This is art.
When you hear the buzzer, stare at the art.
When you hear the buzzer, stare at the art.
I definitely did not have nothing to do with the changes that didn’t most definitely not happen at the top of the page.
Timed out 8 votes to 3. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Oct 2011 01:57:08 UTC
Create a new Rule, titled “Everyone’s a Critic”:
An Artist may post a Critique of another Artist’s non-Critique Work of Art. In the Critique, he should delve into subtle details of the artwork, and speculate on the Artist’s hidden artistic goals, but eventually come to a close with a Positive or Negative evaluation.
When three or more Artists have expressed Approval of the Critique, the critiqued Artist gains 1 Acclaim if the Critique was Positive, or loses 1 Acclaim if it was Negative.
What Artist wants to restrict their expression of Approval to a single arrow?
Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Oct 2011 02:00:21 UTC
Create a new Dynastic Rule titled “Brinksmanship”:
Each Artist is either Well-Fed (default) or Starving, tracked in the GNDT. As a Weekly Action, an Artist may become Well-Fed or Starving.
When a Starving Artist would gain X Acclaim, he instead gains X*1.2 Acclaim. When a Starving Artist would lose X Acclaim, he instead loses X*1.5 Acclaim.
Amend the Rule titled “Critical Acclaim” by replacing the first paragraph with:
All Artists have a score, tracked in the GNDT, entitled Acclaim. Acclaim must be a nonnegative decimal number and defaults to zero for new Artists.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Oct 2011 01:56:50 UTC
Create a new dynastic rule with no title and no text.
Timed out 2 votes to 8. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Oct 2011 01:56:32 UTC
Add the following Open Criterion to the Zeitgeist:
Title: Limerick
Description: The post must contain at least one limerick.
Acclaim: 1
There once was a man from BlogNomic
whose lim’ricks were overly comic
his proposals reached quorum
for their joking decorum
but the rules themselves were atomic.
Here, have a bow.
self-killed. - coppro
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 18:18:50 UTC
If the Rule “Zeitgeist” exists, change the text:
If a game action would cause a new Criteria to be added to the page then an existing Criteria must first be marked as Closed.
If a game action would cause a new Open Criterion to be added to the page when six Open Criteria are already on the page then an existing Criterion must first be marked as Closed.
Right now, whenever a Criterion is added, another one has to be closed, even if this wouldn’t cause it to overflow.
I unidle. Quorum remains 3.
10-0 -coppro
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 18:17:55 UTC
In the rule “Artists”, change the text
Admins may render an Artist Idle if that Artist has asked to become Idle
Admins may render an Artist Idle if that Artist has asked to become Idle in the last seven days
Credit to coppro for spotting this
8-1 = quorum = enactment + coppro
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 18:15:25 UTC
In the rule “Critical Acclaim”, replace “An Artist may add 1 to their Acclaim for every icon present in a comment by another Artist on one of their posts.” with:-
As a weekly Action, an Artist may Exhibit a Work of Art that they posted themselves during the previous seven days, and which has not already been Exhibited. Upon Exhibiting a Work of Art, the Artist:-
- Gains 1 Acclaim if three or more Artists have expressed Approval of the Work.
- Gains Acclaim bonuses from any Open Zeitgeist Criteria which apply to the Work.
If an Artist has not made a new proposal for five or more days then, provided that no other Artist has done so in the preceding 3 days, any other Artist may reduce their Acclaim by 5, to a minimum of zero.
Remove “If an Artist makes a post that satisfies an Open Zeitgeist Criterion then they may, within 24 hours of making the post, claim the stated reward in Acclaim for doing so.” from the ruleset.
Reduce the Acclaim of all Artists to zero.
Merging the Zeitgeist and Acclaim bonuses, and fixing some of the problems with the original rule (that you can gain infinite Acclaim by invoking “may add 1 to their Acclaim” again and again; that you can spam the blog with Zeitgeist-fitting posts to get as many Zeitgeist Criteria bonuses as you wish).
Also resetting everyone’s Acclaim to zero, since it’s trivial to generate infinite Acclaim under the original wording, and - if this proposal passes - it’d be unfair to give any advantage to the players who happen to be online between the original proposal passing and this one fixing its loopholes.
:-) :~] x.x 9.6 :o .O. o: ö (~: [-8
9-0 means quorum and enactment. -coppro
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 18:10:45 UTC
In the rule “Zeitgeist”, if it exists, replace “There may be no more than 6 Open Criteria listed on the Zeitgeist page at any time. If a game action would cause a new Criteria to be added to the page then an existing Criteria must first be marked as Closed.” with:-
Newly created Criteria are created Open. If a game action would cause a Criterion to be added to the Zeitgeist when six Criteria are already Open, then the Artist updating the Zeitgeist must first (using a GNDT die roll) randomly select one of the existing six Criteria - that Criterion becomes Closed.
And replace “Criterion listed on this page can be marked as Open or Closed.” with “Criterion listed on this page are Open or Closed.”
Specifying which Criterion gets closed (a random one seems like an interesting way to do it), and tying it more explicitly to the six-Criteria limit. Armour-plating “marked as” to make it a definite gamestate change, while I’m here.
Hi, I would like to play.
I have limited experience with Nomic, and I am currently reading your governing docs. Please excuse my noobishness.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 15:26:54 UTC
If the proposal ‘But Is It Art?’ fails, then this proposal does nothing.
Amend the rule ‘Voting Icons’ in the ‘Appendix’ to:
For use in voting, a check box shall represent a Vote FOR, an X shall represent a Vote AGAINST, an IMP shall represent a Vote of DEFERENTIAL, an ARROW shall represent an expression of APPROVAL and an Imperial Seal shall represent the Imperial Veto.
Create a new rule entitled ‘Barbarism’
All Artists have a score, tracked in the GNDT, entitled Barbarism. Any Artist who has not Approved a Work of Art in the last 5 days gains 1 Barbarism point. No Artist may gain more than 1 Barbarism point per day.
It may be a bit early for penalties, but this is to encourage people to vote for works of art.
As above
Reached quorum 9 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 15:22:27 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Critical Acclaim:
All Artists have a score, tracked in the GNDT, entitled Acclaim. Acclaim must be a positive integer and defaults to zero for new Artists.
An Artist may add 1 to their Acclaim for every
icon present in a comment by another Artist on one of their posts.
If an Artist has not made a new proposal for five or more days then, provided that no other Artist has done so in the preceding 3 days, any other Artist may reduce their Acclaim by 5, to a minimum of zero.
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Zeitgeist:
The Zeitgeist is a list of Criteria that Artists can optionally meet in their posts to score Acclaim. It is tracked in the following Wiki page: “Zeitgeist”.
A Criterion on that page must consist of three elements: a title, a detailed description of what an Artist’s post must include or exclude in order to qualify, and a reward in Acclaim that an Artist should receive for qualifying under the stated terms.
Criterion listed on this page can be marked as Open or Closed. If an Artist makes a post that satisfies an Open Zeitgeist Criterion then they may, within 24 hours of making the post, claim the stated reward in Acclaim for doing so. Closed Zeitgeist Criteria may have no effect on the gamestate or ruleset.
There may be no more than 6 Open Criteria listed on the Zeitgeist page at any time. If a game action would cause a new Criteria to be added to the page then an existing Criteria must first be marked as Closed.
If there is any text on the Wiki page Zeitgeist, delete it.
A bit of really old-school BlogNomic resurfacing.
Kevan, can the BlogNomic idle check tool also be used to track most recent post / proposal?
Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 15:21:35 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Works of Artâ€:-
Whenever an Artist posts an entry, that entry is considered a Work of Art. Any artist may express Approval of a work of art that is not their own, by including a
symbol in a comment on that post (this symbol can be inserted by typing ‘ARROW’ with a colon on each side as described in the FAQ).
Entries posted during this Dynasty prior to this rule coming into force are considered Works of Art in the same way.
Might as well get things started! Everything is art? Discuss! ;-)
The GNDT lists no players and shows no history. What’s happened to its history?
As the art world sadly mourns the passing of the legendary patron of the arts Verrückt Kunstwerfer, it transpires that he has left one last great gift to the world of the fine arts. The great man’s will contains provision for a one-time-only prize contest: the Kunstwerfer Prize for Modern Art. There is no entry fee and the prize for the greatest work is a formidable one million euros. There can be no doubt that anyone who is anyone will be entering. Quite apart from the financial incentive, the winner shall surely secure a place in history.
