Monday, January 31, 2022

Call for Judgment: Boring Tracking Company

Enacted with quorum, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 01 Feb 2022 08:42:02 UTC

Uphold the wiki revision at as accurately reflecting the current gamestate (albeit not the entirety of the current gamestate). Set each Employee’s Department to Reception, and Team to none. Uphold that no employee has performed a Weekday Action in the current day.

And now to track things:

Wherever “Each employee has an integer value called Prod” appears, change it to “Each employee has a publicly tracked integer value called Prod”. (2 places)

Wherever “Warehouse is a list” appears, change it to “Warehouse is a publicly tracked list”. (2 places)

If the proposal at was passed, skip the rest of this proposal. Otherwise, fail that proposal, and continue:

In the rule “Teams”, after “The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s Team, with the exception that they are unable to change an Employee’s Team to or from On Strike, except as described in the rule On Strike.”, add:

An Employee’s Team is publicly tracked.

In the rule “Departments”, after “As a Weekday Action, an Employee may change their Department to any valid department.”, add:

An Employee’s Department is publicly tracked.

In the rule “Boring Box Company”, after “If they did not perform any Weekday Actions on the previous Weekday, they may instead increase their own Energy by up to 3 points, for a maximum of 4.”, (if that sentence exists,) add:

An Employee’s Energy is publicly tracked.

Credit due to Lendun for what I copy-pasted into this.

These were the things which were untracked before, which will now be tracked:
Productivity/Production, Warehouse and Returning Warehouse, Department and Team, Energy.

Proposal: Teleported Into A Hell Dimension

Failed by Call for Judgment: Boring Tracking Company. Josh

Adminned at 01 Feb 2022 08:51:34 UTC

In the rule “Boring Box Company”, after “If they did not perform any Weekday Actions on the previous Weekday, they may instead increase their own Energy by up to 3 points, for a maximum of 4.”, add:

An Employee’s Energy is publicly tracked.

In the rule “Teams”, after “The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s Team, with the exception that they are unable to change an Employee’s Team to or from On Strike, except as described in the rule On Strike.”, add:

An Employee’s Team is publicly tracked.

In the rule “Departments”, after “As a Weekday Action, an Employee may change their Department to any valid department.”, add:

An Employee’s Department is publicly tracked.

As per Josh in the Discord server:
“NB to all players: with the passage of Horizontal Integration ( players’ Teams / Departments are no longer publicly tracked. That makes them orphan variables, which makes carrying out any of the weekday actions described in the subrules to Departments illegal. Do probably don’t until it’s fixed, eh”

Monday, January 31, 2022

Proposal: Requesting Promotions

Quorum reached as I’m the only one on my team, and Zack voted for this. So passes 2-0—Clucky

Wait I misread the blog this was done too soon oops

All teams are currently None, and Teams are defined as “either Research & Development (AKA RnD or R&D), Manufacturing (AKA Mfg), or Sales”, meaning that no Employee “share[s] a Team with any Employee whose name is mentioned” in this proposal, including Clucky. The CEO is an employee for the purposes of this rule so their vote is also invalid as they also don’t share a Team with Clucky. Therefore with no votes possible against a quorum of 1, this can be failed. Josh

Adminned at 01 Feb 2022 09:07:05 UTC

Requesting Promotions for Clucky

I’ll be a good VP!

Proposal: Pull up a Chair

Reached quorum, 6 votes to 0 (with 1 unresolved DEF). Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 01 Feb 2022 05:31:13 UTC

Add a rule, “My Other Job’s a Yacht”:

While an Employee’s number of Options is greater than 70-(10P), where P is their Productivity, they are considered Overworked, and may not perform Weekday actions.

Since Productivity is a bad thing, now…

If didn’t pass, remove the sentence “A Striking Employee must set their Productivity to zero and may not increase it by any means.” and skip the rest of this proposal (the parts below this paragraph).

Change “At any time, an Employee may set their Department to Reception, their Team to “On Strike”, and their productivity to 0. All Employees whose Team is On Strike may be said to be Striking. A Striking Employee may not perform Weekday Actions, and neither their Productivity nor Options may be increased by any means.”

At any time, an Employee may set their Department to Reception and their Team to “On Strike”. All Employees whose Team is “On Strike” may be said to be Striking. A Striking Employee may not perform Weekday Actions, and their Options may not be increased by any means.

For each sentence which begins “Employees on the X Team receive twice as much Productivity for actions performed in”, where X is the name of a Team, change “on the” to “not on the”.

We’re replacing Energy, so…

Remove the paragraph that starts with “Each Employee has an integer number of Energy points,”.

Remove the words “costs 1 Energy and” from the sentence “A Weekday Action is a daily action which costs 1 Energy and may only be performed on a Weekday.”

Instead of introducing Energy as the limiter, I’d like to give Productivity a negative meaning: The more you save up your options, the fewer Weekday actions you can take per week. Should lead to some interesting trade-offs.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Proposal: Dwindling Options

Timed out, 1 FOR, 4 AGAINST. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 01 Feb 2022 04:19:46 UTC

In “Boring Box Company” replace

, then setting each Employee’s Productivity to zero.


, then setting each Employee’s Productivity to zero, then reduce each Employee’s options by 10% (rounding their resulting options up)

Proposal: This box is kinda heavy…

Timed out. fails 3-3—Clucky

Adminned at 31 Jan 2022 19:16:22 UTC

In the rule “Boring Box Company”, replace the paragraph beginning “A box is” with the following:

A box is a kind of resource. A box has properties for material, size, value, weight, and contents. The Warehouse Table is a list of boxes and their properties. The default value for weight is the same as the size, and the default value for contents is blank. The contents of a box are secretly tracked by the CEO, but the CEO may at any time assign each box an arbitrary public identifier to distinguish otherwise identical boxes from one another.

If the proposal “Horizontal Integration” was enacted, add a new subrule to Departments called “Warehouse” as follows:

An Employee may only take actions described in this rule if they are in the Warehouse.

If the proposal “Horizontal Integration” was failed, create a new rule called “Warehouse”.

Add the following to the rule “Warehouse”:

As a Weekday Action, an Employee may put something in a box by sending a private message or Discord DM to the CEO naming exactly one box in the Warehouse Table, and the name of an item they wish to put in, which may be any noun. An item in a box either has value (and is valuable), or has no value (and is not valuable).

The list of items that have value is secretly tracked by the CEO, but a SHA-256 hash of the list must be kept at the wiki page List of valuable box contents (SHA-256 hash). The list may only be changed by votable matter or where allowed by the ruleset. An item that has value is any term(s) that appear on the list, including spelling variations, plurals, or alternate grammatical forms. The CEO should resolve ambiguities in item names at their discretion in order to avoid confusion.

When an Employee puts an item in a box, the CEO must increase the box’s weight by 1, and set the box’s contents to the given item (or if multiple employees add an item to the same box, a comma separated list of those items). The first time any particular valuable item is sold in a box, the CEO must increase the Company Budget by a random value from 1 to 100 (inclusive), and increase the Options of the Employee that put the item in the box by 10% of that value, rounded up.

The CEO should, as soon as possible (and only once), perform the following atomic action:
* Populate a list of items (at their discretion) which have value.
* Generate a SHA-256 hash of the list, and add it to the wiki page List of valuable box contents (SHA-256 hash).
* Remove the bullet points comprising this atomic action, and the preceding sentence, from the ruleset.

What are you doing in the warehouse? There’s nothing to see here, carry on!

Story Post: Progress Report, Week 2

Good afternoon, boring box squad! I hope you’re all having a nice, relaxing weekend. Can you believe it’s already been two weeks since we set out on this boxtastic adventure? I couldn’t be more excited for our future, and I wanted to take this opportunity to report on our progress so far.

Graph of Boring Box Company profits from 17 January through 28 January

As you can see, our profit margins are on the up and up! We got off to a rocky start, but the growth has been exponential. Those Research rapscallions took quite a few questionable risks, but they paid off! Boxes made of ink? Remarkable. Diamond? Outstanding. Responsibly sourced cat fur? I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure at first, but we really cornered the market on that one.

Graph of employee productivity from 17 January through 28 January.

Employee productivity is also, unsurprisingly, growing at an impressive rate. You are on fire! And yes, the graph is color-coded to reflect that. Let’s keep working hard (but not too hard) and keep the train going (but don’t strain yourself)! The numbers do show that the sales team could use a bit of leg-up, so any employees with a knack for numbers are encouraged to submit a transfer request and make their way over to the office.

I know some of you are feeling dismayed about the members of the team who are no longer with us. While we try to make BoxCo a fun and engaging work environment, our unorthodox style isn’t for everyone. But that just means you’re the cream of the crop! The creme de la creme, if you will! Besides, what does the Exciting Cube Corporation have that we don’t have? Unlimited paid vacation time? Nope. A top-tier health insurance plan, with dental? No way. Regularly scheduled vision and hearing tests? I don’t think so. Complementary blood tests and DNA sequencing? Not a chance. Voluntary preventative appendectomies, performed in-house? The list just goes on and on…

Let’s keep working hard to ramp up production, while making sure to eat nutritious meals and take regular breaks! I wouldn’t be surprised if we’ve doubled our sales figures by this time next week. And when in doubt, just remember our company slogan: Good things come in boring boxes!


Can you believe it? The Exciting Cube Corporation has poached not one but two of our finest execs. Chiiika and lemon have both taken cushy jobs with our biggest rival; this will likely be bad for morale.

Quorum drops to 6.

Proposal: Horizontal Integration

Timed out and enacted, 3 votes to 2. Josh

Adminned at 31 Jan 2022 16:34:09 UTC

In “Boring Box Company”, add the following paragraph after the first:

Each Employee has an integer number of Energy points, which defaults to 1. As a daily action, an Employee may increase their own Energy by up to 2 points, for a maximum of 4. If they did not perform any Weekday Actions on the previous Weekday, they may instead increase their own Energy by up to 3 points, for a maximum of 4.

In “Boring Box Company”, replace the sentence starting “A Weekday Action is” with:

A Weekday Action is a daily action which costs 1 Energy and may only be performed on a Weekday.

Replace the rule “Departments” with the following, leaving its subrules unchanged:

Each Employee has a Department, which is their location in the Boring Box Co. facility. An Employee’s Department defaults to Reception. As a Weekday Action, an Employee may change their Department to any valid department.

The list of Departments is as follows:
* Reception
* Research Lab
* Factory
* Warehouse
* Office

Rename the rule “Research & Development” to “Research Lab” and replace its first paragraph with the following:

An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they are in the Research Lab. Employees on the RnD Team receive twice as much Productivity for actions performed in the Research Lab.

Rename the rule “Manufacturing” to “Factory” and replace its first paragraph with the following:

An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they are in the Factory. Employees on the Manufacturing Team receive twice as much Productivity for actions performed in the Factory.

Rename the rule “Sales” to “Office” and replace its first paragraph with the following:

An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they are in the Office. Employees on the Sales Team receive twice as much Productivity for actions performed in the Office.

Immediately after the rule “Boring Box Company”, add a new rule called “Teams” as follows:

All Employees of Boring Box Co. should belong to a Team, which is either Research & Development (AKA RnD or R&D), Manufacturing (AKA Mfg), or Sales. The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s Team.

An Employee who is unhappy in their current Team is encouraged to submit a transfer request to the CEO. Any Employee that does not belong to a Team must be assigned one at the CEO’s earliest convenience.

If the proposal “The Winter” was enacted, after “The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s Team”, add “, with the exception that they are unable to change an Employee’s Team to or from On Strike, except as described in the rule On Strike”.

In the rule “Job Titles”, remove the sentence “An Employee’s Team consists of themselves and every Employee in the same Department that they manage.”

If, before the enactment of this proposal, the rule “Departments” contained paragraphs beginning with “A proposal is a Promotion Proposal” and/or “If an Employee does not”, add either of them (if only one existed) or both of them (if both existed) to a new subrule of “Job Titles” called “Promotions”

Throughout the rules “Job Titles” and “Promotions”, replace the word “department” with “team”. If the rule “On Strike” exists, replace the word “department” with “team” throughout it.

Replace the first three sentences of “On Strike” with:

At any time, an Employee may set their Department to Reception, their Team to “On Strike”, and their productivity to 0. All Employees whose Team is On Strike may be said to be Striking. A Striking Employee may not perform Weekday Actions, and neither their Productivity nor Options may be increased by any means.

Set each Employee’s Team to the last valid value they had for their Department. Set each Employee’s Department to Reception.

This is big one but I hope it is a satisfactory solution for the department dilemma. Everyone will have the freedom to do what they want, and I’ll still be able to organize teams that encourage certain people to take actions in certain departments.

Proposal: Overtime Fix

Timed out and enacted, 2 votes to 1. Josh

Adminned at 31 Jan 2022 16:32:33 UTC

In the sentence, “If an Employee does not share a Department with any Employee whose name is mentioned in a given Promotion Proposal or a Demotion Proposal, then their vote on that Proposal is invalid.” change “or a Demotion Proposal” to “or a given Demotion Proposal”.

