Sunday, January 31, 2021

Proposal: You Do You

Timed Out. Fails 2-2—Clucky

Adminned at 02 Feb 2021 20:10:58 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Alternative Deference” and give it the following text

If a Proposal modifies a single treaty, a DEFERENTIAL vote whose EVC contains a second DEFERENTIAL vote icon by a signatory of this treaty counts as a FOR vote on that proposal if the majority of signatories of the treaty in question who have voted on the proposal have voted FOR the proposal, and an AGAINST vote if the majority has voted AGAINST the proposal. Otherwise, it behaves the same as a standard DEFERENTIAL vote

Allow people to defer to the group of signatories of a treaty rather than the Player, simply by making two DEF votes in the same post.

Proposal: Bear Energy Juice Treaty

Fails 1-3—Clucky

Adminned at 02 Feb 2021 20:10:13 UTC

In Rule “Bear” add subrule “Bear Power Ups” and add the description:

Bears can have a “Power Up” that they can assign themselves and are kept tracked in the “Bears” on “Treaty Appendices” and are recorded as “-” to denote that the Bear has no Power Ups. Bears can only assign themselves 1 “Power Up” However, as a Weekly Action, a Bear may change their “Power Up”.
A “Power Up” has a name (which is flavor text) and an ability, notated as “Name - Ability”.
As an action, a Bear may use their “Power Up”’s ability. However ,they may not do the action in the last sentence until 72 hours have passed since the last time they did the action in the last sentence.

.Forest Bread Crumbler Power Up - Roll {1,1,1,7,7,7}. Add the result to the Health on “Bears” on “Treaty Appendices”. Add 1 more if you are the Den Mother.
.Forest Chocolate Beans Power Up - Roll {2,2,4,4,6,6}. Add the result to the Health on “Bears” on “Treaty Appendices”. Add 1 more if you are the Den Mother.
.Forest Bomb-Bomb Blast Power Up - Roll {1,2,4,4,6,7}. Add the result to the Health on “Bears” on “Treaty Appendices”. Add 1 more if you are the Den Mother.
.Forest Extreme Sour Patch Power Up - Roll {1,2,3,5,6,7}. Add the result to the Health on “Bears” on “Treaty Appendices”. Add 1 more if you are the Den Mother.


Saturday, January 30, 2021

Proposal: A Great Many Disputes

Enacts 6-0 after 48 hours. -Bucky

Adminned at 01 Feb 2021 22:35:29 UTC

Create a new Treaty, “Territorial Disputes Treaty”, and give it the following text:

A “Power” shall be defined as a Signatory of this rule. A “Latent Power” shall be defined as a idle Emperor who is or has previously been a Signatory of this rule.

The purpose of this treaty is to facilitate negotiation of Disputed Territories. Each Disputed Territory has a Name, a numeric Population, a Parties list that is a list of Powers and Latent Powers known or suspected to be involved in the dispute, and a record of which Armies and Ships are Allocated to the territory. Disputed Territories’ information is recorded in this Treaty’s section of the Treaty Appendices.

There are initially no Disputed Territories. As an atomic Weekly Action, a Power may Serve Notice of a Disputed Territory. When they do, they take the following steps in order:
* He generates the Population by first rolling dividing 10 Million by DICE1000, rounding down, to determine a Magnitude, then rolling 2DICEX where X is that Magnitude, to determine the Population.
* He generates the Name, by choosing a random word from the list {"City", "Plains", "Island", "Province", "Colony", "Mount", "Port"}, choosing two words neither from that list, nor from “Town Valley” nor from the name of an existing Disputed Territory, and placing the random word before the two chosen words if it’s “Mount” or “Port” and after them otherwise. If the random word was “Province” or “City” and the Population is under 10,000, replace it with “Valley” or “Town”, respectively.
* He adds himself to the Parties list and randomly selects two other Powers to add to the Parties List.

A new Power who is not a Latent Power, and who Signed this Treaty after at least one Disputed Territory existed, shall, at his earliest convenience, roll a DICE3 for each Disputed Territory and add himself to its Parties List if the result is a 1. If he does not do so within 48 hours, any Signatory may do so on his behalf.

If a Power is also a Signatory to the Arms Disclosure Treaty, he may Allocate up to one Army to each Disputed Territory he is a Party to, plus an additional Army for each hundred thousand Population of that Territory. He may also Allocate Ships to any Disputed Territory with the word “Island” or “Port” in its Name, or unallocate any Ships that have been thus Allocated for more than a week.

A Latent Power’s Armies and Ships remain allocated to a Disputed Territory, although a non-idle former Signatory may unallocate their Ships as though they were still a Power.


Proposal: Wizards

Adminned at 01 Feb 2021 18:45:29 UTC

Add a new rule titled “Wizards”:

A signatory to this rule is called a Wizard.

Each Wizard has a Chant, which is a case-insensitive string of three letters, defaulting to “aaa”. A Wizard may change their Chant at any time.

Each Wizard has an integer amount of Mana, defaulting to the second lowest among all wizards, or if there are fewer than four wizards, zero.

If 12 hours has passed since the last blowing of a trumpet, any Wizard my blow a trumpet. When a trumpet is blown, as an atomic action:
* The blower rolls DICE5. If the result is not 1, the rest of the steps do not occur.
* For each distinct pair of wizards:
  - If one’s chant is “kof” and the other’s is “arg”, the chanter of “kof” gains 1 Mana and the chanter of “arg” loses 1 Mana.
  - If one’s chant is “arg” and the other’s is “fff”, the chanter of “arg” gains 2 Mana and the chanter of “fff” loses 1 Mana.
  - If exactly one’s chant is “fff”, they gain 2 Mana.
  - If both chant “omm”, they each gain 1 Mana.

Times out 2-3. Failed by Brendan.

Proposal: Bear and Back Again

Times out and fails 2-3. -Bucky

Adminned at 01 Feb 2021 15:51:22 UTC

Add a paragraph to “Bears”:

When an Emperor becomes a Bear due to a FOR vote on a Proposal that modifies this rule or modifies or creates a subrule to this rule, they immediately become not a Bear.

Apply this to its own enactment.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Proposal: Stalled Out

5-1, but due to being a Universal Proposal this is unpopular and thus fails after timing out—Clucky

Adminned at 01 Feb 2021 04:37:45 UTC

In “Treaties [Universal]”


Moreover, a Proposal that creates or modifies a Universal rule is not Popular while it has any AGAINST votes


Moreover, a Proposal that creates or modifies a Universal rule is not Popular and is Unpopular while it has any AGAINST votes


Allows the oldest pending proposal to fail if it has an against vote, rather than needing to wait for it to time out

Proposal: Subversion Escalation, Take Three

Timed Out. Fails 1-3—Clucky

Adminned at 31 Jan 2021 18:52:40 UTC

Create a new rule entitled “Imperial Devolution [Universal]” with the following text:

The Player may not veto any Proposals do not include at least one of the following tags: [Core], [Special Case], [Appendix], [Victory]. If a Proposal would cause the game to become unplayable; would effectively amend or allow arbitrary amendment of a Core, Special Case, or Appendix rule; or would grant immediate victory to the enacting Admin; then, instead, the Player may and should veto that Proposal.

Delete the text in the rule “Treaties [Universal]” that reads “The Player should veto any proposal that would make an Emperor a Signatory to a Treaty against his will, or that would convert a Treaty into a Universal rule without the assent of all non-Signatory Emperors. Moreover,”

Add a new subrule to the rule “Treaties [Universal]” called “Treaty Limits [Universal]” that reads as follows:

A Proposal that creates or amends a Treaty is considered Unpopular, and is not considered Popular, so long as any of the following would be true of its effects upon enactment:

  • They would make an Emperor a Signatory to a Treaty without that Emperor’s consent.
  • They would convert a Treaty into a Universal rule.
  • They would add or remove Signatories from another Treaty, except as mediated by Universal rules.
  • They would restrict the actions of non-Signatories, beyond not being able to act as Signatories.
  • They would avoid the requirement that the Player always be a Signatory.
  • They would make substantial modifications to another Treaty, such that it effectively becomes a different Treaty.
  • They would enable arbitrary rules modifications.

However, the foregoing list of conditions excepts the following cases:

  • A Treaty may affect its own subrules. Subrules of a Treaty may affect the parent Treaty or other subrules of that Treaty.
  • Treaties may have terms specific to mutual Signatories with other Treaties—for example, by modifying variables defined in the other Treaty.
  • Treaties may declare the Player and other Signatories as second-class Signatories who may not take certain actions.

Enact the rule modifications set forth in Bucky’s proposal entitled “Universality Incorporated” from January 27th of 2021.

If Bucky’s proposal entitled “Idle Signatures” from January 27th of 2021 did not enact, then enact its rule modifications as well.

Modified to account for requests to keep all of this as dynastic material.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Proposal: Do Puns Count As Scams?

Timed Out. Fails 2-2—Clucky

Adminned at 31 Jan 2021 18:51:59 UTC

Add a new dynasty rule called “Second Amendment Treaty”

Dependencies: Arms Disclosure Treaty, Bears

Each Bear has a non-negative integer of Guns, which is equal to the number of Surplus they have allocated to “Exercising Bear Rights”, which are tracked on the Bears section of the Treaty Appendices wiki page.

A Bear may never choose to reduce their allocation to “Exercising Bear Rights”. If their Surplus Allocations already exceed their total Surplus, they must first reduce their Allocations elsewhere

Proposal: Housekeeping

Passes 6-0 (Quorum 5). No Signatories added. - Bucky

Adminned at 30 Jan 2021 22:15:26 UTC

In the Arms Disclosure Treaty, change

The wiki page Disclosures shall track all public information defined by this rule and its subrules, including how much of each resource for disclosing Signatory has already been Allocated.


This Treaty’s section of the Treaty Appendices shall track all public information defined by this rule and its subrules, including how much of each resource for disclosing Signatory has already been Allocated.

Move all information from the Arms Disclosure Treaty that was formerly tracked in Disclosures to its section in the Treaty Appendix

Proposal: Subversion Escalation, Take Two [Special Case]

self killed—clucky

Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 23:18:11 UTC

Create a new Special Case Rule, set to Active, entitled “Imperial Devolution*” with the following text:

The Player may not veto any Proposals do not include at least one of the following tags: [Core], [Special Case], [Appendix], [Victory]. If a Proposal would cause the game to become unplayable; would effectively amend or allow arbitrary amendment of a Core, Special Case, or Appendix rule; or would grant immediate victory to the enacting Admin; then, instead, the Player may and should veto that Proposal.

Delete the text in the rule “Treaties [Universal]” that reads “The Player should veto any proposal that would make an Emperor a Signatory to a Treaty against his will, or that would convert a Treaty into a Universal rule without the assent of all non-Signatory Emperors. Moreover,”

Add a new subrule to the rule “Treaties [Universal]” called “Treaty Limits [Universal]” that reads as follows:

A Proposal that creates or amends a Treaty is considered Unpopular, and is not considered Popular, so long as any of the following would be true of its effects upon enactment:

  • They would make an Emperor a Signatory to a Treaty without that Emperor’s consent.
  • They would convert a Treaty into a Universal rule.
  • They would add or remove Signatories from another Treaty, except as mediated by Universal rules.
  • They would restrict the actions of non-Signatories, beyond not being able to act as Signatories.
  • They would avoid the requirement that the Player always be a Signatory.
  • They would make substantial modifications to another Treaty, such that it effectively becomes a different Treaty.
  • They would enable arbitrary rules modifications.

However, the foregoing list of conditions excepts the following cases:

  • Subrules of a Treaty may affect the parent Treaty or other subrules of that Treaty.
  • Treaties may have terms specific to mutual Signatories with other Treaties—for example, by modifying variables defined in the other Treaty.
  • Treaties may declare the Player and other Signatories as second-class Signatories who may not take certain actions.

