I have arrived
I, dbdougla, would like to be added as a commoner as soon as is convenient to an admin.
I, dbdougla, would like to be added as a commoner as soon as is convenient to an admin.
Reached quorum 15 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2010 11:36:57 UTC
Add a new paragraph to the rule “2.2 Inventions” with the following text:
A Commoner can, at will, dismantle an Invention he owns, by regaining half of the Invention’s Composition (rounded down), raising his income by the Invention’s Power Requirement, and removing the Invention from the wiki page [[Inventions]]. The Invention is no longer considered owned by the Commoner who dismantled it.
Add a new paragraph to the rule “2.2 Inventions” with the following text:
A Commoner can, at will, dismantle an Invention he owns, by regaining half of the Invention’s Composition (rounded down), raising his income by the Invention’s Power Requirement, and removing the Invention from the wiki page [[Inventions]]. The Invention is no longer considered owned by the Commoner who dismantled it.
Reached quorum, 15 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2010 11:08:51 UTC
Add a subrule named “Trading” to rule 2.1 “Commoner’s Economy”, as follows:
There is a page on the Wiki called “Trading Post”. That page may only be edited in manners allowed by the Ruleset.
There are 2 sections on that page: “One-Time Trades” and “Conditional Trades”. If there is no list in either section, any Commoner may create one. In such a list, each list point is a “Trade Offer”.
“Trade Offers” are defined as sentences defining the ressources asked for, defined as “Sought Ressources”, and the ressources offered, defined as “Offered Ressources”. “Trade Offers” must contain the name of the Commoner making the offer, and can also contain a “Condition”. For example, both “Roujo is offering 10 Wood and 2 Caffeine in exchange for 10 Coal and 2 Gems” and “I, Keba, am willing to trade 10 of my Gems for 20 of your Coal if I have at least 30 Gems” are valid “Trade Offers”.
Any Commoner may make a “Trade Offer” by adding it to either section as a list item in that section. Only “Trade Offers” with a “Condition” may be added to the “Conditional Trades” section.
Any Commoner may agree to a “Trade Offer” if all of the following are true:
- They have enough of the “Sought Ressources” to complete the “Trade Offer”;
- The Commoner who made the offer has enough of the “Offered Ressources” to complete the “Trade Offer”;
- If the “Trade Offer” is in the “One-Time Trades” section, the offer has not been completed yet, and;
- If the “Trade Offer” is in the “Conditional Trades” section, the “Condition” is true.
They then complete the offer by doing all of the following, in that order:
- Adding ” - Completed by [Name 2]” to the end of the “Trade Offer”, where [Name 2] is their own name;
- Reducing their “Sought Ressources” by the amounts defined in the “Trade Offer”;
- Reducing the “Offered Ressources” of the Commoner who made the “Trade Offer” by the amounts defined in that “Trade Offer”;
- Increasing their “Offered Ressources” by the amounts defined in the “Trade Offer”, and;
- Increasing the “Sought Ressources” of the Commoner who made the “Trade Offer” by the amounts defined in that “Trade Offer”;
The “Trade Offer” is then considered completed.Any Commoner may remove a “Trade Offer” from the page if it was added by them.
Proposal by Keba and Roujo.
Can’t reach quorum with 14 votes AGAINST, without a change of vote. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2010 02:00:45 UTC
Add to rule 2.2:
Commoners can transfer their own inventions to other Commoners, at will.
“Here good sir, take this revolutionary new vacuum cleaner.”
Commoner A runs like hell….
Can’t pass without a change of vote, with 14 AGAINST. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2010 01:59:56 UTC
Create a rule called “Commoner Actions” with the following:
Commoners are capable of taking several actions (listed in subrules in this rule.) Actions must have either a percentage based chance of failure (and a resulting penalty) or consume a certain amount of resources to perform. A Commoner is capable of up to 3 actions in a week. Each individual action shall be counted as a Weekly Action.
This brings in the possibility for a variety of different actions; theft, assault, barricading oneself in their workshop etc.
The world is going to hell, surely you want to do more than scavenge?
Reached quorum 17 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2010 01:51:26 UTC
Replace the second paragraph of Rule 2.1 (Commoner’s Economy) with:-
As a weekly action, a Commoner can Scavenge; this increases his Coal by his Income, and is impossible if it would reduce a Commoner’s Coal to less than 0. When Scavenging, a Commoner may also choose two different items from the following list, and gain the Resources listed in each item:-
- 10 Iron
- 10 Wood
- 5 Quicksilver
- 5 Caffeine
- 3 Cogs
- 1 Gem
If “This product was not tested on animals” passed, add “2 Guinea Pigs” to that list, before “1 Gem”.
Upon enactment of this proposal, halve the Quicksilver and Caffeine of each Commoner (rounding down), cut each Commoner’s Cogs by two thirds (rounding down) and divide each Commoner’s Gems by 10 (rounding down).
If a Furnace exists as a Part, change its Cost from “7 Cogs and 3 Iron” to “3 Cogs and 3 Iron”. If the Cog Mold exists, change its Cost from “7 Iron and 3 Cogs” to “7 Iron and 1 Cog”.
It’s been pointed out that 10 of something is just “the amount you can gain in a week”, but it feels more intuitive to have some items actually being rarer than others. (If I want to build a microscope I need 10 Iron and 3 rare Gems, rather than 10 Iron and 30 Gems. And looking at my previous proposal, this is how I’ve been instinctively costing things.) Divisors have been chosen so as not to require any rounding down on current GNDT values.
Was tempted to make Caffeine unscavengeable and something you can only manufacture with Inventions, but a few people already have some, so I’ll leave it for now.
Reached quorum 17 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2010 01:47:13 UTC
In Rule 2.2 (Inventions), replace “which applies to all Inventors who own an Invention with that Part” with “which may affect any aspect of the game”.
Create a subrule to Rule 2.2 (Inventions), called “Electromagnetic Coil”:-
Cost: 5 Iron, 5 Quicksilver, 2 Cogs Power Requirement: 20
When Scavenging, the owner of an Invention which has an Electromagnetic Coil additionally gains 3 Iron, as the device picks up stray fragments from the environment.
Create a subrule to Rule 2.2 (Inventions), called “Precision Lens”:-
Cost: 10 Iron, 2 Gems, 1 Cog Power Requirement: 15
The owner of an Invention fitted with a Precision Lens spends one less of each type of Resource he or she would spend during the creation of an Invention.
Create a subrule to Rule 2.2 (Inventions), called “Teak Panelling”:-
Cost: 5 Wood Power Requirement: 0
If an Invention is created with Teak Panelling, any amount of its Iron costs may instead be paid with Wood.
Create a subrule to Rule 2.2 (Inventions), called “Basic Heatsink”:-
Cost: 10 Iron Power Requirement: -10
These curved fins of metal have no effect beyond their negative Power Requirement. If an Invention with a Heatsink would have a Power Requirement lower than 0, its Power Requirement is instead 0.
Reached quorum, 16 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2010 01:30:43 UTC
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventionsâ€, titled “Furnaceâ€:
Cost: 7 Cogs and 3 Iron
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: At any time, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Part may decrease their Cogs by any number (the Amount) and increase their Iron by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Cogs to an illegal value.
From Darth’s proposal
Reached quorum 17 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Mar 2010 01:29:21 UTC
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventionsâ€, titled “Cog Moldâ€:
Cost: 7 Iron and 3 Cogs
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: At any time, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Part may decrease their Iron by any number (the Amount) and increase their Cogs by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Iron to an illegal value.
From Darth’s proposal
I’ll just hold up the queue otherwise.
Self-killed -Darth
Adminned at 01 Mar 2010 18:51:33 UTC
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “vehicles”, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Vehicular”:
Cost: 10 Quicksilver
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: The Income of any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property is considered to be doubled for the purposes of Scavenging.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Vehicular” with “Propeller” and “Property” with “Part”.
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “pocket”, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Pocket-Sized”:
Cost: 15 Iron
Power Requirement: 30
Effect: Any Invention with this Property does not count towards the three-Invention limit.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Pocket-Sized” with “High-Pressure Casing” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “bombs”, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Damaging”:
Cost: 10 Iron
Power Requirement: 25
Effect: As a weekly action, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may Attack. To do this, they select another Commoner and a type of Resource. They roll DICE20 if the selected Resource was Coal and DICE5 otherwise. The selected Commoner has their amount of the selected Resource decreased by the result of the roll, unless this would bring it below zero, in which case it is set to zero.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Damaging” with “Weapon” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “mold” and “Every Cog Has Its Day” passed, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Shaping”:
Cost: 7 Iron and 3 Cogs
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: At any time, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may decrease their Iron by any number (the Amount) and increase their Cogs by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Iron to an illegal value.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Shaping” with “Cog Mold” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”. If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the phrase “make it weekly”, replace “At any time” with “As a weekly action”.
