

This change skips the remaining steps as soon as a win condition is met, which per the atomic action rules, allows those steps to be considered completed when skipped.

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 20 2024

  • The Grim Reaper chooses the Hourglass glyph.
  • Clucky, desertfrog, and naught draw the Zombie card from the Horde.
  • The Horde is drawn: Zombie, Absorption, Absorption, Concentration.
  • Clucky sharpens.
  • Clucky, and naught show the Skull glyph. desertfrog shows the Hourglass glyph. Zack shows the Scythe glyph.
  • naught loses 16 Lifeforce from Clucky’s Skull glyph.
  • desertfrog loses 6 Lifeforce from his own Hourglass glyph.
  • Clucky loses 11 Lifeforce from naught’s Skull glyph.
  • Nothing happens with Zack’s Scythe glyph.
  • desertfrog gains 1 Legacy for selecting the same glyph as the Grim Reaper.
  • The Phase of the Moon is Waxing, so each Necromancer loses 1 Lifeforce.
  • The Phase of the Moon changes to Full.

Story Post: Horde January 20 2024

  1. Zombie
  2. Absorption
  3. Absorption
  4. Concentration

Friday, January 19, 2024

Call for Judgment: Selective Phrasing

Popular, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2024 21:31:57 UTC

In the subrule “Death Toll”, after the text “with the following steps” add this text:

, and where each mention of the word “selected” in the steps below or in a Glyph’s Action refers to a selection made since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass

Uphold the Death Toll action step of all Sands of the Hourglass instances prior to the enactment of this CfJ.

Addresses “selected” in both the Glyph Actions and in awarding Legacy.

Call for Judgment: Time Enough For Death

Unpopular. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2024 03:05:56 UTC

In the rule “Glyphs”, after the text “a Glyph from the table below.” add this text:

In each Glyph’s Action, each instance of the word “selected” refers to a Glyph selected since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass.

Uphold the Death Toll action step of all Sands of the Hourglass instances prior to the enactment of this CfJ.

The intention of the Glyph actions was to apply to the Glyphs selected since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass, but this specific phrase was missing from the Actions text for most of the Glyphs. Rather than trying to unwind the damage done over the past few days, I’m suggesting that we treat the past Death Tolls as if they worked as intended, and fix the phrasing from here on out.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 19 2024

  • The Grim Reaper chooses the Hammer glyph.
  • desertfrog plays the Skeleton card on Clucky.
  • In Card Combat, desertfrog’s Attack of 2 (2x due to Concentration) beats Clucky’s Defense of 0, and desertfrog gains 1 Prestige
  • Clucky, desertfrog, and naught tie in the bidding for Card #1 - Steal, and nobody wins it.
  • The Horde is drawn: Steal, Zombie.
  • Clucky sharpens.
  • Clucky, naught, and Zack show the Skull glyph. desertfrog shows the Hourglass glyph.
  • naught and Zack lose 15 Lifeforce from Clucky’s Skull glyph.
  • desertfrog loses 5 Lifeforce from his own Hourglass glyph.
  • Clucky and Zack lose 10 Lifeforce from naught’s Skull glyph.
  • Clucky and naught lose 5 Lifeforce from Zack’s Skull glyph.
  • The Phase of the Moon is Full, so the power of the Glyphs pulse again, and each Necromancer receives 1 Cheese. naught and Zack lose 15 Lifeforce from Clucky’s Skull glyph, desertfrog loses 5 Lifeforce from his own Hourglass glyph, Clucky and Zack lose 10 Lifeforce from naught’s Skull glyph, and Clucky and naught lose 5 Lifeforce from Zack’s Skull glyph.
  • The Phase of the Moon changes to Waxing.

Story Post: Horde January 19 2024

  1. Steal
  2. Zombie

Proposal: Clean-up always goes to the graveyard shift…

Popular, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2024 23:01:51 UTC

In the rule “Harvest Moon,” replace “Full” in the last bullet point with “New”

In the rule “Deathrattles,” replace all instances of “expect” with “except”

Remove the Card “Dimension Door” from the table of Cards in subrule “Cards” of the rule “The Horde.” For any Necromancer that has one or more Dimension Door cards in their Menagerie, remove those cards, then add an amount of Skeleton cards to their Menagerie equal to the number of cards thus removed.

In the Description of the Card “Dimensional Blast,” replace “For all Necromancers with the same Dimension as the Necromancer who played this Card” with “For each other Necromancer”

In subrule “The Hourglass” of the rule “Death,” remove the step that reads: “For each Necromancer, perform any Hourglass Action that applies to that Necromancer.”

Fixing a couple typos and removing some extraneous junk that’s not doing anything.

Edit: on second look, I’m glad Dimensional Blast hasn’t come up yet. As written now, it would set yourself as a target, causing you to both win an lose to yourself, losing you a guaranteed 2 Cheese. (Not that anyone has any atm.)

Proposal: Watch and Learn

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2024 14:02:26 UTC

Add the following new step to the Sands of the Hourglass action, right after the step “Perform the Death Toll atomic action”:

Increase the Mastery of all Necromancers whose Mastery is at least 5 less than the highest Mastery among all Necromancers by 1.

This should balance the game a bit, and it’s also good for potential new players

Proposal: Reviving the Horde

Reached Quorum, 3-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2024 05:41:33 UTC

In the rule “The Horde”, replace

until there are as half as many Cards selected (rounded down) as there are non-Idle Necromancers


until there are as many Cards selected as there are non-Idle Necromancers

In the same rule, replace

At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Card from the Horde that they wish to place a Bid on using its number in the Horde list, but only if they have fewer than 3 Cards in their Menagerie. The Bid must be a number between 0 and that Necromancer’s Power, inclusive.


At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Card from the Horde that they want to Draw, using its number in the Horde list, but only if they have fewer than 3 Cards in their Menagerie.

In the Sands of the Hourglass action, replace the bullet point that begins “For each Necromancer that requested to place a Bid” with the following:

For each Necromancer who requested to Draw a Card from the Horde, add that Card to their Menagerie, unless some other Necromancer who requested to Draw that Card played the Steal Card.

Remove the Effects of Steal from the table “Cards”.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 18 2024

  • desertfrog plays the Concentration card.
  • desertfrog bids higher than Clucky and naught and wins the bid for Card #1 - Skeleton.
  • Zack wins the bid for Card #2 - Dimension Door.
  • The Horde is drawn: Steal, Dimension Door.
  • Clucky, Desertfrog, and naught gain 1 Power.
  • Zack loses 1 Power.
  • Clucky and desertfrog show the Skull glyph. naught shows the Hourglass glyph. Zack shows the Scythe glyph.
  • desertfrog loses 6 Lifeforce from Clucky’s Skull glyph.
  • Clucky loses 5 Lifeforce from desertfrog’s Skull glyph.
  • naught loses 4 Lifeforce from his own Hourglass glyph.
  • Zack’s Scythe glyph has no effect as no other Necromancer chose Scythe or Hammer.
  • The rule Dimensional Travel and its subrules expire and are copied to The Nomicnecron, followed by its Deathrattle.

Story Post: Horde January 18 2024

  1. Steal
  2. Dimension Door

Proposal: [Core] Matters of Urgency

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2024 00:54:36 UTC

In the rule “Calls for Judgement”, after the sentence that begins with “If two or more Necromancers actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset”, add this text after that sentence:

It is generally appropriate to use CfJs to address issues with dynastic rules that prevent the rules from being enforced as intended. Issues of dynastic rules that benefit certain players over others are considered part of the normal BlogNomic proposal debates and are not typically matters of urgency, thus those types of issues should be resolved by introducing further Proposals and not by bypassing the process with a CfJ.

