Friday, September 01, 2006

Proposal: No Air Guitars

Timed out 8-2.—Kevan

Adminned at 03 Sep 2006 03:13:33 UTC

If there’s a rule called Harmony, replace “Any Musician may perform” in it with “Any Musician who is playing an Instrument may perform” and “New Musicians have their Style set” with “Musicians without an Instrument have their Style set”.

Proposal: A little harmony

Reached quorum, 13-0.—Kevan

Adminned at 03 Sep 2006 03:11:25 UTC

Create a new GNDT column called ‘Style’, with three values, ‘Consonant’ and ‘Dissonant’, and ‘-’.

Create a new rule titled “Harmony”:

Any Musician may perform in either a Consonant or Dissonant Style. Each Musician may often change eir Style.

If the Musicians listed directly above and directly below another Musician according to the GNDT are playing in the same Style, the Musician in between the two changes to play in that Style as well.

New Musicians have their Style set to ‘-’, although ‘-’ is not a Style.

Example: If Musicians A, B, and C are listed in that order in the GNDT, and A and C are playing Consonantly, then B’s Style becomes Consonant.

If the Proposal ‘Procedural Theme’ passed, replace ‘Musician’ with ‘Clerk’ throughout the body of “Harmony”.

Set the Style of all Musicians to ‘-’.

Proposal: Proposalforce: This time with actual balance.

Timed out 4-6.—Kevan

Adminned at 02 Sep 2006 18:27:43 UTC

Add a new Dynastic rule, entitled “The Proposalforce” , to the ruleset:

There exists a force of balance in the universe, this force is known as the Proposalforce. The curent state of the Proposalforce is tracked in the GNDT as an integer, which may be negitive. Whenever an Admin enacts or fails a proposal, e adds the final tally of FOR votes to the Proposalforce, and subtracts the final tally of AGAINST votes from the Proposalforce. The Proposalforce starts at 0. 

When a proposal is posted, if the Proposalforce is positive, AGAINST votes equal to the Proposalforce, divided by 10, rounded down, are cast on it.

When a proposal is posted, If the Proposalforce is negative, FOR votes equal to the absolute value of the Proposalforce, divided by 10, rounded down, are cast for it.

Any votes cast by this rule are not counted to determine whether a Quorum number of FOR votes is reached.

Proposal: May the force be against you

Self-killed; the trifecta is complete. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.

Adminned at 01 Sep 2006 11:48:29 UTC

Add a new Dynastic rule, entitled “The Proposalforce” , to the ruleset:

There exists a force of balance in the universe, this force is known as the Proposalforce. The curent state of the Proposalforce is tracked in the GNDT as an integer, which may be negitive. Whenever an Admin enacts or fails a proposal, e adds the final tally of FOR votes to the Proposalforce, and subtracts the final tally of AGAINST votes from the Proposalforce. 

When a proposal is posted, (Proposalforce/10) FOR votes are cast for it, these votes are considered to be cast by the Proposalforce. If this would cause FOR votes to be removed, then AGAINST votes are added instead.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Chirp, chirp

Thelonious, I’d like to join the ensemble. I’ve been working on an atonal suite of counterpointal pieces for an arbitrary number of musicians, and this seems like the perfect group of guinea^H^H^H^H^H^Hmusicians to rehearse with.

I see that only Cosmologicon and Chronos are playing strings, so I think I’ll take up the viola da gamba.

Quorum rises to nine.


Hey all, it’s been almost a year (!!) since I idled. Well, I’ll give it a go again. Unidle me please.

Proposal: Dictatorial Conductor I

Self-killed, failed by Angry Grasshopper.

Adminned at 01 Sep 2006 11:46:33 UTC

Add a new Dynastic rule “DIctator”:

The Conductor has Dictatorial Powers, as follows

Add a sub-rule “RfC” to it:

At any time, the Condutor may submit a Request for Comments, hereby referred to as a RfC, to change the Ruleset or Gamestate, by posting an entry in the “RfC” category that describes those changes. RfC’s can either be Pending, Enacted, or Failed. When a RfC is first put forward, it is considered Pending.

Any Musician may cast eir Vote on a Pending RfC by making a comment on that entry using a voting icon of FOR, AGAINST or DEFERENTIAL. Any Musician who has not cast votes on a RfC are considered to have cast a DEFERENTIAL vote on that RfC.The Conductor may not vote AGAINST a RfC and eir vote on a RfC is always considered to be FOR, even if not explicitly cast.

If a Musician casts more than one Vote on a RfC, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Musician leaves the game or goes idle, eir Vote still counts, if it is a FOR vote, otherwise it no longer counts. The Conductor may vote to veto a RfC, if e does so, that vote may not be changed.

A vote of DEFERENTIAL in a RfC will always count as a FOR vote. The Conductor cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL.

The oldest pending RfC may be enacted by any Admin (and the Ruleset and/or Gamestate updated to include the specified effects of that RfC) if either of the following is true:

  * It has a number of explicity FOR (not counting DEFERENTIALS) votes that exceed or equal Quorum, has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, and has not been vetoed.
  * It has been open for voting for at least 24 hours, it has more than 1 explicity FOR (not count DEFERENTIALS) other than the Conductor’s, less than half of its votes (counting any DEFERENTIALS) are AGAINST, and it has not been vetoed.

The oldest pending RfC may be failed by any Admin, if any of the following are true:

  * It has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed.
  * It has been open for voting for at least 24 hours and cannot be enacted.
  * The Conductor has voted to VETO it.

Whenever an Admin marks a RfC as enacted or failed, e must also mark eir name, and report the final tally of votes (or the fact that the proposal was vetoed).

Add the RfC Category to the Expression Engine.

Proposal: Procedural Theme

Self-killed, failed by Angry Grasshopper.

Adminned at 01 Sep 2006 11:46:57 UTC

Replace Musician with Clerk and Conductor with Manager throughout all the ruleset and any pending Proposal besides this one.

Rewrite Rule 2.1 so it reads:


Each Clerk may have a single Role, tracked in the GNDT.

Any Clerk who has not a Role may acquire one by adjusting the GNDT appropriately. The Manager may stop a Clerk from having any Role at any time.

Adjust the name of the appropriated GNDT field accordingly and delete all values in it.

Clean slate

I think that at the start of a new dynasty, the new conductor should be able to modify the ruleset however e wishes.  But, I suspect that some of you disagree.  So, before I go to the bother of crafting a carefully worded proposal, I’m hoping that you might like to express a general opinion.

Proposal: Abstaining

Failed 2-8, cannot reach quorum of 9.—Kevan

Adminned at 31 Aug 2006 21:35:05 UTC

Replace the body of the rule titled “Voting” with the following.

Any musician may cast eir vote on a pending proposal by making a comment containing one or more of the voting icons described below.

If e uses the icon, e has made a FOR vote.
If e uses the icon, e has made an AGAINST vote.
If e uses the icon, e has made a DEFERENTIAL vote except for the conductor for whom this is not a voting icon.
If e uses the icon, e has made an ABSTAIN vote.

If the conductor, uses the icon, e has made a VETO vote.  This icon is not a voting icon for other musician’s.

If a comment contains more than one voting icon then only the last such icon represents the musician’s vote.  If a musician has made more than one comment containing a voting icon on a proposal then the most recent such comment contains eir vote and e is not considered to have made any other vote on that proposal.  However, if a musician has made an AGAINST vote on eir own proposal, that vote may not be changed.

For the purpose of counting votes, if the conductor has voted FOR or AGAINST a proposal then all DEFERENTIAL votes on that proposal are considered to be FOR or AGAINST respectively.  If a musician leaves the game or goes idle, eir vote no longer counts.

The enacting musician may choose a voting icon to represent the ABSTAIN vote, must save the chosen icon at and must update the abstain image’s source attribute to be when e updates the ruleset.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


and on that note, I’ll go idle.

Proposal: Music? No. Procedure? Yes.

3-7. Timed Out.—Chronos.

Adminned at 31 Aug 2006 11:47:55 UTC

Create a Dynastic Rule called “Definitions” with text:

A vote on a Proposal is a Useless vote if it is a vote of DEFERENTIAL and the Conductor has not voted on that Proposal.

A vote on a Proposal is a Useful vote if it is a counted vote and it is not a Useless vote.

Create a Dynastic Rule called “Lucky Number Seven” with text:

If there exists a Pending Proposal (call it “Proposal X”) on which there are exactly 7 Useful votes:

*If the counted FOR-AGAINST vote total for Proposal X is exactly 3-4, Proposal X immediately fails.
*If the counted FOR-AGAINST vote total for Proposal X is exactly 5-2, Proposal X is immediately Enacted (and the Ruleset and/or Gamestate updated to include the specified effects of Proposal X).
*If there are exactly 7 counted VETO votes for Proposal X, a comment of “[subsection_number] DICE7” must be rolled in the GNDT for each subsection of “Dynastic Rules” (but not for subsections of those subsections), replacing “subsection_number” with the subsection’s number.  Each subsection for which a 1 or 7 was rolled is repealed (including its subsections).

Note that any Useful votes of DEFERENTIAL count as the Conductor’s vote for the purposes of the above bullet points.
Any Musician who notices that one of the above bullet points applies, but who does not have enough Blognomic administrative authority to make all of the required changes (e.g. officially mark the proposal as failed, create new GNDT columns, etc.) should immediately comment on Proposal X explaining this, if no other Musician has already done so.

This Rule has no effect on any Proposals which were created before this Rule was created.  This paragraph may be removed from the Ruleset by any Musician, if there are no Pending Proposals which were created before this Rule was created.

Proposal: If I go idle, this proposal still counts.

1-7. Timed out.—Chronos

Adminned at 31 Aug 2006 11:45:54 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule, entitled “Cheap tricks”  to the Ruleset with the following text:

No Musician may post a comment to the GNDT containing any of the following strings: “DlCE”, “D1CE”, “D|CE”, “FRUlT”, “FRU1T”, “FRU|T”

Proposal: BuckyBot Mk. 2

5-5. Timed Out (It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and half or fewer of its votes are FOR.).—Chronos

Adminned at 31 Aug 2006 11:44:57 UTC

Now, at least 95% less scammable

Enact a new rule, “The Buckybot”:-

  The Buckybot’s votes are counted for the purposes of the “Enactment” rule, but the bot is not a Musician and does not affect the value of quorum.

  If no Musician has done so yet for a specific proposal and at least three Musicians have voted on that proposal, any Musician may make a comment of “Buckybot:[Proposal Title] DICE7 DICE8” in the GNDT to see how the Buckybot votes on it. If the first DICE7 rolls a 1 or 2 the Buckybot votes FOR. If it rolls 3, the Buckybot votes DEFERENTIAL. If it rolls 4 or 5, the Buckybot votes AGAINST.  If it rolls 6, 7 or 8, the Buckybot doesn’t vote on that proposal.