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “furnace” and “Every Cog Has Its Day” passed, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Melting”:
Cost: 7 Cogs and 3 Iron
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: At any time, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may decrease their Cogs by any number (the Amount) and increase their Iron by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Cogs to an illegal value.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Melting” with “Furnace” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”. If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the phrase “make it weekly”, replace “At any time” with “As a weekly action”.
Note that there’s no real reason to limit it to weekly, since constantly molding and melting is somewhat disadvantageous anyway as it decreases your Cogs/Iron by 1 each time.
Also: Nested EVC conditionals.
Vetoed - Ienpw
Adminned at 01 Mar 2010 14:41:21 UTC
Create a Dynastic Rule Called “Proposal Grind Count” with text “1”
Grind 1. (v.i.) To repeatedly perform an action with great frequency and with minimal benefit because there is no reason not to do so. 2 (n.) A single instance of grinding.
Times out and fails 6-9. Ienpw
Adminned at 01 Mar 2010 14:41:08 UTC
Create a new rule, “Flavour rewards”:
When voting on a proposal, Commoners should include an arrow icon (:ARROW:) in comments in which they vote, if they think the proposal is particularly flavourful or has good flavour text; this is not a voting icon, but can be used additionally to voting icons in the same comment. Within 48 hours of a proposal being enacted or failed, its author can increase his own Coal by the number of EVCs on that proposal that include arrow items, excluding EVCs by the proposal’s author but including EVCs by the Mad Prince, but only if he has not performed this action with respect to that proposal before.
Create a new rule, “Flavour Rewards”:
When voting on a proposal, Commoners should include an arrow icon (:ARROW:) in comments in which they vote, if they think the proposal is particularly flavourful or has good flavour text; this is not a voting icon, but can be used additionally to voting icons in the same comment. Within 48 hours of a proposal being enacted or failed, its author can increase his own Coal by the number of EVCs on that proposal that include arrow items, excluding EVCs by the proposal’s author but including EVCs by the Mad Prince, but only if he has not performed this action with respect to that proposal before.
Fixing a bug pointed out by Rodlen; now it counts arrowed comments, rather than arrows themselves.
Self vetoed and failed by Ienpw
Adminned at 01 Mar 2010 10:45:54 UTC
Create a new rule, “Flavour Rewards”:
When voting on a proposal, Commoners should include an arrow icon (:ARROW:) in comments in which they vote, if they think the proposal is particularly flavourful or has good flavour text; this is not a voting icon, but can be used additionally to voting icons in the same comment. Within 48 hours of a proposal being enacted or failed, its author can increase his own Coal by the number of arrow icons included in EVCs on that proposal, excluding EVCs by the proposal’s author but including EVCs by the Mad Prince, but only if he has not performed this action with respect to that proposal before.
The better you blend in with normal non-scientific Commoners, the less closely the Mad Prince’s automata watch you, and the more Coal you can scavenge from under their noses.
Self killed and failed by Ienpw
Adminned at 01 Mar 2010 10:45:23 UTC
Add to the list of resources “Guinea Pigs”. To the end of the paragraph beginning “As a weekly action, a Commoner can Scavenge…” add “If the Commoner chooses to increase his Guinea Pigs, he increases it by 2 instead of 10.”
Notes from a commoner’s diary: Today I created a salve which should reduce the effects of burns on human skin. However, when I applied it to the child, he writhed in pain and cried, “Not more torture”. After I assured him that I didn’t intend to torture him this time, he expired. I will need a new test subject.
Self-Killed. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 01 Mar 2010 01:49:07 UTC
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “vehicles”, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Vehicular”:
Cost: 10 Quicksilver
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: The Income of any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property is considered to be doubled for the purposes of Scavenging.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Vehicular” with “Propeller” and “Property” with “Part”.
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “pocket”, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Pocket-Sized”:
Cost: 15 Iron
Power Requirement: 30
Effect: Any Invention with this Property does not count towards the three-Invention limit.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Pocket-Sized” with “High-Pressure Casing” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “bombs”, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Damaging”:
Cost: 10 Iron
Power Requirement: 25
Effect: As a weekly action, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may Attack. To do this, they select another Commoner and a type of Resource. They roll DICE20 if the selected Resource was Coal and DICE5 otherwise. The selected Commoner has their amount of the selected Resource decreased by the result of the roll, unless this would bring it below zero, in which case it is set to zero.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Damaging” with “Weapon” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “mold” and “Every Cog Has Its Day” passed, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Shaping”:
Cost: 7 Iron and 3 Cogs
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: As a daily action, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may decrease their Iron by any number (the Amount) and increase their Cogs by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Iron to an illegal value.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Shaping” with “Cog Mold” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.
If at least half of all EVCs on this proposal include the word “furnace” and “Every Cog Has Its Day” passed, do the following:
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2 “Inventions”, titled “Melting”:
Cost: 7 Cogs and 3 Iron
Power Requirement: 20
Effect: As a daily action, any Commoner who owns an Invention with this Property may decrease their Cogs by any number (the Amount) and increase their Iron by the Amount, minus one; this action may not be taken if this would set a Commoner’s Cogs to an illegal value.If “Parts and Labour” passed, replace “Melting” with “Furnace” and “Property” with “Part”. If “Of Metals” passed, replace “Iron” with “Copper”.
The cost of Vehicular/Propeller being in Quicksilver is because there was nothing better, and so I resort to puns.
Thanks to Kevan for the Pocket-Sized/High-Pressure Casing concept.
Also, by the way, you can nest blockquotes. A rather Wakukean experiment, don’t you think?
Passes at 16-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 01 Mar 2010 01:46:01 UTC
In the “Commoner’s Economy” Rule, replace
an amount of Coal (a number defaulting to the median value among Commoners, or 50 if the median would be undefined), and amounts of
and amounts of Coal,
and replace
(numbers defaulting to the median value among Commoners, or 0 if the median would be undefined)
(numbers defaulting to the median values among Commoners, rounding up to an integer if necessary)
Throughout the Ruleset, replace any instances of “Inventors” with “Commoners”.
Now that resource amounts have been initialized (50 coal, 0 others), the median will always be defined, so we drop references to starting with 50 Coal and 0 of other Resources, and just treat all Resource initialization equally. In the case of an even set of data, the median is sometimes a half-integer, so we have to specify how to round. This fix will work regardless of whether Iron gets replaced by Copper, Wood gets dropped, or Cogs get added in the list of Resources due to certain pending proposals.
Quorumed 14-0 -Darth
Adminned at 28 Feb 2010 08:35:00 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Royal Blood” with the text “For purposes of all dynastic rules, the Mad Prince is not considered a Commoner unless it is explicitly stated otherwise.”
Nausved goes idle. Quorum remains 15.
Self-killed -Darth
Adminned at 28 Feb 2010 08:28:33 UTC
Add a new rule, Arrows:
If at least half of the EVCs on an enacted proposal contain the
voting icon, then the proposer of that proposal may once increase any one of their resources by 5 within 24 hours of its enactment.
If at least half of the EVCs to this proposal contain the phrase “long-term benefits”, then replace “any one of their resources by 5 within 24 hours of its enactment” with “their income by 2 within 24 hours of its enactment.
It’s been a long time since we’ve had a very flavourful dynasty. In fact, I think the last one was ais’s first dynasty. This is a variation on a rule that has appeared before.
Quorumed 19-0 -Darth
Adminned at 28 Feb 2010 08:27:04 UTC
In the rule “Commoner’s Economy”, replace “Caffeine, and Gems” with “Caffeine, Cogs and Gems” in both instances.
Quorumed 18-0 -Darth
Adminned at 28 Feb 2010 08:24:27 UTC
Replace “Property” with “Part” (and “Properties” with “Parts”) throughout the rule called “Inventions”. Also replace “Cost” with “Composition”.
After having done so, replace “by spending its Composition” with “by spending Resources equal to the total Compositions of every Part in the Invention”.
Parts seem more steampunk than Properties; instead of an Invention being Illuminated and Dangerous and Pocket-Sized, it has an Argon Bulb, Metal Spikes and High-Pressure Casing. And “Composition” would seem more fitting than “Cost”, if it’s now the raw material we’re making each piece from.
(Also, “spending an Invention’s Cost” was mentioned in the rule, but it wasn’t explicitly defined that an Invention’s Cost is the sum of the Cost of its component pieces.)
Antiquorumed, 2-15 -Darth
Adminned at 28 Feb 2010 08:21:54 UTC
If proposal Life after Science passes, replace “Iron” with “Copper” and drop any reference to “Wood”.
I like Life after Science proposal, it is a very good start, but, since this is not World of Warcraft, Copper and no Wood are simply more steampunk-ish
I unidle. Quorum remains 15.