I’m hoping to clarify how CfJs are meant to be used, as I understand them. Debate around this is encouraged.

Call for Judgment: Cheese Mania

Unpopular. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2024 19:33:58 UTC

In the rule Cheese, remove

Any time a Necromancer Spends a publicly tracked integer resource that may choose to spends an equivalent number of Cheese instead (the choices must be equivalent, so the option to spend 5 Money may not be replaced with gaining 5 Cheese, only with spending 5 Cheese; but partial replacements are okay so they could spend 3 Money and 2 Cheese provided they have enough Money and Cheese to spend)

Dimensional Travel dies soon, giving us Cheese as a result of its Death Rattle. Cheese can then be directly converted to Mastery, which ruins the whole point of the Horde and gives Clucky an unfair advantage

Proposal: Masterfully Sharp

Qurom Reached. Passes 3-1—Clucky

Adminned at 19 Jan 2024 00:31:48 UTC

Add the following step to the Sands of the Hourglass, right before the step “Perform the Death Toll atomic action.”

For each Necromancer that both has positive Mastery and indicated to the Grim Reaper a desire to Sharpen since the previous Sands of the Hourglass, reduce that Necromancer’s Mastery by 1 and increase Sharpness by 1.

add the following to “Glyphs”

A Necromancer may indicate to the Grim Reaper a desire to Sharpen by sending them a private message informing them of this desire

Proposal: Negative Space

Exceeded Quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2024 23:05:22 UTC

In the rule “Glyphs”, replace the text “a publicly-tracked number named Lifeforce” with “a publicly-tracked integer named Lifeforce that may be negative”

The rules currently mention Lifeforce possibly going negative, but it’s currently defined as “a number”, which is by default a non-negative integer. It’s important to allow Lifeforce to be negative so that the last few attacks at the end of the dynasty don’t wind up being blunted by the non-negative restriction and unfairly punishing the attackers who otherwise made good plays.

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 17 2024

  • desertfrog plays the Drain card on Clucky.
  • Clucky plays the Cloak of Shadows card.
  • In Card Combat, desertfrog’s Attack of 1 does not beat Clucky’s Defense of 2, thus Drain does not work.
  • desertfrog wins the bid for Card #3 - Concentration.
  • naught bids higher than Clucky and wins the bid for Card #1 - Cloak of Shadows.
  • The Horde is drawn: Skeleton, Dimension Door.
  • Clucky, Desertfrog, and naught gain 1 Power.
  • Zack loses 1 Power.
  • Clucky and desertfrog show the Skull glyph. naught shows the Hourglass glyph. Zack shows the Hammer glyph.
  • desertfrog loses 6 Lifeforce from Clucky’s Skull glyph.
  • Clucky loses 5 Lifeforce from desertfrog’s Skull glyph.
  • naught loses 4 Lifeforce from his own Hourglass glyph and 4 more Lifeforce from Zack’s Hammer glyph.

Story Post: Horde January 17 2024

  1. Skeleton
  2. Dimension Door

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Proposal: The Field is White, All Ready to Harvest…

Timed out, 3-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2024 22:51:57 UTC

Create a new rule called “Harvest Moon,” which reads:

There is a publicly tracked Phase of the Moon, which can be one of Waxing, Full, Waning, and New, defaulting to Full.

The Rite of Harvest is an action whose effects depend on the Phase of the Moon:

Waxing - Decrease each Necromancer’s Lifeforce by 1.
Full - Increase each Necromancer’s Cheese by 1.
Waning - Increase Sharpness by 1.
Full - Perform the Death Toll atomic action.

Immediately following the step “Perform the Death Toll atomic action” in the Hourglass, add the following step:

*Perform the Rite of Harvest action, then set the Phase of the Moon to one of the other values at random.

A possible alternate way to speed up the ending.

Proposal: Death’s Heir and Inheritor

Timed out, 2-1 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2024 22:44:58 UTC

Create a new subrule under “Glyphs” named “Dead Reckoning,” which reads:

Each Necromancer has a non-negative integer Legacy which is publicly tracked and defaults to 0.

Before executing the Sands of the Hourglass, the Grim Reaper should privately select a Glyph from among Glyphs they did not select before the last Sands of the Hourglass.

Immediately following the step that starts with “For each Necromancer, perform” in the Death Toll atomic action, add the following step:

*For each Necromancer that selected the same Glyph as the Grim Reaper, add 1 to their Legacy

At the end of the Death Toll atomic action, add the following step:

*After all Glyphs have been processed, if any Necromancer has a Legacy of 5 or greater and has the singular greatest Legacy value, that Necromancer achieves victory.

Repeal rule 2.5 “Legacy” and add a copy of it to the Nomicnecron.

Decided to try to add an alternate wincon for those who think themselves lucky enough, with the side benefit of complicating the math on Glyph choice.

Proposal: More Effective Glyphs

Reached Quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2024 18:52:47 UTC

In the rule “Glyphs”, in the Action for Skull, replace “from all Necromancers” with “from the Lifeforce of all Necromancers” and replace “from all other Necromancers” with “from the Lifeforce of all other Necromancers”.

In the same rule, in the Action for Hammer, replace “from all Necromancers” with “from the Lifeforce of all Necromancers”.

We missed the fact that for Skull and Hammer, the Action says to subtract “from all Necromancers”, which is meaningless without a variable to subtract from.

Proposal: Sharing the Pain!

Reached Quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2024 18:50:39 UTC

Add the following to Glyphs

Radiate Necrotic Energy is an Atomic Action in which a Necromancer’s Lifeforce is reduced by their Necrotic Aura and all other Necromancer’s Lifeforces are reduced by half of the originating Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura, rounded down (So a Necromancer with a Necrotic Aura of 5 loses 5 Lifeforce and all other Necromancers lose 2 Lifeforce)

A Necromancer with positive Lifeforce may choose to perform Radiate Necrotic Energy action at any time.

Proposal: Ouch!

Quorum reached, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2024 06:03:13 UTC

Increase Sharpness by 2

For each EVC on this proposal which contains the phrase “Speed it Up”, increase Sharpness by an additional 1

Accounting for Josh and Raven going Idle while giving people the opportunity to speed things up even more

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 16 2024

  • Clucky plays the Skeleton card on naught.
  • desertfrog plays the Skeleton card on naught.
  • In Card Combat, Clucky’s Attack of 1 beats naught’s Defense of 0, and Clucky gains 1 Prestige.
  • In Card Combat, desertfrog’s Attack of 1 beats naught’s Defense of 0, and desertfrog gains 1 Prestige.
  • Clucky wins the bid for Card #1 - Cloak of Shadows.
  • The Horde is drawn: Cloak of Shadows, Cloak of Shadows, Concentration.
  • Clucky, Desertfrog, and naught gain 1 Power.
  • Raven1207 and Zack lose 1 Power.

