UPDATE—I’m tweaking even MORE more stuff to try to fix Kevan’s problems. Sorry if stuff breaks for someone else; loginness might be funkified in particular.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
More tweaking (6 comments) UPDATE—I’m tweaking even MORE more stuff to try to fix Kevan’s
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year
For those of you on the Gregorian calendar!
Why was Happy Christmas. [Late] Failed?
I don’t understand why Happy Christmas. [Late] was Failed. Either deferential/imperial votes are counted as votes or they aren’t. If they aren’t (which seemed the general attitude response to the Proposal Keeping the Status Quo), then the votes were 3-1 and it Passed. If they are, then neither of the conditions “at least half of its votes are AGAINST” nor “more than half of its votes are FOR” were satisfied, and it shouldn’t be admin’d. I don’t see what logic makes it Fail under the current Rules.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Proposal: New Management
Vetoed. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 02 Jan 2006 15:04:15 UTC
Make Smith the new Narrator, unless Smith votes AGAINST this proposal.
If 75th makes a prompt return, he can always veto this..
A new start for the new year
With the holiday ending, let’s try to put together some cohesive rules and start playing again. It looks like we have 2 main directions in the ruleset with no connection to each other:
The Threads system allows Protagonists to accumulate a Score - sort of. Since the Sandbox is the only place that there can be 2 different Contributing Protagonists, that is the only place we could get any Score. The Narrator has to be paying attention, too.
There is a collection of GNDT tracked variables: Roles, Locations, Items, Steps and HP. Quests could provide a reason to do something with these (like bring an Item to a Location), but again we need the Narrator. Accumulating Steps seems like it might be a bad thing, so I am reluctant to take any pointless Actions.
It seems to me we should throw some rules out, or tie them together. I think we could use a system to make more players with Narrator powers, too.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
FLA’s are more confusing than TLA’s.
I was just wondering. What does IEEE stand for?
Proposal: Happy Christmas. [Late]
Timed out after 48 hours, 3-2-6. Enacted by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 02 Jan 2006 14:45:51 UTC
Summary: Location, Location, Action, Item
Define the Hollow Tree as:
* Maximum Occupancy: 30
* Exits: The Ominous Forest, The Holy Furnace
* Description: There’s a hexagon-shaped clearing in the Ominous Forest here. An enormous hollow tree, big enough to hold several people, is exactly in the middle of the clearing. You can see a bright orange light through the tree’s single entrance. Looking up, you can see smoke rising from several of the branches.
Add a new Location entitled The Holy Furnace with the following description.
* Maximum Occupancy: 9
* Exits: The Hollow Tree
* Description: A furnace is set on the wall opposite the entrance of the tree. Next to the furnace is a sign reading, “Please insert your offering to the all-powerful 75th Trombone into the fire and wait for the receipt to materialise in your left hand.â€
Add an Action entitled Offering:
A Protagonist (hereinafter referred to as the Offerer) may often make an offering to Seventy-Fifth Trombone. To do this, e must have eir Location set to “The Holy Furnace”, make a command in eir Thread reading “offer [insert name of item here]”, and make a post on the blognomic.com main page with the title “Narrator Offering: [insert item here]. The effects of the Offering of an item are arbitrarily decided by Seventy-Fifth Trombone in a comment to the post, as long as the same effect applies to subsequent offerings of the same item. After the effects of the Offering have been published as a comment, the Offerer must add the effects of eir Offering to eir Thread as the corresponding Result. After an Offering, change the Item Held field of the Offerer to “Generic Receipt”. This Action adds 2 steps.
Add an Item entitled “Generic Receipt”
* Description: A small piece of paper reading, “Thank you for your patronage.”
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Earlier in my “murderpoints/scalping” proposal, somebody mentioned they were against this becoming a PK game. Curious what everyone else’s feelings are on this, because I’m all pro PK… at least Grue Killing anyway. Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah/ Jolly Kwanzaa to you all.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas to all
Well, those who celebrate it. In any event, Happy Holidays.
For some of you, this is a bit late, for others, a bit early. But have fun anyhow.
Proposal: Actions [Trivial]
5-0, timed out. Enacted by Saurik.
Adminned at 26 Dec 2005 13:28:26 UTC
Summary: Adds headings to Actions, fixes Trade request mechanism.
Rewrite Rule 2.7, entitled Actions to
Protagonists may take the Actions listed below in order to change the current gamestate. Each Action takes a certain amount of game time to complete, which is described in terms of Steps, which are tracked in the GNDT. Each time a Protagonist takes an Action, e must increase eir Steps value by the amount given for that Action. New Protagonists start with a Steps value of 0.
The list of acceptable actions is below:
A Protagonist may often change eir Location field from its current value to one whose name corresponds to one of the Exits of eir current location. A Protagonist may not move to a location that does not have a defined Maximum Occupancy, Description, and Exits. Performing this Action adds 5 to a Protagonist’s Steps, unless otherwise indicated.===Trade===
A Protagonist (hereinafter known as the Requester) may often make a request to switch eir Item Held with another Protagonist’s (hereinafter know as the Requestee) Item Held, even if either Item is a null value. This request must be made visible to all Protagonists, either in the Threads page of the Wiki or as a post on the Blognomic home page. If the Requestee accepts the trade request within 24 hours, the trade takes place and the ItemHeld fields of the Requester and the Requestee are switched. If the trade request is rejected, or is not accepted within 24 hours, no GNDT fields are changed. Untradeable items may not be given to other Protagonists in this way.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Proposal: Keeping the Status Quo
3-6, timed out. Failed by Saurik.
Adminned at 26 Dec 2005 00:00:02 UTC
Add on the end of the second paragraph of Rule 1.4:
If a Proposal is more than 48 hours old, a Vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit AGAINST if there is a Narrator but e has not Voted.
Not part of the proposal: My thinking behind this is due to what is happening in Economic Planning. I felt it was something that I don’t really care about right now, but if 75th feels it advances the game, then it should be enacted. However, if he has no plans or opinions about it, I feel nothing should happen so that the status quo is kept. As it stood earlier, with 2 for - 0 against - 5 deferential, it would pass. With this, it would not pass after timing out, since 75th’s abstention turns those 5 deferentials to againsts.
I’ll be out for a while, can someone please idle me? I’ll be back sometime around January.
Proposal: Glue, part I
6-2, timed out. Enacted by Saurik.
Adminned at 25 Dec 2005 02:53:46 UTC
Between the two sections of Rule 2.3 Narrative, add the following section:
==== Owned Threads and others ====
Each Protagonist owns a single Thread, and no Thread may have more than one owner. Each owned Thread is titled “[Owner’s name]‘s Thread”, with [Owner’s name] replaced by the owner’s name. Owned threads should be arranged alphabetically by title. Whenever a Rule states that a Protagonist may change a Thread, it refers only to a Thread owned by that Protagonist, unless otherwise stated.
There is also a Thread titled “The Master Thread.” It is not owned. It may only be edited by the Narrator, without exception. It may be edited as often as the Narrator wishes, in any way that he wishes, ‘’‘except’‘’ that it must obey the limitations in the “Definitions” section. The Master Thread is always at the top of the [[Threads]] page, regardless of alphabetization. ‘‘The Narrator also owns a Thread, as described above.’‘
There is also a Thread titled “The Sandbox.” Any Protagonist may change this Thread, in addition to eir own Thread, as allowed by the Ruleset, ‘’‘except’‘’ that no Action, Result, or Prompt in The Sandbox may change gamestate other than its own existence, under any circumstance. ‘‘In other words, if a Protagonist is allowed to add two Commands daily, he may add two Commands to his own Thread ‘’‘and’‘’ two Commands to the Sandbox in the same day.’‘
Rename “Initial Thread” to “The Sandbox”, and create the Threads this section prescribes.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Proposal: Places to go
5-0, timed out. Enacted by Saurik.
Adminned at 24 Dec 2005 12:29:01 UTC
Add this information to the Ominous Forest Location
(wiki formatted for cut and paste ease):-
# Maximum Occupancy: 100
# Exits: The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese, The Hollow Tree, The Stone Bridge
# Description: The very old trees of this forest have branches which intertwine so tightly that sunlight reaches the forest floor only in occasional beams. There is what you might call a trail winding among the trees, if you were really desperate for something to follow. A wolf howls in the distance.
Add two Locations which have -Not Yet Defined- text, The Hollow Tree and The Stone Bridge.
Proposal: Another Character!!!!
1-5, timed out. Failed by Saurik.
Adminned at 24 Dec 2005 12:27:54 UTC
I propose a new subsection be added to the rule “Characters” entitled “Panicking Schmuck”, with description:
The panicking schmuck lost eir wallet this morning. This wallet contained government issued ID, credit cards, cash, and tickets to a comic standup night. Without this wallet, the panicking schmuck was in a fit because there was no way e could get to the airport in time for eir 2:30 flight to Miami, especially with the transit strike slowing everything down. Eventually however, e scabbed money off eir roommate and wrote a cheque to a taxi driver to get to LaGuardia ASAFP, foregoing the opportunity to be delivered a Christmas gift for eir father’s girlfriend. This rush led the panicking schmuck to forget that it was in fact only eleven in the morning, and by waiting another hour could have received said gift and said wallet without having two hours to spare writing bunk proposals on blognomic, drunk from white russians in the Admirals Lounge which e snuck into
The Panicking Schmuck has a maximum number of:
I further propose that Notafraud’s role field be changed immediately to “Panicking Schmuck” in honor of his horrific morning.
Proposal: Another Character!!!!
7-0, timed out. Enacted by Saurik.
Adminned at 24 Dec 2005 12:26:39 UTC
I propose a new subsection be added to the rule “Characters” entitled “Panicking Schmuck”, with description:
The panicking schmuck lost eir wallet this morning. This wallet contained government issued ID, credit cards, cash, and tickets to a comic standup night. Without this wallet, the panicking schmuck was in a fit because there was no way e could get to the airport in time for eir 2:30 flight to Miami, especially with the transit strike slowing everything down. Eventually however, e scabbed money off eir roommate and wrote a cheque to a taxi driver to get to LaGuardia ASAFP, foregoing the opportunity to be delivered a Christmas gift for eir father’s girlfriend. This rush led the panicking schmuck to forget that it was in fact only eleven in the morning, and by waiting another hour could have received said gift and said wallet without having two hours to spare writing bunk proposals on blognomic, drunk from white russians in the Admirals Lounge which e snuck into
The Panicking Schmuck has a maximum number of:
I further propose that Notafraud’s role field be changed immediately to “Panicking Schmuck” in honor of his horrific morning.
Proposal: Economic Planning
3-2, timed out. Enacted by Saurik.
Adminned at 24 Dec 2005 12:22:18 UTC
Add an Action named Trade:
Trade: A Protagonist (hereinafter known as the Requester) may often make a request to switch eir Item Held with another Protagonist’s (hereinafter know as the Requestee) Item Held, even if either Item is a null value. This request must be made visible to all Protagonists. If the Requestee accepts the trade request within 24 hours, the trade takes place and the ItemHeld fields of the Requester and the Requestee are switched. If the trade request is rejected, or is not accepted within 24 hours, no GNDT fields are changed. Untradeable items may not be given to other Protagonists in this way.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Sorry for the mistake.
In order to continually preserve clerical information storage, we must use blog space efficiently.
Obsolete tasks leading to disarray must be eliminated from the systematic processes.
Proposal: Our Slightly Illustrious Recent Past
10-0, timed out. Enacted by Saurik.
Adminned at 23 Dec 2005 13:27:37 UTC
Adds Time Travel and a Silver Key.
Change the last sentence of the Rule entitled Actions from
Performing this Action adds 5 to a Protagonist’s Steps.
Performing this Action adds 5 to a Protagonist’s Steps, unless otherwise indicated.
To the Description section of rule 2.4.1, add
An immovable metallic armchair with a silver keyhole on the left arm and buttons on the right arm is sitting about five metres south of the room.
Add a Location entitled “The Fortress of Cheese” reading
Maximum Occupancy: Currently 18
Exits: The Ruins of The Fortress of Cheese (with Silver Key, adds 0 steps), The Brand New Gaming Room
Description: There are six rows of empty rooms, each row three deep. You can see walls made out of what is undoubtedly the finest and awesomest cheese. Even better, the cheese looks edible, as it’s not rotten. The air around seems magical, as if something special would occur if you said a certain word. An immovable metallic armchair with a silver keyhole on the left arm and buttons on the right arm is sitting about five metres south of the room
Add a Location entitled “The Brand New Gaming Room” reading
Maximum Occupancy: 1
Exits: The Fortress of Cheese
Description: This room is incredibly claustrophobic. A couch is in the corner of the room, but the only other furnishings include a chair and desk with plans for a perfect game.
Change the Exits of The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese to
The Ancient Game Room, The Ominous Forest, The Fortress of Cheese (with Silver Key, adds 0 steps).
Add an Item entitled “Silver Key” with the following text:
Description: This key is silver. It looks as if it would fit into a silver keyhole in an armchair.
A Silver Key is untradeable.
Anyone who has ever written a history of a previous dynasty of Blognomic, and has not had their history deemed a shoddy job, may at any time change their current Item Held to a Silver Key, or to the second most recent Item Held if currently holding a Silver Key.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
what to do?
if we dont get some usable mechanics soon, i’m not going to have anything to do, likewe dont now, cuz i can’t write insanities or break rules if we can’t do anything, we have a structure but no actions, and i don’t know what to do with this dynasty.
I’m not trying to push all this off on someone else, but thats what i’m doing, cuz i have no clue what should be going on in this dynasty until someone else can decide, things can be taken, mutilated, and generaly overly scrutinized until some vague exploitation occurs once we have some rules in which we do something, but theres non to do now.
This is really just me bitching a bit, but no one seems to be doing anything, so i feel like i can bitch.
Proposal: Red Taped - Easy Mode
Self-killed - Elias IX. 19th consecutive proposal adminned… do i win a prize?
Adminned at 21 Dec 2005 15:34:36 UTC
I propose that from now on, after every vote in the comments, Protagonists include the current vote total, in the form
(number of votes counted as FOR), (number of votes counted as AGAINST)
Do not make a rule making this mandatory unless another Protagonist proposes such rule.
Do not punish Protagonists who forget to do this.
Why make a rule? It’d be easier just to do it.
Since only one number changes with every vote, this shouldn’t be too hard.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Proposal: Admin-O-Saurik II
12-2, reaches quorum. Somewhere in the wiki is a guidebook for admins, titled “Switch Guidebook”. - Elias IX
Adminned at 21 Dec 2005 15:37:08 UTC
Make Saurik an admin so Elias IX doesn’t go crazy.
Proposal: cfj revamping 2.0 the working version thats actually a proposal
4-0, timed out. Enacted by Elias IX.
Adminned at 21 Dec 2005 15:25:09 UTC
Replace the following from law 1.6
CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or until four days have passed.
CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or if there is no hiatus going on, until four days have passed, and if there is a hiatus going on until two days have passed.
Replace the following from Law 1.9
Every Protagonist may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether e regards it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of all Protagonists consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, and if no CfJs remain pending, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Narrator may optionally step in and decide the win’s legality.
Every Protagonist may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether e regards it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). The following stipulations must be true before a DoV may pass or fail.
* 12 hours have passed since the posting of the DoV.
* If less than 24 hours have passed since the posting of the DoV the current Narrator has voted upon the DoV.
If both of these stipulations are true and at least half of all Protagonists have voted FOR the DoV passes and the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If both of these stipulations are true and at least half of all Protagonists have voted AGAINST the DoV the the DoV fails. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Narrator may optionally Pass or Fail the DoV on his own accord.Hiatus may not end if either of the following stipulations are false and ends once they are both true:
* There is no active DoV.
* There are no pending CFJs.
Proposal: Copycats
4-1, timed out. Enacted by Elias IX.
Adminned at 21 Dec 2005 15:19:53 UTC
In the Mechanics rule, change the list item:-
one Command and the following Result.
one Command and one Result in two different Moves, as long as either addition wouldn’t result in a copy of a Move already in that Thread.
Add to the Score rule, if it exists:-
A Move may modify the Scores of the Protagonists who created the Command and Result entries of that Move, who are called the ‘Contributing Protagonists’. The modification must follow these rules:
- The Narrator determines by what amount a Move will modify the Scores of the Contributing Protagonists. The amount may differ for each of the two Contributing Protagonists. The Narrator may announce the Score effect for this Move which anyone can implement, or implement the effect emself in the GNDT (with no explanation required).
- Moves with the same Command and Result are considered copies of the same Move. Contributing Protagonists may only have eir Score modified once by the same Move no matter how many times ey make copies of it. In other words, if a Protagonist has been a Contributing Protagonist to a previous copy of that Move, eir Score is not modified.
- A copy of a Move always has the same Score effects on its Contributing Protagonists as the original Move did on its Contributing Protagonists.
- If a Move has been partially or fully deleted, the Protagonist who did the deleting may also reverse the Score effects on the Contributing Protagonists of that Move.
I’m having trouble figuring out how to enforce consistency of Location and Inventory when making a copy of a Move, so I’ll leave that to a smarter Protagonist to figure out.
Proposal: The Simplest
9-0, timed out. Enacted by Elias IX.
Adminned at 21 Dec 2005 15:01:24 UTC
Add a rule named “Score”:-
All Protagonists have a numeric Score, which is tracked in the GNDT. Protagonists start with a Score of 0.
Set all Protagonists’ Scores to 0.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Proposal: Typographical Concerns
8-1, timed out. Enacted by Elias IX.
Adminned at 21 Dec 2005 14:39:23 UTC
So, in going through the Ruleset, I found a bunch of really little things, all but one typographical, that needed fixing, and thought to put them together into a Proposal. In each case I attempt to make minimal changes. This Proposal accomplishes the following:
o defines what happens if we ever accidentally end up with too many of a given Role (currently the individual Rules only state that it can’t happen)
o cleans up the FOR/AGAINST wording in Quests so that Protagonists can use the standard voting icons
o deals with the “shall in some way inspire” text left-over by Salamander
o adds Glossary text to better define “should” (note that this doesn’t deviate from the English definition)
o normalizes the text in the Items Rule to use Hold/Held instead of carry/carried
o mostly standardizes the usage of bullet points and value tags among different rules
“o” is a bullet. “-o” is an indented bullet. and
are shown as icons as I don’t know how to type them as literals (with the :s) as a Post.
