1 2 3 Check (12 comments) after 11 days Axemabaro idles after 8 days Darknight idles quorum becomes 3

after 11 days Axemabaro idles
after 8 days Darknight idles
quorum becomes 3

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Story Post: [Trade] Axecuddles of Mabarobeams

I want to trade 1 Fire shard with Axemabaro, in exchange for 1 Void shard.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Proposal: Home cooking

timed out 1-4 failed by card

Adminned at 01 Dec 2017 16:21:15 UTC

Add to the list of Crafts the following:

-[FN]: French Fries: This Craft is Food.
-[WN]: Soup: This Craft is Food.
-[FV]: Non-spicy Chili: This Craft is Food.
-[VN]: Rice with no Salt: This Craft is Food.
-[VW]: Tap water: This Craft is Food.
-[FW]: Whiskey: This Craft is Food.

Making Crafts which are Food is Forbidden.

Story Post: He did it !

I pointed to Grynk to make the Archmaster watch him.

Story Post: I perform abundance

All in title

Story Post: Destroyed water shards

I spent a Water shard to rotate the Tesseract north, then spent a Fire shard to cast the heat spell which caused the instability to rise above 5 and thus destroy all remaining Water shards.

Sorry guys :D

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Proposal: no races

timed out 4-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 01 Dec 2017 16:20:38 UTC

Remove any Wisdom that was gain through casting the “Trade” spell when that spell existed in the ruleset.

Proposal: Anti spam

reached quorum 4-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 01 Dec 2017 16:18:04 UTC

Remove “[Y] Trade: A Tesserer other than yourself gains a shard of your affinity. Gain 1 power.” from the ruleset.

Remove all Power that had been gained via the mentioned ruletext.

Obvious infinite loop, let’s not make the endgame a spamfest lol.

why is Cuddlebeam being watched ?

If I followed correctly, noone payed to make the Archmaster watch someone, and the rule does not state that any player should be watched initially, so why is Cuddlebeam being watched ?
(hate to be nitpicky here but he’s already gained 1 power as a result and considering the victory conditions this could have a lot of consequences if he stays watched)

Story Post: Casted gamble

I cast Gamble but lost. (+1 wisdom)

(can I add GDNT columns myself ? I can’t find anything about it on the wiki)

Story Post: Casted growth

I’ve just casted growth. I should gain 1 wisdom but I have no idea how to add the wisdom column to the GNDT.

Proposal: 1 week not 2

self killed failed by card

Adminned at 29 Nov 2017 19:13:26 UTC

Change “At the 10th of December at 00:01 AM” to

At the 6th of December at 00:00:00 UTC

derrick the idle

derrick idles after 7 days gone, quorum remains the same

GNDT not accessible

I can’t access the GNDT. In its place I see a copy of the whole page. Is this just me or does everyone have this problem ?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Proposal: Spellmaster

reached quorum 3-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 28 Nov 2017 17:12:56 UTC

Add to the ruleset a rule called “Merits” with the following:

Each Tesserer has an amount of Wisdom, which starts at 0 and is tracked in the GNDT. Each time a Tesserer uses a Spell or makes a Craft for the first time (counting solely their own uses, not the uses of the game overall), they gain 1 Wisdom.

A Tesserer’s Wisdom times their Power is their Merit.

At the 10th of December at 00:01 AM, The Tesserer with more Merit than any other Tesserer has achieved Victory.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Proposal: Part 1

I considered “Affinities” a spelling error while enacting this. Reached quorum 3-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 28 Nov 2017 17:11:34 UTC

Add to Affinities

Void and Nature are opposites.

Add to Spells

Y stands for a shard that is the same affinity as the performer. P stands for a shard that is the opposite affinity of the performer. O stands for a shard that is the same affinity as the Tesseract’s current position.

Add to the list of Spells

[A] Ashes to Ashes: Gain 2 power.
[Y] Trade: A Tesserer other than yourself gains a shard of your affinity. Gain 1 power.
[P] Negate: Choose a Tesser other than yourself. If they have a shard of your affinity they lose it and gain a shard of their affinity and you gain a shard of your affinity.
[O] Gamble: You must wait until the Tesseract’s orientation changes before casting this spell again. Roll a DICE2, on a 1 gain a shard of the Tesseract’s orientation after it changes.

Someone add “Water and Fire are opposites. ” please. (I could add it myself with fancy language buuuuut I prefer someone to do it lol.)

Credits to card for the original thing.

Story Post: [Tessered 5] Still thirsty

I make a Water shard.

Story Post: [Tessered 5] Thirsty

I make a Water shard.

Story Post: [Trade] Attempt #2

I want to give 1 Water shard to Cuddlebeam in exchange for 1 Fire shard.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

[Trade] One-time deal!

I want to trade 1 Nature shard with Cuddlebeam, in exchange for 1 Fire shard.

Invalid because not a story post

Friday, November 24, 2017

Proposal: Crafts v2

reached popularity 3-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 25 Nov 2017 17:46:11 UTC

Add a new subrule called “Crafts” within “Spells” with:

If the Tesseract’s Orientation is that of your Affinity, you make a Craft by paying the appropriate shard cost in brackets as listed here according to the usual Spell shard cost nomenclature. A Tesserer can hold 1 Craft per 10 Power they have. The Crafts a Tesserer has is noted in the GNDT in its own column titled “Crafts”. Crafts, the ability you gain for having them and their shard cost are the following:

[FW] Alcohol: The Tesserer who has this item can GET WASTED and optionally brag about how they don’t remember what happened last night. They lose all of their Shards and their Power becomes 5.
[VN] Pesticide: A Tesserer with this item cannot have Nature Shards but each time they make a Void shard, they may roll a 1d3. If they roll a 1 with that, they gain another Void shard.

Same but with stuff removed.

Proposal: loopholes

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 25 Nov 2017 05:37:50 UTC

Under Synonyms add the text

An X Tesser, where X is a valid affinity, means a Tesserer of that affinity.

Add to Affinities

North-South and East-West are opposites. Up-Down and Ana-Kata are opposites. Affinities of cells that are opposites are also opposites to those affinities.