Addressing the concerns set forth in “Veto Conditions” as well as Kevan’s feedback on the first version of this proposal. I really do believe that Imperial Devolution is on theme for this dynasty; if all of us are Emperors but only one of us is a Player, doesn’t it follow that the traditional powers vested in a central figure should be less centrailzed?

Proposal: Hairier Business

Quorum of AGAINST votes reached, so fails for being unpopular at 3-5—Clucky

Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 23:17:20 UTC

Add a subrule of Bears called “Moots”:

A post in the “Story Post - Votable Matter” category with “[Bear Moot]” in the title that is posted by a Bear is a Bear Moot. These are Votable Matters that are resolved, and have their popularity or unpopularity determined, in the same manner as Proposals, except:
* If the Proposal would change the Ruleset outside of “Bears” or its subrules, or Gamestate outside of the “Bears” Treaty Appendix, it can be failed by any Emperor, including non-Bears, at any time.
* The Den Mother or Player may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a Bear Moot; either vetoes a Bear Moot as if the Player had vetoed a Proposal.
* The eligible voting population consists of Emperors that were non-Eliminated Bears at the time the Bear Moot was posted: only votes from these Emperors are valid on a Bear Moot, and Quorum for determining if a Bear Moot is Popular or Unpopular is a quorum of them.

Bear Moots count as Proposals for the purposes of limiting Bears to 2 concurrent Proposals or 3 Proposals in a day.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Proposal: Bear Business


Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 23:16:27 UTC

Add a subrule of Bears called “Moots”:

A Proposal with “[Bear Moot]” in the title that is posted by a Bear is a Bear Moot. These are Proposals, except:
* If the Proposal would change the Ruleset outside of “Bears” or its subrules, or Gamestate outside of the “Bears” Treaty Appendix, it can be failed by any Emperor, including non-Bears, at any time.
* A VETO vote from the Den Mother on a Bear Moot vetoes it.
* The eligible voting population consists of Bears: only votes from Bears are valid on a Bear Moot, and Quorum for determining if a Bear Moot is Popular or Unpopular is a quorum of Bears.

Proposal: Swimming In The Bear Pool

Timed Out. Passes 3-2—Clucky

Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 23:10:22 UTC

Add the following subrule “Bears” called “Taxes and Exchanges”

As a weekly action, the Den Mother may Collect Taxes by taking one Honey from each other Bear who has a positive amount of Honey

At any time, a non-eliminated Bear may transfer a positive integer amount of Honey to any other Bear, unless they already used this action to give the same Bear Honey within the last hour.

Dear bears tell no tales, but they still have to pay taxes

Proposal: Idle Signatures

At 6-1, is 48 hours old and is not Popular. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 22:42:06 UTC

In “Treaties”, change

Each Treaty has a list of Emperors as Signatories, tracked as a list of Emperor names at the end of the rule; this list is automatically appended when the Treaty is created, replacing any such list in the Treaty’s initial text.


Each Treaty has a list of Emperors and Idle Emperors as Signatories, tracked as a list of their names at the end of the rule; this list is automatically appended when the Treaty is created, replacing any such list in the Treaty’s initial text. Idle Signatories are considered to be Signatories for the purpose of this rule but not for other Dynastic rules.

Avoids a nasty tracking problem if anyone signs, idles and then unidles; this way, their signatures stay in the signatory lists but don’t otherwise treat them differently from non-signatory idle players.

Protosal: Veto Conditions

Brendan has threatened to deadlock the Universal part of the dynasty over Veto conditions. I think it would be more productive and on-theme to negotiate than to merely threaten. And that requires the veto conditions to all be explicitly spelled out.

This is the starting point, after input from Clucky. The Player should Veto any Treaty change that attempts to:
* add or remove Signatories from another Treaty, except as mediated by Universal rules
* Restrict the actions of non-Signatories, beyond not being able to act as Signatories
* avoid the requirement that the Player always be a Signatory
* Make substantial modifications to another Treaty, such that it effectively becomes a different Treaty. Trivial modifications are now permitted. (thanks, Clucky)
* Enable arbitrary rules modifications, as that would indirectly allow it to mess with Signatories.
* Prevent the Player from vetoing proposed treaties that violate any of these bullet points

In each case where “another Treaty” appears in those requirements, parent rules are nonetheless permitted to mess with their subrules.

The following workarounds are expressly permitted:
* Treaties may have terms specific to mutual Signatories with other Treaties, for example by modifying variables defined in the other Treaty.
* Treaties may declare the Player and other Signatories as second-class Signatories who may not take certain actions.

Proposal: Subversion Escalation [Special Case]

Self killed- DK

Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 05:49:06 UTC

Create a new Special Case Rule, set to Active, entitled “Imperial Devolution*” with the following text:

The Player may not veto any Proposals that do not have at least one of the following tags: [Core], [Special Case], [Appendix], [Victory].

Delete the sentence in the rule “Treaties [Universal]” that reads “The Player should veto any proposal that would make an Emperor a Signatory to a Treaty against his will, or that would convert a Treaty into a Universal rule without the assent of all non-Signatory Emperors.”

If the proposal “One Person, One Veto” has been enacted, append to the paragraph beginning “Emperors may use VETO as a voting icon…” this sentence:

This paragraph does not apply to the Player.

Magna Carta time. Until this rule passes in some form, I plan to veto any and all Universal proposals.

Proposal: One Person, One Veto

Self killed- DK

Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 05:47:19 UTC

Remove “Moreover, a Proposal that creates or modifies a Universal rule is not Popular while it has any AGAINST votes.” from “Treaties [Universal]”, and add a new paragraph to it:-

Emperors may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a Proposal that creates or modifies a Universal rule; when an Emperor casts a vote of VETO on such a Proposal, this renders the Proposal Vetoed, even if the Emperor later changes their Vote on it.

May as well make this a regular veto and play up the all-Emperor theme. I like the idea that we can win objectors around, but having to wait for these to time out seems unnecessary - Emperors can still vote AGAINST and threaten to veto later.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Proposal: Blognomic Nesting Dolls

Timed Out. Passes 6-0—Clucky

Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 03:30:29 UTC

Add the following to “Treaties [Universal]”

The first line of a Treaty may consist of the word “Dependencies: ” followed by a list of names of one or more other treaties. If it does, the treaty is said to be a Dependent On each of the Treaties in its list. Signatories to such a Treaty become Signatories to each Treaty it is Dependent On.


This will allow rules that span multiple treaties

Proposal: Universality Incorporated

Unpopular 8-1 due to changing a Universal rule. -Bucky

Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 01:35:34 UTC

In the rule “Treaties [Universal]”, change

Rules with [Universal] in their name are Universal.


Rules with [Universal] in their name are Universal, as are subrules of a Universal rule.

Idling myself

If this is to be a game in which the theme is “do what Bucky wants” and he vetoes anything he doesn’t fancy then I’m out, I think.

Quorum drops to 5.

Proposal: 8 Thousand More

Vetoed. -Bucky

Adminned at 27 Jan 2021 23:12:24 UTC

Add a new subrule to the rule Treaties, entitled Bureaucracy:

Each Treaty has one or more Authors, denoted by curly brackets (”{ }”) around their name in the Signatory list.

When a Treaty is enacted, or amended by proposal, then the Emperor who posted the proposal becomes an Author of the Treaty in question.

Each Emperor has a score for Domination and Infiltration Over The Bureaucracy Of the Conclave, or DIOTBOC for short. An Emperor’s DIOTBOC is five times the number of Treaties upon which they are an Author, plus the number of Treaties upon which they are a Signatory. An Emperor with a higher DIOTBOC than another Emperor can be said to be more Influential than them.

Each Emperor’s DIOTBOC is publicly tracked.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Proposal: Mother Of All Bears

Quorum reached due to Player voting FOR and several DEF votes—Clucky

Adminned at 27 Jan 2021 22:43:41 UTC

If the proposal “Bears II Men” does not pass, this proposal does nothing

In the rule “Bears” replace

If they are a signatory to this rule, the Bear named Clucky is the Den Mother.


A single Bear may be designated Den Mother. If the Den Mother is Eliminated, or if they are Idle, they cease to be the Den Mother.

If there is no Den Mother, any Bear who has more Honey than every other Bear may become the Den Mother.

If there is Den Mother, and there is no currently active Challenge For The Den, a non-Eliminated Bear (The Challenger) who has more Honey than the Den Mother may make a Challenge For The Den by making a post to the blog declaring they are issuing such a challenge.

The challenge is then active. Each non-Eliminated Bear may make a comment in reply to the challenge, with a vote of either FOR indicating supporting the Challenger, or AGAINST indicating they are supporting the Den Mother. A Bear may change their vote by making another comment in reply to the challenge. 

Once a Challenge has been open for 48 hours, it closes and no more comments can be made. If the total sum of the Honey held by all non-Eliminated Bears who voted FOR is greater than the total sum of the Honey held by all non-Eliminated Bears who voted AGAINST and the Challenger is not Eliminated, the Challenger becomes the Den Mother. Otherwise, the Challenger’s Honey is reduced to zero. In either case, the Challenge ceases to be active

A proposal that edits this rule cannot be popular if the Den Mother has voted against it, or if it has been open for less than 24 hours and the Den Mother does not have a legal vote cast on it.

Make Clucky the Den Mother


Proposal: Bears II Men

Timed Out. Passes 3-1-3

Adminned at 27 Jan 2021 22:40:02 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Bears”

A Signatory or Signatories of this rule may be referred to as “Bear” or “Bears” respectively

Each Bear has a non-negative integer amount of Honey, which by default is 5.

Each Bear has a integer amount of Health, which by default is 10.

A Bear may Harvest Honey by announcing they are Harvesting Honey and rolling a DICE3, whose result is X, and a DICE3, whose result is Y. They then lose X-1 Health, and gain Y+1 Honey.

If a Bear’s health ever reaches 0 or below, they are considered to be Eliminated.

If they are a signatory to this rule, the Bear named Clucky is the Den Mother.


Bears are too good to lose on a technicality.

Proposal: No Privilege Escallation

At 8-1, is 48 hours old and is not Popular. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 27 Jan 2021 21:27:21 UTC

Append the following to the second paragraph of the rule “Treaties [Universal]”:

A Treaty cannot amend, or authorize any amendment to, any rule except for itself and its non-Universal subrules. A Treaty cannot overrule this paragraph under any circumstances.

Proposal: Bear With Me


Adminned at 27 Jan 2021 02:12:00 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Bears”

A Signatory or Signatories of this rule may be referred to as “Bear” or “Bears” respectively

Each Bear has a non-negative integer amount of Honey, which by default is 5.

Each Bear has a integer amount of Health, which by default is 10.

A Bear may Harvest Honey by announcing they are Harvesting Honey and rolling a DICE3, whose result is X, and a DICE3, whose result is Y. They then lose X-1 Health, and gain Y+1 Honey.

If a Bear’s health ever reaches 0 or below, they are considered to be Eliminated - they immediately cease to be a signatory of this rule and their name is added to the list of Eliminated Emperors at the end of this rule.

If an Emperor’s name is included in the list of Eliminated Emperors of this rule, they cannot become a signatory of this rule. Note that this applies to all emperors, not just ones who are signatories of this rule.

Eliminated Emperors:

If the proposal “Treaty Info Consolidated” does not pass, add “Honey and Health are both tracked in the “Bears” section of the ““Treaty Appendices” wiki page in-between the third and 4th paragraph of the above rule.