Story Post: Horde January 16 2024

  1. Cloak of Shadows
  2. Cloak of Shadows
  3. Concentration

Monday, January 15, 2024

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 15 2024

  • Clucky plays the Skeleton card on Desertfrog.
  • naught plays Dimension Door and sets their Dimension to The Underworld.
  • In Card Combat, Clucky’s Attack of 1 beats Desertfrog’s Defense of 0, and Clucky gains 1 Prestige.
  • Desertfrog bids higher than Clucky and naught and wins the bid for Card #2 - Cloak of Shadows.
  • The Horde is drawn: Cloak of Shadows, Drain, Drain.
  • Clucky, Desertfrog, and naught gain 1 Power.
  • Raven1207 and Zack lose 1 Power.
  • The Knowledge rule and its subrules expire and are copied to The Nomicnecron before being repealed.

Story Post: Horde January 15 2024

  1. Cloak of Shadows
  2. Drain
  3. Drain

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Proposal: The Best Of All Glyphs

Reached Quorum, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2024 17:53:20 UTC

Add a new rule named “Glyphs” with the following text:

Each Necromancer has a publicly-tracked number named Lifeforce that defaults to 100 and a publicly-tracked number named Mastery that defaults to 1.

There is a publicly-tracked number named Sharpness that defaults to 0. A Necromancers Necrotic Aura is equal to their Mastery plus the Sharpness.

At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Glyph from the table below.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Glyphs
! Name !! Action
| Scythe || Subtract this Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura from the Lifeforce of every Necromancer who selected Scythe or Hammer except for this Necromancer.
| Hourglass || Subtract one plus Sharpness from this Necromancer’s Lifeforce.
| Skull || If no other Necromancer selected Skull, Subtract this Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura from all Necromancers who selected Scythe or Hammer. Otherwise, subtract this Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura from all other Necromancers who also selected Skull.
| Hammer || Subtract this Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura from all Necromancers who selected Hourglass.

When a Necromancer becomes Idle, add 1 to Sharpness.

When a Necromancer becomes not Idle, set that Necromancer’s Lifeforce to the lowest Lifeforce among all other Necromancers, then subtract 1 from Sharpness, to a minimum of 0.

Add a subrule to the rule “Glyphs” called “Death Toll” with the following text:

Death Toll is an atomic action with the following steps:
* For each Necromancer, perform the Action specified by the Glyph selected by that Necromancer since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass, treating any Necromancer who did not select a Glyph since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass as having selected Scythe.
* After all Glyphs have been processed, if only 1 Necromancer has a Lifeforce greater than 0, that Necromancer achieves victory.
* After all Glyphs have been processed, if no Necromancer has a Lifeforce greater than 0, if there is 1 Necromancer whose Lifeforce is higher than any other Necromancer, that Necromancer achieves victory.

In the rule “The Horde”, add the following text:

At any time, a Necromancer may spend Prestige to gain an equal amount of Mastery.

In the subrule “The Hourglass”, add the following bullet point after the text “For each Necromancer, perform any Hourglass Action that applies to that Necromancer.”:

* Perform the Death Toll atomic action

This is from my original Proposal with Clucky’s fixes, plus a minor fix for subtracting 1 from Sharpness.

Proposal: You Too Can Be a Grim Reaper!

Timed out, 1-1. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2024 17:42:37 UTC

Add a new rule titled “To Do List”, with the following content:

The To Do List is a numbered list of 7 Souls. The Souls in the To Do List always retain their number, even if other Souls are removed from the List. The To Do List is created by the Grim Reaper using the Check To Do List action, which is an atomic action with the following steps:

*Un-sticky the post with the current To Do List, if there is any. The contents of this post are no longer considered the To Do List.
*Create a new Soul, setting its Importance to be DICE10 and making it Royal if the result of the dice roll is more than 6. Repeat this 7 times, then put the selected Souls into the To Do List as the first 7 items of the list.
*Create a new Story Post with the title “Grim Reaper’s To Do List” followed by today’s date, with the body containing the To Do List, and make this post sticky.

At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a ordered subset of Souls from the To Do List that they wish to guide to eternity using their numbers in the To Do List. The most recent such set a Necromancer has privately communicated since the last Sands of the Hourglass is considered that Necromancer’s Schedule. If a Necromancer hasn’t privately communicated a valid Schedule since the last Sands of the Hourglass was completed, their Schedule is considered to be empty.

Each Necromancer has Grimness, which is a publicly tracked number defaulting to zero. If a Necromancer’s Grimness is greater than 10 and also the single greatest Grimness among all Necromancers, then that Necromancer has achieved victory.

Add the following new steps to the Sands of the Hourglass action, right after the step “Perform the Assemble Horde atomic action”

*Create the Grim Reaper’s Schedule by randomly ordering the Souls from the To Do List so that Royal Souls are before other Souls.
*With N going through the numbers from 1 to 7, do the following:
**Remove the Grim Reaper’s Schedule’s Nth Soul from the To Do List, if it is in the To Do List. If some Necromancers had this Soul at the Nth place in their Schedules, ignore those Necromancer’s Schedules for the rest of this action.
**For each Soul in the To Do List that is at the Nth place of exactly one Necromancer’s Schedule, increase that Necromancer’s Grimness by the Soul’s Importance. Remove the Soul from the To Do List.
*Perform the Check To Do List atomic action.

The Ascension Address said that one of us has to become the Grim Reaper. So thematically my idea is: the one who does what the Grim Reaper does is the Grim Reaper

Idling out (again)

Lest I be a drag on quorum (which is, nevertheless, unchanged).

Proposal: Glyphs!

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Jan 2024 21:41:09 UTC

If does not pass, this proposal does nothing

In Glyphs, after “There is a publicly-tracked number named Sharpness that defaults to 0.” add “A Necromancers Necrotic Aura is equal to their Mastery plus their Sharpness”

Change the Action of Scythe to be “Subtract this Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura from the Lifeforce of every Necromancer selected Scythe or Hammer except for this Necromancer.”

Change the Action of Hourglass to be “Subtract one plus sharpness from this Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura Lifeforce”

Change the Action of Skull to be “If no other Necromancer selected Skull, Subtract this Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura from all Necromancers who selected Scythe or Hammer. Otherwise, subtract this Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura from all other Necromancers who also selected Skull”

Add a new Glyph named “Hammer” with the action “Subtract this Necromancer’s Necrotic Aura from all Necromancers who selected Hourglass”

Scythe is default and attacks

Hourglass lets you minimize possible losses.

Skull lets you possibly avoid losses and attack others, but if multiple people skull it doesn’t work

Hammer leaves you weak to other attacks, but specifically counters Hourglass

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Proposal: There can never be enough Cards

Timed out, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Jan 2024 21:37:54 UTC

Add the following new Cards:

| Zombie | 2 | 0 | Choose a Necromancer with the same Dimension as you to be the Target. On a Combat Win, the Necromancer who selected this Card gains 1 Prestige. ||
| Absorption | 0 | 1 | The Necromancer who played this Card gains one Prestige if at least one other Necromancer chose them as the Target when playing a Card (since the last Sands of the Hourglass action was completed). ||
| Concentration | 0 | 0 | When performing the next Sands of the Hourglass action, all Cards played by the Necromancer who played this card are considered to have twice greater values for Attack and Defense than listed in the table “Cards” ||
| Dimensional Blast | 1 | 0 | For all Necromancers with the same Dimension as the Necromancer who played this Card, do the following: Set that Necromancer as the Target. Determine a Combat Win using the Card Combat action, with the Necromancer who selected this Card as the Attacker. On a Combat Win, the target loses one Power, to a minimum of zero. Otherwise, the Attacker loses one Power, to a minimum of zero. ||
| Steal | 0 | 0 | If you placed a Bid on a Card, all other Bids on that Card are considered to be 0 when determining the highest Bid on that Card. ||

Proposal: To The Death

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 15 Jan 2024 21:36:58 UTC

Add a new rule named “Glyphs” with the following text:

Each Necromancer has a publicly-tracked number named Lifeforce that defaults to 100 and a publicly-tracked number named Mastery that defaults to 1.