Add to Spells

Y stands for a shard that is the same affinity as the performer. P stands for a shard that is the opposite affinity of the performer. O stands for a shard that is the same affinity as the Tesseract’s current position.

Add to the list of Spells

[A] Ashes to Ashes: Gain 2 power.
[Y] Future Me: Gain power equal to the sum of the X values of your Tessered acts, to a maximum of 20.
[P] Negate: Choose a Tesser other than yourself. If they have a shard of your affinity they lose it and gain a shard of their affinity and you gain a shard of your affinity.
[O] Gamble: You must wait until the Tesseract’s orientation changes before casting this spell again. Roll a DICE2, on a 1 gain a shard of the Tesseract’s orientation after it changes.

Story Post: ditto

I make 2 shards and give them to Diabecko

Proposal: organize

became popular 3-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 25 Nov 2017 05:34:57 UTC

Make Orientation a subrule of Tesseract

Make a rule called Shards.

Move the text of Mass to Shards and then repeal Mass.

Each Tesser has an amount of Shards, which are a magically created resource. Shards have an affinity, which is a Tesser Affinity. Each Tesser’s Shards are tracked in the GNDT by a capital letter of their affinity (FFWN for 2 Fire shards, 1 Water shards and 1 Nature Shard, for example). A Tesser can hold as many shards as they have Power. A Tesser can pay 3 Power to make a Shard of their Affinity. Tessers can freely give their Shards to other Tessers if that Tesser would be able to hold them. Tessers can freely discard their own Shards.

to Shards

Make Boosting a subrule of Tessering.

Make the rule whose name starts with N and the rules Void, Fire, Water subrules of Affinity.

Make Archmaster’s Watch a subrule of Spells.

Remove the “.” that has it’s own line on the list of spells from the ruleset.

Story Post: Performing tessered acts

I make 2 water shards and give them to card, according to my tessered acts.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Proposal: Crafts

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 25 Nov 2017 05:29:04 UTC

Add a new subrule called “Crafts” within “Spells” with:

If the Tesseract’s Orientation is that of your Affinity, you make a Craft by paying the appropriate shard cost in brackets as listed here according to the usual Spell shard cost nomenclature. A Tesserer can hold 1 Craft per 10 Power they have. The Crafts a Tesserer has is noted in the GNDT in its own column titled “Crafts”. Crafts, the ability you gain for having them and their shard cost are the following:

[VW] Paints: A Tesserer who has this item can change their Affinity to any other, at-will.
[FW] Alcohol: The Tesserer who has this item can GET WASTED and optionally brag about how they don’t remember what happened last night. They lose all of their Shards and their Power becomes 5.
[VN] Pesticide: A Tesserer with this item cannot have Nature Shards but each time they make a Void shard, they may roll a 1d3. If they roll a 1 with that, they gain another Void shard.
[NF] Chili Pepper: The Tesserer who has this item can make a Story post about how they eat the Chili Pepper. Upon doing so, they lose their Chili Pepper and gain 15 Power. The next time this Tesserer would gain Power, their Power becomes 0 instead.

More “things” than just shards.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Proposal: Trading

reached quorum a while ago 5-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 24 Nov 2017 15:48:40 UTC

Make a new rule “Trade” with the text

A Tesser may make a Trade Story post by putting the [Trade] tag in it’s title. In that post the author details a specific Tesser and they state what they want to trade, naming the amount and what it is. If within 2 days the named Tesser has accepted, indicated by commenting “SOLD” in the relevant post, the Tessers swap ownership of the detailed items.

Stolen from card

Proposal: thanksgiving leftovers

illegal due to me using the word nature in the proposal - card

Adminned at 23 Nov 2017 07:20:09 UTC

Under Synonyms add the text

An X Tesser, where X is a valid affinity, means a Tesserer of that affinity.

Add to Affinities

Water and Fire are opposites. Void and Nature are opposites.

Add to Spells

Y stands for a shard that is the same affinity as the performer. P stands for a shard that is the opposite affinity of the performer. O stands for a shard that is the same affinity as the Tesseract’s current position.

Add to the list of Spells

[A] Ashes to Ashes: Gain 2 power.
[Y] Trade: A Tesserer other than yourself gains a shard of your affinity. Gain 1 power.
[P] Negate: Choose a Tesser other than yourself. If they have a shard of your affinity they lose it and gain a shard of their affinity and you gain a shard of your affinity.
[O] Gamble: You must wait until the Tesseract’s orientation changes before casting this spell again. Roll a DICE2, on a 1 gain a shard of the Tesseract’s orientation after it changes.

I tried to use most of the new terms which can be a problem in some dynasties.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Story Post: [Tessered 3] Tada!

The Tesser named Diabecko creates a shard and gives it to the Tesser named card.

Proposal: Cleanup time

2 days old and can’t be enacted failed by card

Adminned at 22 Nov 2017 21:10:38 UTC

Repeal “Face Actions”


The following comes from fragments (believed to be Folio 2) from The Fourth Orthocodex of G. Ray, Master Emeritus in Aeternum:

  Each pair of different affinities has its own Face Action; each with a shorthand Symbol:

  - Nature/Fire: Radiance (☀)
  - Nature/Water: Abundance (♾)
  - Water/Fire: Transition (♻)
  - Water/Void: Carving (❖) [*, +]
  - Fire/Void: Destruction (✖) [*]
  - Nature/Void: Opposition (◑) [*]

  [+] see Folio 7 for discussion on naming of this Face Action.
  [*] see Folio 9 for derivation of the symbology for these Face Actions.

The Fourth Orthocodex may be cited in brief as ‘R4’. Text from R4 is not considered to be rules that Tesserers obey, unless otherwise specified.


This footnote is considered by scholars to come from the Octocodex written by O. Sedecim, Second Corner. This is one of the few remaining fragments after O. Sedecim accidentally traveled through Interim. The following footnote is considered ruletext.

  A Tesser can perform Face Action by having the affinities that correspond to that Face Action participating and spending power equal to the number of affinities of the Face Action which don’t match the Tessers’ affinity. Participating affinities are the affinities of any Tessers that help in that action as well as the affinities of shards that participating Tessers possess; in case two or more Tessers perform a Face Action, they both pay this cost calculated with their own affinity.