Replace “Survivor†with “Artist†and “Captain†with “Criticâ€, throughout the ruleset.
I’m jumping back on-board for the start of next dynasty.
Passes after 19 hours with 6 votes in favour to none against. Bateleur may ascend at his leisure. Josh
Adminned at 29 Sep 2011 23:11:46 UTC
I hereby declare victory on the basis of the rule Death, which states amongst other things: “If all but one Survivor is Dead, the Survivor who is Alive has achieved victory.”
Whether I will reach civilization who can say… but at least there are no annoying people left on my lifeboat!
That scurvy dog stole the Cap’n's beautiful Lawn Shears! We don’t hold with such behaviour on this lifeboat!
Overboard with him!
I predict the approach of the Doom, which goes something like this: Everyone’s Sanity is increased to 7.
Reaches antiqourum and fails, 6-3. Josh
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 07:55:31 UTC
Replace “Quorum” with “Majority” wherever it appears in the ruleset.
Because, really, quorum is something else entirely.
Quorum rises to 5.
Add a rule under section, 2.6 Using Items in the Most Creative Ways:
Oil Painting. As a Daily Action any Survivor in possession of the oil painting may Contemplate it. Any Survivor who Contemplates the Oil Painting gains 1 Sanity. A Survivor may only gain Sanity from Contemplating the Oil Painting if they do not gain Sanity for any other reason that day.
Not sure if Sanity gaining objects is the way to go, but I figured I’d throw it out there.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 30 Sep 2011 02:35:23 UTC
Remove the text “If a Survivor is Insane then, as a Daily Action, they may Annoy one other Survivor. When a Survivor is Annoyed, their Sanity level is reduced by 1.” from the ruleset.
As Bateleur says, this makes it too much of a who-is-awake-at-1am battle, as we approach the endgame.
Florw idles out, taking the Clarion Ramblers Handbooks with him. Quorum drops to 4.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Sep 2011 03:35:08 UTC
In Rule 2.2, replace “If a Survivor is Insane then, as a Daily Action, they may Annoy one other Survivor.” with:-
If a Survivor is Insane then, as a Daily Action, they may Annoy one Sane Survivor.
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Sep 2011 03:34:04 UTC
Add the following effect to the rule “Using Items in the Most Creative Waysâ€.
Weed Sprayer. A Survivor who possesses the Weed Sprayer may Squirt another Survivor who is not Dead. When this happens the target is distracted from what they were doing any may take no further Daily or Weekly actions that Day as they wrestle the Weed Sprayer out of the hands of their tormentor. If the target held fewer than three Items at the time of this action then the acting Survivor loses the Weed Sprayer and the target gains it.
Right now we’re heading for a very dull endgame where the outcome is likely to be decided by who can be bothered to be awake at 1am to annoy their last rival to death. It would be nice to have some other stuff going on to make the ending more interesting. Specifically, Items that activate and do not impact Sanity Wars directly seem like a good idea. If you have one (or are feeling altruisitic), please propose abilities for it!
Reached quorum 4 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 28 Sep 2011 04:30:52 UTC
Add the following effect to the rule “Using Items in the Most Creative Ways”.
Lawn shears. A Survivor who possesses the Lawn Shears may, as a Weekly Action, destroy any Item as if it had been thrown off board.
Ujalu comma the unnecessary has lived up to his or her name and idled out after a week of inactivity. Quorum drops to four.
You may notice that Bateleur stole my food and promptly ate it all, not sharing any of it! A dastardly act, seeing as I tried and failed to do exactly the same thing! I therefore propose he walks the plank!
Reached quorum 4 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 27 Sep 2011 01:27:28 UTC
Remove “, and loses 2 Sanity” from the rule “Horrifying revelations”, and rename that rule to “Revelations”.
If it costs six Sanity to glean the requisite three Clues, that’s enough to kill almost everyone on board, right now.
Timed out 0 votes to 4. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Sep 2011 09:18:05 UTC
Wooble attempted today to Throw an Item Off board at 25/09 16:28 (UTC), when he was ejected on 24/09 21:25 (UTC).
The rules on throwing items off board state:
As a daily action, any Survivor who is not Dead may Throw an Item they own Off Board. They shall remove this Item from their Possession.
The rules for ejection state:
The first time any comment is posted by a Survivor other than the original poster which contains a FOR Vote then the Victim is temporarily ejected from the lifeboat. When this happens they lose 1 Sanity, cannot perform any Daily or Weekly actions or Eat or Sleep for the rest of that Day or for the duration of the following Day
Thus, Wooble illegally performed an action, in Throwing his Item off board.
I therefore propose his actions be reverted (he regains the Item) and he lose 1 Sanity as a penalty.
Feel free to make another CfJ if you feel a penalty is too harsh.
At half past two on the 23rd, Wooble stole my small icebox full of food. Perhaps he thought it was full of food, but he could have just asked for it politely. Under the rule “Ejection from the Lifeboat”, I suggest that he be keelhauled as a lesson to others.
Wooble took the small icebox from Kevan yesterday… so I think he should be thrown overboard! Anyone willing to help me? (Vote FOR!)
The ejection rule wasn’t in force at the time of course, but it is now and Wooble meets the criteria! :-D
Methinks I see land in the distance!
This is not a scam.
Timed out 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 25 Sep 2011 08:12:08 UTC
To the rule “Sunstroke”, add:-
At any time, if no Survivor has already done so during the current week, a Survivor may remove the Damp Flag from every Item that has one.
Not a CfJ. Sunk by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Sep 2011 14:24:43 UTC
Factual points:
* Florw and Ujalu are listed in the GNDT as having -1 Sanity. This is because they had 1 Sanity before I Exhausted and Starved them earlier this morning.
* The rules cap Sanity above at 15, but it is not capped below at zero.
* For some reason, the rules for death specify a Survivor is Dead at exactly zero Sanity only.
I am not sure whether or not it’s possible for Exhausting and Starving to be simultaneous. If they cannot be then I have edited the GNDT incorrectly and both players in question should be Dead on 0 Sanity. If these effects can be simultaneous then both are Alive on -1 Sanity. OMG! :-O
I propose that Exhausting and Starving are not in fact simultaneous and I call for judgement on this issue. Vote FOR if you agree, or AGAINST if you think we have zombies!
PS. This is awesome!
Timed out 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Sep 2011 12:39:42 UTC
In the rule “Hunger and Tiredness”, replace “set the day on which that player last Ate and the day on which that player last Slept to the current date” with:-
set the day on which that player last Ate to the 26th of August and the day on which that player last Slept to two days before the current date
After nearly a month at sea, it’s a little strange and suspicious for these other survivors of the SS Haniver to be being hauled out of the water fully fed (effectively giving them +5 Sanity against an existing survivor who has run out of food, which is going to be a big deal in the endgame).
It also seems a bit unfair to the new player to force them to arrive freshly-rested, because it means any items they pick up in the next day can immediately be stolen away from them - maybe we should bump the “rested” date back a couple of days. If they want the security of a fresh sleep, they can just take the action immediately.
Timed out 3 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Sep 2011 12:38:39 UTC
Add a new rule called “Ejection from the Lifeboat” as follows:
Any Survivor may make a post with a title of the form “Eject [NAME]!” where [NAME] is the name of another Survivor (henceforth the Victim) who has done one of the following earlier that Day or during the previous Day:
* Removed an Item from a Survivor by use of the rule “Eating and Sleeping”.
* Performed any Daily Action or Weekly Action which resulted in an Item ending up Thrown Off Board or otherwise lost.Survivors may Vote on such posts. The first time any comment is posted by a Survivor other than the original poster which contains a FOR Vote then the Victim is temporarily ejected from the lifeboat. When this happens they lose 1 Sanity, cannot perform any Daily or Weekly actions or Eat or Sleep for the rest of that Day or for the duration of the following Day and can have Items taken from them as though they had Slept at the point at which they were ejected.
This Dynasty has turned out to feature quite a lot of people stealing from each other and strategically throwing away stuff. That’s fine as far as it goes, but it would be nice to have a feedback mechanism to make this a bit more interactive and maybe even political.
I’m assuming with the above wording that I can get away with using terms like “Eat” for the action of setting the Day when a Survivor last Ate, but if this is not the case I’ll self-kill this and repropose it along with a horribly pedantic amendment to “Eating and Sleeping”!
