Friday, February 28, 2025

Call for Judgment: This Square Is Occupied

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 01 Mar 2025 02:45:48 UTC

Set the Kittens of Snisbo’s Medium Token to 1 (tracked in The Island of Kittens).

Set squares 22, 23, and 17 to white and square 16 to purple.

This seemed like the easiest way to reverse Snisbo’s illegal changing of white squares to purple when some of those squares were occupied by Tokens. Undoing any actions built on top of that seems too twisty to get exactly right, so I’m fine to leave it alone. If someone winds up exploiting the illegal purple squares before they get reverted, *shrug*.

More issues with coloring under tokens

Snisbo’s recent turn attempted to color squares 22 and 23 purple, even though they both had (multiple!) tokens on them at the time

I can’t find a rule that makes that legal (the action looks like it was meant to be “(The Island of Kittens) Spend 1 Kitten from a Token you control to set the colour of three white Squares on The Island of Kittens that do not contain any Tokens to purple.” but the squares contained tokens – is there another rule I’m missing)?

If the action is illegal, I’m not sure what impact that has on Snisbo’s turn – the appendix says “One wiki update may contain one or more alterations, or one alteration may be split over multiple updates, as long as it is clear what is happening and the alterations are otherwise legal.”, but in this case the alterations weren’t otherwise legal, so does that cause the entire update to fail? As such, I’m not sure either a) what precisely happened to the gamestate as a result, nor b) how we should best fix things, if they are indeed broken. Does anyone have suggestions?

Proposal: A Study in Cartography

Timed out, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 01 Mar 2025 20:11:22 UTC

In the rule “Forbidden Island Local Rules”, add the following to the first paragraph:

Each Meeple has a publicly-tracked list named Map, which contains any number of “Turquoise”, “Magenta”, or “Purple”, and defaults to an empty list. There is a publicly-tracked list named Path, which contains any number of “Turquoise”, “Magenta”, or “Purple”, and defaults to an empty list.

In the same rule, append the following text:

Whenever a square’s color is changed from White to either Turquoise, Magenta, or Purple, add the name of that color to the end of the Path.

A Meeple is Worthy of the Forbidden Island Gate if their Map matches any contiguous sequence of at least three colors (not required to be unique) of any part of the Path, in the same order as they appear in that part of the Path.

In the rule “The Turn”, add the following as sub-bullets of the bullet “Phase 2”:

* (Forbidden Island) [5] Once per Token you control on Forbidden Island per Turn, if that Token is on a black square and does not have a Status of Lost, you may move that Token to any red square on Forbidden Island.
* (Forbidden Island) [5] Once per Token you control on Forbidden Island per Turn, if that Token is on a red square and does not have a Status of Lost, you may move that Token to any black square on Forbidden Island.
* (Forbidden Island) [7] If your most recently moved Token is in Forbidden Island, and if that Token is on a turquoise, magenta, or purple square, you may add the color of that square to the end of your Map’s list.

In the same rule, add the following as sub-bullets of the bullet “Phase 3”:

* (Forbidden Island) [5 for Big Tokens, 7 for Medium Tokens, 9 for Small Tokens] Once per Token you control on Forbidden Island per Turn, if that Token occupies a square with another Meeple’s Token, add a color from that Meeple’s Map to any position in your Map’s list.

Turning the Forbidden Island into a pattern-matching game.

Proposal: The Forest for the Trees

Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 01 Mar 2025 20:07:22 UTC

In the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, add the following text:

A Token whose Position is less than the value of a square is said to be behind that square. A Token whose Position is greater than the value of a square is said to be in front of that square.

In the rule “The Turn”, after the text “[4 for Big Tokens, 3 for Medium Tokens, 2 for Small Tokens]” and before the text “Roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type”, insert the text “As an action called Walking,”.

In the rule “Forbidden Island Local Rules”, replace the rule text with the following:

Each Token has a publicly-tracked Status, defaulting to None.

For each Token in the Forbidden Island, the Density for that Token is a calculated value that equals the number of contiguous Green squares immediately in front of that Token’s Position, and the Barrier for that Token is the first Green square in Forbidden Island that is in front of that Token.

Whenever a Token’s Position is changed, if that Token’s new Position would move it on or in front of that Token’s Barrier, the following rules apply:
* If that Token’s Status is Lost, and Walking was performed for that Token this Turn, if the result of that Walking was at least equal to that Token’s Density, that Token’s Status is set to None. Otherwise, that Token’s Position remains the same as it was just before that Walking was performed.
* If that Token’s Status has not been Lost this Turn, that Token’s Position is instead set to the square immediately preceding that Token’s Barrier and that Token’s Status is set to Lost.

I re-wrote Raven’s text to be a little more workable.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Proposal: Checkers

Timed out, 3-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 28 Feb 2025 15:24:29 UTC

In Rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, add a subrule called “Diagonal Buddies” with the following description:

If you have spaces with the values “X” and “Y”, they can only be “Diagonal Buddies” if all these following conditions are met:

- X and Y are on the same Island

- X and Y share 2 mutual neighbors to which one mutual neighbor is 1 more or less in relation to X and 10 more or less in relation to Y while the other mutual neighbor is 1 more or less in relation to Y and 10 more or less in relation to X.


Also in subrule “The Turn” in rule “Turns and Rounds”, add another bullet in Phase 3 with the description:

[5] You may set one of the Diagonal Buddies of the space your last moved token is currently on to the same color of the space your last moved token is currently on.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Proposal: Worthy royals

Reached quorum, 6-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 27 Feb 2025 05:34:28 UTC

In “The Turn”, change

If you have a Token on the Closed Gate of a Major Island, become the Royal of that Major Island and set the Positions of all Tokens you control on that Island to the Square with the lowest value on that Major Island.


If you have one or more Tokens on the Closed Gate of a Major Island, and are Worthy of that Gate, become the Royal of that Major Island and set the Positions of all Tokens you control on that Island to the Square with the lowest value on that Major Island.

If any Meeple became the Royal of any Major Island while that Meeple was not Worthy of its Gate, set that Major Island to have no Royal.

The idea behind our current mechanic for becoming a Royal was supposed to require being worthy of the Gate, but that seems to have got lost in one of the rules rewrites – it seems a bit easy at the moment, so we should probably restore that restriction.

Proposal: Stainless Steel Squares

Timed out, 2-3 with Monarchple voting DEF. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 26 Feb 2025 21:20:33 UTC

In the rule “The Turn”, remove the bullet beginning with “[2] If your most recently moved Token occupies a yellow, orange, or silver Square”.

As ais523 pointed out in a comment on another Proposal, this “rust” mechanism has rendered a lot of colors unusable for interesting interactions. If we want a “trap” color, it’s probably best just to make it one color.

Proposal: Artistic kittens

Reached quorum, 6-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 26 Feb 2025 15:31:52 UTC

After the first list item containing “turquoise” in Phase 2 of The Turn, add a new list item (unbolded):

(The Island of Kittens) [4] If one of your Tokens that has changed position since the start of this Turn is on a black square, change the color of any one square of The Island of Kittens or Kahuna that does not contain any tokens to a color of your choice. You cannot perform this action again this Turn.

I still want to make all the colors on the Island of Kittens do something – if people don’t want more movement effects, what about painting the board?

Monday, February 24, 2025

Proposal: The Mighty Jungle

Timed out, 4-3. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 26 Feb 2025 00:51:28 UTC

In subrule “Forbidden Island Local Rules” change the current text to:

Spaces that green prevent a Meeple from moving a token any father pass the space before the green space until their next turn. If there are consecutive green spaces in from of the Meeple’s Token, then the player must get a sum of higher than the number of green spaces that are in front of them that are consecutive on Sicherman Dice denoted in the first bullet point in Phase 2.

Forbidden Forest meets Forbidden Jungle.

Proposal: Once Upon a Token

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Feb 2025 17:32:34 UTC

In the rule “The Turn”, after the text “[4 for Big Tokens, 3 for Medium Tokens, 2 for Small Tokens]” remove “This action may be applied once to each Token you control per Turn.”

In the same rule, after the text “(Kahuna) [3 plus the number of times you performed this action already this Turn]” replace “This action may be applied once for each Token you control” with “This action may be applied at most once for each Token you control”.

Patching an issue pointed out by Habanero where the text wasn’t explicit enough about it’s restriction given other wording in The Turn stating “may take the action any amount of times per Turn”, and removing a similar restriction for Token movement.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Proposal: Kahuna Does Not Mean Free

Reached quorum, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 24 Feb 2025 15:29:31 UTC

In the rule “The Turn”, replace the bullet starting with “(Kahuna) Up to once per Token you control on Kahuna per Turn” and its sub-bullets with the following:

* (Kahuna) [3 plus the number of times you performed this action already this Turn] This action may be applied once for each Token you control in Kahuna per Turn. If your Hand has 4 or fewer numbers, roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type and add the individual die results (rather than the sum of the dice) from that roll to your Hand.
* (Kahuna) [3 plus the number of times you performed this action already this Turn] Set your Hand to an empty list.
* (Kahuna) If your Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, set the Royal Hand to your Hand.

In the same rule, under the bullet “Phase 3:”, remove the bullet with the text “(Kahuna) If your Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, set the Royal Hand to your Hand.” and add the following bullets:

* (Kahuna) [5] This action may be applied once for each Token you control in Kahuna per Turn. If a Token you control in Kahuna has the same Position as a Token that another Meeple controls, you may swap one of the numbers in your Hand with one of the numbers in their Hand.
* (Kahuna) [20] Set the Royal Hand to its default value.

With our new Energy-spending mechanism in play and working reasonably well, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit the Kahuna mechanics and incorporate some Energy spends, especially considering that by the time Meeples reach Kahuna, their Energy per Turn will be quite a bit higher than it is now.

Proposal: Alls Fair in Love and War

Reached quorum, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Feb 2025 20:42:29 UTC

Add orkboi to the end of the turn order twice.

If Bunana is getting a delay boost, so should Orkboi

Proposal: Proposal: Add Orkboi to the turn order

Marked illegal, due to the author changing the post Category outside of the permitted 15-minute window. Adminned by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 22 Feb 2025 18:28:42 UTC

If the proposal “Add Bunana to the turn order” passes, add Orkboi to the turn order twice.

Self serving, I know, but only seems fair?

My fellow meeples

Hello, I’d like to become a player of the game.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Proposal: Add Bunana to the turn order

Reached quorum, 9-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Feb 2025 20:40:56 UTC

Add Bunana to the end of the turn order twice.

Hopefully this makes up for a late start.

Proposal: [Appendix] [Building Blocks] Sliding Windows

Timed out, 3-2 with 1 DEF and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 23 Feb 2025 19:37:57 UTC

In the Appendix rule “Official Posts”, replace the text “An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old and either no Meeple has commented on it or (if it is a Votable Matter) if all comments on it contain no voting icons; otherwise this can only be done as allowed by the Ruleset.” with the following:

An official post may only be altered by its author as allowed by the Ruleset.

In the section “Building Blocks”, remove the text “There are currently no Recommended Building Blocks.”

In the wiki page Building Blocks, add a rule named “Edit Window” with the following text:

‘’‘Recommended:’‘’ An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old and either no Meeple has commented on it or (if it is a Votable Matter) if all comments on it contain no voting icon. This rule is superseded by the rule “Protected Edit Window”, if it exists.

In that same wiki page, add a rule named “Protected Edit Window” with the following text:

An official post may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old. This rule supersedes the rule “Edit Window”, if it exists.

Copy the rule “Edit Window” and its contents from the Building Blocks wiki page to the “Building Blocks” section.

Josh is right, the edit window is a nice-to-have. Given that, it might be worthwhile to allow the Emperor and active players to decide whether there should be an edit window or not, and if there should be one, whether or not it should be protected from votes ending the window early.

The Proposal is constructed such that the default is the state we already have now. Making a Building Block “Recommended” keeps that as the default state when the AA is posted, and since the Building Blocks are not reset until the AA, even during the Interregnum between dynasties, CfJs can still be bound by the edit window rules according to the Building Blocks at the time.

The only part left to be dealt with, which is not regulated by the ruleset, is the PHP code that displays the yellow warning block about the edit window. If this passes, we’ll just have to ask Kevan nicely if he would adjust the text of that yellow block to mention these proposed Building Blocks.

Late party goer

Bunana to be mentored by Josh until the First Dynasty of Raven1207 has ended and the date is past the 21st of March 2025.

Straw Poll - Represent Tokens in the Squares Directly?

Kevan has worked on an alternate way to display the island grid squares to show the tokens of each Meeple directly in the grid, so that it’s easier to visualize where everyone’s tokens are. The upside is that you don’t have to do a constant lookup between the Position variable and the grid square to see where your token is relative to other squares and what color it’s on. The downside is that it is not quite as aesthetically pleasing in terms of consistent grid square spacing.

This isn’t a voteable matter and the results are not binding, but just to get an idea of how people like the look, please vote for in the comments if you like this idea, or against if you’d rather keep the look the way it is now. The following link illustrates how it could look, especially in the extreme cases where many tokens are on the same square:

New Player

Hello, I’m Bunana and i would like to state my intention of becoming a Player :).

