Drop it like it’s Quorum
Lex10 is gone, quorum is 5.
Lex10 is gone, quorum is 5.
If any of you want to send me messages in my function as Abbot, I’ve put my e-mail in my profile. EE’s e-mail system is public to admins, so if prefer to keep your messages private you should use your own e-mail client.
Vows expire today.
Self-killed, failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 02 Jun 2006 09:44:38 UTC
The contents of this proposal have been e-mailed to AngryGrasshopper and will not be reprinted here.
Of to places unknown
AKA, idling, so no longer an active monk doods.
Passes 4-0, times out. Enacted by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 02 Jun 2006 09:41:19 UTC
Add the following clauses the to the Rule ‘Reagents’:
No Monk may have more than three Items at any time.
A Monk may give an Item to another Monk, provided that both Monks are at the same Location and both have consented in advance to the transfer of the Item.
Add the following lines to the description of the Cellarer’s Station:
The Cellarer may spend ten Moves to gain any Item from the following list: Books, Keys, Odds and Ends, and Butcher’s Knives. The Cellarer is urged by the Abbot not to injudiciously distribute keys to other Monks, or to wander where e is not permitted.
Add the following lines to the description of the Assistant Librarian’s position:
The Assistant Librarian may spent five Moves and two points of Integrity to gain any Book.
Add a new rule titled ‘Goodwill towards men’:
Any Monk who has more than ten points of Integrity may spend nine points to gain any Book that is not a Manual.
Stuff to play with. If the point values seem off we can tweak them later.
S-K’ed. -Elias IX
“All right, bring the saxes in. That’s good. Keep it up.”
Adminned at 31 May 2006 14:47:49 UTC
This is what I propose:
Give the first quorum of Monks who voted FOR this proposal 5 extra Knowledge.
That is fully self-killed. -Elias IX
Adminned at 31 May 2006 14:46:39 UTC
Any Monk who votes against this Proposal loses 5 Integrity.
One I’ve finished my cha[n]t with the Abbot, I take a move under an encrypted rule.
zorenathres joins us. Quorum rises to 6
Someone left a strange silver wand on the floor of the Chapel. When I picked it up, it blew a hole all the way through the outer wall of th Monastary (completely by accident, of course!)
The storm over the Abbey has dispersed, and a little bit of the gloom has lifted. At the hour of Terce, the Porter can see a figure approaching the abbey along the road through the vineyard across the hills. An itinerant Fransiscan, Zorenathres, has come to pay a visit to the Badia. After making suitable arrangements, the Abbot Stefano introduces the new Monk over dinner.
“My Brothers, welcome Zorenathres of Sicily to our company. Zorenathres, I remind you (if no one else has whispered it to you) that we are in the presence of one who cares nothing for the laws, divine or secular, so please be wary. I am sure that the guards from Pisa will wish to question you at your leisure.”
“Our servants have repaired the monastery bell. I am willing to absolve the sins of whichever of our brothers cut the rope, if only he will come and confess it to me.”
“Brother TAE is the new Assistant Librarian, may his actions increase our knowledge. Hix becomes the Lector. May the both of you keep us on the path of righteousness, and not stray in these dark times”.
The Movement Rule is altered. New Actors are added to the GNDT, and their GNDT stats are altered by Story Post…. More. There is a new cipher. An encrypted rule has been used. The number of supsicious monks changes. Do you want your possessions identified? [Y/n]
As the Abbot, I ask Brother Zorenathres to take a Vow of Silence.
i have registered and hearby announce my membership into nomic, thank you
Passed 6-2, enacted by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 30 May 2006 13:09:34 UTC
Add a rule named “Van Halen”:
Any Monk may Jump by posting notice to the Blognomic home page. If all Monks Jump within a ten minute period, Elias IX shall change the color scheme of the Blognomic web site to orange and blue within the next 48 hours. If e doesn’t do this, then e is not allowed to make a DoV during this dynasty.
Passed 7-0, enacted by Angry Grasshopper. Don’t everybody jump on me at once.
Adminned at 30 May 2006 13:05:29 UTC
Add a new rule to the rulset entitled “Succession” with the following text:
If the Abbot’s Station ever becomes Heaven, then each Monk should send one email to the Abbot to nominate a single Monk, whom e feels is “outstanding beyond the other Monks”. E may not nominate emself or the Abbot. After a reasonable amount of time, if the Abbot’s station is still Heaven, e may pick one of the three Monks with the most nominations, and post the result to the Blog including a count of all nominations received. The chosen Monk has acheived Victory.
The Abbot may handle ties for third place however e wants.
Reaches Quorum (5-0)
Enacted by Hix
Adminned at 28 May 2006 13:33:44 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset called “Monastery Staff”:
An Actor is a proxy Monk that is controlled by the Abbot. Actors do not count as Monks for the purposes of any Law, that is, they may not vote, nor may they make proposals. An Actor (through the Abbot) may do anything that Monks are allowed to do by a Rule. All Rules that apply to Monks also apply to Actors. Actors do not count towards Quorum.
All Actors shall be listed in the GNDT.
The Abbot may add or remove any number of Actors to / from the GNDT by making a Story Post. The Abbot shall determine the GNDT stats of a new Actor when e adds it to the GNDT.
I think this is a better way to drive the plot than by editing GNDT stats via Story Posts. Your thoughts?
Add a new Rule with the following text:
Each Monk may often roll 10DICE10. If the result is exactl’y 10, e has acheived victory.
Igthorn… went to see the Holy Shroud of Turin?
Any story’s as good as any other.
Quorum becomes 5.
I’m sorry, my brethren. I’m old and doddering and have barely participated in this dynasty. I think I’ll take a little nap and get out of everyone’s way.
9-0, unanimously timed out. -Elias IX
Adminned at 27 May 2006 10:47:50 UTC
In the Glossary,
The “subject” of a blog entry is the first and only sentence in the Title of an entry. Any entry that does not have exactly one subject is not valid.