Timed out 2 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Sep 2011 12:33:54 UTC
Amend a rule adding the following Item to ‘Using Items in the Most Creative Ways’:
Clarion Ramblers Handbooks. As a Daily Action, any the Survivor who possesses the Clarion Ramblers Handbooks may Read to a Survivor. Both the Survivor who Reads as well as the Survivor who is read to gain 1 Sanity. No Survivor may read to themselves, and no Survivor may gain more than 1 Sanity in this way, per week. A Survivor may Read to more than one Survivor in a week, but the Reading Survivor may only gain 1 Sanity in this way, per week. Survivors may only gain 2 Sanity per week (by Reading and by being Read to, in a single week) through use of this Item.
We desperately need new ways to regain Sanity, as every method of gaining it has been thrown overboard. I know this is similar to the Children’s book, but that disappeared. It might be worth someone proposing a way of cleaning up the Items list, maybe?
Timed out 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Sep 2011 12:28:58 UTC
Amend the rule entitled “Examination” from:
If there are at least three Items with no Flags, then any Rational Survivor may - as a daily Action - select three different Items which have no Flags, and roll DICE3 (with a GNDT comment that lists the names of his or her three chosen Items). The Item whose position in that list matches the result of the die roll gains a Clue Flag.
If there are at least three Items with no Flags, then any Sane Survivor may - as a daily Action - select three different Items which have no Flags, and roll DICE3 (with a GNDT comment that lists the names of his or her three chosen Items). The Item whose position in that list matches the result of the die roll gains a Clue Flag.
This dynasty seems to have ground to a bit of a halt over clue searching. The original proposal was designed so that once people find clues they give their Rationality to someone else. Since then Kevan has been Rational for most of the time, and has not been searching for clues, exacerbating the problem highlighted by coppro before his departure. For this reason, I propose the above amendment.
Yes, thankyou Blacky, very annoying…
...but could I perhaps recommend that you stick to targetting the captain until such a time as he’s not at the top of the pile anymore? We want to be able to make clues again and, as Prince Anduril has proven, Sanity is surprisingly ephemeral anyway. :-)
I know I just started here but I am leaving for about 5 days. I would like to go idle, if that is appropriate.
I hereby request to come aboard your vessel.
please unidle me (again).
The late Doctor29 has been remarkably quiet for the past seven days, and idles out. Quorum drops to four…
Timed out 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 22 Sep 2011 10:17:58 UTC
In the rule “Sighting”, replace “After 48 hours” with:-
After 48 hours, or as soon as a number of Sane Survivors greater than or equal to a quorum of Sane Survivors have Ahoyed the Sighting
Timed out 4 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 22 Sep 2011 10:16:35 UTC
If the proposal “Hey! What’s eating you?” enacted, this proposal has no effect.
Create a new subrule of “Hunger and Tiredness”, called “Cannibalism”:-
As a daily action, a Survivor who is not Dead may Cannibalise a Dead Survivor who has fewer than three names listed in their Clues. This is done by setting the day on which they last Ate to the current date, losing 4 Sanity and adding their own name to the Clues of the Dead Survivor.
In the rule “Death”, replace ““Personal Belongings†(but not its subrules) and “Death— with:-
“Personal Belongings†(but not its subrules), “Cannibalism” and “Deathâ€.
And add:-
A Dead Survivor’s “Clues” field in the GNDT is used to track the names of any Survivors who have the Dead Survivor’s current condition on their conscience. It defaults to blank.
Trying a variant of Anduril’s cannibalism; anyone feeling brave enough can take a bite, if they think they can take the Sanity hit. Each corpse serves three.
I idle. Quorum is unchanged.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 20 Sep 2011 08:35:54 UTC
Create a new rule under Hunger and Tiredness entitled “Desperate Measures”:
As a Daily Action, any Insane Survivor may Eat A Dead Survivor. That Insane Survivor then gains an Edible Item, which must be the name of a Dead Survivor, with an Edible flag, worth 10 portions. Each Dead Survivor can only be turned into an Edible Item once. Only Insane Survivors may take a bite out of a Dead Survivor. If there are no Dead Survivors, then this action cannot be performed.
Gross, I know, but I’m trying to develop a solution to our food problem.
How do I perform actions? I forgot how.
Since Anduril threw our fishing equipment in the sea last week, our only immediate hope for fresh food is to flag down a fishing trawler. Although I can’t see much through this periscope, it looks like that shape on the horizon might have some seagulls trailing behind it…
Enacted 6-0. -coppro
Adminned at 19 Sep 2011 13:29:40 UTC
Amend the rule “Hunger and Tiredness” by adding the following paragraph at the bottom:
If no Survivor last Ate more recently than five days before the current date, then any Survivor may Blame the Captain if no Survivor has done so yet that day. When the Captain is Blamed, he loses 1 Sanity.
This blatantly unfair rule is designed to keep the Captain from having the highest Sanity indefinitely and thereby stalling the game unintentionally. Not that there’s any intrinsic reason the Captain would, but Kevan has so far proved the most assiduous at managing his Survivor’s affairs! (I note as an aside that the lifeboat is already out of food…)
Our Captain’s is heling hold up the dynasty by not searching for clues…
Timed out 4 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Sep 2011 12:02:05 UTC
Add the following effect to the rule “Using Items in the Most Creative Ways”.
Periscope. Although cracked, the lenses in the periscope still have some magnifying effect. When resolving a Sighting, if any of the Sane Survivors who Ahoyed it have a Periscope in their possession, then the number of Sane Survivors considered to have Ahoyed the Sighting is increased by one.
Timed out 4 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Sep 2011 12:01:34 UTC
Amend the sentence in the rule “Eating and Sleeping” which reads “If the day on which a Survivor last slept is today or yesterday, any Survivor may, as a daily Action, move one Item from the possession of that Survivor (other than a Pocket) to their own. ” to instead say the following:
Any Survivor may, as a Daily Action, move an Item other than a Pocket from the possession of another Survivor to their own possession provided that the day on which the Survivor in question last slept is today or yesterday.
This doesn’t actually change the rule as such except to remove the recently exploited ambiguity where the daily action in question can be carried out once per sleeping Survivor per day instead of the (presumbly intended) once per day. In any case, regardless of the original intention, the new version is much preferable since it obliges players to think about strategy instead of just immediately auto-stealing from anyone who sleeps.
On there is a list of object names, that is not part of the gamestate for technical reasons, but that Survivors should abstain from changing.
Okay. I get that the list can’t be part of the gamestate, because it can’t be tracked in the GNDT, and we can’t police its editing. But what is the point of this sentence, apart from identifying the list? The phrase “should abstain” just conveys a recommendation for players not to do something, which seems a little pointless.
I guess my question is, does it make sense for a non-gamestate item to effect the gamestate, and for this to happen legally, do we need some sort of rule apparatus to make this work?
Timed out 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Sep 2011 12:00:07 UTC
In the rule “Death”, replace “for the purposes of any Dynastic Rules other than this one” with:-
for the purposes of any Dynastic Rules other than “Personal Belongings” (but not its subrules) and “Death”
To the rule “Personal Belongings”, add:-
Any Survivor who is not Dead may, as a daily Action, move one Item from the possession of a Dead Survivor to their own.
In the rule “Personal Belongings”, replace “At any time, a Survivor” with “At any time, a Survivor who is not Dead” and replace “any Survivor may Throw an Item” with “any Survivor who is not Dead may Throw an Item”.
Reproposing a fixed mechanic for taking possessions from those who have died.
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Sep 2011 11:57:54 UTC
In the “Horrifying revelations” rule, replace “No Survivor may make a Declaration of Victory unless he or she has at least three different Items in his or her Clues list.” with:-
If more than one Survivor is Alive, then no Survivor may make a Declaration of Victory unless they have at least three different Items listed in their “Clues” column.
Fixing the “has” ambiguity, and switching off this victory restriction if everyone else is dead (to save us from having to watch the final survivor salvage and understand enough clues before we can finish the dynasty).
I could be confused about this, but looking back through the GNDT, I think we have a problem.
14/09 08:50 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
Prince Anduril’s Items = A children’s book~, oil painting~$ (was oil painting~$)
(A children’s book!)14/09 08:50 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
Bateleur’s Items = Pilot’s log book~ (was Pilot’s log book~, A children’s book~)
Looks like Anduril is using 2.1.1 Eating and Sleeping to “move one item”.