Things broke, and someone had to fix them in time for Monday. In this case, Clucky claimed he was able to vote against my Department’s Proposals because of the missing word “given”, and the fact that he shared a Department with at least one person on *any* Demotion Proposal.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Proposal: Requisition Demotions

Withdrawn by author. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 31 Jan 2022 05:14:01 UTC

Requesting Demotions for Clucky

Wait there is an easier way of doing this that is less weak to shenanigans

Proposal: Requesting Demotions

Timed out, 3 votes to 1 (or 3 to 2 if you think Zack had a vote). Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 31 Jan 2022 05:06:58 UTC

Requesting Demotions for Josh

Proposal: Requesting Promotions

Enacted with effective quorum 3-1. Josh

I don’t think quorum was 3 when this passed. Raven and Darknight also could technically vote on it.—Clucky

Now with my change of vote it can actually legally pass 4-0—Clucky

Adminned at 30 Jan 2022 05:38:31 UTC

Requesting Promotions for TyGuy6 and SupernovaStarbright.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Proposal: I think we’re overdue here

Timed out and failed, 3-5. Josh

Adminned at 29 Jan 2022 23:26:45 UTC

Reword the text in the rule “Job Titles” that reads “for instance, the CEO has a Seniority of 8, and an Intern has a Seniority of 0” to read

for instance, an Intern has a Seniority of 0.

Add a new rule entitled “The Means of Production” as follows:

If any Employee (other than the CEO, if the CEO is an Employee) has more Vested Value than each other Employee and is senior to each other Employee, then that Employee achieves and has achieved victory in the current dynasty.

Proposal: Get Him on the Workfloor, Plus Incentives

Timed out. Fails 3-4—Clucky

Adminned at 29 Jan 2022 23:04:34 UTC

Add to the subrule “Research & Development”:

*Increase that employee’s options by the average of all dice rolled. If this would add more than 15 options, only add 15.

In the subrule “Manufacturing”, add the following:

*Increase the Vested Value of the employee who produced the box by the box’s value times 10. If this would add more than the company’s budget times 15, only add the company’s budget times 15.

Add to the subrule “Sales”:

As a weekday action, an employee may advertise the company by performing the following atomic action:
* Roll 1DICEX, where X is the company budget. The result of this roll divided by 5 is known as advertisement’s Expense.
* Roll 1DICEY, where Y is the company budget minus [20 times the number of orders]. This is the advertisement’s Effectiveness.
* If the advertisement’s Effectiveness is higher than it’s Expense, then the Employee who took the advertising action may immediately sell a box, then once again advertise, regardless of if those actions would otherwise be legal. This is known as a selling streak. Actions taken as part of a selling streak do not add productivity, but always add options according to the incentive formula.

Set the special case rule Dynastic Distance to be inactive.

In the rule “Departments”, replace the paragraph starting with “For the purpose of” with:

For the purpose of rules which allow members of certain departments to perform certain actions, the CEO is considered a member of the department whose employees have the lowest combined productivity (ignoring the CEO’s productivity).

We really need a more dynamic way of getting things done if idleness happens, so I’m hoping this is enough to convince everyone. The actions I added should also promote more activity, as gaining resources is now much easier (aside from productivity, but that’s meant to measure how active you are, anyway, I wouldn’t call it a resource)

Proposal: Requesting Promotions

Timed out. Does not have more than 1 valid vote cast on it, so cannot be popular and thus is unpopular—Clucky

Adminned at 29 Jan 2022 19:46:18 UTC

Requesting Promotions for Trapdoorspyder, lendunistus, and lemon.

Proposal: Production Tracking

Timed Out. Passes 5-0—Clucky

Adminned at 29 Jan 2022 19:44:20 UTC

Add the following to “Boring Box Company”

Each employee has an integer value called Production, which defaults to 0.

Resetting is weekly communal action, which may be performed by any Employee or the CEO, and is atomic action which consists of first setting each Employee’s Production to their current Productivity, then setting each Employee’s Productivity to zero.

No Weekday Actions may be performed if the Resetting action has not been performed yet for the current week.

Productivity seems like a stale way of tracking how active people are. this gives us “how active are you this week” and “how active were you last week” which I think are the important metric.

Silverwing’s last day

Following seven glorious days of inactivity, it is finally time for Silverwing to head on out to her retirement cottage near Poughkeepsie. We all wish her well; please gather in the kitchen at 6pm for cake and a short toast by the CEO.

Quorum drops to 7.

Proposal: The Winter

Timed Out. Passes 4 - 2—- Clucky

Adminned at 29 Jan 2022 19:42:45 UTC

If the rule Departments contains the sentence “The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s department, which is publicly tracked”, change it to

The CEO has the power to set and/or change an Employee’s department, with the exception that they are unable to change an Employee’s Department to or from On Strike, except as described in the rule On Strike. An Employee’s Department is publicly tracked.

Add the following to the list of available Departments in the rule Departments:

* On Strike

Add the following as a subrule to the rule Departments, called On Strike:

An Employee may set their Department to On Strike as a Weekday Action. All Employees whose Department is On Strike may be said to be Striking. A Striking Employee must set their Productivity to zero and may not increase it by any means. A Striking Employee may have a Demand, which is free text containing no wikimedia formatting, and which must specifically and solely demand that the CEO carry out a single action that they are permitted to carry out by the ruleset; and which defaults to blank.

An Employee may only perform a Picket action if they belong to the On Strike Department. As a Weekday Action, an Employee may Picket, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Add or change their Demand
* Decrease the company budget and increase the company debt by x%, where x is the number of Striking Employees

The CEO may freely Accede to a Demand, by carrying out an Action demanded of them by a Striking Employee (ensuring that that action is otherwise legally carried out) and then changing that Employee’s Department.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Proposal: Working the Dancefloor Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Timed out and failed, 1-3. Josh

Adminned at 29 Jan 2022 00:11:48 UTC

If has passed, this proposal does nothing.

From the rule Boring Box Company, remove “The first time a given Employee performs a Weekday action on a given day, each member of their Team receives an increase in Options according the Incentive Formula” and “Each time an Employee performs a Weekday Action, their productivity increases by 1.”

From the rule Departments, remove “The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s department”.

Add the following as a subrule to the rule Departments, called Departmental Actions:

A Departmental Action must be described as being restricted to a single Department. A Departmental Action is a Weekday Action that may only be undertaken by an Employee whose Department is the Department to which that Departmental Action is restricted. An Employee may only carry out one Departmental Action a day, as per the restrictions on Daily Actions (and so an Employee may also not carry out two Departmental Actions within the same 10 hour period)

Whenever an Employee carries out any Departmental Action they must the carry out the following Atomic Action:
*Increase their Productivity by 1, unless doing so would set their Productivity to the same value as the Seniority of the hierarchal rank immediately above the one they currently hold, in which case set their Productivity to zero and increasie their hierarchal rank by 1 place
*Increase the Options of each member of their Team according to the Incentive Formula

In all subrules to the rule Departments, change “An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they belong to the” to “All Actions defined in this rule are Departmental Actions that are restricted to the”. Remove “As a Weekday Action,” wherever it appears from all such rules.

Adding the stuff for Josh’s proposal that I like

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Proposal: Whirr Zzzt Chunka Bomp

Timed out, 2 votes to 3 (also 2 unresolved DEF votes). Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 28 Jan 2022 08:39:37 UTC

In the rule “Boring Box Company”, change “The Materials Table is a list of Materials and their properties.” to read

The Materials Table is a list of Materials and their properties. A material has a name, a value, and a priority.

Add the following to the subrule “Manufacturing”:

As a Weekday Action, an Employee may tune the machines, by increasing by 1 the priority of a Material on the materials list.

Create a new rule after the rule “Departments”, titled “Automation”:

As a daily communal action, any Employee may work the machines, as this atomic action:
*Randomly choose a material from the materials list, using the priority for each material as the weight of probability of choosing that material. (So if a material has priority 2, and the total of all material priorities is 7, then that material gets a 2/7 chance.)
*If the chosen material is in the list of Orders, choose the smallest size from among its associated sizes on that list. Otherwise, randomly choose a size from the integers 1-10.
*Produce as many boxes, of that material and that size, as can be produced without spending more than the company budget, to a maximum of 3 boxes. To produce a box is to follow the set of steps listed in the atomic action in the subrule “Manufacturing” that are describing how to “produce a box”. (But in this case, doing so doesn’t count as a Weekday Action.)

If the proposal “About Work The Dancefloor” has been enacted, remove “As a Weekday Action,” from the subrule “Manufacturing”.

Goal is to create a fun, automatic way to create boxes, while allowing certain players to “vote” on which materials are chosen.

Workflow: Mfg gets a new Workday Action to bump the priority up on the materials list. A Daily Communal action creates the boxes, which anyone can perform. Number of boxes created will remain fixed at up to 3/day of a material semi-randomly selected from the priority list.

Proposal: About Work The Dancefloor

Withdrawn by author. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 28 Jan 2022 03:16:14 UTC

From the rule Boring Box Company, remove “The first time a given Employee performs a Weekday action on a given day, each member of their Team receives an increase in Options according the Incentive Formula” and “Each time an Employee performs a Weekday Action, their productivity increases by 1.”

From the rule Departments, remove “The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s department”.

Add the following as a subrule to the rule Departments, called Departmental Actions:

A Departmental Action must be described as being restricted to a single Department. A Departmental Action is a Weekday Action that may only be undertaken by an Employee whose Department is the Department to which that Departmental Action is restricted. An Employee may only carry out one Departmental Action a day, as per the restrictions on Daily Actions.

Whenever an Employee carries out any Departmental Action they must the carry out the following Atomic Action:
*Increase their Productivity by 1, unless doing so would set their Productivity to the same value as the Seniority of the hierarchal rank immediately above the one they currently hold, in which case set their Productivity to zero and increasie their hierarchal rank by 1 place
*Increase the Options of each member of their Team according to the Incentive Formula
*Change their Department to one of the other Departments, at their choice.

In all subrules to the rule Departments, change “An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they belong to the” to “All Actions defined in this rule are Departmental Actions that are restricted to the”. Remove “As a Weekday Action,” wherever it appears from all such rules.

Reset the Options and Vesting of all Employees to zero, set each Employee’s hierarchal rank to Officer, and then set each Employee’s Department to a randomly selected Department.

The RnD situation is such that a mini reset is needed; using that to also make mobility of Department and rank more systematic

Proposal: Get me on the workfloor, conditionally

Has been open for 48 hours but does not have a quorum of FOR votes, so cannot be Popular, so is Unpopular. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 27 Jan 2022 22:38:02 UTC

Set the Special Case Rule “Dynastic Distance” to be inactive.

Replace the first paragraph of the rule “Departments” with the following:

All Employees of Boring Box Co. should belong to a department, which is publicly tracked. The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s department. The CEO may only change a given employee’s department once per day, and only if that employee has not already performed any Weekday Actions on that day.

The list of departments is as follows:

In the rule “Departments”, replace the paragraph starting with “For the purpose of” with:

For the purpose of actions which may only be performed by members of certain departments, the CEO may perform these actions regardless of their current department as long as there are no employees in the relevant department, or if all Employees in the relevant department have been inactive for at least 48 hours.

Proposal: Rounding Terror

Enacted, 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 27 Jan 2022 15:53:02 UTC

Replace the words “an integer amount of Vesting” in the rule “Equity” with

a nonnegative amount of Vesting

Then, replace the word “Vesting” wherever it appears in the Dynastic Rules with the phrase “Vested Value” and convert the Vesting each Employee had held at the time of this proposal’s enactment into Vested Value.

This is a more sensible name, and makes our options payouts into a Monetary Value, which resolves the decimal issue.

Proposal: Threepartmental Fun

Timed out and enacted, 4-1. Josh

Adminned at 27 Jan 2022 15:52:13 UTC

Reword the paragraph in the rule “Departments” which begins “A proposal is a Promotion Proposal if…” as follows:

A proposal is a Promotion Proposal if and only if it is Titled “Requesting Promotions” and the text of the proposal is “Requesting Promotions for XXX” where XXX is a list of the names of one or more employees, which may not include the CEO. When a Promotion Proposal is Enacted, the Hierarchal rank of each Employee included in its list is increased by 1. A proposal is a Demotion Proposal if and only if it is Titled “Requesting Demotions” and the text of the proposal is “Requesting Demotions for XXX” where XXX is a list of the names of one or more employees, which may not include the CEO. When a Demotion Proposal is Enacted, the Hierarchal rank of each Employee included in its list is decreased by 1, to a minimum of 0.

If an Employee does not share a Department with any Employee whose name is mentioned in a given Promotion Proposal or a Demotion Proposal, then their vote on that Proposal is invalid. For the purpose of calculating the quorum for a Promotion Proposal or a Demotion Proposal, only the Employees whose votes would be valid are considered to be Employees.

Poor management or productivity should possibly have consequences.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Proposal: Daily Bread [Appendix]

withdrawn with 1 deferential and 4 against aside from the withdraw. failed by card

Adminned at 27 Jan 2022 07:24:14 UTC

In the Appendix replace

If a game action is a Daily Action, each Employee able to perform it may take that action once each day, but not more than once every ten hours.


If a game action is a Daily Action, each Employee able to perform it may take that action once each day, but not more than once every four hours.

Honestly it wouldn’t shock me if we’ve effed this up in the past.

Four hours feels long enough to prevent shenanigans around the changing of the day, without someone realizing that despite performing a daily action one night and then again in the morning, they didn’t wait long enough and so their actions are wrong. It also better matches the weekly action timeout period.

Proposal: You’re Simply the Vest

Timed out. passes 7-2—clucky

Adminned at 26 Jan 2022 22:11:59 UTC

Add the following to “Debt”

The Company Equity is equal to the Company Budget minus the Company Debt. If the Company Equity is below zero the Company is In the Red (otherwise it is not in the red)

In “Equity” replace

At any time, an Employee may increase their Vesting by X, where X is the Company’s Budget multiplied by that Employee’s own Options; upon the completion of this action, that Employee’s amount of Options is set to 0.