Replace text of Rule 2.1 with:
Each subsection of this Rule defines a Role that may be assumed by Protagonists. Each Role has at least the following: Name, Maximum Number, and Description. If the Maximum Number of a Role is not defined, it is considered to be Infinite. A Protagonist may assume a maximum of one Role at any time. Protagonists’ Roles are denoted in the GNDT field “Roleâ€. New Protagonists initially have no Role. If at any time the number of Protagonists with a specific Role exceeds that Role’s Maximum Number, a Representative of the HR Department will be Summoned.
Replace text of Rule 2.1.1, with:
o Maximum Number: 2
o Description: The classic monster. Eats fresh flesh, flees from light.
Modify Rules 2.1.2-3 and Rules 2.1.5-11, adding “o Description: †before each’s text.
Replace text of Rule 2.1.4 with:
o Maximum Number: 1
o Description: Enforces building codes and prevents overcrowding.
Add a new subsection of Rule 2.1 entitled “Representative of the HR Department”:
o Description: Keeps track of payroll information for each assigned Role. Has the unenvied duty of handing out pink slips in times of resource shortage.
Rename Rule 2.2 to “Quests”.
Modify Rule 2.2, changing:
comment of AGAINST
comment containing “:AGAINST:”
Modify Rule 2.2, changing:
comment of VETO
comment containing “:VETO:”
Modify Rule 2.4, changing:
A Location’s Name and Description shall in some way inspire the imagination of those Protaganists that read it.
A Location’s Name and Description should in some way inspire the imagination of those Protaganists that read it.
Replace text of Rule 2.6 with:
Each subsection of this Rule defines an Item that may be Held by protagonists. Each Item has at least the following: Name and Description. A Protagonist may Hold only one Item at a time. A GNDT field entitled “Item Held” stores the name of the Item currently Held by that Protagonist. The “Item Held†field may only be changed as allowed by the Ruleset. Protagonists who are not currently holding an Item shall have their Item Held field set to “Fire Marshell Recruitment Flyer”.
Modify Rules 2.6.1-4, adding a bullet point before “Description:”.
Add a subsection entitled “IEEE” to Glossary 3, containing:
o The IEEE auxiliary verbs used in Blognomic are:
-o Is required to: “shall”;
-o Is recommended that: “should”;
-o Is permitted to: “may”;
-o Is able to: “can”.
Make AgentHH’s Role “Representative of the HR Department”. If over half the comments containing counted votes also contain the (case-insensitive) text “gotta earn it”, ignore the previous sentence.
Proposal: Dubbing
1-11, timed out. I know this dynasty is really slow… but anyone else want to do some adminning? -Elias IX
Adminned at 21 Dec 2005 13:23:00 UTC
Add to rule “2.7 Actions” a subsection entitled “Dubbing” that reads as follows:
Then the Seventy Fifth Trombone said ‘it is not good for the man to be alone; I shall make a partner suited to him.’ So from the earth e formed all the wild animals and all the birds of the air and all the protagonists of the game, and brought them all to the man to see what e would call them. A protagonist may change any other protagonist’s “Role” value by entering “Dub X” as an action, where “X” is the name of the protagonist who’s role is being changed. A protagonist may only dub when and as permitted by the rules.
Clears up what may become a small mess in the nothing item rule.
Minor Revisioning?
The Proposal Minor Revisions _dissapeared_… am I blind?
preliminary draft, please check it, booyakasha.
I’m thinking of making there be a benefit to writing a dynastic history, but if it seems… cheap, then I’ll put a clause in about how the benefits don’t apply to me until I’ve written a second dynastic history.
I’m thinking of putting a time machine device in the Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese. Anyone who’s written a history has immediate access to the machine through a key; anyone who hasn’t has to work for it by finding the key somewhere. Using the time machine takes someone to the “Fortress of Cheese” which has exits to both ” The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese” and the “The Gaming Room”.
Change the last sentence of the Rule entitled Actions from
Performing this Action adds 5 to a Protagonist’s Steps.
Performing this Action adds 5 to a Protagonist’s Steps, unless otherwise indicated.
To the Description section of rule 2.4.1, add
An immovable metallic armchair with a silver keyhole on the left arm and buttons on the right arm is sitting about five metres south of the room.
Add a Location entitled “The Fortress of Cheese” reading
Maximum Occupancy: Currently 18
Exits: The Ruins of The Fortress of Cheese (with Silver Key), The Brand New Gaming Room
Description: There are six rows of empty rooms, each row three deep. You can see walls made out of what is undoubtedly the finest and awesomest cheese. Even better, the cheese looks edible, as it’s not rotten. The air around seems magical, as if something special would occur if you said a certain word. An immovable metallic armchair with a silver keyhole on the left arm and buttons on the right arm is sitting about five metres south of the room
Add a Location entitled “The Brand New Gaming Room” reading
Maximum Occupancy: 1
Exits: The Fortress of Cheese
Description: This room is incredibly claustrophobic. A couch is in the corner of the room, but the only other furnishings include a chair and desk with plans for a perfect game.
Change the Exits of The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese to
The Ancient Game Room, The Ominous Forest, The Fortress of Cheese (with Silver Key).
Add an Item entitled “Silver Key” with the following text:
Description: This key is silver. It looks as if it would fit into a silver keyhole in an armchair.
A Silver Key is untradeable.
Anyone who has ever written a history of a previous dynasty of Blognomic, and has not had their history deemed a shoddy job, may at any time change their current Item Held to a Silver Key, or to the second most recent Item Held if currently holding a Silver Key.
I still have the problem of making sure that time travel doesn’t add steps to a protagonist’s steps count. Any ideas?
What do you think about this? It’s not a proposal yet, so there’s room for improvement.
Counting Confusion
I just wanted to make sure there wasnt some rule involving counting of votes that I don’t understand that might make some votes not count. From my counts, Fire in the Disco ended 11-5 (which meets Quorom), not 10-5 (as indicated by Elias), and had been at 11-5 for over a day. Was this just a mistake?
Sunday, December 18, 2005
This is a TEST
We can have custom date fields now, and there’s a nifty little widget they use for it. This would be a good way to report the time of Admin, if it works correctly. (Right now, we’re using the last-edited date, which is really a feeble hack.)
Update to ExpressionEngine 1.4 is complete. Post here and/or scream loudly about any weirdnesses you find.
Any other downtime will be announced, but don’t expect it for a day or two.
UPDATE: After working with one of the pMachine guys, Template editing is now back to beautiful.
Also, check out the timestamps on the comments; they’re now GMT, and can be compared to the entry’s timestamp reliably.
Possible downtime
Yesterday I received an automatic notice from Dreamhost that we’re using up too many CPU cycles on our server. Specifically, we’re using 80-90 minutes of processor time daily.
Over the next few days, I’ll be doing some stuff to try to bring this down. I’ll be changing some PHP settings to get an idea of what part of EE is causing the problem, and I’ll probably be upgrading the EE install itself.
There may be some brokenness or “The system is down for maintenance” messages in the process. None of these should last more than 5 minutes at any given time.
I’ll be backing up the database and files immediately before each action that has any remote possibility of breakage.
Sorry for any stupidness that takes place.
Proposal: Primitive Point System
(Accidentally?) self-killed by notafraud. -Elias IX
Adminned at 22 Dec 2005 12:00:29 UTC
Protagonists have a murderpoint value which is tracked by the GNDT. When a protagonist (hereafter in this rule referred to as the slayer) makes an action that causes another protagonist’s (hereafter in this rule referred to as the slain) HP to reduce to zero, the slayer’s murderpoint value is increased by 1. Murderpoints may not be affected except as specified explicitly by the rules. An item called “Scalp of Y” is added to the slayer’s inventory, where Y is the name of the slainIgnore the last paragraph of the above block quote if more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Scalping is gross”. A scalp has yet to be defined… will leave that up to anyone who wants to :-D Add a deathpoint field to the GNDT. Add a murderpoint field to the GNDT. Once we get started properly we can reset the points to zero, thought it may just be nice to get something like this up and running
Primitive Point System
I propose a new rule entitled “Death Points” be added to the ruleset that reads as follows;
Protagonists have a deathpoint value which is tracked by the GNDT. When a protagonist’s HP is reduced to zero eir deathpoint value increases by 1. Deathpoints may not be affected except as specified explicitly by the rules.
Set all protagonist’s death points to 0.
Add a new rule entitled “Murder Points” to the ruleset that reads as follows:
Protagonists have a murderpoint value which is tracked by the GNDT. When a protagonist (hereafter in this rule referred to as the slayer) makes an action that causes another protagonist’s (hereafter in this rule referred to as the slain) HP to reduce to zero, the slayer’s murderpoint value is increased by 1. Murderpoints may not be affected except as specified explicitly by the rules.
An item called “Scalp of Y” is added to the slayer’s inventory, where Y is the name of the slain
Ignore the last paragraph of the above block quote if more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Scalping is gross”. A scalp has yet to be defined… will leave that up to anyone who wants to :-D
Add a deathpoint field to the GNDT.
Add a murderpoint field to the GNDT.
Once we get started properly we can reset the points to zero, thought it may just be nice to get something like this up and running
Proposal: Auriferocity
2-10, timed out. Failed by Elias IX.
Anyone else willing to admin proposals? ;D
Adminned at 19 Dec 2005 18:26:46 UTC
Add a rule entitled “Gold” to the ruleset, with the following text:
Each Protagonist has a certain number of Gold Pieces, or GP for short. This is tracked in the GNDT column named GP. New Protagonists start off with 0 Gold Pieces.
Add a GNDT column entitled GP.
Set each Protagonist’s GP to 0.
I’m writing the history of the previous dynasty (Excalabur’s second). Any agreement on the name of the dynasty, e.g., The Office Dynasty, The Deity Dynasty, The Thing Dynasty?
Rule 2.4 Mistake
When Gamefield was admin’d, and “should please be” had “please” remove and “should” changed to “shall”, “be” accidentally got removed.
Primitive Point System
I propose a new rule entitled “Death Points” be added to the ruleset that reads as follows;
Protagonists have a deathpoint value which is tracked by the GNDT. When a protagonist’s HP is reduced to zero eir deathpoint value increases by 1. Deathpoints may not be affected except as specified explicitly by the rules.
Set all protagonist’s death points to 0.
Add a new rule entitled “Murder Points” to the ruleset that reads as follows:
Protagonists have a murderpoint value which is tracked by the GNDT. When a protagonist (hereafter in this rule referred to as the slayer) makes an action that causes another protagonist’s (hereafter in this rule referred to as the slain) HP to reduce to zero, the slayer’s murderpoint value is increased by 1. Murderpoints may not be affected except as specified explicitly by the rules.
An item called “Scalp of Y” is added to the slayer’s inventory, where Y is the name of the slain
Ignore the last paragraph of the above block quote if more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Scalping is gross”. A scalp has yet to be defined… will leave that up to anyone who wants to :-D
Add a deathpoint field to the GNDT.
Add a murderpoint field to the GNDT.
Once we get started properly we can reset the points to zero, thought it may just be nice to get something like this up and running
i be travelin’ for a bit, and i’m not sure whether during that time i’ll be able to log-on to vote. so i might go idle. if it ends up lowering quorum, then go for it.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Proposal: Still Learning.
6-2, timed out. Adminned almost a day afterward, too. -Elias IX
Adminned at 19 Dec 2005 18:23:51 UTC
Replace the text of Rule 2.5 with the following:
Protagonists have an HP value, which stands for Health Points, and Max HP value, which stands for Maximum Health Points, which are both tracked by the GNDT as numerical values.
If an action would raise a Protagonist’s HP to more than eir Max HP, set that Protagonist’s HP value equal to eir Max HP value instead.
New Protagonists immediately have eir HP and Max HP both set to 50.
Replace the the entire text of Rule 2.5.1 with the following:
When a Protagonist’s HP equals 0, that Protagonist has eir Location immediately changed to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese†and their HP changed to eir Max HP.
One typo… but that’s fine. My proposals are still under the legal limit, and I currently have nothing else to give to the nomic until the inventory mechanism is worked out.
If you want to see something cool, go to the post-publishing page. Type some text in the Body field. Select it, then click the “Votes-with-text” button. Applaud politely.
If anyone can think of anything else that would be nice there, lemme know. :)
Cosmologicon un-idled
Watch your elbows, please. Another protagonist squeezes into the game. Welcome back, Cosmologicon.
Color-Based Sadness :(
So with AgentHH’s new icons and the new color scheme that someone put into place, is it just me that can no longer rapidly scan and see what comments are votes FOR? Before the fact that the icons didn’t look like text, and were differently colored than the names of players, helped a _lot_ in this rapid scan determination.
Proposal: In the Beginning
11-0, timed out… but reached quorum anyway. - Elias IX
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 16:56:07 UTC
Append the following to 2.4, Locations:
The Narrator may, after posting notice to the front page, change the text of ‘Locations’ by adding, deleting, or modifying any Location, providing that the modifications agree with the constraints on Locations defined in the Ruleset.
We can still create Locations by proposal, but to create even a small working game world will take an extraordinary amount of time if we do all of it through the queue. Who better to write down the world but the Narrator? ;)
Proposal: Minor Revisions
Self-killed by - Elias IX
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 17:27:22 UTC
Replace the text of Rule 2.5 with the following:
Protagonists have an HP value, which stands for Health Points, and Max HP value, which stands for Maximum Health Points, which are both tracked by the GNDT as integer non-negative numbers.
If an action would lower a Protagonist’s HP to less than 0, set that Protagonist’s to 0 instead. If an action would raise a Protagonist’s HP to more than eir Max HP, set that Protagonist’s HP value equal to eir Max HP value instead.
New Protagonists immediately have eir HP and Max HP both set to 50.
Replace the the entire text of Rule 2.5.1 with the following:
When a Protagonist’s HP, that Protagonist has eir Location immediately changed to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese†and their HP changed to eir Max HP.
Chronos, you are my hero.
Proposal: Gainful employment
Passes 11-0. Let’s have a party, indeed. Rock on. -Elias IX
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 16:53:03 UTC
Append the following as individual subsections to 2.1, Characters:
No listed special abilities for these, but we can always define those later. It would be good to flesh out the game world a bit.
- Garden variety adventurer—A garden variety adventurer. This Role may be optionally listed in the GNDT as ‘Adventurer’.
- Cosmonaut—An ex-Soviet cosmonaut. Knowledgable about spacecraft, rockets, vodka, and other such space-age technology. Handy with tools, can use a spacesuit, and is rated to fly private aircraft.
- Fire Marshal—Enforces building codes and prevents overcrowding. There may be a maximum of one Fire Marshal at any time.
- Monk—A monk from some far removed exotic land. Practices austerities, shaves eir head, and is versed in several martial arts. Strictly follows the rules of eir order.
- Lean and hungry gentleman—Lean. Hungry. May carry a large sack and has an eye for valuable objects.
- Lawyer—fond of expensive suits and well trained in several areas of law.
- Hedge wizard—A wizard of some small village, trained in herb lore, astrology, obscure knowledge, and general hedge magic.
- Swashbuckler—Youngish, tending to dress in flamboyant garments, with a predilection for light one-handed swords. Practiced in acrobatics. May have a taste for gambling, but in any case is unlikely to have a great deal of money.
- Engineer—Specialized in some field of engineering. Good at problem solving and is talented with duct tape. Knows logarithms and is handy with tools.
- Sleuth—An accomplished detective. Skilled in analysis, deduction, and low animal cunning. May or may not smoke a pipe.
Where do I find the threads? So I can do things like look around and backflip?
Proposal: Proposal: The Gift Of Sight
3-6, timed out. Failed by Elias IX.
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 16:46:19 UTC
Hopefully a simple addition of function wihout much utility.
Add rule:
When a Command includes the word “look”, the Result of that Command must begin with the the words “Gazing around, you see” immediately followed by the Description of room that the Protagonist who has added the Command is currently within.
If Proposal: Goose Steps passes, add a new rule:
When a Protagonist’s Location has been changed as the result of a Command, the next Result must contain both the name of the Location that they have been moved to, and the Description corresponing to that Location.
Proposal: Grue Tag!!!!!! (draft III)
4-4, smith explicitly abstaining, timed out. Failed by Elias IX.
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 16:44:23 UTC
Righto, let’s try this again:
Add a new rule entitled “Slaying” that reads:
A protagonist (hereafter in this paragraph referred to as “the first chap”) is slain when another protagonist takes an action that reduces the HP of the first chap to zero.
A protagonist (Hereafter in this rule referred to as the slayer), by entering the command “slay X” where X is the name of another protagonist (Hereafter in this rule referred to as the slayed) with the same location as the slayer reduces the slayed’s HP to zero. The result following this action must be a gratuitious description of how the slayed was killed within the narrative. If the narrator does not find the result gratuitous enough, e may comment on the thread containing the offending result with text containing the word “dork”, causing the slayer’s head to explode, spattering gray matter over the ceiling, and the slayer’s HP to be reset to zero and the slayer’s location to be reset to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”.
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Your slaying stuff is poopâ€, omit all text above this paragraph when administrating this Proposal. Just put this stuff in to get some action going as quickly as possible, what “slaying” is will probably be changed rather soon. If there is no rule entitled “Health”, omit all text above this paragraphwhen administrating this proposal.
Add a new rule entitled “Grue Tag” that reads as follows:
When a protagonist who’s role is “Grue†(Hereafter in this rule referred to as the “Monster”) is slain by a protagonist who’s role is not “Grue†(hereafter in this rule referred to as the “Slayer”), the Slayer’s role becomes “Grue†and the Monster’s role becomes “Unemployedâ€.
Add a new subsection entitled “unemployed” to the rule “characters” that reads as follows:
The unemployed protagonist is doomed to sit on a park bench until e has found a job. When a protagonist becomes “unemployed” eir location field is changed to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”. Eir location field may not change from “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese” as long as eir role field remains “unemployed”.
In the subsection “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”, change the text:
A rotting heap of what was, undoubtedly, once some of the finest and awesomest cheese. At the center, the outline of a room, walled with “$$$$“s, is visible underneath a pile of rotting camembert.
so that it reads:
A rotting heap of what was, undoubtedly, once some of the finest and awesomest cheese. At the center, the outline of a room, walled with “$$$$“s, is visible underneath a pile of rotting camembert. Upon the peak of a mound of Gorgonzola is a park bench, where Y (is/are) reading a newspaper and munching Ritz Bits crackers.”