14/09 08:51 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
Prince Anduril’s Items = Deck of Cards, A children’s book~, oil painting~$ (was A children’s book~, oil painting~$)
(A deck of cards!)14/09 08:51 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
coppro’s Items = - (was Deck of Cards)
This looks like the same thing again… If so, that’s naughty, because 2.1.1 says this may be done “as a daily Action”.
14/09 13:54 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
Darknight’s Items = Leather cased desk clock made by Curtis of Horspool~$ (was School Attendance Medals~, Leather cased desk clock made by Curtis of Horspool~$)
(Is Darknight asleep? I’ll have those medals back, then I think!)14/09 13:55 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
Prince Anduril’s Items = School Attendance Medals~, A children’s book, oil painting~$ (was A children’s book, oil painting~$)
Looks like a third instance of the same action.
14/09 14:03 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
Prince Anduril’s Items = Deck of Cards, Leather cased desk clock made by Curtis of Horspool~$ (was School Attendance Medals~, A children’s book, oil painting~$)14/09 14:04 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
Doctor29’s Items = A packet of Kendall mint cake^1 (was A packet of Kendall mint cake^1, Deck of Cards!)
And a fourth.
Anduril then reverses some of his actions on the grounds they were illegal, but not all of them, then later…
14/09 14:25 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
Kevan’s Items = - (was A Can of Worms)
(Kevan seems to be asleep so I think I’ll have his worms)14/09 14:25 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
Prince Anduril’s Items = A Can of Worms, Deck of Cards, A children’s book (was Deck of Cards, A children’s book)
A further blizzard of reversals and reversal-reversals happens, but at no point does the impossibility of more than one item theft get taken into account that I can see. For example, when Anduril ends with this:
14/09 15:07 (UTC) - Prince Anduril
(Okay - Done now - Gamestate is now back to normal.)
...Kevan’s Can of Worms are overboard due to Anduril having had four Items after taking them. That could only happen if he was able to take them, which I don’t think he was.
As well as the primary effects of this error (Items overboard, Items wrongly owned and so on) there are also secondary effects such as Survivors losing or gaining action opportunities and/or Sanity which I will not attempt to assess at this point.
The only reason this post isn’t a Call For Judgement is because I have absolutely no idea how to go about dealing with this! (And also, I might just be confused and wrong.)
Is that a ship? Or perhaps some variety of narwhal?
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 12:35:19 UTC
Add a new rule, called “The Doom†as follows:
Any Insane Survivor may, as a Daily Action, create a post with the title “The Doom Approaches!â€. This post is known as a Portent, and should announce that the Survivor in question predicts the approach of The Doom, the nature of which they may speculate upon as they wish. During the 48 hours following this post, no further Portents may be posted.
Any comment on that post which begins “Doom!†is taken as the commenting Survivor agreeing that the Doom is impending. The Survivor who made the post is automatically considered to have agreed in this way.
After 48 hours, any Survivor may resolve the Portent as follows: If fewer than four Survivors have agreed that the Doom is impending then each Survivor who agreed loses 1 Sanity. If four or more Survivors agreed then all Survivors who did not agree lose 1 Sanity each (whether or not they commented). If all Survivors commented and all agreed that the Doom is impending then the Doom Arrives!
If the Doom Arrives then the lifeboat temporarily capsizes and before it can be righted each Survivor loses all of their Items and each Sane Survivor loses 3 Sanity, to a minimum of 7. Within 24 hours of this event each Survivor may choose one Item they lost in this way and return it to their possession.
Two motivations for this one. First, Sanity seems to have become a Good Thing within the Nomic. This is a shame, since retaining Sanity is very grindy. This proposal lets the mad dudes have some fun. Second and more importantly, more hints at Cthuloid nastiness! :-D
(This is a slightly tweaked reproposal, see the comments of “I Feel It In My Bones” below.)
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 12:34:36 UTC
Amend the “Examination” rule from:
If there are at least three Items with no Flags, then any Rational Survivor may - as a daily Action - select three different Items which have no Flags, and roll DICE3 (with a GNDT comment that lists the names of his or her three chosen Items). The Item whose position in that list matches the result of the die roll gains a Clue Flag.
If there are at least three Items with no Flags, then any Rational Survivor may - as a daily Action - select three different Items which have no Flags (except a Valuable flag), and roll DICE3 (with a GNDT comment that lists the names of his or her three chosen Items). The Item whose position in that list matches the result of the die roll gains a Clue Flag.
With lots of Items going overboard, and only a few people salvaging, I thought it might be good to allow people to have Valuable clues
Just a quick question. People may have noticed the mess I just made of the GNDT after I tried to declare a clue illegally. Was it okay for me to just revert all my actions back then? I back-tracked each step back to where I declared a clue (as most of my actions built on an illegal gamestate). I’m just wondering whether back-tracking actions is a legal way to resolve gamestate issues, or should I have just reverted my illegal (and subsequent building-on illegal) actions?
I don’t like the gameplay of this Dynasty and don’t feel to play a lot of Nomic now, so please Idle me. See you!
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 12:34:00 UTC
Add a new rule, called “The Doom†as follows:
Any Insane Survivor may, as a Daily Action, create a post with the title “The Doom Approaches!â€. This post is known as a Portent, and should announce that the Survivor in question predicts the approach of The Doom, the nature of which they may speculate upon as they wish. During the 48 hours following this post, no further Portents may be posted.
Any comment on that post which begins “Doom!†is taken as the commenting Survivor agreeing that the Doom is impending. The Survivor who made the post is automatically considered to have agreed in this way.
After 48 hours, any Survivor may resolve the Portent as follows: If fewer than four Survivors have agreed that the Doom is impending then each Survivor who agreed loses 1 Sanity. If four or more Survivors agreed then all Survivors who did not agree lose 1 Sanity each (whether or not they commented). If all Survivors commented and all agreed that the Doom is impending then the Doom Arrives!
If the Doom Arrives then the lifeboat temporarily capsizes and before it can be righted each Survivor loses all but one of their Items (they may choose which) and each Sane Survivor loses 3 Sanity, to a minimum of 7.
Two motivations for this one. First, Sanity seems to have become a Good Thing within the Nomic. This is a shame, since retaining Sanity is very grindy. This proposal lets the mad dudes have some fun. Second and more importantly, more hints at Cthuloid nastiness! :-D
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 12:32:48 UTC
In the rule “Sighting”, replace “the Survivor who made the post loses 3 Sanity, and each other Survivor who Ahoyed the Sighting loses 1 Sanity” with:-
each Survivor who Ahoyed the Sighting loses 1 Sanity
And replace “a quorum of Sane Survivors” with:-
a number of Sane Survivors greater than or equal to a quorum of Sane Survivors
Cutting the penalty for a false sighting, which is maybe a bit much, and improving the wording of “quorum of Sane Survivors”, given that “quorum” is a number, not a group of people.
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 12:31:54 UTC
Add a new item under ‘Using Items in the Most Creative Ways’
School Attendance Medals - Any Survivor who possesses the School Attendance Medals (Medals) is designated the Lieutenant for as long as they are in possession of the Medals.
Reproposal after the medals were suddenly salvaged from the sea.
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 10:48:49 UTC
Add the following effect to the list in Rule 2.6:
Deck of Cards If a Survivor possesses the Deck of Cards, they may, as a weekly action, play a game of cards with a single other Survivor who possesses at least one Item. He shall roll DICE6, subtracting one if one of the two Survivors is Insane and two if both are, and consult the following table for the effect:
- 0 or -1: Someone suggests that they play Mao. Both Survivors lose one sanity.
- 1: The game devolves into accusations of cheating. The Survivor with the Deck of Cards loses one sanity and the Deck of Cards is Thrown Overboard.
- 2: The Survivor with the Deck of Cards loses the Deck; they must give it to the other.
- 3: The Survivor with the Deck of Cards loses an Item; they must select one other Item in their possession and give it to the other.
- 4: The Survivor with the Deck of Cards wins an Item; they must select one Item in the other’s possession and take it from them. If they already have three, they may Thrown another Item they possess Overboard instead of the Item they take.
- 5: The Survivor with the Deck of Cards wins a Clue; they may select one Item in the other’s Clues and add it to their Own. If they do, they lose one Sanity.