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Proposal: [Core] No Bad Faith

Unpopular, 1-7. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 22 Feb 2025 01:39:16 UTC

In rule “Building Blocks”,

Add a subrule called “No Bad Faith Voting” with the description:

No Meeple is allowed to vote on a Proposal during that Proposal’s 4-hour edit window, as described in Rule “Gamestate Tracking” subrule “Official Posts”. Any such vote is an illegal comment.

And in the Appendix rule “Official Posts”, replace the text

“if all comments on it contain no voting icons”


“if all legal comments on it contain no voting icons”

And add copy the subrule “No Bad Faith Voting” and its contents from the “Building Blocks” rule to the Building Blocks wiki page as a rule of the same name.

Proposal: Tectonic Shift

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Feb 2025 15:51:54 UTC

In the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, replace “2(if the major island is Forbidden Island) or 3” with “2”.

In the same rule, remove all instances of the text “Forbidden Island”.

In the rule “The Networks”, replace “Space 201 on Forbidden Island” with “Space 201 on Hellapagos” and remove the sentence beginning with “Space 300 on Forbidden Island”.

Repeal the rule “Forbidden Island Local Rules”.

In the rule “Meeple Nobility”, remove the text “the Royal of Forbidden Island hates being directly referred to” and remove the text “(or, for the Royal of Forbidden Island, Meeples are encouraged to always refer to them in a very roundabout way)”.

In the same rule, replace every instance of “four” with “three” and replace every instance of “4-player” with “3-player”.

In the rule “Winning”, replace every instance of “400” with “300”.

In the rule “Gates”, replace “and 300, and 399” with “and 299”.

Removing an Island makes the journey to the end a little shorter. No one has come up with a game board idea for the Forbidden Island yet that has stuck, so that’s the reason for choosing that one.

Another option might be making the other island grids smaller, but that requires messing with the grid formula.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Proposal: Snakes (and Ladders) on a Plane

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 21 Feb 2025 15:44:06 UTC

If the proposal “Actual Strategy” did not pass, then this proposal has no effect.

In the rule “The Turn”, append the following as sub-bullets of the bullet “Phase 2”:

* [3] If a Token you control is on a turquoise square, and there are no other restrictions on changing that Token’s Position, you may increase that Token’s Position by 20 if the resulting Position would be in a square that exists.
* [0] ‘’‘For each Token that you control that is on a magenta square, if there are no other restrictions on changing that Token’s Position, you must decrease that Token’s Position by 20, to a minimum of 0.’‘’

In the same rule, append the following as sub-bullets of the bullet “Phase 3”:

* [5] You may change the color of a white square or a magenta square to turquoise as long as there are no Tokens occupying that square and there are no other restrictions on changing the color of that square.
* [2] You may change the color of a white square or a turquoise square to magenta as long as there are no Tokens occupying that square and there are no other restrictions on changing the color of that square.

Set the color of the squares at values 100, 200, 300, and 399 to White.

In the rule “Gates”, append the following as a new paragraph:

A square that is a Gate may not have its color changed.

Fast travel, either across an island or between two islands. The energy costs might need balancing.

Also found an issue with changing the color of a Gate. Since those squares are part of becoming a Royal, the colors shouldn’t be changed such that it becomes impossible to keep a Token on that square. Rather than adding exceptions to every rule that concerned moving Tokens on particular colors, I found it more straight-forward to simply limit the color of Gates to White so that they don’t do anything other than allowing a Meeple to become a Royal.

Proposal: Energizing

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Feb 2025 15:59:42 UTC

If the proposal “Actual Strategy” did not pass, then this proposal has no effect.

If the Rounds is 3 or higher, revert the dynastic gamestate to how it was at the time immediately before the Rounds became 3. Set every Meeple’s Energy to 0.

Un-bold the Phase 2 Action that starts with “This action may be applied once to each Token you control per Turn. Roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type”. Give this action a cost of “[4 for Big Tokens, 3 for Medium Tokens, 2 for Small Tokens]”.

Move the Island of Kittens action where you gain a kitten for occupying a purple square to Phase 2. Give it a cost of “[3]”.

Give the Island of Kittens action for occupying a turquoise square a cost of “[All your remaining Energy, but at least 1]”.

Give the Island of Kittens cattacking action a cost of “[0]”.

Replace the action where you rust a yellow, orange, or silver square with “[2] ‘’‘If your most recently moved Token occupies a yellow, orange, or silver Square, change that Square’s colour to orange, silver, or black respectively and increase that Token’s Position by 1.’‘’”

Give the action where you mix the colours of two adjacent squares a cost of “[3]”.

Add a new Phase 3 action in the subrule “The Turn”:

** [Energy equal to the amount of Sprint spent during this performance of this action] Spend any amount of your Sprint to increase or decrease one of your Token’s Positions by that amount.

Intended as a part 2 for Actual Strategy, giving some actions Energy costs. Separate so you all can feel free to vote for the concept but vote down my particular implementation here if you don’t like it

Proposal: Actual Strategy

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Feb 2025 15:56:03 UTC

Remove the Phase 3 and Phase 4 markers from the definition of a Turn in the subrule “The Turn” (causing all the actions contained therein to become Phase 2). Relabel Phase 5 as Phase 3.

Replace the second paragraph of “The Turn” with the following:

If an action in a Phase starts with the name of an Island in parentheses, it may only be performed by a Meeple with at least one Token on that Island, and if it is applied to a Token may only be applied to Tokens on that Island.

Each Meeple has a publicly tracked numeric amount of Energy, which defaults to three times the Rounds. Actions in Phases may have an Energy cost, denoted in square brackets before the action and after the Island in parentheses.

If an action in a Phase has an associated Energy cost, a Meeple must spend that amount of Energy to take the action, and may take the action any amount of times per Turn.

If an action in a Phase has no associated Energy cost, a Meeple may only take that action once per turn unless otherwise stated.

If an action in a Phase is ‘’‘bolded’‘’ and the Meeple taking their Turn can take it, then they must take it before moving on to other actions in the Phase or advancing to the next Phase of their Turn; if they have multiple available bolded actions, they must take the one that appears earliest in the list.

Add a step after “Add 1 to the Rounds” in the Generate Turns atomic action:

Set each Meeple’s Energy to three times the Rounds.

There are literally no decisions to be made ever, we just roll dice and whatever happens happens. I find this incredibly boring, and am near idling out until next dynasty. This is a somewhat radical attempt to remedy this by tearing out a sizeable part of the phase structure and giving you an energy budget to spend on actions in any order. It will also speed up the game substantially, since the energy will increase as Rounds go on, giving more actions and causing the game to accelerate over time. Disclaimer: This probably breaks a few things, it might need some fixing up

Proposal: Proofreading the Game Manual

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Feb 2025 15:54:11 UTC

In the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, remove the paragraph beginning with the text “Variables specified as tracked in an island’s Local Rule”.

Oops! My proposal “Organizing the Game Manual” had a mis-count of paragraphs where the instructions I wrote removed the wrong paragraph and left one in that I didn’t intend. This is to correct that mistake.

For reference, the “When the rules say that a Token may perform an action” was the one accidentally removed, and the “When the rules say that a Token may perform an action” was the one that was intended to be removed because its text is already in the newly-created “Island Local Rules”.

Proposal: Too many rules

Reached quorum, 4-0 with 1 DEF and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 20 Feb 2025 06:28:17 UTC


When a proposal is enacted or failed, if it had been open for voting for at least 48 hours at the time and was not withdrawn nor vetoed, the Sprint of each Meeple who neither voted nor commented on that Proposal is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

From subrule “Delay Penalty”

In recent light of Josh’s point in “Note to Josh” as well some recent actions, before, around and after “Vote Meeple!“‘s enactment, I agree with Josh that this doesn’t guarantee any productive as players could comment anything they wanted to that doesn’t help with anything involving proposals, but that this could cause people to be encourage players to vote before the 4 hour grace period for edits especially if they were not to be awake during certain periods or were to have a busy work or/and school life. Also I don’t condone Josh exercising his actions involving the newly added rule but also understandable the sound circumstances of why his actions happened.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Note to Josh


I think there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of how “Vote, Meeples!” is going to work. You only lose 1 Sprint if ALL of the following are true:
* The Proposal has been open for at least 48 hours (if it becomes Popular or Unpopular or is Vetoed or is Withdrawn before then, no one loses any Sprint)

* You didn’t comment on that Proposal by the time it was resolved if that resolution was 48 hours after the Proposal’s timestamp (a voting icon is not required)

I hope that your recent AGAINST votes on every single pending Proposal was just a product of this misunderstanding. Several of these Proposals were in no danger of reaching 48 hours while you were sleeping, but if you do actually intend to be away for 48 hours or more regularly, let us know and we could revisit this. Additionally, a simple comment of “seen” or something similar is fine, no need to kill the edit window.

Thanks for your understanding, and hopefully we can avoid players losing their edit window on their Proposals.

Proposal: Forgotten Dice

Reached quorum, 6-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Feb 2025 21:33:57 UTC

At the start of the list of Phase 1 actions in “The Turn”, add a new list item:

Set your Dice Type to any type of Sicherman Dice that includes the colour of a square that one of your Tokens occupies.


It looks like this got repealed by mistake by “Despaghettifying” – I like the mechanic, so here’s a proposal to add it back.

Proposal: Land Grabbers

Reached quorum, 5-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Feb 2025 21:15:51 UTC

Set the color of the squares with the following values to Red: 310, 330, 350, 370, 390.

Replace the rule text of “Hellapagos Local Rules” with the following text:

Each Token has a publicly tracked Land, which is a list of colors where each color is one of the possible random results for the Dice Roller’s COLOR command, as specified in “Random Generators”, except for White or Red. Land defaults to an empty list.

A Meeple is Worthy of the Hellapagos Gate if each of their Tokens have at least 3 unique colors in their Land.

The color of the squares with values 310, 330, 350, 370, and 390 cannot be changed.

In the rule “The Turn”, add the following as a sub-bullet point under the bullet point containing the text “Phase 1”:

* (Hellapagos) ‘’‘Once per Token you control on Hellapagos per Turn, if that Token has a Position of 350, roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type. As long as that Token has at least one color, you may remove a color from that Token’s Land to repeat this roll. If the two die values are not equal in the most recent roll for this action on this Turn, that Token’s Position may not change during the rest of your Turn, regardless of any actions (other than this action) that you take in this Phase or any other Phase.’‘’

In the same rule, add the following as a sub-bullet point under the bullet point containing the text “Phase 3”:

* (Hellapagos) If your most recently moved Token is in Hellapagos and has the same Position as a Token controlled by another Meeple, and that Position is not 350, you may choose a color from each of those Token’s Lands and swap them.
* (Hellapagos) If a Token you control is in Hellapagos, is not on a White or Red square, and does not have the same Position as any other Token, you may add that color to that Token’s Land.

In the same rule, add the following as a sub-bullet point under the bullet point containing the text “Phase 4”:

* (Hellapagos) ‘’‘Once per Token you control on Hellapagos per Turn, if that Token is on a Red square, change that Token’s Position to 350.’‘’

In the same rule, add the following as sub-bullet points under the bullet point containing the text “Phase 5”:

* (Hellapagos) Up to once per Token you control on Hellapagos per Turn, if that Token has a Position between 391 and 399 inclusive, you may change that Token’s Position to 301.

A hopefully easier version of “Monopoly” with the notion of “Go to Jail” for red squares, Jail being Position 350. You can also swap colors with other Meeples’ Tokens, so that those who get to Hellapagos first don’t necessarily become Worthy sooner. They’re better off waiting for more Meeples to join them.

Proposal: Reorganizing the Game Manual

Reached quorum, 5-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Feb 2025 17:51:25 UTC

Move the rule “Turns and Rounds” to be the second subrule under “Dynastic Rules”.

Move the rule “The Turn” to be the first subrule under “Turns and Rounds”

Move the rule “Delay Penalty” to be the second subrule under “Turns and Rounds”.

In the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, remove the second paragraph, the fourth paragraph, and the fifth paragraph.

Add a new rule named “Island Local Rules” as the third subrule under “Dynastic Rules” with the following text:

The term “Local Rule” is interchangeable with “subrule of Island Local Rules”. An island’s Local Rule is the Local Rule whose name contains the name of that island. Each subrule under this rule is known as a Local Rule.

When a Token is in an island, the text of that island’s Local Rule applies to that Token and the Meeple who owns that Token. A Turn Action defined in that island’s Local Rule may only be taken by a Token (or the Meeple who owns that Token) if that Token is in that island. When a Token is not in an island, the text of that island’s Local Rule is considered flavour text for that Token, and is considered flavour text for the Meeple who owns that Token if that Meeple owns no Tokens in that island. Turn Actions defined in an island’s Local Rule may not be applied to Tokens that are not in that island

Variables specified as tracked in an island’s Local Rule are tracked for each Token who is in that Island and are Orphan Variables for Tokens not in that Island. Whenever a Token’s Position changes such that they are in a different island, the variables specified as tracked in that island’s Local Rule must be set to their respective default values for that Token unless otherwise stated in that island’s Local Rule.