If the Company is not In The Red, an Employee may increase their Vesting by X, where X is the Company’s Equity multiplied by that Employee’s own Options; upon the completion of this action, that Employee’s amount of Options is set to 0.

Divide the Vesting of all employees by 10.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Call for Judgment: Accounting Error

Reached quorum, 8 votes to 0. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2022 04:57:05 UTC

Change “The first time a given Employee performs a Weekday action on a given day, increase the Options of each member of their Team according the Incentive Formula.” to

The first time a given Employee performs a Weekday action on a given day, each member of their Team receives an increase in Options according the Incentive Formula.

Undo each action taken according to the rule “Equity”, which were made while this CfJ was pending. Then reverse each Options increase made by one Employee for another Employee while the second Employee was not on the first Employee’s Team, which were made while this CfJ was pending.

I assume this is an urgent situation, if people are randomly getting options handed to them by other players for their Weekday Actions. Fix it, then unroll the extra gifting.

Out Of Office Autoreply

Hello! Thanks for emailing; I’m afraid I’m out of the office on long-term leave.

If your matter is urgent then please refer it to quorum, which is now 8.

Otherwise I will do my best to respond upon my return.

Best wishes,

Sales Officer
Boring Box Company
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Proposal: This could have been an email

Times out 2-4. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2022 20:36:01 UTC

Create a new rule called “Weekly Roundup” as follows:

The Weekly Roundup is an Event. As a weekly action, the CEO can and should make a blog post with the Weekly Roundup tag. The style and phrasing of the post are flexible, but its body should follow this general format:
* An optional, brief introduction.
* The current Company Value (which is calculated as: the company budget + the total value of all boxes in the Warehouse - the company debt) and it’s percent change since the last weekly roundup.
** If the value is positive and the change is positive, the company is considered profitable. Otherwise, the company is considered not profitable.
* The name of one chosen Employee of the Week (who is not the CEO).
** This Employee is one who the CEO believes deserves recognition for their contributions to the company in the week prior. That employee immediately receives a bonus increase of 3 options, and each employee in the same Department as them immediately receives a bonus increase of 1 option.
* Optionally, a new mission statement for the Boring Box Company.
** If included, the CEO must, immediately after posting, replace the mission statement in the rule “Boring Box Company” with the new one.
* Any number of Objectives for the upcoming week.
** Employees are encouraged to perform actions in the following week that contribute towards achieving these objectives.
* Optional closing remarks.

Employees may make Responses to the Weekly Roundup with the following Response Format:

Promote: X
Demote: Y

…where X is the name of one Employee they vote to promote (or blank), and Y is the name of one Employee they vote to demote (or blank). If an Employee makes more than one comment on a Weekly Roundup that conforms to the Response Format, all but the most recent one are considered flavor text.

Employees are encouraged to leave other comments on the Weekly Roundup to discuss their plans/ideas for the upcoming week, share their own accomplishments, and/or give feedback on other Employees’ performance.

The Ending Condition for the Weekly Roundup is that the post is at least 48 hours old. Anyone may End the Weekly Roundup as long as they perform these Ending Actions:
* Increase by 1 the rank of the Employee who has the most Promote votes, as long as they have a number of Promote votes equal to half of quorum (rounded up) and doing so would not cause someone to have a rank equal to or higher than CEO. Ties are broken by random selection.
* Decrease by 1 the rank of the employee with the most Demote votes, as long as they have a number of Demote votes equal to half of Quorum (rounded up) and doing so would not cause them to have a rank lower than Intern. Ties are broken by random selection.

Communication is key when it comes to success! This weekly meeting will help us all get on the same page. Each meeting will also include courtesy vision and hearings tests to make sure everyone can communicate effectively!

Proposal: This meeting could have been an email

Illegal due to editing/commenting. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2022 15:45:41 UTC

Create a new rule called “Weekly Roundup” as follows:

The Weekly Roundup is an Event. As a weekly action, the CEO can and should make a blog post with the Weekly Roundup tag. The style and phrasing of the post are flexible, but its body should follow this general format:
* An optional, brief introduction.
* The current Company Value (which is calculated as: the company budget + the total value of all boxes in the Warehouse - the company debt) and it’s percent change since the last weekly roundup.
** If the value is positive and the change is positive, the company is considered profitable. Otherwise, the company is considered not profitable.
* The name of one chosen Employee of the Week (who is not the CEO).
** This Employee is one who the CEO believes deserves recognition for their contributions to the company in the week prior. That employee immediately receives a bonus increase of 3 options, and each employee in the same Department as them immediately receives a bonus increase of 1 option.
* Optionally, a new mission statement for the Boring Box Company.
** If included, the CEO must, immediately after posting, replace the mission statement in the rule “Boring Box Company” with the new one.
* Any number of Objectives for the upcoming week.
** Employees are encouraged to perform actions in the following week that contribute towards achieving these objectives.
* Optional closing remarks.

Employees may make Responses to the Weekly Roundup with the following Response Format:

Promote: X
Demote: Y

…where X is the name of one Employee they vote to promote (or blank), and Y is the name of one Employee they vote to demote (or blank). If an Employee makes more than one comment on a Weekly Roundup that conforms to the Response Format, all but the most recent one are considered flavor text.

Employees are encouraged to leave other comments on the Weekly Roundup to discuss their plans/ideas for the upcoming week, share their own accomplishments, and/or give feedback on other Employees’ performance.

The Ending Condition for the Weekly Roundup is that the post is at least 48 hours old. Anyone may End the Weekly Roundup as long as they perform these Ending Actions:
* Increase by 1 the rank of the Employee who has the most Promote votes, as long as they have a number of Promote votes equal to half of quorum (rounded up) and doing so would not cause someone to have a rank equal to or higher than CEO. Ties are broken by random selection.
* Decrease by 1 the rank of the employee with the most Demote votes, as long as they have a number of Demote votes equal to half of Quorum (rounded up) and doing so would not cause them to have a rank lower than Intern. Ties are broken by random selection.

Communication is key when it comes to success! These weekly meetings will help us all get on the same page. Each meeting will also include courtesy vision and hearings tests to make sure everyone can communicate effectively!

Proposal: Internal Restructuring

Timed out, 4 votes to 1. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2022 07:17:23 UTC

A memo for my co-workers in Research & Development, AND in Manufacturing:

Give TyGuy6 the rank of Manager (5).
Give Chiiika the rank of Vice-President (7).
Give SupernovaStarbright the rank of Director (6).

Give all members of the Manufacturing team whose EVC on this proposal contains a single number between 1 and 7 the rank that corresponds to that number, if that EVC contains a FOR vote.

Looks like the Mfg Department may have missed the promotion boat. Let’s give them a lift!

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Proposal: Repartmental Fun

Timed out. Passes 4-2. Lol.—Clucky

Adminned at 25 Jan 2022 04:23:21 UTC

In the rule “Departments” Replace the text

A proposal is a Departmental Proposal if and only if it mentions by name any number of departments, includes the phrase “A memo for my coworkers”, its effects are limited to changing the ranks of members of that Department, and it does not include the phrase “All departments” or a synonym for it. Only employees who are members of the departments named in a Departmental Proposal may vote on that Departmental Proposal; all other votes are invalid. For the purpose of calculating the quorum for a Departmental Proposal, only the Employees whose votes would be valid are considered to be Employees.


A proposal is a Promotion Proposal if and only if it is Titled “Requesting Promotions” and the text of the proposal is “Requesting Promotions for XXX” where XXX is a list of the names of one or more employees. When a Promotion Proposal is Enacted, the Hierarchal rank of each Employee included in its list is increased by 1. If an Employee does not share a Department with any Employee whose name is mentioned in a Promotion Proposal their vote on that Proposal is invalid. For the purpose of calculating the quorum for a Promotion Proposal, only the Employees whose votes would be valid are considered to be Employees.

A direct reproposal of Clucky’s “Departmental Fun,” which timed out and failed before I got my promotion.

Proposal: Promotion Paradox Paradox

Reached quorum, 9 votes to 0. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 24 Jan 2022 05:16:05 UTC

In “Job Titles”, change the sentence beginning with:

Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one less than their own


Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one or two less than their own, and may be said to be being managed by all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one or two greater than their own.

my first try was illegal so let’s do this again

Friday, January 21, 2022

Proposal: Promotion Paradox

Illegally made third pending proposal from the same person—Clucky

Adminned at 21 Jan 2022 18:59:47 UTC

In “Job Titles”, change the sentence beginning with:

Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one less than their own


Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one or two less than their own, and may be said to be being managed by all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one or two greater than their own.

The current rules don’t allow for anybody to be promoted (promoting someone to the same or higher rank as you isn’t allowed, but you can only promote people one rank below you) and promoting someone to the same rank as you doesn’t make sense, so let’s just increase the amount of people an Employee can manage

edit: remove unnecessary quotes

Proposal: Get him on the Workfloor

Times out 5-6. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 23 Jan 2022 15:46:39 UTC

Set the Special Case Rule “Dynastic Distance” to be inactive.

Also, replace “For the purpose of rules which allow members of certain departments to perform certain actions, the CEO is considered a member of all departments” in the rule “Departments” with “The CEO is always considered a member of all departments.”

Friday, January 21, 2022

Proposal: Fixing MY Mistake

Times out 8-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 23 Jan 2022 15:45:02 UTC

If has failed, or if the Employee named Clucky has an EVC of AGAINST on this Proposal, then this Proposal does nothing.

In the rule named “Boring Box Company”, replace “The first time an Employee performs a Weekday action” with “The first time a given Employee performs a Weekday action”.

sorry, clucky!! if there’s any other changes u’d like me to edit in here i can do so :0

Proposal: Fixing the CEO’s Mistake

Times out 6-0. Enacted without effect by Brendan.

Adminned at 23 Jan 2022 15:44:15 UTC

This proposal does nothing if has passed.

In the subrule named “Manufacturing”, after the atomic action step reading “Decrease the company budget by the value of the box.”, add the following:

* Increase the Options of each member of their Team according the Incentive Formula.

Proposal: Helpful Helpers who Help

Times out 8-1. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 23 Jan 2022 15:41:59 UTC

Remove “Increase the Options of each member of their Team according the Incentive Formula.” everywhere it appears in the ruleset

In “Boring Box Company” after “A Weekday Action is a daily action which may only be performed on a weekday.” add “The first time an Employee performs a Weekday action on a given day, Increase the Options of each member of their Team according the Incentive Formula”

not sure why some actions reward options but others don’t

Proposal: Make your own hours

As a Departmental Proposal, times out 3-1. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 23:35:32 UTC

A memo for my co-workers in Sales:

Give all members of the Sales team whose EVC to this proposal contains a single number between 1 and 7 the rank that corresponds to that number.

Proposal: Team Players

As a Departmental Proposal, times out 2-1. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 23:33:05 UTC

A memo for my coworkers in Research & Development:

Give TyGuy6 the rank of Vice-President (7).
Give Brendan, Chiiika, and Jumble the rank of Director (6).
Give SupernovaStarbright the rank of Manager (5).

Call for Judgment: Attempted Regicide

Popular, 9-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 15:19:03 UTC

Remove the most senior hierarchical rank from the list in the rule “Job Titles.” Replace the sentence “The CEO has a Hierarchal Rank of CEO” in that rule with

The CEO is always considered to have a Hierarchal Rank of CEO, which is more senior than every other rank.

I can’t believe I blithely voted this through and even proposed a change to it that kept the rank in place. There are a ton of exploits by which any player with the rank CEO could make an argument that they are “the CEO” for the purposes of at least dynastic, and possibly core, rules.

Proposal: Departmental Fun

Times out 3-4. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 19:58:32 UTC

In the rule “Departments” Replace the text

A proposal is a Departmental Proposal if and only if it mentions by name any number of departments, includes the phrase “A memo for my coworkers”, its effects are limited to changing the ranks of members of that Department, and it does not include the phrase “All departments” or a synonym for it. Only employees who are members of the departments named in a Departmental Proposal may vote on that Departmental Proposal; all other votes are invalid. For the purpose of calculating the quorum for a Departmental Proposal, only the Employees whose votes would be valid are considered to be Employees.


A proposal is a Promotion Proposal if and only if it is Titled “Requesting Promotions” and the text of the proposal is “Requesting Promotions for XXX” where XXX is a list of the names of one or more employees. When a Promotion Proposal is Enacted, the Hierarchal rank of each Employee included in its list is increased by 1. If an Employee does not share a Department with any Employee whose name is mentioned in a Promotion Proposal their vote on that Proposal is invalid. For the purpose of calculating the quorum for a Promotion Proposal, only the Employees whose votes would be valid are considered to be Employees.

Proposal: I cannot make a coherent proposal

Vetoed. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 14:48:07 UTC

A memo for my coworkers:

Set the hierarchical position of all employees in Manufacturing to CEO.

screw you lendun

Let’s try again

A memo for my coworkers:

Set the hierarchical position of all employees in Manufacturing to CEO.

screw you josh: the sequel

Proposal: And Everything Is Going Fine (2010)

Vetoed. Failed by Brendan. You cowards.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 14:47:35 UTC

Dear Research & Development and Manufacturing, this is a memo for my coworkers in whichever Department the majority of the players named Josh, Clucky, Darknight, Raven1207, Silverwing, Tech, and Zack belong to: set the Rank of each Employee mentioned by name in this Proposal to Intern.