Reaches quorum and passes at 15-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 27 Feb 2010 12:20:41 UTC
Create a rule called “Inventions” with the following:
Each Commoner owns 0 or more Inventions, tracked on the wiki page [[Inventions]] (updating that page should only be done to take an action, to revert a mistaken update, or to change it to match the actual gamestate, as with the GNDT); each Commoner starts with 0 Inventions. An Invention has one or more Properties, listed in subrules of this rule; a Property has a Cost, which is any amount of Resources, a Power Requirement, which is a number, and an Effect, which applies to all Inventors who own an Invention with that Property. No Invention may have more than one of the same Property, but two Inventions may share Properties. An Invention itself also has a Power Requirement, equal to the total Power Requirements of its Properties, plus the square of the number of Properties it has, plus five times the number of different Resources involved in its Cost.
A Commoner can create an Invention, with a set of existing Properties of his choice, in their own possession by spending its Cost, spending its Power Requirement in Coal, and reducing his income by its Power Requirement; after doing so, he must edit the [[Inventions]] wiki page to specify the Invention and that he owns it; this is known as Inventing. A Commoner cannot Invent if he owns 3 Inventions already, however, nor if any of the Resource spending would be impossible or illegal due to leaving his Resources holdings at illegal values.
As Ais forgot the 2 pending proposal rule, more then likely by mistake, and that this was passing at the time I’ll repropose it.
Illegal 3rd proposal. Srry.-DK
Adminned at 26 Feb 2010 20:45:50 UTC
Create a rule, “Inventions”:
Each Commoner owns 0 or more Inventions, tracked on the wiki page [[Inventions]] (updating that page should only be done to take an action, to revert a mistaken update, or to change it to match the actual gamestate, as with the GNDT); each Commoner starts with 0 Inventions. An Invention has one or more Properties, listed in subrules of this rule; a Property has a Cost, which is any amount of Resources, a Power Requirement, which is a number, and an Effect, which applies to all Inventors who own an Invention with that Property. No Invention may have more than one of the same Property, but two Inventions may share Properties. An Invention itself also has a Power Requirement, equal to the total Power Requirements of its Properties, plus the square of the number of Properties it has, plus five times the number of different Resources involved in its Cost.
A Commoner can create an Invention, with a set of existing Properties of his choice, in their own possession by spending its Cost, spending its Power Requirement in Coal, and reducing his income by its Power Requirement; after doing so, he must edit the [[Inventions]] wiki page to specify the Invention and that he owns it; this is known as Inventing. A Commoner cannot Invent if he owns 3 Inventions already, however, nor if any of the Resource spending would be impossible or illegal due to leaving his Resources holdings at illegal values.
With science fading around them, the Commoners need to practice it themselves to have any chance of fixing their broken adorable steam-powered kittens. Inventions are easier to design, though, if they restrict themselves to a couple of effects rather than trying to do everything at once. You can make your own Inventions out of a list of Properties (useful things that the Invention can do, and possibly drawbacks that subtract from the cost), by choosing what it should do and what it shouldn't; there are no Properties yet, but presumably you'll come up with and propose some by the time I get my queue slots back. The limitation to 3 Inventions is mostly to make lumping Properties into Inventions a more interesting task; look before you leap, as they take up a lot of floor space, and you may never be able to fit more than three of the things into your house.
If you don’t have a wiki account, please ask a wiki admin to give you one. (Maybe in a comment to this proposal.)
Quorumed 15-0 -Darth
Adminned at 27 Feb 2010 10:17:12 UTC
Create a rule, “Commoner's Economy”:
Each Commoner has an Income (a number which can be positive, negative, or zero, and defaults to 50), an amount of Coal (a number defaulting to the median value among Commoners, or 50 if the median would be undefined), and amounts of Iron, Wood, Quicksilver, Caffeine, and Gems (numbers defaulting to the median value among Commoners, or 0 if the median would be undefined). Coal, Iron, Wood, Quicksilver, Caffeine, and Gems are collectively known as Resources.
As a weekly action, a Commoner can Scavenge; this increases his Coal by his Income, and two of his other Resources of his choice by 10 each. Scavenging is impossible if it would reduce a Commoner's Coal to less than 0.
Commoners can transfer their own Resources to other Commoners, at will.
In the Glossary, change
Unless otherwise specified: When “X†is a number, to spend X of a numeric value “V†means to subtract X from V (i.e. replace V with V-X).
Unless otherwise specified, when “X†is a number, to spend X of a numeric value “V†means to subtract X from V (i.e. replace V with V-X); to gain X of a numeric value “V†means to add X to V; and to transfer X of a numeric value “V†from A to B means to subtract X from A's V and add the amount A's V was reduced by to B's V. Unless otherwise specified, a rule that allows Commoners to transfer a numeric value only allows them to transfer that value from themselves to another Commoner (of their choice unless otherwise stated).
The coal ration has long since dried up; people are dying and machinery is collapsing. The Commoners have to survive by scavenging broken machinery parts. Income is basically a convenience statistic; it's the amount of coal you can scavenge in a week, minus the amount of coal you need to power anything you need to power. So mechanics which create things that need power sources can do so simply by reducing a Commoner's Income. If you need to power more things than your coal supply can provide for, you have to cease any other collection of resources and aim entirely for coal just to stay even, represented by not performing the Scavenging action at all.
Also adding some resource manipulation definitions to the Glossary; they'll be useful in general, and should be uncontroversial.
Also shocking is the conditions he has to work under. Clearly, corners are being cut by the local Lord; the train actually derailed near the end of the journey (luckily, nobody was seriously hurt), but I don't expect that sort of disregard for the health of his workers. The state of the coal ration here is in tatters, too; sometimes people are only getting three or four lumps to last a whole week. I'm glad our Lord Cartlesham isn't like that; I'm worried that the new regent isn't able to keep control of greedy Lords.
I hear fearful tales from the surrounding land, though. A new sort of mechanized automaton is walking around, collecting taxes, killing anyone who disagrees with them, and conscripting people to work on yet another of Prince Ais523's insane projects. They listen to no reason, but merely carry out the word of his orders. What madness can have lead to this?
The executor of the will is due to arrive shortly, and he will arrange for oversight of the manor. I have made great progress with my lightning stones; I hope that this does not interrupt my coal ration. It was due today, but hasn't arrived yet.
Still no coal ration today. My stores are running low, and I've had to resort to copying my diary on to paper the old-fashioned way to not lose a record. I doubt I'll ever again have steam to power my notepad; in fact, I fear that even heating through the cold winter months may soon be a problem.
Repeal all dynastic rules. (I rather wanted to keep the G-man rule, but instead it probably just needs reproposing; keeping it in its current form would mean that I could be contacted via Kevan's email address.)
Change “Guest” to “Commoner” and “Executor” to “Mad Prince”.
Welcome to the Steampunk Dynasty! Thanks flurie for passing the mantle, and helping me write this AA.
Also, I will be vetoing any attempts to introduce daily actions to the rules. Or to make me an admin. I am not joking about this. (Puts on Mad Prince crown and laughs maniacially.)
This post is just being made to inform the BlogNomic community that I am officially passing the mantle on to ais523. Expect his AA shortly.
Signing up ready to start in the next dynasty.
Reached quorum with 17 supporting and none against. Flurie is victorious.
Adminned at 26 Feb 2010 03:07:17 UTC
I have achieved victory in accordance with Rule 2.11.1 by correctly identifying the active and idle murderers.
Dear friends, it was a scant week previous during which I learned of my distant relation to that most ghastly of Cartleshams. During my time at the manor, I have gotten to know a few of you well, and you deigned me worthy of collaboration, without which we could not have rooted out those vile evildoers second only to the Lord himself. We balance probabilities and choose the most likely. It is the scientific use of the imagination.
Vetoed -Darth
Adminned at 27 Feb 2010 10:15:22 UTC
In Rule 2.11.1 “Calling the Police” replace “As a weekly action, if the Lights are On and if Daybreak has not yet occurred, ” with
As a weekly action, if the Lights are On and if neither Daybreak has occurred nor the police has already arrived (as seen by a blog post written by the Executor),
Kevan promised to ignore further mails like “Here is my Suspect List: ...” or - to be more objective - he wont have the time to check mails… ;)
But I dont want this Dynasty to end with a known bug.
Times out 13-2 -Darth
Adminned at 27 Feb 2010 10:15:05 UTC
In the Glossary, replace
No action may be taken which would require setting a gamestate variable to an illegal value.
A Guest who has a choice in whether to take an action defined by a dynastic rule may not take that action if both of the following conditions are true: a) the action’s effects are limited to changing values tracked in the GNDT and/or similar gamestate-tracking entities (such as a wiki page), and b) the action would change one of those values to an illegal value.
If the keyword “Guest” has been replaced by a different keyword since this proposal was created, then change “Guest” in the replacement to whatever the keyword “Guest” was replaced with.