The “subject” of a blog entry is the part of the Title of an entry which is not before the first colon. If the Title does not contain a colon, than the whole Title is the subject. Any entry whose subject is “” (i.e. an empty string) is not valid.
and delete:
Words in section 2 of the ruleset using a definition derived from section 2 of the ruleset rather than an English definition should be in bold, and a reference to the rule (if it is not the rule containing the word and the word has not been already referenced in the rule) that defines the word appended to it.
I think my power supply went out last night. I’ll only be able to check BlogNomic once a day until I get things working again.
Timed out (1-2) by Hix
Adminned at 24 May 2006 16:30:51 UTC
We should respect the Abbot even after the recent coup.
Increase the Abbot’s Integrity by 25.
It seems that the Abbot knows more than e’s letting on.
Increase the Abbot’s Knowledge by 10.
And now the random thing this time is…
If at least three comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Why?”, replace all instances of “Peter” in the Ruleset with “Fred”.
I am aware that even though Elias IX provoked that fight, it was wrong of me to zap back. Taking a Vow of Pacifism.
And moving under an encrypted rule.
Having heard of the terrible act of brother Bucky, I’m expression my dissaproval by vowing not to fight you, my friends and brothers. Let this Vow of Pacifism be an example to you all, that such violent, treacherous and sneaky actions shall not be tolerated!
In other news, I’m taking an action under an encrypted rule.
I don’t know if everyone else noticed, but Elias IX had been acting odd lately. E spent eir time sitting in one room muttering about “communist revolutions”. This afternoon, I confronted em over it, saying that not only are revolutions acts of rebellion, but also communism is meaningless since we don’t own anything anyway. The argument grew heated and e pulled eir wand of death on me. By God’s grace, eir first death ray missed me and my own wand sent em streight to the floor. E’s now safely out cold in the Detention Cell, where e will hopefully be unable to start a revolt.
Cannot be enacted without CoV (1-6)
Failed by Hix
Adminned at 24 May 2006 09:41:40 UTC
Create a rule entitled “Dead Monks” containing the following text…
Monks whose station is heaven, hell, or any location or station that is defined as post-mortem are considered Dead. Dead status wil be inditcated in the GNDT with a column called “Status” and the value “Dead” for Dead. Monks that are not dead are considered Alive, as indicated by “Alive” in the GNDT. Dead monks may not create any posts aside from proposals and story posts. They may comment upon proposal, CFJ, or any other posts requiring a vote, and then only with
. All new monks are considered “Alive”.
Set all current monks Status to Alive
Failed timed out 2-5. Adminned by Bucky.
Adminned at 24 May 2006 08:20:57 UTC
Create a new Rule titled ‘Jehova’:
Each time a Monk uses the name ‘Jehova’ in either a post or comment on the front page, e loses five points of Integrity.
Plot? Theme? What?
The Abbot has the lowest Integrity of all Monks. Let’s stone him.
Reached quorum (8-0)
Enacted by Hix
Adminned at 22 May 2006 20:00:17 UTC
Add the following line to Rule 2.6.3, Fitness:
No Monk may have Fitness more than 30. If a Monk’s Fitness would be legally increased past 30, it becomes 30 instead.
If any Monk has Fitness greater than 30 at the time this is enacted, it becomes 30.
Cannot be enacted without CoV (1-6)
Failed by Hix
Adminned at 22 May 2006 19:56:57 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset entitled “Transcription Errors” with the following text:
If any Monk has an Item called “Guide to better Speling”, e may often do one of the following after posting notice to the blog:
1)Add one word to any Rule besides this one
2)Remove one word from any Rule besides this one
3)Replace one word in any Rule besides this one with another word of eir choice.
E may not modify the Glossary or any Laws, and the result of the modification must make sense. E may not declare Victory for 36 hours after making the change.
The Abbot may undo any changes made because of this rule.
Unless at least three comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Why?”, give Bucky an Item called “Guide to Better Speling”.
I’ve selected my icon for this game. +2 Integrity to Bucky.
The plague rages on and more Monks get sick, while those already sick grow worse.
Make the following changes to the gamestate in the listed order:
For each Monk who has a Virus:
A)Decrease eir Temporary Fitness by DICEX where X=2
B)If eir Temporary Fitness is less than -2, decrease eir Fitness by a single unit, remove eir Virus and give em an Item called “Immunityâ€.
If the (DICEN)th Monk in the GNDT has neither a Virus nor an Immunity, give them a Virus, where N is the number of active Monks. Repeat this 1 time(s), unless no remaining Monks qualify for infection.
Create a new post to the blog identical to this post except for the following list of changes
A) The time accurately reflects the time at which it was created.
B) Increase all integers in the new version by 2.
I recommend that the Abbot does not approve the new post until at least 13 hours have passed.
It seems that the Abbot approved of the Plague Story Post several hours ago, but did not update the Gamestate (which I believe should happen immediately after e approves). I’m gonna go ahead and make the changes (to save em some time), but if anyone feels that only the Abbot should be able to “execute” a Story Post that e has approved, feel free to undo my GNDT changes (or yell at me in comments here).
Timed out 4-2 by Hix. Averages:
Temporary Fitness—10+(3/11)
Adminned at 22 May 2006 11:18:07 UTC
Communism strikes again.
Take the average of all Monks’ Integrity, and round to the nearest whole number. Change all Monks’ Integrity to that number.
Take the average of all Monks’ Knowledge, and round to the nearest whole number. Change all Monks’ Knowledge to that number.
Take the average of all Monks’ Fitness, and round to the nearest whole number. Change all Monks’ Fitness to that number. Change all Monks’ Moves to that number.
Take the average of all Monks’ Temporary Fitness, and round to the nearest whole number. Change all Monks’ Temporary Fitness to that number.
Having spent all night trimming the trees in the rain, Bucky returns to the main building. E appears to have a cold. However, in the next few days, the Monks would find out this was no mere cold…
Make the following changes to the gamestate in the listed order:
For each Monk who has a Virus:
A)Decrease eir Temporary Fitness by DICEX where X=1
B)If eir Temporary Fitness is less than -3, decrease eir Fitness by a single unit, remove eir Virus and give em an Item called “Immunityâ€.