Should maybe look to make the “eliminated” concept apply to more rules than just Bears, but easier to get it passed this way

Proposal: The Old Guard

Popular, Passes 7-0—Clucky

Adminned at 27 Jan 2021 02:09:51 UTC

Enact a new rule, “The Old Guard Treaty”:-

Some among the monarchs of this land have washed up here from worlds long past, others have arrived from times and places yet to come.

Signatories of this Treaty have a Title which is tracked before their name in the list of Signatories for this treaty (eg. “Mad Prince ais523”), and which defaults to “Emperor”. A Signatory whose Title is Emperor may choose a dynasty they have headed (if they have headed one), and change their Title to that dynasty’s term for the person who headed it. A Signatory whose Title is not Emperor is considered an Old Guard.

I hadn’t picked up on Bucky’s “each Emperor is running his own nomic dynasty” angle. Maybe this realm could be a kind of Valhalla of all past and future dynasties, which nearly always end with the narrative of their Emperor being deposed or simply forgotten. What did they do next?

Proposal: Decline and Drawal

Unpopular, Fails 0-6—Clucky

Adminned at 27 Jan 2021 02:06:33 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule to the ruleset. Call it “At-Will Caucus Treaty” and give it the following text:

At any time, Signatories to this Treaty may cease to be Signatory to any Treaty, by making a Story Post declaring which Treaty they are leaving (and, if they choose, why) and updating that Treaty’s list of Signatories accordingly.

Proposal: Couch to 8k

Popular, 5-0-2, passed by Clucky

Adminned at 27 Jan 2021 02:05:28 UTC

Add the following as a subrule to the rule Treaties [Universal], called Alliances [Universal]:

Each Emperor has a score called Reach, which is not publicly tracked. A Treaty’s Breadth is the number of Signatories to that Treaty. An Emperor’s Reach is the sum of the Breadths of all Treaties to which that Emperor is a Signatory.

This version is easier to assess at a glance than Josh’s proposal, but on the other hand, this one could get weird because I’m not sure how we’re going to handle Idle Signatories yet.

Proposal: Treaty Info Consolidated

Enacts 7-0 (quorum=6) -Bucky

Adminned at 26 Jan 2021 17:16:40 UTC

If the proposal “Tracking Stuff” passed, this proposal does nothing.

Add a new subrule to Treaties called “Treaty Gamestate [Universal]”. Give it the following text:

Where a Treaty defines gamestate that is not ruletext, that gamestate is by default tracked in the “Treaty Appendices” wiki page under a section whose title is the treaty’s title. Subrules have their sections as subsections of their parent rule.

switching the Arms Disclosure Treaty’s data must be a separate proposal for Signing purposes.

Proposal: 8 Habits

Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1 vote to 5 with 1 unresolved DEF, by Kevan.

Adminned at 26 Jan 2021 09:57:49 UTC

Add the following as a subrule to the rule Treaties [Universal], called Influence [Universal]:

Each Emperor has a score called Influence, which is not publicly tracked. An Emperor’s Influence is the total number of words in Treaties to which they are a Signatory.

Dynastic Vision

First, the pun aspect of the dynasty. In one respect, it’s a simulation of a peace conference, with the Player as referee. In another, each Emperor is running his own nomic dynasty, with the Player playing all of them simultaneously. At this point we seem to be leaning more into the former aspect than the latter, but they are both (so far) relevant interpretations of the theme.

Second, the intended time scale of the simulation is near-real time. Almost everything should be themed as negotiations, as there is simply not enough time to (for example) launch an invasion or earn income, merely to threaten an invasion or promise a payment.

Third, the “overlapping nomics” interpretation is the reason why Dynastic Distance is Inactive. I intend to try to actually play the sub-nomics seriously using dynastic actions, although possibly at thematic handicaps such that I’m unlikely to win, and with my own situation (hopefully) not unduly biasing my proposal-writing and veto decisions.

At the intersection of the two themes, bribing the Player is appropriate and expected (although subordinate to the Player’s dynasty-keeping duties).

Finally, I’m counting on y’all to come up with most of the “great many disagreements” mentioned in the Ascension Address.

P.S. I intend to veto any sort of attempt to subvert the dynastic machinery in “Treaties [Universal]”

The 1st Dynasty of Jumble…& Brendan & Clucky & Coderblaze & Darknight & Josh & Kevan & Raven

(I unidle.)

Call for Judgment: Terms of Reference

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2021 17:29:09 UTC

Make the following changes throughout the ruleset, except in the appendix rule Spelling:

* change the term “Pilot” to “Emperor”.
* change the term “Poindexter” to “Player”.

Change the second bullet point in the Appendix rule Spelling to read as follows:

The text in this rule in quotation marks is flavour text. If it is not the Seventh Dynasty of Bucky, any Emperor may remove all of the text in this bullet point that is not in quotation marks (including the quotation marks themselves). “The terms Player and [...] are synonyms.”

Per discussion on the proposal Lockbox.

Proposal: Lockbox [Appendix]

Self-killed. -Bucky

Adminned at 25 Jan 2021 22:50:39 UTC

In the rule Spelling, change

The terms “Emperor” and “Player” are synonyms.


The text in this rule in quotation marks is flavour text. If it is not the Seventh Dynasty of Bucky, any Emperor may remove all of the text in this rule that is not in quotation marks (including the quotation marks themselves). “The terms Emperor and Player are synonyms.”

I like the premise of this dynasty but we’ve accidentally destroyed the fundamental difference between the main player roles.

Yes, that does mean that until this proposal passes anybody can veto any proposal. Go nuts.

Proposal: I don’t know that rule

Passes 7-0-1 with more than Quorum in favor. -Bucky

Adminned at 25 Jan 2021 22:48:28 UTC

After “an Emperor who is not a Signatory to a Treaty is not required to follow its provisions, and generally cannot take actions defined by that Treaty unless it explicitly states otherwise.”

add “When a treaty mentions to ‘Emperor’ or ‘Emperors’ it only refers to Emperors who are also Signatories of that Treaty unless it explicitly states otherwise”

Right now “Treaties only bind their Signatories;” is a bit unclear

Should a treaty saying “An Emperor may steal 10 coins from another Emperor” allow signatories of that treaty to steal coins from any emperor, even those who are not signatories?

I’d rather default to only applying to signatories than the other way around. Though we should clarify either way.

Proposal: Late To The Party

Passes 8-0 with more than a Quorum FOR. -Bucky

Adminned at 25 Jan 2021 19:44:39 UTC

Add the following to “Treaties [Universal]”

An Emperor who is not a Signatory to a given Treaty may become a Signatory to that Treaty at any time by making a post to the blog declaring which treaties they are signing.

This is important for several reasons. It allows players who join late, who miss a vote that passes due to quorum, or who do not like a treaty but turns out the treaty is beneficial so still want to sign it, to all play the game.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Proposal: Big Sticks

Passes 7-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 25 Jan 2021 19:38:23 UTC

Add a new Dynastic Rule to the ruleset. Call it “Arms Disclosure Treaty” and give it the following text:

There are several variables of an Emperor’s holdings whose composition might affect their ability to carry through on their bargains. Among those are a count of their Ships, the number of Armies in their service, and a measure of their Surplus Revenue (or just Surplus) that may be negative to indicate a Deficit.

If they have not yet done so, a Signatory may disclose the composition of their military; they set their Armies to 2DICE5, their Ships to 9+DICE90, and their Surplus to 200, then deduct ten from their Surplus for each of their Armies and one for each of their Ships. Once disclosed, this information remains public for the rest of the Dynasty.

Should the Player disclose, the previous paragraph not withstanding, their Armies and Ships shall become 0 and their Surplus shall become 1.

Once they have done so, they may Allocate their Ships, Armies and Surplus to satisfy various requirements under other Treaties, so long as this does not result in more of any resource Allocated than they have; should their Allocations of a resource already exceed what they have, they may only reduce their Allocations of that resource. 

The wiki page Disclosures shall track all public information defined by this rule and its subrules, including how much of each resource for disclosing Signatory has already been Allocated.

Proposal: Emperors’ Gold [Universal]

Vetoed (although still worthwhile as it influenced future proposals) - Bucky

Adminned at 25 Jan 2021 18:49:47 UTC

Add a new Dynastic rule to the ruleset. Call it “Gold [Universal]” and give it the following text:

Each emperor has a publicly tracked integer amount of gold, defaulting to 0.
Emperors may transfer gold to other emperors at any time.

Something to work with

Proposal: Tracking Stuff

Fails 2-5 with only 4 not voting AGAINST. -Bucky

Adminned at 25 Jan 2021 18:48:51 UTC

Activate the Dynastic Tracking rule. Replace “Placeholder” within the Dynastic Tracking rule with “Realms of the World”

I’m assuming we will want to track stuff at some point soon, so we should probably clear this up.

Proposal: Sovereignty for All

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2021 16:52:12 UTC

Add a new Dynastic rule to the ruleset. Call it “Treaties [Universal]” and give it the following text:

Rules with [Universal] in their name are Universal. All non-Universal Dynastic rules are Treaties.

Each Treaty has a list of Emperors as Signatories, tracked as a list of Emperor names at the end of the rule; this list is automatically appended when the Treaty is created, replacing any such list in the Treaty’s initial text. Treaties only bind their Signatories; an Emperor who is not a Signatory to a Treaty is not required to follow its provisions, and generally cannot take actions defined by that Treaty unless it explicitly states otherwise.

When a Proposal creates or modifies a Treaty, every Emperor that voted FOR it becomes a Signatory to that Treaty; for this purpose, a DEFERENTIAL vote is never a FOR vote. Signatories to a subrule become Signatories to the parent rule. The Player is considered to be a Signatory to every Treaty. 

The Player should veto any proposal that would make an Emperor a Signatory to a Treaty against his will, or that would convert a Treaty into a Universal rule without the assent of all non-Signatory Emperors. Moreover, a Proposal that creates or modifies a Universal rule is not Popular while it has any AGAINST votes.

Ascension Address: Summit

It is a great honor for me to address the sovereigns assembled here. I understand that you have gathered today to settle a great many disagreements. I further understand the need for an impartial speaker to direct and mediate the proceedings, who is not himself a party to those disputes. 

But I’m a humble musician! I was hired for your entertainment. I know nothing of courtly affairs, statesmanship or diplomatic protocol. Given that the stakes are world peace against total war, perhaps your most august selves should consider a speaker who has even a modicum of training, and let me work the clavier in the background as is my duty.


Fine. If the sole necessary qualification is that I’m the only one present who is not a member of anyone’s entourage, and my ignorance is no obstacle, so be it.


Replace Ansible Hanger with Placeholder in the rule “Dynastic Tracking”. Repeal all Dynastic rules (as I’m breaking from my tradition of retaining exactly one) and inactivate all Special Case rules.

Replace Poindexter with Player and Pilot with Emperor.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Reflection on dynastic mechanics

The degree of Shell customization worked well and remained on-theme. The meme advantage was real but never overwhelming - it amounted to one or two extra shots per shell cycle at most.

The Timed Action mechanic failed what seemed to be the main design goal of reducing the advantage gained by being active at particular times. The correct time to land an attack - the only action that could be scheduled - was approximately as soon as possible in every case except one (the exception being my final combined two-Shell attack). However, it was quite advantageous to launch an attack as soon as possible after a Schedule Post, and that time was only somewhat predictable. Further, an attack couldn’t be scheduled during Recovery, the one period where a longer lead time might be useful, because selecting a Shell could not be Timed.

The combat mechanics themselves were cool, but underutilized. There was some basic teamwork going on within the Blue Lotus, but that could easily have been contested and we would’ve needed to adapt. The combat was much slower than a daily cycle due to the need to wait a further day-and-change to view the results of an attack. The dynamic where death was the main way to recharge was unique, but it messed with the DEVAs’ attacks to the point of rendering them useless, and in hindsight there should’ve been ways to recharge in the field that didn’t rely on specific Arms.