Consider the following rules from the ruleset:
No action may be taken which would require setting a gamestate variable to an illegal value.
If four Guests have become Arrested during the course of the game, further Guests may not become Arrested.
The Executor shall change the state of any Murderers currently in the Manor to “Arrestedâ€, and the Guest who made the phonecall achieves victory.
It’s sheer luck here that no more than 4 Guests ended up Arrested during the course of the game. Otherwise, flurie’s email to Kevan would have caused Kevan to change a further Guest’s status to Arrested, which would be an illegal value. As a result, flurie’s email itself would have been illegal, rather than winning the game. This is a ridiculous concept; arguably the dynastic rules are broken, but I think it’s more likely that the Glossary is broken as it keeps on encouraging this sort of stupid situation.
Really, something needs to be done about this rule before someone scams it. The intent of the rule is presumably to prevent people doing purchase-type actions, like spending Money to buy Armour, or whatever, that would bring a value out of its normal range; by restricting the scope of this rule to GNDT-trade-type actions, I think it’s likely to have the intended effect in the situation it was intended to cover, without breaking situations it wasn’t. (The restriction to dynastic-defined actions is probably redundant here, but is added as a separate safety measure; did you know that the old version of this rule can even prevent CFJs enacting?)
I am now a late arrival.
As a pale glow begins to light the sky over the village, a black police van pulls up in the driveway of Cartlesham Manor. Four uniformed officers step out onto the gravel, and spring up the front steps to the heavy double doors, which the Apothecary opens for them. One policeman heads straight for the lounge, another for the library, and the Diplomat and Professor are marched out in handcuffs. Through the grille of the van window, the Attorney arrested during the night glares out at the lights of the manor. And in a distant town square, the door to an Executor’s office is kicked open.
Alethiophile, Anonyman and Darth Cliche were the murderers at Cartlesham Manor. Flurie correctly identified them in a phonecall to the police, and has achieved victory.
Wakukee hasn’t posted or commented for another full week, and is idle again. Quorum drops to 14.
Self-killed -Darth
Adminned at 25 Feb 2010 07:24:57 UTC
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.5 “Bloodline”, titled “Information Leak”:
As the reading of Lord Cartlesham’s will draws closer, the Guests are beginning to draw conclusions on who will inherit the lord’s fortune. Once per day, if Daybreak has not occurred, the Executor may privately generate a random number between 1 and the number of Guests who are not Dead, Missing or Arrested (hereby known as Candidates). If the Executor does so, they must then edit the ‘Bloodline Board’ post (http://blognomic.com/archive/degree_of_relation_board/) to contain the name and numerical degree of relation of the Candidate corresponding with that number (when reading downward from the top of the GNDT list).
Creates a new dynastic rule numbered 2.5.5 and entitled “Information Leak” as follows:
As the reading of Lord Cartlesham’s will draws closer, the Guests are beginning to draw conclusions on who will inherit the lord’s fortune. Once per day, if Daybreak has not occurred, the Executor may privately generate a random number between 1 and the number of Guests who are not Dead, Missing or Arrested (hereby known as Candidates). If the Executor does so, they must then edit the ‘Bloodline Board’ post (http://blognomic.com/archive/degree_of_relation_board/) to contain the name and numerical degree of relation of the Candidate corresponding with that number (when reading downward from the top of the GNDT list).
It’s getting near the end, so why not create a little tension between our Guests? This shouldn’t be enough information to break the game, and Kevan has the right to refuse to generate a number if he thinks that it will do so.
Thunder rumbles over the hills, and it starts to rain heavily, water pouring over the crumbling slate of the rooftops. Lightning strikes an outlying turret of Cartlesham Manor, and the rooms and corridors fall dark. As the cold and damp permeates the building and the wooden floorboards groan, the door to the lounge becomes jammed.
The Lounge cannot be entered or exited for 24 hours.
Struggling to shift the fallen bookcase away from the door, the guests in the Master Bedroom inadvertently lean it back against the polished-brass stem of a light fitting, which bends and snaps. There is a bright flash, and the fuses blow. Trailing a few embers, the bookshelf tilts back against the door with a heavy thump.
The Master Bedroom cannot be entered or exited for 24 hours.
Greetings all,
Perhaps not the best of timing, but I have arrived.
Reached quorum 15 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Feb 2010 10:45:06 UTC
In 2.6 Lights, add the following:
When the Lights go Off, the Executor rolls DICE3 for each Poisoned player. If the result is 1, that player’s status is changed to Dead.
With poison comes randomly agonizing death! Or maybe just a bit of a tummy ache. You never know how diluted those bottles are, sometimes.
There are further explosions from the deathtrap that is Cartlesham Manor kitchen. There is a whistling, whipping sound as the rope snaps in one of the dumbwaiters, sending a counterweight into the basement and a forgotten tureen of lobster bisque hurtling up through the walls of the house. It crashes out in the master bedroom, toppling a bookshelf which falls and blocks the only door in and out of the room.
The Master Bedroom cannot be entered or exited for 24 hours.
Timed out 15 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Feb 2010 10:36:54 UTC
In Rule 2.11, replace “Daybreak occurs at 00:01 on March 1st 2010” with:-
Daybreak occurs at 23:55 on February 28th 2010
And in Rule 2.11.1, replace “As a weekly action, and if the Lights are On” with:-
As a weekly action, if the Lights are On and if Daybreak has not yet occurred
Currently there’s a tiny sixty-second gap between the new week starting and Daybreak occurring, which means that anyone with the alertness or the scripting skill can fit in one extra call to the police. This bumps Daybreak back six minutes and closes that loophole, since I assume most players won’t have a chance to use it.
Reached quorum 15 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Feb 2010 09:06:56 UTC
In rule 2.6 Lights, add the following to the list of Dark Actions:
Poison a drink When the Lights are turned On, for each Poison a drink action taken in a room, the Executor randomly changes the status of an Alert player inhabiting the room to Poisoned, if any exist. Guests who are not Murderers may only Poison as the final action on their Dark List.
They say Lord Cartlesham had a penchant for bleaching everything he could, but it appears that his servants were clumsy about disposing of all the half-used bottles…
Timed out 4 votes to 8. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Feb 2010 05:44:10 UTC
Set the non-Dead non-Arrested non-Missing Guest with the lowest Relation to be Missing, and their Actual State to whatever it is at the moment.
We recently found out that Lord Cartlesham may not have been as faithful to his wife as the eulogy would have you believe. Given that all us rightful heirs can’t end up with the inheritance if this historical mistake (which unfortunately was not recorded anywhere) remains uncorrected, it’s probably easiest to send them on a holiday to Barbados or somewhere nicely out of the way; we wouldn’t want them dead because of us, but wouldn’t want to miss out on the money either.
If you aren’t next in line to the inheritance (and you should know who you are, through reflecting on family connections), please vote FOR this Crisis. It’ll put you one step closer to winning if you do; and you’re in the majority, because only one person can be next in line.
There the Housewife hasn’t commented since February 12th, and goes idle. Quorum drops to 14.
Also, the GNDT cookie problem is now fixed and we’re back to the default voting icons.
Fails 15-2 (Antiquorumed)- Ienpw
Adminned at 22 Feb 2010 18:57:29 UTC
Change Rule 2.9- Incidents, to read as follows:
As a daily action, and if the Lights are On, the Executor may announce an Incident. He does this by randomly selecting two items from the following list (in whatever manner deemed suitable by him), updating the gamestate as specified, and posting a blog entry announcing its occurrence, unless both items 4 and 5 are selected from the below list.
1. The lights go out.
2. Some kind of accident or revelation occurs in a randomly-selected room. If there are any Guests in that room, one of those Guests is selected at random and becomes Stunned or Terrified.
3. The door to a random room jams, and that room may not be entered or exited for 24 hours.
4. No effect
5. No effect
I am sick of the lights going out every second and having to constantly live in fear that I’ll suddenly be freaked out by something. By putting two blanks in the metaphorical revolver, this will defuse the frequency of incidents occuring. This drops the likelihood of having 2 incidents to only 30%.
Something started whirring and grinding in the kitchen when the lights came back on, and whatever it was has just burst into flame, scattering broken glass and blowing the lights in the process. The kitchen cannot be entered for 24 hours.
Passed 15-0—Rodlen
Adminned at 22 Feb 2010 00:44:10 UTC
Add the following to the end of the first bullet point list in rule 2.2 Life and Death:
*If a Guest is Asleep and would become Wounded, the Executor shall roll DICE2. If the result is a 1, the Guest becomes Dead. If the result is a 2, the Guest becomes Wounded and the die is not rerolled.
Adminned at 21 Feb 2010 12:14:29 UTC
Add the following to the end of the first bullet point list in rule 2.2 Life and Death:
*If a Guest is Asleep and would become Wounded, the Executor shall roll DICE2. If the result is a 1, the Guest becomes Dead. If the result is a 2, the Guest becomes Wounded.