  The Buckybot also comments according to the result of the second die:-

    3. This does not affect my plans.
    4-6. This is scammable.
    7-8. Interesting.

  The Musician who rolled the dice must immediately make a comment on the relevant proposal, with the text “Buckybot says…” followed by the rolled voting icon (if any), followed by the rolled comment (if any), with no other content. Such a comment counts as the Buckybot’s vote, but not the vote of the posting Musician.

Proposal: Enter the Buckybot

Justly vetoed.—Kevan

Adminned at 29 Aug 2006 20:20:50 UTC

[ Maybe we need a robot to keep us on our toes while Bucky’s away… ]

Enact a new rule, “The Buckybot”:-

The Buckybot’s votes are counted for the purposes of the “Enactment” rule, but the bot is not a Musician and does not affect the value of quorum.

If the Buckybot has not voted on a specific proposal, any Musician may roll 2DICE6 in the GNDT to see how the Buckybot votes on it. If the first die rolls a 1 or 2, the Buckybot votes FOR. If it rolls 3 or 4, the Buckybot votes DEFERENTIAL. If it rolls 5 or 6, the Buckybot votes AGAINST.

The Buckybot also comments according to the result of the second die:-

  1. No comment.
  2. Please continue.
  3. This does not affect my plans.
  4. This doesn’t achieve anything.
  5. This is scammable.
  6. This vote has no purpose.

The Musician who rolled the dice should then make a voting comment on the relevant proposal, with the text “Buckybot says…” followed by the rolled voting icon, followed by the rolled comment, with no other content. Such a comment counts as the Buckybot’s vote rather than the vote of the posting Musician.

If a Musician rolls the dice for the Buckybot but does not post the matching voting comment within an hour, any other Musician may set the offending Musician’s Instrument to anything they feel like.

Proposal: Stop the Doh

Reached quorum, 8-0.—Kevan

Adminned at 29 Aug 2006 20:15:26 UTC

In the rule titled “Gamestate Tracking”, replace…

A non-official post may not through editing of the blog be changed into an official post.


A non-official post may not, through editing of the blog or otherwise, be changed into an official post, with the following exception.  Whilst a non-official post has been posted for less than five minutes and has no comments, the author may change the categories as e wishes.

Proposal: OK - it was a mistake

Reached quorum, 10-0.—Kevan

Adminned at 29 Aug 2006 20:17:07 UTC

Make the following substitutions throughout the ruleset.

Section Leader -> Admin
Section Leaders -> Admins

Monday, August 28, 2006

My güiro is broken

Conductor, may I please stop playing this güiro? It’s broken.

(I think the database is using ISO-8859-1 rather than unicode.)

Proposal: Proposal: Pieces of Music

Failed 4-7, cannot reach quorum without a change of vote.—Kevan

Adminned at 29 Aug 2006 20:20:02 UTC

Add a new rule titled “Music”

A musicians may be playing a single piece of music, tracked in the GNDT.

If a musician isn’t playing any music, they may start playing one at any time.

The Conductor may stop a musician from playing any music, at any time. Once every 72 hours, the Conductor may change the music everyone is playing so that all musicians are playing the same music.

If the music a musician is playing hasn’t been changed in the past 24 hours, they may change the music they are playing or stop playing music.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Will some admin add me to the players list, please?

Proposal: Bad idea

Cannot be Enacted without CoV (1-8)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 28 Aug 2006 15:43:06 UTC

Change all occurrences of “Section Leader” in the ruleset to “Admin.”

Change the last paragraph of Rule 1.9 from

When a DoV passes, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Musician who made the DoV as its Conductor. (That Musician may pass this role to another Musician at this point, if they wish.) The Hiatus continues until the new Conductor posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this shall specify Conductor’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Dynastic Rules will be repealed, and that any keywords will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms.


When a DoV passes, all other active DoVs are failed, and a new Dynasty begins with the Musician who made the DoV as its Conductor. (That Musician may pass this role to another Musician at this point, if they wish.) The Hiatus continues until the new Conductor posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog. An Ascension Address shall specify the Conductor’s chosen theme for the new Dynasty. An Ascension Address may include a proclamation that does one or more of the following:

* repeals one or more Dynastic Rules. * replaces all occurences in the Ruleset of the keyword “Musician” with a new, theme-appropriate term. * replaces all occurences in the Ruleset of the keyword “Conductor” with a new, theme-appropriate term.

As Kevan stated a while back, it’s a bad idea for adminship or super-adminship to get too tied into Dynastic mechanics—- even, I think, in name.  When it comes to online community types of things, the concept of adminship should be unambiguous to newcomers. In BlogNomic, it should be free from Dynastic implications. The “One leader per section” Proposal is proof that this is a potential risk. Let’s fix it now.


Seventy-Fifth Trombone is back. For how long is yet to be seen.

sheet music

So.. are we going to have any sheet music?

Sunday, August 27, 2006

New Musician

Thrawn takes his seat and gets ready to practice his part in the overture.

Proposal: One leader per section

Cannot be Enacted without CoV (1-8)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 28 Aug 2006 15:41:07 UTC

If there exists a Rule called “Instrumentation”, add a subrule to it, entitled “Sections”, with the following text:

No Section Leader may play the same Instrument as any other Section Leader.  The Conductor may only play the Baton unless other Rules specifically authorizes em to play another Instrument; Then he may play other instruments only as allowed by those other Rules.

If the Rule called “Instrumentation” still exists after the above step, add another subrule to it, entitled “One is Enough”, containing the following text:

Only one Musician may be playing each of the following Instruments at any time: Baton, Chimes, Organ, Timpani, Cannon

I think i’ll be back for a while

i think i’ll be back for a while, please activate me.. thankies

Proposal: Choose Your Weapons

Reached quorum, 8-1.—Kevan

Adminned at 27 Aug 2006 19:23:06 UTC

Add a new Rule, “Instrumentation”:-

Each Musician may be playing a single Instrument, tracked in the GNDT.

Any Musician who isn’t playing an Instrument may start playing one by adjusting the GNDT appropriately. The Conductor may stop a Musician from playing any Instrument, at any time.

Proposal: Bucky’s Final Wish

Reached quorum, 9-0.—Kevan

Adminned at 27 Aug 2006 19:21:46 UTC

I’m going idle soon anyway, so I may as well take care of the worst loophole I was never able to fix or exploit.
In Rule 1.9, Replace

If a Musician (other than the Conductor) believes that e has achieved victory


If a Musician (other than the Conductor) believes that e has achieved victory in the current Dynasty


Every Musician may respond to an active DoV saying whether or not e believes the poster has achieved victory


Every Musician may respond to an active DoV saying whether or not e believes the poster has achieved victory in the current Dynasty

Ascension Address: Ascension Address

With Thelonious’ final tweak, the timeline began to unravel.  Building momentum, the effects rippled further and further out from their origin in 1475 until they reached 2059 when, with a mighty bang the time bomb exploded.  All was still.  All was dark.  Then, for each traveller, the sound of rushing water, a yank of the hair and the realisation that they were whizzing through time - entirely out of their control.

As the light returned, the dazed travellers looked around.  They were together again.  No time machines to tell them when they were but a simple watch, lying on a music stand, told them it was the 26th of August, 2006.  Looking up they admired the fine concert hall with its red curtains, ornate gold surrounds and row upon row of empty seats.  Then, striding towards them from the stage door, the conductor - with music stuffed under his left arm and his baton in the right.

“Sit down” he demanded.  “We’ve a lot to get through this evening if this will ever be ready to perform.  Let us start with the overture…”

All dynastics rules are repealed (with consequent alteration of rule 1.5).
Travellers become Musicians.
Admins become Section Leaders.
The Arbiter becomes the Conductor.

I’ve deliberately chosen a fairly bland theme so as to encourage this dynasty to be a more procedural dynasty as opposed to the substantive nature of the last 2 dynasties.  (See wikipedia’s nomic entry if this means nothing to you.)

Proposal: Conductors are (naturally) section leaders

Reached quorum, 8-0. Thelonious is now an admin.—Kevan

Adminned at 27 Aug 2006 19:18:15 UTC

Make Thelonious a Section Leader.

It will be considerably more convenient (for all concerned) if I can be a Section Leader during my Conductorship.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Thelonious’ Log (4)

I march (1475/6/9) and “Having spent the night with Michelangelo and family, Thelonious departs - forever.”, [Thelonious] [Michelangelo].  Node event added at 1475/6/9.

Declaration of Victory: Timeline Manipulated - Victory Declared

All hail our new leader!—Excalabur

Adminned at 26 Aug 2006 09:02:29 UTC

I have exactly 7 node events with my name as a keyword and therefore I have achieved victory according to rule 2.5.3.

“If a Traveller’s name ever appears as the keyword for exactly seven separate Node Events, then they have shown their worth in manipulating the Timeline (or have saved the world, or destroyed it) and have achieved victory.”

For the record, those Node Events were the events at…



Proposal: The Destruction of All Points of View.  Again.

Vetoed upon ascension.—Chronos

Adminned at 26 Aug 2006 08:07:06 UTC

Wow.  I had no idea the previous proposal waas so badly flawed.
Add a new subrule entitled “Minions of Katastrophe” to the Rule “Time Companies”.  Give it the following text:

Minions of Katastrophe
Leader: (Katastrophe) None
Description:Members of this Company may be referred to as “Minions”.  If there are 10 or fewer Node Events, then all Minions of Katastrophe may often increase eir Influence by 3 and Katastrophe may often increase eir Influence by an additional 2.  If at any time there is only one Node Event, then Katastrophe has acheived victory and must reward all Minions in the next dynasty, even if this Rule is repealed upon Ascension.
Description:The goal of the Minions is to overthrow and humiliate the Arbiter and put their own timeline into place.  Oh, and destroy the world, too.

idling/unidling announcements

Cavaliere Pugrins unidles while quorum is 6.
Then aran idles as requested.
Then I idle Tesla4D and The Lone Amigo (not voted in a week).

Quorum is now 5.

Tidy up

Aran’s Heisenburg Loop effect is much messier than the rest of the ruleset.  I’d like to fix that up - and I warrant that I haven’t changed the effect of the rule - just the spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Remove all the subrules of “Temporal Uncertainty” and replace them as follows (using bullets in the wiki as appropriate).

Add a subrule titled “Out of Time” with the following body.

When a Traveller is “out of time”:

E cannot perform “Marching Time”.
Local proposals have no effect on em.
E cannot change, create or remove Node Events.
E cannot vote on local proposals.

Add a subrule titled “rellevarT lamron” with the following body.