If the (DICEN)th Monk in the GNDT has neither a Virus nor an Immunity, give them a Virus, where N is the number of active Monks. Repeat this 0 time(s), unless no remaining Monks qualify for infection.
Give Bucky an item called “Virusâ€
Create a new post to the blog identical to this post except for the following list of changes
A) The time accurately reflects the time at which it was created.
B) Increase all integers in the new version by 1.
C) Remove all bold text.
D)Add the text “The plague rages on and more Monks get sick, while those already sick grow worse.” to the beginning.
E)The author is “Call for Justice”, not “Bucky
I recommend that the Abbot does not approve the new post until at least 12 hours have passed.
(An encrypted rule was used)
AngryGrasshopper: Are you sticking with ? Or are you still playing with the chalice?
*chuckle* *snort* *snicker* let’s see how you guys deal with THIS!
Encrypted rule action.
Timed out 1-2 (With one unresolved imperial vote) by Hix
Adminned at 19 May 2006 15:27:07 UTC
Add a new rule entitled “Arguments” and give it the following text.
Any Monk may conduct an Argument with another Monk(i.e. the Victem) who is within 2 Moves of the first Monk’s Location. To perform the Argument, e comments “Arguing with {Other Monk's Name}” to the GNDT. E then comments “Me: 2DICE[eir :nowledge] | Em:2DICE[Victem’s Knowledge]”. Once e has done this, e adds half the result of the first roll monus the result of the second roll to eir Integrity (round amount subtracted up) and subtracts the same amount from the Victem’s Integrity. Finally, e must make a post stating the name of the Victem, the subject of the Argument and the result of the Argument.
A Monk may not Argue with any Monk more than Often.
I’m using an encrypted rule again.
The storm that has been brewing for the past several days breaks, soaking the earth with a fantastic quantity of water. All Monks who are outside of the Monestary seek shelter from the rain and lightning, and return to the main building.
I understand that Brother Plorkeryan is off—he muttered something about Drakalor Chain, someplace in Southern Italy, I think. I’ll select a new Assistant Librarian after I weigh the merits of the brothers.
I’m taking a move under an encrypted rule. I’m taking a move under an encrypted rule.
Timed out 1-4 by Hix
Adminned at 19 May 2006 10:15:17 UTC
In rule Vows, change
On noon Wednesday and noon Sunday, all Vows are removed.
Monks may remove eir own Vow on Sundays without penalty. Additionally, Monks may remove Vows ey were forced to undergo by the Abbot on Wednesdays without penalty.
They currently expire way too soon. Plus, keeping track of when when exactly that happens is practically impossible.
Encrypted action. And yes, my French sucks.
Quorun drops to 6.
I’m acting on an encrypted rule.
I’m acting on another encrypted rule.
I’m taking a vow of pacifism.
Adminned at 18 May 2006 05:15:57 UTC
Add to the list of Vows:
Vow of Protection ({Other Monk's name}): Upon undergoing this Vow, a Monk must choose another Monk. If the Temporary Fitness of the chosen Monk is decreased by another Monk, a Monk undergoing this Vow must Pick a Fight with the assailant within 24 hours of the fight. The Severity number for this fight may not be 0 or less. Monks undergoing this Vow may not Pick a Fight with the Monk ey have chosen.
Vow of Benevolence: Monks undergoing this Vow must include “blessings” to each vote e casts. E may not use the phrase “no blessings”.
Vow of Healthy Exercise: Monks undergoing this Vow must move eir Location from map A to map C or vice versa before the Vow is removed.
Vow of Vows: Monks undergoing this Vow experience the effects of all other possible Vows, except for the Vow of Poverty, at once. Ey must make any decisions ey would have to make for each of these Vows upon undergoing the Vow of Vows. Instead of the regular Integrity gain for undergoing this Vow, ey gain 1 Integrity per 24 hours per Vow e’s pseudo-undergoing, plus another 2 Integrity per 24 hours (both of these rewards no longer apply if a Monk is no longer undergoing the Vow). If a Monk breaks this Vow, e loses 5 Integrity in addition to any other penalties.
For each of the Vows that would be created by this proposal, if more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “no {name of that Vow}”, do not create that vow instead.
Passed timed out 7-0 past Quorum. Adminned by Bucky.
Adminned at 17 May 2006 13:51:55 UTC
In “Botany” add the following sentences.
There can not be less than 3 “h” spaces in map C. If only 3 “h"s are present on map C a monk may not attempt to gain an item from an “h”.
If a future rule allows the creation of “h” spaces, the monk will still have to wait for 4 “h"s to be present before they may harvest. This is a way to prevent losing the lovely bushes God has blessed us with until we learn how to plant more.
I wouldn’t hurt a fly. (Even if said fly would pick a fight with me)
On a completely unrelated note, cheese is awesome.
Timed out 4-1 passed. Adminned by Bucky.
Adminned at 17 May 2006 13:45:59 UTC
This version is exactly the same as the last version, Story Posts Unlimited. I’m reproposing this in hopes that this time more Monks will notice it.
Reword the rule entitled “The Story” to:
A Story Post is a post to the Blog with a title containing “Story Post:” followed by a unique description string. The post itsself should describe an event or series of events within the Monastery. When possible, these events should be consistant with the GNDT state at some past or present time. The Story Post may also specify some changes to any part(s) of the Gamestate besides the Ruleset. In addition, a Story Post by the Abbot may specify changes to the rule entitled “Movement”, if such a rule exists.
If the Abbot approves of a Story Post, e should respond to the Story Post with a comment containing a
within 48 hours. E then update the Gamestate to reflect what happened in the Story Post. Story Posts by the Abbot do not require approval.
Any Monk may make a Story Post once per forty-eight hours. The Abbot can make a Story Post whenever e wants.
Failed 1-5 by Bucky. Timed out.
Adminned at 17 May 2006 13:40:08 UTC
Add a new rule, “Victory Conditions”
All victory conditions shall be listed in this rule.
*If at any time there exist n Monks, and n-1 Suspicious Monks, then any Monk that isn’t suspicious may declare Victory. This DoV is not able to pass unless the Abbot votes FOR it.
Ignore this post…
I’m encrypted a making move to fitness my boost.
