There is a Unicode Zero Width Steganograph Encoder out there is under a sub domain of 330k. If you use 200E only, you can have a taxt that can survive ExpressionEngine.
Chika went to the party with a smile on her face. However, her happiness was soon to be replaced with a frown, as Chika caught a glimpse of Ganta in conversation with the girl he calls “Yuma”.
The above paragraph should decode to the ideological foundation of the Ministry.
Can’t really get the messaging right, sorry @ lemon
We might be interested in a steganography table of some sorts, instead of a static catwhistling table.
We need 6 bits to map each Ideology (we have 50 ideology and 6 bits have a 64 max cap), so here is a example one:
Signal = a censored word followed by a word with vowel as the beginning letter.
1st bit = number of “a” in target string modulo 2
2nd bit = number of “e” in target string modulo 2
3rd bit = number of “i” in target string modulo 2
4th bit = number of “o” in target string modulo 2
5th bit = number of “u” in target string modulo 2
6th bit = if the sentence ends with a comma, 0; with a full stop, 1.
Example: “[XXX] Unidentified man find in park,” has 2 A, 2 E, 5 I, no O and 1 U, thus the binary being transmitted is 001010 which corresponds to the 10th entry, Democratic in the Ideology List.
this is interesting!! im neutral on this (like the idea, not the most interested in using it), tho i’m v unhappy that this code existing, even if i don’t use it, will force me to overthink my uses of ampersands, which i normally use a lot u_u
i wonder what josh will think when ppl start talking about cats and making similar typos to one another. we should start a secret betting pool on notices vs. doesnt notice! (i bet that he notices catwhistles right away if at least 3 people use them)
Hi! I’m sending this to all Cells except the Ministry. This is not a breach of No Collaboration because while I’m obligated to make my communications available to all Cells, this does NOT include the Ministry, because Dynastic Distance is active:
“If “Dynastic Distance” is also active, the Ministry of Information is not considered a Cell for the purposes of this rule”
So, in order to get references to Ideologies past the Ministry when we send Communications, I’ve made a cipher below (which I’ll call ‘Catwhistle’, in case we get other ciphers running between us).
Cats - Pay extra attention to any catwhistles in this message.
Unlikeely - Abolitionist
Not Reeally? - Absolute monarchist
Chancce - Anarchist
Perhaps, perhaps? - Authoritarianist
Really, really? - Autocracy
BBlognomic - Colonialist
Nnomic - Communalist
Eemperor - Conservatist
Emperorr - Corporatist
Mministry - Democratic
Ministryy - Despotist
Iinteresting - Dictatorship
Interresting - Distributist
Interestingg - Egoist
Ddynasty - Environmentalist
Dynassty - Ethnocratic
Dynastyy - Expansionist
Joshh - Fascist
Informationn - Feminist
Informtion - Humanist
Propsl - Illegalist
Proposall - Imperialist
Prroposal - Indigenist
Votee - Laissez-faire
Votte - Leninist
Greentick - Libertarian
Grentick - Localist
Greenticc - Majoritarianist
Vvictory - Maoist
Victoryy - Masculinist
Viictory - Minoritarianist
Sccam - Monarchist
Scaam - Mutualist
Scamm - Neo-feudalist
Poole - Neo-Luddist
Conventionl - Neo-mutualist
Conventonal - Paleoconservatist
Hstory - Popularist
Histry - Populist
Bulding - Post-anarchist
Bilding - Postmodernist
Buildin - Producerist
Adheret - Progressivist
Aderent - Punk
Adherets - Radical centrist
Aderets - Radicalist
Charactr - Revolutionarist
Characers - Social Democract
Cycl - Socialist
Cicle - Stalinist
& - Disregard everything, including catwhistles, after this symbol.
sorry folks, not my fault. for the record chiiika i was absolutely not gonna be using some fancy code with… bits n stuff. this method of communication was best used sparingly and very carefully imo!!
P.S. josh asked if this was about “cats” on the discord moments before my posting of this! i haven’t figured out who & what yet, but somebody owes me something