Move the rule “The Island of Kittens Local Rules” to be the first subrule under “Island Local Rules”.

Move the rule “Kahuna Local Rules” to be the second subrule under “Island Local Rules”.

Move the rule “Forbidden Island Local Rules” to be the third subrule under “Island Local Rules”.

Move the rule “Hellapagos Local Rules” to be the fourth subrule under “Island Local Rules”.

Move the rule “Spirit Island Local Rules” to be the fifth subrule under “Island Local Rules”.

More reorganization of rules, per the Discord chat:

2   Dynastic Rules
2.1   Isles of BoardGamia
2.2. Turns and Rounds
2.2.1   The Turn
2.2.2   Delay Penalty
2.3. Local Rules
2.3.1   The Island of Kittens Local Rules
2.3.2   Kahuna Local Rules
2.3.3   Forbidden Island Local Rules
2.3.4   Hellapagos Local Rules
2.3.5   Spirit Island Local Rules

Proposal: Hellapagos, it all begins with you

Reached quorum, 5-2. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Feb 2025 17:49:59 UTC

In subrule “Hellapagos Local Rules”, change the current description to:

If a 6 that is rolled on one of the Sicherman Dice, it is treated as if they rolled a 9 instead. If a 9 that is rolled on one of the Sicherman Dice, it is treated as if they rolled a 6 instead.

No punishment this time :D

Monday, February 17, 2025

Proposal: Vote, Meeples!

Timed out, 3-2 with 2 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 19 Feb 2025 15:11:57 UTC

Append the following to “Delay Penalty”:

When a proposal is enacted or failed, if it had been open for voting for at least 48 hours at the time and was not withdrawn nor vetoed, the Sprint of each Meeple who neither voted nor commented on that Proposal is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

In the discussion about the recent proposal to avoid Meeples who were making only wiki edits time out, some Meeples expressed the opinion that it’s desirable to encourage/force Meeples to participate in the proposal side of the game, and some expressed the opinion that Meeples should be encouraged to vote in order to prevent accidental timeouts.

So here’s an encouragement to vote, or at least comment, on proposals. It only applies to proposals that time out, so that active Meeples aren’t disadvantaged by proposals that are enacted or failed quickly while they are asleep (you always get 48 hours to respond, under this wording). The penalty is the same as the penalty for being slow to take your turn, i.e. it exists but isn’t major.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Call for Judgment: A Little Too Mandatory

Reached quorum, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Feb 2025 17:24:34 UTC

If the following text exists in the ruleset:

The Current Meeple may not take a particular Turn Action if they have already taken a Turn Action with a higher Phase since their turn last began, or if they have not yet taken a Mandatory Turn Action with a lower Phase since their turn last began.

then replace “they have not yet taken a Mandatory Turn Action with a lower Phase since their turn last began” with “there is a Mandatory Turn Action with a lower Phase available to them” in that text.

Uphold all Turn Actions taken before the posting of this CfJ.

You can’t take Turn Actions if you haven’t yet taken Mandatory ones with a lower phase. This was meant to prevent people from skipping over Mandatory actions. While I was writing Despaghettifying, though, I realized that the current Mandatory Turn Actions in Rusting prevent any Phase 3+ Turn Actions from being performable, since in almost all cases the Rusting actions won’t have been taken since the turn last began. Unfortunately this means since Rusting was added any turns where people took Phase 3+ Turn Actions (mostly kitten-related ones) were illegal. Here’s an uphold-and-fix

Proposal: Despaghettifying

Reached quorum, 5-0 with Monarchple voting DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Feb 2025 18:29:13 UTC

Repeal the subrules “Turn Actions” and “Global Turn Actions” of the rule “Turns and Rounds”.
Repeal the subrules “Mixing Color Pallet” and “Rusting” of the rule “Squares”.

Remove the first, second, fourth, and fifth paragraphs of the Island of Kittens Local Rules, the second sentence of the sixth paragraph of the Island of Kittens Local Rules, the second paragraph of the Kahuna Local Rules, the second and third sentences of the last paragraph of the Kahuna Local Rules, the second sentence of the last paragraph of the rule “Sicherman Dice”, the second sentence of the second paragraph of the rule “Gates”, and the third paragraph of the rule “Gates”.

Move the rule “Turns and Rounds” immediately below the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”.

Add a new dynastic rule immediately below “Turns and Rounds”, titled “The Turn”:

A Turn is an action which may be performed by the Current Meeple if they have not yet done so since they became the Current Meeple. A Turn comprises a number of Phases, which are lists of actions that are part of the Turn. When a Meeple takes a Turn, they selectively perform none, some, or all of the actions in each Phase, starting with the first Phase and continuing in order to the last Phase. Actions within a Phase may be taken in any order.

A Meeple may only continue to the next Phase in their Turn if they have no ‘’‘bolded’‘’ actions in their current Phase they can perform. If an action in a Phase is prefixed by the name of an Island in parentheses, it may only be performed by a Meeple with at least one Token on that Island, and if it is applied to a Token may only be applied to Tokens on that Island. Unless otherwise stated, an action in a Phase may only be performed once per Turn.

The complete definition of a Turn follows:
* Phase 1:
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose one of your Tokens occupying a purple Square, increase its Kittens by 1, and set the colour of that Square to white.
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose one of your Tokens on the Island of Kittens Gate and set its Position to 90.
* Phase 2:
** ‘’‘This action may be applied once to each Token you control per Turn. Roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type, specifying a Token you control in the Dice Roller comment and optionally an amount of Sprint to spend, up to your current Sprint. That Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers plus the amount of Sprint spent (if any) as indicated by that comment, and your Sprint is reduced by the amount spent (if any) as indicated by that comment.’‘’
** ‘’‘Choose one of your Tokens occupying a yellow, orange, or silver Square and change that Square’s colour to orange, silver, or black respectively.’‘’
** (Kahuna) Up to once per Token you control on Kahuna per Turn, do one of the following two things (which are not part of the actions list for this Phase):
*** If your Hand has 4 or fewer numbers, roll Sicherman Dice of your own Dice Type and add the individual die results (rather than the sum of the dice) from that roll to your Hand.
*** Set your Hand to an empty list.
* Phase 3:
** (The Island of Kittens) ‘’‘If your most recently moved Token occupies a green Square of the Island of Kittens, change that Token’s Position to correspond to the green square of the Island of Kittens with the next-higher number among green Squares, or to 0 if there is no such Square.’‘’
** (The Island of Kittens) If your most recently moved Token occupies a turquoise Square of the Island of Kittens, change that Token’s Position to match the Position of a different Token you control, as long as the destination Position is 300 or lower.
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose a Token you control and transfer some of its Kittens to another Token you control that occupies the same Square.
** (The Island of Kittens) Spend 1 Kitten from a Token you control to set the colour of three white Squares on The Island of Kittens that do not contain any Tokens to purple.
* Phase 4:
** (The Island of Kittens) Choose a Token you control (the “cattacker”) and another Token with fewer Kittens which occupies the same square (the “victim”). The cattacker loses 1 Kitten, and the victim’s Position is set to 0.
** Either choose an adjacent red Square and yellow Square and turn them both orange, choose an adjacent yellow Square and turquoise Square and turn them both green, or choose an adjacent turquoise Square and red Square and turn them both purple.
* Phase 5:
** (Kahuna) If your Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, set the Royal Hand to your Hand.
** If you have a Token on the Closed Gate of a Major Island, become the Royal of that Major Island and set the Positions of all Tokens you control on that Island to the Square with the lowest value on that Major Island.
** If the current Rounds is divisible by 3, set the Gate of a Major Island you are the Royal of to be Open or Closed. If you feel like it, you are encouraged to make a snobby post to the blog looking down on their subjects and mentioning the new status of the Gate when you do so.
* Final Phase:
** End a Turn.

Append the following paragraph to the Kahuna Local Rules:

A Meeple is Worthy of the Kahuna Gate if they have ever set the Royal Hand to their Hand.

Having to constantly look in a million different places to find what you can do on your turn is a mess, and it seems to be making it harder for players to take their turns. This gets rid of Turn Actions and restructures the ruleset so that all the things you can do on your turn are in one convenient place, while hopefully leaving functionality mostly unaffected (though it does notably prevent you from passing your turn while doing nothing and force you to move all three of your Tokens). Inspired by Raven’s suggestion on Discord and Desertfrog’s proposal. Any corrections to wording would be appreciated, I had to reword pretty much every Turn Action so some mistakes are bound to have slipped through

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Proposal: So Many Rules…

Timed out, 2-4. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Feb 2025 17:16:39 UTC

Add the following new subrule to “Turns and Rounds”, titled “Turn Summary”:

The rest of this subrule is flavour text.

This subrule consists of a summary of the Turn Actions in each of the Major Islands. The numbers before actions denote their Phase. (Note that the two Phase 10 global actions described in “Gates” have been omitted for clarity.)

1. On a purple square, make it white and gain a kitten
1. Move from the gate to square 90

2. Roll dice and move a token by the sum (mandatory, may be performed for each token) Optionally spend Sprint to move further.
2. On a yellow, orange or silver square, change its colour (See “Rusting”) (mandatory if possible)

3. Move from green square to next green square (mandatory if possible)
3. Teleport from turquoise square to another of your tokens
3. Transfer kittens between tokens on the same square
3. Spend a kitten to make three squares purple

4. Attack another player’s token with less kittens on the same square
4. Combine the colours of two neighboring squares (see “Mixing Color Pallet”)

2. Roll dice and move a token by the sum (mandatory, may be performed for each token) Optionally spend Sprint to move further.
2. Either roll dice and add the results to your hand, or set your hand to empty (may be performed for each token in Kahuna)
2. On a yellow, orange or silver square, change its colour (See “Rusting”) (mandatory if possible)

4. Combine the colours of two neighboring squares (see “Mixing Color Pallet”)

10. Become worthy if your hand’s rank is higher than the royal hand’s rank, updating the royal hand to match your hand

2. Roll dice and move a token by the sum (mandatory, may be performed for each token) Optionally spend Sprint to move further.
2. On a yellow, orange or silver square, change its colour (See “Rusting”) (mandatory if possible)

4. Combine the colours of two neighboring squares (see “Mixing Color Pallet”)

2. Roll dice and move a token by the sum (mandatory, may be performed for each token) Optionally spend Sprint to move further.
2. On a yellow, orange or silver square, change its colour (See “Rusting”) (mandatory if possible)

4. Combine the colours of two neighboring squares (see “Mixing Color Pallet”)

Within this subrule, make all instances of the word “mandatory” bold.

An attempt at clarifying things slightly.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Proposal: [Appendix] Unambiguous rejection

Timed out, 6-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 17 Feb 2025 17:12:19 UTC

In the definition of “Reject” in the Appendix rule “Keywords”, subrule “Other”, change

declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though that attempt had been unsuccessful


declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though the rejected attempt had been unsuccessful

In the definition of “Uphold” in the Appendix rule “Keywords”, subrule “Other”, change

declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though that attempt had been successful


declare that all attempted game actions taken after that attempt were attempted as though the upheld attempt had been successful

Last dynasty, we noticed that the definition of “reject” is a little ambiguous – it could be interpreted as either processing actions as though the rejected attempt were unsuccessful, or processing actions as though the processed action were unsuccessful. Obviously, the former meaning is the intended one, but it’s probably best to clarify that by tweaking the language. The same thing applies to the definition of “uphold”, so disambiguate that too..

Proposal: Highway to Hellapagos

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 16 Feb 2025 23:12:22 UTC

In subrule “Hellapagos Local Rules” change the current description to the following:

- Tokens that land on 366 immediately are moved to Space 0 on Spirit Island

- If a 6 that is rolled on one of the Sicherman Dice, it is treated as if they rolled a 9 instead. If a 9 that is rolled on one of the Sicherman Dice, it is treated as if they rolled a 6 instead.


And in the subrule “Spirit Island Local Rules”, change the current description to the following:

For purposes of the subrule “Global Turn Actions”, the Token that is on Space 0 on Spirit Island may move 1 additional space without spending a Sprint.

Attempt number 2 for Hellapagos

Proposal: Get Off My Square

Enacted popular, 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 16 Feb 2025 23:10:53 UTC

Reject Habanero’s attempt to colour square 12 green on February 14, 2025.

In the rule “Squares”, replace “there are no Meeples whose Tokens occupy that square” with “there are no Tokens occupying that square”.

Don’t mind me, just cohering the gamestate (and clarifying). After reading ais’ comment on the matter, I figured I might as well put it to rest

Proposal: Just Playing the Game

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 16 Feb 2025 23:10:19 UTC

In the Building Blocks wiki page, add a rule named “Dynastically Active” with the following text:

A Meeple cannot be rendered idle by an Admin due to not posting an entry or comment in the past 168 hours if that Meeple has edited the gamestate tracking page within that timeframe.