The Octocodex may be cited in brief as ‘O8’. Text from O8 is not considered to be rules that Tesserers obey, unless otherwise specified.

These seem to be sort of useless when we have the spells being a lot more popular.

Story Post: [Tessered 3] Drum roll…

The Tesser named Diabecko creates a shard and gives it to the Tesser named card.

Story Post: Abracadabra! [Tessered 3]

The Tesser named card creates a shard and gives it to the Tesser named Diabecko

Story Post: Kazam! [Tessered 3]

The Tesser named card creates a shard and gives it to the Tesser named Diabecko.

Proposal: I volunteer

2 days old and can’t be enacted failed by card

Adminned at 22 Nov 2017 21:09:41 UTC

Make the Tesserer named Cuddlebeam the Master.

Add a rule named “Master’s Duties” with:

The Master cannot achieve victory

So, Axe idled

Monday, November 20, 2017

Proposal: Wincon

2 days old and can’t be enacted failed by card

Adminned at 22 Nov 2017 21:09:02 UTC

Add a new rule called “The Archmaster of Archmasters”

A Tesser achieves victory if they fulfill all of the following:
-They have the most Power.
-The Tesseract’s current Orientation is that which is associated to their Affinity.
-They have two of each kind of shard.
-They are being watched by the Archmaster.


About two weeks (and some change) in, good time for a wincon

Format of Tessered acts on wiki

I changed the format of Tessered acts on the wiki to indicate who owns the act (important since they can change owners) and to show the exact text that was posted (as the rule states). Also I suggest we do not change the number indicating the length of the Tessered act (this was done previously as a countdown), as I feel this makes things more confusing.

Proposal: Allow aligned proposals take 2

timed out 3-1 enacted by card

Adminned at 22 Nov 2017 21:08:22 UTC

Add to the rule “Affinity”
Tesserers can legally make proposals with their alignment with them, however, they have stricter requirements.
They may pass only if the number of votes against equals zero.

I would rather have no “against” votes than 100% “for” votes in case some people don’t vote.

Proposal: Lore

4 days old and can’t be enacted failed by card

Adminned at 22 Nov 2017 21:05:46 UTC

Under Synonyms add the text

An X Tesser, where X is a valid affinity, means a Tesserer of that affinity.

Make a new rule “Trade” with the text

A Teaser may make a Trade Story post by putting the [Trade] tag in it’s title. In that post the author details a specific Tesser and they state what they want to trade, naming the amount and what it is. If within 2 days the named Tesser has accepted, indicated by commenting “SOLD” in the relevant post, the Tessers swap ownership of the detailed items.

In “Void” add the text

Nothing truly tethers a Void Tesser to the world, they are beyond such trivial things: Void Tesserers are required to spend or trade at least 1 shard or 3 power every 2 days.

In “Nature” add the text

A Nature Tesserer helps the natural balance of the world, aiding wherever they can: Nature Tessers are required to boost or trade 1 Nature Shard to the Tesser with the least number of shards for 0 power that has an affinity.

In “Water” add the text

A Water Tesser is tune with the flow of life, adjusting themselves to reflect that: whenever the Tesseract has been in the same orientation for 2 consecutive days, Water Tessers are required to participate in a Face Action that shares an affinity with the Tesseract’s orientation.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Proposal: Allow aligned proposals

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 20 Nov 2017 02:46:03 UTC

Change the rule “Affinity”
Tesserers can legally make proposals with their alignment with them, however, they have stricter requirements.
They may only pass if they get a unanimous ‘for’ vote.

I think this seems fair.

Any way to warn about proposal limit

I there any way the site can warn you that you already have two proposals open and that a new one is illegal?
Also, can a Dynasty rule change the number of allowed open proposals?

Story Post: Changing things

I change my affinity to Void and spend 3 power to create a void shard.

it’s because i’m edgy ;p

Friday, November 17, 2017

Proposal: Michael Zoomacher

timed out 3-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 20 Nov 2017 02:44:10 UTC

Add to the list of Spells:

[FFFVVV] Summon Phoenix: If you have the least Power, switch your Power with that of who has the most Power.
[NNNWWW] Summon Leviathan: If you have the most Power, all other Tessers lose a shard of your choice and you gain that shard.

We don’t have Summon spells yet

Proposal: No magic no problem

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 19 Nov 2017 05:15:15 UTC

Add a rule called “Suplex”

If a Tesserer has become such from being a non-Tesserer in the last 72 hours, they may, once ever in the dynasty and if their Power is zero, Suplex a Griffin, to thus gain the necessary magical power to start out here at the Tesseract and thereby gain Power equal to the average amount of Power that the rest of Tesserers have, minus 5.

Proposal: Spells Spells Spells

reached quorum 5-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 19 Nov 2017 05:14:10 UTC

Add to the list of Spells:

[V] Null and Void: Remove one tessered act of your choice from the list of tessered acts on the wiki page.
[N] Growth: Add one to the boost of any and all Tessered Acts on the wiki page you specify when casting this spell
[F] Heat: Boost all tessered Acts on the Tesseract wiki page by two and add 1 the the instability of the tesseract
[W] Eddy: change the ownership of a Tessered act to a Tesserer who is not yourself and who has less than two tessered acts. the boost of the Tessered Act is reduced by one


quis est testa! (where is that shard!)

- S. Aggripa

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Knowledge is power (but the mind is closed)

Anyone know why I can’t comment on the below Proposal? Is it just me?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Proposal: Knowledge is power

attempt #1 to allow comments, submitting it again with just the admin box as the only change - card
attempt #2 closing and then reopening comments - card
attempt #3 toggling the status from something else back to Open - card
attempt #4 changing the comment expiration date to tomorrow - card
unpopular 1-5 failed by card

Adminned at 18 Nov 2017 06:08:17 UTC

With each accepted proposal, the submitting Tesserers power goes up by one half.

Knowledge is power, and as you spread your knowledge, your influence grows.