I’m also making a second encrypted use of rule action.
And, having emailed the Abbot, I am now on the List of Suspicious Monks.
Failed 2-3 timed out. Adminned by Bucky.
Adminned at 17 May 2006 13:37:57 UTC
Add a subrule entitled “Secret Passages” to the rule entitled “Movement”. Give it the following text:
Each Monk not in the Detention Cell may occasionally entera Location Represented by a Blank Space as if it were Empty.
I’m being secret.
To admin:
In the wiki, please don’t use “strong” tags. Use triple-quotes (’‘’), as it is much more readable.
Similarly, double quotes (’‘) give italic, and five of ‘em give both.
Encrypted rule use.
Shouldn’t some of that last proposal be italicized?
Round (RR) X Wrinkled (rr) seeds
Yellow (YY) X Green (yy) seeds
Purple (PP) X White (pp) flowers
Axial (AA) X Terminal (aa) flowers
Inflated (II) X Constricted (ii) pods
Green (GG) X Yellow (gg) pods
Tall (TT) X Short (tt) stems
Except I still have to figure out how to put it in the game.
I lack drive and ambition. I should go buy some at the pawn shop sometime.
2-1, timed out. Enacted by Elias IX, with help from his new friend, Apathy.
Adminned at 15 May 2006 13:31:58 UTC
Rewrite the rule Chanting to read:
Any Monk may often start a Chant if e hasn’t chanted in the last 24 hours.
When a Monk starts a Chant, e chants.
Any Monk that is within Audible Distance of a chanting monk also chants, unless e has already chanted in the last 24 hours.
When a Monk chants, e gains X Integrity, where X is the number of Monks that wouldn’t have chanted if e hadn’t chanted.
Example: Hix starts a Chant. Eir chanting causes both Elias IX, who is 10 moves left, and Bucky, who is 10 moves right, to chant. Bucky’s chanting causes Rodney and Thelonious, who are both 7 moves right of Bucky, to chant.
If Hix hadn’t chanted, five Monks (Hix, Elias IX, Bucky, Rodney, and Thelonious) wouldn’t have chanted, so e gains 5 integrity. If Bucky hadn’t chanted, three Monks (Bucky, Rodney, and Thelonious) wouldn’t have chanted, so e gains 3 integrity. Rodney and Thelonious both gain one, since they can’t cause each other to chant, since even if either hadn’t chanted, the other one still would. Lastly, Elias gains 1 integrity.
2-2. Timed out, failed by Excalabur.
I get the feeling that some people are due for idles, but haven’t been paying enough attention to find out.
Adminned at 14 May 2006 20:00:58 UTC
Reword the rule entitled “Story Posts” to:
A Story Post is a post to the Blog with a title containing “Story Post:” followed by a unique description string. The post itsself should describe an event or series of events within the Monastery. When possible, these events should be consistant with the GNDT state at some past or present time. The Story Post may also specify some changes to any part(s) of the Gamestate besides the Ruleset. In addition, a Story Post by the Abbot may specify changes to the rule entitled “Movement”, if such a rule exists.
If the Abbot approves of a Story Post, e should respond to the Story Post with a comment containing a
within 48 hours. E then update the Gamestate to reflect what happened in the Story Post. Story Posts by the Abbot do not require approval.
Any Monk may make a Story Post once per forty-eight hours. The Abbot can make a Story Post whenever e wants.
The old version of this rule is worded for an Abbot-only power. The term “Story Post” is badly defined since it’s not clear whether or not having the Abbot as the author was part of the definition. It also doesn’t allow Story Posts by ordinary Monks to change the Map, even though in my opinion it should. Since there’s very little useful Gamestate outside the Map and the GNDT, the new wording doesn’t grant much more power than the old one, although it allows a Story Post by a Monk to change the number of Suspicious Monks and the Veto Icon.
Peace on earth, and all that jazz.
Vetoed by Angry Grasshopper. I seem to need an icon for this. I’ll outsource it to the Monks—two points of integrity for whomever provides an icon that I end up using. Send it to my e-mail account if you’re interested.
Adminned at 14 May 2006 00:08:40 UTC
Keeping secrets from each other is most unbecoming of those living in such close community.
Remove the first three paragraphs of rule 2.10.
Convert all encrypted rules to plaintext.
For each encrypted rule with a title starting “CIPHER”, modify the title to start “EX-CIPHER” instead.
Timed out 4-2. Passed by Angry Grasshopper, who resolves not to make long proposals so late in the evening.
Adminned at 13 May 2006 21:08:48 UTC
Create a Rule titled ‘Skills’:
A Monk may have Proficiency in a Skill. All Skills are listed as clauses within this Rule.
Botany: Any Monk who has Proficiency in this Skill whose location is represented by an ‘h’ on the Map may decrease eir Moves by eight, if eir Moves are greater than eight. The ‘h’ then becomes a ‘.’ on the Map. After doing so, e shall make a DICE20 check in the GNDT, and gains an Item according to the following table:
DICE20 Item 1 Fairy Grass 2 No Item gained 3 Curaria Mancox 4 Nightshade berries 5 White Oak bark 6 Nettle leaf 7 Ginseng 8 No Item gained 9 Garlic 10 Nettle leaf 11 White Oak Bark 12 Fairy Grass 13 Garlic 14 Bloodmoss 15 Ginseng 16 Curaria Mancox 17 Nettle leaf 18 Bloodmoss 19 No Item gained 20 Mandrake root The Herbalist has Proficiency in Herbalism.
Add the following clause to the ‘Reagents’ Rule:
Some Items have a Use. A Monk may Use an Item that e has by giving some notice on the front page as long as e satisfies its conditions for use. A Perishable Item is deleted from the GNDT immediately after it is Used.
Create the following Items under a subclause “Gardening”:
Ginseng. A Perishable Herb. A Monk who Uses Ginseng may increase eir Temporary Fitness by seven points. If this Use causes Temporary Fitness to be greater than Fitness, set the Temporary Fitness equal to Fitness instead.
Curaria Mancox. A Perishable Herb. A Monk who Uses Curaria Mancox and is Sick ceases to be Sick.