Where Y is a list of unemployed protagonists. The use of “is” or “are” in the context “where X (is/are) reading a newspaper” is entirely up to the creative whims of any admin.
cfj revamping version 2.0
Replace the following from law 1.6
CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or until four days have passed.
CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or if there is no hiatus going on, until four days have passed, and if there is a hiatus going on until two days have passed.
Replace the following from Law 1.9
Every Protagonist may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether e regards it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of all Protagonists consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, and if no CfJs remain pending, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Narrator may optionally step in and decide the win’s legality.
Every Protagonist may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether e regards it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). The following stipulations must be true before a DoV may pass or fail.
* 12 hours have passed since the posting of the DoV.
* If less than 24 hours have passed since the posting of the DoV the current Narrator has voted upon the DoV.
If both of these stipulations are true and at least half of all Protagonists have voted FOR the DoV passes and the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If both of these stipulations are true and at least half of all Protagonists have voted AGAINST the DoV the the DoV fails. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Narrator may optionally Pass or Fail the DoV on his own accord.Hiatus may not end if either of the following stipulations are false and ends once they are both true:
* There is no active DoV.
* There are no pending CFJs.
Grue Tag (Draft III)
Righto, let’s try this again:
Add a new rule entitled “Slaying” that reads:
A protagonist (hereafter in this paragraph referred to as “the first chap”) is slain when another protagonist takes an action that reduces the HP of the first chap to zero.
A protagonist (Hereafter in this rule referred to as the slayer), by entering the command “slay X” where X is the name of another protagonist (Hereafter in this rule referred to as the slayed) with the same location as the slayer reduces the slayed’s HP to zero. The result following this action must be a gratuitious description of how the slayed was killed within the narrative. If the narrator does not find the result gratuitous enough, e may comment on the thread containing the offending result with text containing the word “dork”, causing the slayer’s head to explode, spattering gray matter over the ceiling, and the slayer’s HP to be reset to zero and the slayer’s location to be reset to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”.
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Your slaying stuff is poopâ€, omit all text above this paragraph when administrating this Proposal. Just put this stuff in to get some action going as quickly as possible, what “slaying” is will probably be changed rather soon. If there is no rule entitled “Health”, omit all text above this paragraphwhen administrating this proposal.
Add a new rule called “Grue Tag” that reads as follows:
When a protagonist who’s role is “Grue†(Hereafter in this rule referred to as the “Monster”) is slain by a protagonist who’s role is not “Grue†(hereafter in this rule referred to as the “Slayer”), the Slayer’s role becomes “Grue†and the Monster’s role becomes “Unemployedâ€.
Add a new subsection named “unemployed” to the rule “characters” that reads as follows:
The unemployed protagonist is doomed to sit on a park bench until e has found a job. When a protagonist becomes “unemployed” eir location field is changed to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”. Eir location field may not change from “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese” as long as eir role field remains “unemployed”.
In the subsection “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”, change the text:
A rotting heap of what was, undoubtedly, once some of the finest and awesomest cheese. At the center, the outline of a room, walled with “$$$$“s, is visible underneath a pile of rotting camembert.
so that it reads:
A rotting heap of what was, undoubtedly, once some of the finest and awesomest cheese. At the center, the outline of a room, walled with “$$$$“s, is visible underneath a pile of rotting camembert. Upon the peak of a mound of Gorgonzola is a park bench, where Y (is/are) reading a newspaper and munching Ritz Bits crackers.”
Where Y is a list of unemployed protagonists. The use of “is” or “are” in the context “where X (is/are) reading a newspaper” is entirely up to the creative whims of any admin.
Proposal: Goose Steps
Passes 14-0. Congratulations. -Elias IX
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 15:49:38 UTC
I propose that a rule with the title “Actions” be added to the ruleset with the following text:
Protagonists may take the Actions listed below in order to change the current gamestate. Each Action takes a certain amount of game time to complete, which is described in terms of Steps, which are tracked in the GNDT. Each time a Protagonist takes an Action, e must increase eir Steps value by the amount given for that Action. New Protagonists start with a Steps value of 0.
The list of acceptable actions is below:
Movement: A Protagonist may often change eir Location field from its current value to one whose name corresponds to one of the Exits of eir current location. A Protagonist may not move to a location that does not have a defined Maximum Occupancy, Description, and Exits. Performing this Action adds 5 to a Protagonist’s Steps.
Add a Steps field to the GNDT. Set all Protagonists’ Steps values to 0.
Proposal: Proof of Concept
13-0. Shame it does nothing. -Elias IX.
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 11:11:24 UTC
If the Rule “Items” does not exist, this Proposal does nothing.
If the Proposal “Goosebump potential” did not pass, this Proposal does nothing.
Otherwise, add the following two sections to the “Items” Rule:
=== Odd sheet ===
Description: Reserved for Seventy-Fifth Trombone.
A flexible, chalk-white, perfectly rectangular sheet of unknown composition. It has roughly the area of your hand, but it is noticeably thinner than the thinnest man-made paper, and it’s impossibly heavy for its volume—it weighs as much as a book, though it looks like a single page from one. It does not tear; in fact, all attempts to blemish it are futile.
Someone, however, knows how to blemish it; in one corner it bears a tiny inscription, which is at once barely visible, easily legible, and (remarkably) in English:
“See manual.”
=== Instruction Manual ===
Description: Reserved for Seventy-Fifth Trombone.
Yep, I know it’s cheesy. Yep, it’s supposed to be. Yep, I do have an idea what this stuff is, and/or what it does. Yep, it’s just a prototype of what we could do later.
Kevan still can’t access blognomic. See the Wiki: Threads, and click on the plea for help, if you want more information.
Proposal: Goosebump potential
Fails 6-6, timed out. Flavoured Elias IX.
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 11:07:18 UTC
If the Rule “Items” does not exist, this Proposal has no effect.
Otherwise, insert after the first paragraph of the Rule “Items” the following text:
An Item may be “reserved” for a single Protagonist. When an Item is reserved for a Protagonist, the Protagonist is said to be the Item’s “Lord.” An Item is reserved when its Description begins with the text “Reserved by [Lord’s name]” (where “[Lord’s name]” is replaced with the name of the Item’s Lord). A reserved item has the following properties:
* Its Name and Description may only be changed by 1) Proposals or Calls for Judgment authored by the Item’s Lord, OR 2) repeals issued in a legal Ascension Address.
* It ‘’‘may not’‘’ have any Rule-defined relationship with any Protagonist, including (but not limited to) being carried by or being used by a Protagonist. (The “Lord” relationship is an exception to the previous sentence.)
* It ‘’‘may not’’ have any Rule-defined relationship with any Location, including (but not limited to) existing, residing, living, belonging, or otherwise being located in any Location.
* It ‘’‘may’‘’, however, be ‘’‘referenced’‘’ by the Descriptions of Locations or other Items, unless such a reference establishes a Rule-defined relationship with the Item. ‘‘For instance, if Joe’s Pencil is an Item reserved for Joe, then Joe’s Pencil MAY NOT be located in The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese. It MAY, however, be depicted in drawings on the Fortress’s walls, unless the Rules give special meaning to Items being drawn on Locations’ walls, or the Fortress’s walls specifically.’‘Only the Narrator may be an Item’s Lord. ‘‘This line can be repealed whenever it becomes desirable.”
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “He does TOO share power!”, omit the last paragraph of the above block quote when administrating this Proposal.
I only put that last sentence there so I can flesh out a couple of ideas before we unleash it on the masses, and so we don’t have four dozen reserved Items by Monday morning. I want to implement a system where reserving items is a limited privilege, for folks who prove they can craft something awesome. (I may not be crafting anything awesome, but it’s a proof of concept at this point.)
For insight as to what I’m trying to accomplish here, see my next Proposal.
For the new guys: Not Quite A Quest
I’m only going to do Quests for in-character-type stuff, and this is a technical request. Hopefully (if a veteran can’t) our new CS geeks folks majors might be able to help.
What I’d like is to find or create a Javascripty something that meets the following specs:
- Its main function is to collapse posts on the front page down to just their title lines, along with the edit links, permalinks, and comment counts.
- It should at least have controls for Collapse/Expand all Proposals; Collapse/Expand all non-Proposals; Collapse/Expand everything.
- It’d be very nifty if it used cookies somehow to remember settings.
- It should require an absolute minimum of script elements and event attributes. I know that external JS files can parse the DOM for classes/IDs/stuff to inject event handlers without changing the markup. However, I’m not intimately familiar with the implementation, so I don’t know if we still need an onload=”” attribute in the <body> tag or not.
- If there are any sort of standards-geek sort of practices that apply to Javascript that I’m unaware of, it should follow them. But not to the point of zealotry that causes people to try to make calendars without using <table>s, because that’s just silly. ;)
Anyone up to it, or a reasonable likeness thereof?
Friday, December 16, 2005
Proposal: Fire in the Disco!
Timed out, 10-5, one short of quorum. - Elias IX
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 08:21:14 UTC
This rule fixes the bug Saurik found in In My Hot Little Hands that gives every player an item called “Nothing”.. hopefully the new item is more palatable to everyone playing ;-)
If there is no rule named “Items”, this proposal has no effect.
change the text:
Players who are not currently carrying an Item shall have their Item Held field set to “Nothingâ€.
to the text:
Players who are not currently carrying an Item shall have their Item Held field set to “Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyerâ€.
All players with their GNDT “Item Held” slot set to “Nothing” have their “Item Held” slot set to “Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer”.
Add a new subsection named “Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer” to the rule “Items” with the text:
A beautifully detailed piece of paper, folded into thirds. Poorly drawn fire covers the front, along with large red letters reading “Fire is Dangerous”. You are very interested to read the flyer.
The flyer reads as follows:
Fire Marshal Description:
The office of Fire Marshal in most North American firefighting services is responsible for investigating fires. They are members of the fire department, and they must have firefighting experience, but they are also sworn law officers. They carry a handgun, wear a badge, and make arrests (Usually arsonists).Flavor text taken from Wikipedia.
If there is only one Protagonist holding a Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer e immediately becomes the Fire Marshall and the Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer erupts in flame. (That Protagonist’s Item slot is then set to “Ashes of a Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer”.)
Add a new subsection named “Nothing” to the rule “Items” with the text:
The most POWERFUL item in the game. Any Protagonist holding one or more Nothing(s) may dub Protagonists “Fire Marshall” at will.
Proposal: Thematic Icons
Passed 14-0, reaches quorum. Enacted by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 13:57:45 UTC
I whipped up a bunch of thematic icons.
Open / Pending
Also a new one for the title:
I propose that these icons be used!
>To Idle or Not to Idle?
Truman Capote hasn’t voted in a week. What shall be done about em?
Proposal: In My Hot Little Hands
Passed 16-1, reaches Quorum. Enacted by Angry Grasshopper. Since it is unspecified what if anything the Protagonists are carrying, I’ve not set the “Item Carried” field yet, though obviously the intention was “Nothing”.
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 13:55:40 UTC
Add the following rule to the ruleset entitled “Items”
=== Items ===
Each subsection of this Rule defines a Item that may be carried by protagonists. Each Item has a Name and a Description value. A Protagonist may carry only one Item at a time. A GNDT field entitled “Item Held” stores the name of the Item currently carried by that protagonist. The “Item Held” field may only be changed as allowed by the Ruleset. Players who are not currently carrying an Item shall have their Item Held field set to “Nothing”.
=== Awesomest Cheese ===
Description: A handful of what is, undoubtedly, some of the finest and awesome cheese.
=== Tube of Krazy Glue ===
Desrciption: A small plastic tube, approximately 3 inches in length, marked with the words “Krazy Glue: Keep Away From Small Children” and filled with industrial-strength Krazy Glue.
New Protagonist
E is Vee.
Hello, everyone!
GNDT impaired Admin
I’m again unable to FTP blognomic.com (my job’s firewall bans any ftp access and I’m withou a PC at home). Can someone, complying with Proposal: Location, Location, Location create a GNDT field “Location” and set all Protagonist’s location to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”. TY
I keep getting emails when people reply to my comments. How do I turn that off? TY
Proposal: Gamefield
Passed 12-1, reaches quorum. Enacted by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 13:37:10 UTC
If there is not a Locations rule, this Proposal does nothing.
Change all instances of “should” in the Locations rule into “shall”. Delete any instance of “please” in the Locations rule. From that same rule, delete “The use of these lists will, hopefully, be defined in later rules.”
If 75th Trombone’s vote on this proposal doesn’t contain the expression “No Ball Game”, create a Location called “The Game Field” reading:
Maximum Occupancy: Infinite
Exits: None.
Description:The [[Game Field]] is an open expanse of grassland on which a Ball Game is played. It is represented as a bi-dimensional grid of mono-spaced characters, followed by a Key. Players of the Ball Game, objects there present or any other ocurrence of things are represented on the Game Field by single printable characters which shall be defined in that page’s Key. The rules of the Ball Game to be played in the Game Field shall be defined in this Ruleset in a Rule other than Locations
If “The Game Field” was created, revert any modification done to the Wiki Page currently named Proposed Game Field by any Protagonist after its creation and rename it to “Game Field” .
Proposal: Admin-o-Saurik
Self killed by Chronos Phaenon. Failed by Angry Grasshopper. Saurik, care to re-propose?
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 13:35:01 UTC
Make Saurik an Admin, unless Saurik has voted against this Proposal.
This is to allow you to work on the Last Comments thing you said sometime earlier. And, while you are at it, I guess you’d like to have a look at the Switch suggestions.
Proposal: Ministry of Health
Passed 13-0, reaches quorum. Two votes have the phrase “Don’t change the system”—we’ll be using ‘Health Points’. Enacted by Angry Grasshopper
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 13:25:45 UTC
Add a rule entitled Health:
Every Protagonist has an HP value, which stands for Health Points. Every Protagonist also has a Max HP value, which stands for Maximum Health Points. A Protagonist’s HP value may not be greater then eir Max HP value or less than 0 HP. Values for HP and Max HP may not be changed unless some action defined by the ruleset allows the change. If an action lowers a Protagonist’s HP to less than 0, that Protagonist has 0 HP. If an action raises a Protagonist’s HP to more than eir Max HP, that Protagonist has an HP value equal to their Max HP value. Values for HP and Max HP must be integers.
If a Protagonist has 0 HP, that Protagonist has eir location immediately changed to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheeseâ€.
Add a GNDT field entitled HP.
Add a GNDT field entitled Max HP.
Set all Protagonist’s HP and Max HP to 50.
If more than half of the counted votes in the comments of this proposal contain the phrase “Don’t change the system”, replace every occurence of “Health Points” with “Hit Points”.
If there is no GNDT field entitled Location, repeal the following:
If a Protagonist has 0 HP, that Protagonist has eir location immediately changed to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheeseâ€.
Proposal: Logical Antecedent
adminned by cayvie
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 12:04:50 UTC
First a quick meta-statement: The goal of this Rule is to let us get to the fun part: writing colaborative fiction, playing a text adventure, whatever; coming up with awesome game mechanics that lead to interesting story lines and funny anecdotes without getting bogged down in the details of “But what Command was entered to _cause_ the exploding sword to get stuck in the rock? There’s no mechanic for that have even occured!”. In essence it’s a default mechanic. If something is stated to occur by a Rule, and a Protagonist can’t show whether it is occuring or not, then it does occur.
Add a new rule called “Prerequisite†that reads as follows:
If there is an action that is required to be performed in the game world, but there currently is no Rule indicating how such an action is to be officially shown to have been performed, it is assumed to have been performed. All subsequent statements that rely on this action to have be performed will be carried out.
In order to demonstrate what effect this Rule would have, I am going to walk through a couple Example Situations. Each of these have a setup in terms of a set of outstanding Proposals that it assumes enacted (which may or may not be enacted, that isn’t the point: the goal is to just have some game going in the Example Situation so there is something to demonstrate with) and whatever other game state information is required to completely understand what is occuring. I then show how it plays out with this Rule in effect.
Example Situation #1: Location, Location, Location and Disco Inferno were to pass, there was some way for Protagonists to move between Locations, and Maximum Occupancy was violated. Accourding to Location, Location, Location, a Fire Marshal is Summoned. The English definition of Summon is “call in an official matter, such as to attend court”. There is no way in this game world to send the message to show that this Summoning took place. The Fire Marshal is then _assumed_ to have been Summoned. Accourding to Disco Inferno he must then go to this location, which would be showable (as he would have to travel to that location, and I assumed in the setup Protagonists can move between Locations) and give his speech. When he gets there, there is no way to show that he gave his speech, so it is assumed that he gave his speech, and he may continue to the question and answer session, as indicated in the Rule text. If, at some later time, a mechanic is added that allows Protagonists to speak to each other, and the same set of events were to occur, then the Fire Marshal _would_ have to type out his speech, as now there is a way to show that he did it, and thereby a way to prove that he didn’t.
Example Situation #2: Grue Tag (draft II) were to pass, there was some way for Protagonists to move between Locations, another Rule was inserted that stated: if a Protagonist with Role other than Grue enters a Location where there already exists a Grue, the entering Protagonist slays that Grue, Angry Grasshopper (the Grue) is Located at The Ominous Forest, Cayvie has a Role other than Grue, and Cayvie were to enter this Location. As he has entered this Location where there is a Grue, the aforementioned Rule indicates that he slays said Grue. Currently, there is no way to show that Caylie is slaying the Grue. Therefor, we should assume that it has occured, and perform any actions that were reliant on that event. Namely, Caylie’s Role becomes Grue, Angry Grasshopper’s Role becomes Unemployed, Angry Grasshopper’s Location is set to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”, and further, he must stay there until he obtains a new Role.
Example Situation #2 Addendum: It should be noted that the logical _consequences_ of such an action have not occured. If there’s nothing in the game play that indicates that Protaganists that are slain are unable to, for instance, move around the game world, the fact that Angry Grasshopper is now slain _doesn’t_ itself imply that. This information can only be used for Prerequisites on other rule texts. Angry Grasshopper was slain. It _is_ true that this will never not be the case unless another Rule, for example, indicates that after a Protagonist has been in the state of having been slain for some period of time is then considered to no longer have been slain (kind of a Respawn, if you will). I consider it a feature that such situations might be interesting, and we might have Protagonists who are, for all rights and considerations, dead, walking around the world talking to other Protagonists, and only later does some new Rule indicate that Protagonists who have been slain are unable to enter The Holy Temple or something, and Protagonists then start scrambling to Propose Rules to remove these Prerequisites.