Proposal: philanthropic shards

sorry but a tesser can only have up to 2 pending proposals at any one time
you’ll have to wait until your other ones are no longer pending

Adminned at 15 Nov 2017 06:43:56 UTC

Add to the wiki under spells:
A shard aligned to the player casting may be referred to with an “O”
[OO] Extraction: Once a day the caster may give each other Tesserer (not including the caster) one shard of the casters aligned type.

By interacting aligned crystals, a philanthropic action can be taken.
I hope that unexploits this rule.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Proposal: Sit on the roof

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 17 Nov 2017 11:06:31 UTC

Add to the list of spells:

[VV] Spatial Anchor: For the purpose of your own play, the Tesseract’s Orientation is considered to be Kata. This lasts until you re-cast the spell. Performing this spell requires you to make an unambiguous story post detailing that you use it.

“Are you getting down… I-mean, *ana* from there?”

Proposal: Seeds and Popcorn

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 17 Nov 2017 11:01:22 UTC

Add to the list of spells:

[NNN] Seed: Create a Seed, which are noted in the GNDT as “S” alongside your shards (Seeds occupy the same space as shards in a Tesserer’s Shard inventory). At-will, a Seed can be destroyed to make two Nature Shards for yourself.
[FF] Flame Lance: Destroy a thing which occupies a space that Shards can occupy.

“Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire.”
—Jaya Ballard, task mage

Story Post: [Tessered 5] Voidmaker 2

I make a Void shard

Story Post: [Tessered 5] Voidmaker 1

I make a Void shard.

Call for Judgment: Balance

reached quorum 5-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 15 Nov 2017 06:46:09 UTC

The Tesser named Grynk gains 10 power.

Under “Tessering” add after the first sentence

A Tesser that has joined or unidled and has not unidle previously this dynasty gains power equal to ([the sum of all other Tessers’ power] + [2 * the number of shards])/[the number of Tessers - 1].

don’t want to deter people from joining <- was mistakenly put in the admin box

Proposal: Any Shard will do for this one!

7 to 0. enacted by Derrick.

Adminned at 15 Nov 2017 21:54:56 UTC

In the Rule Spells Change

noted here in Affinity initials, just like how they’re recorded in the GNDT


noted here in Affinity initials, just like how they’re recorded in the GNDT, with an ‘A’ standing for any shard

Every type of shard shares the same basic properties. While they initially seem radically different, the essence of a shard is such that…

—G. T. Grey, Philosophus Doctorus. noted for his mastery of all four affinities

Proposal: Instability is not Stable

6 to 0. Enacted by derrick.

Adminned at 15 Nov 2017 21:52:56 UTC


The instability of the tesseract is then set to 0.


The instability of the tesseract is then set to 0. The orientation of the tesseract is set as determined by a DICE8 roll in the GNDT, where 1 is North, 2 is South, 3 is East, 4 is West, 5 is Up, 6 is Down, 7 is Ana, and 8 is Kata.


An instable tesseract is a subtle thing. One never knows which way it may turn.

—Q. Turly,  Eleventh Corner

Story Post: [Tessered 5] Shards everywhere !

The Tesser named Diabecko makes a shard.

Story Post: Shard Building [Tessered 5]

the tesserer named derrick creates 1 shard.

This one should be real this time!

Shard Building [Tessered 5]

The tesserer named derrick creates a shard.

Story Post: [Tessered 5] Looks like it’s shard-making class…

The Tesser named Diabecko makes 1 shard

Shard Building

The tesser named Derrick Creates 1 shard.

Story Post: And again [Tessered 5]

The Tesser named card makes 1 shard.

Story Post: Crafting [Tessered 5]

The Tesser named card makes 1 shard.

Proposal: Rename winning

1 to 5. Failed by derrick.

Adminned at 15 Nov 2017 21:50:59 UTC

Winning or achieving victory shall now be known as ascension.

It is the pinnacle of a Tesserers study to ascend and become one with the gods.

Proposal: Add to the list of spells the following:

1 to 4. Failed by Derrick.

Adminned at 15 Nov 2017 21:50:21 UTC

A shard aligned to the player casting may be referred to with an “A”
[AA] Extraction: Gives each other Tesserer (not including the caster) one shard of the casters aligned type.

By interacting aligned crystals, a philanthropic action can be taken.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Proposal: Restrictions

4 to 1 after 48 hours. Enacted by Derrick

Adminned at 15 Nov 2017 21:47:00 UTC

Make 4 rules each one with a different name in the list “Void”, “Fire”, “Water” and “Nature”
Add the text “Text in this rule can only be changed via proposals by referring to its title and the text that is changed, removed or added.” to each of the 4 newly created rules.

Proposal: Action #1 take 2

Became popular 5 to 0. Enacted by Derrick.

Adminned at 14 Nov 2017 23:10:17 UTC

Create a new rule “Face Actions” with the text

This is a list of Face Actions, their effects and conditions.
*Abundance: This may only be performed if the Instability is at 0. Every Tesser gains 5 power. The Tessers which participate also gain extra power equal to what they spent to perform this action. It is a daily action.
*Radiance: Make a Tessered post that uses the power of the Tesseract as the maximum X value instead of your own power.

Grynk has become a Tesserer

I have found this blog and decided it would be fun to play.

After much searching, I have found a small cult of those who call themselves Tesserers. I will join them and be enriched with their majicks.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Declaration of Victory: Lab Rat Victory

The number of Tesserers not voting against is less than quorum. Failed by Derrick.

Adminned at 13 Nov 2017 15:17:31 UTC

I win, will post explanation in the comment section shortly

Story Post: [Tessered 0] Classic Conditioning

The following are the steps of the action(s) of this post:
- The Tesserer named Cuddlebeam achieves victory.
- The Tesserer named Cuddlebeam achieves victory.