It should also be noted that the Poindexter’s refereeing duties seemed to be borderline impractical, given the frequency of errors, but it’s hard for me to tell how much of that was the scheduling and how much was the combat mechanics themselves.

The victory raffle, I came up with after reading through a bunch of player feedback on previous dynasties and earmarked for a Carnival dynasty in the future. The theory was that players drop out, or fail to jump in, because they think they have no chance of winning; also, informally pooled wins were popular. Explicit pooling should solve both problems, right? Except it did the opposite on both counts, and I’m not sure why, which means I don’t want to actually run a raffle-based Carnival dynasty until I figure out what went wrong.

On a meta level, I was very confused by the several players who were opining on the dynasty on Slack (which I couldn’t access at all) and waiting for it to fizzle, but not willing to actually jump in and propose anything.

The dynasty was extremely imbalanced in terms of proposal volume towards the end of the dynasty. I was making more proposals than everyone else combined; this appears to have started around the time of the CfJs “Stuck Recovering” and “What happens when the Poindexter makes a mistake?”. Josh accounted for a majority of the January proposals that I didn’t make. This wasn’t the case before January, even during the post-Seasonal Downtime period; from the start of the dynasty through December 31, proposals were split about evenly between me, Josh, and everyone else combined.

Declaration of Victory: Crystal Heart Obtained

Has been open for 12 hours, is popular, and the Poindexter has voted FOR. Josh

Adminned at 24 Jan 2021 09:08:18 UTC

Per Pondexter’s comment on my second promotion request, I have been selected to achieve victory.

Story Post: Promotion Request

Order of the Blue Lotus has 3 Crowns.

3x2,000,000 => can win with up to 5,999,999 civilian casualties.

Civilian Casualities: 5,314,283.

Side note - I’m not an Ace right now because the CfJ that killed CHARMANDER only awarded the experience, not the kill.

Schedule post 2021-01-23

Yesterday, CHARIZARD levelled a wide swath of the downtown of a major urban area. This resulted in 446,145 casualties.

At 16h52 yesterday afternoon, METAPOD emerged from the portal. As it did so, the sun briefly dimmed as a swarm of locusts filled the sky, bringing pestilence and famine to this world for the next twelve summers.

At 23h30, Pilot Bucky attacked CHARIZARD. The first attempt, on Vector 2, was deflected, causing CHARIZARD to fire its EM Weapon and splattering Acid Blood on the ground (a further 146,664 casualties). Bucky’s onboard camera correctly IDed CHARIZARD as a VALKERIE-class DEVA.Swiftly changing to a backup Shell, Bucky then continued the assult on vectors 3 through 10; attacks on vectors 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were all defected, but the fusillade finally penetrated CHARIZARD’s hide on vector 8, resulting in rapid exothermal compression and a complete implosion of the target. Once the dust had cleared, Bucky found a REFRACTED CRYSTAL HEART in the remains of the DEVA. Our scientists believe that we can use the power of this Heart to close the portal for good. For this and other valourous action Bucky has been awarded one Crown.

Today at 08h00 Pilot Coderblaze will attack CATERPIE on vector 12. At 23h39, if it’s still standing, CATERPIE will attack a military target (likely Coderblaze). That is all.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Proposal: FFS

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 23 Jan 2021 11:11:44 UTC

Award 218736 Crowns to every Pilot.

Story Post: Promotion Request

I hereby assert that the Meritous Corporation is Meritous.

Proposal: Handover Documents [Special Case]

Reached quorum, 6-0. Josh

Adminned at 23 Jan 2021 10:56:12 UTC

If the text “The gamestate tracking page for this dynasty is the Ansible Hangar page of the wiki. Unless otherwise stated, all publicly tracked gamestate information is tracked on it” exists in the rule PIlots and Shells exists, remove it.

Add a new Special Case rule, called Dynastic Tracking [Active], with the following text:

The gamestate tracking page for this dynasty is the Ansible Hangar page of the wiki. Unless otherwise stated, all publicly tracked gamestate information is tracked on it. A Poindexter may change the wiki page referred to in this rule to a different page as part of their Ascension Address.

Schedule post 2021-01-22

Good morning.

Yesterday, CATERPIE levelled a suburb of a downtown city , causing 169,290 casualties. CATERPIE has since been preparing for an assault on a military target.

Today the following will take place:

At 03h51, CHARIZARD will shake off its stun and will commence an attack on a civilian target.
At 16h52 METAPOD will emerge from the portal and will begin its preparations for an attack on a military target.
At 23h30, Pilot Bucky will attack CHARIZARD on vector 2 (with seeker munitions and a camera turret), and will then continue to attack on vectors 3 through 10.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Proposal: Even Later Target Selection

Reached quorum and enacted, 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 23 Jan 2021 10:54:55 UTC

In the rule “Attack a Military Target”, change

* 12-36 hours: Attack


* 1-24 hours: Aim
* 11-12 hours: Attack


When attacking a military target is added to a DEVA’s schedule, a Jockeying Pilot must be secretly randomly selected as its target.


When a DEVA finishes the Aim stage, a Jockeying Pilot must be secretly randomly selected as its target.

Proposal: Lower the Bar

Popular at 4-2. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2021 14:05:26 UTC

In the rule “Team Victory”, change

the number of Civilian Casualties divided by 1,000,000


the number of Civilian Casualties divided by 2,000,000


Schedule post 2021-01-21

Yesterday, CHARMELEON and CHARIZARD both skied their attacks on military targets, and will both be confused for 48 hours.

Also yesterday, CATERPIE emerged from the portal, causing humans and animals all around Blogia to have sudden, vivid psychic images of their own violent deaths, It immediately started moving towards a civilian target.

Today, at 09h10, CATERPIE will launch an attack on the civilian population of a major city on the southern island.

Starting at 23h40, Pilot Bucky will launch a wide-spectrum attack against CHARIZARD, starting on vector 2 (with seeker munitions and a camera turret) and working up to vector 10.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Proposal: The Kayode Ewumi Meme

Enacted Popular, 4-2. Josh

Adminned at 22 Jan 2021 12:02:19 UTC

Create a new Corporation as follows:


Creed: Fiat Corona

Requirement: A Pilot may join this Corporation if they have never joined any other Corporation.

Set the Affiliation of every Pilot who has never joined any other extant Corporation, and who is Unaffiliated, and whose EVC on this Proposal was in favor of it, to Meritous.

Award each Corporation one Crown.

:D :D

Proposal: Rogue Squadron

At 2-3, has less than a quorum not voting against. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2021 21:10:47 UTC

In the rule Team Victory, change “The selected Pilot achieves victory” to “The selected Pilot becomes Elevated”.

Add a new rule to the ruleset, called Wings:

A Wing is an organisation of multiple Pilots. Each Pilot may be a member of zero or one Wing, defaulting to not being a member of a Wing. Each Wing has one Leader. A Pilot who is the Leader of a Wing may not be a member of another Wing, and a Pilot who is in a Wing may not subsequently become Leader of a Wing. Each Pilot has their Wing information publicly tracked.

A Pilot or Idle Pilot (‘the recruit’) may, at any time, make a post advertising their willingness to join a Wing. Other Pilots (‘recruiters’) may respond to such a post inviting the recruit to their Wing, and naming a victory percentage (which may be negotiated in public or private beforehand). At any time a recruit may accept a recruiter’s invitation to join their Wing; when they do, all other recruitment messages to that recruit cease to be valid. A recruit may not join a Wing if it causes themselves or their new Leader to have an invalid gamestate (eg because the recruit is already a Leader or because the recruiter is themselves part of another Wing).

When a Pilot is a member of a Wing they are giving up autonomy in exchange for a percentage chance at Victory. When a recruit joins a Wing they must set their Wing Information to the name of their Leader and the agreed victory percentage in their invitation; they must also set their Corporation to the Corporation of their Leader. From that point forward, the Leader of their Wing may carry out dynastic actions on their behalf as if they were the recruit in question - Pilots who are members of Wings may not themselves carry out any dynastic actions, except changing their Wing Information as specified by this rule; they may also not be made idle.

Whenever a Pilot becomes Elevated in this dynasty, the following occurs:
* If the Pilot is not a member of any Wing, they have achieved Victory;
* If the Pilot is a member of a wing, they cease to be Elevated and their Wing Leader becomes Elevated;
* If the Pilot is a Wing Leader then they must make a post establishing a public random method by which a Pilot in their Wing may be awarded Victory. The likelihood of each Pilot in the Wing attaining Victory must be equal to their individual victory percentage, with the Wing Leader attaining Victory on any result within the remainder (for example: if a Wing has a leader and three members, each with a 5% victory share, then the Wing Leader would win in the 85% of cases were one of their recruits did not). If this is not possible (for example, because the Pilots of the Wing have a combined victory percentage allocation that is greater than 100) then all Pilots cease to be Elevated. Otherwise, the Wing Leader publicly randomly determines which member of their Wing has achieved Victory and makes a post announcing it.

A Pilot who is a member of a Wing may amend their Wing Information as follows:
* They may reduce their victory percentage by any amount at any time;
* They may increase their victory percentage as publicly agreed with their Wing Leader;
* They may add ‘ITQ’, which stands for Intent to Quit, at any time;
* If their Wing Information has contained ‘ITQ’ for at least five days, or if their Wing Leader is idle, then they may blank their Wing Information field. At that point they cease to be in a Wing.

There is some muttering on Slack about pooling resources behind a single leader to drive victory. This attempts to formalise such a thing: legally mandated sock-puppeting in exchange for win %.

Note that a member of a Wing may not be made idle. This will have an impact on quorum, but I’m not too worried about it; proposals have mostly been timing out this dynasty anyway.

Schedule post 2021-01-20

Yesterday pilot Bucky made a run on CHARIZARD on Vector 12. CHARIZARD evaded the shot but Clucky’s onbaodr camera IDed it as a VALKERIE-class DEVA. CHARIZARD reacted with its Acid Blood, causing 351,792 civilian casualties, and its EM Weapon, leaving Bucky unable to make any further fire attempts for 24 hours.

Today, CHARMELEON and CHARIZARD will both aim at military targets and likely miss, causing confusion. CATERPIE will emerge from the portal at 07h27. At noon, Pilot Coderblaze will fire at CHARIZARD on vector 18 and CHAMELEON on vector 15. We wish our Pilots the best of luck.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Proposal: Strike Hard and Fast

Passes 4-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2021 14:44:47 UTC

Add a new Shell to the list in the Armoury.
Its name shall be “A-2 Tortoise”
Its Description shall be “This sluggish heavy weapons Shell is the last resort against the toughest RAKSHASHA.”
Its default stats shall be Power: 45, Attack: 33, Defence: 20, Speed: 60

Add a new shell to the list in the Armoury.
Its name shall be “P-1 Hare”
Its Description shall be “This underarmed but highly customizable platform evolved from a scout prototype.”
Its default stats shall be Power:125, Attack: 8, Defence: 15, Speed: 16

Designations are by primary advantage stat in comparison to the Mark I, followed by the design number for that stat; for example the Mark II would be the S-1 and an even faster model would be an S-2.

Proposal: Late Military Target Selection

At 1-3, has fewer than a quorum of Pilots not voting AGAINST. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2021 14:44:04 UTC

In the rule “Attack a Military Target”, change

“When attacking a military target is added to a DEVA’s schedule, a Jockeying Pilot must be secretly randomly selected as its target.”


“When a DEVA begins the Prepare stage of attacking a military target, a Jockeying Pilot must be secretly randomly selected as its target. If there are no Jockeying Pilots at that time, the Bogey switches to an Attack a Civilian Target action, starting immediately and ending at the same time the Attack stage would have ended.”