All these sleeping people, all so easy to stab in their sleep. Sometimes.
The missing chauffeur Truman Capote hasn’t made a comment since the 12th of February, and is now idle.
Passed 17-0—Rodlen
Adminned at 21 Feb 2010 12:13:33 UTC
In rule Calling the Police, change “a list of Guests” to “a list of Guests and/or idle Guests”
Adminned at 21 Feb 2010 12:12:41 UTC
Replace “If the Lights are Off and the Executor has no unprocessed Dark Lists and has received no Dark List in the past 24 hours, they may make a post stating that the Lights remain Off.” with “If the Lights are Off and the Executor has no unprocessed Dark Lists and has received no Dark List in the past 12 hours, they may make a post stating that the Lights remain Off.” in the rules.
Well, someone killed the maid after he brought me to the Basement.
You glimpsed someone murdering the Maid. It was either the Admiral, the Banker, the Diplomat, the Professor, a Stranger, the Vicar or - and this can’t be right, but it did look a lot like you - yourself…
You heard a padding noise as someone left the Basement.
Vell, zis eez a clue. Kind of.
Timed out, passed 14-1—Rodlen
Adminned at 21 Feb 2010 11:03:27 UTC
In Rule 2.6 - Lights replace the text “Move to another room on any floor. As above, except this action may only be taken by the Detectives, the Murderers and the Servants, who all have a better knowledge of Cartlesham Manor.” with the following:
Move to another room on any floor. As above. The Executor shall privately roll a four-sided die. On a 4 the Guest slips on the stairs and becomes Wounded. If the destination floor is above the current floor, the Location of the Guest does not change. If the destination floor is below the floor, the Guest’s new Location is the target one. This rule does not apply to the Detectives, the Murderers and the Servants, who all have a better knowledge of Cartlesham Manor and can move to another room on any floor without the risk of slipping.
This may help speed up turning on the lights.
Timed out 12 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 21 Feb 2010 09:08:48 UTC
In Rule 2.14, replace “Their Degree of Relation is set to a new value between 1001 and 2000. This value shall be randomly chosen by the Executioner.” with:-
Their Degree of Relation is increased by 1000, rounded down to the nearest 1000, then increased by a random number (chosen by the Executor) between 1 and 999.
Current wording means that if you find out that your degree of relation is above 1500, you should try to get yourself killed. And if you don’t know your degree, you’ve no reason to fear death. If we end up killing all the Cartleshams so that the other surnames are in with a chance, this could get messy.
Timed out 1 vote FOR to 14 votes AGAINST. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 21 Feb 2010 09:11:13 UTC
In Rule 2.6 “Lights” replace “Repair the fusebox. This Dark Action may only be taken in the Basement. Upon repairing the Fusebox, the Lights come back On and the remainder of the current Dark List is ignored. The Executor must privately notify the Guest who has repaired the Fusebox, that he did so.” with:
Repair the fusebox. This Dark Action may only be taken in the Basement. Upon repairing the Fusebox, the Lights come back On and the remainder of the current Dark List is ignored. The Executor must privately notify the Guest who has repaired the Fusebox, that he did so. The Physician is able to repair the Fusebox everywhere.
I promise I will turn the Lights on as far as possible. So non-Servants can do something else then hoping to not be killed…
Additionally, if this Proposal passes, I will heal everyone wounded. ;)
Times out 14-0 -Darth
Adminned at 21 Feb 2010 06:55:34 UTC
Throughout the ruleset, replace “non-Dormant” and “not Dormant” with “Alert”.
To the first paragraph of Rule 2.2, after “If a Guest is not Dead, they are considered to be Alive.”, add:-
If a guest is Healthy, Wounded or Poisoned, they are considered to be Alert.
May as well define a keyword to be the opposite of Dormant, as some of these sentences are getting a little tortuous.
Timed out 10 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 21 Feb 2010 02:48:47 UTC
In the subrule “Calling the Police†(of Rule 2.11 “The Reading of the Will”), if it exists, replace “a Guest who is in the Parlor and who has never been a Murderer may telephone Scotland Yard†with:-
a non-Dormant Guest who is in the Parlor and who has never been a Murderer may telephone Scotland Yard
Reproposal per DarthCliche: name the Rule correctly.
Dear friends,
I apologize for the tardiness, but I have arrived.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 19 Feb 2010 06:07:20 UTC
In the rule “Dawn Raid”, if it exists, replace “a Guest who is in the Parlor and who has never been a Murderer may telephone Scotland Yard” with:-
a non-Dormant Guest who is in the Parlour and who has never been a Murderer may telephone Scotland Yard
Corpses, sleepers and similarly inactive individuals shouldn’t be able to use the phone.
The house is quiet, the lights remain off. In the darkness, the Housewife crashes into an ornament-heavy occasional table and injures herself, the Gangster cracks his head on a bookshelf and begins to feel a little woozy, and the injured Inventor collapses onto a carpet somewhere, drifting off to a comforting sleep.
Any Guest who has already submitted a Dark List can now submit their next one.
I’m giving up internet (with a few exceptions) for Lent, so I’m going idle, and I’ll see y’all in April.
Unidle me please.
Hi there.
I come back as a Late Arrival. One day later and I would get problems ;)
After posting this, Ill change the GNDT: Im a Physician now. If anyone wounded wants to be healed: I would do so. :) As there is no money in this game, you can pay me with information, if you want. ;)
Timed out 13 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 19 Feb 2010 06:04:57 UTC
Enact a new subrule to Rule 2.11 (The Reading of the Will), titled “Calling the Police”:-
There are suspicions that the Executor orchestrated Lord Cartlesham’s murder with the help of several accomplices, and this revelation would render the will void if proven.
As a weekly action, and if the Lights are On, a Guest who is in the Parlor and who has never been a Murderer may telephone Scotland Yard with his or her suspicions regarding Lord Cartlesham’s death. To do this, they must make a GNDT comment of “Using the telephone” and send a telegram to the Executor with a list of Guests - this is known as a Suspect List.
Upon receiving a Suspect List, if the list includes the name of every Guest who has been a Murderer this Dynasty (including idle Guests), and does not include the name of any Guests (including idle Guests) who have never been a Murderer this Dynasty, then the Executor shall announce this correct identification to the weblog, naming the Guest who made the phonecall. The Executor shall change the state of any Murderers currently in the Manor to “Arrested”, and the Guest who made the phonecall achieves victory.
In Rule 2.2, add “Arrested” to “Healthy, Poisoned or Dead” and “Healthy, Restrained or Dead” (so that Poisoned and Restrained Guests can still be Arrested).
An alternate victory condition for anyone who can work out the identities of the Murderers.
I don’t really want to unidle for another couple of days, but there’s a rule in the pipeline that would prevent me from doing so.
Reached quorum 15 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Feb 2010 04:55:19 UTC
In the first paragraph of Rule 2.13 (The Safe) add the following sentence after “This action cannot be performed more than once daily.”
If the Combination is incorrect, the Executor shall provide the requesting Guest with a number indicating how many numbers are correct and in the correct position.
Eg: If the correct number is 123456789 and and Guest tries 233576742, the number to provide is 3 (for 3rd, 6th and 7th numbers).
Hi, I’d like to take part in the current dinasty.
Reached quorum 15 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Feb 2010 04:53:58 UTC
Enact a new subrule to Rule 2.5, called “Fake Invitations”:-
If a Guest joins the game or unidles after the 18th of February 2010, they shall be counted as “Missing” for the purpose of Rule 2.11 (The Reading of the Will).
It’s probably about time for a “can’t win by joining or unidling five minutes before the end” clause.
Wakukee hasn’t posted or commented since February 8th, and idles out. The front door slams. Quorum drops to 13.
Timed out 5 vote to 3. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Feb 2010 04:53:14 UTC
Replace the second paragraph of rule 2.4 with the following:
If there are ever fewer than two Detectives, the Executor may privately generate a random number between 1 and 5. If the number is between 1 and 4, the Executor may privately select a random player (from those who are neither Murderers nor Detectives) and privately email them with an offer to make them into a Detective. If they accept, and if the Executor honours their acceptance, then they become a Detective.
If there are ever fewer than two Murderers, then the Executor may privately generate a random number between 1 and 3. If that number is between 1 and 2, then the Executor may privately select a random player (from those who are neither Murderers nor Detectives) and privately email them with an offer to make them into a Murderer. If they accept, and if the Executor honours their acceptance, then they become a Murderer.
If 50% or more of EVCs to this Proposal contain the phrase “Insight is immortal”, then only the second paragraph of this Proposal is added to the Ruleset.
Similar to Darth’s suggestion in the comments to http://blognomic.com/archive/jobs_for_life/.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 17 Feb 2010 04:53:45 UTC
In Rule 2.4 (Cat and Mouse), remove the paragraph beginning “If there are ever fewer than two Murderers or fewer than two Detectives”.