When a Traveller is a “rellevarT lamron”:

Upon performing “Marching Time”, e will move one day backwards instead of one day forward.
Arrow of time reversed: e is known as rellevarT (see below)
When posting or commenting, e will write backwards.  This does not apply to templates or GNDT comments.

  Example: .sdraekcab etirw lliw e ,gnitnemmoc ro gnitsop nehW

When creating or redescribing a Node Event, the description will be written backwards but the time and the keywords will be written forwards.

Special rules for backward writing:

When a proposal that was written backward is enacted, the enacted text will be written backwards.
If a rule has two meanings, one when reading forward and another when reading backward, the forward version takes precedence.
The voting mechanism is not effected: when voting, the last vote takes precedence.
Any violation of backward writing is a Chronocrime.

Add a subrule titled “Melt Down” with the following body.

When a Traveller has a Melt Down, e cannot post or vote exept for voting on a Call for Judgment untill e resolves the Melt Down.  However, e may post in the GNDT or comment in general.

Add a subrule titled “Melt Down Resolution” with the following body.

A traveller can resolve a melt down by performing the following actions.

Post “DICE3 resolve meltdown” in the gndt.
Where the result of the DICE3 is d:
  if d=1 the traveller sets eir tl to 1419/11/26
  if d=2 the traveller sets eir influence to DICEX where X is eir current influence.
  if d=3 all Node Events containing the travellers name as a keyword are deleted except Node Events with the [TIME BOMB] keyword.
Remove all asterisks (Heisenberg Loops) from eir GNDT.


Watch out! The end of the dynasty is near!

That is all.


please idle me. (tests are near). thanks.

Proposal: Tidy up, without spilling it this time

Vetoed upo ascension.—Chronos

Adminned at 26 Aug 2006 08:07:31 UTC

Aran’s Heisenburg Loop effect is much messier than the rest of the ruleset.  I’d like to fix that up - and I warrant that I haven’t changed the effect of the rule - just the spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Remove all the subrules of “Temporal Uncertainty” and replace them as follows.

Add a subrule titled “Out of Time” with the following body.

When a Traveller is “out of time” the following restrictions apply to em.

  • E cannot perform “Marching Time”.
  • Local proposals have no effect on em.
  • E cannot change, create or remove Node Events.
  • E cannot vote on local proposals.

Add a subrule titled “rellevarT lamron” with the following body.

When a Traveller is a “rellevarT lamron” the following effects apply to em.

  • Upon performing “Marching Time”, e will move one day backwards instead of one day forward.
  • e is known as a rellevarT (see below).
  • When posting or commenting, e will write backwards.  This does not apply to templates or GNDT comments.   Example: .sdraekcab etirw lliw e ,gnitnemmoc ro gnitsop nehW
  • When creating or redescribing a Node Event, the description will be written backwards but the time and the keywords will be written forwards.

(No other aspects of game play are reversed.  e.g. When voting, the last vote still takes precedence.)

Special Rules for Backward Writing.

  • When a proposal that was written backward is enacted, the enacted text will be written backwards.
  • If a rule has two meanings, one when reading forward and another when reading backward, the forward version takes precedence.

Add a subrule titled “Melt Down” with the following body.

When a Traveller has a Melt Down, e cannot post or vote exept for voting on a Call for Judgment untill e resolves the Melt Down.  However, e may post in the GNDT or comment in general.

Add a subrule titled “Melt Down Resolution” with the following body.

A traveller can resolve a Melt Down by performing the following actions.

  • Post “DICE3 resolve Melt Down” in the gndt.
  • Where the result of the DICE3 is d:
    • if d=1 the traveller sets eir tl to 1419/11/26
    • if d=2 the traveller sets eir influence to DICEX where X is eir current influence.
    • if d=3 all Node Events containing the travellers name as a keyword are deleted except Node Events with the [TIME BOMB] keyword.
  • Remove all eir Heisenberg Loops (by removing the relevant asterisks from eir GNDT entry).


May I be unidled, please?

Friday, August 25, 2006

Proposal: The Destruction of All Points of View.  Period.

vetoed/failed by Hix

Adminned at 25 Aug 2006 08:34:59 UTC

This time with a much more difficult goal…
Add a new subrule entitled “Minions of Katastrophe” to the Rule “Time Companies”.  Give it the following text:

Minions of Katastrophe
Leader: (Katastrophe) None
Description:Members of this Company may be referred to as “Minions”.  If there are 10 or fewer Event Nodes, then all Minions of Katastrophe may often increase eir Influence by 3 and Katastrophe may often increase eir Influence by an additional 2.  If at any time there is only one Event Node, then Katastrophe has acheived victory and must reward all Minions in the next dynasty.
Description:The goal of the Minions is to overthrow and humiliate the Arbiter and put their own timeline into place.  Oh, and destroy the world, too.

Modus Ponens

I’m moving in closer to Operation Truzzi Ground Zero.  swirling back to 1976.

Temporal Cul-de-Sac

Think I’ll go idle, I’ve got too many things going on at the moment to keep up with the game, here. Have marked Elias IX as such as well - quorum drops to six.


nwtn:“i believe the voice comes out of the time device”
*time device plays a cheery tune*
voice:“All Time Travelers are invited to Bucky’s Time Mall”
me:“at least someone found a way to make some money from all this time travelling”
voice:“Dinosaur Pets, Shiny Robots, and Katastrophe T-shirts.”
voice:“20 precent discount for PRC members. Bucky’s Time Mall, just travell 2222-2-22”

node change:
1937/8/30 Aran recives the first Time Commercial(tm) in history(tm). [Aran] [Anomalous] [Katastrophe] [Commercial]

Continuum Swirling -> 2222/2/22

(i’m raising my influence points as in 2.5.1 Anomalous Events(tm))


Thelonious’ log (3)

I jump (1475/6/7) and swirl (2016/6/7) and march (1475/6/8).  Then (1475/6/8), “Thelonious visits the new-born Michelangelo and gives him a paintbrush.”, [Thelonious] [Michelangelo] [Paintbrush].

Sorry, short notice.

Idle me, please?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Notice of continuum swirling

I have never Continuum Jumped, so I can go ahead and set the target year to 1475…

Proposal: The Destruction of All Other Points of View

Failed by Hix

Adminned at 25 Aug 2006 08:32:46 UTC

Add a new subrule entitled “Minions of Katastrophe” to the Rule “Time Companies”.  Give it the following text:

Minions of Katastrophe
Leader: (Katastrophe) None
Description:Members of this Company may be referred to as “Minions”.  If more than half of all Event Nodes have the keyword “Katastrophe”, then all Minions of Katastrophe may often increase eir Influence by 3 and Katastrophe may often increase eir Influence by an additional 2.  If at any time there is only one Event Node that does not contain the keyword “Katastrophe”, than Katastrophe has acheived victory and must reward all Minions in the next dynasty.
Description:The goal of the Minions is to overthrow and humiliate the Arbiter and put their own timeline into place.  Oh, and take over the world, too.


i did a Warp of Necessity to 1937/8/30

Sufficiently warped

I do a warp of sufficiency (1526/1/21) then swirl (2011/6/7).  Then “Thelonious begins to poison the mind of Frances I against the week-old treaty of Madrid”, [Thelonious] [Francis I].  Node event added (1526/1/21).

Proposal: Repeal 2.7.2, Influential Beacon.

Timed out (4-1 excluding now-idle voters)
Enacted by Hix

Adminned at 25 Aug 2006 08:30:59 UTC


Repeal section 2.7.2,  Influential Beacon

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Proposal: Repeal 2.7.2 Influential Beacon (1439/7/6)

Not a valid Proposal - it’s in the format of a Local Proposal, and 1439/7/6 is out of Epylar’s Range.—Shadowclaw

Adminned at 23 Aug 2006 06:35:50 UTC

Repeal 2.7.2 Influential Beacon (1439/7/6)


I jump (1666/6/7), ladder (1666/6/11) and on arrival cause aran’s displacement (1666/7/1).  Node event (1666/6/11) redescribed.

“Thelonious displaces another traveller and sees a somewhat bewildered Sir Isaac Newton disappearing in time.” [Thelonious] [Newton] [Anomalous]

Proposal: No influence boost for new travellers

Cannot be Enacted without CoV (1-7)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 23 Aug 2006 14:12:07 UTC

Currently, new travellers get an average influence then go to the beacon for another 10.  To rectify this, I propose the following.

Replace the first paragraph of the rule titled “Influence” with the following text.

Each Traveller has an Influence, which is tracked in the GNDT as a nonnegative integer. New Travellers start with an Influence equal to 10 less than the Influence of the already-existing Traveller with the Qth highest Influence, where Q is Quorum (before the New Traveller joined).

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Proposal: Five letter words(1976/4/1)

Vetoed, attempted Self-kill, would have done nothing anyway.
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 23 Aug 2006 14:10:46 UTC

Due to cutting edge linguistic research, the vocabulary of the Engh language expands greatly when words longer than 4 letters enter into common use.

If the Proposal titled “Proposal: Disaster Strikes Again! (-12000/12/31)” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

Add a new Local Rule with Locale (1976/4/1) to the Ruleset and give it the following text:

Proposals written by Travellers do not exist for the purpose of any Rule with a title that contains “The Game of Four”.

Thelonious’ log (2)

I jump (1893/6/7) and march (1893/6/8) both with my Companion and then I swirl (1666/6/7).

Then (1893/6/8), “Thelonious visits Thomas Edison’s recently opened motion picture studio - the first in the world”, [Edison] [Thelonious] [Film].  It was a truely inspirational place to visit - seeing a great inventor’s work.  Node event added.