Proposal: Tessered Acts

48 hours old and can’t be enacted failed by card

Adminned at 13 Nov 2017 21:11:05 UTC

Replace the first Paragraph in Tessering with:

Anytime a Tesserer publishes a Story Post which is not a Combo, they may, in the title, put the following tag: [Tessered X], where X is a number less than or equal to their power. This Post is called a Tessered Act. Any actions described in a Tessered Act are not performed at the time of the Tessered Act’s posting: instead, the text of the post will be added to a section named “Tessers” of a Wiki page named “The Tesseract”. All actions described in the Tessered Act that the Tesserer who writes the Tessered Act could have make at the time of the Tessered Act’s creation are Actionable. After X days have passed, all Actionable action(s) described in the Future may or may not be performed by the Tesserer who created the Tessered Act, following the rules of an Atomic Action. If all Actionable actions are not performed within 48 hours after X days have passed, the Instability of the Tesseract increases by X. After 48 hours after X days have passed, or after the Actionable actions are performed, the Tessered Act’s text may be removed from “The Tesseract”. A Tesserer may only have two Tessered Acts at a time.

Remove the line “The sum of the contents of a story post with the [Tessered X] tag is called a “Tessered Act”.”

Lets put some limits on what Tessered Acts can do. The bulk of this is shamelessly stolen from another proposal (which shamelessly included a rider clause giving pokes stuff!)

Also makes it clear that you can choose not to perform the actions

Proposal: Action #1

timed out 1-3 failed by card

Adminned at 13 Nov 2017 21:07:24 UTC

Create a new rule “Face Actions” with the text

This is a list of Face Actions, their effects and conditions.
*Abundance: This may only be performed if the Instability is at 0. Every Tesser gains 5 power. The Tessers which participate also gain extra power equal to what they spent to perform this action.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Story Post: [Tessered 5] Water Shard

I shall create a water shard

Looking for a partner to assist in boosting…

Proposal: Archmaster’s Watch

reached quorum 5-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 13 Nov 2017 21:04:02 UTC

Add a new rule called “Archmaster’s Watch”:

Each Tesser is being watched by the Archmaster or not, and this is tracked in the GNDT. The Archmaster can only watch one Tesser at a time. A Tesser that is being Watched by the Archmaster cannot perform Forbidden Spells but gain 1 more Power whenever they gain Power as the Archmaster grants them extra tutelage (this doesn’t affect gains provided by this rule).

A Tesser can pay 2 Power to Point to Someone and change who the Archmaster is watching to someone else other than themselves.

All Spells with the string “Summon” in them are Forbidden.

Make the Archmaster watch a randomly selected Tesser.

Proposal: Summoning Spells

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 13 Nov 2017 21:01:34 UTC

Add to the list of spells the following:

[FNVW] Summon Sloth: If there have been no new proposals in the last 72 hours and you are the Tesser with the most Power, you achieve victory.
[FNVW] Summon Envy: If there is a Tesser with at least 15 more Power than you, Gain 15 Power.

Anti-boring dynasty (if it ever happens, which I doubt, but doesn’t hurt to have it) and a blue shell mechanic.

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Story Post: [Tessered 0] Cuddles Wins

The Tesser named Cuddlebeam achieves victory.

Got to really crank up that instability somehow lol

Proposal: The Future is 4D

timed out 1-4 failed by card

Adminned at 11 Nov 2017 16:32:32 UTC

Replace the second paragraph of the rule “Tessering” with:

Anytime a Tesserer publishes a Story Post which is not a Combo, they may, in the title, put the following tag: [Tessered X], where X is a number less than or equal to their power. This Post is called a Future, and the Tesserer who made the Future is called the Future’s Forger. Any actions described in a Future are not performed at the time of the Future’s posting: instead, the text of the post will be added to a section named “Tessers” of a Wiki page named “The Tesseract”. All actions described in the Future that the Forger could have done at the time of the Future’s creation are Actionable. After X days have passed, all Actionable action(s) described in the Future must be performed. If all Actionable actions are not performed within 48 hours after X days have passed, the Instability of the Tesseract increases by X. After 48 hours after X days have passed, or after the Actionable actions are performed, the Future’s text may be removed from “The Tesseract”. A Tesserer may only have two Futures at a time.

If “making Tessered actions atomic” passed, replace “all Actionable action(s) described in the Future must be performed.” with “all Actionable action(s) described in the Future must be performed as an Atomic Action.”

Void all Futures, and remove all current text from the “Tessers” section of “The Tesseract”.

Add one Nature shard to the Tesserer named pokes’ shards.

This gives some names to things we might want to refer to, and restricts it to things only you can do (with the hope you’re still able to in X days!)

Story Post: I cast Command VOTE on all of you! [Tessered 1]

Action: Every Tesser not named Darknight votes FOR on all of the proposals made by the Tesser named card.

Story Post: [Tessered 3] Gimme

Action: All other Tesserers giving all of their shards to the Tesserer named pokes.

Would be quite a shame for the Tesseract to become unstable yeah

Proposal: Admemdment XXII

Reaches quorum against, 2-5. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 10 Nov 2017 11:55:42 UTC

Repeal The second part of the proposal “The Properties of the Tesseract” by removing the following text from the rule Tessering:

Anytime a Tesserer publishes a Story Post which is not a Combo, they may, in the title, put the following tag: [Tessered X], where X is a number less than or equal to their power. Any actions described in such a post will not be performed: instead, the text of the post will be added to a named “Tessers” of a Wiki page named “The Tesseract”. After X days have passed the action(s) must be performed, and the text removed form the wiki page. If the actions are not performed within 48 hours after X days have passed, the Instability of the Tesseract increases by X. A Tesserer may only have two such posts at a time.

Proposal: Magnum Opus

Times out, 4-2. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 10 Nov 2017 11:54:58 UTC

If “Codices” exists as a rule, add to it:

The following letter draft is suspected to be made by M. Opus, Archphilosopher Primo of the New Order and is considered ruletext:

Gee-whiz, Seddy, things have been crazy lately huh? Man. I don’t know how I did this, but there’s like crazy meta-meta-metaphysical arcanopotential in the loopgrinder of sizzleslash. Yeah, I know, crazy. Now, I’m not entirely sure this will work for you all the time (it has like, eh, 10% success rate?), but I’ll let you all know just in case you want to try pulling it off.