> undo
Was planning to unidle soon, but the theme of the new Dynasty has been enough to shake me out of hibernation a bit prematurely. I unidle myself under Law 1.2. Hello again.
Proposal: the name’s the thing, wherein i’ll catch the…
couldn’t reach quorum w/o cov
failed by cayvie
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 12:01:54 UTC
remove from the blognomic.com webpage sidebar the ‘Unregistered idle voices[sic]’ section and all the names there-listed
Core Game Document Cleaning
Should there be a proposal to remove documents from previous dynastys (or at least move them to a different section) or not? Also, what about linking to the Threads page from the Core Game Documents?
Proposal: Blinking Cursors and Other Delights
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 05:52:09 UTC
Modify 2.3.1 Definitions in the list after “The following list of definitions applies only to text on the Threads page, excluding headings”.
*A Thread is a collection of Moves, with a possible Intro. Threads may be created by direct Proposal or as dictated by a Rule or Rules. Threads may begin with either a Prompt or a Result. Threads may not contain any text that is not a Prompt, a Command, or a Result. (Results may begin a Thread for the purpose of providing introductory text. They may be thought of as the result of starting a game.)
*A Thread is a collection of Moves, with a possible Intro. Threads may be created by direct Proposal or as dictated by a Rule or Rules. Threads may begin with either a Prompt or a Result. Threads may not contain any text that is not an Element (a Prompt, a Command, or a Result). (Results may begin a Thread for the purpose of providing introductory text. They may be thought of as the result of starting a game.) The last Element in a Thread is considered to be followed by nothing, even if there are other Threads beyond it. The last Element in a Thread is known as the End of a Thread.
*An Element is an object which takes the form of a Prompt, a Command, or a Result.
This is mainly to make it so I don’t have to say Prompt, Command, and Result a million times. It also helps a little with defining the end of a Thread.
Create a new rule subsection of ‘‘Narrative’‘
After every Prompt which is at the End of a Thread, a blinking text insertion Cursor must be placed due to the coolness of how it looks. A Cursor may not be created anywhere else. A Cursor may exist anywhere the following Rules allow for it. Multiple cursors are allowed to exist within a single Thread. Cursors are not allowed to exist outside of Threads.A Cursor must be located between two characters of any sort and must be preceeded by an Element. If a Cursor is directly preceeded by or followed by another Cursor, then they must be merged into a single Cursor. When adding text, it must be added directly at a Cursor. Deletions at a Cursor function as a backspace only. Text before (but not after!) a Cursor can be deleted as part of an action containing the Cursor. A Cursor must be deleted when any action involving it occurs unless the Cursor involved in the action is specifically spared by another section of this or any other Rule.
If any number of Elements preceeding a Cursor are deleted, the Cursor is located directly before the deleted section. If there are no Elements or the Element the Cursor follows is not a Prompt or Command, the Cursor shall be deleted.
If anything is added to the Element preceeding a Cursor, the Cursor is moved depending on the preceeding Element. If it is a Prompt, the addition is made before the Cursor location. Otherwise, the addition is made after the Cursor location. The Cursor is then removed unless it satisfies one and only one of the following conditions:
*The preceeding Element is a Prompt or Command.A single image or textual representation shall be used to represent the Cursor. The image or textual representation must be updated with the color scheme so that a high-contrast blinking Cursor is maintained. If the Protagonist who changes the color scheme does not update the Cursor appropriately, e shall have to incorporate the word “blink” into five unique comments / posts, i.e. any number of “blink"s per post counts as a single “blink”. Alternate forms of “blink” such as “to blink” are acceptable. A similar punishment applies to those who do not correctly use the Cursors within Threads. They must incorporate one of the words “left”, “right”, “up”, or “down” in Dice5 comments / posts.
This is a baseline image I rather like. It’s made for the Wiki rather than this page, but oh well.
In section 2.3.2 “Mechanics” of “Narrative”, change
*one Command and the following Result.
*one Command and the following Result, OR
*a single word at any Cursor.
under things the Protagonist add each day.
In section 2.3.2 “Mechanics” of “Narrative”, change
*the last complete Move.
*the last complete Move, OR
*Any number of characters up to and including the previous 3 Elements from before a Cursor, OR
*Any single Cursor.
under things the Protagonist may delete each week.
The thing I find most interesting is that everything must still conform to everything set forth in the Mechanics. I’m using bolding here to indicate new or changed text. Use of italics within the new text is to be considered as bolding.
Now that Erratatime has passed
Here’s the first edit to the initial thread (hopefully) in compliance with rules 2.3.1 and 2.3.2.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Meta thoughts
This really should be more annotated, but I am going to make the (rather silly) assumption that you all have been reading the comments of every post since the new dynasty started.
First point: Many of the new players came when I posted to an IRC channel full of computer science students that a new dynasty had just started. That means Saurik, Danopato, and AgentHH specifically. I consider this a good thing, because they are genuinely intelligent and interesting people.
Second point: Saurik mentioned previously that he thought we were mimicking California’s proposal system. I’ve been thinking about what the difference between that and, say, Congress’ ways of proposing laws are, and I think the main difference is that in Congress Congressmen show the proposal to each-other BEFORE putting the proposal up for vote. To fix that could we perhaps set up an IRC channel to be used by blognomic Protagonists?
Third point: I’m assuming that people here have played at the very least Dungeons & Dragons. In that game there exists a middle ground between rule and flavor text: suggestions by the game designers for standards of conduct to be adhered to by the players. An example of this would be if a player elects to make his character a “cleric” class. Clerics worship a deity, from which they draw all their power through the process of prayer, and adhere to that deity’s code of ethics. If a cleric would like to deviate from the norm as defined by their deity, they had better have a good reason or risk losing all their powers. This is the kind of text I was going for in the ill-fated proposal “Disco Inferno”, and I think it is a generally good thing that our little text adventure should strive for; it adds spirit and purpose to the game.
Please respond with any thoughts,
Proposal: Grue Tag (draft II)
2-10. Can’t be enacted w/o Cov (at most, it can get tied).—Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:51:37 UTC
Okay, first time playing this so first post wasn’t water tight and a bit too allovertheplace. So, DRAFT II is below - the term slain would still have to be defined later::::
Add a new rule called “Grue Tag” that reads as follows:
When a protagonist who’s role is “Grue” (Hereafter in this rule referred to as the “Monster”) is slain by a protagonist who’s role is not “Grue” (hereafter in this rule referred to as the “Slayer”), the Slayer’s role becomes “Grue” and the Monster’s role becomes “Unemployed”.
Add a new sub-section named “Unemployed†to the rule “Charactersâ€
A protagonist who’s role is “Unemployed” has eir location immediately changed to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”. A protagonist who’s role is “Unemployed” must remain in ‘The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese” as long as eir role is “Unemployed”. If a protagonist has no role, eir role becomes “Unemployed”.
Future revisions may consider adding “Do not pass GO, Do not collect $200”
Proposal: Death shouldn’t be drawn out.
S-Killed. Failed by Chronos. Good discussion historic.
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:43:43 UTC
Replace the paragraph in Rule 1.5,
If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Protagonists have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Protagonist who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, or if it is more than 48 hours old and at least half of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed. When the proposer votes against eir own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
If the oldest pending Proposal has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Protagonists have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if it is more than 48 hours old and at least half of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed. If the Protagonist who proposed it has voted AGAINST it, it immediately fails. When the proposer votes against eir own proposal, that vote may not be changed.
I know that I’m being hypocritical now, so I promise that my next proposal will continue the framework of the text adventure.
Light conversation?
Unless I’m mistaken, Blognomic doesn’t do a load of advertising, so where do new Protagonists learn about it? So, how, and when, did you happen to stumble upon this?
Proposal: Ha! Ha!
4-11. Can’t be enacted w/o CoV.—Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:37:49 UTC
Add to the end of the paragraph that begins “Some Protagonists are Idle” the following sentence:
“Idle Admins are not considered to be Admins.”
Proposal: CFJ revamping
S-Killed. Failed by Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:37:29 UTC
Replace the following from law 1.6
CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or until four days have passed.
CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or if there is no hiatus going on, until four days have passed, and if there is a hiatus going on until two days have passed.
Replace the following from Law 1.9
Every Protagonist may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether e regards it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). If more than half of all Protagonists consider the win legal, then the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If more than half consider it illegal, and if no CfJs remain pending, however, then the Hiatus ends and the current Dynasty continues. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Narrator may optionally step in and decide the win’s legality.
Every Protagonist may respond to the Declaration of Victory saying whether e regards it as legal or illegal (using the FOR, AGAINST and DEFERENTIAL icons). The following stipulations must be true before a DoV may pass or fail.
* 12 have passed since the posting of the DoV.
* If less than 24 hours have passed since the posting of the DoV the current Narrator has voted upon the DoV.
If both of these stipulations are true and at least half of all Protagonists have voted FOR the DoV passes and the poster of the Declaration is considered to have officially won the Dynasty - the Dynasty ends. If all three of these stipulations are true and at least half of all Protagonists have voted AGAINST the DoV the the DoV fails. If no clear decision is reached after 24 hours, the Narrator may optionally Pass or Fail the DoV on his own accord.Hiatus does not end until the following stipulations are true:
* There is no active DoV.
* There are no pending CFJs.
Proposal: Law revamping
14-0. Quorum anyone?—Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:34:20 UTC
In Law 1.1 replace
Laws and rules may be referred to by their type and number.
Laws and rules may be referred to by their type and entire number or type and name. (e.g. This Law may be referred to as Law 1.1 or the Law entitled ‘Ruleset and Gamestate’)
this is to prevent Rule 2.2 from being confused with Rule 2.2.2
In Law 1.2 replace
Some Protagonists are Idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of rules other than 1 and 2, idle Protagonists are not counted as Protagonists.
Some Protagonists are Idle, and should be marked as such in the sidebar. For the purposes of the ruleset, excluding Laws 1.1 and 1.2, idle Protagonists are not counted as Protagonists.
To comply with new law 1.1
Add the following to the last paragraph of Law 1.3
Rules may take precedence over this paragraph.
Just because i feel its necessary to do this, because it seems like precedence is funny otherwise
Replace the following from Law 1.4
If there exists more than one Vote from a single Protagonist on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Protagonist leaves the game or goes idle, eir Vote no longer counts.
If there exists more than one Vote from a single Protagonist on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. Rules may take precedence over the previous sentence. If a Protagonist leaves the game or goes idle, eir Vote no longer counts.
more precedence issues because we occasionally change voting
Add the following to Law 1.5
Rules may take precedence over any part of this law.
more precedence issues
Change the following from law 1.9
So long as the Hiatus is in effect, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by laws 2, 6, and 9.
So long as the Hiatus is in effect, the only game actions that may be taken are those covered by laws 1.2, 1.6, and 1.9.
To comply with new law 1.1
Proposal: Clarity of governing procedures act of 2005
12-0. That’s Quorum.—Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:27:56 UTC
Change the phrase “If nobody else” at the start of the second paragraph of Law 1.7 to “If no other Protagonist”.
Proposal: Proposal: Proposal: Proposal
14-0. That’s some kinda quorum.—Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:22:33 UTC
In the law entitled Victory and Ascension, change the phrase “If more than half of the Protagonists consider the win legal” to ” If more than half of all Protagonists consider the win legal”.
Proposal: alien and sedition act
2-15. Cannot be enacte w/o some CoV’s.—Chronos
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:20:03 UTC
add the following paragraph to the end of law 1.2:
If registering a completely new Protagonist, one who has not played in any previous dynasties, would raise (or perpetuate) quorum above 12, then that would-be Protagonist may not participate in blognomic. Eir name will be added to the idle Protagonists list and e may be activated, upon request, once quorum drops to 11. A newly ascended narrator may repeal this paragraph in their ascension address. If quorum drops to 2, this paragraph repeals itself.
i don’t know-nothing
Proposal: Grue_slaying
S-Killed. Failed by Chronos.
Adminned at 16 Dec 2005 03:16:21 UTC
I’m new to writing laws, so this is very vague and will need major adjustments I expect. As we’ve got a monster, I suppose we’re likely to have people hurting eachother, SO:
Add a new rule called “Grue Tag” that reads as follows:
If a protagonist “slays” the grue, eir role becomes COLOUR grue, and the protagonist who formerly was the grue’s role becomes “Unemployed.”
Add a new sub-section named “Unemployed†to the rule “Characters†to be elaborated upon in future:
Any “Unemployed” protagonist’s location is always “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheeseâ€. If a protagonist remains “Unemployed” for more than three days, eir role becomes “Fire Marshall”.
Slay is a term that has yet to be defined, differentiation between different coloured grues has yet to be defined.
Please clarify, as I’m only one dynasty old.
To change all remnants of Deity/Deities to Protagonist/Protagonists, is a proposal required?
New protagonists
AgentHH, Danopato, and Notafraud have all appeared. Hopefully they don’t get eaten by a grue.
Quorum rises to 10.
On a related note, do any of the oldtimers know if I just ran the shortest dyansty ever?
A Post Announcing Eir Arrival
E has arrived. E satisfies rule 1.2 Re: Laws/Protagonists. E is DANOPATO.
Proposal: Disco Inferno
could not reach quorum with 10 votes against
failed by cayvie
Adminned at 15 Dec 2005 18:58:40 UTC
Add a new sub-section named “Fire Marshall” to the rule “Characters” that reads as follows:
A Government Employee. Puts out fires, dresses in red. There can be only one Fire Marshall.
Fire Marshalls are responsible for maintaining public safety. Many Protagonists just don’t seem to care about public safety, but the Fire Marshall does.
If enough Protagonists occupy a given Location that the Fire Marshall is Summoned, that Location enters a state of Lockdown. If a Fire Marshall is Summoned to another Location from a Location in Lockdown, he must pick out the most mature Protagonist present and dub them a “Junior Deputy”.
During Lockdown, no one may leave that Location, and anyone that tries to enter the Locked Down Location is told to “move along”, and that “there’s nothing to see here” by the Fire Marshall.
The Fire Marshall must then proceed to educate all Protagonists that occupy the Locked Down Location about the benefits of fire safety. This educational speech must be at least two paragraphs and no more than ten paragraphs. The Fire Marshall must then have a brief question taking phase where all present Protagonists must sit awkwardly wondering if they can leave yet. They can’t. The Fire Marshall must then proceed to hem and haw for no more than 30 minutes and no less than 5, and thank the assembled Protagonists for being “a good bunch of kids”.
If a Fire Marshall has dubbed a Protagonist Junior Deputy, that Junior Deputy must then carry out the operations in the two preceeding paragraphs, from the point that the Fire Marshall left off, and like it, if e ever wants to leave the Location that is in Lockdown.
Fire Marshalls have firewalk.
Junior Deputies have badges.
If anyone voted against this proposal, select a Protagonist at random from those not in favor and set eir Role to Fire Marshall.
Proposal: Deep Pockets
Vetoed, reluctantly. Please read my comment (the last one) for an explanation.
Please repropose, Saurik—- this is good stuff. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 22:31:53 UTC
Add a new rule called “Inventories” that reads as follows:
An “Inventory” is an unordered list of things.
Each Protagonist has an Inventory.
Each Location has an Inventory.New Protagonists have a “Key Marked Dice24” in their Inventory.
Add “Key Marked Dice24” to each currently existing Protagonist’s Inventory.
If a Location named “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese” exists, add “Pile of Rotting Cheese” to it’s Inventory.
If a Location named “The Ominous Forest” exists, add “Sleepy Toadstool” to it’s Inventory.
If a Location named “The Floating Castle” exists, add “The Golden Hen” and “The Golden Harp” to it’s Inventory.
By “Key Marked Dice24” I mean, for example, a “Key Marked 17”. As in (;P), a dice was rolled to get that number.
This Proposal purposely doesn’t care where the Inventory is stored/managed. What is in your inventory is determinable from the rules and the list of actions that have been performed using the rules. Whether this happens to be stored on a Wiki page, in the GNDT, or in the heads the Protagonists, if any mistakes are made, a Call for Judgement is recommended.
Arrival: Notafraud
Satisfying Rule 1.2: Protaganists.
Sorry about that last post, I’m still working out the system. Righto, I’m new to BlogNomic, so any help on the way things work here would be… nice… thanks.
New Player
I’m new to nomic, so any help setting me up with the conventions of this site would be much appreciated. Thanks very much.
Proposal: Location, Location, Location
10-6, Rechead Quorum. BTW, You don’t have to explicitly vote on your own Proposals.—Chronos
Adminned at 15 Dec 2005 11:38:37 UTC
Add a new rule called “Locations” that reads as follows:
Each subsection of this Rule defines a Location. A Location has at least the following: Name, Description, Current Occupancy, Maximum Occupancy, and Exits. Current Occupancy is calculated and need not be included in the text of a Location’s subsection. A Location subsection must have a Name, Description, Maximum Occupancy, and Exits OR only a Name and include the text “=Not Yet Defined=”. A Location that contains the text “=Not Yet Defined=” should please be avoided by all players until it is defined.
A Location’s Name and Description should in some way inspire the imagination of those Protaganists that read it.
A Location’s Current Occupancy is the number of Protaganists that occupy that Location. A Location’s Current Occupancy must never exceed its Maximum Occupancy, or a Fire Marshall will be Summoned.
A Location’s Exits is an unordered list of Locations.
The use of these lists will, hopefully, be defined in later rules.
Locations may be occupied by Protagonists. A Protagonist may occupy a maximum of one Location at any time. Protagonists’ Locations are denoted in the GNDT field “Locationâ€. New Protagonists have the location “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”.
Add a new subsection named “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese” to the rule “Locations” that reads as follows:
Maximum Occupancy: 100
Exits: The Ancient Game Room, The Ominous Forest.
Description: A rotting heap of what was, undoubtedly, once some of the finest and awesomest cheese. At the center, the outline of a room, walled with “$$$$“s, is visible underneath a pile of rotting camembert.
Add a new subsection named “The Ancient Game Room” to the rule “Locations” that reads as follows:
=Not Yet Defined=
Add a new subsection named “The Ominous Forest” to the rule “Locations” that reads as follows:
=Not Yet Defined=
Add a new subsection named “The Floating Castle” to the rule “Locations” that reads as follows:
=Not Yet Defined=
Add the “Location” field to the GNDT. Place all players at “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”.
The Protaganist Saurik is considered to be “co-author” of this proposal, for his help with tightening up the language and his helpful editing.