- 6: The game is so calming that both Survivors regain one Sanity
Self-killed. -coppro
Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 04:30:23 UTC
Add a new item under ‘Using Items in the Most Creative Ways’
School Attendance Medals - Any Survivor who possesses the School Attendance Medals (Medals) is designated the Lieutenant for as long as they are in possession of the Medals.
I’ll keep this separate from any other proposals about what powers the Lieutenant might have. I’m thinking that it might be nice to have a ‘Captain’ like figure, who has some authority, but isn’t directly linked to the Announcer of the dynasty.
Self-killed. -coppro
Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 04:28:39 UTC
To the rule “Death”, add:-
Any Survivor may, as a daily Action, move one Item from the possession of a Dead Survivor to their own.
This CFJ has no gamestate effect; as Kevan correctly notes, Ely’s looking for clues was manifestly illegal. Therefore the gamestate is as Kevan describes.
Adminned at 13 Sep 2011 23:02:12 UTC
On the 5th of September, Ely salvaged a Victorian Ring, adding it to their inventory with an Uncertain Flag. However, the ruleset at the time said (and still says) “They shall then add to their possessions that Item with an Uncertain and a Damp Flag.”
On the 10th, Ely looked for Clues, selecting the Victorian Ring as a possible clue target. However, the clue rule requires the player to “select three different Items which have no Flags”, and the Ring should have had a Damp flag. Ely then Understood the Ring, in order to gain one Clue and lose two Sanity.
To resolve this issue, remove “A Victorian Ring” from Ely’s Clues, and give Ely back the 2 Sanity lost in Understanding it.
Times out and is enacted 3-2. -coppro
Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 04:27:32 UTC
Add a new effect for “A small icebox full of food”:
If a Survivor possesses the Icebox and a second Edible Item, they may remove the second Edible Item from play, and increase the Icebox’s Portions by the number of Portions the second Edible Item had. When the Icebox is reduced to zero Portions it does not cease to exist. A Survivor cannot take a bite from an Icebox which has zero Portions. At any time, any admin may rename the Icebox to “A small icebox” in the GNDT and this list, and remove this sentence from the ruleset.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Sep 2011 01:41:06 UTC
Add a new effect for “A small icebox full of food”:
Whenever it loses the Edible Flag or the number of Portions it is worth becomes 0, it immediately becomes “A small empty icebox”.
Reached quorum 7 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Sep 2011 01:40:46 UTC
Amend the rule “Eating and Sleeping” from:
When a Survivor Falls Asleep, he increases his Sanity by the number of times he has been Exhausted since he last Fell Asleep.
When a Survivor Falls Asleep, he increases his Sanity by half the number of times he has been Exhausted (rounded down) since he last Fell Asleep.
I think it’s high time that sleep deprivation took its toll. This doesn’t stop people not sleeping to protect their items (which is fair enough), but it should have consequences for Survivors’ sanity in the long term.
Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Sep 2011 01:39:28 UTC
Amend the Victorious Return rule from:
If the lifeboat is Ashore, and a single Survivor (the “Spokespersonâ€) has a higher Score than each other Survivor, then the Spokesperson may declare Victory.
If the lifeboat is Ashore, and a single Survivor (the “Spokespersonâ€) has a higher Score than each other Survivor, then the Spokesperson achieves Victory.
Reached quorum 6 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Sep 2011 01:37:39 UTC
In the rule “Salvaging!”, change “DICE4” to “DICE3” and remove the bullet point beginning “On 4, they Rescue (i.e. add to their possessions) the Item that most recently has been Thrown Off Board”.
Now that I go to use the action, I realise I’d have to check every single inventory-altering action from the last week of the GNDT log, in case anyone removed an item from their possession, with whatever comment. We could require a specific GNDT comment, but for the sake of common sense maybe we should just assume that everything sinks.
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 Sep 2011 02:16:32 UTC
Remove “, which defaults to 15” from the rule “Cabin Fever” and add, to the end of that paragraph:-
When a player unidles or joins the game, their Sanity is set to the arithmetic mean of every other Survivor’s Sanity (rounding up).
Now that Sanity is directly connected to two victory conditions, new players probably shouldn’t be entering the game with the highest possible Sanity. Similarly, anyone who idled out and missed a couple of weeks and starvation and misery maybe shouldn’t be able to pop back up entirely unaffected by it.
Ujalu, the unnecessary, requests to go Active!
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 Sep 2011 02:15:32 UTC
In the effect of the Can of Worms, replace “treat all Cans of Worms as being Edible” with “treat all Cans of Worms as being Edible (and worth 1 Portion)”.
It’s currently unclear how many portions a Can of Worms would be worth if someone was desperate enough to want to eat it.
Jesus idles out after a week of inactivity, taking the Victorian Ring clue with him. Quorum drops to five.
Amend the Victorious Return rule from:
If the lifeboat is Ashore, and a single Survivor (the “Spokespersonâ€) has a higher Score than each other Survivor, then the Spokesperson may declare Victory.
If the lifeboat is Ashore, and a single Survivor (the “Spokespersonâ€) has a higher Score than each other Survivor, then the Spokesperson achieves Victory.
Crossing proposals meant that this one had no effect.
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 12 Sep 2011 02:05:19 UTC
I’ve been reading the Keywords section of the rules (Sunday afternoon) and in the keyword ‘May’ gives us some interesting consequences.
If you replace the definition of ‘may’ into a sentence with the phrase ‘may not’ then you do not get ‘is not permitted to’, but instead you get ‘is permitted to not’. This difference is important, as the example below illustrates:
“You are not permitted to eat my ice-cream.”
“You are permitted to not eat my ice-cream.”
Now what we want with the keyword is to get the above result. The bottom one is what we have currently. As courteous as the bottom one is, it won’t stop you eating the ice-cream.
I therefore propose that we add the following Keyword to the Appendix:
May not
“Is not permitted to”
I think this is the simplest solution. This argument does not apply to the Keyword ‘can’ because ‘cannot’ is a separate word, and technically is not defined by the keyword ‘can’.
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 12 Sep 2011 00:03:24 UTC
Reword the rule “Using Items in the Most Creative Ways” to:-
Some Items may have special effects, as follows:
- Fishing equipment and Can of Worms. If no Survivor has done so that day, any sane Survivor owning both Fishing equipment and a Can of Worms may Go Fishing: they shall roll a DICE3. On 1, they may add a Raw Fish (an Edible Damp Item worth 2 Portions) to their possession. Otherwise, nothing happens.
- Can of Worms. A Survivor carrying a Can of Worms may spend 1 Sanity to treat all Cans of Worms as being Edible for the remainder of the day.
- A Children’s Book. If a Survivor possesses a Children’s book, as a Daily Action they may Read to any one Survivor (which may be themselves). Any Survivor who is Read to gains 1 Sanity level. No Survivor may gain more than 1 Sanity level in this way, per week.
- Leather cased desk clock made by Curtis of Horspool. If a Survivor possesses this Desk Clock and no Survivor has done so in the last seven days, any Survivor may decrease the sanity of every Survivor by 1. This affects all Survivors including himself.
- The Compass of Jack Sparrow. If an Insane Survivor possesses the Compass of Jack Sparrow, they may perform a Sighting action, without being Sane.
If a Proposal’s Title includes the string “Eureka!”, and its effect is only to add or modify a single effect in the list above, then it is known as a Eureka Proposal - it does not count towards (and is not affected by) the “2 Proposals pending” or “3 Proposals that day” limits of Rule 1.4. A Survivor may not make more than one Eureka Proposal per day.
The effects defined on the wiki page “Ideas” shall no longer apply to the gamestate.
Maybe this would just be simpler as a free extra proposal; the main effect we’re getting from the current implementation just seems to be “if the Captain doesn’t like it then it can never enact”.
I’ll fix the clock while I’m here.
Looks like we’re a bit light on active admins at the moment - all proposals and CfJs in the last month appear to have been processed by either Josh or myself. If any confident players want to step up, or any existing admins want to step down, Rule 1.2 tells you what you need to know.
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan with no effect, since the rule now says “Score” instead of “Sanity”.
Adminned at 11 Sep 2011 05:12:12 UTC
Amend the Victorious Return rule from:
If the lifeboat is Ashore, and a single Survivor (the “Spokespersonâ€) has a higher Sanity than each other Survivor, then the Spokesperson may declare Victory.
If the lifeboat is Ashore, and a single Survivor (the “Spokespersonâ€) has a higher Sanity than each other Survivor, then the Spokesperson achieves Victory.