An optional Building Block rule (not included in this dynasty, just added to the wiki page) for dynasties where the Emperor or the Players are ok with players being considered active as long as they are performing dynastic actions, even if they’re not proposing anything or voting on proposals.

Proposal: More helpful kittens

Timed out and failed, 2-3 with 2 unresolved DEFs. Josh

Adminned at 16 Feb 2025 23:09:53 UTC

Add a new paragraph after the second paragraph of “The Island of Kittens Local Rules”:

As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Meeple whose most recently moved Token’s Position corresponds to an orange square of the Island of Kittens may increase the Position of any of their Tokens by 6.

I think it would be interesting if all or almost all the colors on the Island of Kittens to do something, so here’s another possible effect.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Proposal: This Land is My Land

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Feb 2025 18:21:37 UTC

Replace the rule text of “Forbidden Island Local Rules” with the following text:

Each Token has a publicly tracked Land, which is a list of colors where each color is one of the possible random results for the Dice Roller’s COLOR command, as specified in “Random Generators”, except for White. Land defaults to an empty list. A color is Deeded to a Token if that color is in that Token’s Land. When a color is Deeded to a Token, the Meeple who owns that Token is a Landlord of that color. If all the Tokens of a Meeple have the same color Deeded to them, that Meeple is a Monopolist of that color.

Each Meeple has a publicly tracked number named Gold which defaults to 500.

Colors have a Cost according to the table below:

{| class="wikitable"
! Color !! Cost
| Black || 5
| Silver || 10
| Orange || 20
| Yellow || 40
| Red || 50
| Green || 60
| Turquoise || 75
| Magenta || 90
| Purple || 100

As a Phase 3 Turn Action, the Current Meeple may remove a color from the Land of a Token they own, and if they do so, they may then add half the Cost of that color to their Gold.

As a Phase 4 Mandatory Turn Action, for each Token whose Position has changed in prior Phases this Turn, if that Token is in Forbidden Island, and the square that Token occupies is not White, the Meeple owning that Token may perform Real Estate, which is an atomic action where that Meeple is considered the Buyer, that Token is considered the Visitor, the color of the square that Token occupies is considered the Property Color, and the action has the following steps:
* If there is a Meeple other than the Buyer who is a Landlord of the Property Color, the Buyer must pay that that Landlord an amount of Gold equal to 20% of the Propery Color’s Cost, multiplied by the number of Tokens owned by that Landlord that are Deeded that Propery Color, then rounded up to the nearest integer. This amount is doubled if the Landlord is a Monopolist of the Property Color. If the Buyer does not have enough Gold to pay the full amount, they must pay as much as possible that would bring their Gold to 0, then set the Visitor’s Position to 199 and complete this atomic action, skipping any further steps.
* If the Property Color is not already Deeded to the Visitor, and no Meeple is a Monopolist of the Property Color, the Buyer may either skip the rest of this step or spend an amount of Gold equal to the Property Color’s Cost, and if they do spend that amount of Gold, they may then add the Property Color to the Visitor’s Land.

As a Phase 5 Turn Action, the Current Meeple may perform Loop Around on each Token they own that has a Position between 251 and 299 inclusive. Loop Around is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Change that Token’s Position to 201
* Add 50 to that Meeple’s Gold

A Meeple is Worthy of the Forbidden Island Gate if that Meeple’s Gold is higher than all other Meeples’ Gold and twice as high as the Gold of the Meeple with the second-highest Gold.

Monopoly-ish rules. It’s not exactly like that game, but close enough without being too complicated. I could have added tracking by square value rather than color, but I chose not to in order to allow Tokens to acquire Land easier.

I just put in some values that kinda made sense. Balancing tweaks are welcome.

Call for Judgment: Correctly end the turn

Unpopular, 0-5. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Feb 2025 18:18:59 UTC

Uphold Bera’s “End a Turn” action on 12 February 2025.

Bera performed the End of Turn action without performing the Mandatory Turn Action of moving a token. That was illegal, and it means that all further Turn Actions since then have also been illegal because we were mistaken about the Turn Order. I don’t, however, think it makes sense to revert the game a couple of days because nobody caught the illegal action at the time – let’s just uphold and move on.

Bera Rolls Snake Eyes

Bera has been idled due to lack of blog activity for the past 7 days. Quorum drops to 5.

Proposal: Live Kittens

Unpopular, 2-5. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Feb 2025 18:19:52 UTC

Append the following paragraph after the cattacking Turn Action in the Island of Kittens Local Rules:

As a Phase 4 Turn Action, a Meeple may change the colours of the squares in the Island of Kittens by interpreting the Island of Kittens as a 10x10 wraparound Conway’s Game of Life grid with the purple squares as live cells and the non-purple squares as dead cells, stepping forward one generation, and setting the colours of the squares corresponding to all dead cells that were born to purple and the colours of the squares corresponding to all live cells that died to white.

Per the discussion on Discord. I don’t expect this to pass because no one is actually gonna bother to do this and it’s completely unnecessary, but it is really funny

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Proposal: Losing Shine over time

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 14 Feb 2025 00:04:20 UTC

In Rule “Squares”, add a subrule denoted as “Rusting” with the description:

If a Meeple’s Token lands on a Yellow space, they must change that Yellow Space to an Orange Space as a Mandatory Phase 2 Turn action. Otherwise, if a Meeple’s Token lands on an Orange space, they must change that Orange Space to a Silver Space as a Mandatory Phase 2 Turn action. Otherwise, if a Meeple’s Token lands on a Silver space, they must change that Silver Space to a Black Space as a Mandatory Phase 2 Turn Action.

Proposal: Taping Up the Cracks

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:59:44 UTC

In the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, after the text “When a Token is in an island, the text of that island’s Local Rule applies to that Token” add the text ” and the Meeple who owns that Token. A Turn Action defined in that island’s Local Rule may only be taken by a Token (or the Meeple who owns that Token) if that Token is in that island”.

In that same rule, replace the text “; otherwise, the text of that island’s Local Rule is considered flavour text for that Token” with the text “When a Token is not in an island, the text of that island’s Local Rule is considered flavour text for that Token, and is considered flavour text for the Meeple who owns that Token if that Meeple owns no Tokens in that island. Turn Actions defined in an island’s Local Rule may not be applied to Tokens that are not in that island”.

In that same rule, after the text “Spirit Island is a 1 by 1 grid with the value of it’s space being 0.” add the text “When referring to any of the islands or grids in any dynastic rule, including this one, squares and spaces are synonymous terms.”

In the rule “Kahuna Local Rules”, replace “Royal Hand that defaults to an empty list” with ‘Royal Hand that defaults to “1,1,1,2,2,3”’. In that same rule, after the text “a Meeple may perform one of the following actions” add the text “for each Token in Kahuna owned by that Meeple”.

In the rule “Mixing Color Pallet”, replace “may turn may turn Spaces Green” with “may turn those Spaces Green”.

Set the Royal Hand of the island named Kahuna to “1,1,1,2,2,3”.

Fixing some issues brought up in prior comments:

* Unifying the terminology of “squares” and “spaces”
* Making sure the Local Rules of an island apply to Tokens and their owners
* Setting the default Royal Hand in Kahuna to a mid-range Rank to add a reasonable bar to become Worthy in that island
* Tying the action to add to a Hand with the number of Tokens owned in Kahuna. I don’t think this is too overpowered, but if someone disagrees, we can change it later

Proposal: Welcome to Hell-apagos

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:59:12 UTC

In subrule “Hellapagos Local Rules”, change the current description to the following:

Each Token has a “Rank” in respect to what type of Token they are. Small tokens are Rank 1, Medium Tokens are Rank 2, and Big Tokens are Rank 3. If a Meeple’s Token lands on the same space as another Meeple’s Token and the 2 pieces are of different Ranks, then one of the following happens depending on which Tokens they are:

* If one of the Tokens is of Rank 1 and the other is Rank 2, the Rank 1 Token moves back 1 space.
* If one of the Tokens is of Rank 2 and the other is Rank 3, the Rank 2 Token moves back 1 space.
* If one of the Tokens is of Rank 3 and the other is Rank 1, the Rank 3 Token moves back 1 space.

If this subrule causes different Rank Tokens to share the same space on the Hellapagos Island, then this subrule repeats until there is not space in Hellapagos Island that are different Ranks.

Let the Chaos Begin

Proposal: The Clock is Ticking

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:54:24 UTC

In the rule “Turns and Rounds”, after the text “a publicly tracked number named Rounds, defaulting to 0.” add the following text:

Each Meeple also has a publicly-tracked number named Sprint, defaulting to 6.

and in the same rule, add the following as the second-to-last step of the atomic action Generate Turns:

* Set each Meeple’s Sprint to its default value.

In the rule “Global Turn Actions”, replace the text “As a Phase 2 Mandatory Turn Action, a Meeple may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type, specifying one of their own Tokens in the dice roller comment, and that Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers.” with the following text:

As a Phase 2 Mandatory Turn Action, a Meeple may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type, specifying one of their own Tokens in the dice roller comment and optionally an amount of Sprint to spend, up to that Meeple’s current Sprint, and that Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers plus the amount of Sprint spent (if any) as indicated by that comment, and that Meeple’s Sprint is reduced by the amount spent (if any) as indicated by that comment.

In the rule “Turns and Rounds”, add a subrule named “Delay Penalty” with the following text:

As an action known as Delay Penalty, any Meeple may subtract 1 from the Current Meeple’s Sprint (to a minimum of 0), but only if all of the following are true:
* It has been at least 24 hours since the most recent Generate Turns was performed.
* It has been at least 24 hours since the Current Meeple became the Current Meeple.
* It has been at least 24 hours since the most recent Delay Penalty action was performed, or it has never been performed in this dynasty.

This does a few things:

* Movement goes a little farther (optionally)
* Meeples who take too long to take their turns get penalized, but not so much that a real-life issue causes that much problem
* The penalty only kicks in if other Meeples are paying attention, which keeps other Meeples engaged in the game if its not their Turn
* A Meeple won’t be penalized right away if they were the last person to be the Current Meeple and then suddenly the first person to become the Current Meeple after Generate Turns.

Proposal: Move *all* the tokens!

Reached quorum, 7-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:53:08 UTC

In “Global Turn Actions”, after

As a Phase 2 Mandatory Turn Action, a Meeple may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type, specifying one of their own Tokens in the dice roller comment, and that Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers.

(but in the same paragraph), add

If the Rounds is 2 or higher, a Meeple may perform this action up to three times (rather than once) between moments at which their turn began, but cannot choose a Token that has already been chosen for that action since their turn last began.

Another idea for speeding things up: you can move all your tokens, not just one of them. (With this wording, only the last moved token triggers the special effect of the square.) This is delayed until round 2 to avoid disadvantaging Meeples who have moved already.

Proposal: This is turn based… right?

Unpopular, 2-3 with 2 DEFs and Monarchple voting AGAINST. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 23:52:43 UTC

In the rule “Squares”, change the words “As a daily action, a Meeple can set the color of a white square” to “As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Meeple can set the color of a white square”.

Not even totally sure how I feel about this; but I think it would make some sense to have *all* actions be tied to your turn. What’s the point of setting a turn order if some actions bypass it anyway?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Illegal Gambling

Now that “Horse of a Different Color” has been enacted, the valid Types of Sicherman Dice have changed, and everyone’s Types are currently illegal. It’s not clear to me that we can simply set everyone’s Types to the default value (I don’t see such a rule), but the new enactment provides a way to change your dice Type during your turn, so it shouldn’t be a game blocker.

Proposal: Token Rollcall

Timed out, 3-2 with Monarchple voting DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 17:40:05 UTC

Add a new paragraph to “The Island of Kittens Local Rules”, immediately after the existing paragraph that starts with “As a Phase 3 Turn Action”:

As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Meeple whose most recently moved Token’s Position corresponds to a turquoise square of the Island of Kittens may change that Token’s Position to match the Position of a different Token owned by that Meeple, as long as that Position is 300 or lower.

A game balance point: currently it takes an average of 59 rounds to get from square 1 to square 400 with just a single token without the help of Local Rules – 177 with all three. We’re unlikely to want to play out that many rounds, which implies that most Local Rules should be helpful rather than hindering. So here’s a way to use one token to help another – I encourage other Meeples to also look for things that might help the dynasty to end in a reasonable length of time.

Proposal: Color Pallet

Reached quorum, 5-0 with 1 DEF and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Feb 2025 00:28:02 UTC

If “Laws of the Lands” fails, this proposal does nothing.


In rule “Squares”, add a subrule denoted as “Mixing Color Pallet” with the following description:

As a phase 4 turn Action, if 2 adjacent spaces are of a color other than White, and neither was the last space changed from due the rule “Square” action, then the Current Meeple may do one of following actions:

* If there is an adjacent Red Space and Yellow Space, may turn those Spaces Orange.

* If there is an adjacent Yellow Space and Turquoise Space, may turn may turn Spaces Green.

* If there is an adjacent Turquoise Space and Red Space, may turn those Spaces Purple.