The current batch of DEVAs has a hard time hitting because the Shells have a shorter lifetime than their planning phase. They should be smart enough to find another target.

Schedule post 2021-01-19

Today the uncertainty field surrounding BLASTOISE cleared. It is now understood that Pilot Bucky successfully slew the Bogey on 2021-01-16. Belated congratulations to Pilot Bucky.

Yesterday, CHARMELEON sprayed its acidic mucus onto a civilian target, causing 611,312 civilian casualties.

Today at 19h00 Pilot Bucky will attack CHARIZARD on vector 12, and will get a close look with their camera turret as they do so. CHARMELEON and CHARIZARD will both conduct the preparatory steps to conduct attacks on civilian targets, but neither attack will connect today.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Proposal: Arms Racing

Passes unanimously, 5-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 19 Jan 2021 21:47:14 UTC

In the rule “Armoury”, make the following changes to the list of Arms:

for “Auxiliary Reactor”, change

Cost: 10. Effect: +20% Power -20% Defense


Cost: 10. Effect: +30% Power -20% Defense

For Structural Reinforcement Plates, change

Cost: 10. Effect: -20% Power +20% Defense


Cost: 15. Effect: +20% Defense. Ineffective if the Pilot also has an Auxiliary Reactor.

Change the cost of Onboard AI and Shielded Cabling from 20 to 15.

For Efficient Circuitry, reduce its cost from 30 to 25 and change

Each subsequent Fire Attempt on the same Bogey after the first costs 7 Power instead of 10


When a Pilot with this Arm has already made at least one Fire Attempt on a Bogey, their subsequent Fire Attempts at the same target cost 3 less Power.

Change the effect of Soul Threasher from

Whenever a civilian attack is resolved successfully, Jockeying Pilots with this Arm gain 10 power


Whenever a civilian attack is resolved successfully, Jockeying Pilots with this Arm gain 10 power, plus an additional 10 power for each full 1 million casualties it caused.

For Cellular Sampler, change

If any Pilot with this meme is Jockeying


If any Pilot with this Arm is Jockeying

Add an Arm called “Seeker Munitions” with cost 40 to the list, immediately below Cluster Munitions, with the following Effect:

If the Fire Vector of a Fire Action by a Pilot with this Arm would exceed the target’s Defence by exactly 1, upon finding that it is not miscalibrated, it corrects its Fire Vector to equal the target’s Defense.

Buffing all the Arms that haven’t been used, preventing Efficient Circuitry from reducing other Pilots’ firing costs while reducing its cost to compensate, making Cellular Sampler work out-of-the-box and re-implementing Rakshasha Targeting to expensively affect all subspecies.

Proposal: Photographing the Ansible

Passes 4-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 19 Jan 2021 19:10:53 UTC

In the rule “The Battlefield”, change

The Fire Attempt still takes place, however.


The Fire Attempt still takes place, however, and when it’s resolved it uses the statistics and Arms the Pilot had when they scheduled it.

Uphold the results of any Fire Attempts where the Pilots spent all their Power and the Poindexter calculated the results using their last numerical statistics instead of “-”.

Currently it’s possible to fire a slow shot from a Mark I and switch to a Nutcracker to use the Nutcracker’s higher Attack, or to obtain a Camera Turret between scheduling and resolving the attack and get info when the attack arrives. And if a Pilot’s still Recovering, their Attack is undefined.

Schedule post 2021-01-18

We appear to be in a state of temporary quantum flux, brought about by subatomic entanglement between molecules on our dimension and those of the DEVA home dimension.

What we know for sure happened yesterday is this: the demonic DEVA CHARIZARD emerged from the portal, causing thunderstorms of acid rain to spontaneously break out over every major city on the planet. CHARIZARD started moving towards a Civilian target and is expected to reach it at 23h56 today. The newly detected DEVA CATERPIE has taken its place in the gestation chamber of the breach.

We also know that CHARMELEON has shaken off its stun and is moving against the location of Pilot Bucky. It will complete its preparation steps today and will enact its attack tomorrow.

The uncertainty around Bogey BLASTOISE surrounds its quantum position. Either it was destroyed yesterday at 13h01 by Pilot Bucky, or it will be attacked today at 13h20 by Pilot Bucky. It is currently not possible to determine which of these outcomes will turn out to be correct but we hope that the temporal field will have collapsed by this time tomorrow.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Call for Judgment: Chain Retraction

Passes 4-0. BLASTOISE retroactively destroyed per today’s Schedule Post. Poindexter is directed to update the gamestate. -Bucky

Adminned at 18 Jan 2021 16:54:13 UTC

At 8:18 on January 14th, I made an attack on CHARMELEON. When the attack was resolved on the 15th, no EM Weapon effect was applied and so I immediately scheduled a second attack on CHARMELEON, destroying my Shell with the power expenditure.

On January 16th, shortly after the second attack landed but before the results were confirmed, I switched Shells, became Jockeying again, and scheduled a third attack run on BLASTOISE.

In the Schedule Post for January 17th, the Poindexter resolved the second attack and determined that it provoked a response from CHARMELEON’s EM Weapon. This invalidated the third attack run.

However, if CHARMELEON had an EM weapon, the second attack would have been illegal because I would have been disabled from the first attack. Moreover, I would’ve been in a different Shell than the one I thought I was in for the third attack run, and would not have enough Power for it as a result. (Of course, if I’d known I was EM-disabled, I would not have entered battle at all for the second run and could have made substantially the same third attack run in the same shell).

Therefore, the current representation of the gamestate is inconsistent regarding the effects of CHARMELEON’s possible EM Weapon

Given the amount of information that has been leaked due to illegal actions (including Camera Turret hints for the second attack), and the degree to which they have snowballed, I believe the fairest outcome is to declare that CHARMELEON simply never had an EM weapon. Accordingly:
* No Pilots are currently disabled by CHARMELEON’s EM Weapon.
* My attacks on BLASTOISE on the 16th were valid and Poindexter shall update the gamestate accordingly.
* In the likely event that BLASTOISE was destroyed by that attack run, any Fire Attempts on BLASTOISE on the 17th were invalid and should be refunded.

The alternative state is that CHARMELEON had an EMP weapon all along. That would involve the following changes. This CfJ expressly does NOT adopt the following, and instead declares these did not occur:
* Having fired three miscalibrated attacks at BLASTOISE on the 16th, I became Recovering; my attempt to purchase Hot Blood as a meme was invalid because I was still Jockeying at the time and should be reverted; and my most recent attempt to become Jockeying failed because I was not Outfitting and so I should still be Recovering with one less Experience than represented in the Ansible Hangar.

Proposal: Battlefix

Passes unanimously, 5-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 18 Jan 2021 21:10:31 UTC

In the rule The Battlefield, change

If a Pilot’s Shell would be set to zero or below by the power expenditure required for a Fire Attempt then their Shell is destroyed as if they had done an Emergency Shutdown. The Fire Attempt still takes place, however.


If a Pilot’s Power would be set to zero or below by the power expenditure required for a Fire Attempt then their Shell is destroyed as if they had done an Emergency Shutdown. The Fire Attempt still takes place, however.

Uphold all Shell destructions through Power expenditure in the dynasty so far.

Proposal: Rockem Sockem

Self-killed. -Bucky

Adminned at 18 Jan 2021 21:09:40 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the rule called DEVAs:

Once a Bogey has emerged, it is legal for its statistics to be reduced below the minimums of their respective ranges.

Add a subrule to the rule The Battlefield, called Melee Mode:

Any Pilot whose Shell or Arm has a melee attack may specify that a Fire Attempt is being made in Melee Mode.

A Fire Attempt made in Melee Mode does not cost any energy, and takes the form of a comment to the most recent Schedule Post that contains a target, which must be an ID Code of a Bogey, a schedule time, which must be a UTC time of the Pilot’s choice between x and 72 hours (where x is the Pilot’s Shell’s Speed) after the time at which the comment is made. Upon the posting of such a comment, a Fire Action with the specifed parameters is schedules.

Fire Actions made in Melee Mode automatically hit. When a Melee Mode Fire Action hits, the Attack of the attacker is subtracted from the Energy of the defender; if the defender still has Energy they then counterattack, reducing the Defence or, if their Defence is zero, the Energy of the attacker by the defender’s Attack, before applying any Reactionary Features.

If a Bogey is attacked in Melee Mode when they are stunned then they cannot counterattack. If a Bogey is attacked in Melee Mode while they are in Hibernation then they are eliminated.

In the rule The Battlefield, remove the sentence “If the target had the feature Refracted Crystal Heart, the attacker gains one Crown” and add the following at the end of the rule:

If a Bogey is eliminated through any means and has the feature Refracted Crystal Heart, the Pilot directly responsible for their elimination (if one can be identified) gains one Crown.

Add the following Arms to the list of Arms in the rule Armoury:

* Thunderball Fist - Cost: 2. Melee attack.
* Venin Sword - Cost: 15. Melee attack. Any Bogey hit by a melee mode fire action by a Pilot with this Arm in their Armoury must Hibernate as its next timed action, regardless of its statistics.
* Aegis Generator - Cost: 15. If a Bogey is hit by a melee mode fire action by a Pilot with this Arm in their Armoury then any attacks on civilian targets that have been completed by that Bogey in the preceding 24 hours are reversed.

Change the first sentence of the rule the Armoury to read “Each Shell has a name, a brief description (which is flavourtext), an optional Feature, a default Power value, a default Attack, a default Defence and a default Speed.” Add the following to the list of Shells in the same rule:

* The Vindicator
** Description: A Shell designed for up-close and personal situations, when you simply have to pound a RAKSHASHA in the face.
** Feature: This Shell comes with a built-in melee attack.
** Default Power: 45, Attack: 28, Defense: 5, Speed: 24

Schedule post 2021-01-17

Yesterday, CHARMELEON attacked nothing and became confused.

Coderblaze’s attack on BLASTOISE on vestor 23 was evaded. They also attacked CHARMELEON on vector 22; that was also evaded, prompting CHARMELEON to retaliate with its Radiant Beam (reducing Coderblaze’s attack by 10) and EM Weapon (leaving Coderblaze unable to schedule attacks for 24 hours).

Bucky then attacked CHARMELEON on vector 11. which was deflected. CHARMELEON’s Radiant Beam was not triggered by this but its EM Weapon was, leaving Bucky unable to make Fire Attempts for 24 hours; their Fire Attempts on the 2021-01-16 are therefore not valid and have been refunded. BLASTOISE was also targeted by this attack; however, BLASTOISE similarly deflected. Bucky’s Camera Turret confirmed that CHARMELEON and BLASTOISE are OPHANIM and RAKSHASHA class, respectively.

Today, at 03h22 CHARIZARD will emerge from the portal, and BLASTOISE will complete its attack on a civilian target at 11h54. That is all.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Proposal: Win by Looking Silly

Passes unanimously, 5-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 18 Jan 2021 21:06:43 UTC

Add a new Arm to the list of them in the rule “Armoury”:

Promotional Banner - Cost: 20. Effect: +8 Speed, -10% Defense; used by the rule Advertising.

Add a new subrule to Team Victory. Call it “Advertising” and give it the following text:

A Corporation is Advertising if a Pilot Affiliated with it is both Jockeying and equipped with a Promotional Banner.

An Ad Spot is an event that occurs each Tuesday at Noon. When an Ad Spot occurs, each Corporation that has been continuously Advertising since the last Ad Spot is awarded a Crown.

Team Victory has an unused clause for a Crown awarded directly to a corporation, rather than to a particular Pilot. Let’s use it.

Proposal: Battle Lines

No feedback from idle Pilots received; times out 1-0-2 and fails due to less than two votes FOR. -Bucky

Adminned at 18 Jan 2021 21:03:27 UTC

Add a new subrule “Blood Brotherhood” to the rule “Corporations”:

Creed: Loyalty Unbreakable

Requirement: To join this Corporation, a Pilot must never have voluntarily ceased to be Affiliated with another Corporation.