Declaring victory isn’t the same as achieving it. Anyone should be able to declare victory. At the moment, you can only achieve it if you out-survive everyone else.
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 11 Sep 2011 05:08:45 UTC
In the rule “Personal Belongings”, replace “Various Items may be possessed by Survivors.” with:-
A Survivor may possess between zero and three Items.
Add to the end of that paragraph:-
If a Survivor is carrying three Items and would gain another Item, then that Item is instead lost as if it had been Thrown Off Board.
Also replace “Survivors may transfer one not Uncertain Item from their own Possession to the Possession of any other Survivor, but as the result of this action no Survivor’s number of Items may exceed (3 + the number of Items owned by the Survivor(s) with least Items).” with:-
At any time, a Survivor may transfer one non-Uncertain Item from their own Possession to the Possession of any other Survivor.
Upon enactment of this Proposal, and before the above rules are changed, if any Survivor has more than three Items, then their Items beyond the first three (in the order they are listed in the GNDT field) shall be removed.
Having a flat three-item inventory limit (it looks like we’ll always have someone with an empty inventory), to reduce the advantage of being an alert stealer or a stockpiling fisherman.
Timed out 5 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 11 Sep 2011 05:08:05 UTC
In the sub-rule “Salvaging!” change all instances of the number 19 in the sub- rule to 20.
The site we’re using for the salvage rule now has 20 pages and it’d feel weird not to be allowed to use that new page. I also think there should be a way to auto update the number should more pages appear but I don’t know how to word that.
Quick Q. Could someone update the wiki with info on the last dynasty? I would if i wasn’t afriad of mucking something up
Timed out 1 vote to 5. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 11 Sep 2011 05:07:37 UTC
In the rule “Personal Belongings” replace:
GNDT field “Itemsâ€
BlogNomic Wiki page “Items”
and in the rule “Salvaging” replace:
GNDT comment field
BlogNomic Wiki page “Items”
If the BlogNomic Wiki page “Items” exists, blank it, otherwise create it.
Make an entry for each Survivor and list the items the Survivor possesses.
Delete the GNDT column “Items”.
The GNDT gets a little bit clogged…. If Kevan’s Clue proposal passes, we can think about putting these there, too.
Timed out 1 vote to 5. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 11 Sep 2011 05:07:19 UTC
To the rule “Cabin Fever” add:
If a Survivor is been Insane continously for six days then he may set his Sanity to 7.
If the proposal “Splah!” failed, the following does nothing:
To the rule “Cabin Fever” add:
If a Survivor is Insane and no Survivor has done so in the last 24 hours, any Survivor may randomly throw one item of this Survivor off board.
The idea behind is that Insane Survivors may just throw things away.
Illegal proposal from Ely, who already had two proposals pending. Invalidated by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Sep 2011 03:35:47 UTC
Change the subrule “Eating and Sleeping” under the only Rule that has a subrule with that name to:
If a Survivor is carrying an Edible Item, they may take a bite from it by setting the day on which they last Ate to the current date.
A Survivor may Fall Asleep by setting the day on which they last Slept to the current date. When a Survivor Falls Asleep, he increases his Sanity by the number of times he has been Exhausted since he last Fell Asleep, but anyway not by more than 2. If the day on which a Survivor last slept is today or yesterday, any Survivor may, as a daily Action, move one Item from the possession of that Survivor (other than a Pocket) to their own.
Timed out 5 votes to 4. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 11 Sep 2011 05:05:34 UTC
Change the subrule “Victorious Return” under “Sighting” to read:
The lifeboat can be Ashore. Initially, the lifeboat is not Ashore.
If the lifeboat is Ashore, and a single Survivor (the “Spokespersonâ€) has a higher Score than each other Survivor, then the Spokesperson may declare Victory.
A Survivor’s Score is the sum of their Sanity and the number of Valuable Items they own.
Add a new point bullet to the list in subrule “Flags” to rule “Personal Belongings”:
$ Valuable
Add to Subrule “Salvaging!” under Rule “Personal belongings”:
When salvaging an Item, the Survivor who is salvaging it may add a Valuable flag to it if they think that is a particulary valuable Item in an economic point of view, and remembering the historical context. Before removing the uncertain Flag or the Item as per rule “Personal Belongings”, the Captain may remove the Valuable Flag and make the Item’s owner lose 1 Sanity.
Add a Valuable Flag to a Victorian Ring~ and Leather cased desk clock made by Curtis of Horspool~.
Getting home Sane is nice, but getting home with some money to spend is even better! This would make some really unuseful Items worth keeping.
Item: The Compass of Jack Sparrow
Effect: If an Insane Survivor possesses the Compass of Jack Sparrow, they may perform a Sighting action, without being Sane.
If they have the compass, they can be guided by it. If they were wrong, they can still lose sanity.
Item: Leather cased desk clock made by Curtis of Horspool
Effect: If no Survivor has done so in the last seven days, any Survivor may decrease the sanity of every Survivor by 1. This affects all Survivors including himself.
You are sitting in the boat, everything is quiet. You try to get to sleep,you close your eyes, you shut out sounds from your ears. But then you realize that you can hear a ticking. tick, tock… ticktocktick, tock, tick, tock, tock, tick, tocktick, tock…
Could someone unidle me please?
Thank you!
Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 09 Sep 2011 04:16:40 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Death”:-
Survivors can be Alive or Dead. All Survivors begin as Alive. If a Survivor’s Sanity is zero, that Survivor becomes Dead. A Dead Survivor is not treated as a Survivor for the purposes of any Dynastic Rules other than this one.
If all but one Survivor is Dead, the Survivor who is Alive has achieved victory. If all Survivors are Dead, then any Survivor may change all Survivors to be Alive with a Sanity of 1, by updating the GNDT to this effect.
Just curious as to whether players are feeling brave enough for an elimination-based dynasty, since the theme seems to fit.
Winner hasn’t commented in over a week, and idles out.
Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 09 Sep 2011 04:14:47 UTC
Reword the rule “Horrifying revelations” to:-
Each Survivor has gleaned Clues about a number of Items relating to the sinking of the SS Haniver - these are tracked in a GNDT column “Clues”. Initially, each Survivor has gleaned no Clues. No Survivor may make a Declaration of Victory unless he or she has at least three different Items in his or her Clues list.
If a Survivor is Sane and possesses a Clue Item which is not listed in his or her Clues list, they may choose to Understand it - upon doing so, the Survivor adds the name of that Item to his or her Clues, and loses 2 Sanity.
Add a subrule, “Examination”:-
If there are at least three Items with no Flags, then any Rational Survivor may - as a daily Action - select three different Items which have no Flags, and roll DICE3 (with a GNDT comment that lists the names of his or her three chosen Items). The Item whose position in that list matches the result of the die roll gains a Clue Flag.
Add a subrule to “Personal Belongings” called “Sunstroke”:-
If a Survivor is holding a Damp Item, they may reduce their own Sanity by 1 to remove the Damp Flag from a single Item in their possession.
Tracking clues explicitly, providing a method of generating clues, and (given that clues can’t be damp) a method to dry out damp items.
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 09 Sep 2011 01:43:20 UTC
Add a new paragraph at the end of the rule “Hunger and Tiredness” as follows:
If the day on which a given Survivor last Slept is ten or more days before the current date, then any other Survivor may cause that Survivor to Fall Asleep as described in the rule “Eating and Sleeping”.
It is theoretically possible for a Survivor to never bother sleeping at the moment, which is a problem because then they can hoard items which nobody else can get at. It’s also pretty unsatisfying in story terms, so I think it would be good to have people fall asleep involuntarily if they hold out too long. (Note also that the get-sanity-back clause which now applies to sleeping makes it far less important to get regular sleep than it used to be, so sleeplessness needs nerfing!)
I don’t feel like playing much nomic at the moment.
Item: A slime mold
Effect: As a weekly action, any player owning a slime mold may increase the number of Portions their slime mold is worth by 1.
Timed out 5 votes to 3. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 09 Sep 2011 01:41:00 UTC
Change the second and third paragraphs of rule “Salvaging!” to:
As a weekly action, any Survivor may Attempt to Salvage an Item from the sea. To do so, they shall roll DICE4.
On 1, they find nothing and their Attempt has no other effect.