If you’ve got like, eight of the same kind of shard, which isn’t of the kind you’re attuned to - you know, your affinity - you can use any spell. Any spell. Yep. But you’ve got to lose all of them in the process, but hey, if it works, it works. Oh, and if you fail, your Power kind of becomes, well. Null. Zero. Nada. I guess you can figure out from that why I’m retiring.

So, how are the children? Last I heard, little *smudge* -s already tessering his fir- *smudge*

The rest of the letter has been lost to the ages.

Proposal: making Tessered actions atomic

Times out, 3-2. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 10 Nov 2017 11:53:19 UTC


After X days have passed the action(s) must be performed, and the text removed form the wiki page.


After X days have passed the action(s) must be performed following the rules of an Atomic Action, and the text removed form the wiki page.

Proposal: Shard Shifting

Self-killed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 10 Nov 2017 11:50:56 UTC

Add a “Shard Shifting” rule containing:

Shard shifting allows Tessers to change shards of their own affinity to shards of a different affinity. To shift N shards, a Tesser must remove those shards from their list of shards and write a story post with a [Tessered X] tag (X being greater than or equal to N) that specifies they are shifting N shards. When the shifting action is finally performed, the Tesser gains N shards of the same affinity as the orientation of the Tesseract at that time, except if the orientation has the same affinity as the Tesser in which case the Tesser can choose which affinity their shards are being shifted to (all shards must be shifted to the same affinity). If for some reason the action is not performed, the shards are lost. At any given time a Tesser may only have one post containing a shifting action.

We need an initial way to obtain shards of a different affinity than ours.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Proposal: Spells

Reaches quorum, 6-1. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 10 Nov 2017 11:50:34 UTC

Add a rule called “Spells” with:

By spending the cost in shards in brackets (noted here in Affinity initials, just like how they’re recorded in the GNDT), you can perform the following spells:

- [FWNV] Albedo: Gain 3 shards of affinities of your choice.
- [FWNV] Nigredo: Destroy 3 shards of your choice.

Amemdment XXI

Repeal The second part of the proposal “The Properties of the Tesseract” by removing the following text from the rule Tessering:

Anytime a Tesserer publishes a Story Post which is not a Combo, they may, in the title, put the following tag: [Tessered X], where X is a number less than or equal to their power. Any actions described in such a post will not be performed: instead, the text of the post will be added to a named “Tessers” of a Wiki page named “The Tesseract”. After X days have passed the action(s) must be performed, and the text removed form the wiki page. If the actions are not performed within 48 hours after X days have passed, the Instability of the Tesseract increases by X. A Tesserer may only have two such posts at a time.

I thought that this was gonna be a good rule, but I don’t think it’ll lead to anything.

Proposal: Cooperation v2

Times out, 3-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 10 Nov 2017 11:49:06 UTC

Add to “Codices”

This footnote is considered by scholars to come from the Octocodex written by O. Sedecim, Second Corner. This is one of the few remaining fragments after O. Sedecim accidentally traveled through Interim. The following footnote is considered ruletext.

A Tesser can perform Face Action by having the affinities that correspond to that Face Action participating and spending power equal to the number of affinities of the Face Action which don’t match the Tessers’ affinity. Participating affinities are the affinities of any Tessers that help in that action as well as the affinities of shards that participating Tessers possess; in case two or more Tessers perform a Face Action, they both pay this cost calculated with their own affinity.

The Octocodex may be cited in brief as ‘O8’.
Text from O8 is not considered to be rules that Tesserers obey, unless otherwise specified.


Proposal: Unstable Explosion

Reaches quorum, 6-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 09 Nov 2017 22:56:44 UTC

If the proposals “Orientation” and “Rotation” have both passed:

Add to the rule “The Tesseract”:

If the instability of the Tesseract rises above 5, all shards with the same affinity as the orientation of the Tesseract are removed from their owners and considered “Destroyed”. The instability of the tesseract is then set to 0.

Proposal: Boosting

Times out, 4-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 09 Nov 2017 22:54:26 UTC

Add to the Rule “Tessering”

The sum of the contents of a story post with the [Tessered X] tag is called a “Tessered Act”.

Create a new rule called “Boosting”

A Tesserer may “Boost” the Tesseract by paying 2 power. This reduces the amount of power than must be paid in each unfullfilled Tessered Act by 1. The amount of power a Tessered Act’s cost is reduced by is tracked on The Tesseract wiki page.


Lets incentivize making these future promises.

I intentionally made it impossible to have a net power by boosting your own Tessered Acts, but simple for two Tesserers to scratch each other’s backs in this way, and easy for a third party to piggy-back on their efforts.

Proposal: Cooperation

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 09 Nov 2017 05:37:55 UTC

Under “Codices” add the text

This footnote is considered by scholars to come from the Octocodex written by O. Sedecim, Second Corner. This is one of the few remaining fragments after O. Sedecim accidentally traveled through Interim.

Any person trained, even a first day Tesser, can perform Face Action by either cooperating with a Tesser that has a different Affinity than they (shards can replace both Tessers, allowing a Tesser to activate Face Actions which they don’t share an Affinity with) and spending power equal to the number of Affinities they don’t have; in case two Tessers perform a Face Action they both pay this cost.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Proposal: The Fourth Orthocodex

reached quorum 6-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 09 Nov 2017 05:32:39 UTC

Add a new rule, “Codices”:

The following comes from fragments (believed to be Folio 2) from The Fourth Orthocodex of G. Ray, Master Emeritus in Aeternum:

Each pair of different affinities has its own Face Action; each with a shorthand Symbol:
- Nature/Fire: Radiance (☀)
- Nature/Water: Abundance (♾)
- Water/Fire: Transition (♻)
- Water/Void: Carving (❖) [*, +]
- Fire/Void: Destruction (✖) [*]
- Nature/Void: Opposition (◑) [*]

[+] see Folio 7 for discussion on naming of this Face Action.
[*] see Folio 9 for derivation of the symbology for these Face Actions.

The Fourth Orthocodex may be cited in brief as ‘R4’.
Text from R4 is not considered to be rules that Tesserers obey, unless otherwise specified.