Add a new subrule “Coronal Cabal” to the rule “Corporations”:

Creed: Victory At Any Cost

Requirement: A Pilot must have been Awarded a Crown to join this Corporation.

My next guess for why people aren’t jumping in: Inaccessible corporations

After the demise of Mechatech, there’s no corporation that a new player can immediately join. Blood Brotherhood fills that niche now.

Coronal Cabal is the “work together to end this ASAP” team, should enough crown-holders outside Blue Lotus be persuaded to do so.

Schedule post 2021-01-16

Not much happened yesterday. Ghost-CHARMANDER started moving through the countryside but it unlikely to reach anything before the Guild of Logic-Wizards have found a way to dispell him. CHARMELEON and BLASTOISE were both considering their next moves.

Today, BLASTOISE will keep plodding towards its civilian target on the Sourthern continent, and is unlikely to reach it until tomorrow. At 07h56, CHARMELEON will complete an attack on a military target, but as there were no valid targets when it decided to do that it is likely to swipe impotently in the air and become confused for a couple of days.

At 10h00, Pilot Coderblaze will launch attacks on BLASTOISE (vector 23) and CHARMELEON (vector 22). At 17h20, Pilot Bucky will attack CHARMELEON on vector 11, also taking in BLASTOISE with their cluster munitions. They will take the opportunity to flyby both DEVAs with their Camera Turret as they do so. We wish both Pilots the best of luck.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Proposal: Standard Installation Procedure

Passes unanimously, 5-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 16 Jan 2021 17:39:25 UTC

In the rule Armoury, after

An Arm may not be added to an Arsenal if it would cause the Pilot’s Power, Attack or Defence to be reduced to zero or below.


Percentage-based modifications to a Shell’s statistics from an Arm’s effect are based on the Default statistics for that particular Shell.

I still don’t know whether Structural Reinforcement Plates are supposed to apply their -20% Power before or after paying their cost.

Call for Judgment: Some errors

4-0 with Quorum FOR. -Bucky

Adminned at 16 Jan 2021 16:53:13 UTC

Bogey CHARMANDER is a VALKERIE class DEVA with a Defence of 14. This is impossible; VALKERIEs should cap out at 12. No idea how that has happened. Sorry.

Bucky launched an attack on CHARMANDER yesterday on vector 12. That means CHARMANDER should be destroyed.

By resolution of this CfJ, destroy CHARMANDER and award Bucky 4 Experience Points for the kill.

Cancel any attacks made on Bogey CHARMANDER in comments to the 2021-01-15 Schedule Post and refund the energy spend on them to the respective attackers.

Proposal: The Host

Self-killed. -Bucky

Adminned at 16 Jan 2021 16:46:05 UTC

Add the following to the list of DEVA sub-species:

Designation MALAIKAH. Energy range 120-220, Attack range 13-77, Defence range 28-61, 100% chance of “Chitin Armor”, 100% chance of “Fully Integrated Crystal Heart”, 20% chance of all other Features.

Add the following to the list of Features in the rule DEVA Sub-Species as the second a third items on the list:

* Fully Integrated Crystal Heart. If this DEVA ever has 0 Energy it is eliminated and all subsequent Features have no effect.
* Chitin Armour. Passive Effect. Any time that this DEVA would be eliminated or would deflect a shot, the attack of the Pilot is instead subtracted from its Energy. All Timed Actions by this DEVA take an additional 12 hours.

Add the following to the end of the rule Hibernation:

While hibernating, none of a Bogey’s Reaction Effects take place.

In the rule The Battlefield, after “If the target had the feature Refracted Crystal Heart, the attacker gains one Crown,” add

and if the target had the feature Fully Integrated Crystal Heart, the attacker gains three Crowns.

Add the following to the end of the rule DEVAs:

Once a Bogey has emerged, it is legal for its statistics to be reduced below the minimums of their respective ranges.

Schedule post 2021-01-15

Yesterday at 14h00 Pilot Coderblaze’s attack on BLASTOISE on vector 27 was evaded. Bucky’s attacks were all deflected by CHARMELEON and CHARMANDER. All three targets are still upright and in the field. BLASTOISE subsequently shook off its stun and resumed its movement.

Today is expected to be quiet; CHARMANDER will cease to be stunned at 06h16 this morning, but BLASTOISE and CHARMELEON will be preparing for attacks on their next targets (civilian and military, respectively) and neither is expected to complete before tomorrow.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Proposal: Evacuation Protocol

Fails 1-3 after more than 48 hours. -Bucky

Adminned at 16 Jan 2021 16:45:10 UTC

In the rule “Attack a Civilian Target”, change

where x is a random number between 1 and 100,000, multiplied by that Bogey’s Attack


where x is a random number between 1,000 and 25,000, multiplied by that Bogey’s Attack

Right now, a single high-rolling attack can increase the victory requirement by as many as six Crowns. This change on the upper bound limits a single attack to two crowns (plus one from rounding) for a Rakshasha and one for other Bogeys, plus rounding. The change on the lower bound gives us room to deduce a bogey’s maximum Attack from a low-casualty event.

Schedule post 2021-01-14

Yesterday, CHARMANDER attacked Pilot Coderblaze’s last known position. However, Coderblaze was not there, and so CHARMANDER is stunned for 48 hours.

Today, CHARMELEON will complete the movement (14h41) and preparation (21h46) phases of attacking a military target. The target of this attack is unclear; it seems like this might be an uncoordinated attack on no-one at all. Maybe something has gone wrong up at DEVA HQ.

At 14h00 today Pilot Coderblaze will pilot their new A1-Nutcracker Shell at BLASTOISE alone attack vector 27. A minute later, Pilot Bucky will carry out a straffing run against CHARMANDER, running through vectors 12 through 6, before peeling off to conduct an attack on the nearby CHARMELON on vector 5. We wish both pilots good luck.

Finally, we have again detected movement in the portal. We are identifying this potential Bogey with the codename CHARIZARD.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Proposal: Cleanup cleanup

Passes 4-0 with Quorum in favor. -Bucky

Adminned at 15 Jan 2021 17:21:11 UTC

If the Ruleset contains a paragraph containing “If they do then they must immediately remove this paragraph from the ruleset.” as its only sentence, remove that sentence from the ruleset.


Proposal: Hotheads

Timed out and enacted, 3-2. Josh

Adminned at 15 Jan 2021 09:46:27 UTC

Add the following to the list of arms in the rule Armoury:

* Hot Blood - Cost - 5 Power. An Recovering Pilot with this Arm may become Outfitting after 6 hours instead of 24.

Proposal: True Heart

Passed, 4-1. Josh

Adminned at 15 Jan 2021 09:45:22 UTC

Multiply the probability for each subspecies of a DEVA having the Refracted Crystal Heart Feature by ten.

For each currently extant Bogey, the Poindexter must recalculate whether or not it would have the Refracted Crystal Heart Feature.

Schedule post 2021-01-13

Yesterday at 16h45 BLASTOISE directed a pressurised pyroclastic flow from its vented chest chamber at Raven1207’s Shell. However, Raven’s shell had been destroyed in the combat of the day before, leaving BLASTOISE’s attack targetless. BLASTOISE is therefore stunned for 48 hours.

CHARMELEON’s attack on a civilian target was successful and resulted in 618,267 casualties.

Today, CHARMANDER will complete its attack on a military target, forecast to be Coderblaze’s last known location. No other actions are forecast,

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Proposal: Crown of the Avenger

Passes unanimously, 5-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 13 Jan 2021 20:13:56 UTC

Add a new subrule to the rule “Team Victory”. Call it “Revenge” and give it the following text:

Whenever a Pilot destroys a Bogey that has completed at least two “Attack a Civilian Target” actions, or that has destroyed two or more Shells with its own actions or reactions, the destroying Pilot is awarded a crown.

Remove the sentence starting with “The first time a RAKSHASHA-designation Bogey is eliminated” from the rule “Team Victory”.

Note that acid blood splashes don’t count as civilian targets.

Schedule post 2021-01-12

Yesterday the following took place:

,* CHARMELEON successfully emerged from the portal.
* Both of Coderblaze’s attacks on CHARMANDER were deflected. Coderblaze was hit by CHARMANDER’s EM weapon and was blocked from making new attacked until 04h00 this morning. CHARMANDER’s Acid Blood splattered onto a nearby urban centre, killing 269,549.
* Bucky’s attack on BLASTOISE was deflected.
* CHARMANDER completed its attack on a civilian target. 962,010 people were killed.
* Raven1207 was struck by an attack from BLASTOISE. BLASTOISE’s attack of 39 comfortably overwhelmed Raven’s defences, causing their shell to be destroyed. BLASTOISE then moved into position for and fully prepared an attack on a military target.

Today, CHARMANDER is preparing an attack on a military target; it stopped moving at 00h30 and prepared its attack until 01h15. The attack itself is not expected to land on its target (coderblaze) today. BLASTOISE will attack a military target, forecast to be Raven1207, at 16h45. CHARMELEON will attack a civilian target at 23h37.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Admin note for Known Unknowns

Proposal: Known Unknowns removed the clause that lets a DEVA’s stats drop below their minimum. This disables Hibernation.

Scheudle post 2021-01-11

No actions were completed yesterday.

Today, the following is forecast to occur:

* At 02h26, Bogey CHARMELEON emerges from the portal. Its skin is a cloud of of winged insects barely concealing the pulsing organs underneath.
* At 04h00, Pilot Coderblaze will carry out two attacks on CHARMANDER, on vectors 5 and 15.
* At 07h00, Pilot Bucky will carry out an attack on BLASTOISE on vector 20.
* At 09h43, Bogey CHARMANDER will enact an attack on a civilian target.
* At 12h15, Bogey BLASTOISE will carry out an attack on Pilot Raven1207.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Proposal: [Special Case] Three Player Mode

Passes 3-2 after more than 48 hours. -Bucky

Adminned at 12 Jan 2021 22:30:43 UTC

Set the Special Case Rule “Dormancy” to Inactive.

Proposal: Go Aggro

Times out and passes 4-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 12 Jan 2021 22:28:44 UTC

Add a new Shell to the list in the Armoury.

Its name shall be the “A-1 Nutcracker”
Its description shall be “An adaptation to DEVAs that proved impervious to the initial Shell designs, the Nutcracker is designed for sustained attacks against hard targets”
Its default stats shall be Power: 70, Attack: 21, Defense: 12, Speed: 18.

Schedule post 2021-01-10

Yesterday, pilot Bucky made two fire attempts at BLASTOISE, one on vector 16, the other on vector 12. Both shots were deflected off of BLASTOISE’s huge tusk.

BLASTOISE continued its rampage through the countryside of the southern continent, causing 94,419 casualties.

CHARMANDER emerged from the portal, each of its elbows an eyeball weaping puss and glowing with inner malevolence.

Today, BLASTOISE will complete the travel (03h03) and preparation (06h54) stages of an attack on a military target. The attack isn’t expected to connect today but appears to be targeting Pilot Raven1207. CHARMANDER appears to be fixed on a civilian target but won’t get there until tomorrow at some point.

That’s all for today.