White Oak Bark. A Perishable Herb. A Monk who has uses White Oak Bark and whose Fitness is less than or equal to three may set eir fitness to 10.
Garlic. A Perishable Herb. A Monk may often Use Garlic to increase eir Fitness by one.
Fairy Grass. A Perishable Herb.
Mandrake root. A Perishable Herb.
Nightshade berries. A Perishable Herb.
Bloodmoss. A Perishable Herb. A Monk who has Bloodmoss may use it to increase eir Moves by fifteen.
Nettle leaf. A Perishable Herb.
Create the following Item under a subclause “Books”:
Manual of Botany. As long as a Monk has a Manual of Botany, e is Proficient in Botany.
If Elias IX would like to propose… some additional pea-pods of different phenotypes, he is more than welcome to. ;)
I rung the bell twice. It worked both times, although it sounded slightly flat.
The title says it all.
This time, I’m NOT taking a secret rule action.
5-2. Timed out, enacted by Excalabur. 3 votes contained “Why?”.
Adminned at 13 May 2006 15:35:28 UTC
Add a new Guest profile to the list in Rule 2.7:
Devil’s Advocate: While a Monk is accompanying a Devil’s Advocate, e should vote AGAINST all pending proposals. Also, whenever e votes AGAINST a proposal, e must also make a comment that points out a flaw or otherwise discourages others from voting for that proposal. A Devil’s Advocate does not expire normally. Instead, at least 48 hours after the creation of a Devil’s Advocate, anyone may roll DICE(Proposals adminned while Advocate existed). If the result is less or equal to than the number of failed or vetoed proposals, the Advocate acheives its goal and the Player accompanying it receives 4 Integrity times the DICE roll. Otherwise, it ceases to exist without acheiving its goal with the normal loss of Integrity.
And now for the random thing of the day:
Unless at least three comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Why?”, rules 2.10 and 2.13 swap contents and titles.
two encrypted rule uses blah blah blah
Passed 7-1 timed out at Quorum. Adminned by Bucky.
Adminned at 13 May 2006 12:19:19 UTC
Add the following to the rules under 2.14 Location Effects
” t
A monk adjecent to a location represented by a ‘t’ may use 6 of eir Moves to ‘Trim the Tree’ and gain 1 Fitness. A ‘t’ may not be trimmed again for 48 hours after the change is reflected in the GNDT. When updating the GNDT a Monk must specify which tree is being trimmed by co-ordinates.
A monk adjadent to a location represented by an ‘h’ may use 6 of eir Moves to ‘Study Botany’ and gain 1 Knowledge. A Monk may not study botany again for 24 hours after the change is reflected in the GNDT.”
Remove the sentence “At present, there is no way of changing a Monk’s Fitness.” From Rule 2.6.3 Fitness only if a previous proposal has not done so.
If more than half the comments containing “FOR” votes contain “Gregor Mendel”, do not add rule “t”
If more than half the comments containing “FOR” votes contain “Saint Joseph the Betrothed”, do not add rule “h”
Passed 5-3 timed out, by Bucky.
“I’d like it daily” option failed, 2-6.
The phrase “this day” did not occur anywhere in the rule, so I ignored that part of the proposal.
Adminned at 13 May 2006 12:14:17 UTC
In the rule “Chanting”, replace every occurence of “this day” with “within the last 36 hours”.
If more than half of all comments containing counted FOR votes also contain the text “I’d like it daily”, replace every occurence of “36 hours” in the rule “Chanting” with “24 hours”.
Add the following after the fourth sentence of the rule “Chanting”.
No Monk may begin a Chant more than twice occasionally.
Yada yada yada.
I’m doing something under an encrypted rule.
I’m doing something suspicious under a secret rule.
Passes 4-3, timed out. Adminned by Bucky.
Adminned at 11 May 2006 20:26:20 UTC
In the rule entitled “Chanting”, change “When a Monk chants, e gains X Integrity, where X is the number of Monks that wouldn’t have chanted if e hadn’t chanted.” to “When a Monk chants, e gains 1 Integrity.”
Delete all italicized text in the rule entitled “Chanting”.
If you’d noticed that the GNDT time doesn’t correspond to the frontpage time—not the sidebar time, as that’s your time in UTC—you’d have been correct. In fact the GNDT has been off since The Switch by 7-8 hours, I understand. No longer!
The GNDT is now in UTC time. Previous entries in this log file are wrong (and I am *not* going to correct them) but new entries are correct. Or should be—tell me if they aren’t.
I’m doing something with an encrypted rule.
Quorum is seven. Elias IX’s station is removed (by me), but keeps the rest of his GNDT stats in accordance with Law 1.2; we’ll find some creative way to patch that somehow. Since you are un-idling, I ask you to take a Vow of Silence.
For the remainder of my time in this dynasty, I plan for the following:
- The Monk named ‘Elias IX’ to be considered dead, in the infirmary.
- This formerly alive Elias IX to have left a considerable amount of information on herbs, medicine, and some minor encrypted information of the circumstances of Alessandro’s death.
- I will assume a new identity until the next dynasty.
- I plan on not playing this dynasty to win, but to move the ruleset along.
- My stats should ideally reset, but I’d like a hint of Cipher IV. If that’s not possible, that is also fine.
If this is fine with everyone, I’ll unidle.
If not, then I’ll just come out of a cellar in the Infirmary.
I’m taking a move by an encrypted rule.
I’m taking a move by a secret rule.
The movement rule changes. The salient points:
If aIf a Monk has a positive number of Moves, then e may move by decreasing eir number of Moves by 2 unless e moves to a Location Represented by a ‘.’ in which case e decreases it by 1 instead. A Monk may often set eir Moves equal to twice eir Fitness.
If a Monk has a positive number of Moves, then e may move by decreasing eir number of Moves by 1. A Monk may often set eir Moves equal to twice eir Fitness.
The map is too big for ten moves a day. I still do want to give the rooms some game effect, which would be pointless if nobody could get to them.
Passes at 8-0.