Another crack at making colors interesting

Monday, February 10, 2025

Proposal: Laws of the Lands

Timed out, 4-0 with 1 DEF and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 21:03:39 UTC

In rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, add

Each subrule under this rule is known as a Local Rule, unless that subrule does not contain any island’s name.

to the end of last paragraph of the description

And remove

Each subrule under this rule is known as a Local Rule.


also, at the end of the description of subrule “The Networks”, add

Only spaces with position numbers that are contiguous integers are considered adjacent for all Dynastic Rules.

At the end of the description.

Proposal: You Shall Not Pass

Timed out, 3-1 with Monarchple DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 19:59:03 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Gates”:

Each Major Island has a Gate. Gates are the Positions numbered 100, 200, and 300, and 399. Gates may be Open or Closed, defaulting to Closed; this is publicly tracked. A Token may not pass a Gate unless that Gate is Open; if a Token’s Position would be set from a value less than or equal to a Closed Gate to a value higher than a Closed Gate, it is instead set to that Closed Gate. Gates may be referred to by the Major Island they are in (e.g. the Island of Kittens Gate).

If a Meeple has one or more of their Tokens on a Closed Gate and that Meeple is Worthy of that Gate, then they may treat that Gate as if it were Open. They may also choose to, as a Phase 10 Turn Action, become the Royal of the Major Island that Gate is on and set the Positions of all their Tokens who are on that Major Island to the square with the lowest value on that Major Island.

As a Phase 10 Turn Action, the Royal of a Major Island may set the Gate of that Major Island to be Open or Closed, if the current Rounds is divisible by 3. If they feel like it, they are encouraged to make a snobby post to the blog looking down on their subjects and mentioning the new status of the Gate when they do so.

If the Proposal “Herding Cats” passed, append the following paragraph to the Local Rule of the Island of Kittens:

A Meeple is Worthy of the Island of Kittens Gate if their Tokens that are on the Gate have at least 4 combined Kittens. As a Phase 1 Turn Action, a Token may set its own position to 90 if it is on the Island of Kittens Gate.

If the Proposal “Know When to Hold Em” passed, then in the Local Rule of Kahuna replace the sentence that begins “If a Meeple’s Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand” with:

If a Meeple’s Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, then as a Phase 10 Turn Action that Meeple may set the Royal Hand to their Hand. If a Meeple has ever performed this action, they are Worthy of the Kahuna Gate.

A final challenge to get through on each island before you’re allowed to pass. If you want, you can instead become the Royal, which gives you control over the gate at the cost of your progress (but if you choose to keep the gate closed, someone might usurp your throne, while keeping it open keeps your subjects happy and your crown secure).

Proposal: Herding Cats

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 19:16:13 UTC

Insert the following paragraph after the paragraph that starts with “Each Meeple has three Tokens” in “The Isle of BoardGamia”:

When the rules say that a Token may perform an action, then this means that a Meeple may apply that action to a Token they control.

Append the following paragraphs to the Local Rule of The Island of Kittens:

Each Token has a publicly tracked number of Kittens following it, which defaults to 1. A Small Token may have a maximum of 1 Kitten following it, a Medium Token a maximum of 2, and a Big Token a maximum of 4; a Token or Meeple may not take any action which would set a Token’s Kittens beyond its maximum.

As a Phase 1 Turn Action, a Token that occupies a purple square may gain 1 Kitten and set the colour of that square to white.
As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Token may transfer some Kittens to another Token controlled by the same Meeple that occupies the same square.
As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Token may spend 1 Kitten to set the colour of three white squares on the Island of Kittens that do not contain any Tokens to purple.

As a Phase 4 Turn Action, a Token (the “cattacker”) may incite its Kittens to attack another Token (the “victim”) with fewer Kittens that occupies the same square. The cattacker loses 1 Kitten, and the victim’s Position is set to 0.

I’ve noticed there is a lack of kittens on the Island of Kittens. Allow me to remedy this

Local Rules Might Be Broken

I think the way that the rule text in “Isles of BoardGamia” might be broken with regard to Tokens. With the recent change from a Meeple’s Position to Token’s Position, the rule text suggests that the Local Rule text applies to the Token rather than the Meeple owning that Token. It’s not clear to me that this will make sense for Local Rules, especially when it comes to variables defined in Local Rules.

I don’t have any slots to fix this, but I thought I’d bring it to everyone’s attention. If no one else fixes it, I’ll either get around to it when I get a slot free, or shove it into my “Know When To Hold Em” proposal if the edit window is still open and no one objects to having some non-related changes in that proposal.

Proposal: Know When To Hold Em

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 16:59:01 UTC

Replace the text of the rule “Kahuna Local Rules” with the following text:

Each Meeple has a publicly-tracked Hand that is a list of up to 6 numbers, defaulting to an empty list. There is a publicly-tracked Royal Hand that defaults to an empty list.

As a Phase 2 Turn Action, a Meeple may perform one of the following actions if they meet the criteria for that action:
* If that Meeple has a Hand with 4 or less numbers, they may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type and add the individual die results (rather than the sum of the dice) from that roll to their Hand.
* If that Meeple has non-empty Hand, they may set their Hand to an empty list.

A Meeple’s Hand has a Rank determined by the pattern of numbers in that Meeple’s Hand. A Hand’s Rank is Unranked if that Hand has less than 6 numbers in it; an Unranked Hand has the same Rank as any other Unranked Hand. If it is not Unranked, a Hand’s Rank is the first criteria that it meets from the list below, starting at the top of the list in order from highest Rank to lowest Rank as follows:
* 6 of the same number
* 5 of the same number and any other number
* 6 numbers that can be arranged in a contiguous sequence of unique numbers
* 4 of the same number and 2 of the same other number
* 5 numbers that can be arranged in a contiguous sequence of unique numbers and any other number
* 4 of the same number and any 2 other numbers
* 3 of the same number, 2 of the same other number, and any other number
* 4 numbers that can be arranged in a contiguous sequence of unique numbers and any 2 other numbers
* 2 of the same number, 2 of the same other number, and any 2 other numbers
* 3 of the same number and any 3 other numbers
* 2 of the same number and any 4 other numbers
* Any combination of numbers not already described above

When comparing two Hands, if neither are Unranked and both have the same Rank, the Hand whose sum of its numbers is higher is considered to have the higher Rank of those two Hands. If a Meeple’s Hand has a higher Rank than the Royal Hand, that Meeple may set the Royal of Kahuna to their name and set the Royal Hand to their Hand.

Some pseudo card playing mechanics, trying to get the best “poker” hand. I figure if Island of Kittens is snakes-and-ladders, the next step up is to have Kahuna be the card-playing island.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Proposal: Horse of a Different Color

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 12 Feb 2025 02:54:53 UTC

If either “The More The Merrier” or “Get Rolling” was not enacted, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.

In the rule “Isles of Boardgamia”, after the text “Each Token has a publicly tracked Position, which is a number that defaults to 1.” add the following text:

A Token whose Position matches the value in a square is said to occupy that square.

and in the same rule, replace the text “When a Meeple’s Position is a value that matches” with “When any of a Meeple’s Tokens occupies”.

In the rule “Squares”, after the text “a Meeple can set the color of a white square of their choice to a random color” add the following text:

, as long as that Meeple is not the Current Meeple and there are no Meeples whose Tokens occupy that square

In the rule “Sicherman Dice”:

* Replace “Red Dice” with “Red and Silver Dice”
* Replace “Orange Dice” with “Orange and Yellow Dice”
* Replace “Green Dice” with “Green and Turquoise Dice”
* Replace “Blue Dice” with “Blue and White Dice”
* Replace “Purple Dice” with “Purple and Black Dice”

In the same rule, replace the text “defaulting to Blue Dice.” with the following text:

defaulting to Blue and White Dice. As a Phase 1 Turn Action, a Meeple may change their Dice Type such that one of the colors in that chosen Type matches the color of a square that one of their Tokens occupies.

Making use of the rest of the colors to allow changing dice, which will likely be useful later. Also fixing up some Token position stuff. Finally, prohibiting changing the color of a square when it’s your turn or if that square is occupied, as either seems unfair.

Proposal: Helpful Kittens

Timed out, 6-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Feb 2025 15:21:22 UTC

Change the text of “The Island of Kittens Local Rules” to:

As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Meeple whose Position corresponds to a green square of the Island of Kittens may change their Position to correspond to the green square of the Island of Kittens with the next-higher number among green squares, or to 0 if there is no such square. This action is Mandatory if it is possible to perform.

or, if “The More The Merrier” was enacted:

As a Phase 3 Turn Action, a Meeple whose most recently moved Token’s Position corresponds to a green square of the Island of Kittens may change that token’s Position to correspond to the green square of the Island of Kittens with the next-higher number among green squares, or to 0 if there is no such square. This action is Mandatory if it is possible to perform.

We’re using snakes-and-ladders-style boards, which inspired me to make some ladders. I think the vision is for the Island of Kittens to be easier to get through than the others, and possibly with simpler mechanics, so here’s a simple mechanic to start us off.

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Proposal: Gay For Pay

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Feb 2025 19:12:28 UTC

Add a rule called “Tableau” with the following description:

Meeples gain/lose items will have them recorded on the gamestate as will be known as their tableau. These items are removed from their gamestate when they have to pay cost on something denoted on the dynastic rules or from an action that may cause the Meeple to lose an item.

And also another rule denoted “Raven’s Rainbow Dollars” with the description:

When a player lands on the square that is of a color other than white, the Meeple that landed on that square may gain a dollar of that color by adding it to their tableau.

Might as well add spice to Ais’s thing

Proposal: Sleeples

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Feb 2025 17:36:34 UTC

Insert the following paragraph after the second paragraph of “Turns and Rounds”:

When a Meeple in the Turn Order becomes idle, they are removed from the Turn Order; any Meeple may update the tracker to reflect this.

Remove all Idle Meeples from the Turn Order.

Right now if someone goes idle (whether by timeout or otherwise), they hold up the queue. Here’s a fix.

Proposal: Get Rolling

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Feb 2025 17:31:53 UTC

Change the introduction of “Sicherman Dice” (before the table) to say:

The types of Sicherman Dice are specified in the table below. In order to roll Sicherman Dice of a given type, roll two dice in the Dice Roller whose faces are specified in that table, producing two numbers which are the results of the roll.

and change the heading of the second column of the table in that rule to “Faces”.

At the end of “Sicherman Dice”, append:

Each Meeple has a publicly tracked Dice Type, which can be any type of Sicherman Dice, defaulting to Blue Dice.

If “Fancy Colored Dice” was enacted, add a new subrule “Global Turn Actions” to “Turns and Rounds”, with the following text:

As a Phase 2 Mandatory Turn Action, a Meeple may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type, and their own Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers.

or, if “The More The Merrier” was enacted, with the following text instead:

As a Phase 2 Mandatory Turn Action, a Meeple may roll Sicherman Dice of their own Dice Type, specifying one of their own Tokens in the dice roller comment, and that Token’s Position increases by the total of the two rolled numbers.

Let’s get started with the basic board game gameplay. I’m expecting lots of things to modify how this works later in the dynasty (which is part of the reason that moving is phase 2 rather than phase 1, so that we can add rules that let you do things before it), but we may as well start moving while we’re designing the rules.

I chose Blue as the default Sicherman color because it’s the only Sicherman Dice color that isn’t also a square color.

Proposal: Royal Safety Protocol

Reached quorum, 6-0 with 1 DEF and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Feb 2025 17:30:01 UTC

If the proposals “Meepistocracy” and “400 Marks the Spot” were both enacted, add the following to the bulleted list in the rule Winning:

* They are the Royal of one of the Major Islands

This is primarily intended as a way to block the risk of some kind of infinite move scam ending the dynasty

Proposal: All Aboard!!!! 2

Timed out, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Feb 2025 17:26:55 UTC

Add a sub rule in rule “Isles of BoardGamia” called “The Networks” with the description:

Space 0 on Spirit Island is considered adjacent to Space 1 on The Island of Kittens for all Dynastic Rules. Space 100 on The Island of Kittens is considered adjacent to Space 101 on Kahuna for all Dynastic Rules. Space 200 on Kahuna is considered adjacent to Space 201 on Forbidden Island for all Dynastic Rules. Space 300 on Forbidden Island is considered adjacent to Space 301 on Hellapagos for all Dynastic Rules.

Proposal: It’s All About Position

Timed out, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Feb 2025 17:12:17 UTC

In the rule “Isles of BoardGamia” replace every instance of “Location” with “Position”.

Sergiu1200 pointed out that “Location” was used instead of “Position” in that rule, breaking it a little. Thanks for the catch!

Proposal: The More The Merrier

Timed out, 5-0 with 1 DEF and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Feb 2025 17:01:58 UTC

In the rule “Isles of Boardgamia”, replace

Each Meeple has a publicly tracked Position, which is a number that defaults to 1.


Each Meeple has three Tokens: a Small Token, a Medium Token and a Big Token. Each Token has a publicly tracked Position, which is a number that defaults to 1.

In the rest of that rule, replace “Meeple” with “Token”.

Replace the text of the rule “Winning” (if such a rule exists) with:

A Meeple has achieved victory if all of the following criteria are true for that Meeple:
* They are the only Meeple whose Tokens all have a Position of 400.