Proposal: We need a change, damnit.
Vetoed. -IX
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 14:01:35 UTC
Change the imperial voting icon to something more text-adventurish, at the Narrator’s discretion.
Change the colour scheme of blognomic.com to whatever 75th Trombone wishes, as long as a quorum of Protagonists decides that it is widely different than the current colour scheme.
Urge 75th trombone to use white, or maybe a nice green.
Threaten 75th trombone with an insult to his dynasty theme if he uses yellow as a main color.
Realise that a threat like that has no grounding since this is a magnificent theme for a nomic.
Bow head in shame in attempting to threaten the Narrator.
Proposal: Dreaming of the Lottery, Final.
Self-kill. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 21:59:05 UTC
Add a rule named “Cheese is awesome, and so is X”:
Any rule allowing victory must contain the word “cheese”, used as a noun. The sentence “Cheese is awesome.” is ignored for the purposes of counting.
Only replace X with the DiceYth Protagonist to vote FOR on this, where Y is the total number of Protagonists who voted FOR this proposal in the comments of this proposal. For the purposes of deciding the order of votes, the most recent vote of each Protagonist is taken into consideration.
New Comment Indication?
Is there some way to determine which of the many posts have new comments other than writing down the number of comments each of them have had and scrolling through them, or keeping tabs open for all of them and riffling through them, reloading as you go? If the person running this website agrees, and has the source code for the blog, I’d both be happy to and be interested in spending the short amount of time it would take to write a page that lists, in reverse chronological order, all the comments that have been made to posts.
Thoughts on Story Time
Hey guys, here are my thoughts on this whole story time theme.
Style of Play: I think threads should be player specific. Each player should own their thread and have it be their main way of changing the gamestate. The current version is vague on this, and the thought of us all controling the same character in this text adventure sounds painful.
Victory Condition: I’ve seen some mention of quests, and I think it would be very cool to start from the beginning with a quest like “The first player to sit in the throne of The Flying Castle wins the game” would be sweet. I’m thinking that there would, of course, be sub quests to learn the teleportation spell required to get there, and lots of monsters to fight to get the right spell components.
Content Creation: I saw some comments to my “Location” proposal that complained about my mention of The Floating Castle, etc without defining them. This was intentional and designed to allow for COLLABRITIVE story telling—I want to know what you guys think The Anchent Game room is and does. Also doing this sort of delayed creation makes content production much easier. On after thought I should have defined a basic rule for handling mention of Locations that don’t exist. Really the point of this section is that we should all strive to leave interesting branches undefined, to allow the other story producers jucy hooks to show us their stuff!
Anyway I’m really excited about this round—Great theme Seventy-Fifth Trombone!
Looking forward to your responses,
Proposal: Location, Location
1-10. Cannot be enacted without change of vote. Fails. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 21:58:24 UTC
Make TheLoneAmigo an Admin.
Add the following rule under the name “Location”:
=== Location ===
Each subsection of this Rule defines a Location that may be occupied by Protagonists. A Protagonist may occupy a maximum of one Location at any time. Protagonists’ Locations are denoted in the GNDT field “Locationâ€. New Protagonists have the location “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheeseâ€. A Protagonist may not change their Location field to a value not specified in this rule. A
All Locations must store the following values:
Description: A paragraph of at least two sentences. If a Command with the text “look around” is made, the Description value of the Command writer’s Location field is automatically the result.
Maximum Capacity: If the total number of Voices in the Location exceeds the Maximum Capacity of a Location, the Voice to have most recently set their Location field to that Location has their Location field set to “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”.Some Locations have Location-specific Commands. A Location-specific Command may only be added to a Thread if the Command author’s Location is appropriate for the Command. There may be a variety of Location-specific Commands that all produce the same result. These Commands will be seperated by “/”.
=== The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese ===
Description: A rotting heap of what was, undoubtedly, once some of the finest and awesomest cheese. To the west you see an ominous forest, and north of you the remains of an ancient game room.
Maximum Capacity: InfiniteLocation-Specific Commands:
get cheese: This Command produces the Result “(Protagonist) picks up ten pounds of rotting cheese.”, where (Protagonist) is the Command author.
move north/north/n: This Command produces the Description field of “The Anicent Game Room” as its Result. Change the Command author’s Location field to “The Ancient Game Room”.
go west/west/w: This Command produces the Description field of “The Ominous Forest” as its Result. Change the Command author’s Location field to “The Ominous Forest”.
The credit goes to Salamander, I just cleaned it up a bit.
Proposal: Erratatime
Reached Quorum, 11-2.—75th Trombone
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 21:44:25 UTC
I complain about someone using a Wiki page so early, and here I am doing it myself. But this isn’t to keep track of individual players’ data, so I say I’m being consistent.
Anyway, this looks messier, but I think (hope) I’ve squashed the loopholes. If this one crashes and burns, then someone else should rewrite it. ;)
Oh, and Cayvie, “often” and “occasionally” were in quotes as Wiki markup for bold, not actual quotation marks. Just so y’know. ;D
The rendered version of the wiki markup can be seen here. It makes this whole thing look a lot less awful.
On the Wiki, create a page called “Threads,” with the text
== Initial Thread ==
Create a new rule called “Narrative” reading as follows:
=== Narrative ===
==== Definitions ====There exists a Wiki page called “[[Threads]].” Each section of Threads contains a single Thread, as defined below. Threads may exist on only the [[Threads]] page.
The following list of definitions applies only to text on the [[Threads]] page, excluding headings.
* A ‘’‘Thread’‘’ is a collection of Moves, with a possible Intro. Threads may be created by direct Proposal or as dictated by a Rule or Rules. Threads may begin with either a Prompt or a Result. Threads may not contain any text that is not a Prompt, a Command, or a Result. ‘’(Results may begin a Thread for the purpose of providing introductory text. They may be thought of as the result of starting a game.)’‘
* An ‘’‘Intro’‘’ is a Result that begins a Thread.
* A ‘’‘Move’‘’ is a sequence of a Prompt, the following Command, and the following Result. All text in a Thread must be part of a Move, except for the optional Intro. A Move that is lacking a Command and/or a Result is incomplete; otherwise, it is complete. At any time, only the last Move of a Thread may be incomplete.
* A ‘’‘Prompt’‘’ is any occasion of the following sequence of three characters: newline, right angle bracket (>), space.
* A ‘’‘Command’‘’ is any string of text that 1) immediately follows a Prompt, and 2) consists of no more than seven words, and 3) has exactly one newline, which must be the last character of the Command.
* A ‘’‘Result’‘’ is any text that 1) either begins a Thread or immediately follows a Command, and 2) ends with a newline, and 3) does not contain a Prompt.
* For the purposes of this list, a “‘’‘newline’‘’” is whatever sequence of characters forces the text to continue on the next line. It is considered a single character, regardless of technical implementation. ‘’(This is to prevent CR/LF nonsense that no one should be expected to understand or think about.)’‘==== Mechanics ====
Each day, each Protagonist may add
* up to two Commands, OR
* up to two Results, OR
* one Command and the following Result.Each week, each Protagonist may delete
* up to two Commands, OR
* up to two Results (and their following Prompts) OR
* the last complete Move.Unless otherwise noted, adding a Result always adds the Prompt of the next Move automatically.
Neither Commands, nor Results, nor Prompts have any effect on the gamestate other than their own existence, ‘’‘unless’‘’ a Rule dictates it.
When a Protagonist adds a Command or Result, the text e adds may be arbitrary, unless a Rule dictates otherwise. In addition, if a Rule dictates particular text for a Command’s Result, the Protagonist may still add arbitrary text AFTER that text, unless a Rule prohibits it.
If a change to a Thread would make any part of it break the conditions in this Rule, that change may not be made under any circumstances. This paragraph takes precedence over any other Rule.
Proposal: What wouldst thou deau?
Passes 11-0. Enacted by Elias IX.
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 12:11:52 UTC
add a rule entitled ‘quests’ in which:
Occasionally, any given protagonist may be assigned a quest by the narrator. In order to assign quests, the narrator must make a post that somehow incorporates the word ‘quest’ and the names of the protagonists who are assigned this quest in its title. What follows in the text of the quest may be any number of tasks entirely up to the narrator’s discretion with the following constraints:
1) the tasks that the quest requires of its protagonists can be complished within the legal bounds of the ruleset
2) the quest has a discrete goal
3) the quest can be completed by at least one of the protagonists to which it is assigned
4) the narrator rewards any protagonist who successfully completes a quest to which e is assigned with something nice (which must also, of course, be the sort of reward that is within the legal bounds of the ruleset)
5) the text of a quest may not be amended after it has been assignedAt any time, a protagonist who is assigned a quest may refuse to participate in that quest by responding to the quest with a comment of AGAINST, at which point that protagonist is no longer considered assigned that quest.
At any time, the narrator may cancel a quest e has assigned by responding to the quest with a comment of VETO, at which point that quest is no longer considered to exist.No protagonist may be assigned to more than one quest. If such a conflict occurs, then the most recent quest assignment does not apply to that protagonist.
Quests have the following statuses:
Assigned - the quest has been assigned but not completed
Completed - the quest has been completed by at least one protagonist to whom it was assignedA log of each quest, as it is assigned, will be appended to this rule in the format [title of quest] - [status of quest].
i quite painfully use the passive voice in the very first sentence of this proposed rule because i wanted it to allow the narrator to assign quests as often as e wants, provided that the protagonist to whom any given quest is being assigned was not assigned more than one quest in a given week ... hmm, not sure if that clarifies anything.
Informal poll
Angel, Devil, and Fred were left rather in Limbo after Excalabur’s Dynasty ended.
It’s my opinion that since 1) the rules that enabled their existence are gone, and 2) they did not become a Protagonist by any means currently in the Ruleset, we can just nuke them without bothering with a Proposal.
If anyone objects, speak up here, or waste a Proposal on it yourself. ;)
Arrival: AgentHH
Hello all! This post is in accordance with rule 1.2 re: Protagonists.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Arrival: Saurik
Satisfaction of Rule 1.2: Laws/Protaganists.
Proposal: Storage
Vetoed. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 02:37:13 UTC
Add a rule named “Inventory”:
=== Inventory ===
Each Protagonist has an Inventory that is recorded on a Wiki page. An Inventory consists of a list of items collected by that protagonist. Every time a Result includes a sentence with the following structure:
“(protagonist name) picks up (item)”
“(protagonist name) gains (item)”
“(protagonist name) is given (item)”
“(protagonist name) creates (item)”add that item to that Protagonist’s Inventory. Every time a Result includes a sentence with the following structure:
“(protagonist name) drops (item)”
“(protagonist name) loses (item)”
“(protagonist name)‘s (item) is destroyed.”remove that item from that Protagonist’s Inventory.
Players without any items in their Inventory add two cows to their Inventory, unless they are in Soviet Russia.
Proposal: Location
Failed 1-10, cannot be enacted without CoV. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 06:57:05 UTC
Add a new rule called “Locations” and reading as follows:
=== Locations ===
Each subsection of this Rule defines a Location that may be occupied by Protagonists. A Protagonist may occupy a maximum of one Location at any time. Protagonists’ Locations are denoted in the GNDT field “Locationâ€. New Protagonists have the location “The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese”.
Locations must include a description, maximum capacity, and list location-specific commands.
=== The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese ===
Maximum Capacity: 100
Description: A rotting heap of what was, undoubtedly, once some of the finest and awesomest cheese. To the left you see an ominous forest, and in front of you the remains of an ancient game room.
Location specific commands:
walk forward: transports a Protagonist to The Ancient Game Room.
go left: transports a Protagonist to The Ominous Forrest.
look up: gives a Protagonist a clear view of The Floating Castle.
Add the “Location” field to the GNDT. Place all players at the ruins of the fortress of cheese.
Proposal: Backspace
Self-killed by The Lone Amigo, failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 06:53:31 UTC
If proposal “Storytime” passes, add the following sentence to the “Narrative” rule:
If a Result is added to a thread, a Prompt is automatically added at the end of the Result.
Proposal: Antagonist
Passed, 9-1, reaches Quorum. 3 counted votes with the text “You gotta earn it”, so Angry Grasshopper becomes a Grue. Gentlemen, may I suggest a lamp?
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 07:09:42 UTC
Add a rule called “Characters” and reading as follows:
=== Characters ===
Each subsection of this Rule defines a Role that may be assumed by Protagonists. A Protagonist may assume a maximum of one Role at any time. Protagonists’ Roles are denoted in the GNDT field “Role”. New Protagonists have no Role.
==== Grue ====
The classic monster. Eats fresh flesh, flees from light. There may be a maximum of two Grues at any time.
Add the “Role” field to the GNDT. Make Angry Grasshopper a Grue.
If over half the comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Gotta earn it”, ignore the previous sentence.
Proposal: Storytime
Self-kill Veto.—75th Trombone
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 00:41:51 UTC
Create a new rule called “Narrative” reading as follows:
=== Narrative ===
This rule has a subsection called “Threads.” Each subsection of Threads contains a single Thread.
* A ‘‘Thread’’ is a collection of Prompts, Commands, and Results. Threads may be created by direct Proposal or as dictated by a Rule or Rules.
* A ‘‘Prompt’’ consists of a right angle bracket ‘>’, followed by a space.
* A ‘‘Command’’ consists of a string of text not exceeding one paragraph. A Command always immediately follows a Prompt.
* A ‘‘Result’’ consists of any amount of text. A Result is always preceded by a Command. A Result always ends with a blank line. A Result is always followed by a Prompt.Each Protagonist may ‘’‘often’‘’ add AND/OR ‘’‘occasionally’‘’ delete:
* up to two Commands, OR
* up to two Results (along with the following Prompts), OR
* one Command and its following Result.Neither Commands, nor Results, nor Prompts may have any effect on the gamestate other than their own existence, unless a Rule allows it.
When a Protagonist adds a Command or Result, the text e adds may be arbitrary, unless a Rule dictates otherwise.
If a change to a Thread would make any part of it break the conditions in this Rule, that change may not be made under any circumstances. This paragraph takes precedence over any other Rule.
==== Threads ====
The rendered version of the wiki markup is available here.
Ascension Address: Ascension Address
©2005 Lanny Heidbreder, distributed by BlogNomic
> restart
You are standing in a colorless void. Foggy, charcoal emptiness stretches to infinity before and behind you. Beside you, thirteen others—whether companions or adversaries, you do not know—stand nearby. A bold, commanding, omnidirectional voice emanates powerfully from the nothingness:
“Phew, I’m glad that’s over. Interactive fiction (“IF” in the biz) is so pompous sometimes.
“Anyway, it should be painfully clear that you’re now in a text adventure. Not an ASCII-for-graphics maze like Nethack, but a paragraphs-and-prompts adventure that uses actual prose for description and interpreted commands for interaction.
“Except, there’s no interpreter. In fact, at this point there’s no prose or commands, either. Those are (naturally) up to y’all. By the time this dynasty’s over, we might have a full-fledged adventure on our hands to complete. Or we might have an almost pure Nomic with just prompty game mechanics.
“Oh, and speaking of ‘pure Nomic’: Repeal all Rules. Repeal Law 10. Change ‘Voice’/‘Voices’ to ‘Protagonist’/‘Protagonists’. Change ‘Ego’ to ‘Narrator’. Wipe out all GNDT fields except ‘Name.’
“In any case, I’ll get this thing going. After that—arbitrary commands or collaborative fiction? Your call.
“(But remember: Good fiction doesn’t have to be pompous.)”
The feeble, obnoxious voice fizzles out, leaving you with nothing but the blankness and your fellow Protagonists.
Call for Judgment: Victory?
reached quorum for at 10-1. adminned by cayvie.
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 17:03:56 UTC
The approval of the DoV was unexpected. Let’s examine it.
If this CfJ passes, the DoV approval is accepted, and Seventy-Fifth Trombone is the winner of the Second Dynasty of Excalabur.
If this CfJ fails, the DoV approval is rejected. The DoV will be REOPENED for voting for twelve hours, OR until it reaches a quorum of FOR or AGAINST votes.
We shall address the rule responsible for this interestingness in a future Proposal.
Call for Judgment: Stressing a bit more
failed 11-0 by cayvie
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 17:01:38 UTC
If this CfJ passes, fail any pending DoV’s. This is for the urgent attention of the Voices.
Call for Judgment: Stressing the System
not a legal CfJ. The legal situations in which a Voice is allowed to raise a CfJ are described herein: “If two or more Voices actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Voice feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Voice may raise a Call for Judgment by posting an entry in the “Call for Judgment” category.”
As neither of these situations is the case with this cfj, it was illegally made.
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 11:21:42 UTC
If this CfJ passes, does nothing.
Declaration of Victory: Declaration of Victory
Passes 7-2. Nowhere in the ruleset does it say that a DoV must actaully have quorm for votes to pass, just that more than half of the voices voting are voting for. CFJth if ye must. Passed by Rodney.
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 11:52:01 UTC
The “Total Chaos” Prop is now Instinct.
It’s said to be, now, / in the game’s effect.
Though now / it causes problems quite distinct
Which might seem to be quite a grave defect.
I used our very mobile feath’ry friend
To make the Rule say what I really want
Intent of Rules? Just something I must bend,
To let me have my long-due vict’ry jaunt.
The sentence first: ignored like lowly peasant;
The second one becomes unclear—and how!
But look: “this state” refers now to the present—
That is, the gamestate as it is right now.
My last Proposal did create this state!
So I may claim victorious status. Great!
Proposal: A random Proposal
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:20:08 UTC
Prepend to the text of the previous Proposal the text “Haha, I win!”
If this Proposal passes, do nothing. If this Proposal does not pass, do nothing.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Proposal: take two
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:19:51 UTC
Create a new GNDT field entited paradoxes
Add a new impulse entitled “The points of paradox” with the following text
The Ego can only stand so much paradox before his head explodes into a big pile of goo and is finally taken over by one of the rampant voices within his head. Whenever a voice, not including the Ego, is experiencing a paradox of any form e may make a post Entitled Paradox: ‘thing’ describing the voices current paradox or paradox e experienced up to 24 hours prior to the post, with ‘thing’ being replaced with a title as if it were a proposal. Voices and the Ego may make only FOR or AGAINST votes to a Paradox post, with a FOR signifying that the mentioned paradox is, for that voice, a unique instance of that particular paradox. A voice may only make one post about a particular paradox even if they are experiencing a paradox for a second time. A voice may only make one post about a particular paradox even if they are experiencing a paradox for a second time. If a quorum of FOR votes is reached within 48 hours, or after 48 hours at least half of the votes on the paradox are for then the paradox is indeed a paradox and the posting voice may add one to their paradox field and one to the Ego’s paradox field. ANGEL DEVIL and FRED may not vote on paradox posts, nor do their votes count towards quorum on paradox posts. This rule is only valid if there are at least two identicle sentences within it. If there are not two identicle sentences in this rule, then no paradox posts may be made.