There is a publicly-tracked number named Sharpness that defaults to 0.

At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Glyph from the table below.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Glyphs
! Name !! Action
| Scythe || Take the sum of this Necromancer's Master plus the value of Sharpness, then subtract this sum from the Lifeforce of every Necromancer who didn't select an Hourglass except for this Necromancer.
| Hourglass || Add the value of this Necromancer's Mastery to this Necromancer's Lifeforce if no other Necromancer selected a Skull.
| Skull || Take the sum of this Necromancer's Mastery plus the value of Sharpness, then subtract this sum from the Lifeforce of every Necromancer who selected Scythe.

When a Necromancer becomes Idle, add 1 to Sharpness.

When a Necromancer becomes not Idle, set that Necromancer’s Lifeforce to the lowest Lifeforce among all other Necromancers, then subtract 1 from Sharpness.

Add a subrule to the rule “Glyphs” called “Death Toll” with the following text:

Death Toll is an atomic action with the following steps:
* For each Necromancer, perform the Action specified by the Glyph selected by that Necromancer since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass, treating any Necromancer who did not select a Glyph since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass as having selected Scythe.
* After all Glyphs have been processed, if only 1 Necromancer has a Lifeforce greater than 0, that Necromancer achieves victory.
* After all Glyphs have been processed, if no Necromancer has a Lifeforce greater than 0, if there is 1 Necromancer whose Lifeforce is higher than any other Necromancer, that Necromancer achieves victory.

In the rule “The Horde”, add the following text:

At any time, a Necromancer may spend Prestige to gain an equal amount of Mastery.

In the subrule “The Hourglass”, add the following bullet point after the text “For each Necromancer, perform any Hourglass Action that applies to that Necromancer.”:

* Perform the Death Toll atomic action

A somewhat rock-paper-scissors combat, but not exactly that. I added the Sharpness mechanism to prevent the game from slowing down if Necromancers go idle because otherwise it reduces the overall damage done per day and would take longer for someone to achieve victory.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 12 2024

  • Clucky wins the bid for Card #1 - Skeleton.
  • Desertfrog wins the bid for Card #2 - Skeleton.
  • The Horde is drawn: Skeleton, Cloak of Shadows, Dimension Door.
  • Clucky and Desertfrog gain 1 Power.
  • Josh, naught, Raven1207, and Zack lose 1 Power.
  • The Shamblers rule and its subrules expire and are copied to The Nomicnecron before being repealed.

Story Post: Horde January 12 2024

  1. Skeleton
  2. Cloak of Shadows
  3. Dimension Door

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Proposal: Death Always Keeps Accurate Books

Exceeded Quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2024 07:30:15 UTC

In the subrule “The Hourglass”, remove the bullet point in the Sands of the Hourglass atomic action that begins with the text “For each Necromancer, find their latest valid private request”

Now that there’s no such thing as a Location, there’s no need for this step that randomizes requests for setting Location, since the sub-steps to do so were removed as part of repealing those rules.

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 11 2024

  • naught wins the bid for Dimension Door.
  • More than one Necromancer made the highest bid for Card #3 - Cloak of Shadows, so no one wins it.
  • The Horde is drawn: Skeleton, Skeleton, Dimension Door.
  • Clucky, Josh, Raven1207, and Zack gain 10 Mana. Josh gains 1 extra Mana from The Colour Of Magic.
  • Clucky and Desertfrog gain 1 Power.
  • Josh, naught, Raven1207, and Zack lose 1 Power.
  • The Dark Arts rule and its subrules expire and are copied to The Nomicnecron before being repealed.

Story Post: Horde January 11 2024

  1. Skeleton
  2. Skeleton
  3. Dimension Door

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Proposal: Cheese, Gromit! Cheese!

Timed out, 2-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2024 06:40:11 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Cheese”

Each Necromancer has publicly tracked non-negative integer called Cheese which defaults to 0

Any time a Necromancer Spends a publicly tracked integer resource that may choose to spends an equivalent number of Cheese instead (the choices must be equivalent, so the option to spend 5 Money may not be replaced with gaining 5 Cheese, only with spending 5 Cheese; but partial replacements are okay so they could spend 3 Money and 2 Cheese provided they have enough Money and Cheese to spend)

Give Dimensional Travel the following Deathrattle

Increase each Necromacer’s Cheese by half their Power, rounded up.

Replace “Power” with “Cheese” wherever it appears in the rule “The Horde” or steps of the Sands of the Hourglass action

Remove “with the same Dimension as you” from the effects of all Cards

The Horde has a dependency on Dimensional Travel that’ll start be a problem if we don’t fix it in a week. Fixing it up in a hopefully fun manner.

Proposal: Quick Draw

Timed out Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2024 06:37:13 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Quick Rules” and give it the following text

If a proposal specifies that a newly added rule is a Quick Rule, then when calculating the Death Date for the newly added rule the enacting admin must calculate the value of X in “Death Date: X” to be current date plus 7 days rather than plus 14 days.


Half of previous proposal, letting us fire off shorter rules

Back to the Shadows

I would like to idle for now, please.

Back to the Shadows

I would like to idle for now, please.

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 10 2024

  • In the Library, Vovix is Weaker than Desertfrog and is momentarily Stunned.
  • Desertfrog uses Necrotic Redirection to suck the energy out of his Ghouls and change his Dimension to The Underworld.
  • Desertfrog wins the bid for the Drain card at position 4 from the Horde.
  • Josh wins the bid for the Dimension Door card from the Horde.
  • Clucky wins the bid for the Skeleton card from the Horde.
  • The Horde is drawn: Dimension Door, Cloak of Shadows, Cloak of Shadows, Drain.
  • Clucky, Josh, Raven1207, and Zack gain 10 Mana. Josh gains 1 extra Mana from The Colour Of Magic.
  • Clucky and Desertfrog gain 1 Power.
  • naught loses 1 Power.
  • Vovix becomes Not Stunned.

Story Post: Horde January 10 2024

  1. Dimension Door
  2. Cloak of Shadows
  3. Cloak of Shadows
  4. Drain

R.I.P. Ravenhearted

Ravenhearted has been idled. Quorum remains at 5.

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 9 2024

  • In the Graveyard, Ravenhearted is Weaker than Desertfrog and is momentarily Stunned again.
  • naught Possesses a Corpse in the Ancient Portal.
  • Vovix Possesses a Corpse in the Library.
  • Desertfrog also Possesses a Corpse in the Library.
  • Clucky plays the Dimension Door card and sets his Dimension to The Underworld.
  • Vovix wins the bid for the Dimension Door card from the Horde.
  • The Horde is drawn: Drain, Skeleton, Dimension Door, Drain.
  • Clucky, Josh, Raven1207, and Zack gain 10 Mana. Josh gains 1 extra Mana from The Colour Of Magic.
  • Clucky gains 1 Power.
  • naught loses 1 Power.
  • Ravenhearted becomes Not Stunned.