Proposal: Alchemy

timed out 2-4 with 1 def failed by card

Adminned at 09 Nov 2017 05:19:09 UTC

Add a rule called “Inventory” with this text:

Each Tesser has an Inventory, tracked in the GDNT, which is a list of words, which are Items.

If the rule “Orientation” is enacted, add a new rule called “Alchemy” with the following text:

If a Tesserer makes a Story post with the tag [Tessered X], they may in that post state that they wish to perform an Alchemy, by choosing an alchemical formula with a time value which is less than or equal to X. If the Tesserer pays the list of shards, and complete all the other requirements, and the orientation of the Tesseract is in one of the allowed values at both when the post is started, and when it ends, then that Tesserer adds an instance of that object to their inventory.

An alchemical formula consistis of 5 parts: the name of the object, a list of shards, a list of possible orientations of the Tesseract, a time value, which is a number, and possibly other requirements. They are listed in a rule called “Alchemical Formulas” which is a subtle to this one.

Proposal: Rotation

Became popular 6 to 0. Enacted by Derrick.

Adminned at 07 Nov 2017 21:08:22 UTC

(If the “Orientation” rule is enacted, and the “Void” affinity added)

Add to the “Orientation” rule:

Each pair of opposing cells has an associated Affinity:
Water: North-South
Fire: East-West
Nature: Up-Down
Void: Ana-Kata

A Tesserer may spend a Shard to change the orienation of the Tesseract to one that has the same affinity as the Shard. This action is called “rotating” the Tesseract.

A duplicate of Diabecko’s, since I have a slot.

Proposal: Rotation

This proposal is illegal, as its owner had 2 existing proposals. Derrick.

Adminned at 06 Nov 2017 22:51:26 UTC

(If the “Orientation” rule is enacted, and the “Void” affinity added)

Add to the “Orientation” rule:

Each pair of opposing cells has an associated Affinity:
Water: North-South
Fire: East-West
Nature: Up-Down
Void: Ana-Kata

A Tesserer may spend a Shard to change the orienation of the Tesseract to one that has the same affinity as the Shard. This action is called “rotating” the Tesseract.

(I hope this is clear…)

Proposal: Orientation

Became popular to 0. Enacted by Derrick.

Adminned at 07 Nov 2017 21:05:10 UTC

Add a new rule “Orientation” containing:

The Tesseract has 8 cells, named after the direction they initially are facing : North, South, East, West, Up, Down, Ana, Kata.
The Tesseract has an Orientation, tracked on its wiki page, that corresponds to the name of the cell it is resting on. The initial Orientation of the Tesseract is Down.

Googling for Tesseract maths gives headaches

Proposal: Harvesting

became unpopular 1 to 5, with 3 vote changes. Failed by Derrick.

Adminned at 07 Nov 2017 21:00:36 UTC

Add to “Affinities”

Certain Affinities feed off others, just like the natural flow of mystical 10 watt AC Chakra power through the multi-cosmos. Buy paying one Shard of an Affinity which isn’t your own, you gain 2 Power per each Tesserer which are of the Affinity which your Affinity Feeds on, and Tesserers of that Affinity lose 1 Power each.

The Fire Affinity Feeds on the Nature Affinity. The Nature Affinity Feeds on the Water Affinity. The Water Affinity Feeds on the Fire Affinity.

The Void Affinity feeds on no Affinity but nor is it fed upon.

Proposal: 4 affinity 4 corners

reached popularity 6-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 07 Nov 2017 15:17:47 UTC

Add to the list of affinities
“Void: A Void Tesser cannot make proposals with the word “Void” in it.”


Ignore Cubic Math at your


, and of humanity.
a tesseract is a 4-d cube, we can’t have only 3 affinities!

Proposal: Affinity incentive (adapted)

self killed failed by card

Adminned at 07 Nov 2017 15:16:19 UTC


As a weekly communal action, a Tesserer may add 5 power to each Tesserer.


Every Monday at 01:00 AM of each week, each Tesserer whose affinity is not “none” gains 5 power.

Proposal: Buy your ticket out of Plato’s Cave

self killed failed by card

Adminned at 07 Nov 2017 15:15:19 UTC

If the Master doesn’t vote FOR this proposal, this proposal does nothing.

If “Commune with the Shards” hasn’t passed, this proposal does nothing.

Add to “Mass”:

A Tesser Communes with the Shards by making a Story post to this effect and halving their Power. When a Tesser Communes with the Shards, the Master shall privately tell them the Divine Equation in a timely fashion. The Divine Equation is an equation in the form of X + Y = Z, where X, Y and Z are integers. The Master shall and can choose what that X, Y and Z are, once ever during the Dynasty and before telling anyone else what those values are.

For the cheap price of half your Power, you too can achieve Illumination™!

Proposal: Affinity incentive

reached popularity 5-0 enacted by card
due to another proposal changing the ruleset before this one, the text “Every week each Tesserer gains 5 power.” did not exist at enactment time, so this proposal did nothing

Adminned at 06 Nov 2017 20:36:55 UTC

Amend “Every week each Tesserer gains 5 power.” to:

Every Monday at 01:00 AM of each week each Tesserer gains 5 power if they have an Affinity (ie. their Affinity isn’t “none”).

Set the Power of each Tesserer to 0 (it kinda is already but just in case there’s any doubt).

Proposal: confused me at first

reached popularity 5-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 06 Nov 2017 20:31:40 UTC

change “an element, which is a Tesser Affinity. Each Tesser’s Shards are tracked in the GNDT by a capital letter of their element” to
“an affinity, which is a Tesser Affinity. Each Tesser’s Shards are tracked in the GNDT by a capital letter of their affinity”

Monday, November 06, 2017

Proposal: Commune with the Shards

reached popularity 5-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 06 Nov 2017 20:30:05 UTC

Add a new rule “Mass” with the text

A Tesser that has one of each type of shard may spend one power to commune with the Tesseract.

Proposal: Entropico-tessero-stabilization

reached popularity 6-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 06 Nov 2017 20:28:46 UTC

Add a new rule, “Synonyms”:

“Tesser” and “Tesserer” are synonyms.