On 2 or 3, they find something. If so, they shall then roll DICE19 (page), DICE2 (column), DICE25 (row) to get the coordinates in the Floating Rubbish of the name of the Item they found. They shall then add to their possessions that Item with an Uncertain and a Damp Flag. (they may make minor changes to the form of the name if they write the original name in the GNDT comment field). If for any reason related to the status or existence of the Floating Rubbish web page the identification of exactly one found Item was not possible, they would get nothing instead.
On 4, they Rescue (i.e. add to their possessions) the Item that most recently has been Thrown Off Board of the Items that have been Thrown Off Board and have not been Rescued since they were Thrown. They shall reduce the Sanity of the last Survivor that Threw the Item they found by 1, if that Survivor exists. The Item retains all the Flags it had when it was Thrown, as well as the Number of Portions it’s worth (if pertinent), and gets a Damp Flag (If it hasn’t already one).
Add a new paragraph to rule “Personal Belongings”:
As a daily action, any Survivor may Throw an Item they own Off Board. They shall remove this Item from their Possession.
Consider these Items to have been Thrown Off Board, and when (year is always 2011):
On 5/9, a Raw Fish^2;
On 4/9, a Banana ^1;
On 3/9, a Black Candle! (the “!” shall be considered a Flag)
On 2/9, a pair of Binoculars;
On 1/9, a Green Tentacle!^2
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 07 Sep 2011 06:12:00 UTC
Rename “Sighting Land” to “Sighting” and reword it to:-
Any Sane Survivor may, as a Daily Action, create a post with the title “Land Ahoy!” or “Ship Ahoy!”. This post is known as a Sighting, and should announce that the Survivor in question has sighted something of interest, which they may describe as they wish.
Any comment on that post which begins “Ahoy!†is taken as the commenting Survivor agreeing to take the lifeboat in that direction. (This is known as “Ahoying” the Sighting.) The Survivor who made the post is automatically considered to have Ahoyed it.
After 48 hours, any Survivor may resolve the Sighting as follows:-
- If a quorum of Sane Survivors have Ahoyed the Sighting of Land, then the lifeboat reaches the safety of the shore. The lifeboat is now Ashore for the remainder of the dynasty.
- If a quorum of Sane Survivors have Ahoyed the Sighting of a Ship, then the lifeboat encounters a ship. The Survivor resolving the Sighting should roll DICE3, with the following effect:
- The Survivors encounter an abandoned passenger ship. Within 24 hours of the Sighting being resolved, each Survivor may select any Item from the Floating Rubbish, and add it to their possessions with no flag other than an Uncertain Flag. (They may make minor changes to the form of the name if they write the original name in the GNDT comment field.)
- The Survivors encounter a foreign trawler. Any Survivor who is not carrying an Item gains a Raw Fish Item (an Edible Damp Item worth 2 Portions).
- The Survivors are attacked by pirates. The Survivor resolving the Sighting should roll DICE3 for each Item carried by a Survivor - on a 1, that Item is removed from play.
If the Sighting has not been Ahoyed by a quorum of Sane Survivors, the Survivor who made the post loses 3 Sanity, and each other Survivor who Ahoyed the Sighting loses 1 Sanity.
Add a subrule to “Sighting”, called “Victorious Return”:-
The lifeboat can be Ashore. Initially, the lifeboat is not Ashore.
If the lifeboat is Ashore, and a single Survivor (the “Spokesperson”) has a higher Sanity than each other Survivor, then the Spokesperson may declare Victory.
A quicker take on Ely’s landfalls - instead of stopping at uninhabited islands and sailing off again, we just briefly encounter some ships. Successfully sighting actual land (and persuading everyone else to help row towards it) becomes the victory condition.
Items: Marble, Bag of Marbles
Effect: When the Marble or Bag of Marbles leaves a Survivor’s inventory for any reason not listed in the rule “Personal Belongings”, if their Sanity is above 5, it becomes 5.
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 07 Sep 2011 06:10:46 UTC
After the first sentence of “Cabin Fever”, add:-
If a Survivor’s Sanity would become greater than 15, it is instead set to 15.
To the first paragraph of “Cabin Fever”, add:-
If a Survivor has the highest (or equal highest) Sanity, he or she is Rational.
If any Survivor’s Sanity is above 15, set it to 15.
Adding a maximum Sanity cap, and throwing out a new keyword as a potential incentive to get a good night’s sleep.
This doesn’t affect the gamestate, but I was wondering whether we could have a section in the sidebar to have ‘Open’ story posts, specifically Eureka posts. I noticed this in the last dynasty with the Sticky Bomb posts, but I find myself constantly trawling down the page to find out if I’ve missed people’s comments, which aren’t proposals, CfJs or DoVs. If we had a neat little page which includes any other matters which are still open for discussion (maybe disappearing from this list a week after the last comment if they’re open-ended), that would save us doing this. If it’s just me then don’t worry, it’s just a suggestion.
Item: A Victorian Ring
Effect: If there are more than 6 Survivors and no Survivor has done so that week, any Survivor owning a Victorian Ring (aka a Bearer) may Rule Them All. They shall lose 2 Sanity and Vote on a Votable Matter with a comment containing the text “RING”. That vote counts as 3 Votes, without changing Quorum. If they change their Vote, the new one shall not be counted three times. Every day, if no Survivor has done so, any Survivor may reduce every Bearer’s Sanity by 1.
Item: A bag of marbles
Effect: When A bag of marbles is transferred from the possession of one Survivor to another, the Survivor who previously possessed A bag of marbles has Lost Their Marbles. A Survivor who has Lost Their Marbles loses 2 Sanity points.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 07 Sep 2011 04:00:55 UTC
Add a new Rule, called “I’m sick of this damn boat”:
At any time all the Survivors (as one) may be either Cruising or Ashore. At the start of the Dynasty, Survivors were Cruising. When Survivors reach an Island, they stop being Cruising and become Ashore. The main page header should be changed to highlight this status. On a Leaving Event, the Survivors become Cruising again.
Some actions are only possible when Cruising, some only when Ashore. The rest is possible in both cases.
Any Survivor may make a Sail Off Post (i.e. A Story post containing the words “Sail off”).
Survivors that are not Exploring nor Building may Vote on it. When a Sail Off post has been open for exactly 48 hours, more than three quarters of the Survivors that Voted on it has Voted FOR and the Survivors are Ashore, a Leaving Event happens, and all the Survivors that were Exploring or Building become Cast Away.
These actions are only possible when Ashore:
* Exploring
* Making a Sail Off Post
* Building
These actions are only possible when Cruising:
* Attempting to Salvage
* Going Fishing
* Sighting Land
* Throwing Items off Board
Change rule “Sighting Land” to:
Any Survivor who is not Insane may, as a Daily Action, Sight Land, i.e. create a Story post with the text “Land!†in the Title. Such a Post is called a Land Post. This post must announce that the Survivor in question has sighted land. Subsequently, any Survivor who is not Insane may comment on that post. If their first comment begins “Land!†then they are agreeing that land has been sighted. If their first comment begins in any other way, they are disputing that the sight in question is land. If after 48 hours from the initial post there are more such comments agreeing than disputing the sighting and the Survivors are Cruising, then all Survivors reach an Island. If after 48 hours this is not the case then instead the Survivor who made the post loses 2 Sanity and any other Survivor that agreed with him loses 1 Sanity.
Changes to Sighting land:
* fixed some problems with the form of a Land post;
* The author may comment (and thus vote) on his own post (note that I kept the unusual voting system - no possibility of CoV)
* Softened Sanity loss in case of failed sighting, and extended to those who agreed.
Cast Away
Throwing Items off Board
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan. I’ve taken “the en of the sentence” to mean “end”.
Adminned at 06 Sep 2011 01:42:42 UTC
In rule “Personal Belongings” change “An Item has a Name (which may be any combination of letters and spaces), and may have one or more Flags (* for Uncertain, ^ for Edible, ~ for Damp, ! for Clue)” to:
An Item has a Name (which may be any combination of letters and spaces), and may have one or more Flags (the possible Flags are listed in the “Flags” subrule to this Rule)
Add a new subRule to that rule, called “Flags”:
These are the only Flags an Item may have:
* * Uncertain
* ^X Edible - here X is an integer positive nonzero number, and is the Number of Portions that Item is worth.
* ~ Damp
* ! Clue
Create a new Rule, called “Tasty worms”:
Every Edible Item is worth a number of Portions. Every time a Survivor takes a bite from an Edible Item, they shall reduce the Number of Portions that Item is worth by 1. Whenever an Item becomes worth 0 Portions, it ceases to exist, unless it has a Gamestate effect that states otherwise.