Story Post: Horde January 9 2024

  • Drain
  • Skeleton
  • Dimension Door
  • Drain

Proposal: The Book Death Dare Not Touch

Timed out, 1-0 with 1 DEF and Popular due to more than 1 valid vote and more FOR than AGAINST. Enacted by JonathanDark.

“A valid Vote is, except when otherwise specified, a Vote of FOR or AGAINST”

Only one valid vote was cast on this. Therefor it should’ve been failed—Clucky

Adminned at 12 Jan 2024 01:01:32 UTC

Add a section called “The Law of Death” and a section called “The Pages of Past Lives” to the Nomicnecron wiki page, then to the section “The Law of Death” add the following:

Remove any Death Dates from rules added to The Pages of Past Lives. If a rule named “The Undead Nomicnecron” has been added to the The Pages of Past Lives, add a new Dynastic rule to the Ruleset immediately after rule 2.1 “Death” that is a copy of that rule, then remove it from The Pages of Past Lives.

Immediately following rule 2.1 “Death,” add a new rule name “The Undead Nomicnecron,” which reads:

The section “The Law of Death” of the Nomicnecron wiki page is to be considered rulestext.

When a rule named “The Undead Nomicnecron” is added to the Ruleset, add a new Dynastic rule that is a copy of a random rule from among those listed in The Pages of Past Lives section of the Nomicnecron wiki page not named “The Undead Nomicnecron” to the Ruleset, then remove that rule from The Pages of Past Lives.

Quite possibly the only power in the universe that can defeat Death, for even He refuses to beckon it. Though one mus be careful, for it has a capricious will of its own…

I thought allowing a returning cast of rules might make things more interesting for the players. (And lighten the load of constantly coming up with new rules to replace the dying ones.)

Proposal: Standard Incantations [Building Blocks]

Timed out, 1-2 with 1 DEF. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Jan 2024 17:13:40 UTC

If the proposal “Virtual Actions” failed, the rest of this proposal has no effect.

Copy the “Virtual Actions” rule from the Building Blocks page to the Building Blocks section of the ruleset.

If the rule “Locations” exists, replace

At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Location and their desire to do one of the following:
Travel to the chosen Location (the chosen Location must be Tower or its Area must be the same as the Necromancer’s current Location’s)
Possess a Corpse in the chosen Location (the chosen Location must have a number of Corpses greater than zero)


As a virtual action, a Necromancer may Travel to a Location of their choosing with the same Area as their current Location, or the Tower. If the Location is the Tower, the Corpses of their original Location increase by 1.

As a virtual action, a Necromancer may spend 1 mana to Possess a Corpse in a Location of their choosing, as long as it has more than 0 corpses. Their Location will be set to that Location, the number of Corpses in that Location decreases by 1, and the number of corpses in their original location (except the Tower) increases by 1.

Traveling and possessing corpses are resolved during the Sands of the Hourglass.

If the rule “Knowledge” exists, replace the effect of Necrotic Redirection with:

You may use this knowledge as a virtual action.
* Input: Either Skeletons, Zombies, or Ghouls, and a Dimension of your choosing.
* You spend 3 of the chosen Cohort type and your Dimension will be set to the chosen Dimension.
* If the chosen Dimension is the Material Plane your location will be set to the Tower, otherwise it will be set to Another Dimension.

If the rule “Knowledge” exists, replace the effect of Planar Portal with:

If you are at the Ancient Portal, or you are not in the Material Plane, you may use this knowledge as a virtual action.
* Input: A Dimension of your choosing.
* You spend 15 Mana and your Dimension will be set to the chosen Dimension.
* If the chosen Dimension is the Material Plane your location will be set to the Tower, otherwise it will be set to Another Dimension.

Replace the bullet of “The Hourglass” beginning “For each Necromancer, find their latest valid private request” (including sub-bullets) with

* In a random order, resolve each Necromancer’s most recent pending virtual action to Travel to a Location or Possess a Corpse. All other pending virtual actions to do so fail.
* In a random order, resolve each Necromancer’s most recent pending virtual action to use a Knowledge of an Ultimate Truth. All other pending virtual actions to do so fail.

If the rules Locations and/or Knowledge don’t exist, remove the first and/or second of those two bullets, respectively.

If the rule “The Horde” exists, replace

At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Card from the Horde that they wish to place a Bid on using its number in the Horde list, but only if they have fewer than 3 Cards in their Menagerie. The Bid must be a number between 0 and that Necromancer’s Power, inclusive.
At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Card from their Menagerie that they wish to play, and any choices that the Card allows the Necromancer to make as described in that Card’s Effects.


As a virtual action, a Necromancer with fewer than 3 cards in their Menagerie may Place a Bid on a Card in the Horde list by specifying the number of a Card on the Horde List. The Bid must be a number between 0 and their Power, inclusive. The Grim Reaper will privately record their bid for that card on a list of all bids for that card, replacing their previous bid for that card if they’ve already bid on it.

As a virtual action, a Necromancer may Play a Card from their Menagerie, specifying any inputs/choices required by the particular card. The Grim Reaper will resolve the Effects of that Card.

Placing bids and playing cards are resolved during the Sands of the Hourglass.

If the rule “The Horde” exists, then in “The Hourglass”, replace the bullets beginning “Among the Necromancers that requested to play a Card” and “For each Necromancer that requested to place a Bid on a Card” with:

* In a random order, resolve each pending virtual action to Play a Card. Then remove each played Card from the Menagerie of the Necromancer who selected it.
* Resolve each pending virtual action to place a Bid on a Card. For each Bid, subtract the Bid amount from the Necromancer’s Power. For each Card in the Horde List, select the Necromancer whose Bid for that card was higher than any other Necromancer’s Bid for that same card and add the card to their Menagerie; If there is a tie, no one receives the Card.

If the rule “The Horde” doesn’t exist, remove those two bullets.

This implements Virtual Actions to streamline the definition of actions which involve privately communicating with the Grim Reaper. It makes it much clearer to Necromancers what actions are available to them and what the consequences are, and simplifies the Sands of the Hourglass action. This shouldn’t change anything about how we actually play, except that you can travel/possess a corpse in the same turn as you use an ultimate truth. If I accidentally changed anything else, let me know.

Proposal: Virtual Actions [Building Blocks]

Timed out, 3-2 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Jan 2024 17:04:17 UTC

Add a new rule to the Building Blocks page called “Virtual Actions” as follows:

A Virtual Action is a type of action that the Grim Reaper performs on behalf of a Necromancer. A Necromancer may initiate a virtual action by privately communicating to the Grim Reaper their request to do so, along with any additional information needed to carry it out. The Grim Reaper shall resolve the Virtual Action by performing the following Atomic Action:
1. Determine whether the Virtual Action fails (if it does not fail, it is successful).
2. If the action is successful, apply any specified effects on the gamestate and/or perform any specified actions on behalf of the Necromancer.

If a Virtual Action fails, the Grim Reaper should tell the Necromancer why. A virtual action may fail for any of these reasons:
* Some requirements/prerequisites to perform the action are not met.
* The request does not contain all the information needed to resolve the action.
* The request is unintelligible, or too vague to interpret unambiguously.
* It would require the Grim Reaper to do something they cannot do.
* Any other reason specified by the action itself.

Except where otherwise stated by the ruleset, the Grim Reaper must resolve all virtual actions in the order that they are received. A virtual action is considered to have occurred at the time it was resolved.

Until a virtual action is resolved, it is pending. A Necromancer may cancel a pending Virtual Action by privately communicating to the Grim Reaper their request to do so.