“A proposal is a Departmental Proposal if and only if it mentions by name any number of departments, includes the phrase ‘A memo for my coworkers’, its effects are limited to changing the ranks of members of that Department, and it does not include the phrase ‘All departments’ or a synonym for it.” Read the sentence very carefully. What is the antecedent of “that?”

Proposal: None of you could operate without R&D

Vetoed. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 14:46:48 UTC

A memo for my coworkers:

Set the hierarchical rank of all employees in R&D to CEO.

May as well :D

Proposal: Manufacturing is better

Vetoed. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 14:45:55 UTC

A memo for my coworkers:

Set the hierarchical rank of all employees in Manufacturing to CEO.

Give all employees in Manufacturing 100 Options and $100 in vesting.

screw you josh

edit: fix grammar mistake

Proposal: Sales bros

Vetoed. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 14:44:15 UTC

A memo for my coworkers:

Set the hierarchal rank of all Employees in Sales to CEO.

Options options options, chug chug chug

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Proposal: Open Store

Times out 2-6 with 2 unresolved DEFs. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 22 Jan 2022 14:33:55 UTC

In the rule Issue, append the following:

As a Weekly Communal Action, any employee in Sales may take a Open Store atomic action, which consists of the following list of actions:
* Roll 2DICE3, then the roll result is divided by 10, this is the Discount Factor
* For each box in the Returning Warehouse, do the following:
* * Increase the company budget by the box’s value multiplied by the Discount Factor
* * Remove that box from the Returning Warehouse
* Increase the Options of each member of their Team according the Incentive Formula.

You need to clear the Returning Warehouse!

—valued customer

Proposal: Stock Buyback Program

Can’t meet quorum with 1 FOR, 8 votes AGAINST, and 16 players. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 21 Jan 2022 04:49:23 UTC

In the rule “Boring Box Company”, replace the paragraph starting “The Company Budget is” with the following:

The Company Budget is a non-negative numerical value that is tracked on the Company Portal. It represents an amount of BoxBucks (AKA BB or Bucks). When writing an amount of BoxBucks, the number may be prefixed with $, £, or € interchangeably without altering its meaning. Any variable with “cost”, “value”, “budget”, or “balance” in the name represents an amount of BoxBucks. BoxBucks are always rounded to 2 decimal places.

Set the value of Wire to 1.3.

Remove all steps containing the word “options” from atomic actions in “Departments” and its subrules.

Add the following step to the atomic action to research a new box material in the rule “Research & Development”:

* Increase their own Options by 1/10 the value of the material, rounded up.

Add the following step to the atomic action to produce a new box in the rule “Manufacturing”:

* Increase their own Options by 1/10 the value of the box, rounded up.

Add the following step to the atomic action to sell a box in the rule “Sales”:

* Increase their own Options by 1/10 the value of the box, rounded up.

Turn off the special case rule “Dynastic Distance”. In “Departments”, replace “For the purpose of rules which allow members of certain departments to perform certain actions, the CEO is considered a member of all departments.” with:

The CEO is always considered a member of all departments.

Set each Employee’s BoxBucks to be equal to their Vesting.

Rename the rule “Equity” to “Compensation” and reword it as follows:

Each Employee has an integer amount of Options (defaulting to 0) and an amount of BoxBucks, both of which are publicly tracked.

At any time, an Employee may exercise their options by increasing their BoxBucks by the Company Budget multiplied by the number of Options they have. Upon doing so, that Employee’s amount of Options is set to 0.

Repeal the rule “Incentive Formula”.

Replace the word “Vesting” with “BoxBucks” anywhere it appears in the ruleset.

The options system wasn’t working because people were hoarding options like currency and not making any effort to actually make a profit. I think this should work better for everyone.

Proposal: Stock Buyback

Illegal third proposal. Josh

Adminned at 19 Jan 2022 22:02:04 UTC

In the rule “Boring Box Company”, replace the paragraph starting “The Company Budget is” with the following:

The Company Budget is a non-negative numerical value that is tracked on the Company Portal. It represents an amount of BoxBucks (AKA BB or Bucks). When writing an amount of BoxBucks, the number may be prefixed with $, £, or € interchangeably without altering its meaning. Any variable with “cost”, “value”, “budget”, or “balance” in the name represents an amount of BoxBucks. BoxBucks are always rounded to 2 decimal places.

Set the value of Wire to 1.3.

If this phrase does not appear in “Boring Box Company”, add it:

Each employee has an integer value called Productivity. Each time an Employee performs a Weekday Action, their Productivity increases by 1.

Add “Accounting” to the list of Departments in the rule “Departments”.

Add a subrule to “Departments” called “Accounting” as follows:

An Employee may only perform actions described in this rule if they belong to the Accounting department.

As a communal weekday action, an Employee may run payroll by performing the following atomic action:
* Increase their own productivity by 1.
* Decrease the company budget by the sum total of all Employees’ productivity.
* Increase each employee’s BoxBucks by their productivity
* Set each employee’s productivity to zero.

Add the following step to the atomic action to research a new box material in the rule “Research & Development”:

* Increase their own productivity by 1/10 the value of the material, rounded up.

Add the following step to the atomic action to produce a new box in the rule “Manufacturing”:

* Increase their own productivity by 1/10 the value of the box, rounded up.

Add the following step to the atomic action to sell a box in the rule “Sales”:

* Increase their own productivity by 1/10 the value of the box, rounded up.

Turn off the special case rule “Dynastic Distance”. In “Departments”, replace “For the purpose of rules which allow members of certain departments to perform certain actions, the CEO is considered a member of all departments.” with:

The CEO is always considered a member of all departments.

Set each Employee’s BoxBucks to be equal to their Vesting. Increase each employee’s BoxBucks by their number of options multiplied by the company budget.

Remove all steps containing the word “options” from atomic actions in “Departments” and its subrules. Repeal the rules “Equity” and “Incentive Formula”. If there is a rule called “Nothing Succeeds Like Success”, repeal it.

I think this payment scheme is a lot more fair than indiscriminately handing out options for doing actions. It incentivizes everyone to work together and make a profit in order to get paid. The options system instantly bankrupted us because they were being handed out with no regard to how successful the company actually is. If anyone wants to join accounting, let me know, otherwise I will run payroll every Friday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Proposal: Finances and Bureaucracy

Can’t meet quorum with 9 AGAINST, 2 FOR. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 22:29:09 UTC

Add “Finance” to the list of Departments in the rule “Departments”. Create a subrule of the rule “Departments”, entitled “Finance”:

An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they belong to the Finance Department. As a Weekday Action, an Employee may allocate funds by performing the following atomic action:
* For each non-Finance Department, count its Bureaucracy score (B). The Bureaucracy score for a Department is the total of the Seniorities of all members of that Department, excluding the CEO.
* For each non-Finance Department with a B lower than 20, transfer $20-B from the Company Budget to that Department’s Budget, where B is that Department’s Bureaucracy score. If there aren’t enough funds to complete all of those transfers, do those transfers divided by 10, instead.
* Increase the Options of each member of their Team according the Incentive Formula.

In “Boring Box Company”, after “The Company Budget is a monetary value that is tracked on the Company Portal.” insert:

Each Department has a Department Budget, which is a publicly tracked monetary value.

In the subrules “Research & Development” and “Manufacturing”, change all instances of “the company budget” to “the X Department’s Budget”, where X is the name of the respective subrule.

So, I’m creating a Finance department that will divide the company’s budget between the other three departments, so we don’t go broke again. Departments can only spend from their own budgets, not from the Company’s funds directly. (Sales gets a budget, too. We can have them start spending on advertising, or something like that.)

Departments with fewer and/or lower-ranked Employees will get a bit extra to their budget for having a lower “Bureaucracy score”, as an incentive to keep Department sizes relatively even, and to keep their Seniority levels in check.

Proposal: Box Eat Box World

Timed out, 3 votes FOR, 7 votes AGAINST. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 22:27:59 UTC

If Proposal: Senioritis was not enacted then this proposal has no further effect.

Otherwise, add a new dynastic rule, called Nothing Succeeds Like Success:

As a Weekday Action, any Employee may may spend x Vesting (where x is the Seniority of the rank above the rank that they themselves occupy multiplied by 10) to increase their Rank by 1, unless their current rank is 7.

Proposal: Cash Infusion

Passes 9-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 19:55:46 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Debt”

Company Debt is a publicly tracked monetary value which defaults to $0. Additionally, the Company Debt has a Updated date which is publicly tracked. If the Company Debt’s Updated date is the same as the current date, the debt is said to be up to date. Otherwise it is not up to date.

As Weekday action, if the debt is up to date, the CEO may increase the Company Debt and the Company Budget by $100 each.

At any time, if the debt is up to date, the CEO may reduce the Company Budget by a positive amount in order to reduce the Company Debt by the same amount.

If the debt is not up to date, any Employee or the CEO may increase the Company Debt by 1% of its current value and increase the Company Debt’s Updated date by one day.

set the company debt’s updated date to be the current date

Call for Judgment: Optional reset

Reached quorum, 13-0. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 06:58:16 UTC

If silverwing has not voted on this CfJ, and this CfJ has been pending for less than 24 hours, it cannot be enacted.

If Silverwing’s vote on this CfJ is against, this CfJ does nothing.

Increase Silverwing’s options by 1, decrease Silverwing’s vesting by $19

Josh double performed the sale action today, and also mistakenly gave everyone in Sales 1 option after performing the second sale even though only team members get their options increased, and team is defined by “you and everyone in your department you manage”. This made silverwing think they had 2 options with a $22 company value, even though they only had 1 option with a $19 company value.

As they were simply reacting to what they thought the gamestate was, seems reasonable to let them undo their option sale.

Call for Judgment: Getting my hands dirty

“The number of Employees who are not voting AGAINST it (8) is less than Quorum.” 1 vote FOR, 9 votes AGAINST. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2022 08:44:59 UTC

Turn off the special case rule “Dynastic Distance”. Uphold the production of a denim box by the CEO on 18/1/22.

In “Departments”, replace “For the purpose of rules which allow members of certain departments to perform certain actions, the CEO is considered a member of all departments” with

The CEO is considered a member of all departments.

Departments says “For the purpose of rules which allow members of certain departments to perform certain actions, the CEO is considered a member of all departments,” which was intended as a failsafe to keep the game moving in case a whole department goes AWOL. But, I’m technically not an Employee, so I still can’t do departmental actions, meaning the game could potentially grind to a halt.

Proposal: Division Of Labor

Timed out and enacted, 6-2. Josh

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 17:40:43 UTC

Add to the rule “Departments” as a new paragraph:

A proposal is a Departmental Proposal if and only if it mentions by name any number of departments, includes the phrase “A memo for my coworkers”, its effects are limited to changing the ranks of members of that Department, and it does not include the phrase “All departments” or a synonym for it. Only employees who are members of the departments named in a Departmental Proposal may vote on that Departmental Proposal; all other votes are invalid. For the purpose of calculating the quorum for a Departmental Proposal, only the Employees whose votes would be valid are considered to be Employees.


Cooperation is encouraged at BBC! However, so is isolationism.

Proposal: We Demand Novelty!

Timed out and failed, 4-6. Josh

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 17:40:07 UTC

In the subrule “Manufacturing”, after the bulletpoint reading “Decrease the company budget by the value of the box.”, add a new bulletpoint:

- Decrease the value of the Material chosen by 0.5, to a minimum of 0.

Amend the bulletpoint reading “Choose any material from the materials table.” to the following:

- Choose any material from the materials table with a value greater than 0.

Proposal: Chain of Command

Times out 7-1 with 1 unresolved DEF. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 16:14:19 UTC

In “Job Titles”, replace “Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all other Employees with less senior hierarchal titles than themselves, and may be said to be being managed by all other Employees with a more senior hierarchal title than themselves.” with (if “Senioritis” enacted):-

Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one less than their own, and may be said to be being managed by all Employees whose Seniority is exactly one greater than their own.

If Senioritis failed, instead replace it with:-

Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all Employees whose hierarchal title is one step less senior below than their own, and may be said to be being managed by all Employees whose hierarchal title is one step more senior than their own.

If “Thinking Inside The Box” enacted, remove “but manages nobody” from the rule “Job Titles”.

A vice-president doesn’t care what the interns are doing.

Proposal: The EEA wants its share

Reached quorum 11 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 11:57:22 UTC

Change the following sentence:

“Monetary values default to 0.00, and may be prefixed with $ or £ interchangeably without altering their meaning.”


“Monetary values default to 0.00, and may be prefixed with $, £ or € interchangeably without altering their meaning.”

Just putting this here so that monetary values and stuff are easier to type on european keyboards

feeling much better

i’d like to be unidled, please!

Proposal: Thinking Inside The Box

Timed out 4 votes to 7. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 11:53:47 UTC

Add to the end of “Job Titles”:-

If an Employee is managed by any other Employees, then whenever they make a decision as part of a dynastic action, they should indicate a blog entry or comment where an Employee who manages them has authorised them to resolve that decision in that way. Failure to do so for any decisions in an action makes that action an Unauthorised action.

For each Unauthorised action taken by a non-Intern Employee, any Employee who manages the performer of the action may reduce the performer’s rank by a single level of seniority, if nobody has already done so for that action.

Also in that rule, replace “For the purposes of this rule, the CEO belongs to all Departments.” with:-

For the purposes of this rule, the CEO belongs to all Departments but manages nobody.