At the time of enactment of this Proposal:
A Raw Fish is worth 2 Portions;
a Slime Mold is worth 1 Portion;
A small keg of twice baked biscuits is worth 3 Portions;
A small icebox full of food is worth 5 Portions;
Any other existing Edible Item is worth 2 Portions.
In Rule “Personal Belongings”, at the en of the sentence reading “He may also add an Edible Flag to any Uncertain Item at any time” add:
In this case, he shall decide the number of Portions that Item is worth.
Andy hasn’t posted to the blog in over a week, and becomes idle.
Amnistar, Anonyman, Darkside and Mideg all idle out after over a week of inactivity each. Quorum drops to 7.
Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Sep 2011 11:33:54 UTC
For any item in the “Ideas” wiki page with an effect of “If this item is held by Blacky he has achieved victory.”, remove that effect from that item.
Blacky edited the wiki page (legally) before the proposal enacted, and the proposal had no “blank this page” clause. It seems nobody has actually looked at the Ideas page until now.
I don’t think his edits will actually have had any effect (because “When an Idea Post about some Items Passes, the gamestate effect related to those Items shall be listed in the “Ideas†wiki page, and start applying effectively to the gamestate.” is the only way a gamestate effect can be applied, and it only refers to the gamestate effect proposed in the Idea Post; I’d say this meant that anything else on that page was meaningless), but we might want to avoid giving anything to Blacky - or falling asleep whilst holding stealable items - until this enacts.
Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Sep 2011 11:33:30 UTC
If you eat my body and blood, you get points.
Reached quorum 6 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Sep 2011 11:36:06 UTC
Amend the rule “Using Items in the Most Creative Ways” from:
If he thinks it is, he should Vote FOR that Idea Post. If an Idea Post has been posted for more than 24 hours, it is considered to be closed.
If he thinks it is, he should Vote FOR that Idea Post. If an Idea Post has been posted for more than 48 hours, it is considered to be closed.
With no idling clause and the Quorum being so high, I think expecting a Quorum of votes in 24 hours is a bit ambitious.
Having made two Item posts in a day, I now make my second one legal:
Item: A Children’s book
Effect: If a Survivor possesses a Children’s book, as a Daily Action they may Read to any one Survivor (which may be themselves). Any Survivor who is Read to gains 1 Sanity level. No Survivor may gain more than 1 Sanity level in this way, per week.
I would like to be un-idled, please.
Item: A Children’s book
Effect: If a Survivor possesses a Children’s book, as a Daily Action they may Read to any one Survivor (which may be themselves). Any Survivor who is Read to gains 1 Sanity level. No Survivor may gain more than 1 Sanity level in this way, per week.
A way to increase Sanity, but encourages Survivors to read to each-other.
Item: The Compass of Jack Sparrow (known as “the Compass”)
Effect: If the Survivor who carries the Compass sights land, and after 48 hours all Survivors do not reach an Island, that Survivor does not lose 3 Sanity.
Times out 5 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 04 Sep 2011 15:08:11 UTC
In the rule “Personal Belongings”, replace the paragraph beginning “If a Survivor has not done so yet” with:-
If a Survivor has a Pocket, they may empty it out to reveal an Item which they rescued from the SS Haniver before it sank - upon doing so, they may arbitrarily select an Item (with any Name, and no Flag other than an Uncertain Flag) which a human is both able to carry and able to conceal inside their clothing, and replace the Pocket with it.
In the “Eating and Sleeping” rule, replace “move one Item from the possession of that Survivor” with:
move one Item from the possession of that Survivor (other than a Pocket)
Give a “Pocket” item to every Survivor who has not yet revealed an Item which they rescued from the SS Haniver before it sank.
Fixing another untracked variable - which of the survivors have yet to reveal an Item. And tweaking it to “conceal inside clothing” - anybody now claiming to have had a lightweight canoe about their person for the past week, without anyone spotting it, is clearly delusional.
Wasn’t sure whether to give new/unidling players a pocket; I think probably not, on balance (otherwise an easy way to obtain any item you need would be to persuade a friend to join or unidle, produce it from their pocket and hand it to you).
Items: Can of Worms.
Effect: A Survivor carrying a Can of Worms may spend 1 Sanity to treat all Cans of Worms as being Edible for the remainder of the day.
Times out 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 04 Sep 2011 15:03:23 UTC
In the rule “Personal Belongings”, change the sentence “An Item has a Name (which may be any combination of letters and spaces), and may have one or more Flags (* for Uncertain, ^ for Edible, ~ for Damp).” to:
An Item has a Name (which may be any combination of letters and spaces), and may have one or more Flags (* for Uncertain, ^ for Edible, ~ for Damp, ! for Clue).
Add a new rule, called “Horrifying Revelationsâ€:
Each time a Survivor posesses a Clue Item he or she has not possessed previously during the game, that Survivor loses 2 Sanity. No Survivor may make a Declaration of Victory unless she or she has previously held at least three Clue Items in this way (not necessarily simultaneously).
For some reason this game’s giving me a bit of a Call of Cthulhu vibe, so I thought it would be fun to have a rule that hints at this… but not so blatantly that the story couldn’t be steered towards a world war theme or something else.
Items: Fishing equipment and Can of Worms.
Effect: If no Survivor has done so that day, any sane Survivor owning both Fishing equipment and a Can of Worms may Go Fishing: they shall roll a DICE3. On 1, they may add a Raw Fish (an Edible Damp Item worth 2 Portions) to their possession. Otherwise, nothing happens.
Unfortunately I have not much time right now.
Quorum’s 8.
Reached quorum 9 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Sep 2011 07:56:21 UTC
In the rule “Eating and Sleeping”, replace “If a Survivor has Fallen Asleep within the previous 24 hours” with:-
If the day on which a Survivor last slept is today or yesterday
Following Bateleur’s confusion, this should be easier to keep track of. It provides a very small incentive to sleep at 11:59pm UTC, but still gives everyone a full 24 hours to rifle through your pockets.
Reached quorum 8 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Sep 2011 07:51:42 UTC
In rule “Personal Belongings” change the last two paragraphs to:
Some seemingly outlandish Items may have a more mundane explanation, on closer inspection. If the Captain feels that an Uncertain Item is particularly improbable, he may remove it and reduce its holder’s Sanity by 1.
Survivors may transfer one not Uncertain Item from their own Possession to the Possession of any other Survivor, but as the result of this action no Survivivor’s number of Items may exceed (3 + the number of Items owned by the Survivor(s) with least Items).
If it exists, repeal rule Salvaging.
Then create a new sub rule called “Salvaging!” under “Personal Belongings”:
On there is a list of object names, that is not part of the gamestate for technical reasons, but that Survivors should abstain from changing. This list is known as the Floating Rubbish. The names are divided in at least 19 numbered pages, 2 columns per page (left=1 right=2) and at most 25 rows per page (Ordered from the top to the bottom), so that every name may be identified bijectively by its column, row and page numbers. Whenever for any reason said website does not match this description, it’s not the Floating Rubbish.
As a weekly action, any Survivor may Attempt to Salvage an Item from the sea. To do so, they shall roll DICE3. On 1, they find nothing and their Attempt has no other effect. On 2 or 3, they find something. If so, they shall then roll DICE19 (page), DICE2 (column), DICE25 (row) to get the coordinates in the Floating Rubbish of the name of the Item they found. They shall then add to their possessions that Item with an Uncertain and a Damp Flag. (they may make minor changes to the form of the name if they write the original name in the GNDT comment field).
If for any reason related to the status or existence of the Floating Rubbish web page the identification of exactly one found Item was not possible, they would get nothing instead.
Two Three changes:
* unlimited object exchange - we have limits on giving objects but not on stealing. This begs to be abused by two Survivors that privately choose to be around at the same time. Added condition to prevent hoarding.
* Added a random object Salvaging system. Yes, it’s heavy, but I hope I considered everything. I used 1900-1925 time period since 1925 - 1950 contained mostly II WW objects that would have brought to mass sanity loss.
* If an Item is not consistent with the theme it’s now lost (instead of changing name)
When salvaging:
1/3: Nothing happens
2/3: You find something. In the best case scenario, you get a useful Life boat compass. In the worst, a Steam Locomotive “Duchess of Sutherland”, a clear sign of lunacy.