Proposal: Melt Down resolved

Reaches Quorum (7-1)
Enacted by Hix

Adminned at 23 Aug 2006 13:40:36 UTC

change rule 2.10.1:

2.10.1 Heisenberg Snare
Requirements: Target Traveller is within this Traveller’s range, and this Traveller has an influence greater than 10 (the target traveller may be this Traveller emself).
Action: This traveller reduces eir Influence by 10. Target Traveller gains a Heisenberg Loop.
The Target Traveler may lose this Heisenberg Loop after 96 real world hours.

where to lose is the opposite of to gain, meaning to manually enter the gndt and remove an asterisk.
e can only lose Heisenberg Loops if e gained them by a Heisenberg Snare at least 96 real world hours ago.

change rule 2.6.1:

2.6.1 Temporal Uncertainty
Some Travellers may be in one or more Heisenberg Loops, denoted by one asterisk per Loop after eir Influence in the GNDT.

when a Traveller is in one loop e is “out of time”.
when a Traveller is in two loops e is a “rellevarT lamron” (and is not “out of time”).
when a Traveller is in three loops (or more) e has a “melt down” (and is not “out of time” or a “rellevarT lamron”). out of time
when a Traveller is “out of time”:
1)e can not preform “Marching Time”.
2)local proposals have no effect on em.
3)e can not change, create or remove Node Events.
4)e can not vote on local proposals. rellevarT lamron
when a Traveller is a “rellevarT lamron”:
1)upon preforming “Marching Time”, e will move one day backwards instead of one day forward.
2)arrow of time reversed: e is known as rellevarT. see below
3)when posting or commenting, e will write backwards.
example: .sdraekcab etirw lliw e ,gnitnemmoc ro gnitsop nehw(3
this doesn’t includes templates and comments in the gndt.
4)when creating or redescribing a node event in the wiki, the description will be written backwards but the time and the keywords will be written forwards (only the description is effected).

special rules for backward writing:
1)when a proposal that was written backward is enacted, the enacted text will be written backwards.
2)if a rule has two meaning, one when reading forward and another when reading backward, the forward version takes precedence.
3)the voting mechanism is not effected: when voting, the last vote takes precedence.
4)any violation of backward writing will be a chronocrime (see 2.9.4). melt down
when a Traveller has a “melt down”, e can not post or vote exept for voting on a Call for Judgment untill e resolves the melt down (e can post in the gndt or comment in general). melt down resolution
a traveller can resolve a melt down by following all these steps
1)post “DICE3 resolve meltdown” in the gndt.
2)where the result of the DICE3 is d:
if d=1 the traveller sets eir tl to 1419/11/26
if d=2 the traveller sets eir influence to DICEX where X is eir current influence.
if d=3 all nodes containing the travellers name as a keyword are deleted.
the last sentence does not apply to nodes with the [TIME BOMB] keyword.
3)remove all asterisks (Heisenberg Loops) from eir gndt.
(melt down resolved.)

arrow of time reversed: change rule 2.7 to

Subrules of this Rule are known as Local Rules. Their titles may only be of the form “X (Y)” where Y is a Game Date in Standard Form; the date Y is the Local Rule’s Locale. Any non-rellevarT Traveller whose Temporal Location is before a Local Rule’s Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of that Local Rule. Any rellevarT whose Temporal Location is after a Local Rule’s Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of that Local Rule.

Local Proposals do not count towards the two-Proposals-pending or three-Proposals-per-day limits, although a Traveller may not submit more than one Local Proposal per real-time day.

Any Proposal with a subject of the form “X (Y)” where Y is a Game Date in Standard Form is called a Local Proposal, and the date Y is the Local Proposal’s Locale. No Traveller may make a Local Proposal with a Locale that is not in eir Range. No non-Arbiter Traveller may vote on a Local Proposal that is not in eir Range. Any Local Proposal which (upon Enactment) would alter any part of the Ruleset, except for the creation or alteration of Local Rules with the same Locale as the Proposal’s Locale, instead has no effect upon Enactment. Any non-rellevarT Traveller whose Temporal Location is before a Local Proposal’s Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of the Gamestate being updated to include the specified effects of the Proposal. Any rellevarT whose Temporal Location is after a Local Proposal’s Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of the Gamestate being updated to include the specified effects of the Proposal.

When a Traveller votes on a Local Proposal, e must include eir current TL in the comment containing their vote for their vote to be counted.

When this Rule is Repealed, remove all occurences of “, or the oldest pending non-Local Proposal, ” from the Core Rule “Enactment”.

(the 3 points means that the subrules follow after.)

add a subrule to the The Laws of time:

2.9.4 Don’t Break the Flow of Time
A rellevarT may not break the writing rules in rellevarT lamron.

Monday, August 21, 2006

keyword counts

If I understand correctly, the number of node events for each keyword is as such at the point I pulled the timeline off the server (a few minutes ago):

13: Italy

7: Bruno

6: Christianity, Marcello

5: Blognomic, Katastrophe, Keitalia

4: aran, God, Literature, Martial Arts, Math, Nietzche, Philosophy

3: Anomalous, Arbiter, Blood, Dinosaurs, The Lone Amigo, Lyndse

2: Archimedes, Bible, Bucky, Chicken, Elias IX, Empire, Greece, Jesus, Meteo, Millennium, Perilous, Red, Silk, Thelonious, Tornadoes, Towel

1: Chronos Phaenon, Disaster, Death: Elias IX, Gandhi, Greth, Hix, Init, India, Kevan, Linguistics, Reunion, Rose, TIME BOMB, Viking

Observation:  The rules state that a new Traveller may not chose an existing keyword as eir name, but the rules also state that when you sign up to become a Traveller, you do not become one until -after- you choose a name (unless I misread).  (I realize the spirit of the rule is that you can’t make a traveller with an existing keyword, say, Bucky in this case, and declare victory, and even if you could it could be voted against as a scam.)

Anyhow, out of active Travellers, Aran appears to be closest to having 7 node entries, with 4.


March of time.  (now at 1880/6/8)  No requirements.

Proof that all requirements for march of time have been satisfied.

(feel free to skip.. boring quantifier stuff)

There exists no X such that X is an element of the empty set. [Empty sets have no elements.]
The requirements for march of time is the empty set. [March of time has no requirements.]
There exists no X such that X is an element of the requirements for march of time.  [...]
There exists no X, where X is a requirement for march of time.  [...]
For all X, X is not a requirement for march of time. [Therefore, for any given requirement, it is not a requirement for march of time.]
For all X, either X is not a requirement for march of time, or X has been satisfied. [...]
For all X, if X is a requirement for march of time, X has been satisfied. [p->q equiv to (NOT p) or q]
For all X, where X is a requirement for march of time, X has been satisfied. [...]
[All requirements for march of time have been satisfied.]

Followed by new node event at new location (Epylar thinks about Italy momentarily while eating dinner.)



Proposal: Disaster Strikes Again! (-12000/12/31)

Timed out with only one vote in favour.—Kevan

Adminned at 22 Aug 2006 08:04:57 UTC

As language develops, Elias IX puts a hindrance on communication for all time.

Add a new Local Rule entitled “The Game of Four (-12000/12/31)” with the following text:

All words in all Travellers’ proposals, may not contain more than four letters.  All numerals whose absolute value is less than 100 shall be typed out. (Example: 2 shall be “two”, 4 shall be “four”, 15 could be “ten and five”, but -65000000 may remain the same.) 

The only exception to this rule are in the following:
*the text of any proposal that only edits the rule entitled “The Rule Of Many A Word That Is In Code”.

Any Proposal made by a Traveller is considered void if it does not follow this rule.


Hix? Some help?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Proposal: Melt Down


Adminned at 21 Aug 2006 22:23:07 UTC

change rule 2.6.1:

2.6.1 Temporal Uncertainty
Some Travellers may be in one or more Heisenberg Loops, denoted by one asterisk per Loop after eir Influence in the GNDT.

when a Traveller is in one loop e is “out of time”.
when a Traveller is in two loops e is a “rellevarT lamron”.
when a Traveller is in three loops (or more) e has a “melt down”. out of time
when a Traveller is “out of time”:
1)e can not preform “Marching Time”.
2)local proposals have no effect on em.
3)e can not change, create or remove Node Events.
4)e can not vote on local proposals. rellevarT lamron
when a Traveller is a “rellevarT lamron”:
1)upon preforming “Marching Time”, e will move one day backwards instead of one day forward.
2)arrow of time reversed: e is known as rellevarT. see below
3)when posting or commenting, e will write backwords.
example: .sdroekcab etirw lliw e ,gnitnemmoc ro gnitsop nehw(3
this doesn’t includes comments in the gndt and templates. melt down
when a Traveller has a “melt down”, e can not post or vote untill e resolves the melt down (e can post in the gndt or comment in general). melt down resolution
a traveller can resolve a melt down by following all these steps
1)post “DICE3 resolve meltdown” in the gndt.
2)where the result of the DICE3 is d:
if d=1 the traveller sets eir tl to 1419/11/26
if d=2 the traveller sets eir influence to 10
if d=3 all nodes containing the travellers name as a keyword are deleted.
the last sentence does not apply to nodes with the [TIME BOMB] keyword.
3)remove all asterisks (Heisenberg Loops) from eir gndt.
(melt down resolved.)

arrow of time reversed: change rule 2.7 to

Subrules of this Rule are known as Local Rules. Their titles may only be of the form “X (Y)” where Y is a Game Date in Standard Form; the date Y is the Local Rule’s Locale. Any non-rellevarT Traveller whose Temporal Location is before a Local Rule’s Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of that Local Rule. Any rellevarT whose Temporal Location is after a Local Rule’s Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of that Local Rule.

Local Proposals do not count towards the two-Proposals-pending or three-Proposals-per-day limits, although a Traveller may not submit more than one Local Proposal per real-time day.

Any Proposal with a subject of the form “X (Y)” where Y is a Game Date in Standard Form is called a Local Proposal, and the date Y is the Local Proposal’s Locale. No Traveller may make a Local Proposal with a Locale that is not in eir Range. No non-Arbiter Traveller may vote on a Local Proposal that is not in eir Range. Any Local Proposal which (upon Enactment) would alter any part of the Ruleset, except for the creation or alteration of Local Rules with the same Locale as the Proposal’s Locale, instead has no effect upon Enactment. Any non-rellevarT Traveller whose Temporal Location is before a Local Proposal’s Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of the Gamestate being updated to include the specified effects of the Proposal. Any rellevarT whose Temporal Location is after a Local Proposal’s Locale is not counted as a Traveller for the purposes of the Gamestate being updated to include the specified effects of the Proposal.

When a Traveller votes on a Local Proposal, e must include eir current TL in the comment containing their vote for their vote to be counted.

When this Rule is Repealed, remove all occurences of “, or the oldest pending non-Local Proposal, ” from the Core Rule “Enactment”.

(the 3 points means that the subrules follow after.)

Modus Ponens and some other stuff

I’m range moving and then marching time.  I have not range moved in >1 week.

Then, I add a node event at 1975/2/25:
Bucky slips a note to a grad student studying linguistics at Wash Stat Univ that contains a 5 letter word.  The grad student has a burst of productivity and in 23 hours produces a paper entitled “The Use of Five Char Word in Talk”.
[Bucky]  [Literature] [Linguistics]

Ripple in time

while enjoying myself with a nice walk in the field, i saw a young man playing with a prism. he stared at me and asked “are you a demon?”, and when i started to reply, he aimed at me his prism rainbow. i smiled and than my time device started to alarm “TIME RIPPLE! TIME RIPPLE!”. a mighty wind came and struck me to the ground, i looked aside me and saw the young man wearing pre-historic clothes, and mumbling to himself. “i know it,i can do it, i have big idea, i just need more wrds, need wrds to say idea”. he look at me, and say “are you dimn?”. the time dvce made big nise agin “TIME RPLE! TIME RPLE!”. another mighty wind came, and everything went back to normal. “no, i am not a demon. nice prism by the way.” i said. he stared at me again with a strange look in his eyes, “the spectrum of colours observed when white light passes through a prism is inherent in the white light and not added by the prism”.