Coming off unpaid leave

Unidle me please.

finally doing something after like a year of inactivity, who would’ve guessed

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Proposal: I made this

Timed out, 2 FOR, 5 AGAINST, 2 unresolved DEF. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 06:37:44 UTC

In the rule “Boring Box Company”, replace the sentence starting with “A box has properties” with:

A box has properties for material, size, and value.

Add the following to Departments

Each Employee has a Skill in each department, which are each a publicly tracked positive integers which defaults to 10 and is tracked in columns called “RnD”, “Manufacturing” and “Sales” respectively and which may be referred to as their “X Skill” where X is the name of the department for that skill.

In “Manufacturing”, replace the atomic action to produce a box with:

* Choose any material from the materials table.
* Choose a size which can be 1, 2 or 3.
* Calculate the Production Cost by multiplying the size by the material cost. The Material and Size must be chosen so this total is not higher than the company budget.
* Decrease the company budget by the production cost.
* Roll a DICES where S is the Manufacturing Skill of the Employee performing this action
* Create a new box whose material is the selected material, size is the selected size, and value is determined as follows:
** If the result of the die roll performed in this action is less than the production cost, the value is half the production cost
** If the result of the die roll performed in this action is more than twice the production cost, the value is twice the production cost
** Neither of those results hold, the value is the production cost
* Add the new box to the Warehouse.
* Increase by 1 the Options of each Employee in their own Department.
* Increase by 1 the Manufacturing skill of the Employee performing this action

Getting rid of the “die roll breaks manufacturing problem” is a more dynamic manner

Other departments should also have skills, but I’d rather leave it up to those departments how they are used.

Proposal: Supply and Demand

Timed out, 9 votes to 1. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 20 Jan 2022 05:02:17 UTC

Add the following to the rule “Boring Box Company”

Each employee has an integer value called Productivity. Each time an Employee performs a Weekday Action, their productivity increases by 1.

If boxes have a property called size, add the following to the rule “Sales”:

The list of Orders is a publicly tracked list of material/size pairs. As a weekday action, an Employee may randomly select a material from the materials table, randomly select an integer from 1-10 (inclusive) for the size, and add that pair to the list of Orders.

If boxes do not have a property called size, add the following to the rule “Sales”:

The list of Orders is a publicly tracked list of materials. As a weekday action, an Employee may randomly select a material from the materials table and it to the list of Orders.

If boxes have a property called size, add the following step to the atomic action for selling a box, immediately after the second step:

* If the Orders list contains an entry matching the material and size of the box being sold, add 1 to the profit margin and remove that Order from the Orders list.

If boxes do not have a property called size, add the following step to the atomic action for selling a box, immediately after the second step:

* If the Orders list contains an entry matching the material of the box being sold, add 1 to the profit margin and remove that Order from the Orders list.

Believe it or not, we’ve got clients lined up to get their hands on our quality cubical commodities! Who would have guessed there’s actually a market for denim boxes? We’re going to be tracking your efficiency from here on out, so let’s get you sales superstars out three with wide eyes and bright smiles!

Proposal: Factory Inspection

Timed out and enacted, 5-4. Josh

Adminned at 19 Jan 2022 22:03:46 UTC

In the rule “Boring Box Company”, replace the sentence starting with “A box has properties” with:

A box has properties for material, size, and value.

In “Manufacturing”, replace the atomic action to produce a box with:

* Choose any material from the materials table.
* Choose any integer from 1 to 10 (inclusive) for the size of the box.
* Multiply the material’s value by the box’s size to determine the box’s value.
* Add the new box to the Warehouse.
* Decrease the company budget by the value of the box.

We noticed the machines were behaving erratically, sometimes failing to produce boxes. You should find that you have much finer control over them now. Rest assured, you’re not in any danger! We wouldn’t let anything happen to our most promising crew yet.

Proposal: You can tell old Joe I’m off the dole

Unpopular at 2-9. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2022 19:22:51 UTC

Add a new subrule to Job Titles, called “Executive Decision”:

If they have not done so already, the CEO may Re-establish the Natural Order of Things by doing the following:
* Increasing by 1 the hierarchical rank of one Employee in the Research & Development Department.
* Increasing by 1 the hierarchical rank of one Employee in the Sales Department.
* Increasing by 1 the hierarchical rank of the Employee named redtara.
* Removing this subrule from the ruleset.

Listen, we can’t run this place without a command structure, and I deserve to be rewarded for taking some initiative.

Proposal: Senioritis

Times out and passes, 8-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2022 19:19:45 UTC

Replace the list of hierarchical ranks in the rule “Job Titles” with the following:

8. CEO
7. Vice-President
6. Director
5. Manager
4. Executive
3. Team Leader
2. Administrator
1. Officer
0. Intern

An Employee’s Seniority may be determined by the number of the rank that Employee holds per the above list; for instance, the CEO has a Seniority of 8, and an Intern has a Seniority of 0.

If there exists a rule called “Incentive Formula” then reword it as follows:

The Incentive Formula for an Employee is as follows:

* Whenever an Employee receives an increase in Options, the amount of Options they receive is equal to their Seniority, plus half the number of Employees they Manage, rounded down.

Josh said he was leaving the Incentive Formula patchy, so I’m patching it.

Proposal: Outsider Trading

Withdrawn. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 19 Jan 2022 15:46:37 UTC

Change the word “LLC” to “Inc” wherever it appears in the Dynastic Rules.

Add a subrule to “Equity” entitled “Trading” as follows:

As a Weekday Action, an Employee may spend an amount X of their Vesting, where X is the company’s Budget multiplied by an integer Y, to increase the Options of any other Employee who does not share a rank or a Department with them by Y.

I’m pretty sure an LLC can’t have employee stock options, at least in the US.

Proposal: You Promised Me 22 Coins

Withdrawn. - Jumble

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 19:35:00 UTC

If “Winklevi” did not enact, this proposal does nothing.

Increase the Vesting of the Employee named Jumble by 22.

Proposal: Bad Customers

Enacted popular, 11-0. Josh

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 17:27:58 UTC

Adds the following bullet point under “Remove the chosen box from the Warehouse.” in the Sell a Box Atomic Action:

Roll 1DN, where N is the value of the box value, rounded to the nearest integer. If the result of the aforementioned roll is 1, skip the next step if the Atomic Action and add the Box to the Returning Warehouse.

Adds a new Dynastic Rule named Issues:

The Returning Warehouse is a list of boxes and their properties. These are products with defects.

Proposal: Hiring and Firing

Enacted popular 9-0. Josh

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 17:26:16 UTC

Add the following to the end of the rule Job Titles:

Whenever an Admin renders any Idle Employee Unidle, they must then immediately set that Employee’s hierarchal rank to Intern.

Proposal: Options on Options

Enacted popular, 9-1. Josh

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 17:24:17 UTC

If Proposal: Winklevi was not enacted then this proposal has no effect.

Wherever the ruleset contains the bullet point ‘Increase by 1 the Options of each Employee in their own Department’ or ‘If the rule “Equity” exists, then increase by 1 the Options of each Employee in their own Department. If it does not, then any player may remove this step from the ruleset’, replace it with

Increase the Options of each member of their Team according the Incentive Formula.

If that bullet point now exists twice in any rule, remove the first instance of it.

Add the following to the end of the paragraph in the rule Job Titles that begins ‘Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing’:

An Employee’s Team consists of themselves and every Employee in the same Department that they manage.

Add the following as a sub-rule to the rule Job Titles, called Incentive Formula:

The Incentive Formula for an Employee is as follows:

* As a baseline, whenever an Employee receives an increase in Options, the amount is defined by their hierarchal rank, with Interns receiving zero Options, Officers receiving 1 Option, and every hierarchal rank above Officer receiving the sum of the number of Options received by the two ranks below it.

Leaving the Incentive Formula a bit patchy for now, but having room to be developed based on performance later.

Proposal: Size Doesn’t Matter

Enacted popular, 9-3. Josh

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 17:23:26 UTC

In the rule “Boring Box Company”, change the sentence “A box has properties for material, size, and value.” to read:

A box has properties for material and value.

We aren’t using size for anything, so begone.

Call for Judgment: What is “Money”?

Passes 8-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 04:45:49 UTC

In the rule ““Boring Box Company”, change the sentence “Monetary values may not be negative.” to:

Monetary values may contain up to 2 decimal places and may not be negative. Any variable with the words “Value” or “Cost” in their name are Monetary Values.

Add to the rule “Boring Box Company”, as a new paragraph:

The Materials Table is a list of Materials and their properties.

Set the Value in the Materials Table associated with Denim to be 7.5.

I created a new material and it started at least 1 metaphysical crisis about what is and isn’t considered money.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Proposal: Payment

Unpopular at 1-9. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 04:43:09 UTC

Make a new rule called Reward:

Each Employee has a stat that is publicly tracked called money.

Change the last step in the subrule Sales from “ Increase the company budget by the box’s value multiplied by the profit margin.” to

Increase the company budget by the box’s value multiplied by the profit margin cut in half and add the other half to the Employee who sold the box’s money.

Add the following step to the subrule Research & Development, after the step “Decrease the company budget by the research cost.”:

Increase the Employee’s money by the price of the material doubled.

Add the following step to the subrule Manufacturing, after the step “Decrease the company budget by the value of the box.”:

Increase the Employee’s money by the cost of the box doubled.

In the subrule Sales change “An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they belong to the Sales Department. As a Weekday Action, an Employee may sell a box by performing the following atomic action” to

An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they belong to the Sales Department and if they have not done so in the last 5 hours. As a Weekday Action, an Employee may sell a box by performing the following atomic action

Proposal: Performance Review

Unpopular at 2-9. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 04:41:22 UTC

In “Orientation” after

Weekdays are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. A Weekday Action is a daily action which may only be performed on a weekday.


Weekends Saturday and Sunday. A Weekend Action is a weekly action which may only be performed on a weekend

Add a new dynastic rule called “Performance Reviews” and give it the following text

As a Weekend Action, the CEO should make a story post to the blog evaluating each Employee’s performance over the past week. Employees should be evaluated on the following criteria

* Dedication - How many Weekday Actions they performed during the past week. More actions are considered better.
* Value - How much the CEO feels the Weekday Actions an employee performed during the past week contributed to the overall value of the company. Higher value is considered better
* Loyalty - How does the CEO feel the employees overall actions during the past week reflected on the health of the company. More positive reflections are considered better

Using said criteria, the CEO should give each Employee a Performance Rating between 1 and 5, with a 1 being given to Employees who got a poor evaluation and a 5 being given to Employees who got an exemplary evaluation and 2-4 being used as appropriate in-betweens

The performance review story post must include each Employee’s Performance Rating for that week

Proposal: Flat Soda

Passes 9-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 04:39:42 UTC

If has failed, enact it.

In “Job Titles” replace

Each Employee has a Job Title, which defaults to Intern and which is publicly tracked. The CEO has a Job Title of CEO.

An Employee’s Job Title is discerned as follows: X Y, where X is the name of the Department to which they belong and Y is their hierarchal rank.


Each Employee has a hierarchal rank, which defaults to Intern and which is publicly tracked. The CEO has a Hierarchal Rank of CEO.

An Employee’s Job Title is discerned as follows: X Y, where X is the name of the Department to which they belong and Y is their hierarchal rank. If an Employee does not belong to any Department, then their Job Title is simply their Hierarchal Rank.

The CEO’s Job Title is CEO

Give all Employees the hierarchal rank of Officer

fixing a bug in Flat Structure where hierarchal rank is orphaned and also defaults to the wrong value

Proposal: Searching for Improvements

Passes 9-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 18 Jan 2022 04:35:42 UTC

If the subrule “Research & Development” does not exist, this proposal does nothing.

Add to the rule “Boring Box Company” the following:

Research Inspiration is an integer tracked on the Company Portal. It defaults to 0 and can only be changed as described in the subrule “Research and Development”.

In the subrule “Research & Development’’ change the 2nd step of the Atomic Action to research a box to read the following:

* Divide the result by 10 then add Research Inspiration to determine the value for the new material.

Add to the subrule “Research & Development” the following

* Set Research Inspiration to 0.

As a Weekday Action, an Employee may study existing box materials by performing the following atomic action:

* Roll NDICE(5N) where N is the number of materials already on the materials table, divided by 5, rounded down.
* Increase Research Inspiration by the result of the highest roll.
* If the rule “Equity” exists, then increase by 1 the Options of each Employee in their own Department. If it does not, then any player may remove this step from the ruleset.


R&D was going to quickly hit a dead stop, rules as written. There’s a hard cap on the number and quality of materials we can make and rerolling the same numbers doesn’t do anything like it does for the other departments, so I figured I could correct both in one swing.

Proposal: Winklevi

Passes 8-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2022 16:08:41 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Equity” as follows:

Each Employee has an integer number of Options and an integer amount of Vesting, both of which are publicly tracked.

At any time, an Employee may increase their Vesting by X, where X is the Company’s Budget multiplied by that Employee’s own Options; upon the completion of this action, that Employee’s amount of Options is set to 0.

If the rule “Departments” has subrules, then to the atomic action in each such subrule, append the following step:

* Increase by 1 the Options of each Employee in their own Department.

Unidle please

Need I ask for more?

Proposal: Flat Structure

Reached quorum 8-4. Josh

Adminned at 17 Jan 2022 09:16:07 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called Job Titles:

Each Employee has a Job Title, which defaults to Intern and which is publicly tracked. The CEO has a Job Title of CEO.