As it seems like there will be a lot of rolling dice, having multiple movable tokens could help create decisions beyond just randomness

Friday, February 07, 2025

Proposal: Spearment

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Feb 2025 18:59:04 UTC

In the Appendix rule Mentors, after “Meeples who are willing to act as a Mentor”, add:

and who meet the criteria set out in the Tenured Players section of the aftermentioned page,

In the same rule, after “or the name of a Meeple who has requested a change on their own behalf,”, add:

or may remove the name of any Tenured Player who no longer meets the criteria set out in the Tenured Players section of the Mentoships page,

In the Tenured Players section of the Mentorships wiki page, add the following as a first paragraph:

A Mentor must have been active for at least 30 days or one full dynasty in the last year.

A framework to codify standards for being a mentor, starting with clearing out some defunct names.

Proposal: 400 Marks the Spot

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Feb 2025 18:57:39 UTC

Add a new rule named “Winning” with the following text:

A Meeple has achieved victory if all of the following criteria are true for that Meeple:
* They are the only Meeple that has a Position of 400.

ais made a good point in a comment: having an early win condition now may prevent the situation where the Meeples lagging behind will vote against a win condition defined later that’s not in their favor. Raven1207 has already expressed their desire for the win condition to involve square 400, so here’s the start of that.

It’s a bullet list so that we can add other conditions later as appropriate, but we start with this one, with a provision for ties that will force multiple Meeples at 400 to do “something” so that there’s only 1 Meeple at 400.

Proposal: Fancy Colored Dice

Reached quorum, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Feb 2025 18:55:22 UTC

In Rule “Sicherman Dice”, add the following to the rules table

Red Dice | Roll DICE{1,2,3,4,5,6} & Roll DICE{1,2,3,4,5,6}

Orange Dice | Roll DICE{1,2,2,3,3,4} & Roll DICE{1,3,4,5,6,8}

Green Dice | Roll DICE{0,1,2,3,4,5} & Roll DICE{2,3,4,5,6,7}

Blue Dice | Roll DICE{0,1,1,2,2,3} & Roll DICE{2,4,5,6,7,9}

Purple Dice | Roll DICE{0,2,3,4,5,7} & Roll DICE{2,3,3,4,4,5}

Proposal: Meepistocracy

Reached quorum, 4-0 with 3 DEFs and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Feb 2025 18:39:39 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Meeple Nobility”:

Each of the four Major Islands may have up to one Meeple as its Royal, which is publicly tracked and defaults to no Meeple. Any given Meeple may only ever be the Royal of at most one Major Island; if a Meeple would ever become the Royal of a second island, they instead do not.

The Royal of The Island of Kittens may be referred to as Old Deuteronomy; the Royal of Kahuna may be referred to as Kamehameha; the Royal of Forbidden Island hates being directly referred to; and the Royal of Hellapagos may be referred to as Pericles.

If a Meeple is the Royal of an island, other Meeples are strongly encouraged to always call that Meeple by their regal name as defined in this rule (or, for the Royal of Forbidden Island, Meeples are encouraged to always refer to them in a very roundabout way). Refusing to do so is a terrible display of insolence to royalty, and the other Meeples are encouraged to scold those who do not.

If all four Major Islands have had a Meeple as their Royal for the past 96 hours and none of the Royals have changed in that time, then a Nobility has formed. If a Nobility has formed, no Meeple may take any dynastic actions not defined in this rule.

At any time after a Nobility has formed, the four Royals may play a 4-player online board game on BGA ( It can be any game, but the Royals should all agree on which board game they would like to play beforehand.

Usually we wait a few weeks before anyone proposes a victory condition, which can be an issue. Here’s an idea for a dynasty ending, hopefully early on so everyone can agree on it: we all are vying to become the Royal of one of the four islands, and then once all four Royals are locked in, they play a final actual board game for emperorship! I don’t quite know how BGA works, so I’m open to suggestions on changing that particular bit of the rule to make more sense. I haven’t given out victory yet just in case it could be exploited, but the implication is that the winner of the board game achieves victory. Royal names are courtesy of Josh (I’m not cultured enough to come up with clever references to history and media and such, but I probably will watch the Cats musical at some point just out of curiosity).

Proposal: All Aboard!! and New Building Block

Unpopular, 3-5. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Feb 2025 16:57:22 UTC

Add a sub rule in rule “Isles of BoardGamia” called “The Networks” with the description:

Space 0 on Spirit Island is considered adjacent to Space 1 on The Island of Kittens for all Dynastic Rules. Space 100 on The Island of Kittens is considered adjacent to Space 101 on Kahuna for all Dynastic Rules. Space 200 on Kahuna is considered adjacent to Space 201 on Forbidden Island for all Dynastic Rules. Space 300 on Forbidden Island is considered adjacent to Space 301 on Hellapagos for all Dynastic Rules.


And in Rule “Building Blocks”, add a subrule called “Constructive Criticism” with the description:

As a weekly action, the Monarchple may make a Story Post with a list or summary of suggestions for Meeple to use to help guide future proposals in a direction for the dynasty.

And add copy the subrule “Constructive Criticism” and its contents from the “Building Blocks” rule to the Building Blocks wiki page as a rule of the same name.


I would like to be unidled!

Ravens of a feather

Bera to be mentored by JonathanDark until the First Dynasty of Raven1207 has ended and the date is past the 7th of March 2025.

Proposal: Order of Operations

Reached quorum, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Feb 2025 16:55:14 UTC

If the proposal “Round and Round” did not pass, then this proposal has no effect.

Add a subrule to the rule “Turns and Rounds”, titled “Turn Actions”:

If an action is defined as a Turn Action, it may only be taken by the Current Meeple, and may only be taken if they have not already taken that action since their turn last began. Turn Actions may have a numeric Phase (denoted as, for example, a “Phase 1 Turn Action”). Turn Actions may also be defined as Mandatory.

The Current Meeple may not take a particular Turn Action if they have already taken a Turn Action with a higher Phase since their turn last began, or if they have not yet taken a Mandatory Turn Action with a lower Phase since their turn last began.

If the Current Meeple does not have any Mandatory Turn Actions available to them, or if they have not yet taken any Turn Actions since their turn last began, then they may End a Turn.

Here’s a framework for how a Turn might be structured, with Meeples taking actions in a particular order defined by the rules. Actions with the same Phase can be taken in any order, and actions with no Phase can be taken at any time during a turn. Mandatory actions must be taken, unless you choose to do nothing and pass your turn. I considered adding a timeout on turns, but decided against it because as we’ve seen in previous turn-based dynasties it’s likely to just result in it becoming socially acceptable to wait out the timeout, slowing down the game.

Back from the shadows

I would like to be unidled please

Proposal: A colorful game board

Reached quorum, 6-2. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 08 Feb 2025 16:53:46 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, “Squares”:

Each square of each major island has a color, defaulting to White (the possible values for colors are the possible random results for the Dice Roller’s COLOR command, as specified in “Random Generators”). This is publicly tracked via setting the background color of that square on the gamestate tracking page. A square of a major island with the color White can be described as a “white square”, and likewise for the other possible colors.

As a daily action, a Meeple can set the color of a white square of their choice to a random color. This action is performed via using the Dice Roller’s COLOR command (specifying the chosen square in the Dice Roller comment), then updating the tracking page (if necessary) to reflect the new color. If the randomly chosen color is White, the color of the square does not change.


Adding a way to start filling in our currently blank game boards (and make them prettier!). I’m assuming that we’ll later define square color to behave differently on different islands.

I’ve been working on a template to make it easy to maintain boards on the gamestate tracking page: see Template:Square on the wiki for an example of what it would look like. I made some effort to help colorblind players distinguish between different colors, but it probably isn’t good enough on its own – if anyone colorblind is playing, let me know if it’s too hard to tell the colors apart for you and/or what changes would make it easier.

Proposal: [Appendix] Bounty cleanup

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Feb 2025 19:48:35 UTC

Append the following paragraph to the Appendix rule “Official Posts”:

If the rules defining a type of official post are repealed, and as a consequence the ruleset no longer defines nor references that type of official post, all posts of that type cease to be official posts and have no further effect. If a post in the Story Posts - Votable Matter category is not currently an official post, any admin or its author may set that post’s status to Vetoed (if it was previously an official post) or Illegal (if it was never an official post).

Set the status of the post “Bounty Notice: Mutable Words” to Vetoed.

Currently, if a dynasty-specific type of vote is ongoing when a dynasty ends, it just stays there and clogs up the sidebar, and it’s unclear whether it has any ongoing influence on the gamestate or not – it can’t hurt to have instructions for cleaning those up. (This situation arose at the end of the last dynasty, when the Bounties rule was repealed.) “Vetoed” seems like the most sensible status to use for previously legal official posts, because this situation is mostly going to arise when dynastic or Building Blocks rules are repealed at the start of a dynasty, and it’s the same status that is used for cleaning up proposals at the start of a dynasty.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Proposal: Local Jurisdiction

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Feb 2025 17:59:02 UTC

If there is no rule named “Isles of BoardGamia”, the rest of this Proposal has no effect.

In the rule “Isles of BoardGamia”, append the following text:

Each subrule under this rule is known as a Local Rule. The term “Local Rule” is interchangeable with “subrule of Isles of BoardGamia”. An island’s Local Rule is the Local Rule whose name contains the name of that island.

Each Meeple has a publicly tracked Position, which is a number that defaults to 1. When a Meeple’s Location is a value that matches a square in the grid of an island named as a major island or a minor island, that Meeple is said to be “in” that island.

When a Meeple is in an island, the text of that island’s Local Rule applies to that Meeple; otherwise, the text of that island’s Local Rule is considered flavour text for that Meeple.

Variables specified as tracked in an island’s Local Rule are tracked for each Meeple who is in that Island and are Orphan Variables for Meeples not in that Island. Whenever a Meeple’s Position changes such that they are in a different island, the variables specified as tracked in that island’s Local Rule must be set to their respective default values for that Meeple unless otherwise stated in that island’s Local Rule.

Add a subrule to “Isles of BoardGamia” named “The Island of Kittens Local Rules” with the following text:

Any text in this rule other than this sentence is flavour text.

Add a subrule to “Isles of BoardGamia” named “Kahuna Local Rules” with the following text:

Any text in this rule other than this sentence is flavour text.

Add a subrule to “Isles of BoardGamia” named “Forbidden Island Local Rules” with the following text:

Any text in this rule other than this sentence is flavour text.

Add a subrule to “Isles of BoardGamia” named “Hellapagos Local Rules” with the following text:

Any text in this rule other than this sentence is flavour text.

Add a subrule to “Isles of BoardGamia” named “Spirit Island Local Rules” with the following text:

Any text in this rule other than this sentence is flavour text.

Defining the Island structure that allows Meeples to move from game to game, where each game is on a different island. The rules of each game only apply when you’re on that island, so that playing one game doesn’t interfere with another.

I intentionally did not want to define what the local rules were for each island so that future Proposals can define that. When someone does, just replace that Local Rule’s text with whatever you want.

If there are variables that should be tracked regardless of Island, those should go outside of the island’s Local Rules. That would be the best method for having games interfere with each other if that is desired later.

In the gamestate tracker page, we should probably track each island’s Local Rule variables in a separate section so that it’s easy to track them per Meeple.

Proposal: Round and Round

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Feb 2025 17:52:56 UTC

Add a new rule named “Turns and Rounds” with the following text:

There is a publicly tracked Turn Order which is a comma-separated list of Meeples, defaulting to an empty list, and a publicly tracked number named Rounds, defaulting to 0.

The Meeple whose name is at the beginning of the Turn Order, if it is not empty, is considered the Current Meeple. While that Meeple is the Current Meeple, they are said to be Taking a Turn.

Whenever the Turn Order is empty, any Meeple may perform Generate Turns, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* In the Dice Roller, make a single comment with the name of every active Meeple, in any order chosen by the Meeple performing this atomic action, along with a DICE1000 roll next to each name. This comment is known as the Turn List for this instance.
* Restart the steps of this atomic action if there are any duplicate numbers in the roll results for the preceding step.
* Sort the names in the Turn List for this instance in ascending order by roll result associated with that name.
* Add the sorted names from the Turn List for this instance to the Turn Order according to the order determined in the preceding step.
* Add 1 to the Rounds.

Ending a Turn is an action that applies to the Current Meeple, in which that Meeple’s name is removed from the beginning of the Turn Order, at which point that Meeple is no longer considered the Current Meeple.

An alternate way to sort a list of Meeples without having to roll a set of names a bunch of times, because that method is a pain.

Also note that a Meeple who is unidled is not immediately added to the Turn Order. This is intentional for now.