Adminned at 11 May 2006 08:15:20 UTC
Add a Rule titled ‘Suspicions’:
Some Monks are Suspicious. If a Monk arranges (in a Story Post, via secret consultation with the Abbot, etc.) to undertake an action that might be thought of as reasonably suspicious by any Monk in the Monastery, and in the opinion of the Abbot such game actions cause that Monk to be observed by at least one other Monk in their undertaking, then that Monk becomes Suspicious.
Whether or not a Monk is Suspicious shall not be tracked in the GNDT—however, the number of distinct Suspicious Monks shall be listed in the sidebar.
Set the number of Suspicious Monks to one.
Nice to have some idea on how many Monks are running amok. Especially if you’re playing a murder mystery. GNDT locations could factor largely into this, unofficial LOS, etc.
Wheeeeeee! *cough*secretaction*cough*
Spending the Knowledge for the hint on Cipher IV
There is a great clash and clangor as the bell at the monastery gate comes crashing down. A cry goes out, and the brothers of the monastery rush to the entrance to see if anyone was injured. The sergeant of the guards eventually makes his way to the front of the monastery, and begins to inspect the great bell. Shaking his head, he rises, and brings to the attention of all the thick rope, which was cut cleanly through.
At dinner that evening, the Abbot mentions that the accident was in fact intentional, and malicious, and warns of stern secular punishments, (not to mention hellfire and brimstone) when this evil brother is caught and brought to justice.
New Stations:
Attention Monks! There has been an unfortunate accident in the Entrance Hall. At about midnight last night, our new Bell’s rope snapped, dropping the bell onto the Monks gathered below. Several Monks have been severely injured and may even be dead. Each monk in an Entrance Hall location must roll DICE10 immediately and reduce eir fitness and temporary fitness by that amount. All injured monks should report to the Infirmary immediately.
Affected Monks are Smith, Rodney and Purplebeard.
Passes at 8-0. -Purplebeard.
Adminned at 11 May 2006 08:09:01 UTC
Add a Rule titled ‘Reagents’:
Although the Benedictine rule forbids private ownership, a Monk may have on his person any number of objects, generally carried in eir hands. Let the ‘Items’ column denote objects carried by a Monk. The ‘Items’ column may not be changed unless another rule allows it to be so.
Remove the line ‘At present, there is no way of changing a Monk’s Fitness.’ from 2.6.3 to avoid having the headache of contradictory rules.
Add a GNDT field labeled ‘Items’.
If, for some reason, the proposer of this proposal would receive blessings for it as per rule 2.1, give them to the Abbot/Monk named Angry Grasshopper instead.
Purplebeard is helping me avoid the proposal limit, thank you.—AG
Fails 1-8. Adminned by Purplebeard
Adminned at 11 May 2006 08:05:05 UTC
In light of the venerable age of our holy Abbot I propose that we seek to find em a worthy successor. Add a Rule 2.21:Search for a New Abbot
If a single monk has both the greatest integrity and knowledge of any active monk and each is greater than 25 and that monk is not under any vow, that monk may ring the bell to announce eis candidacy for the position of Abbot’s successor. Once e has rung the bell e undertakes a vow of candidacy. If, while still operating under a vow of candidacy, a monk goes to the altar and prays, e becomes the Abbot’s successor and may declare victory.
Add the following to rule 2.5
Vow of Candidacy: A vow of candidacy can only be entered into by ringing the bell under the conditions described in the rule “Search for a New Abbot”. The Abbot may not cause any monk to undergo a vow of Candidacy. A vow of Candidacy is immediately broken and removed from the monk if that monk’s integrity or knowledge fall below 25 or e no longer has the greatest integrity or knowledge of any active Monk. Upon breaking a vow of candidacy the monk looses 10 points of both knowledge and integrity and must immediately take a vow of poverty.
If this proposal passes and the majority of the counted votes contain the word “Timeline” add the following text to rule 2.5
A vow of Candidacy does not expire like other vows. It can only be broken.
If this proposal passes and the majority of the counted votes contain the word “Peaceful” add the following text to rule 2.5
A vow of candidacy is also broken if the Monk laboring under it engages in a fight
If this proposal passes and the majority of the counted votes contain the word “Deathwatch” set the current abbot’s location to C-5L and treat the door at C-2J as a locked door for the abbot’s purposes. for purely narrative reasons =)
If people don’t like parts of this proposal I am open to suggestions for amending it and re-proposing it. Please put your suggestions in your comments.
Could AG pleas send my a cypher hint on Cypher IV?
If anyone else wants me to relay em the hint, please attack Thelonious or Hix with a knife or better.
Passess 7-0 at Quorum. Adminned by Bucky.
Adminned at 10 May 2006 19:46:47 UTC
Add a line to the Rule ‘Temporal Effects’:
Noon is defined to be the third hour of Game Day. Midnight is defined to be the third hour of Game Night.
Trivial to track in the sidebar. Also I will add which hour of Game Day / Game Night we are in.
We don’t have any unencoded rules which make use of this data, but I’m sure we can cook up something. Eheh.
A new Cipher is added to the Ruleset. Be nice, everybody. *cue dark laughter*
2-5. At least half the votes were against after four full days have passed. CfJ fails.—Excalabur
Adminned at 12 May 2006 21:15:45 UTC
A rule entitled “Occult Knowledge” seems to have mysteriously appeared in the ruleset. It did not arrive by proposal, was not added during AG’s dictatorship. No rule uther than the dictatorship would have allowed AG to add this to the ruleset.
If at least half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Keep it”, the rules “Occult Knowledge” and “Location Effects” swap positions and numbers.
Otherwise, delete the rule “Occult Knowledge” from the ruleset and renumber the remainig rules accordingly.
7-0? That sounds fairly quorum-ish. -Elias IX
Hix: If you have any questions, there is close to a quorum of admins that you can ask.
Adminned at 10 May 2006 17:51:34 UTC
Make the Monk named Hix an Admin.
8-0! That means quorum. -Elias IX
Adminned at 10 May 2006 13:27:37 UTC
Add the following to the list of Vows in Rule “2.5 Vows”:
Vow of Pacifism: Monks undergoing this Vow shall not Pick a Fight.