An Employee’s Job Title is discerned as follows: X Y, where X is the name of the Department to which they belong and Y is their hierarchal rank.

The Boring Box Company organisation chart recognises the following hierarchal ranks, ordered from most senior to least senior:

*Team Leader

Within each Department, an Employee may be said to be managing all other Employees with less senior hierarchal titles than themselves, and may be said to be being managed by all other Employees with a more senior hierarchal title than themselves. For the purposes of this rule, the CEO belongs to all Departments. Across all Departments, all Employees of the same hierarchal rank can be referred to as a cohort, or as contemporaries.

An Employee may, as a weekly action, Promote one Employee who they manage by increasing their hierarchal rank by one step, provided that this does not result in the promoted Employee having a hierarchal rank that is contemporary or senior to than that of the Employee that is promoting them.

Give all Employees a hierarchal rank of Officer and set their job title accordingly.

Proposal: Job Description

Reached quorum, 9 votes to 0. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2022 02:28:55 UTC

Add a subrule to “Departments” called “Research & Development” as follows:

An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they belong to the Research & Development Department.

As a Weekday Action, an Employee may research a new type of box material by performing the following atomic action:
* Roll 1DICEN, where N is any positive integer smaller than or equal to the company budget. The result of this roll is the research cost.
* Divide the result by 10 to determine the value for the new material.
* Choose a name for the new material (the name of a material is arbitrary and always flavor text).
* Add the name/value pair to the materials table.
* Decrease the company budget by the research cost.

Add a subrule to “Departments” called “Manufacturing” as follows:

An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they belong to the Manufacturing Department.
As a Weekday Action, an Employee may produce a box by performing the following atomic action:
* Choose any material from the materials table.
* Roll 1DICEN, where N is any positive integer smaller than or equal to the company budget. Specify the chosen material in the roll comment. The result of this roll is the production cost.
* Multiply the material’s value by the production cost to determine the box’s value.
* Add the new box to the Warehouse.
* Decrease the company budget by the value of the box.

Add a subrule to “Departments” called “Sales” as follows:

An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they belong to the Sales Department.
As a Weekday Action, an Employee may sell a box by performing the following atomic action:
* Choose a box from the Warehouse.
* Roll 1DICE3, specifying the chosen box in the roll comment. The result of this roll is the profit margin.
* Remove the chosen box from the Warehouse.
* Increase the company budget by the box’s value multiplied by the profit margin.

Add a new table titled “Materials” to the company portal with columns titled “Name” and “Value”. To this table, add a material called “Cardboard” with a value of 1.

We like to give our employees a lot of creative freedom here at BoxCo. Just try not to spend the whole budget all at once! Seriously, that would… not end well.

Proposal: Orientation

Reached quorum, 13 to 0. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 17 Jan 2022 02:13:27 UTC

Create a new dynastic rule called “Boring Box Company” as follows:

The Boring Box Co., LLC is a corporation whose mission statement is as follows: to produce and provide high quality boxes to our clients.

Weekdays are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. A Weekday Action is a daily action which may only be performed on a weekday.

The Company Budget is a monetary value that is tracked on the Company Portal. Monetary values default to 0.00, and may be prefixed with $ or £ interchangeably without altering their meaning. Monetary values may not be negative.

A box is a kind of resource. A box has properties for material, size, and value. The Warehouse is a list of boxes and their properties.

Add a subrule of “Boring Box Company” called “Orientation Day” as follows:

Sunday, January 16 2022 is always considered a Weekday. If it is after Sunday 16/1/22, any willing Employee should remove this paragraph from the ruleset. Unwilling employees are not encouraged to do so, in order to avoid unnecessary stress.

Create a new dynastic rule called “Departments” as follows:

All Employees of Boring Box Co. should belong to a department. The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s department, which is publicly tracked. The list of departments is as follows:

* Research & Development (AKA RnD)
* Manufacturing
* Sales

An Employee who is unhappy with their department is encouraged to submit a transfer request to the CEO. Any Employee that does not belong to a department must be assigned one at the CEO’s earliest convenience.

For the purpose of rules which allow members of certain departments to perform certain actions, the CEO is considered a member of all departments. The CEO should perform actions specific to a particular department if there are no other employees in that department, or if all employees in that department have been inactive for at least 48 hours.

Set the Company Budget to $100.00.

If an employee’s EvC of FOR on this proposal expresses a preference for a certain department, the CEO should take that into consideration when assigning their department. Otherwise, their department will be randomly assigned such that each department contains a roughly equal number of employees.

If the Monday-Friday schedule doesn’t work for you, feel free to change it! BoxCo is very flexible about it’s work schedules. No need to tire yourselves out!

Ascension Address: Boring Box Company

Welcome to orientation, new recruits! The Boring Box Company™ is excited to see so many fresh faces joining our workforce. Now, I know you’ve all heard the rumors floating around, but our lawyers want me to assure you that everything we do here is strictly above board!

What? You want to know what happened to the old employees? That’s not important right now. What’s important is getting you trained and ready to start selling boxes!

Repeal all dynastic rules. Set the wiki page referred to in the rule Dynastic Tracking to Company Portal. Replace GPS with CEO and Tripper with Employee throughout the ruleset. Activate the Special Case Rule “Imperial Differentials”.

I have a vague idea of where this might end up, but I’m liable to go with the flow. I’m going to try to be as impartial as possible, but I also may or may not put the success of the company over the success of any individual player(s). Let’s see how this goes!

The Botmother Returns

Unidle Chiiika.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

International Youth Hostel, Lethe Branch

Can anyone lend me a coin? Charon’s prices are much higher than it said in my 1995 Lonely Planet guidebook.

This would be your interregnum chat thread, then.

Call for Judgment: Easy Way Out

Cannot be enacted with six votes against. Josh

Adminned at 15 Jan 2022 21:54:47 UTC

If a DoV has been enacted since this CfJ was posted, this CfJ does nothing

Zack has achieved victory in the current dynasty. Remove any restrictions against Zack posting a DoV in the current dynasty

People seem to be objecting to the DoV on a 30 second technicality. Not sure why we need to unwind everything and figure out where to restart. Just let Zack have his win.

Call for Judgment: Dust to Dust

Reached quorum, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 15 Jan 2022 20:45:57 UTC

The proposal Charity Box was edited at 13 Jan 2022 at 8:17pm, less than one minute after its first vote from Josh. However, it continued to be discussed and voted on for an additional 44 comments, and was enacted with none of the 8 admins noticing that it was edited. Three subsequent proposals were passed and significant game actions were taken that were ostensibly contingent on its passing.

Since Charity Box would have passed even without Josh’s vote, uphold the enactment of Charity Box as if it were posted at 8:18pm, disregarding its first 4 comments. Transfer 5 coins from Zack to Josh since Josh did not have an EVC of FOR on the proposal.

If the DOV “Ashes to Ashes” was failed, add the following to the ruleset as a subrule of “The Campfire at the End of Hell” called “Double Jeopardy”:

The tripper named Zack may make a DOV at any time so long as they have made no more than one DOV within the last 5 days. If it is after 1:37pm on 20 January 2022, any player may remove this paragraph from the ruleset.

I was thinking to myself “this could be Heaven or this could be Hell”…

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Declaration of Victory: Ashes to Ashes

Enacted with 8 votes in favour, including that of the GPS. Congrats Zack! Josh

Adminned at 15 Jan 2022 23:03:09 UTC

According to the rule The Campfire at the End of Hell, “When one Tripper has more than half of the Coins that are in the game, that Tripper has achieved Victory.” There are currently 184 coins in the game, and I have 100 of them. Therefore, I have achieved victory.

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair…

Proposal: Escape from The Fires of Potato

Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2022 08:52:57 UTC

Enact a new subrule of “The Campfire at the End of Hell” entitled “Memories” as follows:

There exists a numerically ordered list of Stops, which is publicly tracked. Each Stop has a Name, which is flavor text, and cannot contain the ‘~’ character. Each Tripper has a Favorite Place, which is one of the Stops in that list and which is publicly tracked, defaulting to the last Stop in their numerical listed order. A Stop may also be referred to as a Spot. If a Tripper’s Favorite Place is a given Stop, then the Tripper is said to remember that Stop.

The Campfire Demon is hungry for memories. There exists a game variable called the Demon’s Feasting Grounds, which is one of the Stops in the list of Stops, defaulting to the last Stop in their numerical listed order.

Set the list of Stops to be the same as it was in this wiki revision, without the Capacity or Types elements of that list.

They’re still hanging around on the Book of Trippers, might as well make them do something? Maybe?

Call for Judgment: The Mall Santa’s Watching

Failed as it makes no change to the gamestate. Josh

Adminned at 15 Jan 2022 00:06:36 UTC

If the interpretations below were already followed, this CfJ does nothing.

Undo the enactment of, if possible, then redo its enactment, including a fresh random selection, with the interpretation that Causes could only be chosen if the chooser had been “Idle at 13 JAN 2022 19:28:00 UTC”, and also with the interpretation that duplicate Causes (several Causes referencing the same Tripper) only count once for the random selection.

You’ve got to dot your eyes, cross your toes in this game.

Proposal: Support System

Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2022 08:37:48 UTC

Add the following to “The Campfire at the End of Hell”

If a Tripper has 0 coins, they are broke. Otherwise they are not broke

Add a new subrule of “The Campfire at the End of Hell” called “Besties”

Each Tripper has a Bestie, which is a (possibly idle) Tripper, and is by default themself. The name of each Tripper’s Bestie is publicly tracked. A Tripper may change their Bestie as a daily action.

If this sentence has been in the rules for 24 hours, then any tripper or GPS may remove this entire paragraph. The paragraph below this one is flavor text.

As a daily communal atomic action, any Tripper may first transfer 1 Coin from every not broke Tripper (the giver) whose Bestie is a not broke Tripper who is not the Giver, to the Giver’s Bestie, then reduce the Coins of every Tripper whose Bestie is either not a Tripper, is themselves, or is broke, by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Forcing some transfer of coins.

Proposal: Non-Fungible Tokens

Reached quorum, 7-0. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 14 Jan 2022 23:29:54 UTC

To the first paragraph of “The Campfire at the End of Hell”, add:-

When a Tripper unidles, their Coins are set to zero.

Late returners being able to throw 10 coins apiece back into the economy is going to become an increasingly big deal as the endgame progresses and coins become more and more valuable. Maybe we should move to close that door.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Proposal: Stairway to Heaven

Passes 7-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 14 Jan 2022 22:13:57 UTC

If Proposal: Scroll Up was not enacted, in the rule The Campfire at the End of Hell, change “All other dynastic rules are flavour text” to “All dynastic rules apart from this one and its subrules are flavour text.”

Add the following as a subrule to the rule The Campfire at the End of Hell, called Acoustic Guitar, with the following text:

Each Tripper has an acoustic guitar, which they are either strumming or not strumming; whether or not a Tripper is strumming their acoustic guitar is publicly tracked, and they are not strumming by default. A Tripper can change whether or not they are strumming at any time, if they have not changed whether or not they are strumming in the preceding 24 hours.

When a Tripper is strumming their acoustic guitar, they are not considered to be a Tripper for the purposes of any dynastic rule except this one (although they retain their value for Coins). As a daily communal action, any Tripper may reduce the Coins of all Trippers who are strumming by 1, to a minimum of zero.

Proposal: Scroll Up

Passes 7-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 14 Jan 2022 22:10:25 UTC

Add a subrule to “The Campfire at the End of Hell” called “Scrolls”:-

In a shattered phone booth just at the edge of the fire’s light, the wanderers find a cache of ancient and rune-laden scriptures suggesting a path back to the world above, or on to others.

Each Tripper has a Scroll, being a flavour text string of no more than 160 characters which is publicly tracked, and which describes their vision for the next dynasty of BlogNomic. A Tripper may change the contents of their own Scroll at any time.

In “The Campfire at the End of Hell”, replace “All other dynastic rules are flavour text.” with “All other dynastic rules (excluding subrules of this rule) are flavour text.”

Dynastic ideas have come up a couple of times now as a possible factor for where Coins might go, so perhaps it’s worth formalising.

My coins are up for grabs

(although I reserve the right to withdraw this offer if I, er, feel like it, at any moment up until the point that I transfer them to a third party)

So I have these 31 coins burning a hole in my pocket, and while I wouldn’t mind winning I don’t think I’m likely to; so I want to disperse them to maximum effect.

To that end, I am offering endowments, given out in 5, 10 or 20 coin chunks. I’m looking for two things:

1. Dynasty pitches. Please don’t direct me towards discord or the wiki; I want to know what your plan is for mechanics and themes in this thread.
2. Future favours. Hard commitments of favours to be returned to me in the next few dynasties will be looked upon favourably.

Other Trippers with money to burn are of course welcome to use the responses in this thread to inform their own choices.

Proposal: Charity Box

Passes 7-1—Enacted by Clucky

Adminned at 14 Jan 2022 20:08:38 UTC

Each Tripper or Idle Tripper who was Idle at 13 JAN 2022 19:28:00 UTC can choose a single Cause, it being the last Tripper they name in a comment on this Proposal.

Randomly select a Cause, then for each Tripper whose EVC is FOR on this Proposal, give 5 coins (if they have 5) from that Tripper to the selected Cause.

As good a time as any

Unidle me please.