Sir Isaac Newton joins me in my time travels.

node change:
1666/6/11 Aran experience a strange ripple in time. e meets Sir Isaac Newton, whom decides to join em in eir time travelles. [Aran] [Disaster] [math]


Saturday, August 19, 2006

More Equivalence

“Bucky Has Achieved Victory” = “The Core Rules and the Glossary only refer to the real-world timeline.”

Perhaps Elias should limit the scope of eir second Proposed Rule to equal signs within said rule…

As to eir other proposed Rule, e should exempt posts already in existance.

Proposal: A Dictionary of Equivalence

Timed out 3-3.—Kevan

Adminned at 20 Aug 2006 19:22:44 UTC

Add a new rule, “The Rule Of Many A Word That Is In Code” with the following text:

During this dynasty, any two phrases in this rule connected by an equals sign are equivalent in proposal text.

*“Arbiter” = “King of Time”
*“Traveller” = “One Who Does Take A Time Trip”
*“Dynasty” = “Age”
*“Proposal” = “Prop”
*“Timeline” = “Time Line” = “Line of Time”
*“Continuum” = “Con tin you.. um?”
*“Swirl” = “Mix”
*“Ruleset” = “Rule Set”
*“Influence” = “Pow!”
*“Range” = “How Far You Can Go”
*“Node Event” = “Node Item”
*“Warp of Necessity” = “Warp That I Need”
*“Warp of Sufficiency” = “Warp That Will Do”
*“Death Event” = “Kill Item”
*“Anomalous” = “Whuh?”
*“Perilous” = “Uh-oh.”
*“Elias IX” = “E. IX”
*“Bucky” = “Buck”
*“Chronos Phaenon” = “Chro” = “Phae”
*“Corlindale” = “Corl” = “Dale”
*“Epylar” = “Epy” = “Epyl”
*“Kevan” = “Kev”
*“Rodney” = “Rod”
*“ShadowClaw” = “Claw”
*“Tesla4D” = “4D” = “Tes”
*“The Lone Amigo” = “TLA”
*“Thelonious” = “Thel”

Proposal: Disaster! (-12000/12/31)

failed by Hix

Adminned at 20 Aug 2006 08:20:02 UTC

As language develops, Elias IX puts a hindrance on communication for all time.

Add a new Local Rule entitled “The Game of Four (-12000/12/31)” with the following text:

All words in all Travellers’ proposals, may not contain more than four letters.  All numerals whose absolute value is less than 100 shall be typed out. (Example: 2 shall be “two”, 4 shall be “four”, 15 could be “ten and five”, but -65000000 may remain the same.) 

The only exception to this rule are in the following:
*the text of any proposal that only edits the rule entitled “The Rule Of Many A Word That Is In Code”.

Any Proposal that does not follow this rule is considered void.


Hix? Some help?

Getting the hang of this time travel thing

I do a continuum jump and end up at 1893/6/7

I witness a strange occurence in India.

Node event added:
“Having somehow obtained and deciphered a copy of Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Thus Spake Zarathustra”, Gandhi is inspired to turn a planned act of civil obedience into an armed revolt. He becomes the despotic leader of the New Kingdom of India.” keywords=[Nietzsche] [Philosophy] [Gandhi] [India]

Modus => Ponens

I use a warp of sufficiency to take a small child and myself back to -498/1/18.
Then I continuum jump back to -12000/6/7, leaving the small child behind.
Now I continuum swirl the date to 1893/6/7, which happens to be Gandhi’s first act of civil disobedience.

warp of the devil

i warped to 1666/6/11

Thelonious’ log

I do miss Rose’s company so I range move to join her (1440/11/25).  Feeling vulnerable we immediately march (1440/11/26).  Finally, we are able to celebrate our re-union.

Node event added at 1440/11/26, “Thelonious and Rose celebrate their reunion.”, [Thelonious] [Rose] [Reunion].

Thursday, August 17, 2006

New Traveller

Aerick stepped cautiously toward the machine. It pulsed with light and emitted a low thrumming noise. As he came ever closer, the environment faded into blackness until a booming voice called out “Welcome, new traveller!”
Aeric stopped and called out, “Otto!”
“I’m still here, don’t worry.”
“Welcome, new companion! Loading default temporal location: 1419/11/26.”

I hope to have fun with this . . .

Wiki fiddling

I’ve modified Template:NodeEvent and Timeline in an attempt to be able to get more of the timeline on the screen at once and thereby reduce scrolling.  The only changes I’ve made are formatting changes.  I haven’t modified the dates, descriptions or keywords of any of the node events, nor have I added or removed node events.  I think I’m allowed to do this but, if not, let me know and I’ll revert (or you can revert it yourself if you like).

If I’m technically allowed to make these changes but have offended etiquette, please let me know so I can avoid similar offences in the future.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Distant Past

C-jump (valid date, my first action)
C-swirl (no reqirements)

Proposal: The Philosophy of Probability

Timed out at 13-0. -Enacted by Elias IX.

Adminned at 18 Aug 2006 13:05:56 UTC

Add two new subrules to the rule Modus Ponens entitled “Warp of Necessity” and “Warp of Sufficiency”.

===Warp of Necessity===
*Requirements: The Traveller hasn’t used a Warp of Necessity within the past 48 hours.
*Action: The Traveller moves forward DICEX years, where X is ten times the Traveller’s influence. The Traveller then changes eir Month to DICE12, and eir Day to DICEY, where Y is the number of days in eir new Month.

===Warp of Sufficiency===
*Requirements: The Traveller hasn’t used a Warp of Sufficiency within the past 48 hours.
**Action: The Traveller moves backward DICEX years, where X is ten times the Traveller’s influence. The Traveller then changes eir Month to DICE12, and eir Day to DICEY, where Y is the number of days in eir new Month.


Proposal: Slightly modified

2-8. timed out. -Elias IX

Adminned at 18 Aug 2006 10:07:39 UTC

Add a new subrule entitled “The Knights of Uncertainty” to the Rule “Time Companies”.  Give it the following text:

Knights of Uncertainty
Leader: (Whatsisname) No current leader.
Rules: The Goal of the Knights is to put all other Travellers into Heisenberg Loops.  If they acheive their goal, then a randomly chosen Knight acheives victory and will probably reward the other Knights somehow next dynasty.  Whatsisname is chosen by consensus among the Knights, but if there doesn’t seem to be a consensus the Arbiter can choose someone.
Description: We stand for Freedom and Justice from… no, no; Justice and Freedom from…  wait, isn’t Ignorance supposed to be in there somewhere?  Hey Bob, how does our motto go again?


Curse you, Rodney

Influence Drip succeeds.

Today’s Modus Ponens includes:
Range Moving Backward my full Range (Haven’t Range Moved recently)
Continuum Swirling the year to -65,000,000 again.

Magic Word

i march in time (i exist) to 1440/11/27.

after a few days, i came back to see how bruno is doing. when i came closer to his house, i saw him through the window talking to a strange woman. she was dressed like she was in a cheap sci-fi movie.

i came closer and listened to their conversation:
bruno: this ancient pottery belongs to my family for many many generations, i will sell it to you, but not for a small price.
woman: it’s beautifull.
bruno: the old legend says, that if you wisper a magic word to the pottery, it can bring days and hours into a halt.
woman: can i have a look on it?
bruno: sure, here it is Miss… what is your name again?
*woman says a combination of numbers and greek letters*
*the birds in the sky lower their speed to a halt*
*but the events in the room happen faster and faster*
*woman shots bruno in the head*
woman: you can call me the Chronomaster
*the woman dissapeared in time with the neolithic pottery*
*time flow returns to noraml*

i rushed into the house and saw bruno’s head completely burned. the chronomaster have escaped. i memorized the activation key to the device.

node event created:
1440/11/27 The Chronomaster kills Bruno and steals the Neolithic pottery. Aran memorizes the activation key. [Chronomaster] [Bruno] [aran]

On the move(this time by the rules, hopefully)

Modus Ponens:
1) I Range Move my full range forwards(Requirements: Not used Range Move within the last 48 hours - Fulfilled) My TL is now 1440/11/26
2) I March Time(Reqs: This Traveller exists - Fulfilled) My TL is now 1440/11/27

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Modus Ponens

I do a Continuum Jump and then a swirl. I fit the requirements for both.

New player(Corlindale)

Corlindale moved closer to examine the crater from the impact of the meteor. Finding it hard to see anything, e started to climb into it. Suddenly e was blinded by a brilliant flash of light and in a few seconds everything turned to darkness. When e regained use of his senses, e was in a place e did not recognize.
(Participating in a nomic for the first time, I hope I’ll manage)

snenop sudom

I continuum swirl the year to -65,000,000 (No Requirements) and march in time a single day (Existance Requirement satisfied).

Influence Drip success follows.

Anomaly detected.

I’m here at 1371/11/25, and the Vikings are attacking. This would be all fine and well, if it was three centuries ago. But it happens to be the 14th century, long after the end of the Viking Age.

I have to go now, I think the’re about to breach the walls.

Node event added:

Vikings attack the Monastery of St. Passignano. The Viking age had ended over three centuries ago. [Viking] [Italy] [Anomalous]

Proposal: When push comes to shove

Reaches Quorum (9-0)
Enacted by Hix

Adminned at 17 Aug 2006 13:26:12 UTC

Add a subrule to “The Modus Ponens” called “Displacement” with text:

*’‘'Requirements’‘’:  Target Traveller (other than this Traveller) is within this Traveller’s Range.  Target Date is within this Traveller’s Range OR Target Traveller has at least one Hiesenberg Loop.
*’‘'Action’‘’:  This Traveller may set Target Traveller’s TL to Target Date.

Add a paragraph to the Law of Time “Thou Shalt Not Kill” reading:

A Traveller using the “Displacement” action may not choose a “Target Date” on which there exists a Death Event for “Target Traveller”

Proposal: String Theory

Timed out (2-5)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 17 Aug 2006 13:25:15 UTC

Reword the Rule “Quantum Leap” as follows:

Requirements: The Traveller has at least one Node Event with their name as a keyword, or at least one Node Event has the keyword “Portal”.
Action: The Traveller may move to the Location of a Node event with their name or “Portal” as a keyword.

New Node Event at my date

“Elias IX comes across a nude man running in the streets of Syracuse shouting “Eureka”. E gives him eir blood-stained towel, which the man happily, but gingerly, accepts. In thanks, the man explains to Elias IX his discoveries.”