Saturday, January 09, 2021

Proposal: Known Unknowns

Passes unanimously, 5-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 11 Jan 2021 22:35:00 UTC

In the rule DEVAs, change the third paragraph to read

Each DEVA has statistics that are secretly tracked by Poindexter, that fall within the ranges for that DEVA’s sub-species. Whenever Poindexter has to generate a new DEVA, they should secretly randomly determine its Energy, Attack and Defence based on the published ranges, and secretly randomly determine whether it has any of the special features possible for its sub-species. Each Bogey has a space in public tracking for information relating to each Bogey’s statistics; any Pilot may add or remove information, including amending the available fields, at any time. Any Pilot may fill in the publicly tracked information for Bogey statistics to reflect information that they have publicly or privately gained, guesses or inferences derived from other game events, or speculation. The publicly tracked information on Bogey statistics is flavour text and does not reflect or imply the private statistics of those Bogeys, and in the event that they disagree, the privately tracked information will be considered the true statistics for each Bogey.

Schedule post 2021-01-09

Busy day on the skies above Blogia.

Yesterday, BLASTOISE emerged, the viscera of a thousand demons still clinging to its screaming claws. It immediately started moving towards a civilian target.

Today, at noon, Pilot Bucky will make two shots on Bogey BLASTOISE. Assuming that it survives, BLASTOISE will continue on and at 16h12 it will reach its civilian target and lay waste to it with acidic spores. At 23h16, CHARMANDER is expected to emerge from the breach.

Best of luck, pilots.

Friday, January 08, 2021

Proposal: Opportunity clocked

Fails 2-4 after all players have voted. -Bucky

Adminned at 10 Jan 2021 18:18:24 UTC

Award the Pilot named Brendan 1 Crown. Set the Affiliation of the Pilot named Brendan to Order of the Blue Lotus.


Proposal: Ending?

Vetoed by Pondexter, adminned by Bucky

Adminned at 10 Jan 2021 18:12:24 UTC

Poindexter rolls DICE2.

If the result is a “1”,  Pilot Bucky gains a Crown.

If the result is a “2”,  Pilot Codeblazer gains a Crown.

Story Post: Promotion Request

I’ve got a Crown, Coderblaze has a Crown, and we need two Crowns to earn a coin flip between us.

Considerations of Endings

I wanted to solicit some information from my fellow players, namely do you want the dynasty to end at this point?
We are down to 4 pilots, one of whom has no experience, meaning that they haven’t been doing much on the mech front.
So please let me know if you do or do not want a new dynasty at this time and what your thoughts are on the subject.

Schedule post 2021-01-08

Yesterday, WARTORTLE emerged from the portal and started moving towards a military target. However, pilot Coderblaze immediately engaged it. The first shot was deflected (causing Coderblaze to take damage from the Bogey’s Basilisk Eye) but the second hit true, eliminating WARTORTLE and causing Coderblaze to receive one Crown for their efforts.

Today at 17h56 new Bogey will emerge from the portal.

So I’m prevaricating over enacting Overcrowned. With this Crown the Order of the Blue Lotus can be made meritous. Players have indicated that they’re happy to continue playing this dynasty but I am aware that there are only five players, only two of which seem to be seriously pursuing victory, and those two are the ones who stand a chance of winning under the pre-Overcrowned status quo. So I’m going to leave it up to Bucky and Coderblaze: if you’re done, feel free to get yourself Promoted, otherwise enact Overcrowned and we’ll see what happens in another week or so.

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Proposal: Increasing Tempo

Enacted 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 10 Jan 2021 10:44:41 UTC

In the rule Tempo, set the Rift Size to 3.

In the rule Tempo, change

As a weekly action, Poindexter may reduce the number in the previous sentence by one.


As a weekly action, Poindexter may reduce the number in the previous sentence by one, to a minimum of 2; if it’s already 2 or less, the same weekly action instead increases the Rift Size by one.

In the rule “Emerging from the Breach”, change

24-120 hours: Emerging


24-96 hours: Emerging

Point 1: Things suddenly get hectic when we reach a new Bogey every day, and more so when we reach a new Bogey every 0 days. Let’s not go quite that far.
Point 2: Increasing the Rift Size also helps prevent lulls where all Bogeys are still emerging, as has happened a few times.
Point 3: Chopping a day off the maximum Emerging time also helps prevent random lulls.

Proposal: Special Features v2.1

Passes 4-0 with Quorum in favor. -Bucky

Adminned at 09 Jan 2021 19:17:58 UTC

In the rule “DEVA Sub-species”, change the text

The named Features of DEVAs, and those Features Types and Effects, are listed below


Each Feature has an Effect, and a Type indicating when that Effect applies to a DEVA with that Feature. If Feature has a type of “Passive”, its effect is continuous and always applies to the DEVA. Otherwise, the Effect happens instantaneously whenever some other Dynastic Rule says it does. The named Features of DEVAs, and those Features Types and Effects, are listed below

Change the Type of the Refracted Crystal Heart feature to “Passive”.

Change the Effect of the Organic Resonance feature to

If this is the third attack of the day on this Bogey, create a new DEVA.

If Organic Resonance is supposed to discourage attack spam, how about we make it activate once each time the Bogey gets spammed.

Proposal: A Crowning Achievement

Enacted 3-1. Josh

Adminned at 09 Jan 2021 12:14:17 UTC

If Proposal: Overcrowned was not enacted, this proposal does nothing.

Grant Bucky one Crown for the elimination of Bogey SQUIRTLE.

Put this one to the will of the people.

Schedule post 2021-01-07

Yesterday, SQUIRLE used its mucal membrane to attack Pilot Raven1207. SQUIRTLE has an attack of 18, meaning that Raven loses 8 Power.

Pilot Bucky then made two fire attempts at SQUIRTLE. The first was evaded; SQUIRTLE retaliated with its Basilisk Eye, reducing Bucky’s Defence by 4. Bucky’s second attack made a solid connection, destroying SQUIRTLE and leaving Raven and Coderblaze’s subsequent attacks with no valid target. Bucky earns a Crown for their valour.

Today at 05h34 Bogey WARTORTLE emerged from the portal, leaving a trail of acidic cast-off in its wake. No other actions are forecast for today.

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Proposal: Overcrowned

Passes 3-1 with quorum FOR. -Bucky

Adminned at 08 Jan 2021 16:10:20 UTC

In the rule The Battlefield, change

The attacker gains one Crown.


If the target had the feature Refracted Crystal Heart, the attacker gains one Crown.

If any Crowns have been gained for the elimination of bogeys SQUIRTLE, WARTORTLE or BLASTOISE between the posting and the enactment of this proposal, remove them.

A bug in Mutazione. Surprised it slipped through!

Schedule post 2021-01-06

Yesterday, Bogey SQUIRTLE moved into position and prepared an attack on a military target.

Today at 03h14 that attack is expected to make connection with Pilot Raven1207. At 04h10 and 04h11 Pilot Bucky will retaliate against SQUIRTLE on vectors 12 and 11, at 05h00 Pilot Raven1207 (if still intact) will fire on SQUIRTLE on vector 10, and at 16h00 Pilot Coderblaze will attack SQUIRTLE on vector 15. If it is still standing after all that, Bogey SQUIRTLE will continue its march towards its next target, which is likely to be civilian.

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Proposal: Aces in Space

Passes 4-0 with Quorum in favor. -Bucky

Adminned at 07 Jan 2021 18:34:15 UTC

Add a new subrule to the rule “Team Victory”. Call it “Aces” and give it the following text:

A Pilot may claim an Ace by making a blog post saying they do, which identifies five former Bogeys they have destroyed. A Pilot who has claimed an Ace may not use any of the same former Bogeys when claiming any future Aces.

When a Pilot claims an Ace, if the Poindexter determines all five kills are valid and not repeated claims, the Poindexter shall congratulate the Pilot in the next Schedule Post, at which point the Pilot is awarded a Crown.

Proposal: Versitile Cameras

Passes 4-0 with a Quorum in favour. -Bucky

Adminned at 07 Jan 2021 18:30:37 UTC

In the rule Armoury, change

When a Bogey deflects or is destroyed by the Pilot’s attack, its subspecies shall be revealed (if it wasn’t already public).


When a Bogey deflects or is destroyed by the Pilot’s attack, its subspecies shall be revealed (if it wasn’t already public). After the Schedule Post resolving such an attack, the Poindexter shall privately inform the Attacker of one of the Bogey’s numerical statistics or Features, chosen randomly.

Camera turrets’ info is useful to everyone, and nobody uses them. Private analysis of the resulting photographs could supply an information advantage as an incentive to perform reconnaissance.

Proposal: Multiple types of subspecies abilities

Times out and passes 3-0. -Bucky

Adminned at 07 Jan 2021 18:21:45 UTC

If Proposal “Typo Defense” passed, when this Proposal is resolved, all instances on “Defence” are treated as “Defense”

In rule DEVAs, subrule DEVA Sub-species

The named Features of DEVAs, and those Features’ Effects, are listed below (with the name in bold and the Reaction afterwards):-


The named Features of DEVAs, and those Features Types and Effects, are listed below (with the Name in bold and then the Type, then the Effect):-

Make the Type of all existing features “Reactionary”. Make the Effect of all existing features their old Reaction text.

In rule “The Battlefield”, replace

If, after resolving a Fire Action, the target is still in play, Poindexter must apply all Reactions of its Features, in the order that they are listed in the ruleset. These should also be disclosed in the appropriate Schedule Post.


If, after resolving a Fire Action, the target is still in play, Poindexter must apply all Effects of its Reactionary Features, in the order that they are listed in the ruleset. These should also be disclosed in the appropriate Schedule Post.

In rule “The Battlefield”, also replace

If the Fire Vector is exactly equal to the target’s Defence, then the target is eliminated.


If the Fire Vector is exactly equal to the target’s Defense, Poindexter must apply all Effects of its Death Features, in the order that they are listed in the ruleset. These should also be disclosed in the appropriate Schedule Post. Then the target is eliminated.

I was going to make a new Refracted Crystal Heart proposal where I avoided the limit of features to react to unsuccessful shots by hardcoding it into The Battlefield.
Then I realized that it would be far more interesting to create an open-ended proposal allowing different types of features that activate at different times.
I decided to just include the Reactionary and Death feature types for now. I’m thinking about Emergence, Civil, and Military feature types for later.
Actually having a modular feature type of the same type as a stage of an action might be a way to quickly add support for all of those three.

Proposal: Typo Defense

Self-killed. -Bucky

Adminned at 06 Jan 2021 21:56:27 UTC

In the Dynastic Rules and the Hangar:
Replace all occurrences of “defence” with “defense” keeping the capitalization.

I don’t know if this should be a big deal or not…

Miscellaneous Thoughts and Queries

There are currently 3 DEVAs listed on the hanger page. Only one of which (unless I missed a schedule post) has emerged.
I think it would be nice for people to just know if a DEVA is a valid target or not without potentially having to search for its emergence in a post.
I’m trying to think of a way to word this into a proposal but upon looking through the Ruleset I can’t even find the rule requiring that anything be tracked on the Ansible Hangar.
(I think maybe this was stated somewhere at the start of the dynasty?)

In addition DEVA entries on the hangar only include the energy, attack, defense, and special features; but not the experience yield and scratch count.
Is this solely because the rule for creating new DEVAs only mentions those attributes?

Also “We need to know everything” passed. Why aren’t we tracking speed on the Hangar?

Proposal: Angel Options

Reached quorum, 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 06 Jan 2021 21:45:02 UTC

Enact the effects of Proposal: Mutazione

Change the Features it adds to the rule DEVA Sub-Species as follows:

Organic Resonance. If no other Organic Resonance effects have been activated in the preceeding 72 hours, create a new DEVA.
Acid Blood. Enact Civilian Casualties as if this Bogey has completed an Attack a Civilian Target action. May only be activated once per Bogey per day.
EM Weapon. The attacker may not make a Fire Attempt for 24 hours. Any pending Fire Actions for the attacker still take place.

Nerfing the new Features in Mutazione per player complaints

Schedule post 2021-01-05

Yesterday, pilot Coderblaze opened fire on SQUIRTLE on attack vector 10. SQUIRTLE deflected the shot, and then blasted Coderblaze with its Basilisk Eye.