I’m back

Please unidle me

Throwing in my two cents

Requesting to be unidled.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Proposal: Agent of Chaos

Reached quorum, 7 votes to 0. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 14 Jan 2022 18:24:30 UTC

If “The Campfire Demon” does not appear in the ruleset, this proposal does nothing

Add the following to “The Campfire at the End of Hell”

A Tripper may cast themselves into the fire by performing the following atomic action: first the Campfire Demon’s power is increased by X/5, rounded up, where X is the number of coins the Tripper had when performing this action. Then the Tripper’s Coins are set to 0. Each Tripper may only perform this action once.

Letting people who don’t care about winning to just feed the demon because chaos isn’t actually a ladder its a crab bucket

Proposal: Double or Nothing

Withdrawn by author. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 14 Jan 2022 18:23:21 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Journey’s End” with the following text

A Tripper’s Route Score is equal to their total coins plus four for each Souvenier they have. A Tripper is a Candidate if their Route Score is at least 15 and they were a Tripper on Tue 11/01/22—22:36:40 UTC.

If every Tripper’s Location is at or after a Final Destination Stop and no Tripper has achieved victory this dynasty, then any Tripper or the GPS may perform the following atomic action:

* Assign each Tripper a Final Route Score equal to their Route Score
* Set the Final Route Score of every Tripper who is not a Candidate to 0.
* Double the Final Route score of every Tripper who was not the GPS of a dynasty during the year 2021
* Roll a DICEN where N is the sum total Final Route Score of every Tripper, calling the result X
* Select the one tripper for whom the sum total Final Route Score of every Tripper whose Name is alphabetically before theirs (Y) is less than X, but for whom if you add their Final Route Score to Y, it is greater than or equal to X.
* Make a post to the blog naming the Tripper selected in the step immediately before this one. That Tripper achieves victory.

Remove the Tripper Clucky from the Alliance of all other Trippers

(Identical body text to What was popular before, might become popular later. At the very least, it serves as a backup win con following the Demon’s Bargain of Josh with Clucky.

Proposal: Hellish Rebuke

Adminned at 14 Jan 2022 03:50:27 UTC

if “Staunton Lick” does not pass, this proposal does nothing

In “the Campfire at the end of Hell” replace

At any time, a Tripper may give any positive amount of their Coins to another Tripper.


At any time, a Tripper may give any positive amount of their Coins to another Tripper, provided the targeted Tripper has a positive number of coins

Add the following to “The Campfire at the End of Hell”

The Campfire Demon has a positive integer power, which by default is 5 and is publicly tracked.

As a daily communal action, a Tripper may carry out the following atomic action:

* Randomly select a Tripper who has a positive number of coins
* Reduce that Tripper’s coins by the Campfire Demon’s power, to a minimum of 0
* Increase the Campfire Demon’s power by 1

Quorum Reached. Passes 7-1.—Clucky

Proposal: Uneventful Dynasty [Special Case]

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2022 14:51:28 UTC

Move the Dynastic rule “Event Types” to the Special Case section of the Ruleset, and give it the tag “Inactive.”

I like events, and this seems like the logical next step for nudging them toward the core.

Proposal: Staunton Lick

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2022 14:46:21 UTC

Move all Trippers to location 48. Convert any Souveniers held into Coins for their holders at a rate of 2 Coins per Souvenier, and convert all Will into Coins at a rate of 1 Coin per Will. Add a new dynastic rule to the ruleset, called The Campfire at the End of Hell:

All other dynastic rules are flavour text. Trippers have a value for Coins, which must be a non-negative integer and which is publicly tracked.

At any time, a Tripper may give any positive amount of their Coins to another Tripper.

When one Tripper has more than half of the Coins that are in the game, that Tripper has achieved Victory.

If either Proposal: End of the Road or Proposal: Barnsley Chop [Victory] has been enacted, revert its effect, including reverting the award of Victory, should such an award have been made.

Proposal: Just in case there’s no other consensus [Special Case]

Cannot be enacted with 4 votes AGAINST. Josh

Adminned at 12 Jan 2022 21:54:14 UTC

Set the Special Case rule “Dynastic Distance” to Inactive, and set the Special Case rule “Malign Emperors” to Active.


Proposal: Barnsley Chop [Victory]

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 12 Jan 2022 21:53:28 UTC

If there is a rule called Journeys End, repeal it.

Once, with a dice roller comment of “Victory Chop”, roll DICE100.

On a result of 1-25, Clucky has achieved Victory.
On a result of 26-50, Kevan has achieved Victory.
On a result of 51-75, Josh has achieved Victory.
On a result of 76-85, Tech has achieved Victory.
On a result of 86-88, Raven1207 has achieved Victory.
On a result of 89-94, Trapdoorspyder has achieved Victory.
On a result of 95-100, TyGuy6 has achieved Victory.

Append the result of the dice roll into the admin field of this proposal.

A very rough chop based on a subjective assessment of dynastic contribution, where everyone gets at least a minimal shot.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Proposal: End of the Road

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 12 Jan 2022 21:53:09 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “Journey’s End” with the following text

A Tripper’s Route Score is equal to their total coins plus four for each Souvenier they have. A Tripper is a Candidate if their Route Score is at least 15 and they were a Tripper on Tue 11/01/22—22:36:40 UTC.

If every Tripper’s Location is at or after a Final Destination Stop and no Tripper has achieved victory this dynasty, then any Tripper or the GPS may perform the following atomic action:

* Assign each Tripper a Final Route Score equal to their Route Score
* Set the Final Route Score of every Tripper who is not a Candidate to 0.
* Double the Final Route score of every Tripper who was not the GPS of a dynasty during the year 2021
* Roll a DICEN where N is the sum total Final Route Score of every Tripper, calling the result X
* Select the one tripper for whom the sum total Final Route Score of every Tripper whose Name is alphabetically before theirs (Y) is less than X, but for whom if you add their Final Route Score to Y, it is greater than or equal to X.
* Make a post to the blog naming the Tripper selected in the step immediately before this one. That Tripper achieves victory.

Remove the Tripper Clucky from the Alliance of all other Trippers

We’re at the final destination very soon now.

Seems fair to me to do a chop based on coins, excluding people who haven’t really played, and rewarding people who haven’t won before. It more or less winds up coming down to an even chop between Josh, Kevan, Tyguy, Tech and myself though i do admit I can get my score up a little higher just by buying Souveniers (though Tech and Tyguy can too)

Last line there is to make it clear there is no funny business going on between Tech and myself.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Proposal: You’re really making me empty my pockets on this one

Quorum Reached. Passes 6-0—Clucky

Adminned at 12 Jan 2022 00:56:07 UTC

In the rule Roadside Attractions, change

While at a Roadside Attraction, if a Tripper generates a Souvenier they must disregard the Souvenier Generation rules contained in the rule Roadside Tat, and may instead add a Souvenier called ‘~Selfie of myself~ and x at y’, where x is the number of Buddies at the same location as them and y is the name of the Roadside Attraction.


While at a Roadside Attraction, a Tripper may - once before moving - Take a Selfie. When a Tripper Takes a Selfie, they gain a Souvenier called ‘~Selfie of myself~ and x at y’, where x is the number of Buddies at the same location as them and y is the name of the Roadside Attraction.

Remove any identical duplicate Selfie-type Souveniers in the possession of any Trippers. Remove all non-Selife Souveniers from Attraction Stops held by any Trippers, and move any Tripper at any Attraction Stop to the next Stop with sufficient Capacity to take them.

Another facet of the scam: Selfies are exempt from the once-per-stop rule so can be spammed at an appropriate attraction.

NB that this shreds my scams as well as Clucky’s/Tech’s; it’s a no-one-can-have-it proposal rather than pure BAMPAM.

Proposal: Wish You Were Here

Qurom Reached. passes 5-0—Clucky

Adminned at 11 Jan 2022 22:31:34 UTC

In “Roadside Tat”, replace “Once per Stop, a Tripper may pay 2 Coins to generate a Souvenier from that Stop and acquire it.” with:-

If they do not already have a Souvenier from their current Location, a Tripper may pay 2 Coins to generate a Souvenier from their current Location and acquire it.

If any Trippers are carrying Souveniers from Stops they have never visited, remove those Souveniers from them.

Proposal: Memory Lane


Adminned at 11 Jan 2022 22:30:15 UTC

To “Scrapbook”, add:-

If every Tripper’s Location is at or after a Final Destination Stop and no Tripper has achieved victory this dynasty, then the single Tripper with the most Souveniers achieves victory (if tied, the tied Tripper with the most Coins achieves victory; if still tied, the tied Tripper who Drove least recently achieves victory).

Proposal: One last swing at this

Reached quorum, 5-2. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 11 Jan 2022 20:03:53 UTC

Add a new subrule to the rule Gamestate Tracking, called Cross-Nomic Relationships, with the following text:

The player (or idle player) named TyGuy6 is BlogNomic’s PodNomic Correspondent. Any player may ask the GPS to become BlogNomic’s PodNomic Correspondent; if they wish, the GPS then may, at their own discretion, change the name of the player in the first sentence of this bullet point to be that of the requestor.

Add the following as a final bullet point to the Appendix rule Names:

* When changing their name or joining the game for the first time, a Tripper’s (or prospective Tripper’s) new name must be between 4 and 30 characters in length, and may only include the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, underscores, hyphens, full stops and apostrophes.

If any Tripper’s EVC on this proposal contains the phrase ‘Pick me’, or if any Idle Tripper has made a comment to this proposal with the phrase ‘Pick me’, then change the name TyGuy6 in the rule Cross-Nomic Relationships to be the name of that Tripper or idle Tripper, randomly selecting from all such Trippers if there are multiple. The Tripper or idle Tripper by the name of “dead. The Player named Clucky has achieved Victory” is ignored for the purposes of this paragraph.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Proposal: Second Fiddle

Reached quorum, 5-0 (including one DEF). Enacted by TyGuy6. (No effect; the line was no longer present in the rule.)

Adminned at 11 Jan 2022 20:01:04 UTC

In “Road map” replace

unless both selected Types are the same, or one is a Roadside Attraction, in which case the second Type is not applied


unless both selected Types are the same, in which case only that one Type is applied; or one is a Roadside Attraction, in which case the other Type is not applied

Its currently unclear if “second Type” means “the second type to be generated” or “the type that is not a Roadside Attraction”

Proposal: It’s The End of Summer

Quorum Reached. Passes 6-1—Clucky

Adminned at 10 Jan 2022 22:01:43 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, called Back to School Blues:

If there is no Final Destination stop then the GPS must carry out any actions available to it to legally generate one in the shortest possible amount of time.

I’ve changed my mind; let’s set fire to the platform and work out how to wrap the dynasty up in the 33-66 stops we’ll have available to us.

Proposal: Keep Left

Quorum Reached. Passes 5-0—Clucky

Adminned at 10 Jan 2022 22:00:25 UTC

In “Stop Effects”, replace “apply the Arrival Effect of that Stop’s Types to the Mover” with:-

apply the Arrival Effect of that Stop’s Types to the Mover, in the order that they are listed for that Stop

In “Road Map”, replace “may have a number of Types” with “may have an ordered list of Types” and for each Stop with more than one Type, consider the order of those Types to be the order they were listed in when first added to the gamestate.

(Reproposing the earlier thing that got swapped out for the Kiosk removal proposal.)

It’s currently unclear what should happen if you arrive at, eg, a Turnpike-Mill when having no Coins: do you not-lose a Coin then gain a Coin (leaving you at 1 Coin), or have the effects applied simultaneously (leaving you at zero)?

Sunday, January 09, 2022

Proposal: If You Build It…


Adminned at 10 Jan 2022 21:56:52 UTC

Add the following to Stop Effects

If, in the list of types named in the rule “Stop Effects”, the name of a type of stop has an * at the end of it, that * is not actually part of the name but is instead an indicator to show that type of stop is restricted. If the name of a type of stop which is listed in the rule “Stop Effects” does not have an * at the end of it, that type of stop is not restricted.

A Tripper may spend 3 coins to add any type from among those named in the rule “Stop Effects” which is not restricted to their current stop, or to remove any type from among those named in the rule “Stop Effects” which is not restricted from their current stop

In “Stop Effects” replace “Roadside Attraction - x” with “Roadside Attraction - x*”. In the same rule, if it exists, replace “Information Booth” with “Information Booth*” and replace “Kiosk” with “Kiosk*”

Allowing us to construct and tear down stop effects I think might make for some dynamic gameplay.

Proposal: All’s Well that Ends in Hell

Timed out and failed, 1-3. Josh

Adminned at 10 Jan 2022 10:53:25 UTC

In the rule “Final Destination”, change “If the GPS would create a Stop with an Order number that is equal to the Final Destination Number” to

If any Tripper (or the GPS) would knowingly create a Stop with an Order number that is equal to the Final Destination Number

And in order to be thorough, in the rule “Road Map”, change “the GPS may repeal this paragraph” to

any Tripper (or the GPS) may repeal this paragraph

Due to allowing any player to create stops, there’s a chance we could skip right by Stop 66 without the GPS making it the Final Destination.

Saturday, January 08, 2022

Proposal: Say Cheese

Fewer than quorum not voting against. (2 FOR, 4 AGAINST, 8 total players.) Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2022 07:21:13 UTC

Replace the second sentence of the Parking Effects for Kiosks with “A Parker may pay 4 Coins to generate a Disposable Camera and acquire it.”

Replace the requirement “They have in their posession a Souvenier from the Attraction Stop they wish to Drive to” from the rule “Roadside Attractions” with “They have in their posession a Souveneir named Disposable Camera” and append to the end of the final paragraph of the rule “Roadside Attractions” the text “When a Tripper generates a Souvenier this way, the Tripper loses an instance of a Souvenier named Disposable Camera.”