This removes the rule saying that when murderers or detectives are killed, arrested or idle out, a random other player gets to take on their role.
Reached quorum 13 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 16 Feb 2010 04:34:38 UTC
Reword Rule 2.11 (The Reading of the Will) to:-
One of the Guests may be the Rightful Heir. If a Guest has already become the Rightful Heir, further Guests cannot become the Rightful Heir.
If at any time only one Guest is not Dead, Missing or Arrested, they become the Rightful Heir.
Daybreak occurs at 00:01 on March 1st 2010. At Daybreak, the Guest with the lowest degree of relation (excluding Guests who are Dead, Missing or Arrested) automatically becomes the Rightful Heir. The Executor may announce the Rightful Heir’s identity at any point after this time. Once Daybreak has passed, any game effect which would render a Guest Dead, Missing or Arrested instead has no effect, and if the Lights are Off, the Executor may turn the Lights On.
If a Guest is the Rightful Heir, they have achieved Victory.
Sharpening this up a bit so that the game effectively ends on March the 1st, rather than leaving a window for the Heir to be killed between being announced and claiming their victory. Also altering the win condition so that Missing Guests are presumed dead and don’t count at all (rather than just getting a +1000 penalty).
Disastrous things continue to unfold in the empty kitchen. Unseen by the guests, a slowly spreading pool of golden syrup drips over the edge of the marble worktop, and begins to patter into an empty and misplaced power socket. Across the manor, the lights go out.
There is a drawn-out creak as the basement trapdoor swings slowly shut of its own accord. With a click, the basement cannot be left or entered for 24 hours.
Timed out 2 votes to 6. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Feb 2010 10:40:23 UTC
In rule 2.2 “Life and Death” replace
Each Guest at Cartlesham Manor can be either Healthy, Stunned, Wounded, Poisoned, Restrained, Terrified, Arrested, Asleep, Missing or Dead (as tracked in the GNDT). All Guests start the game Healthy. If a Guest is not Dead, they are considered to be Alive. If a Guest is Dead, Stunned, Restrained, Terrified, Arrested, Asleep or Missing, they are considered to be Dormant.
Each Guest at Cartlesham Manor can be either Healthy, Stunned, Wounded, Dying, Poisoned, Restrained, Terrified, Arrested, Asleep, Missing or Dead (as tracked in the GNDT). All Guests start the game Healthy. If a Guest is not Dead, they are considered to be Alive. If a Guest is Dead, Stunned, Dying, Restrained, Terrified, Arrested, Asleep or Missing, they are considered to be Dormant.
At the end of the first bulleted list add “If a guest is Dying and would become either Stunned or Wounded, they instead become Dead, If a guest has been Dying for the last 72 hours they become Dead”
In the rule 2.6 “Lights” replace the sentence
if the Target is present in the same room as the bludgeoning Guest, the Target becomes Wounded. (Unless the Target was Restrained, in which case they become Dead.)
(if it exists) with
if the Target is present in the same room as the bludgeoning Guest, the Target becomes Stunned. (Unless the Target was Restrained, in which case they become Wounded.)
In rule 2.7.2 “Functions of Roles” add the following to the ‘physician’ section: “If the Physician is in the same room as a Guest who is Dying (other than the Physician himself), then as a daily action, the Physician may change that Guest’s state to Asleep.”
Times out 1-9 -Darth
Adminned at 15 Feb 2010 07:29:40 UTC
To the second list of Rule 2.2 “Life and Death” add
If they are Restrained, they become Dead.
So Murderes could come back als Late Arivals and there would be space for a new Murderer.
I was also thinking of a general suicide Action but I did not know where I should add this point, except writing a new Rule. I thought, only Restrained Guest would want to commit suicide and so this should be ok so far. If anyone wants to, a kamikaze attack would mabye be nice, too…
Closing a trapdoor to sketch the final curve of a chalk circle across the floorboards, the Spiritualist inadvertently traps himself in the dusty attic of the mansion. The attic cannot be entered or exited for 24 hours.
Times out 13-0. -Ornithopter
Adminned at 14 Feb 2010 13:14:13 UTC
In Rule 2.6, replace “A Dark List may not contain more than one Heavy action. This list is known as a Dark List.” (if it is present) with “This list is known as a Dark List. A Dark List may not contain more than one Heavy action.”
Quick fix of the ordering error in “How Hard Can It Be?”
NonnoNaz is now idle. Quorum remains 14.
Each Guest has a Secret that is known to one other Guest (randomly chosen) and also knows the Secret of one other person (also randomly chosen). As a daily action, a Guest may choose to Reveal a Secret that they are privy to. The random choices are to be set up so that every guest gets knowledge of exactly one other Guest’s secret.
The idea is that everyone is carrying around a dark Secret that, if revealed, has a game effect. I’m not sure what that game effect should be, but I was thinking something along the line of shoving them down the line of succession or else removing them entirely. Also, there should be the possibility of Lies, essentially the chance that the Secret is untrue, which would backfire on the Guest who chooses to Reveal it, subjecting them to the penalty that would have fallen on the Guest who was exposed. There could be additional mechanics involved in hiding one’s Secret or trying to uncover more Secrets. Basically I’m trying to make it so that non-murderers have a chance to claw their way to the top of the inheritance heap and also to allow for alliances where people agree not to expose people in exchange for some sort of consideration. Also, there could be something about only being able to Reveal the Secret of someone who is higher on the inheritance list. Thoughts?
Times out 5(‽)-0. -Ornithopter
Adminned at 14 Feb 2010 12:44:08 UTC
Replace all instances of “three times” in rule “Lights” with “two times”.
Times out 11-0. -Ornithopter
Adminned at 14 Feb 2010 11:56:02 UTC
Add the following after the sentence “If the Lights are Off and the Executor has any unprocessed Dark Lists in his email inbox which were sent since the Lights last went Off, and whose sender is not Dormant, he may select one of these Lists at random and process it.” in rule 2.6 Lights:
The chances of a murderer’s Dark List to be chosen in this way is three times that of other Dark Lists’.
If more than half of the EVC’s to this proposal contain the symbol ‘#’, add the following instead (even if a Heavy Action isn’t defined in the ruleset):
The chances of a Dark List containing a Heavy Action to be chosen in this way is three times that of other Dark Lists’.
Just speeding things up a bit.
‘even if a Heavy Action isn’t defined in the ruleset’ - I think heavy actions is a good thing, and while Kevan’s first proposal in connection to that might not pass, later ones probably will.
Also, if 3x is a bit too much, we can still redefine that later…
Times out 11-0. -Ornithopter
Adminned at 14 Feb 2010 11:06:33 UTC
Add a new Dark List Action:-
Clumsily bludgeon a named Guest (known as the Target) that they share a room with. This is a Heavy action. Upon taking this Action, if the Target is present in the same room as the bludgeoning Guest, the Target becomes Wounded. (Unless the Target was Restrained, in which case they become Dead.) This action always makes a Thudding Noise in the room.
Throughout Rule 2.6, replace all occurrences of “, and a Dark List may contain only one [blank] action” (where “[blank]” is any word) with “; this is a Heavy action”.
Before “This list is known as a Dark List.”, add:-
A Dark List may not contain more than one Heavy action.
Another shelf collapses in the kitchen, and a dozen two-kilo cans of corned beef and powdered milk roll loudly across the work surface, clattering into a dented pile in front of the main door. Nausved, who was leaning on the other side of the door at the time, is naturally terrified.
The Kitchen cannot be entered for 24 hours.
Passes 6-1 with 4 unresolved DEFs. Ienpw.
Adminned at 13 Feb 2010 10:45:03 UTC
Set Ornithopter’s Status to Healthy.
Per Purplebeard in his comments on the crisis “Purpleboard again”.
Times out 14-0. Ienpw
Adminned at 12 Feb 2010 12:17:57 UTC
In the rule 2.13.1 “Combination Lock”, replace
The Executor shall then inform all Guests in the Lounge
The Executor shall then inform all Guests who were in the Lounge when the search request was made
As of now, all the guests who are in the lounge when Kevan answers the search request get a clue for the combination, even if it’s been a day since the request was made, and thus removing any use for timing your request according to who is present and who would you risk receiving the knowledge as well.
Looks like I mixed up the Dark Lists when they got split over three days; Digibomber was actually hiding in the Bathroom at the time of the murder, and so escaped his fate. (This doesn’t affect anything Put may or may not have seen, as a Murder attempt is glimpsed irrespective of whether the target is still there.)
Unrelatedly, Alethiophile and Dustin idle out after seven days of inactivity.
I have returned from my vacation and subsequent business trip. Kindly un-idle me, if you would.