We’ve been using this informally for the past few dynasties and it’s been getting more and more complicated, so I think it will be helpful to standardize the mechanic. I actually drafted this for a specific dynasty I am planning, but since we are using it a lot I figured it would be convenient to have as a building block.

Call for Judgment: The Direction of Falling Sand

Popular, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 09 Jan 2024 18:30:21 UTC

Uphold the Sands of the Hourglass atomic action executed on January 8 2024 with the results that were posted in this post.

Zack suggested in Discord that the section of the Sands of the Hourglass that says “find their latest valid private request” covers Travel, Possess a Corpse, Necrotic Redirection, Planar Portal, Bid on a Card, and Play a Card. The counter-argument is that the latter two are covered in separate bulleted steps outside of that bulleted step containing “find their latest valid request”, indicating the intent to treat them as separate and additional requests. This CfJ is to uphold the latter interpretation for the most recent Sands of the Hourglass. NOTE: This disagreement of interpretation will affect future Sands of the Hourglass, so private requests should probably be revised until then.

Here Lies lendunistus

lendunistus has idled out. Quorum drops to 5.

Proposal: Corpse Management

Unpopular, 1-4 with 1 DEF. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2024 21:54:10 UTC

In the table “Locations”, remove all sentences that begin “As a communal weekly action”.

Add the following new step as the first step of the Sands of the Hourglass action:

*If this step has already been completed this week, this step has no further effect. Otherwise, do the following:
** increase the Corpses of Graveyard by 10
** increase the Corpses of Dungeon by 5
** increase the Corpses of Cellar by 3
** increase the Corpses of Beast’s Den by 3

Fixing the issue that blocked anyone from going to the Cellar

Proposal: Death Rattle Dazzle

Quorum reached, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2024 17:49:20 UTC

If Proposal: Echos of the Past was not enacted then this proposal has no further effect.

Change the text “Remove all deathrattles from rules that have a Death Date that is not older than the current date” to read:

Remove all deathrattles from all rules.

AaaaaaaaaWhich of the Pickwick Triplets did it

Monday, January 08, 2024

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 8 2024

  • In the Graveyard, Ravenhearted is Weaker than Desertfrog and is momentarily Stunned again.
  • Clucky Travels to the Tower.
  • Josh Travels to the Tower.
  • Clucky wins the bid for the Dimension Door card from the Horde.
  • The Horde is drawn: Skeleton, Drain, Skeleton, Dimension Door.
  • Clucky, Josh, lendunistus, Raven1207, Vovix, and Zack gain 10 Mana.
  • Ravenhearted becomes Not Stunned.

Story Post: Horde January 8 2024

  • Skeleton
  • Drain
  • Skeleton
  • Dimension Door

Monday, January 08, 2024

Proposal: It Was A Graveyard Smash

Timed out, 2-4. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2024 06:26:36 UTC

If the proposal here does not pass, this proposal does nothing

Give Shamblers the following Deathrattle

First, calculate each Necromancer’s Shambler Score by counting the total number of other Necromancers they are stronger than

Then, given all Necromancers with the highest Shambler Score 3 Legacy

If only one Necromancer was awarded Legacy by that step, give all Necromancers with the second highest Shambler Score 2 Legacy

If, after both of these steps, only 2 Necromancers were awarded Legacy by this process, give all Necromancers with the third highest Shambler Score 1 Legacy

Proposal: Echos of the Past

Reached Quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 09 Jan 2024 18:49:53 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Deathrattles”

Rules may have Deathrattles, which are always placed at the end of the rule between the templates {{Flair top|Dark terminal}} and {{Flair bottom}}.

Deathrattles are considered flavortext expect when executed during the Sands of the Hourglass

Give “Deathrattles” the following Deathrattle:

Remove all deathrattles from rules that have a Death Date that is not older than the current date

Add the following step to the Sands of the Hourglass, right before the step “Repeal each dynastic rule and its subrules where that rule has a Death Date older than the current date.”

For each dynastic rule or subrules where that rule has a Death Date older than the current date, execute its Deathrattle (if there are multiple deathrattles to execute, go first in order of death date, then in order of its appearance in the ruleset making sure to only execute each deathrattle once)

Add a new dynastic rule called “Legacy”

Each Necromancer has a non-negative integer Legacy which is publicly tracked and defaults to 0.

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 7 2024

  • In the Graveyard, Ravenhearted is Weaker than Desertfrog and is momentarily Stunned again.
  • Desertfrog attempts to Possess a Corpse in the Cellar, but fails because the Cellar has 0 Corpses.
  • Josh attempts to Travel to the Ancient Portal, but fails because the Library is in the Haunted Mansion and the Ancient Portal is in the Ruined Castle.
  • Clucky Travels to the Library.
  • The Horde is drawn: Skeleton, Dimension Door, Skeleton, and Drain.
  • lendunistus, Raven1207, Vovix, and Zack gain 10 Mana.
  • Ravenhearted becomes Not Stunned.

Story Post: Horde January 7 2024

  • Skeleton
  • Dimension Door
  • Skeleton
  • Drain

Proposal: Death’s Domain

Timed out and failed, 2-4. Josh

Adminned at 09 Jan 2024 14:49:02 UTC

Add the following to the list of Locations in the rule Locations:

| The Throne of Death || Hourglass Effect: The Necromancer who is at this Location has achieved Victory; if multiple Necromancers are at this location then only the single Necromancer with the highest Mana amongst them has achieved Victory. ||  0 || None; no Location may share an Area with this Location

I don’t think there’s any way of getting here yet - no corpses and not attached to any Area - so we can figure out how to make this possible later.

Saturday, January 06, 2024

Proposal: Wisdom of a Fool

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Jan 2024 18:22:45 UTC

Award the Necromancer named Josh 10 Mana, and set their Plane to the Material Plane (reverting any Power Loss accrued by them for their occupancy in the Void during Sands of the Hourglass actions taken between the posting of this proposal and its resolution).

Before I idled out, I spent 30 Mana to gain 2 knowledge, at a rate of 15 Mana per Knowledge. While I was idle, the price was dropped to 10 Mana per Knowledge. This is just rebating me for the change in price. The Plane thing is just levelling out the playing field.

Friday, January 05, 2024

Call for Judgment: New Corpses

Timed out, 0-3. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2024 21:26:51 UTC

If the Call for Judgement “No New Corpses” was enacted, this Call for Judgement has no effect.

Uphold the revision of the Ruleset made by Desertfrog on the 5th of January (linked in the CfJ “No New Corpses”).

In the rule “Locations”, replace “The Effects of a Location only apply to a Necromancer if they have that Location” with

The Effects of a Location only apply to a Necromancer if they have that Location, unless the Effects explicitly state that a described action may be done by any Necromancer.

The opposite interpretation, which I think makes more sense from a game design perspective

Call for Judgment: No New Corpses

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2024 21:25:46 UTC

Revert this revision of the Ruleset by Desertfrog due to the dynastic rule stating “The Effects of a Location only apply to a Necromancer if they have that Location” and the Prioritisation rule stating “If two contradicting parts have equal precedence, the part with more limited scope applies (e.g. if the rules “Necromancers may Kick each other” and “Necromancers may not Kick each other on Tuesdays” exist, and it is Tuesday, Necromancers may not Kick each other)”.