In the Rule called “Fighting”, change the first occurence of
E then rolls DICEG, where G is eir opponant’s Temporary Fitness.
If eir opponent is not undergoing a Vow of Pacifism, E then rolls DICEG, where G is eir opponent’s Temporary Fitness.
Finally, in the Rule called “Fighting”, change
Being involved in a fight causes a loss of Integrity equal to 3*S for whoever starts it and 1*S for the other Monk. This may make eir Integrity negative.
Being involved in a fight causes a loss of Integrity equal to 3*S for whoever starts it and 1*S for the other Monk. If either Monk is undergoing a Vow of Pacifism, the Integrity loss for a Monk who starts a fight is 5*S (instead of 3*S). This loss may make either Monk’s Integrity negative.
To make things clear— The disadvantages of undergoing this Vow are: an increased penalty for starting a fight (an extra 2*S, and the 5 for breaking the Vow) and, more importantly, the inability to defend oneself if picked on.
The only advantage (besides the usual advantage for undergoing a Vow) is the increased penalty to someone picking on you
Self-killed, failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 09 May 2006 15:50:54 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset entitled “Last One Standing” with the following text:
If at any time, one and only one monk fulfills all of the following conditions:
1)E is neither in the Infirmary nor at A-12e (the detention cell)
2)E has an Integrity of at least 10
3)E has a positive Temporary Fitness
4)Eir Station is neither Heaven nor Hell
5)E is not the Abbotthen e has acheived Victory.
I’m doing something that has something to do with at least one encrypted rule. I’m also doing something else tangentially related to an encrypted rule which does not need the Abbot’s supervision.
including a use of an Encrypted Rule.
Ralff should have idled at least a week ago. Quorum is now 6.
Encrypted Rule use
Welcome, Lex10, to BlogNomic! As a new Monk I ask you to take a Vow of Silence.
7-0, reached quorum. Enacted by Excalabur.
Adminned at 09 May 2006 05:40:36 UTC
Interestingly, new Monks currently have no location. I’m sure the assumption that ey are to be sent to A-18N has rendered some random actions illegal or incorrect, but I’m assuming this fix is satisfactory.
Add to rule Movement:
New Monks start at location A-18N.
Set the location of all Monks without a location to A-18N.
This is a post officially stating Lex10’s joining of this dynasty of Blog Nomic. So I’ll get right to it as soon as I’m added to the sidebar.
I’m taking an action under an encrypted rule.
Timed out 6-0 Heal Quickly. Adminned by Bucky.
Adminned at 08 May 2006 20:58:59 UTC
In the rule entitled “Fighting”, change the first occurance of:
In each Round, the Monk who Picked the Fight rolls DICEF, where F is eir Temporary Fitness. If this is less than a quarter of eir opponent’s Temporary Fitness, subtract DICES from eir opponent’s Temporary Fitness. E then rolls DICEG, where G is eir opponant’s Temporary Fitness. If this is less than a quarter of eir own Temporary Fitness, subtract DICES from eir Temporary Fitness.
In each Round, the Monk who Picked the Fight rolls DICEF, where F is eir Temporary Fitness. If this is greater than eir opponent’s Blessings plus a quarter of eir opponent’s Temporary Fitness, subtract DICES from eir opponent’s Temporary Fitness. E then rolls DICEG, where G is eir opponant’s Temporary Fitness. If this is greater than eir own Blessings plus a quarter of eir Temporary Fitness, subtract DICES from eir Temporary Fitness.
Add the following text to the end of the rule entitled “Fighting”:
Each Monk with a Temporary Fitness less than eir Fitness may often increase eir Temporary Fitness by 1, or 3 if e is in the Infirmary.
If at least half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Heal Quickly”, than also add this text after the text in the previous blockquote:
If e chooses, e may instead decrease eir Fitness by 2, then set eir Temporary Fitness to eir Fitness.
I’ve added the time scripts to the crontab, with approximately the correct hours. ;)
E-mail me if you observe broken-ness or weird behavior.
Taking an action under an Encrypted Rule
Taking an action under an Encrypted Rule
Thelonious and I pelted each other with a volley of FRUIT. Thelonious’ shots went wide, but I hit em with a Kiwi right off the bat and ended the argument by smacking em dead-on with a Bar.
Today being the Feast of Saint Ignotus, The Abbot led a special chanting session (+1 to everyone’s Integrity). Then, all the Monks congregated at the Banquet Hall at A-16C. Most of the monks, who are used to plain, meager rations, stuffed their faces in a very un-monkly manner (+8 to everyone’s Moves, -1 to everyone’s Integrity). The principal topics of conversation were the installation of the new bronze bell in the entryway, the strange black-robed monks last seen to the north of the abbey and the conspicuous absence of Elias IX, whom nobody has seen since Monday morning.
After the feast, everyone went back to their previous positions.
(net result: +8 to everyone’s Moves)
Timed out 2-4. Failed by Bucky.
Adminned at 07 May 2006 18:43:52 UTC
Add a rule entitled “Too Good To Be True” containing the following text.
If a monk has Integrity greater than or equal to 50, then…
- eir Integrity is reduced to 1
- and eir location is set to A-0c
- and e may not pass through any door (locked, unlocked or otherwise) for 48 hours
If more than half of the counted votes contain the phrase “forgiveness is fast” then omit the 3rd bullet.
If more than half of the counted votes contain the phrase “stay put” then omit the 2nd and 3rd bullets.
The timestamps on the GNDT are wrong. I’ve just made a whole load of updates for the first chant of 5th April. I made those updates at approx. 09:15 BST (08:15 GMT) but they show as being made at 01:18 BST.
It’s important that these times are right, otherwise it isn’t possible to tell whether a monk has already chanted that day. (It would also be helpful if these times were in GMT because that’s the timezone that the rules specify.)
Please could an admin look into this.
Many thanks,
To quote the Ruleset,
Each Dynasty has a single Abbot and is named according to the number of times which that Monk has been Abbot (or Abbot equivalent)
AngryGrasshopper has been Abbot twice: once during the Spaceship Dynasty and once during the Diety Dynasty, even though the Other won the latter.