Keywords: [Towel] [Italy] [Greece] [Blood] [Elias IX] [Archimedes] [Math]

And I’ve abandoned my companion.

as days pass by

1)raising influence by 1 point (2.5.1 Anomalous Events)
2)2.10.4 Marching Time (i exist)
3)2.7.1 A Slow Drip (758/12/25) succeeded, influence raised by 2.

Proposal: Assuming the Antecedent

Reaches Quorum and Timed Out (8-0)
Enacted by Hix

Adminned at 17 Aug 2006 08:06:32 UTC

[ Removing the requirement to “state how the requirements were all fulfilled” - none of the action requirements have any degree of choice or complication to them. Also clarifying the pesky “must post” wording, to say that not posting will make the actions illegal. ]

In “The Modus Ponens”, replace the paragraph beginning “The subrule’s Requirements” with:-

Often, a Traveller may choose a sequence of up to three different subrules, and process each of them in turn - if a subrule’s Requirements are met at the time of processing, then its Action is carried out. The Traveller must then post a weblog entry summarising the Actions. (If no such post is made within ten minutes of the Actions, then the Actions are illegal.)

And change the requirements of Marching Time from “This Traveller exists.” to “None.”

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

slow drip, modus ponens

Results of Slow Drip attempt: DICE2:1.  Lost one influence point, now at 29.

2.10 Modus Ponens

Actions are: Continuum Jump, to 1880/6/7.  Continuum swirl, to 2059/6/7.
Order of actions: Jump then swirl.
Set of requirements: Not altered focus date in action prior to jump (continuum jump).  Focus date as of jump action is valid date (when would this -not- happen?). (continuum jump).  [no req’s attached to swirl]
How requirements were fulfilled, respectively: No actions prior to jump.  Focus date 1880/6/7 is valid by definition of game date (6/7 is a valid gregorian date and 1880 is an integer).

Proposal: Undeclared Variable

Timed out (3-5)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 17 Aug 2006 08:04:26 UTC

Remove the “[Init]” keyword from everywhere it appears in the Timeline.

[ With Italy and Christianity existing since the 4th millennium BC, now, I think we’ve got enough threads going on without creating newly unconnected ones. ]

New node event 1439/11/1

Under 2.5 (The Timeline), Any Traveller may create or redescribe a non-Perilous Node Event at their current Temporal Location, if they have not done so in the previous 24 real-world hours - this is done by editing the wiki page appropriately, and then posting an entry to the weblog that includes the dates and the new descriptions (including keywords) of all affected Events.

As I am a Traveller at 1439/11/1, and have not done this in the past 24 hours, I have done the following:

New event, 1439/11/1:
God begins to have serious thoughts about whether E should abolish tornadoes.  E starts with a small-scale test in Italy.  A tornado already in progress in an uninhabited area is blinked out.  Upon further reflection, God shelves the idea until E can subject it to further study.
[Init] [Italy]

(UPDATED shortly after post: Fixed wrong pronoun use.)

Proposal: Clarify Modus Ponens (2.10)

Failed by Hix

Adminned at 15 Aug 2006 13:22:43 UTC

Change paragraph under 2.10 from

When a Traveller performs a set of Actions, e must post a weblog entry explaining the order of eir Actions and state how the requirements were all fulfilled.


When a Traveller performs a set of Actions, e must post a weblog entry explaining the order of eir Actions and state how the requirements were all fulfilled.  If there are no requirements for an Action in the set, the traveller may simply state that there were no requirements instead of explaining how the Action’s requirements were fulfilled.


Continum Swirl.

I’ve changed the focus date to 1880/6/7.

I don’t have to go home…

but I can’t stay here.  My life is getting a little too crazy to keep up with Blognomic right now.  Could someone please idle me?  Best of luck everyone, and don’t think I won’t be back… {evil grin}

Modus Ponens-ing

First I continuum jump to -253/12/7. (Requirements: That I haven’t swirled earlier in this set. Fulfilled)
Then I continuum swirl to -253/6/7. (Requirements: None. Okay.)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Marcello, i’m coming to save you. (again)

1)after considering what happened the last few days, i began realizing i have a time machine.
2)i decided to try a random date, to see how it works.

Range Moving (haven’t ranged before) from 1419/11/29 to 1440/11/25
Influential Beacon (1439/7/6) (inf=32)
A Slow Drip (758/12/25) (inf=34)

when i “landed” i saw a hooded man aiming at Marcello.
in order to save Marcello i jumped at the hooded man, but i was too late. Marcello is dead.
i knocked the hooded man down, the gun flew from his hand. i looked into the man’s face, but
it was no man, it was a robot. the robot disappeared in a blue flash. i took the laser gun.

event changed:
Bruno the Witchfinder watches Marcello being murdered by a hooded robot.
aran takes the robot’s laser gun.
[Marcello] [Bruno] [aran]

(i just hope, i did it right this time :)

Proposal: It’s always funny until someone gets hurt.

Cannot be Enacted without CoV (1-7)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 14 Aug 2006 12:15:01 UTC

proposal: It’s always funny until someone gets hurt.
Then it becomes hilarious.

It’s always funny until someone gets hurt:
Every time someone pulls a prank (like Thelonious’s light blocking), if the “Time Joker”

tells em “it’s your birthday”, the prankster gets a 1DICE20 influence bonus.

The Time Joker:
1. Every new week, the Time Joker selects a new Time Joker.
2. Nobody can be the Time Joker twice.
3. The new Time Joker will be the most “trouble making” traveller that hasn’t been a

joker yet.
4. The Time Joker can often say “it’s your birthday”. to someone who made a prank since

the last time the Time Joker said “it’s your birthday”.
5. The Time Joker can’t give bonus to emself.
6. The Time Joker has tripled range when range moving.
7. The Time Joker can’t say anything in comments except “it’s your birth day”, “hahaha”,

“hehehe” and the like until e sais “it’s your birthday” to a prankster atleast once.
8. The Time Joker can not declare victory while in duty.
9. The first Time Joker is the Arbiter, unless more than half of the comments request

“xxx is the joker”, when xxx is a traveller’s name.


Proposal: BOOM

Reaches Quorum (8-1)
Enacted by Hix

Adminned at 14 Aug 2006 12:06:54 UTC

Add a subrule to “The Laws of time” called “Don’t Splode Stuff Up” with text:

Without the permission of the Arbiter, no Traveller may do any of the following:
* Create a Node Event with the [TIME BOMB] keyword
* redescribe a Node Event which does not have the [TIME BOMB] keyword into one which does have it.
* Voluntarily cause eir own Range to include The TL of a Node Event with a [TIME BOMB] keyword, unless eir Range already included that TL.

New Travellers always have the Arbiter’s permission to join blognomic, even if that would be in violation of the third bullet point above.


Much Obliged

I used “A Slow Drip”, losing 1 Influence.  Then I Modus Ponens to Range Move (Tengaar comes too) to 2059/3/18 (I’ve waited long enough), and then to Continuum Swirl the Focus Date’s day of month to 7 (no requirements).  I make a new Node Event at my new TL:

The Arbiter discovers a mysteriously well-crafted Time Bomb, which appears to somehow have the ability to influence past and future Node Events without utilizing any known time travel techniques.
[Init] [Christianity] [Italy] [Red] [Silk] [Blood] [Jesus] [Bible] [Literature] [Dinosaurs] [Martial Arts] [Blognomic] [Empire] [Lyndse] [Bruno] [Katastrophe] [Marcello] [Nietzche] [Philosophy] [Keitalia] [Chronomaster] [Arbiter] [Meteo] [Millennium] [Chicken] [TIME BOMB] [Anomalous] [Hix]

Some corrections

I’m making some corrections, since some actions were taken based upon incorrect assumptions.  I don’t think we have to declare them all illegal, but to fix them up, I have to employ a certain amount of mind-reading as to the Traveller’s intent.  I’ll post my changes here as I make them, along with rationale.

1) aran isn’t allowed to Modus Ponens again today, so eir TL is still 1419/11/29, and e doesn’t get the Beacon bonus (yet!)

2) The Focus Date should have been 1879/12/31.  When it got changed to 1/1/1 (by epylar), I assume it would have been legally changed to 0/12/31 (just one day off).

3) I assume that Elias (and companion) would have continuum jumped to 0/12/31 and continuum swirled to -253/12/31 (just one day off).  Elias’s Node event also gets a date correction by a day.

Well, since the last one wasn’t official…

Continuum Jump to 1/1/1. (First action, before swirling)
Continuum Swirl the Focus Date to -252/1/1. (...okay?)

Now I make a Node Event:

In Rome, silk first appears, but before it can be traded to the local merchants, Elias IX takes some and dyes it with his blood. Everyone is in wonderment at this new soft material and its rich, deep, red color.

Keywords: [Red] [Silk] [Italy] [Blood] [Elias IX]

Proposal: Time IS Money

Cannot be Enacted without CoV (2-6)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 14 Aug 2006 11:59:04 UTC

proposal: Time IS Money.
adding more actions for sale:

2.10.8 Time Barrier:
Requirements: atleast 10 points of influence
Action: the traveller can sacrifice 10 points of influence to create a Barrier that no one else (besides the traveller and eir companion) can pass for 3 days (except by using “marching time” or “very important ride”). using marching time to bypass a barrier depletes the bypasser from all eir influence points. a Traveller can place Barriers only in the tl and the ctl.

this action will be a chronocrime:

2.9.2 No Time Barriers

more actions for sale:

2.10.9 Important Ride
Requirements: atleast 10 points of influence
Action: sacrifice 10 influence points to teleport immidietly to anywhen as long as you don’t
pass a barrier.

2.10.10 Very Important Ride
Requirements: atleast 20 points of influence
Action: sacrifice all influnce points to teleport immidietly to anywhen.

2.10.11 Time IS Money
Requirements: both travellers (A and B) are in the same time and the same company.
Action: traveller A may sacrifice x points of influence to transfer x/2 (rounded down) to
traveller B.

i changed “the traveller can create a Barrier” to “the traveller can sacrifice 10 points of influence to create a Barrier”
same meaning, better wording…


More of that P implies Q stuff

Continuum Jump to 1/1/1. (First action, before swirling)
Continuum Swirl the Focus Date to -252/1/1. (...okay?)

Now I make a Node Event:

In Rome, silk first appears, but before it can be traded to the local merchants, Elias IX takes some and dyes it with his blood. Everyone is in wonderment at this new soft material and its rich, deep, red color.

Keywords: [Red] [Silk] [Italy] [Blood] [Elias IX]

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle can be stated succinctly as:

The more precisely the POSITION is determined, the less precisely the MOMENTUM is known, and
the more precisely the MOMENTUM is determined, the less precisely the POSITION is known.