Proposal: Sicherman Dice

Reached quorum, 5-0 with 1 DEF and Monarchple voting FOR. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Feb 2025 17:51:12 UTC

Add rule to the Dynastic Rules called “Sicherman Dice” with the following description

Sicherman Dice are lists of comma-separated values in curly brackets as described in the rule “Random Generators” that can be rolled in the Dice Roller. Sicherman Dice have their abilities denoted on the table below with the first column being denoted as “Type” and second column being denoted as “Ability”


Proposal: Land by Land, Brick by Brick

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 07 Feb 2025 16:41:28 UTC

Add rule denoted as “Isles of BoardGamia” to Dynastic Rules with the following description:

Isles of BoardGamia are the 4 major islands(that are each individually known as the “The Island of Kittens”, “Kahuna”, “Forbidden Island”, “Hellapagos”) and 1 minor island(known as “Spirit Island”). Each major island is denoted as a 10 by 10 grid on the gamestate with each square in the grid is denoted as a number from 100X+1 to 100(X+1) [where “X” is 0(if the major island is The Island of Kittens), or 1 (if the major island is Kahuna), or 2(if the major island is Forbidden Island) or 3(if the major island is Hellapagos)]. Additionally, the arrangement of the spaces inside each grid are denoted as the bottommost leftmost space being the lowest value and the topmost rightmost being the highest value and with each a space’s neighbor in the right direction is 1 more than said space and it’s top neighbor being 10 more than said space. Spirit Island is a 1 by 1 grid with the value of it’s space being 0.

Let the games begin

New Player

Hello! I would like to formally declare my intentions to join as a player

Littlest Meeple

Sergiu1200 to be mentored by Brendan until the First Dynasty of Raven1207 has ended and the date is past the 6th of March 2025.

Call for Judgment: [Core] The Emperor’s Really New Clothes

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 06 Feb 2025 18:32:00 UTC

Uphold all edits to the Ascension Address “The Book of the Board Game Island” made by Raven1207 between 06 Feb 2025 14:12:00 UTC and either 06 Feb 2025 18:12:00 UTC or the first performance of the Dynastic Reset action after 06 Feb 2025 14:12:00 UTC, whichever comes first.

In the rule “Victory and Ascension”, before the text “The Ascension Address should specify”, add the following text:

The Ascension Address may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old and the Dynastic Reset action has not yet been performed since the initial posting of that Ascension Address.

The rules already state that any Participant may perform the Dynastic Reset after 4 hours, to give the new Emperor time to make changes to their AA, but it seems we may have forgotten to actually allow the Emperor to make those edits legally.

Call for Judgment: [Core] No More Co-Regents

Reached quorum, 6-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 06 Feb 2025 20:05:26 UTC

In the rule “Dynasties”, remove the following text, if it exists:

The following Participants are the Masterminds: “ais523”, “Josh”.

In the rule “Dynasties”, remove the following text, if it exists:

The following Participants are the Monarchples: “ais523”, “Josh”.


It’s unfortunate that we hard-coded the co-regents without a mechanism to automatically remove them. I doubled-up the instructions in case the synonyms get changed before this CfJ is enacted.

Call for Judgment: [Core] The Emperor’s New New Clothes

I can’t actually roll back my edits as that’s also an edit, so marking illegal and will re-post.

Adminned at 06 Feb 2025 16:19:49 UTC

Uphold any edits to the Ascension Address “The Book of the Board Game Island” made by Raven1207 between 06 Feb 2025 14:12:00 UTC and either 06 Feb 2025 18:12:00 UTC or the first performance of the Dynastic Reset action after 06 Feb 2025 14:12:00 UTC, whichever comes first.

In the rule “Victory and Ascension”, before the text “The Ascension Address should specify”, add the following text:

The Ascension Address may be altered by its author if it is less than 4 hours old and the Dynastic Reset action has not yet been performed since the initial posting of that Ascension Address.


The rules already state that any Participant may perform the Dynastic Reset after 4 hours, to give the new Emperor time to make changes to their AA, but it seems we may have forgotten to actually allow the Emperor to make those edits legally.

Ascension Address: The Book of the Board Game Island

As a series of Bank Heist were happening in a Kingdom down yonder, a different story begins passed the seas of and rivers of Tonari and Deep Blue on a few islands ruled by a Royal with a blue attire, which consist of a dashing suit, top hat that had peacock feather resting on its side, and matching shoes and a cane in hand. These islands that this ruler controls are, however, not used to conquering but for the lavish fun of gaming. Those who start here can’t stop until they make it to the end these travels or they may be left for a purgatory of dice rolling, card trading, and gambling until their last breath.

Change Participant to Meeple, and Mastermind to Monarchple

Repeal Rules in Dynastic Rules

Repeal “Dynastic Safeguard” from Building Blocks, and Keep “Precondition Unidling” and “Reinitialisation” and discard “Everyone’s Playing” from Building Blocks

Change the dynastic tracking page denoted as “The Heist Teams” to “Board Game Isle Reports”

And my Imperial Style thoughts that I have specified before in the discord server last night that I want this game to be similar to the game of chutes and ladders where everyone starts at a space denoted as 0 and it heading to the number that will be the designated finish line. Additionally for the places in between, I would like for them to have uses similar to other games, like buying properties like in Monopoly, or having some kind event happen like Game of Life, card drafting like in many games, etc. I’d also like to have it where the board has different layers to which the layers get harder as you try to pass through them. As for other stuff, I would like to have a turns and rounds system that has it where people can change the turn order for the next round and that something could benefit the person last in the turn order so that it isn’t just a fight for who goes first and that the person in last place isn’t in an endless cycle of being there. Additionally, it would be nice to use a similar mechanic from our pass dynasties for turns where each rounds ends when the Meeples all take their turns. Also as one last thing that I also specified in the Discord Server, since this is my first, is to keep things moreso on players to do their actions involving their game plays and that my participation should be to help guide things in a direction, daily/weekly actions, and of course voting,


I am announcing my arrival and my formal intention to become a player!

This thread has no extradition treaty with the main blog

A retrospective thread for the Coregency of ais523 and Josh.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Call for Judgment: OK, but can we at least make the DoV unambiguously legal?

Enacted popular, 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 05 Feb 2025 23:38:38 UTC

Uphold SingularByte’s attempted action which caused Raven1207 to gain the Retired characteristic and achieve victory.
Uphold the posting of Raven1207’s post in the Declaration of Victory category today as a legally performed declaration of victory.

I care a lot about things that could permanently lock up BlogNomic, either in terms of permanent Hiatus or in terms of gamestates in which nobody can ever post a DoV.
I am happy to give Raven the win here – there are several scenarios for what might happen but Raven wins in most of them, and has at least a 50% win chance in the rest. (And this CFJ does unambiguously give Raven the win.)
The “Come on” CFJ, however, didn’t fully uphold the gamestate (it set the ruleset to a known state but didn’t uphold the DoV or the Retired characteristic). This CFJ fixes the issues with that one, unambiguously making the DoV legal and unambiguously giving Raven a win – if it passes, then I will consider it to have given Raven victory and change my vote on the DoV.

Call for Judgment: Unambiguously legal DoVs

Unpopular, with 4 votes AGAINST. Josh

Adminned at 05 Feb 2025 22:17:37 UTC

If the Declaration of Victory posted by Raven1207 today was illegal to make, consider it to have been posted legally, and to have been open for voting since the time it was posted. If the post is currently illegal, it becomes pending and ceases to be illegal.

This does not cause dynastic actions performed since the Declaration of Victory was posted to become illegal if they were legal, nor does it cause them to become legal if they were illegal.

We really need clarity on whether or not a DoV exists, because so much of BlogNomic is impacted by it – yet, currently that depends on whether SingularByte’s scam worked or not.

If the DoV does happen to be illegal, it will hold up BlogNomic indefinitely until the situation is fixed by CFJ (because the dynasty won’t end, so a dynastic reset won’t happen, so the “players who aren’t Retired can’t declare victory” status will persist, meaning that no future DoV will be legal either). Thus, we need a CFJ for which everyone on any side of the argument will unambiguously agree that the DoV exists. Whatever your point of view, this fix should be at least neutral, and might be helpful.

Making the Hiatus retroactive would be dangerous because the ruleset might potentially be left in a trivially scammable state – this wording places us in either the “Raven wins” or “ais523 closes the loophole” outcome, without mandating one or the other.

Call for Judgment: Come on

Enacted popular, 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 05 Feb 2025 22:07:40 UTC

Reset the Ruleset to its state as of revision 28949, if its text does not already match that revision.

Consider BlogNomic to be on Hiatus as long as Raven1207’s most recent Declaration of Victory is unresolved.

Reprimand ais523 for ignoring the recommendation regarding reversion and CfJs in the rule “Representations of the Gamestate.”

Declaration of Victory: Raven The First….. Coming Soon

Meets the threshold to be enacted after 12 hours, with all active Participants voting FOR, including both Masterminds. Congratulations! Josh

Adminned at 06 Feb 2025 09:05:01 UTC

As per the rule Winning {I}, I have achieved victory.

Crimelord Dominance

I invoke the crimelord dominance action naming Raven1207. Raven1207 gains Retired and achieves victory.

So, by “On Parsing Nonsense”, you ignore all gibberish. By this, all heist actions need a roll but no roll is specified. Since rolling clearly takes a number, we simply have to default to the lowest valid number of 0. As a result, there is no cooldown on actions.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Discord glitch

Hey is discord acting funky to anyone atm

Proposal: Roly poly

Vetoed by the Monarchple. Adminned by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 06 Feb 2025 18:49:44 UTC

Add a new role to the list of roles in the rule The Crew {M}:

Grifter is a Role. As a Weekly Heist Action, a Grifter may add a suffix or prefix to a word in the ruleset, so long as the resulting word is not Gibberish.

Proposal: One Second-To-Last Score

Vetoed by the Monarchple. Adminned by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 06 Feb 2025 18:49:11 UTC

Add a new rule entitled “The Chop {I}” as follows:

A Chop is a Heist Action that is a Weekly Action and a Daily Communal Action and which can be performed by a Participant if and only if they have the Retired Characteristic. A Chop Heist Action cannot be performed via the use of Identity Theft or the Double Agent role.

When making the Heist Action DICE48 roll for a Chop, the Participant making that roll must name in the roll comment a number of distinct Participants in alphabetical order, all of whom must have at least one Triumph. The Payout Point for a Chop is equal to the sum of the Triumphs of all Participants named in its Heist Action roll, unless only one Participant is named; in that case the Payout Point for the Chop is equal to that Participant’s Triumphs multiplied by 1.5, rounded down.

If the result of a Chop Heist Action roll is greater than the Payout Point for that Chop, then that Chop Heist Action fails. If the Payout Point for a Chop is greater than the “previous X hours” for the Participant attempting it, as defined in the rule “Heists {I}”, then that Chop Heist Action fails.

If the Chop Heist Action succeeds, and if multiple Participants were named in its roll comment, the result of its roll also selects one of that Chop’s named Participants as its Winner when making that roll. The selection of said Winner is as follows:

  1. In alphabetical order by name, each Participant named in the Chop is assigned a range of contiguous integers for that Chop from X to Y, inclusive.
  2. For the alphabetically first named Participant in a Chop, their X is 1; for each subsequent named Participant in that Chop, that Participant’s X is equal to the the Y of the previously named Participant in that Chop, plus one.
  3. For each named Participant in a Chop, their Y is equal to that Participant’s number of Triumphs, plus their X, minus one.
  4. If the result of the Chop Heist Action roll falls within the range of one of the Participants named in that Chop, then that Participant is that Chop’s Winner.

(In other words, in a Chop between hypothetical Participants who in alphabetical order have 2 Triumphs, 3 Triumphs, and 1 Triumph respectively: a Chop Heist Action roll result between 1 and 2 would select the first Participant in that Chop as its Winner; a result between 3 and 5 would select the second Participant in that Chop as its Winner; and a result of 6 would select the third Participant in that Chop as its Winner. Any other result would mean that the Chop Heist Action failed.)

If only one Participant is named in a Chop Heist Action’s roll comment, and that Heist Action succeeds, that named Participant is its Winner.

The Winner of a successful Chop Action, as defined exclusively in this rule, has achieved victory in the current dynasty.

Reproposal of my last bounty attempt with ais’s concerns about scaling addressed and habanero’s 0-Triumph bug patched.

Proposal: Mutable coregencies

Vetoed by the Monarchple. Adminned by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 06 Feb 2025 18:48:37 UTC

Transmute the following rules from Immutable to Mutable, by changing the “{I}” in their title to “{M}”: “Conversion” and “Coregency”.

Reword the Building Blocks rule “Everyone’s Playing” to read as follows:

For the purposes of all dynastic and Building Blocks rules, the Mastermind is a Participant.

(Change only the copy in the ruleset, not the copy on the Building Blocks wiki page.)

Delete the text “In the building block rule Everyone’s Playing, all Masterminds are Participants.” from “Coregency”.

Change the first sentence of “Coregency” to:

This Dynasty is a Coregency and as such has two Masterminds, who each have all of the powers and responsibilities of a Mastermind.

Create a subrule “Coregency Deferentials {I}” of “Coregency” containing the following sentence, and delete that sentence from “Coregency”:

In this dynasty, DEFERENTIAL votes are resolved as follows: if both Masterminds have the same valid Vote, then all votes of DEFERENTIAL on that Votable Matter are considered to be valid and the same as those Votes; in other cases, votes of DEFERENTIAL are not considered valid.