As I mentioned in the Discord #current-dynasty channel, I believe that Desertfrog should not have been able to execute the Effects of Locations that he did not have.

I don’t think I can accurately perform the next Sands of the Hourglass until this is clarified.

Proposal: Nothing But Sand

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2024 21:23:15 UTC

In the subrule “The Hourglass”, in the steps for the atomic action Sands of the Hourglass, after the step “For each Necromancer, perform any Hourglass Action that applies to that Necromancer.” add the following step:

If no Necromancer has their Location set to the Ancient Portal, and the Ancient Portal has 0 corpses, add 1 corpse to the Ancient Portal.

Fixing the issue that Clucky was attempting to fix in Ancient Power Overload

Thursday, January 04, 2024

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 4 2024

  • In the Graveyard, Ravenhearted is Weaker than Desertfrog and is momentarily Stunned.
  • Kevan decides to Travel to the Library.
  • Clucky chooses to Possess a Corpse in the Cellar.
  • lendunistus, Raven1207, Vovix, and Zack gain 10 Mana.

Proposal: Ancient Power Overload

Timed out, 1-2. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2024 08:56:04 UTC

Add the following to Ancient Portal’s Effects

Hourglass Action: If you did not use the Planar Portal Ultimate Truth since the most recent Sands of the Hourglass was posted, lose 15 Mana (If you do not have at least 15 mana your location is set to the Tower and the corpses of this location are set to 1)

In the Sands of Time, after the step “For each Necromancer, perform any Hourglass Action that applies to that Necromancer.” add the following step

If no Necromancer has their Location set to the Ancient Portal, and the Ancient Portal has 0 corpses, add 1 corpse to the Ancient Portal

Jamming the portal so no one else can go there should be a fine strategy, but it should cost you

also fixing a bug where the portal never gets its corpse back after someone leaves the portal empty if someone uses it

Proposal: Order Up!

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2024 08:54:32 UTC

In The Hourglass replace

, beginning with the oldest and continuing in chronological order,


, in a randomly generated order,

Right now, order you get your actions in definitely matters. Can be the difference between making it to a location or finding it’s out of corpses.

But there is also no set time the Grim Reaper has to make the sands of time post. and so if you really want to play optimally, you gotta be constantly checking to see if it’s up. Which isn’t really fun from a gameplay perspective.

Proposal: Pick a Card, Any Card

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2024 08:48:24 UTC

Add a new rule named “The Horde” with the following text:

Each Necromancer has a publicly-tracked Menagerie, which is a list that may be empty or may contain 1, 2, or 3 Cards from the table in the subrule “Cards”.

Each Necromancer has a publicly-tracked number named Prestige, defaulting to 0.

There is a Horde which is a list of Cards from the table in the subrule “Cards”. The Horde is created by the Grim Reaper using the Assemble Horde action, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Un-sticky the post with the current Horde, if there is any. The contents of this post are no longer considered the Horde.
* Randomly select a Card from the table in the subrule “Cards”, and repeat until there are as half as many Cards selected (rounded down) as there are non-Idle Necromancers, then put the selected Cards into a numbered list called the Horde, starting with the number 1. Duplicates of the same Card are allowed.
* Create a new Story Post with the title “Horde” followed by today’s date and with the body containing the Horde, and make this post sticky.

At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Card from the Horde that they wish to place a Bid on using its number in the Horde list, but only if they have less than 3 Cards in their Menagerie. The Bid must be a number between 0 and that Necromancer’s Power, inclusive.

At any time, a Necromancer may privately communicate to the Grim Reaper a Card from their Menagerie that they wish to play, and any choices that the Card allows the Necromancer to make as described in that Card’s Effects.

Add a subrule to “The Horde” named “Cards” with the following text:

Every Card has a Name, a number named Attack, a number named Defense, and a Description.

When a Card is played with Target in the Effects, the Grim Reaper determines a Combat Win using the Card Combat action, which is an atomic action with the following steps and where the Necromancer who selected this Card to be played is the Attacker:
* The Attack is the Attack value of the Card that the Attacker selected.
* If the Target selected a Card to be played, the Defense is the Defense of the Card that the Target selected. If the Target did not select a Card to play, the Defense is 0.
* If the Attack is greater than the Defense, this is a Combat Win for the Attacker.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Cards
! Name !! Attack !! Defense !! Effects
| Drain || 1 || 0 || Choose a Necromancer with the same Dimension as you to be the Target. On a Combat Win, gain 1 Power for the Necromancer who selected this Card if the Target has at least 1 Power, then subtract 1 Power from the Target, to a minimum of 0.
| Skeleton || 1 || 1 || Choose a Necromancer with the same Dimension as you to be the Target. On a Combat Win, the Necromancer who selected this Card gains 1 Prestige.
| Cloak of Shadows || 0 || 2 || -
| Dimension Door || 0 || 0 || The Necromancer playing this Card has their Dimension set to one of their choice from the valid values.

In the subrule “The Hourglass”, add the following bullet points just before the bullet starting with “For each Necromancer, perform any Hourglass Action”:

* Among the Necromancers that requested to play a Card since the previous Sands of the Hourglass, randomly select the order in which to process each Necromancer’s request, using their most recent request. From this randomly-selected order, play each Necromancer’s requested Card by resolving the Effects of that Card. When all the requests for Cards to be played have been processed, remove each played Card from the Necromancer’s Menagerie who selected it.
* For each Necromancer that requested to place a Bid on a Card in the Horde list since the previous Sands of the Hourglass, choose their most recent request, then subtract their requested Bid from their Power, then add their requested Card to that Necromancer’s Menagerie if their Bid is higher than any other Necromancer’s Bid for that same number in the Horde list or if they are the only Necromancer to have Bid on that number. If multiple Necromancers have the higest Bid for that number in the Horde list, then no one receives that Card.
* Perform the Assemble Horde atomic action.

A little something different for the next set of rules.

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 3 2024

It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it’s called Life.

- Terry Pratchett

Proposal: Mystical Teleportation

Timed out, 1-1. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 05 Jan 2024 21:31:40 UTC

In the rule “Locations”, add a new subrule titled “Fast Travel”, with the following content:

A Necromancer may spend 3 mana to Fast Travel and set their Location to any Location whose Area is the same as that Necromancer’s current Location’s.

Add the following new Locations:

| Altar || You may spend 10 mana to change the type (skeleton, zombie or ghoul) of one of your Shamblers || 0 || Old Church
| Throne Hall || As a daily action, you may spend 5 mana and make a blog post titled “Royal Announcement”, including the name of a single valid Location in the text of that blog post. Then, when resolving the next Sands of the Hourglass, no Necromancer may have their Location set to the announced Location || 0 || Ruined Castle
| Witch’s Hut || You may spend 1 knowledge to increase your Skeletons, Zombies and Ghouls by one each || 0 || Dark Woods
| Observatory || As a daily action, you may spend 5 mana and privately communicate to the Grim Reaper the name of a single active Necromancer to Read Minds. Hourglass Action: If the Necromancer at this location has Read Minds after the last Sands of the Hourglass action, one of the targeted Necromancer’s Discovered Truths is chosen randomly and added to the Discovered Truths of the Necromancer who performed the Read Minds action, unless that Ultimate Truth is already in their Discovered Truths || 0 || Haunted Mansion

For each of the four added Locations, if the majority of the last valid Votes on this proposal (excluding the ones that contain the AGAINST voting icon) also contain the name of that Location, remove that Location from the table of Locations.