If a voice doesn’t have anything in it’s paradox field, set it to zero.
Set the paradox field of all voices, and the Ego to zero.
Add an inclination named “Someone please eventually come up with a better number than 666” with the following text:
The voice who legally increases the Ego’s Paradox field to 666 will have ended this dynasty. Once this has happened whoever, besides the ego, has the most paradox points is considered the paradox queen. The paradox queen may declare victory. The second to last sentence of this rule is only true if this rule is an instinct. This rule only needs to be followed if it is an instinct. Because this rule is not an instinct it is not valid.
Change the color of the last word of rule 2.4 to orange, and if it is orange, change it to a different color orange.
delete the text of proposal paradox points, and pretend it never happend
Note - two instances of chicken protection at the moment, the double sentences and final sentences of the first rule, and the last few sentences of the second. Thus unless we get 4 chickens, they can’t be exploited, and i think that being able to make infinate paradox posts that would all be legal would get annoying.
Does any rule prohibit whispering to multiple voices?
Proposal: A Decoy To Be Killed, Thank You Very Much.
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:19:30 UTC
Change the title of this proposal to “Well… I Guess This Decoy Failed.” when this proposal is enacted.
If the decoy works, I’m completely prepared to be shocked.
Dreamhost has suffered two DDoS attacks (so far) today. Hence the downtime.
When BlogNomic has days like today, your best bet on finding out what’s up is here.
Proposal: Fire!
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:19:09 UTC
Insert the words “bag of poo”, or the equivalent in a language of the admin’s choice, somewhere into Proposal: Lottery, albeit a cleansing one. Light it on fire and run away.
Proposal: Out of the blue
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:18:06 UTC
Switch the texts of the two most recent pending proposals. If this is impossible, the enacting admin of this proposal must add “Drat!” to the text of a proposal of eir choice.
Add an impulse named Madness!:
Voices may petition the Ego for randomness by making a post to that effect. A voice may only do this if e was not the last to do this, and if at least 24 hours have past since the last time such a petition was failed or passed.
All voices, barring Angel, Devil and Fred, may vote on this petition in the same way as ey would vote on proposals. Quorum is half the amount of eligible voters, rounded up. If the petition does not reach quorum in 48 hours, it fails.
If the petition reaches quorum within 48 hours, the Ego must roll a DICE5 and apply the appropriate effect:
* If the Ego rolls a 1, e must add a CHICKEN in the same sentence as another CHICKEN currently is. This CHICKEN may be moved just like the original CHICKEN.
* If the Ego rolls a 2, e must then roll a DICE3. A=DICEX, where X is the number of instincts (if e rolled a 1), impulses (2) or inclinations (3), after which e shall roll another DICE3. B=DICEY, rolled in the same manner as A (but adhering to the second DICE3). E must then delete the Ath instinct, impulse or inclination (as per the first DICE3) and add its text to the Bth instinct, impulse or inclination (as per the second DICE3)
* If the Ego rolls a 3, each voice may add an additional word to the end of the Sandbox. This must be done within 24 hours of the passing of the petition.
* If the Ego rolls a 4, e must move each value in the GNDT, except for the names, down one cell (the bottom values shall become the top values).
* If the Ego rolls a 5, e may remove the popehood of the current pope if there is one by removing eir name from this rule and make a voice of eir choice pope by adding eir name at the end of the rule that contains the sentence “Pie is yummy.”
Also, add an inclination named Divine right:
A Voice who cannot whisper to the Pope is papaphobic if e’s a silly fellow. Pie is yummy. If the name of a voice appears at the end of this rule, that voice is the pope.
I thought it’d be suitable if I made this up as I went along, so I did.
Proposal: Shock Treatment
Vetoed on Ascension.—75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:18:39 UTC
Add an Impulse: Electroshock
A Voice may make administer Electroshock Therapy on a target Voice. E does this by making a post to that effect, and within the body of that post e must accurately indicate how the target Voice has broken the rules within the last 24 hours (even if the error has since been rectified). This may only be done if the target Voice has not already been Shocked for that action. The target Voice is then Shocked for the next 24 hours, which is indicated by setting all of eir GNDT entries to “!!!”, which is equivalent to a null value. After the 24 hours have passed, any remaining “!!!” values for that Voice may be changed to default or starting values in accordance to their defining rules. While Shocked, a Voice may not Declare Victory.
Modify the text of the next proposal in the queue so it has at least one double negative construction. The text must still equate to the same meaning.
Proposal: Taking one for the team
Not a legal proposal. Does not alter another proposal.—smith
Adminned at 12 Dec 2005 11:20:55 UTC
Since the Proposal: Lottery, albeit a cleansing one proposal will obliterate some pending proposal I’ll make an attempt to rescue it:
On Enactment of this proposal, treat its text as if it were the text of a proposal as it originally was before being altered by Proposal: Lottery, albeit a cleansing one .
Hey, this might cause some interesting paradox, if it targets itself…
Proposal: paradox points
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:16:55 UTC
Create a new GNDT field entited paradoxes
Add a new impulse entitled “The points of paradox” with the following text
The Ego can only stand so much paradox before his head explodes into a big pile of goo and is finally taken over by one of the rampant voices within his head. Whenever a voice, not including the Ego, is experiencing a paradox of any form e may make a post Entitled Paradox: ‘thing’ describing the voices current paradox or paradox e experienced up to 24 hours prior to the post, with ‘thing’ being replaced with a title as if it were a proposal. Voices and the Ego may make only FOR or AGAINST votes to a Paradox post, with a FOR signifying that the mentioned paradox is, for that voice, a unique instance of that particular paradox. A voice may only make one post about a particular paradox even if they are experiencing a paradox for a second time. A voice may only make one post about a particular paradox even if they are experiencing a paradox for a second time. If a quorum of FOR votes is reached within 48 hours, or after 48 hours at least half of the votes on the paradox are for then the paradox is indeed a paradox and the posting voice may add one to their paradox field and one to the Ego’s paradox field. ANGEL DEVIL and FRED may not vote on paradox posts, nor do their votes count towards quorum on paradox posts.
If a voice doesn’t have anything in it’s paradox field, set it to zero.
Set the paradox field of all voices, and the Ego to zero.
Go back in time and add the following to the last proposal that passed exactly two seconds before that proposal passed, thus passing this too
Add an inclination named “Someone please change this” with the following text:
The voice who legally increases the Ego’s Paradox field to 666 may declare victory
Change the color last word of rule 2.4 to orange, and if it is orange, change it to a different color orange.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Silly Fellows
Am I wrong in thinking that the silly fellow /non silly fellow distinction is something like this: Those whose “X is a silly fellow” rule is lower numbered than their “X is not a silly fellow” rule are silly fellows. Right?
Elias IX
The Lone Amigo
Seventy-Fifth Trombone
Angry Grasshopper
Truman Capote
Chronos Phaenon
Proposal: Lottery, albeit a cleansing one.
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:16:21 UTC
“Any Voice whose name doesn’t appear in this rule may replace a line which consists of the character string “%%%%†with eir name.”
in Rule 2.4 with
“Any Voice whose name doesn’t appear in the Fortress of Cheese may replace a line which consists of the character string “%%%%†with eir name. Any Voice, other than the Ego, whose name appears in the Fortress of Cheese may often replace eir name with “%%%%”.”
Name the currently unnamed rule concerning the Fortress of Cheese
X Is Incredibly Beautiful
but replace with X with the the name of the DiceYth voice to vote FOR on this proposal, other than Angel, Devil, or Fred. Y is the total number of voices, other than Angel, Devil, and Fred, who voted FOR this proposal in the comments of this proposal. For purposes of counting the order of FOR votes, the most recent FOR vote is taken in consideration.
A new Voice starts out with eir Allegiance set to Fred.
in rule 2.1.3 to
Voices without an Allegiance immediately have eir Allegiance set to Fred.
New Voices start out content.
in rule 2.1.5 to
Voices without a Mood immediately set eir Mood to Content.
Change the text of any pending proposal to the text of any passed proposal from a previous dynasty, but change the equivalent words to Voice and Ego. Leave the rest of the proposal intact.
I wanted as many people to have a chance to be Incredibly Beautiful, so might as well change a few Inclinations for the better.
Proposal: For He’s A Silly Fellow. Or Is He?
Humans: 0-1. Angel DEF, Fred DEF, Devil AGAINST. Times out 0-2. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 12 Dec 2005 23:41:15 UTC
Repeal Impules 2.2.3 through to 2.2.37.
Add the following text to the next proposal made:
Remove the word “not” from the Inclination named “Goodbye”.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Let’s talk about…. the GNDT.
Who can add fields to it?
Proposal: Just in case it happens
Humans: 8-1. Angel: FOR. Devil: AGAINST. Fred: FOR. Times out 10-2. (Edited for correct counting of pseudos)
Translated Damage Control Control to obEnglobish.—75th Trombone
Originally adminned at 13 Dec 2005 07:18:08 am UTC
Adminned at 12 Dec 2005 23:45:25 UTC
The enacting admin of this proposal must translate a failed proposal of eir choice into a language of eir choice when this proposal is enacted.
Add the following instinct named Total Chaos, only unitalicized if the text in this proposal is italicized:
If the game enters a state from which it can impossibly continue by the rules, laws and glossary (due to a huge paradox or something similar), the voice who took the last legal action before the game entered that stage may declare victory. If a proposal caused this state, the writer of that proposal may declare victory.
When a voice declares victory as allowed by this rule, e must do it in the form of a Shakespearian sonnet.
When a voice declares victory as allowed by another rule, e must do it in the form of a limerick.
Proposal: Flood
Timed out 2-6, plus whatever the pseudo-Voices said. Cannot achieve 2/3 without CoV.—75th Trombone
Adminned at 12 Dec 2005 23:06:57 UTC
Add italics tags around the entirety of whatever the next proposal in the queue says.
Add an instinct to the ruleset, entitled “Confucius Say”, with the following text:
A Voice may declare victory if e meets any of the following conditions:
1) Every Silly Fellow is whispering to em.
2) E is the only Voice in the Fortress of Cheese.
3) E is Incredibly Beautiful, has Methodology, is not in the Fortress of Cheese, and is not a Silly Fellow.
4) Angel, Devil, Fred, and the Ego are all whispering to em.
Add this sentence onto another pending proposal.
Note to admins
To whoever’s adminning things without writing who you are: add your name, or the administration is illegal.
Thank you,
Friday, December 09, 2005
Proposal: Is bribery legal?
Self-Killed by Mr. IX. —Excalabur
Adminned at 10 Dec 2005 23:32:38 UTC
Indpendently of each other, change every period in the next proposal to either a question mark, and excalmation mark, or a question mark followed by an exclamation mark, at the enacting admin’s discretion.
“Any Voice whose name doesn’t appear in this rule may replace a line which consists of the character string “%%%%†with eir name.”
in Rule 2.4 with
“Any Voice whose name doesn’t appear in the Fortress of Cheese may replace a line which consists of the character string “%%%%†with eir name. Any Voice, other than the Ego, whose name appears in the Fortress of Cheese may often replace eir name with “%%%%”.”
Name Rule 2.4
X Is Incredibly Beautiful
but replace with X with the the name of the tenth voice to vote FOR on this proposal, other than Angel, Devil, or Fred.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Proposal: If this is too hard to implement can we at least do something about the spam problem?
Vetoed. It then got changed a bunch, but remains vetoed. —Excalabur.
Adminned at 10 Dec 2005 23:28:55 UTC
Replace the text of each pending proposal that does not propose an alteration to the Fortress of Cheese with the text of this proposal.
Change the word ‘dimension’ in Rule 2.4 to the word ‘between’
Everything below this line has been replaced, but is retained here for posterity
Add the following inclination named “I’m already receiving too much email from this game”
Henceforth, or as soon as possible, the “Notify me of follow-up comments” check box that is displayed when commenting on a post will please not be checked by default.
In addition, another check box should be added next to the aforementioned one that reads “Gouda done better” so that players may communicate the level of effort that a comment represents. Anyone who checks the “Gouda done better” box too often must be placed in the Fortress of Cheeses’ dungeon.
Proposal: The Final Attempt.
approximately 10-2. Timed out, enacted by Excalabur. This proposal does not specify the value of Mood for current Voices, so no one has one at the moment.
Neither did the angel, devil, fred proposal, but every voice became a fred supporter anyway. Just following precedent. - E. IX
Adminned at 11 Dec 2005 07:41:07 UTC
Insert the sentence “Change the word ‘dimension’ in Rule 2.4 to the word “
‘between’.” at the end of the next legal proposal.
After the sentence in Rule 2.4 that ends with “the Perfect Game.”, add the sentence “The Gaming Room contains a couch on which the Ego lies on Sundays.”.
Create an instinct named Mood.
There exists a GNDT field named “Mood”.
Every value except for one allowed for the Mood of a Voice falls on a scale from happiest to unhappiest. The only values allowed, in order from happiest to unhappiest, are the following: Ecstatic, Manic, Cheerful, Happy, Content, Unhappy, Melancholic, Depressed, and Suicidal. The only other acceptable value for Mood is Orgasmic.
New Voices start out content. A Voice may change the Mood of any two other Voices occasionally by one value toward Ecstatic or by one value toward Suicidal.
Unless any other rule alters this, no Voice may change eir own Mood. Unless any other rule alters this, no Voice may be Orgasmic.
quick question
if a proposal were to exist that said
only a fred supporter may win and this sentence takes priority over all other sentences. only an angel supporter may win and this sentence takes priority over all other sentences.
what would the implications be?
the real question is what is the heiarchy of sentences within a rule
Proposal: Virus
5-3, timed out. Devil voting FOR, Fred explicitly abstaining. -Elias IX
Adminned at 10 Dec 2005 16:36:48 UTC
Make the Fortress of Cheese a Impulse.
Add this sentence onto another pending proposal.
Proposal: Or Astrophil?
s-k. wouldn’t do anything. adminned by cayvie.
Adminned at 10 Dec 2005 12:30:06 UTC
Add an Impulse entitled “NOT X” to the ruleset, with the following text:
X is not a silly fellow.
Except replace both instances of X are with the name of a single Voice, who may not already have a rule proclaiming em not to be a silly fellow, of the enacting admin’s choosing.
If this cannot be done, do not enact the rest of this proposal.
Add the word “ROCKS” to the end of the most recently posted pending proposal at the time of this proposal’s enactment.
Delete the string $$$$ from the bottom of the Fortress of Cheese.
Do everything the proposal before this one in the queue would do if it were enacted.
Proposal: Phil…
9-1, timed out. - Elias IX. The Impulses section of the ruleset looks more or less random now. Maybe I should have added the impulses in an orderly manner.
Adminned at 10 Dec 2005 11:29:00 UTC
Add an Impulse entitled “X” to the ruleset, with the following text:
X is a silly fellow.
Except replace both instances of X are with the name of a single Voice, who may not already have a rule proclaiming em to be a silly fellow, of the enacting admin’s choosing.
If this cannot be done, do not enact the rest of this proposal.
Add the word “CAYVIE” to the end of the most recently posted pending proposal at the time of this proposal’s enactment.
Add the string $$$$ to the bottom of the Fortress of Cheese.
Do everything the proposal after this one in the queue would do if it were enacted.
Proposal: having to change proposals is getting annoying
6-6, timed out. - Elias IX
Adminned at 10 Dec 2005 10:49:06 UTC
Colour the Fortress of Cheese orange (or any other colour resembling orange that wouldn’t make it look like a Devil, Angel or Fred rule)
Add to the text of the next legal proposal:
Add to the text of the next legal proposal:
Add to the text of the next legal proposal:
Upon the passage of this proposal, Devil must whisper to Angel and vice versa.
Create an Angel impulse (which will aply only to voices with Angel allegiances):
Voices may only change the Whispering values of voices with Devil allegiances.
Create a Devil impulse (which will aply only to voices with Devil allegiances):
Each voice may occasionally add a word to the Sandbox in addition to the normal amount of words e may add (in the same manner as e normally would). No voice may finish a sentence in the Sandbox.
Create a Fred impulse (which will aply only to voices with Fred allegiances):
Each voice is a silly fellow.
Proposal: Paper covers rock
enacted at 12-2 by Cayvie. Angel cannot vote, Devil is FOR, and Fred is DEFERENTIAL going to FOR
Adminned at 09 Dec 2005 13:50:08 UTC
Change the title of the next proposal to “having to change proposals is getting annoying”
Switch the positions of the first name and last name of voices in the Fortress of Cheese if neither of them are the name of the Ego.
Add an instinct named Rock, paper, scissors:
A rock, a piece of paper, and a pair of scissers reside in the rules. A voice may occasionally move one of them to any rule by removing the instance of ROCK, PAPER, or SCISSORS, respectively, from wherever it currently is and adding it behind the last sentence of that rule. That rule then becomes the ROCK rule, PAPER rule or SCISSORS rule, complying with the nature of the moved object.
If the PAPER rule overrides any effect of the SCISSORS rule, undo the effect that overrides that rule and apply the overrided effect instead. In the same manner, stop the SCISSORS rule from overriding the ROCK rule and the ROCK rule from overriding the PAPER rule. If this causes a paradox in which three rules try to override each other due to this paragraph, this rule, apart from this sentence, has no effect instead and all voices must immediately whisper to emselves.
If more than two voices include “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” in the comments to this proposal, remove the last sentence of the second paragraph of the rule this proposal creates.
Sorry for the awkward wording, I had to write it as such to stop law 10 from overriding it.
Proposal: Prime Time
Illegally edited. Void. —Excalabur
Adminned at 08 Dec 2005 23:35:14 UTC
Add the following inclination named “Prime Time”
Any action taken on a day of the month that is a prime number, is considered to be taken during prime time.
Any proposal taken during prime time must contain a math pun to be considered Pending.