Does this have any implications towards interpretations of existing rules and the heisenberg uncertainty loops?  If so, should this be clarified, even though the current -intent- is to have HUL have no meaning until a proposal is accepted giving them meaning?

continuum swirl/range moving

Under 2.10, I carry out these actions, in order:

1) Continuum swirl: focus date is now 1/1/1. (changed year to 1).  Requirements: none.  Since there are no requirements, I have fulfilled all requirements.
2) Range moving: I move to 1439/11/1.  Requirements: This Traveller has not done the action allowed by “Range Moving” in the last 48 hours.  Fulfilled, as I see no such action within the last 48 hours.

As a side effect of being downstream of the influential beacon, my influence increases 10 points from 20 to 30.

Marcello, i’m coming to save you

1)i did a succefull Slow Drip (758/12/25) (22) (yey for me)
2)i range moved from 1419/11/29 to 1440/11/25 and saved marcello
1440/11/25 Bruno the Witchfinder watches Marcello the Scribe being saved by aran from being brutally murdered by a hooded person. [Marcello] [Bruno] [aran]
3)i raised my influence by 10 because of the Influential Beacon (1439/7/6) (32)
4)i Continuum Jumped to 1879/1/1

i did one more thing, i hope it’s not a mistake:
kevan stated changing the focous in to 1879/1/1
i saw that the focus was on another date, so i changed it to 1879/1/1 (so i can continuum jump to the action).

question about the grand scheme

just to be clear on this: “seperate nodes” means that they don’t share any keywords exept travellers names?

One I Prepared Earlier

I range-move twenty years into the future, arriving in Neolithic Italy and finding a nearby village in the right sort of area. After visiting a local craftsman, I march time one day forward.

I then swirl the continuum to coagulate around New Year’s Eve 1879.

Node Event added for -3983/1/3: “A small electronic device is baked into a piece of Neolithic pottery, somewhere in a village in northern Italy. [Init] [Italy] [Kevan]”

Proposal: End of the Line

Reaches Quorum (7-0)
Enacted by Hix

Adminned at 14 Aug 2006 11:52:58 UTC

Add a new subrule to “The Timeline”, called “Death Events”.

If a Node Event contains the keyword “Death:Name” (where “Name” is the name of a Traveller or Companion), then it is known as a Death Event, and signifies the death of that character. (If a character has multiple Death Events, the Arbiter may replace any number of the relevant “Death:Name” keywords with “Anomalous”.)

If a Traveller’s TL matches the date of their Death, then they may take no game actions except those defined in the Core Ruleset.

If a Traveller’s CTL matches the date of their Companion’s Death, then the Traveller’s Range only includes the TL component, and not that of the CTL.

To the “Laws of Time” rule, add a subrule “Thou Shalt Not Kill”:-

A Traveller may not create a Death Event, nor change an existing Node into a Death Event, unless the subject of the Death Event is a Renegade (or a Renegade’s Companion).

Prophecies Lost…

Marching time one day fowards…

I remove a secret prophecy from Bruno’s parchments.
Node events edited: 1419/11/25 and 29

a meeting with bruno

i march in time 3 days (taking the subrule 3 times). and run into bruno. bruno recognize my face from the parchments,  tells me about a secret prophecy. and gives me the sack with the scraps of parchment.

changes in the time line:
in 1419/11/29, when bruno seeks for travellers, he finds me (hey, something is better than nothing).

i searched in the ruleset and in the blog, but couldn’t find the meaning of Heisenberg Loops. can someone please leave a comment on what it is?

Influential Beacon (tentative)

If the influential beacon is in my range when I become added, I would like to use it to increase my influence by the appropriate number of points.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Proposal: Wake up call

At 2-6, this can’t be passed without a CoV. -Elias IX

Adminned at 13 Aug 2006 10:46:05 UTC

The first 7 Travellers to vote for this proposal gain 10 Influence.

using Influential Beacon (1439/7/6) right from the start

if i understand correctly, the beacon is in my range, and therefore i gain 10 influence points.

Arrived (epylar)

Arrived (epylar).  New player.  I start at 1419/11/26 (rule 2.3).  The quorum as of before my join was 6 (front page), and the influence of the 6th highest member (TAE) was 10, so my starting influence is 10 (2.6).

However, I must be added to the sidebar before any of this can be validated/I can do things.

CORRECTION: My starting influence is the median of the influences as of the join real world time. (Interestingly, it would seem that this would not change the median—i.e. 1 2 3 would become 1 2 2 3, 1 2 4 5 (median 3) would become 1 2 3 4 5 (median 3), 1 would become 1 1, etc.


new traveller (aran)

Private aran opened the gate into the military base. the big grey truck drove in. but something fell out of it, some strange device.
“hey, aran, what are you tinkering with overthere?”
“i don’t kn…...............”
for a second everything looked blue. and then the mil base was gone.
“where am i?”

(btw, this is the first time i try a nomic).

Friday, August 11, 2006

Influence dripping

I rolled a 2, so my influence goes up 2. Nice.

If P, then Q

Range Moving to 1439/8/11 (I haven’t range moved before, at all)
Continuum Swirling the focus date to -252/12/31 (And… sure. Requirements fulfilled.)

Since I’m after the date of the influential beacon, and within range, my influence goes up 10 and is now at 30.

Modus obigitory-postens etc.

Performing (in this order)
“Continuum Jump” to 2006/12/31 (no previous actions, FD is valid.  check),
“Continuum Swirling” the Focus Date to 1489/12/31 (requirements vacuously fulfilled.  check),
and “Range Moving” to 2006/7/24 (never Range Moved before.  check)
via Modus Ponens.

Another Node Event shows up:

Elias IX, having ignored the previously sought-after strategy advice of a fellow Traveller, dies in the final round of a Chicken Tournament.
[Chicken] [Death:Elias IX] [Hix]

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Influence clarification.

Before I unidled, quorum was 5, and these were the influence values of all travellers:

Hix 51
The Lone Amigo 30
Bucky 21
Chronos 21
Kevan 20
Thelonious 20
ShadowClaw 20
TAE 10
Rodney 10

What is my influence?

I’m ready to manipulate time, yay!

Quorum is greater or equal to what is was before. 6, then.

Cabbages, Lovely

Range move to 1419/11/24.

I secretly replaced Bruno’s copy of the Malleus Maleficarum with the Codex Cabbagus, which is later filled away in the Vatican Library.

Proposal: Anomaly Economy

Timed out 4-3.—Kevan

Adminned at 12 Aug 2006 03:08:58 UTC

[ Changing the Influence-donating “Bribery” system into a way of playing around with the “Anomalous” keyword on Node Events. No heavy restrictions on this; you can use it to create and repair your own anomalies to scam a repair grant from the Council of Time, but it takes 24 hours to do the legwork, and any other player could fix the anomalies before you got the chance to. ]

Repeal the local rules “Bribery” and “Broader Bribery”.

Add a new subrule to “The Timeline”, called “Anomalous Events”:-

Node Events with the “Anomalous” keyword are intrinsically damaging to the time-space continuum if left unchecked. Such anomalies are often caused by timeline pollution from reckless Travellers - disabling the anomaly-inhibition mechanisms of a time travel device is a cheap and dangerous way to boost its power. Correcting these anomalies is rewarded by the Council of Time.

After creating or redescribing a Node and processing all side-effects, a Traveller gains 1 Influence for each Node which has become Anomalous (or has been created in an Anomalous state) as a result of these actions, and is awarded 1 Influence for each Node which was previously Anomalous and is now no longer so.

And move the “Perilous” paragraph to its own subrule, called “Perilous Events”, while we’re here.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Going On Before

I use “Marching Time” to advance one day, skimming across the shallows of this strange, primaeval world.

I then observe a new Node Event on -4003/1/2: “Massive tectonic shifts across the face of the planet. A firmament appears in the midst of the waters, one Traveller finding himself in a region with familiar-looking rock formations.”

This Event is tagged as being the Perilous creation of Italy by Christianity, and advances my secret goals.

Proposal: Butterfly Net

Reaches Quorum (6-0)
Enacted by Hix

Adminned at 11 Aug 2006 12:54:19 UTC

[ I’d hoped we’d adopt a useful but informally-agreed format for Node Event changes, so that people can’t accidentally render things illegal through an innocent oversight, but Chronos being proud of “I’ve done some.” being a quasi-legal “description of manipulation” and Bucky posting things like “Node event altered, again.  Two side effects occur.” suggests not. ]

In “The Timeline”, replace “describes their manipulation of the Timeline” with:-

includes the dates and the new descriptions (including keywords) of all affected Events

Call for Judgment: Focus

Gamestate and Ruleset shall be amended as was specified

Adminned at 10 Aug 2006 01:26:38 UTC

Focus Date is supposed to be tracked in a second GNDT, but since editing a second GNDT has proved to be buggy, we should probably just stick to a single GNDT whenever it is reasonable to do so.  Kevan has added the Focus Date as its own row in the GNDT, and has initialized it to “-4004/12/31” (to correspond to the values the former Time Travel Variables held at the time Focus Date was created).  At the time of this CfJ, actions have already been taken which have assumed this initialization to be legal (actions by Thelonius and Hix, for example).  To avoid headaches associated with reverting these actions, and to keep the game moving along, this CfJ seeks to legitimatize all such actions.  Until this CfJ is resolved it is recommended that Travellers simply assume that the Focus Date as tracked in the original GNDT is legit (The other option would be to assume that the Focus Date doesn’t exist at all, since it was never officially initialized).

If this CfJ passes:

1)  Rewrite the rule “The Continuum” to read

The time-space continuum is always weakened around one particular date, which changes according to the acts of Travellers - this is known as the “Focus Date”, and is tracked in the GNDT in the “Focus Date” row under the “TemporalLocation” column.

2)  Retroactively treat the Focus Date as if it had been initialized at “-4004/12/31” upon passage of the Proposal which brought the Focus Date into existance.

Story Post: in which Thelonious learns why e shouldn’t mess with Bucky’s Node Events

As the obnoxious git was busy ruining Bucky’s ultimate suntan, a slightly older version of Bucky retrieved a stolen blueprint from the git’s time machine.

Node event altered, again.  One side effects occurs.  Now if Thelonious would kindly stop corrupting my event nodes…


I Continuum Jumped (having not swirled yet in this set of actions) and then Continuum Swirled and then Time Marched (since I exist).

I did all this so I could once again fix a lack of accreditation in the timeline.  It was in fact me, Thelonious, who obscured Bucky’s view of creation.  Node event changed.