My attempt at working towards Josh’s bounty. (Note that I can’t actually triumph from this as I can’t vote for myself on the bounty thread, but I still want to play this dynasty, as far as possible, as though I were a player.)

These are immutable rules that don’t, as far as I can tell, need to be immutable. The only dangerous parts of Coregency are the parts that define who the Masterminds are and define that the Masterminds count as players (because disrupting the latter would remove our tracked statistics and make the dynasty basically unplayable) – this proposal moves them out of the dynastic ruleset (the Mastermind identities are already in the core rule “Dynasties”, and Everyone’s Playing can be edited directly). The section about resolving DEFERENTIAL votes needs to be in an immutable rule to function correctly (mutable rules can’t change how proposal voting works).

“Conversion” is entirely broken by changing it to being mutable, but I think it’s probably more fun as a playground for mutable-rule edits than as a (fairly easily bypassable, although I didn’t here) supermajority requirement for transmutation proposals. (Due to “Conversion”, this proposal needs a 2/3 majority to pass.)

Proposal: Unambiguously allow imperfect grammar

Vetoed by the Monarchple. Adminned by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 06 Feb 2025 18:48:06 UTC

Add a new paragraph to “On Parsing Nonsense {I}”:

If a sentence is grammatically incorrect due to failure of subject/verb agreement (e.g. a plural verb applied to a singular noun), noun/article agreement (e.g. “an” applied to a word that starts with a consonant sound), or the use of the wrong third-person pronoun (e.g. “it” referring to a plural noun), this does not change the meaning of the sentence and it should be interpreted as though the correct form of the verb/article/pronoun were used.


Regardless of how the CFJ is resolved, I think that allowing sentences that are slightly grammatically incorrect is going to be best for the dynasty going forwards – otherwise, e.g., Brains actions become much harder to use because they can’t change the surrounding articles in the sentence to adapt for the replacement of a word with a synonym. So if you think this already works, it makes sense to codify it – and if you think it doesn’t already work, it makes sense to change it so that the dynasty runs more smoothly in future.

Call for Judgment: Bountiempty

Cannot be enacted at 3-5 AGAINST. Josh

Adminned at 05 Feb 2025 23:17:54 UTC

Revert the enactment of the Bounty Notice “A win condition we can agree on” and all Triumph awards deriving from that enactment.

ais523 has given SingularByte a Triumph for the Bounty specified at A win condition we can agree on. I reverted this award on the ground of it being illegal, as Masterminds cannot currently satisfy the vote-posting requirements for a Bounty, which read:

If a Mastermind credit that one or more enacted Votable Matters satisfy the demand of an Open Bounty Notice, they may post a comment to that Bounty Notice with a FOR icon and the names of each Participant (other than themselves) who authored at least one of those Votable Matters.

“If a Mastermind credit” is not a syntactically valid clause in English. The verb “credit” gains an s when conjugated by a singular subject like “a Mastermind.” ais defended this in the gamestate tracking page comments by noting that it is “slightly ungrammatical,” which is another way of saying that it is syntactically invalid.

I myself don’t think the Masterminds should get to interpret sentences that don’t make sense in whatever way they prefer. Why are we playing a round of nomic that hinges on character-injection to change rule meanings if we can just handwave it away when the text changes to break them?

ais is free to use a Heist Action to fix the sentence in question by pluralizing “credit,” at which point I will raise another CfJ, on the grounds that the Bounty specified “a win condition to be added to the ruleset,” and no such win condition exists.

I paid out my bounty…

…meaning that SingularByte gains a Triumph.

Probably making posts for bounty payouts isn’t that interesting, but the rule recommends I do so, so I’m doing so.

Story Post: Bounty Notice: Mutable Words

I would like to offer a Bounty for proposals that either make existing Immutable rules Mutable, or which add new Mutable rules to the ruleset. Any proposal that increases the number of words in Mutable rules (protected by not more than one $ sign) in the dynastic ruleset by 250 or more is eligible for the payout.

Proposal: Cast open the stable doors

WIthdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Feb 2025 15:18:50 UTC

Make the following rules Mutable: Agendas, Spies, Rogues, Focus, by changing the {I} in their titles to an {M}.

Add two $ signs to the end of each sentence in the third paragraph of the rule Focus, and to the end of the last sentence of the first paragraph of the same rule.

If the rule Rogues has more than one paragraph, add two $ signs to the end of each sentence in its fourth paragraph.

Add the following to the end of the first paragraph of the rule Spies {M}:

The identity of a Spy, if one exists, is an immutable game variable $$.

: D

Monday, February 03, 2025

Proposal: Cash Me Outside

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Feb 2025 15:18:07 UTC

In the rule “Bounties (Heists) {M}”, replace the text “If a Mastermind credit” with “If a Mastermind believes”.

In the rule “Teams and Targets {I}”, add a subtitle name “Apprentices {I}” with the following text:

Each non-Mastermind may have the Apprentice Characteristic. Participants who have the Apprentice Characteristic are known as Apprentice Participants.

If there is at least a quorum of non-Mastermind Participants whose Triumphs are greater than all of the non-Mastermind Participants’ Triumphs outside that group, then that group of Participants are known as the Professionals. The Professional Level is the lowest value of Triumphs among the Professionals’ Triumphs if the Professionals exist, otherwise the Professional Level is 0.

If a Participant has fewer Triumphs than the Professional Level, that Participant may add the Apprentice Characteristic to themselves.

If a Participant’s Triumphs are at least equal to the Professional Level, that Participant may not have the Apprentice Characteristic.

In the rule “Retirement {I}” replace the text of that rule with the following:

Retirement Threshold and Early Penalty are derived numbers based on the following:
* If a Participant is an Apprentice Participant, their Retirement Threshold is equal to the largest value of Triumphs among all Participants, and their Early Penalty is 0.
* If a Participant is not an Apprentice Participant, their Retirement Threshold is equal to that Participant’s Triumphs, and their Early Penalty is 1.

As a Heist Action, a Participant may attempt to Retire by rolling DICE20 (in addition to the normal roll required to complete a Heist Action). If that Heist Action is successful and the result of that DICE20 roll is less than that Participant’s Retirement Threshold, then that Participant has successfully Retired and may award themselves the Retired Characteristic; if that Heist Action is not successful, or the result of that DICE20 roll is greater than or equal to the Participant’s Retirement Threshold, then that Participant has failed to Retire and subtracts their Early Penalty from their Triumphs, to a minimum of 0 Triumphs.

In the same rule, add a subrule named “Cashing Out {I}” with the following text:

Apprentice Threshold is twice the sum of the Triumphs of all Apprentice Participants.

Cash Out is an atomic action with the following steps, where the Participant performing the action is considered the Attemptee in that instance:
* Roll a DICEX, where X is one of the following:
** If that Attemptee is an Apprentice Participant, X is the Apprentice Threshold or 1, whichever is greater.
** If that Attemptee is not an Apprentice Participant, X is three times that Attemptee’s Triumphs minus the sum of the Triumphs of all other Participants who have the Retired Characteristic, to a minimum of 1.
* If the result of that roll from the preceding step is less than or equal to the Triumphs of that Attemptee, that Attemptee achieves victory.

A Participant who has the Retired Characteristic may perform Cash Out if they haven’t done so since the last time any Participant gained the Retired Characteristic or it’s been 96 hours since they last performed Cash Out.

This allows Participants who have lower Triumphs than a quorum to be more likely to successfully Retire than the original Retire requirements, the success being greater as the Triumphs leader increases their Triumphs, and failure isn’t as punishing for them. They also have a reasonable chance at winning after being Retired. Participants in the quorum of higher Triumphs, especially ones who have significant leads, have a lower chance of winning if they try to Cash Out right away, and have a better chance of winning as more Participants become Retired, especially if the other Retired have higher Triumphs rather than lower Triumphs. The risk is a chance that the recently Retired might achieve victory first.

Proposal: Can’t Find A Good Bounty Hunter These Days

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Feb 2025 15:17:36 UTC

Set the status of all Open Bounty Notices to Failed.

Repeal the rule “Bounties (Heists) {M}” and its subrule “Bounty Payout {I}”.

Nobody has been able to come up with a Bounty to satisfy Ais’ requirements, and Bounties are currently broken anyway due to being Heisted, with the phrase “ If a Mastermind credit” making it hard to reward anyone. As an alternative to scrapping Bounties, I’ll make another Proposal that fixes this and offers a possible solution to the Bounty Notice, if people still want to keep Bounties around.

Proposal: Unroguelike

Unpopular, 1-4. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Feb 2025 15:16:19 UTC

Reword the text of the rule “Rogues {I}” to read:

Participants who have the Rogue Characteristic are known as Rogue Participants.

Remove the Characteristic of Rogue from all Participants who currently have it.

I don’t understand this rule. Being a Rogue grants no clear gameplay advantages, only disadvantages, so it has to have some scammy purpose. That’s made more evident by the way it has only been put to use by one player (aside from myself) who just happened to propose and enact the rule. Does anyone else know why you would choose to go rogue, aside from holding a brief window of time to take heist actions after a target reset?

Spying doesn’t always pay

Raven1207 was a Spy, and gained Triumphs. I have therefore reduced his triumphs by twice the amount gained (reducing by 2 due to the gain of +1).

Team Untracked has scored Triumphs

Team Untracked scored a Triumph on “untracked” with the following actions:

* Remove the $$ from The Bank (2 Tools of the Trade)
* Turn “flavour” into “favour” in The Bank (Tools of the Trade)
* Copy “orphan” into The Bank (JD does a Treasurer action)
* Turn “orphan” into “untracked” (Brendan does a Brains action)

Congratulate this team for a long but successful road to getting this done!

Proposal: Body building

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 04 Feb 2025 15:14:25 UTC

In The Crew {M}, change the sentence after “Muscle is a Role” to:

As a Heist Action which is a weekly action, the Muscle can swap two words in the rules text of Mutable rules, as long as either a) both words are adjacent in the same rule or b) there are at least 5 different letters that appear in both words.

In The Crew {M}, change the sentence after “Archivist is a Role” to:

As a Heist Action, an Archivist can reset the text of a sentence in the ruleset to have the text it had immediately after the enactment of the last proposal that altered that sentence.

At present, there are three weekly roles. Driver and Double Agent already have fairly powerful effects that may compensate for the difficulty of using a weekly role action. However, Muscle doesn’t – in most cases the action isn’t usable at all; and even when it is, it is only indirectly useful in scoring. Banker is also mostly irrelevant at the moment because its effects are limited to making words count as real words and thus usable as Tools of the Trade bridges.

This proposal is intended to make Muscle and Banker stronger – making Muscle stronger because it can now swap words that have multiple letters in common (in addition to swapping adjacent words), and making Banker stronger because the words it banks can be swapped for other words and thus become non-flavour-text. Some experiments with potential uses of this showed that allowing it with 4 letters in common made things too easy, so I went up to 5 (written as a numeral because single-digit numbers are automatically protected now).

This also reboots the text of Archivist so that the role actually works again.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Not quite a reboot

Team Village has scored triumphs on the following basis:

SingularByte was granted Brains by ais523
In the role Brains, tools of the trade was used by SingularByte to change its restriction to “and the sentence must retain the some meaning as a result of the change.”
In the role Archivist, Brains was used to change Reset to Reboot, which does in fact retain “some” meaning.

As Reboot is an Agenda, SingularByte, ais523 both score triumphs.

Proposal: The OC

Popular at 7-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 03 Feb 2025 17:32:50 UTC

Reword the text in the rule “Tools of the Trade {M}” that reads “a Participant may add, remove, or change one character of a Mutable rule into a single other character” to read as follows:

a Participant may alter a Mutable rule by adding one instance of one character to that rule; removing one instance of one character from that rule; or changing one instance of a single character in that rule to another character

Reword the text in the rule “Focus {I}” that reads “A focus of * is numerically equivalent to 1 when you are spending or losing focus, but is numerically equivalent to 0 in all other circumstances” to read as follows:

A Participant with a Focus of * is considered to have a Focus equal to 0

After the paragraph beginning “If a Participant has at least 1 Focus, they can” in the rule “Focus {I}” append the following:

If a Participant has a Focus of * then they can, when attempting to perform a Heist Action, include “(Focus)” in the Dice Roller comment for the attempt. If they do so, and that action is successful, then their Focus becomes 0 and that Heist Action is Swift.

I think there’s a couple of intentional (?) loopholes here—the phrasing as written collapses to “may remove… one character… into a single other character,” for instance, and I don’t know who “you” is—but I don’t know how to use them to my own advantage, so.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Proposal: Congratulations ARE mandatory

Reaches quorum 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 02 Feb 2025 17:22:47 UTC

In the rule “Teams and Targets”, in the sentence:

Any Participant who is required to make such a comment but does not do so during the available window may be given the Rude Characteristic by any other Participant.

Change the phrase “is required to” to “should”.

A simple change to the little bug ais pointed out. Figured something small to get me back into the feel of writing proposals might be nice