If Proposal: Get In Lane passes, replace the first sentence of this proposal with “Add a new Parking Effect named “Information Booth” with its effect defined as “A Parker may pay 4 Coins to generate a Disposable Camera and acquire it.”

Throwing my suggestion out there for the Great Kiosk Debacle of 2022. I think this stops any “scams” while still basically preserving the purpose of Kiosks.

Proposal: The GPS is not a smart system [Appendix]

Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2022 07:17:31 UTC

Remove the sentence “The members and starting dates of all active Mentorships are tracked on the Mentorships wiki page, and whenever a new Mentorship is established, the GPS should announce it in a blog post.” from the third paragraph of the rule “Mentors” and place it immediately after the first sentence of the second paragraph of that same rule.

Proposal: Doom Foretold

Timed out and failed, 3-4. Josh

Adminned at 09 Jan 2022 20:27:01 UTC

Replace the first paragraph of the rule “Final Destination” with:

The Final Destination Number is 66.

Dun dun duuuuun!

Proposal: Substring Station

Enacted, 6-0. Josh

Adminned at 09 Jan 2022 20:25:22 UTC

In “Road Map” after “Each Stop has a Name, which is flavor text” add ” and cannot contain the ‘~’ character”

Wherever it appears in the rules, or in any Tripper’s list of Souveniers, replace “Selfie of myself” with “~Selfie of myself~”

Closing a loophole where Brendan can make a stop called “Selfie of myself at No Exit” and then someone could just get a “Hat from Selfie of myself at No Exit” at it would count towards the victory condition despite not actually coming from a roadside attraction.

Proposal: Get In Lane

Timed out 4 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 Jan 2022 16:38:52 UTC

If there are any Stops with a Type of Kiosk, remove that Type from them.

Remove the Kiosk from the list of Stop Effects.

Replacing this few-hours-old proposal with one that removes Kiosks, per the thinking aloud on I Know You’re Out There. Clucky is suddenly very keen to get a Kiosk on the board, and is arguing that there can’t be a Kiosk scam because Josh knows about the Kiosk scam and yet voted against that proposal.

Perhaps it is a scam that any single player can perform, if they get to a Kiosk, and Clucky will be taking their next turn before Josh.

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Proposal: I Know You’re Out There

Timed out and failed, with 3 votes against the 2 votes in favour, including two unresolved DEFs. Josh

Adminned at 08 Jan 2022 23:14:43 UTC

Add the following to Road Map

A Type of Stop is Due if it appears in the list of Stop Effects, but is not a Type for any of the ten latest stops (i.e. those stops with the highest order number). When randomly selecting Types while creating a Stop, if any Types of Stop are due the GPS or Tripper creating the Stop should only consider Due Types of Stop. For the purposes of this action, a Type of Stop is no longer Due once it has been selected while creating a stop (meaning if only one type of stop is due, it will be selected and then the second type will be selected from all available stop types, while if more than one type of stop is due a different due type of stop will be selected second)

Feel like if we randomly go a while without seeing a certain type of stop, we should weight things to make sure it shows up.

Proposal: The Open Road

Reached quorum 5 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Jan 2022 10:31:15 UTC

In “Road Map”, replace “the GPS should create and append to the list of Stops a new Stop with a Name of their choice” (in all instances where it appears) with:-

any Tripper (or the GPS) may create and append to the list of Stops a new Stop with a Name of “Darkness”

Add to the end of the rule:-

The GPS may rename a Stop named “Darkness” to a Name of their choice, at any time.

In “Stop Effects”, replace “When generating this stop the GPS must change the x” with:-

When this stop is generated, whoever generates it must change the x

Invented names aside, there’s no reason why we can’t generate the new stops ourselves when we need them, rather than having to wait for the GPS to do so.

Proposal: The Podnomic Problem

Timed out 4 votes to 2 with one Imperial DEF. Cannot enact as it amends Special Case and Appendix. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 08 Jan 2022 10:28:45 UTC

Add a new Special Case rule, called “PodNomic Correspondent [Rare][Inactive]”:

The Tripper whose name is the same as the totality of the second paragraph of this rule is BlogNomic’s Podnomic Correspondent. As a Daily Communal Action, any Tripper may change the second paragraph of this rule to their own name and set it to Inactive.


Add the following as a final bullet point to the Appendix rule Names:

* When changing their name or joining the game for the first time, a Tripper’s (or prospective Tripper’s) new name must be between 4 and 30 characters in length, and may only include the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, spaces, underscores, hyphens, full stops and apostrophes.

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Proposal: Fiddly Controls

Withdrawn by author. Failed by TyGuy6.

(clucky testing stuff here)

Adminned at 10 Jan 2022 22:27:01 UTC

Add a new rule at the top of the Dynastic Rules, called “TyGuy6”:

... is BlogNomic’s Podnomic Correspondent. As a Daily Communal Action, any Tripper may change the name of this rule to their own name.

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Proposal: Starting Over

Timed out, 3 votes to 1 (and one unresolved Emperor DEF). Enacted by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 07 Jan 2022 07:46:01 UTC

Insert the following to “Road Map” immediately before ” If there is a Final Destination Stop in the list of Stops, the GPS may repeal this paragraph.”, being sure not to create any new paragraphs in the process

If there is no Starting Point within the last 13 Stops (i.e. those with the highest order number), the GPS should create and append to the list of Stops a new Stop with a Name of their choice, a Capacity of 30, and a Type of Starting Point.

Proposal: The Will To Go On

Timed out 1 vote to 4. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Jan 2022 22:00:19 UTC

Add the following to “Will”

A Tripper who is not Ready may Drive by spending Will. To do so, they must spend a number of Will equal to one plus the number of times they have performed the Drive action in the last 24 hours. (If this would require a Tripper to spend more Will than they have, they may not do this)


Mentorship announcements

Belatedly, I declare that Tempo (should they return from idleness) is to be Mentored by Josh until the end of the Ninth Dynasty of Brendan or the date is past 18 January, whichever is later; and that Tech is to be Mentored by Brendan until the end of the Ninth Dynasty of Brendan or the date is past 31 January, whichever is later.

Proposal: News from the nomic next door

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Jan 2022 12:18:31 UTC

Add a new rule to the appendix, called Podnomic Correspondent:

At any time, up to one single Tripper may be BlogNomic’s Podnomic Correspondent. If there is a BlogNomic Podnomic Correspondent then their name is appended to the end of this sentence, after a colon; if there is no BlogNomic Podnomic then the word ‘none’ will appear at the end of this sentence: none.

If BlogNomic’s Podnomic Correspondent becomes idle, or if there is a BlogNomic Podnomic Correspondent and the most recent three consecutive Episodes of Podnomic have been broadcast without a BlogNomic News Item having been included, then any Tripper may change the name of the BlogNomic Podnomic Correspondent in the paragraph above to ‘none’ or to their own name.

If a single comment in response to this post contains the text “I volunteer”, change the word “none” at the end of the second paragraph of the newly added rule to the name of the author of that comment. If multiple comments in response to this post contains the text “I volunteer”, randomly select one of the unique authors of those comments and change the word “none” at the end of the second paragraph of the newly added rule to the name of the selected author.

Proposal: End of the Line

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Jan 2022 10:10:57 UTC

In “Movement”, replace “then any other Tripper may move the Ready Tripper to the Starting Point with the highest Order number among all Starting Points” with:-

then any other Tripper may move the Ready Tripper to the Starting Point with the highest Order number among all Starting Points (if that Starting Point is after the Ready Tripper’s current Location) or the Stop with the highest Order number (if there is no Starting Point after the Ready Tripper’s current Location)

Timing out after the last starting point shouldn’t move you backwards.

Proposal: 500 Bus Stops

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Jan 2022 09:59:24 UTC

After the second paragraph of “Road Map”, add:-

If all Ready Trippers are at a Starting Point, the GPS should create and append to the list of Stops a new Stop with a Name of their own choice, a Capacity of 30, and a Type of “Starting Point”, and then move all Ready Trippers to that Stop.

Allowing the GPS to create a new Starting Point when we need one, otherwise there’s nowhere to put timed-out players once everyone else has passed them.

Monday, January 03, 2022

Proposal: Final cleanse

Enacted 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 05 Jan 2022 22:42:52 UTC

Change the second paragraph of the rule Ruleset and Gamestate to read as follows:

It comprises four Sections: 1) the “core rules” of BlogNomic, covering the essential elements of gameplay; 2) the rules of the current Dynasty; 3) rules which apply in special cases; and 4) the appendix, which complements and clarifies the Ruleset.

In the rule Tags, change “the “[Appendix]” tag in order to make changes to the Appendix Rules, and the “[Perdurable]” tag in order to make changes to the Perdurable Rules” to read

and the “[Appendix]” tag in order to make changes to the Appendix Rules

Repeal the rule Can Opener.

Remove the Perdurable Rules section from the Ruleset.

Change the first item in the rule Prioritisation to read#

The Appendix has precedence over any other Rule;

Just cleaning up the last few bits of Perdurability.

Bad directions

Tempo goes idle after 7 days of inactivity. Quorum falls to 4.


I have arrived, a new member of this Trip, and I am here to join the game.

Proposal: See You At The End

Unpopular at 1-5. Failed by Brendan.

Adminned at 04 Jan 2022 15:37:27 UTC

Add the following to Roadside Tat

A Souvenir is Rare if there is not another Souvenir owned by a Tripper from the same stop.  A Souvenir is Unique if there is not another Souvenir owned by a Tripper that has the same Type. Selfies are always Unique, and are considered to be from the location they were taken at.

Add the following to Final Destination

Each Tripper has a Road Trip Score, which by default is undefined and is publicly tracked. When a Tripper (The Arriver)‘s Location becomes the Final Destination stop the following atomic action immediately occurs: First, the Road Trip Score of all Trippers who have a defined Road Trip Score is increased by two, then the Arriver’s Road Trip Score is calculated by doing the following:

* Start with the Arriver’s Coins
* Add three for each souvenir they possess
* Add two for each unique souvenir they possess
* Add three for each rare souvenir they possess
* If they possess three souvenir’s which all have the same type (Selfies are considered to have a type of Selfie), add ten
* If they possess three souvenir which all are from the same location, add ten
* Add two for each Buddy they have

Buddies Road Trip Score’s are calculated simultaneously, and so none of the Buddies gets their Road Trip Score increased from one of their other buddies arriving.

A Tripper whose Road Trip Score is defined is considered to be Finished. Finished Trippers may not perform any dynastic actions, nor may they be the subject of dynastic actions unless those actions specifically mention they apply to Finished Trippers. Finished Trippers also may not change their Alliances.

If every Tripper is either Finished or has been continuously Ready for at least the past 48 hours and BlogNomic has not been in Hiatus for any of the past 48 hours then Tripper with the highest Road Trip Score has achieved victory. If there is a tie, the one (of those tied for the highest Road Trip Score) with the highest will has achieved victory. If there is still a tie, the Tripper or Trippers (of those tied for highest Road Trip Score and highest will) who became Finished first have achieved victory.

There seems to be a decent chance no one will fulfill the Scrapbook VC.

So instead, lets wait for everyone to get to the end. With bonus points for money, souvenir collection, and finishing first.

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Proposal: Lazymode

Passes 8-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 04 Jan 2022 15:36:08 UTC

Append to the first paragraph of the rule “Final Destination” the following:

If a Stop has the name “Final Destination” then that Stop is considered a Final Destination Stop.

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Call for Judgment: Stutter

Quorum reached. Passes 5-0 with 1 def—Clucky

Adminned at 03 Jan 2022 04:44:28 UTC

If was enacted, move TyGuy6 to Stop 26 (Arveg Lane) (even if it is before the Stop named in his current Location) and give him 2 Coins. If the aforementioned CfJ is still Pending, undo the resolution of this present CfJ and make it Pending again (with a “status” field set to “Open”).

I found myself in a minute window before Clucky’s chain of enactments were begun. I made my way to stop 5 just in time, but is going to revert my movement and 2 shrine coins.

Call for Judgment: Location Location Location

Enacted 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 02 Jan 2022 21:32:42 UTC

Revert any changes made to any Tripper’s Location, Coins, Souveniers or Alliance since this edit to the gamestate:, then enact the effect of Proposal: Double Decker

Clucky enacted this proposal and interpreted its effect as making all held location data illegal again, sending everyone back to Stop 1. He then moved himself before enacting this proposal, moving everyone to the end except himself.

I don’t think that the effect of Chaos Project should be that all held location data becomes invalid. Chaos Project is quite carefully worded: it seems to me that it removes all prescription of what format a Location must have. It simply says that “Each Tripper has a Location, which is one of the Stops” - and given that each of our Locations at that time matched, specifically and exactly, a single Stop, I’m not sure how it would be argued that our Locations would be invalid.

Proposal: The end of an era

Enacted unanimously, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 03 Jan 2022 22:16:42 UTC

If Proposal: Spoiled Lineage was not enacted then this proposal does nothing.

Remove the first item of the rule Prioritisation and move it to the Appendix, immediately before the rule Mentors. Repeal all Perdurable rules.

With Imperial Lineage gone, the Perdurable Rules will have no effect other than allowing Brendan to remove them. This is just cleaning up, really.

Note that this proposal changes the Appendix so it is not a can opener proposal, and needs to be unanimous to be enacted.