Therefore, shouldn’t this be the Third Dynasty of Angry Grasshopper?
I am ringing the bell because it makes a most wonderful musical accompaniment to all the chanting.
(Since 2.12 isn’t in effect yet, night is either undefined or defined with reference to the normal meaning of the word night in the GMT timezone. Either way, it isn’t night.)
As the (self-proclaimed) most musical monk in the abbey, I hereby start a chant. Since this is my first chant, I’m making it obvious and spelling out my logic for GNDT changes so that e who cares can check.
Because I chant at A-18N, all the following chant.
Rodney A-18N
Smith A-18N
Purplebeard A-18M
TAE A-14R (just reached via the hall)
The following don’t chant
Igthorn A-22N (through a door)
Hix (too far, already chanted)
Plorkyeran (too far)
Ralff (through a door)
Bucky (too far, through a wall)
AG (too far, through a wall)
Purplebeard and TAE can’t reach anybody that I can’t. Therefore, they don’t start any chants.
As a result I get 5 Integrity (1 for myself and 1 for the others chanters listed above) and each of the other chanters gets 1 (for themselves).
Timed out, 1-6. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 06 May 2006 15:40:39 UTC
Add two new Guest profiles to the list in Rule 2.7:
Devil’s Advocate: While a Monk is accompanying a Devil’s Advocate, e is required to vote AGAINST all pending proposals. Also, whenever e votes AGAINST a proposal, e must also make a comment that points out a flaw or otherwise discourages others from voting for that proposal. A Devil’s Advocate does not expire normally. Instead, at least 48 hours after the creation of a Devil’s Advocate, anyone may roll DICE(Proposals adminned while Advocate existed). If the result is less or equal to than the number of failed or vetoed proposals, the Advocate acheives its goal and the Player accompanying it receives 4 Integrity times the DICE roll. Otherwise, it ceases to exist without acheiving its goal with the normal loss of Integrity.
Hot Potato: A Monk Accompanying a Hot Potato may force another Monk to Accompany it instead if that Monk has never Accompanied that Hot Potato. E does this by updating the GNDT and commenting the name of the recipient to the post announcing the Potato’s arrival. The Porter loses no Integrity for a Hot Potato failing to acheive its goal unless e is accompanying it. Instead of the normal Integrity penalty for a Hot Potato failing to acheive its goal, the Monk accompanying the Potato when it times out loses 1 Integrity for each Monk who has held that Hot Potato.
A Hot Potato never acheives its goal.
I’ve used Cipher 4 to remove Cipher 4 from the rule set. Activity seems to be have picked up since the referendum on that rule (which worked perfectly), and I really can wait two days at maximum for a proposal of mine to see administration.
The other two rules that I added by fiat remain, but may be removed if anyone can get a majority of votes on a proposal to do so.
On a real life note, I’m going to be excruciatingly busy until this Thursday (I have to proctor an exam tomorrow and R-day is my last course), and then I should have all the time to narrate again. The last week has been busy for me as it is the end of semester, and I haven’t written much. Don’t expect anything dazzling from me until then. ;)
Hmm, maybe it’s not that I’m out of ideas, but I lack the initiative to propose.
Idled, quorum moves to 6.
Timed out, 2-7. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 06 May 2006 15:35:59 UTC
in Rule 1.9, replace:
When a Dynasty has been won, all Monks’ GNDT (http://blognomic.com/gndt/generic.cgi?nomic=blog) stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Monks who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at Abbot’s discretion.
The Hiatus then continues until the new Abbot posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this shall specify Abbot’s chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed, and/or that the words “Monk” and “Abbot” will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new Abbot chooses not to repeal a rule, e may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new Abbot’s proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new Abbot may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals.
The Hiatus then continues until the new Abbot posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this shall specify Abbot’s chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed, and/or that the words “Monk” and “Abbot” will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new Abbot chooses not to repeal a rule, e may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new Abbot’s proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. When a Dynasty has been won, the Abbot decides which GNDT(http://blognomic.com/gndt/generic.cgi?nomic=blog) stats (which are mandated by the remaining Rules) should be kept and resets the remaining stats to zero or blank. The new Abbot may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any Pending Proposals.
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Blessings are Forever”, add the sentence “If this Rule is not repealed at the end of this Dynasty, then Blessings are not reset with the rest of the GNDT stats.” to the end of Rule 2.1.
7-0. Go Purplebeard go. I’ve set your admin bit and sent you the GNDT editor password, e-mail me if you need a hand with anything—Excalabur
Adminned at 05 May 2006 07:53:55 UTC
Make the Monk named Purplebeard an Admin.
S-K. —Excalabur
Adminned at 05 May 2006 07:51:29 UTC
Add a rule entitled “Balancing Act” containing the following text.
When a proposal is enacted, each monk who voted AGAINST the proposal may increase eir Integrity by 1 at any time in the 72 hours following enactment. When a proposal is failed, each monk who voted FOR the proposal may incease eir Integrity by 1 at any time in the 72 hours following the failure.
The proposer never gains Integrity under this rule.
Monks who voted IMPERIAL never gain Integrity under this rule.
No monk gains Integrity under this rule when a vote is subject to VETO.
Please could an admin modify the map as prescribed in the Bell Pull rule.
2-7. Timed out, failed to reach quorum et cetera. —Excalabur
Adminned at 05 May 2006 07:50:18 UTC
Add a rule entitled “Heavenly dwelling” containing the following text.
Any monk whose station is Heaven has achieved victory.
Hey! That is quorum.
7-0, Elias IX.
Should be 8-0 -Bucky
Adminned at 02 May 2006 20:03:49 UTC
If the rule entitled “Movement” contains a section reading:
If a Monk has a positive number of Moves, then e may move by decreasing eir number of Moves by 1. A Monk may often set eir Moves equal to eir Fitness.
Change it to:
If a Monk has a positive number of Moves, then e may move by decreasing eir number of Moves by 2 unless e moves to a Location Represented by a ‘.’ in which case e decreases it by 1 instead. A Monk may often set eir Moves equal to twice eir Fitness.