Today, SQUIRTLE will travel to a new location, arriving at 10h41, and will then prepare an attack, concluding at 11h46. The attack is not expected to find its target until tomorrow.

Pilot Raven has a miscalibrated attack in progress which will not take effect until properly defined.

Monday, January 04, 2021

Schedule post 2021-01-04

Yesterday no actions took place.

Today at noon, pilot Coderblaze will fire on Bogey SQUIRTLE on vector 10. SQUIRTLE is headed towards a civilian population centre and is forecast to get there at 15h47.

Sunday, January 03, 2021

Proposal: Negative Energy

Popular 5-0 with Quorum FOR. -Bucky

Adminned at 06 Jan 2021 04:42:53 UTC

In the rule “DEVAs”, change

Whenever Poindexter has to generate a new Bogey, they should secretly randomly determine its Energy, Attack and Defence based on the published ranges, and secretly randomly determine whether it has any of the special features possible for its sub-species.


Whenever Poindexter has to generate a new Bogey, they should secretly randomly determine its Energy, Attack and Defence based on the published ranges, and secretly randomly determine whether it has any of the native special features for its sub-species.  While a Bogey’s numerical statistics can never exceed the maximum of the respective ranges for its subspecies, once it has emerged, it is legal for those statistics to be reduced below the minimums of their respective ranges by various means.

In the rule “DEVA Sub-species”, change

a list of possible special features


a list of native special features with the probability a new individual of that sub-species has each of those features

Add a new sub-rule to the rule DEVA Actions. Call it “Hibernate” and give it the following text:

A Bogey can only schedule the Hibernate action when its Energy is below the starting minimum for its sub-species. If a surviving Bogey has 1 or less ENERGY, its next scheduled DEVA action is replaced by a Hibernate action.

A Hibernate action is a staged Timed action with the following stages:
* 8 Hours - Torpor
* X to Y Hours - Dormancy
* 8 Hours - Stirring
where X is half the difference between the Bogey’s current energy and the starting minimum for its subspecies, and Y is half the difference between the Bogey’s current energy and the starting maximum for its subspecies.

When the DEVA starts Stirring, it gains 2 Energy for each hour it spent in Dormancy, rounded to the nearest whole Energy.

Making a distinction between possible starting Bogey states and legal values for the states of a Bogey in play, so that a damaged Bogey’s stats can be reduced and the Bogey can mutate to gain features. Also, giving a consequence for a Bogey running itself out of energy.

Proposal: Mutazione

Timed out and failed, 1-3. Josh

Adminned at 05 Jan 2021 11:58:03 UTC

In the rule DEVA Sub-Species, move the feature Refracted Crystal Heart to the top of the feature list and change is Reaction to read as follows:

The target may exceed the limits imposed on statistics by its sub-species.

In the rule The Battlefield, after “If the Fire Vector is exactly equal to the target’s Defence, then the target is eliminated”, add “The attacker then gains one Crown.”

Add the following to the list of Features in the rule DEVA Sub-Species:

Organic Resonance. Create a new DEVA.
Acid Blood. Enact Civilian Casualties as if this Bogey has completed an Attack a Civilian Target action.
EM Weapon. The attacker may not make a Fire Attempt for 24 hours. Any pending Fire Actions for the attacker are cancelled.

Change the chances of DEVA sub-species having the Refracted Crystal Heart Feature as follows: RAKSHASHA 3%, KNIGHT 2%, OPHANIM 2%, GNOME 2%. Give RAKSHASHA a 25% chance of having the Acid Blood feature. Give GNOME a 20% chance of having the Organic Resonance feature. Give KNIGHT an 8% chance of having the Organic Resonance feature. Give OPHANIM a 20% chance of having the EM Weapon feature.

Create a new DEVA Sub-Species, called VALKERIE. Give it the following properties: Energy range 40-45, Attack range 17-31, Defence range 1-12, 50% chance of “EM Weapon”, 50% chance of “Acid Blood”, 3% chance of “Refracted Crystal Heart”. Give it an Experience yield of 4 and a scratch count of zero.

Schedule post 2021-01-03

Yesterday evening, a 30-foot tall scaled mass of organic wrath emerged from the portal in the ruined monastery. Designated SQUIRTLE, this Bogey is already on the move, although for now its destination is unclear.

There are no actions scheduled for today.

Saturday, January 02, 2021


CLucky goes idle after 9 days of inactivity. Quorum is not affected.

Proposal: Refracted Crystal Heart gives Corporation Experience

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 04 Jan 2021 17:16:38 UTC

In the ruleset, rule “DEVA Subspecies” replace

Refracted Crystal Heart. -


Refracted Crystal Heart. When this Bogey is eliminated, if the pilot is a member of a corporation, each member of that corporation gains 1 experience.

We could also change the chances of RCH appearing on Bogeys, but I figured I’d leave it at this for now.

Proposal: Usage for Scratch Count

Enacted, 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 04 Jan 2021 17:15:26 UTC

In the ruleset, directly after the section entitled “DEVA Sub-species” add the following:

Every time a Bogey is eliminated, increase the scratch count for the Bogey’s subspecies by 1.

Might as well use the variable we defined

Schedule post 2021-01-02

Yesterday, nothing happened, unless Call for Judgment: What happens when the Poindexter makes a mistake? isn’t enacted, in which case Pilot Bucky shot at a Bogey who ambiguously is or isn’t there.

Today at 18h24 the activity in the portal is expected to peak. All pilots will be updated in tomorrow’s schedule post.

Friday, January 01, 2021

Call for Judgment: Surprisingly spry

Reached quorum, 4-1. Josh

Adminned at 02 Jan 2021 15:29:47 UTC

If Call for Judgment: Stuck recovering has been enacted, this CfJ has no effect.

Fail Call for Judgment: Stuck recovering.

Uphold all occasions on which a pilot changed their status from Recovering to Outfitting up until the point at which this CfJ was posted.

Call for Judgment: What happens when the Poindexter makes a mistake?

Reached quorum, 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 02 Jan 2021 15:30:59 UTC

In the schedule post for 29 December pokes made two fire attempts: one for the 30th and one for the 31st. The one for the 30th was processed correctly, but the one for the 31st was not acknowledged in the schedule posts for either the 31st or the 1st.

The ruleset states that “once [an action] has been scheduled it will occur at the specified time”, and as such we can assume that my failure to reflect this in the schedule post is a clerical error that doesn’t affect the action itself. However, gamestate tracking can’t be updated until timed actions have been confirmed in a scheduling post, and in this case, some subsequent actions were undertaken by other pilots that were adversely affected by the outcome of the resolution of pokes’ legal action.

The remedy in this case is as follows: uphold the Poindexter’s first comment in response to the schedule post of the 1st as being a legal confirmation of the reolution of Pilot pokes’ attack on Bogey VENUSAUR. If Pilot Coderblaze is still in the same shell they were in at the time of their first comment in the same thread, refund them the cost incurred for the posting of their two fire attempts of that same comment. Additionally, if Call for Judgement: Stuck recovering has not been enacted, refund pilot Bucky the cost of their 01/01/2021 attack. Uphold any updates to gamestate tracking that accurately reflect the legal state of the gamestate as a result of the resolutions of this CfJ.

Proposal: Attack Pattern Alpha

Enacted 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 03 Jan 2021 21:00:51 UTC

Add a new subrule to the rule “The Battlefield”. Call it “Assists” and give it the following text:

At any time between a Fire Attempt and its corresponding Fire Action, any Jockeying Pilot other than the attacker may spend 5 Power to Assist it by making a comment to the same Schedule Post, saying that they are Assisting and uniquely identifying the Fire Attempt. The attacker’s effective Attack for that Fire Action is increased by the sum of the Attacks of the Pilots that Assisted the Fire Action.

Add the following entry as the third item in the list of ways to gain Experience in the rule “Development”:

* A Pilot gains 1 Experience whenever they Assist a Fire Action that destroys a Bogey, if the shot would have been miscalibrated had the Fire Action not been Assisted.

Finally, a way to hit Attack Vector 99: by leading a squadron composed of every single Pilot.

Proposal: Lost In Space

Enacted 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 03 Jan 2021 11:15:09 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the rule “Pilots and Shells”

If a Pilot has been Recovering for the last 24 hours, they may become Outfitting.

Call for Judgment: Stuck recovering

Failed as a result of the passage of Call for Judgment: Surprisingly spry. Josh

Adminned at 02 Jan 2021 15:30:24 UTC

On December 21, the proposal “Reforged” removed the ability for Recovering Pilots to become Outfitting. This apparently went unnoticed until Coderblaze mentioned it in a PM to me today.

Reset the gamestate in the Ansible Hangar for Coderblaze and Raven1207 to the last state in which they were Recovering.
Reset the gamestate in the Ansible Hangar for Bucky to what it was when the proposal “Reforged” was enacted, as Bucky was Recovering at the time. (
Revert any lingering effects (such as destruction or reactions triggered) of attacks by those Pilots since the point their respective gamestates were reset to.

This outcome does seem extremely unfair, punishing only the players who were actively participating at the time, but it’s our fault for not reading the rules carefully enough.

Proposal: Higher Level Functions

Timed out and failed, 2 votes to 3. Josh

Adminned at 03 Jan 2021 11:14:19 UTC

In the rule DEVAs, change the third paragraph to read

Each DEVA has statistics that are secretly tracked by Poindexter, that fall within the ranges for that DEVA’s sub-species. Whenever Poindexter has to generate a new DEVA, they should secretly randomly determine its Energy, Attack and Defence based on the published ranges, and secretly randomly determine whether it has any of the special features possible for its sub-species. Each Bogey has a space in public tracking for information relating to each Bogey’s statistics, Any Pilot may fill in the publicly tracked information for Bogey statistics to reflect information that they have publicly or privately gained, guesses or inferences derived from other game events, or speculation. The publicly tracked information on Bogey statistics does not necessarily reflect the private statistics of those Bogeys, and in the event that they disagree, the privately tracked information will be considered the true statistics for each Bogey; the publicly tracked information instead reflects the knowledge and best guesses of the Pilots.

If Proposal: No free-riders was enacted, remove the final two paragraphs of the rule Corporations and replace them with the following:

Each Corporation has a Creed, a Requirement and a Specialism . A Corporation’s Creed is Flavor Text. A Corporation’s Requirement sets out what criteria a Pilot must meet to be Affiliated with that Corporation; an Unaffiliated Pilot may change their Affiliation to any Corporation for which they meet the Requirement.

A Specialism is a single DEVA statistic (or “-”, meaning “no specialism”); it defaults to “-”. A member of a Corporation may make a Specialism Post, which is a Post with a title of “Specalism Post:” and the name of their Corporation, and the body text of which must be a single word (or two-word phrase) which is the name of a DEVA statistic, and no other content. They may then change the Specialism of their Corporation to that statistic. Whenever a Bogey Emerges, Poindexter must privately inform the members of each Corporation of the value of the statistic listed in their Corporation’s Specialism.

In the rule The Battlefield, change the fourth bullet point to read

If the Fire Vector is exactly equal to the target’s Defence, then the target’s Energy is reduced by the attacker’s Attack. If this results in the target having zero or less Energy then the target is eliminated.

Schedule post 2021-01-01

Happy new year, Pilots.

Yesterday at 19h17, Bigey VENUSAUR attacked the spot where it thought Pilot Bucky’s shell was going to be. It wasn’t; Bucky’s Shell had been destroyed several days before. VENUSAUR is now stunned and will be recovering from this miss for the next 48 hours.

At 11am today, pilot Bucky will counterattack on vector 19 by bombardment. The results will be clear by this time tomorrow.