Timed out 13 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 12 Feb 2010 05:57:27 UTC
Enact a new subrule to Rule 2.5 (Bloodline) called “Family History”:-
If they have not already done so earlier in the Dynasty, a Guest (known as the Relative) may send a telegram to the Executor to reflect on whether he or she has a direct family connection to another Guest. Upon receiving such a telegram, the Executor shall select a random non-Dead, non-Arrested Guest whose degree of relation is lower than that of the Relative, and privately inform the Relative of the selected Guest’s identity.
If the Guest with the lowest degree of relation contacts the Executor in this way, the Executor will instead respond informing them that they believe themselves to be the next in line to the inheritance.
Timed out 6 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan. Rodlen and Thrawn are on hand to tie Purplebeard up.
Adminned at 12 Feb 2010 05:59:22 UTC
Set Purplebeard’s Status to Restrained, and his Location to the Basement.
If at least half of all EVCs on this Proposal contain the phrase “arrest this manâ€, set Purplebeard’s Status to Arrested.
Repropose, because a Crisis may not be proposed, when the lights are out.
Purplebeard said at http://blognomic.com/archive/release_him/ that he is a murderer. I will not write anymore to this flavour text field, because there are mysterious problems. See http://blognomic.com/archive/crisis_as_purplebeard_wants_to/ for my old flavour text.
Timed out 12 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 11 Feb 2010 03:32:25 UTC
To the end of Rule 2.6 (Lights), add:-
Upon doing so, a random non-Dormant Guest becomes Stunned, after stumbling around in the darkness for so long. Then, a random non-Dormant Guest becomes Wounded. Finally, a random non-Dormant Guest becomes Asleep.
The lights have been off for three whole days now. Maybe you need a stronger incentive to turn them back on - this makes it so that whenever we enter a new period of lights being off (after receiving no Dark Lists for 24 hours), a couple of guests bump their heads or drift off to sleep.
Anybody know why the main page was screwed up last night? How was it fixed?
Hi there,
I tried to post with this content:
For some reason, I cannot comment to my killed Proposal. As there were questions asked to me, Id like to answer here. Also there need to be space for discussion why this mysterious Server Error happened. The question “Is Purplebeard a murderer and needs to be arrested should not be discussed here. I (or someone else) will create a Crisis-Proposal, when one of these lazy Servants turns the light on…
At first, I am sorry for this wrong Proposal. I did not remember the “A Crisis may not be proposed or enacted while the Lights are Out.†part of the Ruleset…
> Did you keep this post open in your browser for eight or so hours before posting it, incidentally, Keba? I’m fairly sure it wasn’t there the last time I read the blog last night, and nobody seems to have commented during the eight hours it was open.
No, after I have proposed my fix, I read some comments and then I wanted to propose a Crisis. The “Publish” tab was not open for more than 15 minutes, I think. I dont know whats the Problem with the time there, I proposed it at ~0.30 GMT. Additionally, I have not changed the Date directly.
Kind regards, Keba.
It did not work. I hope this Post will be seenable and right. If it is, the problem will be fixed, I think. If not, well, then its time for blognomic to use a good blog engine *hide*
The manor has fallen eerily quiet, the silence broken only the whistling of the wind and the occasional cry of a distant owl.
(Under Rule 2.6, I have received no Dark Lists in the past 24 hours, and we are now into another phase of the Lights being Off.)
Timed out 9 (!) votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 10 Feb 2010 02:36:54 UTC
In Rule 2.5 Bloodline replace “If two Guests should ever have the same degree, the Executor should choose one of those Guests at random and raise or lower their degree by 1.” with
If two Guests should ever have the same degree, the Executor should choose one of those Guests at random and raise their degree by 0.5.
If a new Guest arrives, he could mess up the order… See fix part three for details.
Greytyphoon goes idle. Quorum remains 15.
Timed out 14 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 10 Feb 2010 02:35:06 UTC
Enact a new subrule to Rule 2.3 (Crises), called “Taking Action”:-
If a Crisis would result in a Guest’s health state being altered, it can only be enacted if each of the Guests whose health state is being altered is present in the same Room as a Guest who voted FOR the Crisis.
If a Crisis would result in a Guest becoming Restrained or Arrested, it instead requires two of the Guests who voted FOR the Crisis to be present in the same Room as each Guest who is becoming Restrained or Arrested.
If a Crisis would result in a Guest becoming Arrested, it additionally requires one of the Guests who voted FOR the Crisis to be present in the Parlor (to make the phonecall to the police).
Also, to Rule 2.3, add:-
If a proposal would have no effect other than changing the health states of one or more Guests, the Executor may edit its title to make it into a Crisis.
Just a little common sense, so that I don’t have to surprise anyone by vetoing a Crisis on the grounds of “physically impossible” when you’re trying to Restrain someone who’s stuck alone in an Incident-locked Attic (and so that guests can shuffle things around to allow it to enact a little later, if things aren’t possible right away).
Also clarifying that health-state proposals have to be Crises, and giving me the power to just rename them if (as I think happened below) someone forgets.
Illegal Crisis: “A Crisis may not be proposed or enacted while the Lights are Out.”
Adminned at 08 Feb 2010 13:14:54 UTC
Set Purplebeard’s Status to Restrained, and his Location to the Basement.
If at least half of all EVCs on this Proposal contain the phrase “arrest this manâ€, set Purplebeard’s Status to Arrested.
Re adminned to mark as vetoed- Darknight
Adminned at 08 Feb 2010 14:20:01 UTC
Set alethiophile’s status to Healthy and Location to “Parlor”.
There are only two murderers. One of them is Ornithopter. The other one is still active based on the fact that he just wounded me. Looking at the Crisis which restrained alethiophile: http://blognomic.com/archive/crisis_lover_of_truth_my_foot/ there was much debate on whether he was a Detective or a Murderer. Now that he clearly cannot be a murderer, it most certainly is that he is a Detective. So release him from the Cell and have him comeback into the Manor.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 07 Feb 2010 14:15:02 UTC
Add the following to the list of Dark List actions:
*A Guest may attempt to hide. The Executor shall determine if the hiding was successful with a 50% chance, and if it was, the guest becomes Missing. This action makes a clumping noise.
*A Guest who became missing due to hiding can unhide. Their statistics are set to what they were immediately before the guest last went hidden. This action makes a stomping noise.
Reached quorum 15 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 07 Feb 2010 14:13:45 UTC
In Rule 2.6 (Lights), after “Upon taking this Action, if the Target is present in the same room as the Murderer, the Target becomes Wounded.”, add:-
(Unless the Target was Restrained, in which case they become Dead.)
Sometimes a handcuffed guest is a useful diversion for a murderer, sometimes it’s a generously easy target.
The wind howls, and somewhere in the gardens of Cartlesham Manor, an oak branch drops clean through the cables of the gazebo lighting. As the ancient wiring sparks and burns through, the entire house is plunged into darkness. In the stumbling confusion, a chaise longue in the library becomes wedged under the doorhandle, blocking the room for 24 hours.
(Note that the Master Bedroom also cannot be entered or left until 9:10pm on Saturday night.)
Vetoed as redundant, to clear the queue (an earlier proposal added a new sentence to the end of the “Bloodline” rule, so this would have no effect).
Adminned at 07 Feb 2010 14:13:05 UTC
In the Rule “Bloodline†remove “or lower” in the last sentence.
Imagine following situation: A Guest “GuestA” has a DoR (degree of relation, I dont want to write this term all the time) of x. Another Guest “GuestB” has a DoR of x+1. If a new Guest arrives, he might get a DoR of x+1, too. If raise/lower is chosen randomally, too, GuestB has a 1/4 chance to get a DoR of x. But then two Guests have the same DoR - so GuestB has then a 1/4 chance (1/16 totally) to get a lower DoR than GuestA. When a new Guest arrives, it is always possible, that another one becomes Heir, the safe contains strange information and so on.
If raise/lower is not chosen randomally at such points (mabye Keavan would see this problem then), it would be unfair, because there are players, who have the chance to get a lower DoR, and only because another one has a DoR, which is one lower, you wont have such a chance unless the other player gets a lower DoR? Thats not ok, I think.
This also fixes the fix mentioned in “Proposal: Small Fix To The Small Fix”. Ill calculate later, how big the possibility of such an action is. I do not expect it is big, but there will be a chance for it though…
Something unexpected has gotten into the workings of the pipe mail system. One of the intake pipes above the door to the master bedroom becomes jammed, and small brass rivets pop onto the carpet. With a creak, the wire guttering splits in two, one half blocking the only door in and out of the bedroom. The Master Bedroom cannot be entered or exited for 24 hours.
Meanwhile, in the empty kitchen, an industrial-sized tin of powdered egg rolls from a shelf, injuring nobody.
Could an admin idle me, please?