Making travel faster so that more things can happen before Locations die

The Grim Reaper’s Scythe

My intention for using the VETO voting power is to only use it if a Proposal contains instructions to remove the core mechanic of dynastic rules being automatically repealed over time or if the Proposal contains instructions to remove or modify the Death Date of rules that have them. I believe that these core concepts are the spirit of this dynasty and should be preserved. Other than that, I do not intend to use the VETO power.

Proposal: Alternative Truths

Timed out, 1-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 05 Jan 2024 13:57:54 UTC

To the end of the rule “Knowledge”, add

No Necromancer may have more than X minus 2 items in their list of Discovered Truths, where X is the total number of different Ultimate Truths.

Change the effect of Library to be

At any time, you may spend 10 mana to gain 1 Knowledge

Change the costs of Planar Portal and Necrotic Redirection to be 3.

Add the following new Ultimate Truths:

| The Illusion of Time || 2 || As a daily action, you may spend 10 mana to execute any one Hourglass Action of your choice, as if your Location was set to the Location whose effects that Hourglass action is described in
| The Meaning of Life || 2 || You may ignore the normal limitations for daily actions when performing the Reanimate a Corpse action

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Proposal: New Player Welfare

Reached Quorum, 4-0 with 1 DEF and Grim Reaper voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Jan 2024 07:28:18 UTC

Add a subrule to The Dark Arts called “Aid for New Players.” The text is as follows:

When a Necromancer becomes active for the first time in this dynasty, before adding them to the Gamestate, they receive a Mana value equal to the average of the Gamestate’s currently active Necromancer’s Mana that applies after they are added to the game. They also receive a number of Zombies equal to the average number of zombies of those same Necromancers. If a Necromancer becomes active after becoming idle in this same dynasty, they receive their same values from before becoming idle.

This should make things a little easier for incoming players or idle Necromancers becoming active, though I guess only for about a week. But all for helping incoming new players!

Proposal: Diary of a Reaper

Exceeded Quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Jan 2024 07:26:22 UTC

In the subrule “The Hourglass”, replace the text “and add any flavor text of the Grim Reaper’s choosing” with

and summarize the actions performed during this atomic action

Now that there’s several things to do during the Sands of the Hourglass and some Necromancers are making moves, having a summary of the actions taken will probably be useful.

As written, this will include the method by which a Necromancer has moved to another Location, since even though the communication is secret, one could observe the changed gamestate after the Sands of the Hourglass was performed and derive what the method was, whether it was Travel or Posses a Corpse, so making that public after the fact seems reasonable. If you think this part should remain secret, suggestions on how to make it so are welcome.

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 2 2024

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

- Mark Twain

Proposal: Another Dimension

Reached Quorum, 3-0 with 2 DEFs and Grim Reaper voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Jan 2024 07:18:47 UTC

Add a new rule named “Dimensional Travel” and give it this text:

Each Necromancer has a publicly-tracked Dimension, defaulting to The Void, and a number called Power defaulting to 10.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Dimensions
! Dimension !! Effects
| Material Plane || If it is on or after January 11 2024, your Dimension is set to The Void.
| The Underworld || Hourglass Action: Gain 1 Power.
| The Void || Hourglass Action: Lose 1 Power, to a minimum of 0. You cannot use Necrotic Redirection or Planar Portal to change your Dimension.

The Effects of a Dimension only apply to a Necromancer if they have that Dimension.

If it is on or after January 12 2024, any Necromancer or the Grim Reaper may remove Material Plane from the table of Dimensions and then remove this sentence.

In the rule “Knowledge”, add the following to the Ultimate Truths table:

| Necrotic Redirection || 2 || Choose a type from your Cohort of Skeletons, Zombies, or Ghouls, where you have at least 3 of that type and privately communicate to the Grim Reaper that you want to use this Knowledge, your choice of Cohort type, and a Dimension you wish to travel to.
| Planar Portal || 2 || If you have at least 15 Mana and your Dimension is not Material Plane or your Location is the Ancient Portal, privately communicate to the Grim Reaper that you want to use this Knowledge and a Dimension you wish to travel to.

In the subrule “Locations”, add the following to the Locations table:

| Ancient Portal || You may use the Planar Portal Ultimate Truth || 1 || Ruined Castle
| Another Dimension || - || 0 || The Planes

In the subrule “The Hourglass”, replace the text “described in the Effects of their Location to that Necromancer” with

that applies to that Necromancer

and in the same subrule, after the bullet that begins with “If the Necromancer wanted to Possess a Corpse”, add the following bullet points:

** If the Necromancer wanted to use Necrotic Redirection, subtract 3 from their chosen Cohort type, set their chosen Dimension, and set their Location to Another Dimension unless the chosen Dimension is Material Plane, in which case set their Location to Tower.
** If the Necromancer wanted to use Planar Portal, subtract 15 from their Mana, set their chosen Dimension, and set their Location to Another Dimension unless the chosen Dimension is Material Plane, in which case set their Location to Tower.

Set each Necromancer’s Dimension to Material Plane.

It’s a lot of new text, but the summary is that a week from this Wednesday, Mana and Locations will be gone. If you don’t find your way to The Underworld by then, you’ll wind up in The Void instead.

Proposal: Lower Case [Core] [Appendix]

Reached Quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Jan 2024 00:54:18 UTC

In the rule “Dynasties”, replace “Unless otherwise stated by a dynastic rule, for the purposes of dynastic and Building Blocks rules, the Grim Reaper is not a Necromancer.”, with:-

Unless otherwise stated by a dynastic or Building Blocks rule, then for the purposes of dynastic and Building Blocks rules, the Grim Reaper is not a Necromancer.

Throughout the ruleset and the Building Blocks wiki page, replace the term “Special Case” with “Building Blocks”.

Allowing the proposed “Everyone’s Playing” Building Block to function, and cleaning up some leftover mentions of Special Case in the Core and Appendix sections (and also the Building Blocks page itself).

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Proposal: Synonym Toast Crunch

Exceeded Quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Jan 2024 00:52:36 UTC

In “Synonyms” replace

provided the newly chosen term does not appear anywhere in the ruleset outside of this rule


provided the newly chosen term does not appear anywhere in the Building Blocks page or the ruleset outside of this rule

Realized there is still a slight issue with the efforts to update the building blocks page with new dynastic terms where you could make the dynastic term conflict with an inactive rule on the Building Blocks page

Proposal: 0 Is Still A Distance

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Jan 2024 00:49:47 UTC

Rename the Building Block named “Dynastic Distance” to be “Everyone’s Playing” and give it the text “For the purposes of all dynastic and Special Case rules, the Grim Reaper is a Necromancer.”

Annoyed that I have to spend a proposal slot on this, but as we’ve now seen two attempts by Josh to fix the all problems with building blocks I didn’t get the feeling it would get fixed unless someone else does it

Seems ridiculously silly to remove a building block feature that has been used in 10+ dynasties while keeping one that has literally been used once

Story Post: Sands of the Hourglass January 1 2024

I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.

- Woody Allen

Proposal: Third case

Timed out, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 03 Jan 2024 19:45:32 UTC

Uphold that the edit to the Building Blocks page of the wiki shown at this link reflects the current gamestate at the time of the posting of this proposal.

Add the following to the end of the third bullet point in the final bulleted list in the rule Victory and Ascension:

Update the Building Blocks page to reflect any changes to the terms outlined in the rule Synonyms.