EDIT: addition to make this work with “Help I am stuck in the antediluvian times”
Add the following inclination named “Ready for Prime Time”
Piggybacking on the massive success that is reality television, the residents of the Fortress of Cheese (a Voice whose name appears in the Fortress of Cheese listing) will begin playing a game loosely based on survivor.
The procedure for this game is as follows:
- Any current fortress resident of the fortress may elect to write a post detailing why a particular person deserves to be expelled from the fortress (hereafter a Request for Expulsion). Voices then vote on the sturdiness of the argument, requiring a quorum of 0/3 for the designation “wad of newspaper”, a quorum of 1/3 for the designation “gas station quality”, and a quorum of 2/3 for the designation “two ply”.- The Ego then, every friday, reviews every Request for Expulsion e has not yet reviewed and may decide on a resident to oust. It is very important that the Ego take into account the sturdiness of the requests in question, and perhaps post the reasoning that ey used to come to eir decision.
To oust a resident simply replace eir name in the Fortress of Cheese listing with the character string “%%%%â€
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Announcing my arrival
I’m a computer science student at The College of Creative Studies I read about nomic in Hofstadter’s
Metamagical Themas
. This looks like fun and I look forward to playing with you guys :)
Did someone change the template or is PHP just cranky?
Admin Strike
I don’t want to detangle the mess of pending proposals, so I’ll leave it to other admins. I haven’t paid close enough attention to this dynasty and I’m lost, honestly. I’m holding onto the hope that the “total reset” CfJ will pass.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Proposal: Damage Control Control
S-K by 75th. —Excalabur
Originally adminned at 09 Dec 2005 07:34:17 am UTC
Original text (before translation to obEnglobish) follows:
Replace the text of each pending proposal that does not propose an alteration to the Fortress of Cheese with the text of this proposal.
Adminned at 12 Dec 2005 23:17:24 UTC
Robeplobace thobe tobext obof obeach pobendobing probopobosobal thobat doboes nobot probopobose oban obaltoberobatiobon tobo thobe Fobortrobess obof Chobeese wobith thobe tobext obof thobis probopobosobal.
Proposal: Counting Sheep
Vetoed due to cheese. Was close anyway. —Excalabur.
Adminned at 08 Dec 2005 23:26:03 UTC
Replace the text of each pending proposal that does not propose an alteration to the Fortress of Cheese with the text of this proposal.
Quorum check
With 16 voices (and one ego) quorum is now 11 for Instincts, 9 for Impulses, and 6 for Inclinations.
Proposal: Loose Associations
~12-1. Enacted by Excalabur.
Adminned at 08 Dec 2005 23:18:41 UTC
Give Elias IX Admin status.
Change every number in the next proposal in queue to three.
Add the following to the end of the last sentence of Rule 2.4:
Whenever the word “dimension” is used in a proposal,
is alternately added to the left and right sides of the Fortress of Cheese. The first addition is to the left of the Fortress of Cheese.
Proposal: Damage Control
Self-Killed to limit cheesing. —Excalabur
Adminned at 08 Dec 2005 23:13:33 UTC
Replace the text of each pending proposal that does not propose an alteration to the Fortress of Cheese with the text of this proposal.
Proposal: The Beast
Self killed, few to many, may have been vetoed, too. —Excalabur.
Adminned at 08 Dec 2005 23:12:21 UTC
Add a new Inclination to the ruleset named “The Beast”
Let a FOR vote have a numerical score of 1, and an AGAINST vote have a numerial score of -1. Any Voice whose Identity is ‘Es’ may cast (and have counted) any number of non-deferential votes on a Proposal, provided that the numerical total of votes cast is either -1, 0,or 1.
Add the following line to the next proposal in the queue: “Cheese is awesome”.
The enacting administrator of this proposal must delete a line from the Fortress of Cheese.
Wreaking of the Turn
Unidle me.
Okay, no problem.
Proposal: Loophole
3-9, timed out, failed by excalabur
Adminned at 08 Dec 2005 23:09:32 UTC
Change the title of the next proposal in the queue to “A Random Proposal”.
Create an instinct named Mood.
There exists a GNDT field named “Mood”.
Every value except for one allowed for the Mood of a Voice falls on a scale from happiest to unhappiest. The only values allowed, in order from happiest to unhappiest, are the following: Ecstatic, Manic, Cheerful, Happy, Content, Unhappy, Melancholic, Depressed, and Suicidal. The only other acceptable value for Mood is Orgasmic.
New Voices start out content. A Voice may change the voice of any two other Voices occasionally by one value toward Ecstatic or by one value toward Suicidal.
Unless any other rule alters this, no Voice may change eir own Mood. Unless any other rule alters this, no Voice may be Orgasmic.
When this Proposal is enacted, the enacting Admin must add a new line containing the string ‘&&&&’ to the Fortress of Cheese between any other lines, at eir choice.
Reproposing Elias IX’s proposal as “Antidiluvian Times” turns his into mush.
just a quick note
Excalabur must vote against then for then diferential to all posts, its the same as him not voting, but thats how i inturpret it because thats A) the order of things in the rule and B) the order of how things happened. I would like to know if this seems correct to anyone or if you think that if two of Devil Angel and Fred whisper to a person they can’t vote.
Proposal: Defend the Fortress!
used to saythe following (but it proposed a way to alter the fortress, but did not alter the fortress):
Change the proposal previous to this one’s title to “Here lies the Failed Invaders of Loophole, stuck in the Antediluvian Times”.
Add the following sentence between sentences 2 & 3 of rule 1.4.
Whenever a proposal with the sentence “Cheese is Awesome.” is passed, the enacting admin shall add a line of “####” to the beginning and end of the Fortress of Cheese.
7-3, timed out, enacted by Excalabur.
Adminned at 09 Dec 2005 15:18:42 UTC
Replace the text of each pending proposal that does not propose an alteration to the Fortress of Cheese with the text of this proposal.
Proposal: Loophole
self-killed. failed by cayvie
Adminned at 08 Dec 2005 10:49:53 UTC
Replace the text of each pending proposal that does not propose an alteration to the Fortress of Cheese with the text of this proposal.
Logic, cohesion, and good sense be damned. This dynasty looks like too much fun for me to sit out, even if the theme is deliberately incomprehensible. I’ll just put on my insanity-boots and wade back in. Since I’m just a Voice I won’t worry about petty things like legal consistency or contradictions.
I un-idle myself. Quorum (and voting thresholds for Instincts and Impulses) changes appropriately.
Enough of this!
The chicken has wisely decided to stop the madness the sentence “proposals must alter other proposals” caused. You can (for now) go back to your regular behaviour regarding proposals.
Proposal: antidisestablishmentarianism
enacted at 13-1 by cayvie
I count 15-2, but whatever—Excalabur
Adminned at 08 Dec 2005 10:49:13 UTC
Replace the text of each pending proposal that does not propose an alteration to the Fortress of Cheese with the text of this proposal.
Psst… Chronos:
the Devil’s been whispering to you for a while. you can only vote AGAINST.
Proposal: I like being silly
Timed out at 8-3
Enacted by Cayvie
Adminned at 08 Dec 2005 10:41:47 UTC
Add an inclination named Goodbye:
Purplebeard is not a silly fellow.
Silly fellows may whisper to emselves.
Also, alter the title of the next legal proposal to say “antidisestablishmentarianism”.
Proposal: Might as well take the bait
Reached quorum 12-0. This is a legal proposal, as the CHICKEN is in the sandbox as of the time Conundrum was passed.
Adminned at 07 Dec 2005 14:36:59 UTC
Add an Impulse entitled “Hello” to the ruleset, with the following text:
X is a silly fellow
except replace X with the name of the Voice who made this proposal
Proposal: Conundrum
Reached quorum, 9-3. Adminned by Cayvie.
Adminned at 07 Dec 2005 14:34:10 UTC
Alter the text of the next legal proposal after this one in the queue to say
Add an Impulse entitled “Hello” to the ruleset, with the following text:
X is a silly fellow
except replace X with the name of the Voice who made this proposal
The next legal proposal posted may not be self-killed or deleted.
New orders from the Sandbox.
There’s now a new one-word sentence in the Sandbox. Defenistrate. Appearently the sandbox wants us to throw things out windows.
Proposal: PDs
1-12. Cannot be enacted w/o CoV, and then some. —Excalabur
Adminned at 07 Dec 2005 12:39:12 UTC
Add a Personality Disorders Instinct:
Voices may express Personality Disorders that shall be tracked as a comma separated list in a GNDT field named “PDâ€. Often, if the number of other Voices Whispering to em is greater than the number of PDs e currently has, a Voice may add to eir current PDs any PD e doesn’t have and is listed in the Personality Disorders Impulse. At any time, if a Voice has any PDs, the Ego may delete one of those PDs in order to set that Voice’s Whisper to any valid value.
Add a Personality Disorders Impulse:
* Schizoid personality disorder (SPD)- A Voice with SPD may often take an action that the Whisper Inclination allows em to take occasionally.
* Antisocial personality disorder (AsPD)- A Voice with AsPD may often add or delete one word from a Inclination as long as the remaining wording of that Inclination is Grammatically correct.
* Paranoid personality disorder (PPD)- A Voice with PPD may often choose another Voice who is Whispering to em and set that Voice’s Whisper to Null.
* Schizotypal personality disorder (StPD)- A Voice with StPD may often set the Whisper value of either Devil, Angel or Fred to any valid value.
* Borderline personality disorder (BPD)- A Voice with BPD may often alter any deferential vote to any other valid type of vote.
* Histrionic personality disorder (HPD)- A Voice with HPD may often take an action that would otherwise be allowed only to the Ego.
* Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)- A Voice with NPD may often post one extra legal Proposal, above the limits set by Law 1.3.
* Avoidant personality disorder (APD)- If a Voice with APD is not an Admin, e may often take an action that would only be allowed to an Admin. If a Voice with APD is an Admin, e may often ignore any time limits regarding the enacting of Proposals.
* Dependent personality disorder (DPD)- A Voice with DPD may often alter another Voice’s Whisper to the name of any Voice with DPD.
* Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)- A Voice with OCPD may often alter the order in which either Instincts or Inclinations are listed in the Ruleset, as long as Instincts remain Instincts, Inclinations remain Inclinations and any other ordering restriction is not violated.
Voices voting on this proposal may list any PDs they dislike, along with their vote. If any PD listed in this Proposal is disliked by *an even number* of Voices, it shall be removed from the list when this Proposal is enacted.
Complying with the Sandbox, alter Proposal: Protecting the Chook so its title becomes Proposal: Crooked Word
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Call for Judgment: Everything illegal
timed out without reaching quorum
Adminned at 10 Dec 2005 12:29:29 UTC
All proposals in this dynasty has been illegally enacted or failed because the first two proposals of this dyansty which all other proposals are based upon were illegally enacted.
Most proposals in this dyansty have been illegal, including the first two proposals of this dynasty, because they were enacted or failed before 12 hours passed.
A vote of FOR on this CFJ means that we revert the ruleset to what it was when this dynasty began and pretend that no proposals passed durring this dyansty (which they didn’t) a vote of AGAINST means do nothing
I know its not the most favorable choice, but if we dont play by the rules, why play at all?
If this passes, this dynasty should, but doesn’t have to be, renamed “Second try of the Second Dynasty of Excalabur” or “Second Dynasty of Excalabur take two”
A Quick Clarification
Often means only once a day, and occasionally means only once a week?
Sanity returns. Maybe.
I put the CHICKEN in the Sandbox, thus proposals may act normal. However, the legality of any and all actions may be disputed, as Quazie has pointed out.
Proposal: Protecting the Chook
5-1. Reached Inclination Quorum (see comments for Triunvirate votes). It alters a Proposal, not a rule. Since that Proposal is already enacted, it does nothing to the Gamestate.—Chronos
Adminned at 06 Dec 2005 10:37:00 UTC
Alter the proposal named “Cleaning Up” to the following:
Change all instances of the word “player†to “Voiceâ€.
Rename Inclination 2.3.3 to “Chicken”
Change the Inclination “Chicken” to the following:
There is a Chicken that lives within the ruleset. It starts at the end of this rule, but a Voice may occasionally move the Chicken to any other point inside any rule other than this one. If the Chicken is within a sentence, that sentence is considered Nonsense and is ignored for all purposes.
illegal actions
Just noting, things cant be passed or failed unless they have existed for 12 hours, and that hasn’t been true for a lot of proposals, so illegalities are being performed
Anyone may CFJ this cuz i have too much work to do to properly note that the past atleast 5 if not more proposals were illegally enacted AND one was killed out of order which is also illegal, either undo it all and thus none of the recent proposals pass due to the sandbox OR someone CFJ cuz we aren’t playing by the rules, thus we aren’t really playing.
upon further examination NEARLY EVERY PROPOSAL HAS BEEN ILLEGALLY ENACTED OR FAILED including the first 3 of the dynasty
also, the sandbox is subservient to the whisper rule, thus it never matters cuz no one can ever whisper to the Ego.
The sandbox now has a complete sentence, which reads: Proposals must alter Proposals.
If this grinds things to a halt, I’ll delete, but be warned.
Proposal: Cleaning Up
8-1, reached Inclination Quorum. Angel voted , Devil voted
, Fred’s
defered to
This Proposal was altered by Proposal: Protecting the Chook after this one was already enacted. The text before alteration (and which was enacted) was:
Change all instances of the word “player” to “Voice”.
Technically no-one can move the Chicken right now.
Adminned at 06 Dec 2005 10:39:11 UTC
Change all instances of the word “player†to “Voiceâ€.
Rename Inclination 2.3.3 to “Chickenâ€
Change the Inclination “Chicken†to the following:
There is a Chicken that lives within the ruleset. It starts at the end of this rule, but a Voice may occasionally move the Chicken to any other point inside any rule other than this one. If the Chicken is within a sentence, that sentence is considered Nonsense and is ignored for all purposes.
Proposal: An Explicit Definition:
As an example of how powerful the pseudo-players are:
5-1, reaches quorum. Enacted by Excalabur.
Unadmined then re-admined by Rodney (Excalacur had enacted 1 Hour after being posted.)
(with /two/ comments)
Adminned at 06 Dec 2005 08:49:23 UTC
Create an inclination named Methodology:
Methodology is defined as authorship of at least two enacted proposals.
...and madness ensued…
According to the current sandbox, “proposals must alter”. Now, my knowledge of the English language is a bit lacking, but I do believe it could mean that all proposals should be changed into something else. So, what the hell did I just do?
Heh, I just noticed a nifty little paradox we’ve had in the glossary for a while.
“Italicized text is not considered part of the ruleset and may be used to clarify rules with examples, notes and flavor text.”
minor spelling issue in ruleset
Could an Admin fix up the rule about the fortress of cheese?
who’s —> whose
their —> eir
Excalibur —> Excalabur
Proposal: Neatness
4-7, cannot reach quorum w/o CoV. Failed by Excalabur.
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 14:47:54 UTC
Move rule 4 to the ‘impulses’ section of the rules, and name it “The fortress of cheese”
For the remainder of this dynasty, consider the sentence defining the three types of rules as exclusive, not permissive.
Proposal: Personality disorders
S-K by Chronos. Failed by Excalabur
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 12:37:44 UTC
Rename the Neurosis Instinct to Dysfunction.
Add a Personality Disorders Instinct:
Voices may express Personality Disorders that shall be tracked as a comma separeted list in a GNDT field named “PD”. Often, a Voice may add to eir current PDs any PD e doesn’t have and is listed in the Personality Disorders Impulse.
Add a Personality Disorders Impulse:
* Schizoid personality disorder (SPD)- A Voice with SPD may often add or delete one word from a Inclination, provided the remaing wording of that Inclination is Gramatically correct.
Proposal: Chicken Run
11-2. Reached quourm (twice), enacted by Excalabur.
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 12:31:57 UTC
Add the following Inclination:
There is a Chicken that lives within the ruleset. It starts at the end of this rule, but a player may occasionally move the Chicken to any other point inside any other rule. If the Chicken is within a sentence, that sentence is considered Nonsense and is ignored for all purposes.
Proposal: Sigmund would be proud
11-4, I think. Reached quorum, in any event. —Excalabur.
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 12:20:48 UTC
Create an impulse named Identities:
All voices but the Ego have identities, which are tracked in the GNDT. Voices can occasionally change the identity of any voice with an identity to Ich, Ãœber-Ich, or Es.
Also, add to law 10:
When any voice would be affected by multiple conflicting rules, impulses shall take preference over instincts if that voice has identity Ich, and inclininations shall take preference over both if e has identity Über-Ich, despite the normal hiërarchy.
Proposal: Idle Hands
2-11. Cannot reach quorum w/o CoV.
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 12:06:32 UTC
Create a new Impulse named Hands:
There are two Hands which may be controlled by Voices, a Left Hand and a Right Hand. A Voice may take control of a Hand by Whispering to it. If more than one player Whispers to an individual Hand, the player who most recently had a proposal pass controls the Hand. A player who controls a Hand may perform one of the following actions often.:
Write: The player may write an additional proposal over the normal proposal limit.
Wrestle: The player cancels an Action performed by the other Hand as long as no more than 24 hours has passed since the other Hand performed the action.
Craft: The player crafts a Gamepiece.
If no player is whispering to a Hand, that Hand is controlled by the Ego.
and a new Impulse called Gamepieces
There will be a number of game entities called Gamepieces. Gamepieces will be recorded on a Wiki page. Each Gamepiece will have three values:
Handedness: If the piece was crafted by the Left Hand, it will be a Left-Handed Gamepiece, and if it was crafted by the Right Hand, it will be a Right-Handed Gamepiece.
Name: A unique name.
Crafter: The Voice which crafted the Gamepiece.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Proposal: Advice
Reached quorum 10-3 (With Angel’s vote being FOR (because of the tie between Angel supporters), Devil’s AGAINST, and Fred’s DEFERENTIAL counting as FOR)
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 09:59:36 UTC
Append the following text to the rule entitled “Whispers”:
Occasionally, a Voice may change the Whispering value of the Voice to whom e is currently Whispering to any legal value.
If Angel is Whispering to a Voice, that Voice may only cast FOR votes.
If Devil is Whispering to a Voice, that Voice may only cast AGAINST votes.
If Fred is Whispering to a Voice, that Voice may only cast DEFERENTIAL votes.
Proposal: Snappy
Reached quorum 10-0 adminned CAYVIEISHLY
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 09:53:47 UTC
Add an Inclination entitled The Holy Triumvirate with the following text:
For the purposes of enacting proposals, Angel’s vote is considered to be whichever type of vote on said proposal is most common among Voices with eir Allegiance set to Angel, and FOR in the case of ties.