Not abandoning BlogNomic; I’ll continue to follow the dynasty. RL’s catching up with me a bit, though, so I don’t have as much time to go through the dynasty; and so far, the ruleset doesn’t give me much of a reason to do anything, and I can’t think of obvious ways to improve it either. Perhaps I’ll be back when I have more of an idea of which way the dynasty’s going.
Timed out 14 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 07 Feb 2010 06:36:48 UTC
If the proposal “Small Fix” passes, add to the end of the rule “Bloodline” the following:
A guest may never have a degree of relation lower than 1.
This is to eliminate the rare possibility that two guests both having a degree of relation of 1 will make it possible for one of them to reach a degree of relation of 0 (that is, if Kevan randomly decides whether to lower or raise the degree of relation.
Reached quorum with 15 votes FOR. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Feb 2010 13:32:01 UTC
Rewrite the rule “Bloodline” so that it reads:
Each Guest has a degree of relation to Lord Cartlesham, represented as a number and tracked privately by the Executor. The Guest with the lowest degree of relation is Lord Cartlesham’s next of kin.
If a Guest has no degree of relation defined, the Executor may privately assign a uniformly randomly-selected degree between 1 and 1000 to that Guest. If two Guests should ever have the same degree, the Executor should choose one of those Guests at random and raise or lower their degree by 1.
Reached quorum 15 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Feb 2010 12:40:04 UTC
Enact a new subrule to Rule 2.5 (Bloodline), entitled “Surnames”:-
Each Guest has a Surname, which can either be “Cartlesham”, or a name taken from this version of a list of Wodehouse surnames on the BlogNomic wiki.
All Guests start with a surname of Cartlesham. If a Guest ever has a degree of relation above 1000 yet still has a surname of “Cartlesham”, the Executor shall change that Guest’s Surname to a random name given in the list mentioned previously.
In the Rule 2.14 (Late Arrivals), replace “set all their statistics in the GNDT” with:-
set all their statistics in the GNDT (except Surname)
If the proposal “Not From Round These Parts” passed, add to the bulleted list in Rule 2.14:-
- They must choose and adopt a Surname other than “Cartlesham”, from the list given in the “Surnames” rule.
Using a “surname” GNDT field to make it clearer who’s still in the running for a lineage victory. (Was considering having a different surname for Guests with a degree of relation between 500 and 1000, but decided against it for now.)
Pressing what they mistakenly believe to be a switch for a reading lamp in the parlour, a guest inadvertently activates the room’s security system. The doors click shut, and the entire house is plunged into darkness.
(Guests cannot enter or leave the Parlour for 24 hours.)
I don’t have the time to update the GNDT right now; I’ll do it later.
Did Kevan ever fix that bug, by the way?
Timed out 14 votes to 4. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Feb 2010 09:41:29 UTC
In Rule 2.14, replace “Their Degree of Relation is set to a new value that is between their previous degree of relation and 1250.” with:-
Their Degree of Relation is set to a new value between 1001 and 2000.
Making it so that being killed definitely (rather than just “maybe”) takes you out of the immediate running for a lineage victory, which will let researchers safely eliminate guests from the bloodline, let the dead know where they stand, and make each murder more effective.
It’d still be entirely possible to win through a big enough massacre, or a bloodline-changing/victory-claiming Crisis that enough other guests supported, but I think death needs to be a bigger risk than “keep your old role or upgrade to a better one, then be randomly - but potentially not very - worse off in the lineage”.
Can’t reach quorum with 16 votes against. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 04 Feb 2010 03:14:07 UTC
Create a Dynastic Rule titled “Personal Keys” with the following text:
Each Guest has a personal family key, which was given to them due to Cartlesham family tradition. These keys are named after them. A ‘matching key’ to something is defined as a key with the same name as that something.
Create a Dynastic Rule titled “The Fusebox” with the following text:
Lord Cartlesham treasured his family, and tried to engrave as much of it into his possessions as possible. His fusebox is no exception. The fusebox has a chain of switches in it, which are sealed by specialised locks. These switches are named after each Guest.
These switches can be either set to ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’. Their state is privately tracked by the Executor.Whenever the lights go out, all the fusebox switches are set to ‘OFF’ and the Executor shall choose randomly (in whatever manner deemed suitable by him) four fusebox switches; The first three of these switches may be referred to as ‘vital’ switches, while the last one is a ‘dead’ switch.
If after the change of any of the switches’ state all the vital switches are set to ‘ON’ and the dead switch is set to ‘OFF’, the Lights come back On and the remainder of the current Dark List is ignored.
Put the following in the place of the Dark Action “Repair the fusebox” in Rule 2.6 Lights:
Switch a fusebox switch. If they are in the Basement, each Guest may, as a Dark Action, switch a switch they have the matching key to. They may switch it to ‘ON’, ‘OFF’ or ‘MANIPULATE’. If they switch it to ‘MANIPULATE’, it’s state is set to ‘OFF’ but the states of the fusebox switches with names which precede and follow the name of the switch in alphabetical order are set to their inverse (‘ON’ set to ‘OFF’, or ‘OFF’ set to ‘ON’).
Base idea was to make repair take more time, as right now it gets done easily before any risks, and it’ll be even faster...
The backstory might be a little forced, though…
The reason for the keys system is so that we can link other things to it (and maybe make giving keys away possible…)
Deja Vu. Again. For the version 0 of this proposal (finding parts around the mansion to repair the fusebox) and this version too…
Reached quorum with 20 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 04 Feb 2010 03:12:30 UTC
In the subrule “Combination Lock” under the rule “The Safe”, replace
If the state of the Safe is Closed, as a weekly action, a Guest in the Lounge may inform the Executor that they wish to search the Lounge for clues for the Combination.
If the state of the Safe is Closed and the lights are on, as a weekly action, a Guest in the Lounge may inform the Executor that they wish to search the Lounge for clues for the Combination.
Idling picking at the wood of the mantlepiece with his straight-edged razor, the Gangster inadvertently shaves the insulation from a lighting cable. He crumples onto the hearth rug, stunned, as the lights fail.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Feb 2010 08:44:18 UTC
Add a new subrule of Rule 2.2 (Life and Death), called “Poison”:-
The Food and Drinks in Cartlesham Manor may each be either Poisoned or Safe. Both start as Safe. Whenever an Incident occurs, if any Guests are Poisoned, the Executor shall select one of those Guests at random. That Guest becomes Dead.
After the first paragraph of Rule 2.7.2 (Functions of Roles), add:-
Performing actions around the house can be thirsty work. If the Drinks are Poisoned when a Guest exercises a power from this rule, the Executor may change that Guest’s Status to “Poisoned”, within 24 hours of the power being exercised.
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.8 (Manor Plan) called “Dining Room”:-
As a weekly Action, if a non-Dormant Guest is alone in the Dining Room and the Lights are On, they may Serve Dinner by posting a blog entry to that effect. Upon doing so, every Guest in the Dining Room becomes Healthy. If the Food is Poisoned, the Executor may change to “Poisoned” the Status of any Guest who was in the Dining Room at the time when Dinner was Served, with 24 hours of Dinner being Served.
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.8 (Manor Plan) called “Dining Room”:-
As a weekly Action, if a non-Dormant Guest is in the Kitchen and the Lights are On, they may restock the larder by posting a blog entry to that effect. Upon doing so, the Food and Drinks both become Safe unless the Guest taking this action is a Murderer, in which case they both become Poisoned.
Make the second paragraph of Rule 2.5.1 (Genealogy) into a subrule of Rule 2.8 called “Study”.
Make the first paragraph of Rule 2.5.1 (Genealogy) into a subrule of Rule 2.8 called “Library”.
Repeal Rule 2.5.1.
To the list of actions in Rule 2.6, add:-
- Poison food or drinks. This action may only be taken by a Murderer, and only taken in the Kitchen. A Dark List may contain only one Poison action. The Murderer must specify whether Food or Drinks are being poisoned; upon doing so, those items become poisoned. Taking this action makes a Glugging Noise.
An attempt to do something with the “Poisoned” guest status - the murderers can poison food and drink by sneaking into the kitchen. Performing a role action (which is currently something of a no-brainer) would then have a chance of making you Poisoned, if the house’s drinks had been drugged.
(Since we’re making a subrule for a specific room, we might as well move the Study and Library actions out into their own rules.)
Vetoed and failed by Kevan - it looked like it had the power to pretty much remove the “murder” element of the game.
Adminned at 03 Feb 2010 08:43:08 UTC
Reword the text “As above, except this action may only be taken by the Detectives, the Murderers and the Servants, who all have a better knowledge of Cartlesham Manor” in the rules to “As above, except this action may be taken only once in a single dark list, except by the Detectives, the Murderers and the Servants, who all have a better knowledge of Cartlesham Manor. By these people it may be taken several times in a single list.”
It’s just Javascript, right? This would have the advantage of all updates to it being “automatically” applied to everyone, instead of requiring a new download.