Replace “Every week each Tesserer gains 5 power.” with “As a weekly communal action, a Tesserer may add 5 power to each Tesserer.”

Set all Tesserer’s powers to 0.

After “After X days have passed the action(s) must be performed, and the text removed form the wiki page.”, add:

If the actions are not performed within 48 hours after X days have passed, the Instability of the Tesseract increases by X.

Rename the rule “Power Level” to “The Tesseract”, and add to it:

The Tesseract has an Instability, which starts at 0, tracked on its wiki page.

In which I fix my misunderstanding from T-E-S.

Proposal: Tessero-entropico-stabilization

Vetoed. Failed by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Nov 2017 15:54:33 UTC

Add a new rule, “Synonyms”:

“Tesser” and “Tesserer” are synonyms.

Replace “Every week each Tesserer gains 5 power.” with “As a weekly communal action, a Tesserer may add 5 power to each Tesserer.”

Replace “After X days have passed the action(s) must be performed, and the text removed form the wiki page.” with

Before X days have passed the action(s) must be performed. After the action(s) are performed, or after X days have passed, the text may be removed form the wiki page. If the actions were not performed within X days, the Instability of the Tesseract increases by X.

Rename the rule “Power Level” to “The Tesseract”, and add to it:

The Tesseract has an Instability, which starts at 0, tracked on its wiki page.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Proposal: Shards

Reaches quorum, 5-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Nov 2017 13:17:07 UTC

If “Affinity” exists as a rule, add to it the following:

Each Tesser has an amount of Shards, which are a magically created resource. Shards have an element, which is a Tesser Affinity. Each Tesser’s Shards are tracked in the GNDT by a capital letter of their element (FFWN for 2 Fire shards, 1 Water shards and 1 Nature Shard, for example). A Tesser can hold as many shards as they have Power. A Tesser can pay 3 Power to make a Shard of their Affinity. Tessers can freely give their Shards to other Tessers if that Tesser would be able to hold them. Tessers can freely discard their own Shards.

Only Water Tessers can make Water Shards, Fire Tessers Fire Shards, etc.

Proposal: Collaborative Rock, Paper, Scissors

Reaches quorum, 6-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Nov 2017 12:54:02 UTC

Add a new rule called “Affinity”, within it, add:

Each Tesser has an Affinity (or none), which can be one of the following:
- Water: A Water Tesser cannot make proposals with the word “Water” in it.
- Fire: A Fire Tesser cannot make proposals with the word “Fire” in it.
- Nature: A Nature Tesser cannot make proposals with the word “Nature” in it.

A Tesser’s Affinity is tracked in the GNDT, defaults to “none”, and if a Tesser hasn’t done so in this dynasty, they can change their Affinity from none to a different one.

Proposal: Leveling Up

Reaches quorum, 6-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Nov 2017 12:50:13 UTC

NOTE: This proposal only has effect if “The Properties of the Tesseract” is passed.

Change this text in the rule “Tessering”:

Every week each Tesserer gains 10 power.

to this:

Every week each Tesserer gains 5 power.

and this:

instead, the text of the post will be added to a wiki page named “Tessers.”

to this:

instead, the text of the post will be added to a named “Tessers” of a Wiki page named “The Tesseract”

Add a rule called “Power Level” with the text:

Also tracked on the Wiki page the Tesseract is a value call “Power Level” which starts a 0. Every time a post with the tag [Tessered X] is posted, the Power Level goes up by X.


As the Tesseract is used more, it gains other abilities. —Anonymous note to Tesserers

Night of the living idle

I unidle; quorum becomes 5.

Proposal: The Properties of the Tesseract

Reaches quorum, 7-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 05 Nov 2017 12:46:16 UTC

Add a new rule called “Tessering” with the text:

Every Tesserer has a value of “Power” tracked in the GDNT, which defaults to 0. Every week each Tesserer gains 10 power.

Anytime a Tesserer publishes a Story Post which is not a Combo, they may, in the title, put the following tag: [Tessered X], where X is a number less than or equal to their power. Any actions described in such a post will not be performed: instead, the text of the post will be added to a wiki page named “Tessers.” After X days have passed the action(s) must be performed, and the text removed form the wiki page. A Tesserer may only have two such posts at a time.

These ideas are adapted from one of these ideas someone else had, I guess.

Ascension Address: The Tesseract

The Master of the Tesseract sighed. He was getting old, and was worried that the secrets of the artifact he held so dear would be lost forever. Yes, he had gotten some apprentices, and they showed some enthusiasm, but they mush prefers playing foolish games on these new-fangled “computers.” The Master resolved to do whatever he could to get those kids interested. Suddenly, he had an idea: What if he could turn the teaching into a real-life version of those games!? He immediacy began preparing.

Change “Homeowner” to “Master” and “Trick-or-Treater” to “Tesserer”. Repeal all dynastic rules, and change the status of none of the Special-Case rules.


Hello people :)

I’ve come to play BlogNomic. I tried once over ten years ago (different account) but I think I only lasted about a week. Hoping to stay much longer this time.
Could you please mark me as active for the next dynasty ?
Thank you.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Declaration of Victory: Ummm… I Guess I won?

Reaches quorum with all FORs, 5-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 04 Nov 2017 15:25:24 UTC

Well, um, so, from the post mortium post by Card, it looks like I won… Well, have a nice day… ;AX

Friday, November 03, 2017

Story Post: The time was automatically set to After a day ago, here’s the score

Since it became “After” a while ago, let’s see the scores
Axemabaro: 5 KSSCB (5*2) + 1 Corn + 2 Apples + 1 Suckers + 1 GummyBears + 1 Licorice + 10 for being honest to the Misers + 10 for wearing the most costumes + 10 for greatest total units = 46 points

card: 10pts, for playing fair.

Trigon: 2 KSSCB (2*2) + 4 Suckers + 5 GummyBears + 10 for playing fair = 23 points

the rest have 0 points.

We’re waiting on you to make a DoV Axemabaro.

Story Post: MMMMMMM

I put on the hommade ghost, and roll for tricks

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Story Post: Factional!

I spend a treat to go to the cemetary.