For the purposes of enacting proposals, Devil’s vote is considered to be whichever type of vote on said proposal is least common among Voices with eir Allegiance set to Devil, and AGAINST in the case of ties.
Fred votes DEFERENTIAL on every proposal.
Proposal: Neurotic
Reached quorum at 10-0. Adminned by Cayvie.
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 09:52:20 UTC
Add an Impluse called Neurotic:
A rule which contradicts any other rules without referring to them may not be called Dysfunctional.
note to Excalabur
if Excalabur is there, a) delete this post cuz it is just a message to you, and b) veto a beautiful mind cuz it can’t do anything at the moment just like you did with the devil is my advocate, thank you
Proposal: the devil’s mind is my beautiful advocate
self killed by quazie
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 09:29:21 UTC
Pretend that Fred, Devil, and Angel do not have votes when determining if this proposal has reached Quorum or not
If Proposal: shoulders, now, this works, i swear, maybe passes,
create an impulse named influencing the Man with the following text:
Devil shall always vote on proposals in the same manner as the last voice whose allegiance is Devil to whisper to em unless more voices with allegiances set to Angel are whispering to em than voices with allegiances set to Devil.
Angel shall always vote on proposals in the same manner as the last voice whose allegiance is Angel to whisper to em unless more voices with allegiances set to Devil are whispering to em than voices with allegiances set to Angel.
Fred shall always vote on proposals in the same manner as the last voice to whisper to em unless that voice hasn’t got eir allegiance set to Fred.
create an impulse named Schizophrenia with the following text.
If a Voice, other than Angel, Devil and Fred, is whispered to by at least two other Voices, other than Angel, Devil and Fred, e has allegiances to Angel, Devil, and Fred.
the two that went up in flames that people seemed to like i made into one so that no one else has to use up their proposals right now, credit goes to Purplebeard and Elias Ix
Proposal: shoulders, now, this works, i swear, maybe
9-0, reached quorum. Quorum rises to 8, 10 for Instincts, 5 for inclinations. —Excalabur
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 08:57:04 UTC
Add a GNDT field entitled ‘Allegiance’.
Create a Voice named Angel and a Voice named Devil and a Voice named Fred.
Create an instinct entitled “Good vs Evil” with the following text
There exists a Voice named Angel and a Voice named Devil and a Voice named Fred.
There exists a GNDT field entitled ‘Allegiance’.
Angel Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored blue; Devil Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored red; and Fred Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored green. When creating a proposal that creates an Instinct, Impulse or Inclination, it must be explicitly mentioned whether said rule shall apply to those with an Angel Allegiance, a Devil Allegiance or those with a Fred Allegiance. If a proposal does not state what Allegiance a rule shall have, it shall have no Allegiance.
The Devil shall be seen as evil.
The Angel shall be seen as good.
Fred shall be seen as neutral.A Voice may Occasionally chance eir Allegiance to Devil, Angel or Fred.
A new Voice starts out with eir Allegiance set to Fred.
Set all Voices Allegiance to Fred.
Set Angel’s Allegiance to Angel.
Set Devli’s Allegiance to Devil.
Add the following to Law 10
A rule only applies to a Voice if the rule has no Allegiance or the rule’s Allegiance is the same as the Voice’s Allegiance.
Extreme mental anguish
Apparently the point of the thematic material of this Dynasty is to cause my head to explode, scattering little bits of brain matter all over my keyboard and monitor. After reading the new rules and proposals I feel an intense need to go do something amazingly logical. I think I’m going to go read Kant and play Bach fugues until I feel better.
I’m idle as I couldn’t possibly keep up with whatever writhing, primal chaotic mess as this ruleset is going to become. Quorum changes appropriately.
Proposal: The Fortress of Cheese
Reached quorum 7-2. Adminned by Cayvie
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 21:07:18 UTC
Add the following Rule to the Ruleset:
The Ego lives in a Fortress made out of Cheese which appears at the end of this rule.
The instances of the string “####” in the Fortress of Cheese represent walls made out of the finest and awesomest Cheese.
The instances of the string “%%%%” in the Fortress of Cheese represent empty rooms which Voices may move into. Any Voice who’s name doesn’t appear in this rule may replace a line which consists of the character string “%%%%” with their name.
The instances of the string “$$$$” in the Fortress of Cheese represent the walls of the Gaming Room, wherein the Ego attemps to create the Perfect Game.
The Fortress of Cheese:
I always wanted to have a Dynasty in which people used parts of the ruleset as a board. Now I have my chance to propose such a rule.
Proposal: We should do this while we have the chance.
8-0, reached quorum, enacted by Excalabur.
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 17:42:30 UTC
In Law 1.6, change
CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, or until four days have passed.
CfJs continue until they reach a quorum of FOR votes, a quorum of AGAINST votes, or until four days have passed.
We said last Dynasty that we were going to fix the Hiatus & CFJ system, so let’s do it.
Proposal: A Beautiful Mind
Vetoed by Excalabur—Excalabur
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 17:36:04 UTC
If Proposal: Penguin and either Proposal: choose your shoulder, now with fred or any similar proposal (i.e., a proposal including the Voices Angel, Devil, and Fred, as well as allegiances to them) are both enacted, create an impulse named Schizophrenia.
If a Voice, other than Angel, Devil and Fred, is whispered to by at least two other Voices, other than Angel, Devil and Fred, e has allegiances to Angel, Devil, and Fred.
Proposal: Paging Dr. Freud
8-0. Reached quorum, enacted by Excalabur.
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 17:03:48 UTC
Add a instinct called Neurosis:
A rule which contradicts any other rules without referring to them is called Dysfunctional.
Proposal: The devil is MY advocate!
Vetoed by me, since it wasn’t going to do anything anyway. —Excalabur.
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 17:00:27 UTC
If Proposal: Penguin and Proposal: choose your shoulder, now with fred both pass, create an impulse named influencing the Man:
Devil shall always vote on proposals in the same manner as the last voice whose allegiance is Devil to whisper to em unless more voices with allegiances set to Angel are whispering to em than voices with allegiances set to Devil.
Angel shall always vote on proposals in the same manner as the last voice whose allegiance is Angel to whisper to em unless more voices with allegiances set to Devil are whispering to em than voices with allegiances set to Angel.
Fred shall always vote on proposals in the same manner as the last voice to whisper to em unless that voice hasn’t got eir allegiance set to Fred.
Just a random idea to save quazie’s proposal and give a use to whispering, though I hope whispering to other players will have a use later on if this passes.
Proposal: choose your shoulder, now with fred
Self-Killed by Quazie, failed by Excalabur.
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 16:57:48 UTC
Create an instinct entitled “Good vs Evil”
Add a GNDT field entitled ‘Allegiance’.
Create a Voice named Angel and a Voice named Devil and a Voice named Fred.
There exists a Voice named Angel and a Voice named Devil and a Voice named Fred.
There exists a GNDT field entitled ‘Allegiance’.
Angel Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored blue; Devil Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored red; and Fred Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored green. When creating a proposal that creates an Instinct, Impulse or Inclination, it must be explicitly mentioned whether said rule shall apply to those with an Angel Allegiance, a Devil Allegiance or those with a Fred Allegiance. If a proposal does not state what Allegiance a rule shall have, it shall have no Allegiance.
The Devil shall be seen as evil.
The Angel shall be seen as good.
Fred shall be seen as neutral.A Voice may Occasionally chance eir Allegiance to Devil, Angel or Fred.
A new Voice starts out with eir Allegiance set to Fred.
Set all Voices Allegiance to Fred.
Set Angel’s Allegiance to Angel.
Set Devli’s Allegiance to Devil.
Add the following to Law 10
A rule only applies to a Voice if it has no Allegiance or the rule’s Allegiance is the same as the Voice’s Allegiance.
Proposal: Chose your shoulder
Self-Killed by Quazie, failed by Excalabur.
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 16:56:13 UTC
Create an instinct entitled “Good vs Evil”
Add a GNDT field entitled ‘Allegiance’.
Create a Voice named Angel and a Voice named Devil.
There exists a Voice named Angel and a Voice named Devil.
There exists a GNDT field entitled ‘Allegiance’.
Any Instinct, Impulse, or Inclination may be an action that can only be taken by a voice whose Allegiance is to the Angel, Devil, or Neither. Angel Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored blue while Devil Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored red and Neutral Instincts, Impulses and Inclinations shall be colored green. When creating a proposal that creates an Instinct, Impulse or Inclination, it must be explicitly mentioned whether said rule shall apply to those with an Angel Allegiance, a Devil Allegiance or those with neither Allegiance. If a proposal does not state what Allegiance a rule shall have, it shall have no Allegiance.
A Voice may Occasionally chance eir Allegiance.
A new Voice starts out with eir Allegiance set to Neither.
Set all Voices Allegiance to Neither.
Set Angel’s Allegiance to Angel.
Set Devli’s Allegiance to Devil.
Add the following to Law 10
A rule only applies to a Voice if it has no Allegiance or the rule’s Allegiance is the same as the Voice’s Allegiance.
Declaration of Arrival
I’ve started. Could I be activated… please?
Proposal: Penguin
10-0, reached quorum, enacted by Excalabur.
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 16:50:38 UTC
Create an Inclination, entitled “Whispers”, with the following text:
Each Voice has the option to Whisper to another Voice. A Voice does this by changing eir Whispering value in the GNDT to the name of the Voice e is Whispering to. A Voice may often change eir Whispering value to another active Voice’s name (or to null). No Voice may Whisper to the Ego. No Voice may whisper to emself.
Occasionally, a Voice may change to null a Whispering value that is set to eir name. No Voice may alter the Ego’s Whispering value in this way.
Add a GNDT column entitled Whispering.
Run wild, run free
I heartily encourage people to start coming up with suitably crazy rules for this dynasty, as well as dealing with the Hiatus fixes that were discussed.
Possible additions:
- Creation of the ‘body’ of the crazy protagonist
- Ways to influence the way things work
- GNDT stuff
- Ways to reward creative craziness.
- et cetera
Proposal: Sandbox
Passed 9-1 by Quazie
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 16:45:36 UTC
Create an Instinct entitled “Playing in the Sandbox”, with the text:
There is an Inclination entitled “Sandbox”, which is always the highest-numbered Inclination. Often, any voice may add one word to the end of this rule, and optionally any punctuation that would be immediately adjacent to this word (such as a period or colon). Any addition to the Sandbox must be grammatical, and if it does not complete a sentence, must allow for a grammatical conclusion to the sentence. Incomplete sentences have no effect until terminated by a period.
Paragraphing, and similar formatting, may be added by the Ego at any time. The Ego may also delete words from the end of the rule at will.
And, since I forgot to include this earlier, add to the last paragraph of “Priority” ‘Any rule that allows a Declaration of Victory must be an Instinct’.
Proposal: Instincts, Impulses, and so on
7-0, reached quorum, enacted by Excalabur.
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 10:19:42 UTC
Create three new rules, entitled “Instincts”, “Impulses” and “Inclinations”, in that order, with no text
Append to the law created by Proposal: Framework the following:
There are three types of rules in this Dynasty, “Instincts”, “Impulses” and “Inclinations”. A proposal creating or modifying an “Instinct” must pass by a two-to-one margin, and thus has a Quorum of 2/3, rounded up. A proposal creating or modifying an “Inclination” may pass with a one-to-two margin, and thus has a quourm of 1/3, rounded up. “Impulses” have the usual quourm and pass-ratio, as do proposals that modify Laws, the Glossary, or the Gamestate.
If a proposal modifies rules of more than one type, then it must adhere to the strictest standard applying to it.
Change the sentence beginning “At that time, this law. . . .” to read “At that time, this law may be repealed, in whole or in part, by Edict in the Ascension Address”
Proposal: Framework
7-0. Reached quorum, enacted by Excalabur
Adminned at 04 Dec 2005 10:10:55 UTC
Create the following, as a new law, with the name “Priority”.
In the event of conflict between items in the ruleset, the glossary takes precendence over all laws, which both take precedence over all rules. In the event of conflict amongst the rules, the lower-numbered one shall take precedence.
The laws and glossary of Blognomic may only be altered by Proposal or Call for Judgment until the next Ascension. At that time, this Law may optionally be repealed by edict in the Ascension Address.
Ascension Address: Ascension Address
All… all I wanted to do was design the perfect game. But the voices.. they wouldn’t be quiet and let me think. Why? Why must you constantly temper with my game? Why must you intrude into my carefully organised life? Why must you hurt me so?
Could I strike a deal? Is there some way to end this pain?
Will somebody help me?
Repeal all rules.
Rename “Dieties” to “Voices” and “Archon” to “Ego”.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
the slightly underwhelming return of aaron (now moonwryn)
i could not resist this line ‘rules that contradict each other’. could someone please activate me?
New dynasty
I’ll post an ascention address tomorrow, when I get all my thoughts in line. Until then, I’ll be fiddling with colour schema and graphics and so on, and coming up with that all-important first proposal.
In the upcoming dynasty, I encourage the following:
1) Rules that contradict each other
2) Rules that allow modificaiton of the rules via methods other than proposal
3) Paradox
I hope this dynasty to be played mostly in the ruleset, with some GNDT goodness as well.
Our Illustrious Past
I’ve added a dynastic history area on the main page of the wiki.
darn you all
i should have been unidled, but now i can’t be until the ascension address i think, darn and a half, someone make me unidled asap, peas and thank you
Declaration of Victory: Declaration of Victory
Passed 5-0, finally ending this Dynasty that was long overdue.
Adminned at 03 Dec 2005 09:09:33 UTC
Part 2. I STILL fulfil highest quint and most cities requirements, it’s now the end of days due to ‘Quick Fix’, I did not enact it.
Thus I declare victory. I think.
Friday, December 02, 2005
It’s the End of Days now. It doesn’t matter that we’re still in hiatus because of CfJ’s, either Chronos or Excalabur can declare victory (I don’t think I can, legally, because I was the last person to change my own Prophecy). Remember, you can always pass the mantle if you don’t want to be Archon.
Truman Capote idled
Truman Capote really hasn’t voted on anything for over a week. Quorum remains at 5.
Voting definition
Some relevant rule texts:
* From Law 1.2:
Admin may render a Deity idle if that Deity has failed to vote for more than a week
* From Law 1.4:
Any Deity may cast eir Vote on a Pending Proposal by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and DEFERENTIAL,
* From Law 1.6:
All Deities may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Deity’s later votes overriding eir earlier ones).
It seems, in a very clear way, that votes in a CfJ counts against the time restraints for Idleness. Therefore, I think that any idleing of a Deity based solely on last time e voted in a Proposal will be highly ilegal.
Last Votes
Here’s the last time each of you voted:
Hix: 11-28-2005 09:07:27 am
Chronos Phaenon: 11-28-2005 02:34:25 am
Angry Grasshopper: 11-27-2005 02:00:41 pm
The Lone Amigo: 11-26-2005 09:23:09 pm
Cayvie: 11-26-2005 06:26:05 pm
Rodney: 11-26-2005 03:17:29 pm
smith: 11-26-2005 02:27:21 pm
Excalabur: 11-25-2005 10:49:15 pm
TrumanCapote: 11-17-2005 10:13:14 pm
Here’s my solution to the problem:
During a Hiatus, no game actions other than voting on the DoV may be taken.
If a DoV reaches quorum FOR, it is passed. If a DoV has enough AGAINST votes that it cannot pass, it may be failed. If it does not reach either of these states in 48 hours, any admin may pass it if it has more FOR than AGAINST votes, and fail it if it does not have more FOR than AGAINST votes. All other types of votes on DoVs will be ignored.
If a Player posts a DoV that is failed, that Player may not post any more DoVs for the rest of the Dynasty.
Call for Judgment: Quicker Fix.
5-2, reached quorum FOR. No other CfJs pending. —Excalabur
It passed, not faild—Rodney
Adminned at 03 Dec 2005 09:05:46 UTC
Should this pass, fail all other CFJs.
Call for Judgment: Quick Fix
Passes 5-1, reached quorum of 5, enacted by smith.
Adminned at 02 Dec 2005 14:56:18 UTC
I bring this matter to the urgent attention of all Deities. If this CfJ passes, the following steps shall ensue:
- Fail Call for Judgement: While we’re at it…
- In pursuance of the enactment of Call for Judgment: Let’s do it right., consider 24 hours has passed since Rodney’s Omen declaration for Ragnarok Call and set AngryGrasshopper’s Prophecy to End of Days.
If either Chronos Phaenon, Excalabur or Cayvie enacts this CfJ, said Deity cannot declare victory within 24 hours of that enactment.
The CfJ cannot be adminned until 08:38PM on the 3rd of December, unless it reaches quourm FOR. As such, we are in hiatus until tomorrow afternoon.
And yes, we need to fix the CfJ/Hiatus rule, after this is over.
Epic: In Which Something Dies
Something died.
DoV Failure
Yes, Excalabur’s DoV has been failed. However, I’d just like to make sure everyone realies that we are still in Hiatus until all CfJs are dealt with. No funny stuff :o
Friday, December 02, 2005
Notice: Overhaul of Hiatus System required.
It seems that the game runs fine, but should a contested DoV happens, like right now, the game slows down to a snails pace. So, first thing next Dynasty, we should fix those Laws in question, and prevent this from happening in the future.
I also think that perhaps DoVs should be pinned such that all may see them without having to scroll. Questions? Comments?
Just a warning
You know, nobody has voted since November 28. (According to the ruleset, only votes on Proposals count as actual votes, not those on CfJ’s or DoV’s)
If the game remains tied up for four more days, any admin will be able to idle all other players other than emself, and declare emself the victor. After all, actions covered by rule 2 are perfectly fine during Hiatus.
Where did Excalabur’s DoV go?
Was there a glitch, or was it removed? I can’t see it. The DoV had at least two votes on it, so it cannot be removed, only passed or failed.
quick question of doom
do we not do dynasty histories any more? cuz they are awesome to look at in retrospect
Declaration of Victory: Declaration of Victory
Reached a majority against (0-5)
Failed by Cayvie at 11:27 PM on December 1
Adminned at 01 Dec 2005 22:28:45 UTC
As it is now the End of Days, and I have the most quintessence (due to not spending any in weeks) and my Pantheon is the dominant one of the most cities (thanks, Truman Capote and Chronos Phaenon), I hereby Declare Victory.