Proposal: Changing the Modus Ponen

Timed out (3-4)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 11 Aug 2006 12:52:55 UTC

At The Modus Ponen, change:

The subrule’s Requirements describe a set of game events and / or gamestates. Often, a Traveller may pick up to three different subrules, and carry out those subrules’ Actions. That Traveller specifies the order in which eir Actions are carried out. A Traveller may only carry out each of those subrule’s Actions if that subrule’s requirements are true. When a Traveller performs a set of Actions, e must post a weblog entry explaining the order of eir Actions and state how the requirements were all fulfilled.


The subrule’s Requirements describe a set of game events and / or gamestates. Often, a Traveller may select any positive integer number “n” of different subrules, and carry out those subrules’ Actions, provided that 2*(n-3) is less than or equal to eir current Influence. For each action selected after the third, that Traveller must decrease eir Influence by 2, before carrying out any of the actions. That Traveller specifies the order in which eir Actions are carried out. A Traveller may only carry out each of those subrule’s Actions if that subrule’s requirements are true at the moment they were to be carried out. When a Traveller performs a set of Actions, e must post a weblog entry explaining the order of eir Actions and state how the requirements were all fulfilled.

Proposal: Kevan for president

2-5, can’t be enacted without a CoV. -Elias IX

Adminned at 10 Aug 2006 14:12:58 UTC

In The Grand Scheme change

A Traveller’s name may only be added as a keyword by that Traveller themselves, and may only be added as a Trigger Event, not as a side effect.


A Traveller’s name may be added or removed as a keyword by any Traveller. Travellers other than the Arbiter may only do so as a Trigger Event, not as a side effect.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Timeline manipulation

I’ve done some.


I’ve just redone Hix’s mishappening. Can someone please fix the GNDT (and fix it for good, so when we edit one of’em the other remains unchanged?)

Proposal: Clean Up

6-0. Reached Quorum.

Forgot to sign:—Chronos

Adminned at 09 Aug 2006 05:34:22 UTC

Repeal the following rules:

* Unit Scrambler (1450/1/1)
* Drift zone (1961/1/1)

I’m back

My GNDT Values were lost in Hix’s mishappening. I’ve got them back from the Log. If someone disagrees, please edit them.

PS: Quorum remains at 5.

Your GNDT a splode

Okay, peoples, we have a temporary problem.  I was performing the simple task of editing the second GNDT (you know, the one which had just the “Time Travel Variables” in it, and should now have the “Focus Date” in it.), but when I clicked the “save” button, my changes were written to the first GNDT (yeah, the one with all our personal Gamestates).  As far as I know, this should be fixable, but I ought to leave it up to someone more knowledgable, and with more administrative access than I.  Will someone please help with this?  I’ll be in the #nomic channel on IRC until it’s better, in case specific details of my actions are needed.

After this is fixed, we should form an angry mob and hunt down whoever set up that blasted second GNDT in the first place (Angry Grasshopper and/or Excalabur, if I recall correctly).

UPDATE:  Everything is fine, nothing is ruined (I think).

Credit where credit’s due

It was Thelonious who submitted the blueprints for the rebuilding of E.J. but e had not been appropriately acknowledged.  That’s fixed.  Node event changed.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Proposal: A Piece Of String

6-0. Reached quorum.

Forgot to sign:—Chronos

Adminned at 09 Aug 2006 05:33:58 UTC

Add the following subrule to the Modus Ponens, named “Quantum Leap”

Requirements: The Traveller has at least one Node event with their name as a keyword.
Action: The Traveller may move to the Location of a Node event with their name as a keyword.


Range moved to 1439/11/26, bringing me within range of the Influence Beacon.

I ran into Marcello the Scribe and we had a fascinating discussion on many topics - but mainly cabbages.

Node event added.

Proposal: A Stitch In Time

Active Players unanimously vote for
Since the number of Active players is positive, quorum is reached

Enacted by Hix

Adminned at 08 Aug 2006 10:01:59 UTC

[ The formulae and continuum were an interesting idea, but only seem to be being used as “create a formula that sets X to the year you want, and use it”, these days, and I wonder if they’re scaring people off. Maybe we should just explicitly play it as “set X to the year you want”. ]

Reword the Rule “The Continuum” to:-

The time-space continuum is always weakened around one particular date, which changes according to the acts of Travellers - this is known as the “Focus Date”, and is tracked in a second GNDT.

Add to the Modus Ponens:-

Continuum Swirling
Requirements: None.
Action: The Traveller may alter either the year, month or day value of the Focus Date.

Continuum Jump
Requirements: The Traveller has not altered the Focus Date earlier in the current set of actions, and the Focus Date is a valid Game Date.
Action: The Traveller may set their TL to the current Focus Date.

Repeal the “No vandalizing other people’s Time Machines” Law of Time.

Monday, August 07, 2006

A Traveller Returns…

Unidle, please.

Story Post: in which Kevan learns why e shouldn’t mess with Bucky’s Node Events

As the obnoxious git was busy ruining Bucky’s ultimate suntan, a slightly older version of Bucky retrieved a stolen book from the git’s time machine, unaware of the important peice of paper inside…

Node event altered, again.  Two side effects occur.  Now if Kevan would kindly stop corrupting my event nodes, I’m sure the Australian geologists would greatly appreciate it.

Modus Ponens spam… again

I’m laddering to Kevan’s TL, since I’m only 2 days away to begin with.

Proposal: Proposal Drive (-4005/1/1)

1-2. Timed out.

Adminned at 08 Aug 2006 19:48:30 UTC

This dynasty is going too slowly.

Add a new Local Rule entitled “Incentives (-4005/1/1)”

Whenever a Traveller makes a non-Local Proposal, e gains 2 Influence.  Whenever a non-Local Proposal creates a new Dynastic Rule or Subrule, if it was proposed by a Traveller then e gains 5 Influence.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Let There Be Shade

Noticing a familiar figure on New Year’s Day 4003 BC, I wade out of the shallows of the primeval ocean, blocking his view of the light of creation. Node Event altered.

Upon the Face of the Waters

I advance through local time by one of your Earth days.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Node event added.

In retaliation for failing geology in high school, I took a bunch of tiny zircons, ran them through 4.25 billion years or so of expanded time and dropped them off in an Australian gravel bed.  They should be recovered and dated in about 6000 years…

Marching time

moving to tomorrow no requirements blahblahblah


(I’m still Idle).

I propose awarding “Moving Chips” to 75th and Excalabur for their contributions on moving blognomic from blogspot to

I propose awarding “Ancienty Chips” to Kevan for being here since the start of Blognomic (is any other such dinossaur left around?).

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Proposal: We’ve got company!

Timed out (3-3)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 05 Aug 2006 12:22:54 UTC

Add a new subrule entitled “The Knights of Uncertainty” to the Rule “Time Companies”.  Give it the following text:

Knights of Uncertainty
Leader: (Whatsisname) No current leader.
Rules: The Goal of the Knights is to put all other Travellers into Heisenberg Loops.  If they acheive their goal, then Whatsisname acheives victory and will probably reward the other Knights somehow next dynasty.  Whatsisname is chosen by consensus among the Knights, but if there doesn’t seem to be a consensus the Arbiter can choose someone.
Description: We stand for Freedom, Justice from… no, no; Justice and Freedom from…  wait, isn’t Ignorance supposed to be in there somewhere?  Hey Bob, how does our motto go again?

If there’s no such thing as a Heisenberg Loop, put the sentence beginning “The Goal of the Knights” and the one after it in italics.


Chips have been added to people’s profiles in the BlogNomic wiki, to replace the concept of Shiny (rough consensus of comments in the votes of the “Shiny Barnstars” proposal was that the Chip was the most suitable form of medal).

Angry Grasshopper has two Chips, and Bucky and I have one - I’m afraid I can’t remember the exact details of other people’s awards, so they should edit their own chip descriptions appropriately.

Proposal: Solo Shoots First

Timed out 3-2.—Kevan

Adminned at 05 Aug 2006 05:34:21 UTC

If the proposal “No solo passes” failed, replace the text

It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, more than half of its votes are FOR, and it has not been vetoed or self-killed.

in the rule “Enactment” with:

It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, it has more than 1 valid vote, more than half of its votes are FOR, and it has not been vetoed or self-killed.

and insert a bullet between bullets 4 and 5 with the following text:

It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and has fewer than 2 valid votes.

[ Bucky has claimed that Imperial votes will cause this change to “malfunction”, and Hix has voted against it, but it’s unclear whether there’s anything actually wrong with it or this is just a misunderstanding. Might as well get this back into the queue now before anyone puts a one-vote local-proposal scam in. ]

Idle Saki

Please idle me. I need some time away from myself…

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Proposal: Once more through the Loop

Reached quorum, 4-1.—Kevan

Adminned at 04 Aug 2006 07:37:58 UTC

Add a new subrule “Heisenberg Snare” to the Rule “Modus Ponens”.  Give it the following text:

Requirements: Target Traveller is within this Traveller’s range, and this Traveller has an influence greater than 10.
Action: This traveller reduces eir Influence by 10.  Target Traveller gains a Heisenberg Loop.

Add a new Rule to the Ruleset entitled “Temporal Uncertanty”.  Give it the following text:

Some Travellers may be in one or more Heisenberg Loops, denoted by one asterisk per Loop after eir Influence in the GNDT.

I think there should be something about Shiny in here but don’t know what…

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Proposal: Shiny Barnstars

Passed 6-1. Rough consensus is that the chip is the best icon; I’ll work up a template.—Kevan

Adminned at 03 Aug 2006 05:44:43 UTC

Repeal the Rule “Shiny”.

If Now who would do that? passed, remove the sentence “Shiny may not be awarded for the passage of a Local Proposal.” from the ruleset.

Any user that has Shiny is encouraged to instead note this on their profile page in the BlogNomic Wiki, along with the reason for gaining that Shiny, if they can remember it.

[ I don’t know how familiar people are with Wikipedia’s editing culture, but their barnstars seem similar to our Shiny, and I’m wondering it might be healthier for exceptional BlogNomic behaviour to be properly and informally annotated somewhere, rather than being tracked as just an uninformative, gamestate-alterable number.

I’ve made a mockup of three possible images on my wiki profile (and I’ll make a proper template if this passes); feel free to post better ideas in comments. ]

Proposal: No solo passes

Timed out 3-3.—Kevan

Adminned at 03 Aug 2006 05:39:20 UTC

Modify the rule titled “Enactment” as follows.

Replace the text

It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, more than half of its votes are FOR, and it has not been vetoed or self-killed.


It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours, it has more than 1 valid vote, more than half of its votes are FOR, and it has not been vetoed or self-killed.

and insert a bullet between bullets 4 and 5 with the following text.

It has been open for voting for at least 48 hours and has fewer than 2 valid votes.